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我國報紙議題設定工能之研究──以六十九年增額中央民意代表選舉為例徐惠玲, Xu, Hui-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論─包括前言, 研究目的, 理論與文獻, 以及問題與假設的提出。第二章研
主要內容: 議題設定功能研究為近期大眾傅播媒介效果研究的主要趨勢之一。議題設
定理論從認知角度重新肯定了大眾媒介的影響力: 認為大眾媒介雖然不能成功地教我
們怎么想, 但是卻能有效地決定我們注意那些問題, 想那些問題。
本研究以民國六十九年增額中央民意代表選舉為例, 以木柵地區居民為對象, 探討我
國報紙在選舉過程中是否如國外文獻所顯示般, 具有議題設定的功能, 影響選民對重
要論題的認知。為驗證此一理論, 本研究在方法上同時採用抽樣調查與內容分析兩種
方法。在問題層次上, 則一方面從整體觀點著眼, 探討報紙對一般選民是否具有影響
認知的效果; 一方面從個人觀點著眼, 採列聯分析法, 進一步澄清在何種情況下議題
設定功能加強, 在何種情況下減弱。 #40001154
設定功能加強, 在何種情況下減弱。 #40001154
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我國南部選民投票行為之研究-2008年總統選舉分析 / Voting behavior of southern voters in Taiwan:An analysis of presidential election in 2008王均 Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用二手資料分析法,資料係採自「2005年至2008年選舉與民主化調查三年期研究規劃(Ⅲ):民國九十七年總統大選民調案」(TEDS2008P)(NSC 96-2420-H-004-017),使用的統計方法主要為次數分配、卡方檢定、t檢定、變異數分析及洛基迴歸模型。
一、 南部選民政黨認同傾向泛綠最多;對民進黨籍候選人謝長廷不論能力或形象評價,皆高於國民黨籍候選人馬英九;在統獨態度上,南部選民較傾向維持現狀;南部選民對過去陳水扁總統整體施政滿意度感到並不滿意。
二、 就全體受訪南部選民而言,本研究所提出的省籍、族群意識、政黨認同、候選人評價、統獨態度及總統施政滿意度等變數,個別單獨地與投票行為進行分析時,均達統計上的顯著關聯性,顯示上列變數都有可能影響南部選民的投票行為。將諸多變數一同納入模型比較其相對影響力時,發現「政黨認同」、「候選人形象」及「統獨態度」等三項變數最具影響力。
三、 南部選民的組成以本省閩南人與台灣人自我認同居多,支持泛綠的選民在南部依舊占了多數,且對民進黨的候選人評價也高於國民黨的候選人,因此南部對於民進黨來說,仍是一個具有相對優勢的區域。
四、 南部選民中,政治傾向較偏中立的選民,包括族群雙重認同者、無特別政黨認同的獨立選民及對於統獨態度主張維持現狀者,約有七成在這次選舉中將票投給在野黨的候選人馬英九。由南部選民對陳水扁過去施政滿意度偏向不太滿意可見,理性抉擇讓中立選民對執政的民進黨無法繼續信任,因而將票轉向在野的國民黨「換人做做看」。
五、 過去統獨態度在南部的分布, 1994年至2002年南部選民的統獨態度,支持統一者約占25%,支持獨立者也是約25%,而維持現狀者則約占50%。時至今日,南部選民支持統一者占10%,支持獨立者則是34%,維持現狀則保持在56%。除維持現狀並無明顯變化外,支持獨立的比率明顯增多,而支持統一者減少,是否為民進黨這八年中央與地方執政的影響,值得深入探討。
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我國女性選民投票行為之研究-2004年總統選舉分析吳家蕎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用二手資料分析法,資料來源為行政院國家科學委員會補助研究計畫 「2004年總統選舉台灣選舉與民主化調查」(TEDS 2004P)資料,使用的統計方法主要為次數分配、卡方檢定、t值檢定、變異數分析及洛基廻歸模型。
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地方民意代表選區經營之研究 / Reserach of Local Representatives' Electoral Districts Management-A Case Study of the First New Taipei Councilors游國鑫 Unknown Date (has links)
深入訪談第一部分訪談選區經營具特色及代表性議員,請議員說明其選區經營選民服務的理念和實際做法,詢問其選區特性、選民結構及選舉競爭,並了解其依個人特質所建立的選舉資源網絡。第二部分訪談市府規劃欲興建殯葬專區之選區議員,做為選區經營案例之研究,了解議員以何管道探知選民反對意向,如何發動選民陳情抗爭,如何維護選區選民權益,及利用此一議題進行選區經營的思維與策略。 / The local elected representatives go to great lengths to manage their electoral districts and to provide the best service for their votes as their main goal is to continue in office, and the key to it is to gain the voters’ support. This study will focus on the case of the 65 councilmen of the first session in New Taipei City. Through a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews with 10 of the councilmen, their viewpoints and behaviors related to their electoral district management and service are provided as to have reference to understand their ways of provided service.
