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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳映蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
國內近年興起美感經濟以及手創商品的風潮,根據行政院青輔會在2006年的統計,文化創意產業首次擠身年輕人熱門創業行業的前三名,而這些投入創作的手創者也藉台灣各大小型的創意市集擺攤而有了讓自製作品顯露頭角的機會,並更進一步發展自創品牌並讓自製作品躍上創意市集的龍頭老大。 網路行銷工具部落格同時兼備「通路」與「媒體」功能,無論是從「功能面」、「使用面」、「傳播面」、「行銷面」或是「需求面」等不同面向探討部落格的特性,部落格的特性都可以化約為以下八大特性:「交流/互動性」、「知識累積性」、「主觀性」、「易被搜尋性」、「多媒體性」、「時間性」、「低門檻性」及「分眾性」,這些特性讓行銷資源不足的手創者可以藉由部落格作為整合行銷¬¬進行宣傳商品以及販賣商品的管道和平台,這些都是傳統行銷工具無法達到的行銷特性。 因此本研究從行銷與整合行銷的觀點探討最能代表Web 2.0精神之一的部落格,並以消費者焦點團體訪談與質化個案研究深度訪談方式初探部落格如何協助手創者進行行銷及推廣,並進行手創者運用部落格與社群交流互動、推廣宣傳品牌以及銷售販賣的描述性研究。 / Recently, aesthetics economy and hand-made products have became a trend in Taiwan society, and according to the survey of National Youth Commission, Executive Yuan in 2006, for the first time Creativity Industry became the most popular industry for youth to start their business. Moreover the Creativity Markets have provided creators both the chances and places to show their own talents, works, and established their own brands. Blog played both the place and media roles, from its function, usage, media, marketing or needs aspects to discuss the characteristics of blog, we found blog has the following eight characteristics: interaction and communication, knowledge - accumulation, subjectivity, easy for searching, multi-media, instantaneity, low-threshold and community divides. These characteristics can help hand-made creators who have inadequate marketing resources to promote and sell their products by applying these functions. Therefore, this study is based on marketing and IMC point of view and by FGD and Case study trying to find out and illustrate how blog help hand-made creators to communicate their consumers, to promote their brands and to sell their hand-made products.

認同的歸屬與凝聚─Sasalah'部落的社會組織與儀式變遷 / The sense of belonging and social cohesion of identity: transformation of social organization and ritual in Sasalah’

楊珮琪 Unknown Date (has links)
Sasalah’部落位於台東縣太麻里鄉香蘭村新香蘭聚落,香蘭村為一有漢人、阿美族人、排灣族人、平埔族人的多族群混居村落,各族群於不同時期進入香蘭地區定居,並在長時間的互動下形成目前所見的特殊文化樣貌。本研究透過對Sasalah’部落的歷史爬梳,以及當代社會文化變遷的研究,討論分析形成於日治時期的Sasalah’部落,在與周邊不同的族群文化互動、面對台灣整體社會變遷的過程中,其呈現的社會文化現象與傳統阿美族社會文化的差異及其原因。 自日治時代始,原居於池上鄉的阿美族人遷移來到現今的舊香蘭聚落,同時亦有來自新竹、苗栗地區的客家人至此處開墾,為避免原漢衝突,大部分居於舊香蘭的阿美族人被日本政府強制遷移到新香蘭居住。而後陸續有來自恆春地區或其他部落的阿美族人及平埔族人遷入,加上由山區遷至香蘭村現址居住的排灣族人,新香蘭聚落於焉形成。不論是共居於新香蘭聚落的的Sasalah’部落族人及Lalauran部落族人,或是居於舊香蘭聚落的客家人及部分阿美族人,來自不同地方的人群在漫長的時間內一同生活、累積相似的歷史記憶。因此本研究之整體架構安排上並未將Sasalah’部落完全獨立討論,而是以Sasalah’部落為主、舊香蘭聚落與Lalauran部落為輔,將這些人群在不同時期面對不同的變因時,產生的類似又不同的因應機制並陳。基於這樣的安排,在章節上第一章及第二章是以香蘭村整體為討論單位,第三章則以Sasalah’部落旅北族人及新香蘭聚落為主。呈現出香蘭村整體樣貌之後,第四章則回歸到Sasalah’部落的社會文化變遷現象進行討論。各個章節當中的主題則分別是宗教及生計模式的變遷、旅北族人的社會組織變遷,以及原鄉部落的祭典儀式變遷。 當代的Sasalah’部落正面臨了人口流失以及部落文化傳承不易的困境,同樣居於新香蘭聚落的Lalauran部落則初嚐文化復振及部落營造工作的成果。兩個部落族際互動下所產生的文化現象正持續影響Sasalah’部落的文化復振工作,以及族人們對族群及部落的認同情感。本研究最後以虛擬社群網絡的運作及2016年尼伯特颱風災後重建為例,討論Sasalah’部落族人的動能,在當代面對重大事件時如何因應,以及過程當中持續游移、變動的部落認同和情感凝聚。

