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增值稅法的反避稅規定 / Research on the Legal Problems of Value-added Tax Avoidance and Anti-Tax Avoidance杜瑋倫, Tu, Wei Lun Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近20年來,台商對外投資金額達2,200億美元,其中赴大陸地區投資金額1,382億美元,相當於62%,大陸地區已成為台商對外投資重點地區。2013年大型台商自陸撤資的投資金額,已創下78.59億元,2014年僅第二第三季,大型台商處分大陸子公司投資金額僅62億元,此現象被人稱為台商逃亡潮。大陸台商經營失敗,原因很多,稅務也是其中一個因素,這也難怪有台商表示「做生意不難,但面對稅局很難」,這裏的難分層幾個層面,第一個是,台商缺乏對稅法的理解,無法區分合法避稅與非法避稅;第二個是,營業稅改增值稅後,增值稅課稅範圍變廣所帶來的稅務風險;第三個是,稅局對增值稅避稅傾向認定為漏開發票;第四個是,行政覆議長久以來被詬病為「維持會」,行政訴訟在2014年也高達94.5%的原告主動撤訴率,都影響納稅義務人的權利保障 。
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俄羅斯大公司開發離岸計畫的規模,原因和經濟後果 / Scale, reasons and economic consequences of exploiting offshore schemes by russian large companies周子恩, Balganov, Zorikto Unknown Date (has links)
Offshore jurisdictions have become popular among corporations around the globe. They provide opportunities to reduce taxes by registering companies there. The Russian large firms have joined the trend, but exploit offshore schemes in different ways. They incorporate offshore companies with their subsidiaries operating in Russia. The main purpose is to protect assets from hostile capture by other businesses or even the government. Thus, businessmen stay hidden as end beneficiaries behind the offshore companies’ chain.
The offshorization in the country has its enormous scale. Up to 90% of the largest companies are involved in offshore patterns. The government makes some efforts to force companies to come back to the country, but they are not effective. To succeed, corporations should experience the improved business climate and have an opportunity to defend themselves in fair courts. It is the government’s responsibility to make such appealing conditions.
As a result, nowadays, Russia suffers not only from less tax collection, but also from losing control over strategically important enterprises and even industries. Thus, the phenomenon threatens to the country's national security.
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企業節稅問題之研究林啟智, Lin, Qi-Zhi Unknown Date (has links)
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逃漏稅捐罪與脫法避稅行為界限之研究 / A Study on the Boundary between the Crime of Tax Evasion and the Behavior of Tax Avoidance王瑀璇, Wang, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
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本研究探討稅率差異是否會影響台商海外子公司股利匯回。由於台灣目前對於國外稅額扣抵的方法採的是直接扣抵法,與大部分國家所採的國外所得免稅法及間接扣抵法不同,因此對於海外子公司只有在扣繳稅率若高於台灣營利事業所得稅率時,才必須負擔匯回的稅負。本研究將稅率差異的部分,分為海外子公司平均稅率以及扣繳稅率,來觀看在這兩個稅率之下對於股利匯回的影響。研究結果顯示,當國外扣繳稅率高於我國營利事業所得稅率時,其匯回的數目會降低,表示扣繳稅率的確是會阻礙公司股利匯回的一項障礙;但是當海外的平均公司稅率越高,則股利匯回的數目會增加,本研究認為盈餘大部分皆從稅率較高的國家匯回,因此導致這樣的結果。最後本研究將對台灣目前對於股利匯回的稅制進行建議,以健全台灣目前對於企業課稅的稅制。 / This study investigates the relationship between the tax rates and the dividend repatriation among the overseas subsidiaries of Taiwanese companies. Due to the adoption of “the direct method” for foreign tax credit, different from other countries, the Taiwanese companies will afford repatriation tax when they repatriate dividends from the countries whose withholding tax rates are higher than Taiwanese corporate tax rate. The difference of tax rates between countries defined in this study consists of
two parts-average tax rate of overseas subsidiaries and withholding tax rates. And the result is the higher withholding tax rates overseas subsidiaries afford, the lower
dividends are repatriated, which means the withholding tax is the barrier of the dividend repatriation. Another result shows the higher the overseas subsidiaries average corporate tax rates, the more dividend repatriates, which suggests that the dividends repatriate from the countries with higher corporate tax rate. Finally, this study also gives some recommendations for the Taiwanese tax policy about dividend
repatriations in order to reform the corporate tax system.