According to the statistical results of the questionnaire survey, the average number of assistant per New Taipei City councilman is 7.40 persons; the average number of service center is 2.16; the average number of cases of the voters for any request per week is 19.88; the average number of red/white envelopes per week is 29.06; they work 70 hours per week, for which 25.55 hours are spent in the parliament, 39.91 hours are dedicated for the voters and 4.54 hours are for their own business. The priority of tasks in importance are in the following order: voters’ cases, seeking for local infrastructure funds, questioning in the parliament, and supervision of the administrative offices. In regard to the type of the voters’ cases, the major issue consists of dispute resolution followed by the seeking of association or neighborhood subsidies and recommendations for minor establishments. The councilmen show no distinctive differences as all of them, regardless their political parties or seniority, are trying their best for good management and service for their electoral districts.
As for the in-depth interview, the first part consists of the interviews with representative councilmen with features in their electoral district management. The interviewees are asked to provide their visions and practical executions for their electoral districts, and then explained the features of their electoral districts, the structure of the voters and the electoral competitions as to understand the online electoral resources established in accordance with their personal characteristics. The second part consist of interviews with the councilmen whose electrical districts contain planning funeral area by the city government as management case studies. Through the interviews, we are able to understand the councilmen’s channels to discover voters’ opposition, to mobilize voters for petition, to defend voters’ rights and to promote ideas and strategies for the electoral district management.
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衝突選民與投票參與- 以台灣2004-2016總統選舉為例 / Conflicted Voter and Electoral Participation- The Case of the 2004-2016 Presidential Elections徐子堯 Unknown Date (has links)
影響選民投票抉擇的變數可以分成長期因子與短期因子,長期因子有政黨認同與對於現任政府施政評價等;短期因子則包括對於候選人的評價以及競選期間所發生的事件等。先前的研究指出,當一個選民的長期因子與短期因子出現衝突,則該選民將可能不會投給較偏好的候選人。和這些研究不同的是,本論文從衝突選民的理論假設出發來分析投票參與行為。本論文認為,長期因子與短期因子若出現衝突,會使得選民產生衝突壓力,無法作出判斷,進而降低選民投票的意願。本論文聚焦「政黨認同」以及「對現任政府的回溯性評價」兩個長期因子,以及「對候選人的偏好」做為短期因子總指標,探討長期因子與短期因子發生衝突時對於選民投票參與的影響。本論文根據政黨認同與候選人偏好一致與否,以及回溯性評價與候選人偏好一致與否,將選民做若干分類進行分析。本論文利用「台灣選舉與民主化調查」 2004年、2008年、2012年與2016年總統選舉調查資料進行實證分析,發現當選民的政黨認同與候選人偏好並非一致時,選民的投票意願降低。其次,回溯性投票與候選人偏好的衝突也有相似的效果,對於執政黨的表現滿意與否,若非與候選人偏好一致,選民的投票參與意願也會下降。整體而言,本論文將衝突選民理論拓展到對於投票參與行為的解釋,除了對於投票行為研究具有若干貢獻外,也對於政黨的選舉策略提供一些啟發。 / Many previous studies have tested the conflicted voter hypothesis that voters will be less likely to vote for their preferred candidate when the voters' issue positions are in conflict with their partisanship. Building on these previous works, this thesis tests the conflicted voter hypothesis on electoral participation. I contend that voters are less likely to vote when they are under pressure generated by conflicts between factors. Using Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study (TEDS) surveys for the 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 presidential elections in Taiwan, the empirical analysis demonstrates that voters are less likely to vote when their partisanship is not consistent with their preferred candidate's partisanship. Moreover, the analysis also shows that voters tend to not vote when they identify with the opposition party but are satisfied with the incumbent government's performance, and when they identify with the incumbent party but are dissatisfied with the incumbent government's performance. Overall, this paper not only facilitates a better understanding of conflicted voters' behavior, but also provides implications for the campaign strategies of political parties.