圖文創作部落格使用動機、使用行為、滿意度與忠誠度之研究 / A study of the user motivation, behavior, gratification and loyalty on creative graphic blogs

黃郁珮 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以「使用與滿足」理論探討圖文創作部落格閱聽人使用行為,以時常造訪圖文創作部落格之網友為研究對象,本研究利用「問卷調查法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,兼顧量化及質化兩種研究途徑。透過網路問卷抽樣調查方式,回收有效問卷325份,並針對知名圖文創作部落客及圖文創作部落格的重度使用者進行深度訪談。 本研究目的在探討圖文創作部落格讀者使用動機、使用行為、滿意度、忠誠度變數之內涵。分析不同人口統計變數對使用動機、使用行為、滿意度與忠誠度之差異性。檢定使用動機、使用行為對滿意度與忠誠度之關係。經由量化分析與質化訪談對經營圖文創作部落格之部落客提出行銷建議。 研究結果顯示圖文創作部落格讀者以女性上班族為主,年齡層以21-35歲居多,教育程度以大專為最多,居住地區以北部為主。圖文創作部落格之使用動機以「休閒娛樂動機」因素最高。在使用行為方面,讀者通常每天或每3-5天就會回訪一次,可見圖文創作部落格的讀者黏著度高。在使用滿意度上整體滿意度偏高,其中以「歡愉滿意度」因素最高。在使用忠誠度上則以「再訪忠誠度」因素最高。 經過質化與量化的分析,本研究建議想經營圖文創作部落格之部落客,應多著墨於有趣、好笑、生活化及流行話題的相關內容,並提高發文頻率,藉由舉辦實體活動,結合虛擬與實體創作,達到延伸性的長久經營。 / In this study, "uses and gratifications" theory of creative graphic blog audience usage behavior. To the users frequently visit the creative graphic blog as the research object. The present study, use"questionnaire" and " interviews" to research, both quantitative and qualitative study of two kinds of ways. Sample survey questionnaire via the Internet way, 325 questionnaires were usable, and for the well-known graphic creative bloggers and fax heavy users interviews. The purpose of this study was to explore the use of creative graphic blog readers motivation, behavior, satisfaction, loyalty variables of the content.Analysis of different demographic variables on the use of motivation, and use of satisfaction and loyalty of the differences. Test the use of motivation, and use of satisfaction and loyalty to the relationship. By quantitative analysis and qualitative interviews with creative graphic bloggers make marketing recommendations. The results showed that creative graphic blogs for readers are women, mainly of office workers, mostly age to 21-35 years of age, educational level to college as the most northern area of residence-based. To the use of motivation is "leisure motivation" factor in the highest. The use of behavior, the reader is usually every day or every 3-5 days would be a return visit, we can see creative graphics blog readers adhesion is high. The use of satisfaction on overall satisfaction high, in which the "joy satisfaction" factor high. On the use of loyalty by "revisit loyalty" factor in the highest. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis, this study suggests that wish to create a blog of business creative graphic bloggers should be more to write about interesting, funny, daily life and popular topic relevant content and increase issued a document frequency, by holding physical activity, combination of virtual and physical creativity, to achieve an extension of long-term business.

原住民族農地利用與部落發展之研究-以新竹縣尖石鄉泰雅族部落為例 / Study on Farmland Utilization and Tribe Development of Indigenous Peoples-An example of the Atayal indigenous community of Jienshih Township in Hsinchu County