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公司長短期避稅行為決定因素──以台灣上市櫃公司為例 / The Determinants of Long-run and Short-run Corporate Tax Avoidance紀琇芳 Unknown Date (has links)
指標,研究對象為 2002 年至 2012 年之台灣上市櫃公司,同時排除性質特殊之金融業以及臺灣存託憑證(TDR)。
最後,為觀察個別產業之避稅行為,本研究進行平均值差異數 T 檢定、長期
普通最小平方法回歸結果以及 F 檢定,結果顯示:半導體業、建材營造業等產業
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避稅、租稅競爭與公共財提供 / Tax avoidance, tax competition and provision of public goods謝馨儀, Hsieh, Hsin I Unknown Date (has links)
傳統探討利潤移轉效果的租稅競爭文獻中,忽略廠商租稅規避效果對公共財的影響。然而,在貿易自由化與國際化興盛的時代下,廠商對於國與國之間的租稅安排是複雜且不可避免,所以在探究租稅競爭時,租稅規避也是一項重要的考量因素。因此本文以Lai (2006) 一文為基礎,建構一個具有利潤移轉效果的國際租稅競爭模型,分別為Cournot數量競爭與Bertrand價格競爭,來探討廠商租稅規避效果對國際租稅競爭導致公共財提供量不足的影響問題。
本文章有幾點發現:Cournot 數量競爭下,避稅效果會強化稅基、稅收效果,和利潤移轉效果,加劇公共財提供數量不足的問題。而Bertrand價格競爭下,避稅效果同樣會使公共財提供量下降,但此模型下的利潤移轉效果對公共財影響為正向,使得公共財數量皆大於Cournot模型之下。此外,本文也探討眾多參數對政府最適決策的影響。 / The traditional literatures of tax competition, which include the rent shifting effect, ignore the impact of tax avoidance effect on public goods. However, the taxation arrangements between countries which firms face are complex and inevitable in this era of trade liberalization and internationalization. Therefore, when investigating tax competition, we should consider an important factor- tax avoidance. So, this paper is based on Lai (2006) to build an international tax competition model containing rent shifting effect. We will discuss the problem of insufficient public goods and how tax avoidance effect influence this question in Cournot competition and Bertrand competition.
This conclusion shows that tax avoidance effect enhances tax-base effect, revenue effect and rent shifting effect in Cournot competition. In this condition, the issue of insufficient public goods will worsen. In Bertrand competition, tax avoidance effect will also make the quantity of public goods fall. But rent shifting effect in this model is so good for public goods that the quantity of public goods is larger than Cournot competition. Furthermore, this paper also uses software to test many parameters and finds the parameters how to influence government's optimal decision.
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反避稅租稅改革對企業租稅負擔及避稅行為之影響 / The impact of anti - avoidance tax reform on tax burden and tax avoidance黃竑傑, Hunag, Hung Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究結果顯示,移轉訂價查核準則實施與簽署租稅協定將提升企業租稅負擔與降低避稅行為。由於我國企業資本弱化情形並不嚴重,因此反資本弱化條款實施對於我國企業並無顯著影響。在簽署租稅協定內含利益限制條款方面,利益限制條款並未顯著提升我國企業租稅負擔與避稅行為,究其原因,可能為我國簽署租稅協定且含利益限制條款之樣本數過少使其效果並不明顯。 / The emergence of international tax system was to reduce the burden of juridical double taxation and increase cross-border transactions. However, the new business model changed by rapid development of science and technology made taxing authorities difficult to define the substance of cross-border transactions. In this case many countries faced the fact of tax erosion, so the objective of international tax system has been changed from the elimination of double taxation to anti-avoidance measures. In order to prevent tax erosion, Taiwan’s government had legislated some anti-avoidance provisions. There is no study that research those anti-avoidance provisions whether have impact on Taiwanese enterprise. This study used Taiwanese financial information from 2002 to 2014 to investigate the tax burden and tax avoidance of enterprise after anti-avoidance provisions had been legislated.