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趨中或極端?選制改革前後立委候選人在兩岸議題的政治立場 / Centripetal and Centrifugal: Legislator Candidates’ Position in the Issue of the Cross-Strait Relations before and after the Electoral Reform蔡幸芳, Tsai, Hsin Fang Unknown Date (has links)
民主國家中選舉是獲得政治職位、聲望或權力的主要途徑之一,有許多因素會影響選舉結果,其中選舉制度是決定在位者與挑戰者去留的關鍵,決定如產生當選者,選舉制度往往會影響候選人的參選動機、競選方式、選民的投票行為,甚至會造成不同類型的政黨政治。本研究主要探究立委選舉從第七屆開始實行單一選區兩票制後,區域立委候選人的政治立場相較於過去在複數選區單記不可讓渡投票制下,是否有所不同或發生改變。本研究以兩岸議題為例,以第五屆及第七屆區域立法委員候選人為分析單位,並依其選舉公報採內容分析法為研究焦點。本研究有幾個研究發現:首先、選制改革有相當程度反映在屆別的差異上,對立委候選人兩岸立場造成影響;其次、雖然新選制下立委候選人提出更多的兩岸政見,但所提出的兩岸政見,新選制相較於舊選制,不但統獨立場趨中,且論述語氣略微和緩,此一發現支持中位選民定理,也就是說,在單一選區相對多數決制之下,立委候選人的兩岸議題不管在方向或是程度上,相較SNTV制度均有往中間靠攏的趨勢,意即新選制下的立委候選人在政見立場方向,是符合理論預期往意識形態光譜中間移動,傾向提出方向趨中且統獨維持現狀或中立的兩岸政見。 / In democratic country, election is the main approach for the politicians to receive position, reputation, and power. Many factors affect the result. Electoral system is one of the key causes to determine who-incumbent and challenger- will win the election. In addition, electoral systems also affect the process of producing winner, the candidates’ motive and campaign, the electorate’s voting behaviors. and even different types of party politics. This paper targets on the district legislators’ behaviors. Do their behaviors change after the electoral reform transiting from SNTV to Single-District Two-Votes System? To be more specific, I focus on the fifth and seventh terms of legislators as the analysis unit, and explore their attitudes or campaign platform on Cross-Strait issue, which are published on the campaign communique. I used the content analysis to analyze the campaign communique. There are several findings implied from this research. First, electoral system indeed affects legislators’ positions on Cross-Strait issues. There is significant difference between the fifth and seventh terms of legislators. Second, comparing with the fifth term, although the seventh term of legislators propose more Cross-Strait-related campaign platform, their attitudes are more moderate. This finding supports the median voter theorem. Under the Single-District System, comparing with SNTV, legislators will stand on moderate position on Cross-Strait issue, no matter on direction or intensity. In conclusion, the findings fit to my expectation that the seventh term of legislators stand on moderate position on the political spectrum. They are incline to propose more neutral campaign platform. They prefer maintaining the status quo to unification or independence.
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女性選民投票行為之研究-2010台北市長選舉 / The voting behavior of women voters-an analysis of 2010 Taipei mayoral election薛立梅 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用二手資料分析法,資料係採自2009年至2012年「台灣選舉與民主化調查」三年期研究規劃(2/3):民國九十九年直轄市市長選舉面訪案(TEDS 2010C): NSC 99-2420-H-031-002,使用次數分配(Frequencies)、卡方檢定(Chi-square test)、t檢定(t-test)及變異數分析(Analysis of variance, ANOVA)及洛基迴歸模型(Logistic Regression Model)等統計方法分析資料並詮釋之。
三、台北市女性選民的省籍、收入、族群認同等人口學的變項,個別與其投票行為均有顯著的關聯性,但經與其他社會心理學的變項,例如政黨認同、候選人評價等,以洛基迴歸模型進行相對影響力分析,發現這些變項顯然不如社會心理學的變項來得有顯著性。因此,密西根學派所提出的社會心理學研究途徑,相較於哥倫比亞學派所提出的社會學研究途徑,對台北市女性選民的投票行為更具有解釋力或預測力。 / This study aimed to explore the social background characteristics, voting orientations, and voting behavior of female voters in Taipei City during the 2010 Taipei Mayoral Election and analyze the most important factors which influenced the voting behavior of female voters in Taipei City.
The analysis method adopted by this study was the secondary analysis. The data were retrieved from the “Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study” of a 3-year research project from 2009 to 2012 (2/3): The Survey Project of 2010 Municipal Mayoral Election (TEDS 2010C): NSC 99-2420-H-031-002. Statistical analysis methods such as frequencies, Chi-square test, t-test, Analysis of variance (ANOVA), and logistic regression model were applied to the data and the results were interpreted.
