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遞延所得稅影響數及股東可扣抵稅額帳戶對公司價值的影響林俊名 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以民國八十八年至九十二年上市櫃公司為樣本,以JA Test進行實證分析,結果如下:
1. 納入應付所得稅之模型,在全部樣本、大規模公司及電子業下,較納入遞延所得稅資產、負債之模型,與公司價值較攸關。
2. 納入應付所得稅之模型,在大規模公司及電子業下,較納入股東可抵稅額之模型,與公司價值較攸關。
3. 納入遞延所得稅資產、負債之模型,在全部樣本、大規模公司、電子業與非電子業,較納入股東可抵稅額之模型,與公司價值較攸關。
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台灣上市公司外匯換算風險與經濟風險之衡量及分析林榮慶, Lin, Jung - Ching Unknown Date (has links)
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營業虧損扣抵遞延所得稅資產評價之研究陳虹名 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以實證檢驗了「營業虧損扣抵遞延所得稅資產」之評價,以及其對股價之價值攸關性。本研究除了發現「營業虧損扣抵遞延所得稅資產」與股價顯著正相關,具有「資產」的性質外,另外觀察在加入「營業虧損扣抵遞延所得稅資產」相關變數後,即「當期營業虧損扣抵變動數」(增加數),或「當期發生營業虧損扣抵虛擬變數」,發現當期發生的「營業虧損扣抵」與股價呈現顯著的負相關,可以推論當期發生的「營業虧損扣抵」對股價係負面消息,且本身使得帳上原有的「營業虧損扣抵遞延所得稅資產」及「所得稅抵減遞延所得稅資產」因本期所得額為負而價值降低;另一個虛擬變數「營業虧損扣抵有效年數虛擬變數」對股價為反向但結果不顯著,可能的原因係樣本公司帳上平均只有一年左右的「營業虧損扣抵遞延所得稅資產」,另外也暗示了「營業虧損扣抵遞延所得稅資產」和「所得稅抵減遞延所得稅資產」未來可實現性,有足夠的課稅所得可供抵減。 / The paper uses the empirical method to examine the value relevance of a company’s deferred tax assets from tax loss carryforwards which respond to the stock price. In addition to the positive effect of deferred tax assets from cumulative tax loss carryforwards, representing the “asset” valuation to save the future tax, the paper finds the negative effect of deferred tax assets from the contemporary tax loss carryforward, which respond to the stock price. The paper uses the incremental value of deferred tax assets from the contemporary tax loss carryforward as a specific variable and two dummy variables, whether the operating loss happens this year and the number of effective periods of unused tax loss carryforwards, to examine the effect of deferred tax assets from the contemporary tax loss carryforward. The empirical result finds that the variable, the incremental value of deferred tax assets from the contemporary tax loss carryforward, and the dummy variable, whether the operating loss happens this year, are significantly negatively related to the stock price in statistics, but the negative effect of the dummy variable, the number of effective periods of unused tax loss carryforwards, is not attested in statistics, with a possible reason of more or less than one effective period of unused tax loss carryforwards.
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公私經濟部門間排擠效果之探討, 台灣實證研究王敦正, Wang, Dun-Zheng Unknown Date (has links)
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智慧資本與經營績效關係性之實證研究林鈺傑, Lin,Yu-chieh Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,整體而言,儘管並非所有自變數之反應皆如預期,智慧資本對企業之經營績效仍然具有正向之影響。就個別項目而言,代表人力資本衡量指標之「員工附加價值」與「員工變動率」,代表創新資本衡量指標之「研發投入密集度」,以及代表顧客資本之「廣告投入密集度」均對於當期經營績效具有正向之影響。而人力資本、創新資本以及流程資本對於經營績效則具有遞延一期以上之影響。 / This study is based on the viewpoint of ” the balanced scorecard”-linking non-financial, leading performance measures to ultimate financial performance measures, and the framework of “intellectual capital” to analyize the relationship between intellectual capital and business performances, catch on which categories and measures of intellectual capital can be concerned with business performances, and set forth concrete suggestions. It’s anticipated that the management and investors would obtain enough and relevant information to make accurate decisions.
This study primarily focuses on the enterprises of manufacturing industry trading in Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation, classifies intellectual capital into four categories: human capital, innovation capital, process capital and customer capital, and then analyzes the relationship between intellectual capital and business performances from the management’s viewpoint through using business performance as measures of benefit from intellectual capital. Four issues are as follows:
(1) Is human capital concerned with business performances? Are there any legged effects?
(2) Is innovation capital concerned with business performances? Are there any legged effects?
(3) Is process capital concerned with business performances? Are there any legged effects?
(4) Is customer capital concerned with business performances? Are there any legged effects?