劉佩琪, Liu, Pei Chi Unknown Date (has links)
原住民族、土地利用、農業與部落發展具有密切關係,並受到族人土地觀、社會經濟環境與政府政策等諸多內外因素所影響。   過去以來,主流社會常將山林環境災害歸諸於高山地區不當的土地利用,導致原住民在高山地區進行農業活動受到諸多法令規章限制。政府近年來致力推廣造林與部落觀光事業,以期防止山林環境惡化、滿足國人休閒需求與將經濟效益引至部落,惟部分舉措因未適切於族人普遍經濟能力、在地就業需求與對部落發展之想望,恐無益部落永續發展。   為進一步理解原住民族農地利用與部落發展相關課題,本文提出以下課題:一、高山農地利用是否必然造成環境災害問題?二、影響原住民族農業進行的跨尺度網絡為何?該網絡如何提供部落發展農業與增進土地利用之實質助益?再以新竹縣尖石鄉石磊部落作為研究對象進行實證分析,透過參與式觀察與文獻回顧等研究方法,兼以Leopold土地倫理與Adger跨尺度網絡理論,探討石磊部落族人推展有機與自然農業時之轉型歷程與內涵,並分析各項跨尺度網絡要素的關連性互動。   最終,本研究認為,倘原住民族農地利用能兼顧環境保護、經濟效率與社會公平,也能帶給部落具有主體性的發展實益,則外界應毋須再以災難眼光相待,反應思考如何從部落角度,協助原住民族實踐更友善於環境的農地利用,以發揮農地多功能利用之特性,並促使部落朝向兼顧環境及經濟的永續發展。 / There are close associations among tribe developments, indigenous peoples, land-utilization, and agriculture. Many internal and external factors such as indigenous peoples’ intellections of land, social economics environment, and government’s policies influence tribe development as well.   For the past few decades, mainstream society usually have attributed forest environmental emergency to inappropriate land utilization in mountain regions and it caused aborigines to be confined by many laws and regulations when undergoing agriculture activities in mountain regions. For the past few years, the government has dedicated to promoting forestation and tribe tourism to avoid worsening of the forest environments as well as to satisfy the leisure demands of country people and to bring economic benefits to the tribes. Nevertheless, parts of initiatives may not help the sustainable development of the tribes since neglecting the average economics ability of indigenous peoples, demands of local employments, and visions of tribe development.   To further understand related issues about farmland utilization and tribe development of the indigenous peoples, this research proposed the following issues. The first issue is whether farmland utilization of mountain regions inevitably causes environmental emergency. And the second issue is to analyze what is the cross-scale networks in resource co-management that influence agricultures of indigenous peoples and how this network provides real benefits to tribe development and improvement of land utilization. Then we took Shi-Lei indigenous community of Jienshih Township in Hsinchu County as a case study to undergo empirical analyses. Through research method such as participant observation and literature reviews as well as Leopold’s land ethics theory and Adger’s cross-scale networks in resource co-management theory, we analyzed the transformed experiences and contents of organic and natural agriculture developed by Shi-Lei indigenous people. Also, we analyzed the related interactions of each element in cross-scale networks.   Finally, this research supposes that if indigenous peoples’ farmland utilization can well consider in every aspect of environment protection, economics efficiency, society justice, and bringing real development benefits with subjectivity to the tribe, other people should not link the farmland utilization to potential natural disasters. On the contrary, we should stand in the view of tribes to consider how to help indigenous peoples to reach more eco-friendly farmland utilization. By developing more eco-friendly farmland utilization, farmland can display multi-function characteristics to promote tribes’ sustainable development that give consideration to both environment protection and economics.

成功部落客之個人品牌經營之道 —以策略行銷分析架構探討 / Constructing How a Successful Blogger Manage Personal Branding from Strategic Marketing Analysis Framework

陳采韓 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討之個案對象為知名部落客S小姐的個人品牌經營策略。台灣時尚部落客產業為新興產業,近兩三年來商業模式才大致成熟底定,然而卻有著超過十億的驚人年產值,令人不得不對這個新興奇蹟產業的營利模式與獲利成長速度欽佩不已。而個案主角S小姐從2009年誤打誤撞入行至今,雖然不是當紅一線,然有驚無險地也取得了今日不錯的經營績效。 本個案透過一對一的質化訪談,深入了解這個產業的發展歷程與最新趨勢,同時也幫S小姐檢視目前的產業環境前提與她個人能力條件前提的適配程度。在後起之秀紛入搶食市場、讀者需求日漸分眾化發展與新科技不斷改變閱聽眾的資訊接收習慣之下,建議S小姐首先當務之急是確立欲攻入的目標市場,重整價值活動組合並強化自己的專業技能以提升文章質量(C1),希望透過強化自身能力提升對雙邊交易對象(讀者顧客、廠商顧客)的議價力,建立專屬資產(C4)。

部落格行銷與顧客關係之研究 / A Study of Blog Marketing and Customer Relationship

蔡沛成, Tsai, Pei-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究目的在於瞭解目前部落格行銷的特性與人口統計變項及代言人偏好間的關聯性,並研究部落格行銷特性與顧客關係導向的顧客關係利益與顧客關係品質間的相關性,驗證結論部落格行銷特性在【小s性感媽咪日記】是否能得到實證上支持與部落格行銷人口統計變項及代言人偏好的相關調查。本研究對經營行銷部落格提出以下三點建議:一、繼續使用、永續經營。二、設法增加訂閱人數。三、建立使用者資料庫。 / The absence of the empirical study of the importance and the correlation of blog marketing and the customer relationship aroused the practice of the research. Blog marketing attributes: abundant information, customized content, interaction and user friendly surface affect the scales of the customer relationship benefits and qualities profoundly. Managing to take the full advantages of the blog marketing, manager should use and update the blog constantly, trying to make the subscriber as mush as possible and finally end up with the set up of the user database, keep tracking of the blogger.