After the statistical analyses were performed, the findings are summarized below:
1. Female and male voters in Taipei City were different in political knowledge, party identification, candidate evaluation, which candidate can represent the voters concerned issue, and satisfaction of mayoral’s performance. However, in the aspect of whom to vote, both male and female voters mostly voted for Lung-bin Hau, though with different percentages. The key factors which influenced the voting behavior of female and male voters in Taipei City included two variables: party identification and candidate evaluation.
2. For the interviewed female voters in Taipei City, variables proposed by this study, including province of origin, income, ethnic group identification, party identification, candidate evaluation difference, candidate feeling thermometer, which candidate can represent the voter’s concerned issue, satisfaction of mayoral’s performance, were all significantly related to their voting behavior respectively. In other words, these variables could influence the voting behavior of female voters in Taipei City. After including these variables in the same model to compare their relative influences, it was found that the two most influential variables were “party identification” and “candidate evaluation difference”.
3. For the female voters in Taipei City, the demographic variables such as province of origin, income, and ethnic group identification were significantly related to their voting behavior respectively. However, compared with other social psychological variables like party identification, and candidate evaluation, these demographic variables were not as significant according to the results of the influence analysis using the logistic regression model. Therefore, the social psychological approach proposed by the Michigan School was better than the sociological approach proposed by the Columbia School in explanatory power and prediction power of the voting behavior of female voters in Taipei City.
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我國獨立選民的發展與變遷(1989∼1999) / The Developing and Changing Situation of Independent Voters in Taiwan(from 1989 through 1999)莊天憐, Chuang, Tien-Lien Unknown Date (has links)
在未來的發展趨勢上,我們發現新世代及新新世代選民中獨立選民所佔的比例是較低的,因此我們可以預期,獨立選民的比例應該還有下降的可能性。在民主化的進程繼續推展,政黨政治日益成熟穩定之後,我們預期有政黨認同的選民會呈現增長的趨勢,與此同時,獨立選民並不會大幅度的減少。基於獨立選民是理想公民的期待,我們相信還是會有一定比例的民眾認為自己是獨立選民,但正如同我們觀察到的,此時的獨立選民將不再是對政治一無所知,或是對政治冷漠的冷漠型獨立選民;而將成為對政治保持高度關注,並能依自己客觀的態度做出政治決定的理想公民。 / In most studies about party identification, people who do not clearly indicate their party identification are usually classified as so「neutral non-respondents」or 「Independents」. Are these respondents really neutral or non-response, or are they really independents ? Yeh Ming-Yuan (1994) has done detailed research on independent voters in Taiwan. This thesis follows his research, using individual level survey data to analyze the developing and changing situation of independent voters in Taiwan from 1989 through 1999. In particular, this thesis examines changing party identification and social background of independent voters, changing political involvement among independent voters, changing vote intentions of independent voters, and the facts which have influenced the develop of independent voters.
Our research outcomes have shown that although the percentage of independent voters in Taiwan has declined, in recent years this trend seems to have reversed, The percentage of independent voters has actually been influenced by changes in the electoral system. There are differences in social background between independents and party identifiers. The degree of political involvement of independent voters is lower than that of party identifiers. Their evaluation of candidates and parties is also lower than those of party identifiers. They tend to stay neutral to all political issues when making their voting decisions, they tend to consider the conditions of the candidates, rather than voting by the boundary of parties. However, we also discover that independent voters are gradually evolving from "apathetic independent voters", with lower political knowledge and lower political involvement, to "ideal independent voters", with higher political knowledge and higher political involvement.
Looking to the future, we discover that the percentage of independent voters in the next generation and the generation after that are much lower. Hence we can predict that the percentage of independent voters will likely decline. With the continuing development of democracy and the increasing maturity and stability of party politics, we expect that the percentage of party indentifiers will grow. However, this does not necessarily mean that the percentage of independent voters will decline dramatically.Because of the expectation that independent voters are the ideal citizens, we believe that there are still a certain percentage of people who will consider themselves as independent voters. Hence, independent voters increasingly will not be "apathetic independent voters" who know nothing about politics. On the contrary, they will become "ideal citizens" who keep highly concerned about politics and make political decisions according to their own subjective attitudes.