The results show that intellectual capital as a whole has positive effects on business performances. Specificly, both “value-added by personnel” and “rate of personnel change” of human capital measures, “R&D intensity” of innovation capital measures, and “advertisement intensity” of customer capital measures are positively concerned with business performances. In addition, human capital, innovation capital, and process capital do have lagged effects on business performances.
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研發投入與產出對於企業經營績效之遞延效果-以我國電子業上市上櫃公司為例吳佳瑋, Wu, Jia-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,研發投入之效益於未來第三年實現。研發產出數量對於經營績效並未呈現顯著的相關;而研發產出品質對於當年的企業經營績效即產生效益,且此效益及於未來二年。本研究推論,研發產出的數量雖能反映企業研發投入的成果,但唯有能夠高品質的產出,才能有效提升企業的經營績效。 / For scholars engaged in innovation performance research, they must consider that the impact of R&D activities on financial performance often has a time-lag effect; so do the investors in the capital market. In the past, researchers divided R&D activities into two aspects by means of the procedure, including R&D input and R&D output. The latter also includes the quantity and the quality of R&D output. Therefore, this thesis uses Taiwan’s electronics industry as a research sample and examines the lag-effect of R&D input, R&D output quantity and quality on the companies’ financial performance.
The research results show that the benefits of R&D input are realized in the 3rd year in the future. In addition, the benefits of R&D output quality are realized in the current year, and last to the 2nd year in the future. However, there is no evidence for the relationship between R&D output quantity and companies’ financial performance. Overall, only can the high quality R&D output contribute to the companies’ financial performance.
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遞延與應計項目之性質及其財務報導之研究呂國俊, LYU,GUO-JUN Unknown Date (has links)
( 經濟資源) 或負債 (經濟義務) 的遞延和應計項目。現行的一般公認會計原則是允
收益和費用觀點而認同了一般公認會計原則? 所以,在本研究中,便以專科以上的會
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遞延所得稅與避免報導虧損行為之探討:以資訊電子產業為例吳慧貞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之實證結果顯示,遞延所得稅費用及其具裁決性之組成項目如與銷貨有關的遞延所得稅費用、未實現費用產生的遞延所得稅費用及與資產評價科目有關的遞延所得稅費用,均與避免報導虧損行為間存在顯著的關聯性,顯示管理當局利用裁量性遞延所得稅費用之認列及沖轉來調整盈餘,以達成特定的盈餘目標。本研究發現,遞延所得稅費用項目在裁量性應計項目外,對管理當局避免報導虧損之行為,提供了增額的解釋能力。此外,本研究發現公司治理變數與避免報導虧損之行為不存在顯著為負的關係,僅機構投資人持股與獨立董監席次比率對降低管理當局透過遞延所得稅費用項目達成避免報導虧損之行為,具有邊際的增額解釋能力。 / We assess the usefulness of deferred tax expense (DTE) in detecting earnings management. We investigate the relation between changes in deferred tax liability components using data hand-collected from firm’s income tax footnote disclosures and avoid reporting a loss. We also explore the relationship between the structure of ownership, the independent members of broad, audit quality and the usefulness of deferred tax expense (DTE) in detecting earnings management.
Our empirical results show the changes in the net deferred tax liability (DTL) component related to sales accruals, revenue and expense accruals and reserves can be used to detect earnings management to avoid an earnings loss. We evaluate the deferred tax expense can be used to meet the earnings target: to avoid reporting a loss. Deferred tax expense is incrementally useful to modified Jones model abnormal accruals in detecting earnings management to avoid a loss. Our empirical results show institutional investors and the independent members of broad have negative relationship with earning management.