Empirical results show transfer pricing rules and tax treaties not only increase the tax burden but also decrease the tax avoidance of Taiwanese enterprise. This study find that there is no thin capitalization in Taiwan. At the end, tax treaties which involved limitation-on-benefits can’t increase the tax burden and decrease the tax avoidance of Taiwanese enterprise. Owing to few samples of tax treaties which involved limitation-on-benefits, the empirical result don’t reach the significant level.
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兩岸移轉訂價制度之探討-查核趨勢與台商因應之道 / Transfer Pricing in Cross-Strait Groups潘美紅, Pan, Mei Hung Unknown Date (has links)
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反資本弱化條款對台灣跨國公司資本結構的影響 / The Impact of Anti-thin Capitalization Rules on the Capital Structure of Taiwanese Multinational Firms賴家琪, Lai,Chia Chi Unknown Date (has links)
由於許多公司會利用資本弱化來從事跨國利潤移轉,各國政府因而相繼制定反資本弱化條款,在稅務上限縮公司可減除的利息費用,以防堵企業規避稅負。惟多數探討反資本弱化條款有效性的實證文獻,都是以地主國的觀點看外來投資。 不同於之前文獻偏重探討某一特定國家 (大多數是歐美國家) 的反資本弱化條款是否會改變其境內公司之資本結構,本文則是以居住國的觀點,探討 2008 年至 2012 年台灣電子製造業的上市公司與其國內外關係企業的資本結構,是否會受到其所在國的反資本弱化條款影響。另外,基於內部債務和外部債務間的替代性,本文進一步將負債區分為內部債務與外部債務,以期能更細部了解公司的融資行為。
本文共分為四個模型:以模型一、二分析反資本弱化條款對公司內部債務的影響;以模型三、四分析反資本弱化條款對公司外部債務的影響。實證結果發現,處罰方式若為重分類為股利,會造成公司的內部債務比率下降15.45%,外部債務比率上升 27.66%。而安全港比率中的分子若指所有負債,會造成公司的外部債務比率下降 14%。此外,反資本弱化條款的施行對公司外部債務比率的影響取決於處罰方式和安全港比率中負債的定義。最後,若安全港比率的分子僅指關係人間負債,公司仍可透過增加外部債務的方式,繼續享受利息費用的稅盾效果。 / Because many companies shift their profits through debt financing, governments had imposed anti-thin capitalization rules one after another to limit the tax deductibility of interest expenses. However, most empirical researches on the effectiveness of the anti-thin capitalization rules are from host countries perspectives. Different from previous literature focusing on how the anti-thin capitalization rule of one country affects capital structures of companies in that country, this paper is from a home country perspective to analyze the effects of the anti-thin capitalization rules on capital structures of Taiwanese listed companies (Electronics manufacturing industry) and their affiliates over the period 2008-2012. This paper subdivides debt into internal debt and external debt on account of the substitution between them so that it would help us to understand financing behavior of companies in depth.
Model 1 and Model 2 are to investigate how anti-thin capitalization rules affect internal debt of companies. Model 3 and Model 4 are to investigate how anti-thin capitalization rules affect external debt of companies. The findings indicate that reclassifying excess interest as dividends reduces a company’s internal debt ratio by 15.45% and increases its external debt ratio by 27.66%. Defining the numerator of the safe haven ratio as total debt reduces a company’s external debt ratio by 14%. Moreover, how the enforcement of the anti-thin capitalization rule affects a company’s external debt ratio depends on the penalty and the definition of the debt measure in the numerator of the safe haven ratio. Finally, if the numerator of the safe haven ratio refers to related-parties debt, a company may still make good use of the tax shields of interest expenses by increasing external debt.
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