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選民與種民:基督宗教宗徒教父作品與早期天師道經典之比較研究 / The Elected People: A Comparative Religious Study on the Apostolic Fathers’ Writings and the Early Scriptures of the Way of the Celestial Masters張毅民, CHANG, Iee-Ming Paulus Unknown Date (has links)
本論文針對基督宗教宗徒教父作品之《十二宗徒訓誨錄》、《克來孟致格林多人前書》、《依那爵主教七封書信》,與早期天師道之經書《老子想爾注》、《大道家令戒》、《陽平治》中的蒙選思想,進行經典分析與比較研究。研究方法除了縱向的經典分析之外,亦採橫向主題討論與比較。在個案分析方面,本論文指出︰《十二宗徒訓誨錄》的蒙選思想特點是「遵守規範與誡命以確保選民身分」、「呈現出猶太基督徒的信仰跳躍」;《克來孟致格林多人前書》特點是︰「蒙選標準的改變︰義人vs.惡人」、「蒙選者的神祕數字」、「教會︰集體式的蒙選思想」;《依那爵七封書信》特點是︰「殉道與磨難是基督徒蒙選的記號」、「基督徒是天主之愛的果實」、「基督是唯一的天父之門」;《老子想爾注》特點是︰「道是有意志的至高神,祂的旨意是創造與救援」、「蒙選之人與偽技」、「恪遵道誡就是守約」;《大道家令戒》與《陽平治》特點是︰「天人盟約︰正一盟威之道」、「種民︰道教式的『選民』」、「種民︰與男女合氣或黃赤之術無關」。在橫向主題式的比較方面︰一、「盟約與蒙選」指出盟約是神(或道)的旨意與人的意願二合一的結果,這個觀點不僅見於三件宗徒教父作品中,也同見本研究分析之早期天師道經書中,同時,均明確強調「至誠之心」的重要性,而盟約也是祝福、並且神(道)與人雙方自願受束縛的表示。二、「罪與蒙選」指出宗徒教父時期延續以色列信仰傳統中創造、犯罪、盟約、蒙選的思想,但是「克來孟」或依那爵均高舉耶穌基督之血建立的新約的重要性。「種民」則是在罪惡世界中因奉法有功且積極行善,蒙老君揀選獲救的道民,儘管了不可得,但「道」並沒有放棄救援的意願。三、「蒙祝福的種嗣」方面,基督徒的「選民」具有濃厚的「種嗣」思想,而「種民」辭彙中亦有「罪惡世界中蒙祝福的種嗣」的意思,在天人符應過程中,是使天地再度出現太平氣的關鍵角色。 / This research focuses on the ideas of ‘the divine election’ in the following documents: the Didache, 1 Clement, 7 Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch, Lao-Zi Xiang’er Zhu(The Xiang’er commentary of the Dao-de Jin,老子想爾注), Dao-dao Jialing Jie (The Rules Governing the Family of the Dao,大道家令戒), Yiang-ping zhi ( The Diocese of Yangping, 陽平治). Both scriptural analysis and thematic comparative analysis are applied as the method of the research. The findings are as followed. In the scriptures, ideas of the ‘divine election’ are expressed with different distinguishing features: in the Didache, they are:’ keeping commandments for ensuring the chosen identity,’ ‘the leap-of-faith of the Jewish Christians;’ in 1 Clement they are: ‘righteousness vs. wickedness as the boundary of the election,’ ‘mysterious number of the elected,’ and ‘ecclesia: a collective idea of the divine election;’ in the Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch, they are: ‘persecution as a sign of the divine election,’ ‘Christian as a fruit of God’s Love,’ and ‘Christ, the door of the Father.’ In the Xiang’er Zhu, they are: ‘Dao, the supreme God, who’s will is to create and to save,’ ‘the elected people and the false skills,’ and ‘compliance to Dao’s precepts is to keep the Covenant;’ in the Jialing Jie and Yiang-ping zhi, they are: ‘ “Zhengyi mengwei zhi dao(正一盟威之道)” is the Covenant,’ ‘Zhong-min(種民), a Daoist expression of “the elected people”,’ and ‘zhong-min, a dignified and extraordinary identity and status unrelated to sexual rites.’ In the thematic analysis: 1. Covenant and the Election: (1) covenant as a union of wills of God and of man; highly emphasizes on whole-heartedness and sincerity; covenant as a divine blessing as well as an expression of the both sides’ willingness of being constrained. 2. Sin and the Election: (1) although clear inheritance of Israel’s faith tradition can be found in the Apostolic Fathers’ writings, 1 Clement and Epistles of Ignatius highly emphasis on the Blood of Christ and Jesus’ New Covenant. Whereas zhong-mins are the divine elected in the sinful world; though they are extremely rare, the Dao does not give up searching them for the purpose of saving the world out of the depths. 3. The Blessed Seeds: Christians’ ‘the elected people’ densely connotes ‘the seed people;’ both ‘zhong-min’ and ‘the elected’ connote ‘the blessed seed in the sinful world.’ Zhong-mins not only can survive eschatological catastrophe, but also function as the ones inducing Tai-pin Chi (太平氣) in the post-catastrophe world. They are the ones through which the Dao bestow the divine blessings upon the world.
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