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人才培訓支出投資抵減遞延所得稅資產之研究林偉仁 Unknown Date (has links)
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廣告量對品牌態度與購買率之影響 / The effects of advertising outlay on consumers’ brand attitude and purchase rate陳怡穆, Chen, Yi Mu Unknown Date (has links)
廣告量的文獻中,一派是以實驗設計為主的研究,多以廣告的展露 (exposure) 次數與時間,以及廣告版面尺寸等替代性指標做為衡量廣告量多寡的依據,並探討其對消費者心理變數的影響;另一派則是以經濟計量模型為主的研究,著重於探討廣告支出與其他行銷投入變數對銷售量或市場佔有率的影響。為了彌補以往廣告量文獻中的計量模型研究未能探討消費者心理變數的缺口,本研究以計量模式,加入消費者對品牌的態度做為中介變數,探討廣告支出對消費者的品牌態度與購買率的影響。
本研究採用資料庫資料針對廣告量對於消費者的品牌態度與購買率的影響進行分析,分別探討廣告量函數的形狀、廣告的階層效果、遞延效果、與競爭效果,並採用panel data分析法進行分析。研究樣本包括三大類的常購品與四大類的選購品,以及連鎖店的品牌。另外,連鎖店品牌的架構中,納入店數為自變數,因為店數愈多表示其在消費者展露的次數也愈多,類似廣告量的效果。
採用Baron and Kenny (1986) 三步驟,檢驗消費者對產品的品牌態度為廣告量佔比與購買率關係的中介變數,進而推論廣告的階層效果。結果顯示,食品類、飲料類、與電器機車類產品中,為呈現部份中介效果,而金融產品類的產品,如信用卡、保險、存款等金融服務,因與長期的金錢投入有關,消費者也較為謹慎,此時消費者對於品牌的評估較為完整與週延,呈現出完全中介效果。
另一方面,透過九年的資料分析並以Koyck model探討廣告量的遞延效果,從結果分析中無法得到前期的廣告量效果影響本期消費者的購買率,反而是前期的廣告效果透過影響消費者前期品牌態度或者是前期購買率,進而間接地影響本期的購買率,說明廣告的展露會隨著時間的經過,轉化成為公司的一項無形資產。
最後,依據分析結果建議行銷人員不應只注重廣告帶來的短期或當下的利益,對於廣告的長期與持續的投入,在日常生活中,逐漸改變消費者的態度,使得廣告在長期投資下,發揮其效果。因此,廠商若能規劃長期的廣告投入,便能夠在廣告持續效果消失之際,減緩消費者對廣告印象消退的速度。再者,新加入市場的品牌愈來愈多,再加傳統的大眾傳播媒體已部份被新興媒體所替代,這些現象已侵蝕了以往最有效率的電視廣告,稀釋了廣告的效果。然而,這些新興媒體的績效尚未有一明確的指標或工具予以衡量之,但其對廣告效果的衝擊不容小覷。企業在面臨前有競爭者不斷地進入市場,還得應付後起之新興媒體帶來的更多無法掌握性,建議行銷人員除了建立品牌的權益之外,更應該時時檢視自己與競爭者之間的相對地位,才能保有品牌的競爭力。 / Most experimental literature took advertising exposure time, frequency, and/or size to substitute real advertising amount, and analyzed how the effects of advertising amount on consumers’ psychological variables. But econometric literature focused on the effects of advertising outlay and other marketing mix variables on sales and/or market share. This study is inspired by these two streams of research and trying to mix them together, that is taking consumers’ brand attitude as mediator of the “ad-sales function”; moreover, explores how the advertising outlay affect consumes’ brand attitude and purchase rate.
The current research aims to study the relationship between advertising expenditure and consumers’ attitude and purchase rate. In addition, the store number is included in the framework of chain store brands because the larger store number, the more ad exposure. To fulfill the research purposes, three datasets, Rainmaker XKM’s advertising outlay report, Eastern Integrated Consumer Profile (E-ICP), and Taiwan Chain Store Almanac are adopted. After matching these three databases, 76 frequent purchased brands, 81 selective purchase brands, and 21 chain store brands with 10-year period data are generated. Panel data analysis is selected since it can avoid the estimation bias from single cross-sectional or time-series analysis only.
The results show that the higher ad share of voice (ad share), the better consumer’s brand attitude and higher purchase rate in all kinds of product categories. The shape of ad share-purchase rate function is concave in food and drink products, but linear in others. In addition, the shape of ad-attitude function is similar to ad share-purchase rate function.
Brand attitude is considered a mediator of the relationship between ad shares and purchase rate base on advertising hierarchy models (e.g. AIDA model) that the advertising influences consumers’ attitudes prior to their behaviors. Baron and Kenny’s (1986) three steps of testing mediation effect is adopted to check the role of consumers’ brand attitude. The results reveal partial mediation effect in food, drink, and electronic product, full mediation effect in financial products, such as credit card, insurance, and saving account.
The lagged effect of advertising on the consumers’ purchase rate makes the effect of advertising last from four to eight months, or even one year (Dekimpe and Hanssens, 1995; Winer, 1980). Koyck model shows better model fit than prior ad share direct effect model. Therefore, ad investment is transferred into a business reputation and affect consumers’ purchase rate in the long run.
Advertising and brand awareness competition effect are also discussed in this research. The business with higher relative advertising outlay, the higher purchase rate it has. Moreover, the purchase rate of brand with higher awareness is not affect by the advertising of brand with lower awareness. But the clothing is an exception. Because the clothing brand has clear segmentation and position, the consumers loyal to certain brand. Thus, the consumers’ purchase rate of target brand might not be affected by the advertising of other competitive brands.
Summary of above results, marketers should not only focus on short run advantages, but also long run advertising investment. Through day-to-day advertising exposure to change or transform consumers’ brand attitude. Therefore, the business could plan a long run advertising exposure schedule to lessen the speed of consumers’ advertising attenuation. Suggesting the marketers should build up their brand equity and identify the position among competitors to survive in the uncontrolled environment.
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