藝人如何利用部落格修護形象之分析:以伊能靜為例 / An Analysis of Entertainers’ Image Remedy in Blog: A Case of Yi Neng Jing

游智翔, Yu, Chih Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
這個研究的主要目的有二。第一,探討台灣藝人如何使用部落格進行形象修復;第二,試圖了解當名人開始使用部落格之後,媒體、名人、與閱聽人之間互動的改變。本研究使用台灣藝人伊能靜為研究主體,並以內容分析法調查她如何在2008年發生的婚變風波中,使用部落格修復形象,以及相關的媒體報導與閱聽人反應。 研究顯示伊能靜使用bolstering, transcendence, attacking one's accuser 以及 denial 作為主要修復形象的策略。研究結果也顯示,大眾媒體並不一定將名人在部落格上發表的內容,視為事實的呈現並客觀報導。反之,媒體常將藝人的部落格內容加上自己的詮釋。因此,藝人使用部落格修復形象所做的努力,往往容易被抵消不見,當媒體早就對該事件或人物本身,設定好特定的報導框架。 / The main purpose of this research is to explore Taiwanese celebrities’ use of blogs to repair their image and the change in the interaction among media, celebrities and audiences when celebrities start to blog. In conducting this research, the researcher intends to further clarify the relationship among these three actors in the new media era, as well as understanding how celebrities attempt to repair their image in cyberspace. Yi Neng Jing (伊能靜), a Taiwanese celebrity, is chosen as the case study in this research. A content analysis is adopted as the research method to investigate the way in which she remedied her image in a blog when it was jeopardized by news of her extramarital affair in 2008. Apart from her blog content, the mass media’s coverage and audience’s response to her in a specific time segment are also analysed. The research findings show that Yi used bolstering, transcendence, attacking one’s accuser and denial as the major strategies to restore her image. These strategies are basically consistent with Benoit’s research into Hugh Grant’s case of lewd behavior (1997). The research findings also show that the mass media does not necessarily take what celebrities say as being fact and often makes its own interpretation of celebrities’ blogging texts. Thus, celebrities’ efforts to repair their image tend to be offset in a mass media framework.

部落領導與組織承諾關係之研究-以國民小學校長帶領行政團隊為例 / The relationship between tribal leadership and organizational commitment: a case study of principals leading the administrative team in the elementary school

郭又綺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討部落領導與組織承諾之關係-以國民小學校長帶領行政團隊為例,並瞭解其國民小學校長部落領導及教師組織承諾之現況、內涵,預測其關係,進而建構及驗證其互動模式,最後依據研究結果提出建議。 首先,進行文獻探討,作為本研究之理論架構基礎;接著,進行問卷調查國民小學353位教師(臺北市、新北市、基隆市、桃園縣四縣市之兼任行政職教師,共發出562份,有效問卷353份)以分析現況、驗證理論;最後,依據研究結果進行討論與建議,研究發現如下: 一、國民小學校長部落領導與國民小學教師組織承諾之現況 (一)校長部落領導包括建立核心價值,凝聚崇高理想、組織運作團隊及共享組織文化;其整體和分層面得分均為中上,其中以組織運作團隊得分最高。 (二)教師組織承諾包括努力意願、組織認同和留職傾向;其整體和分層面得分均為中上,其中以努力意願得分最高。 二、不同背景變項在國民小學校長部落領導與國民小學教師組織承諾之差異情形 (一)不同背景變項在國民小學校長部落領導的得分方面:性別、最高學歷、現任職務、學校規模和學校位置有顯著差異;但年齡和服務年資沒有顯著差異。 (二)不同背景變項在國民小學教師組織承諾的得分方面:年齡、服務年資、現任職務和學校位置有顯著差異;但在性別、最高學歷和學校規模沒有顯著差異。 三、國民小學校長部落領導與國民小學教師組織承諾之相關情形 整體國民小學校長部落領導與國民小學教師組織承諾間呈現高度正相關。 四、國民小學校長部落領導對國民小學教師組織承諾的預測情形 國民小學校長部落領導之共享組織文化對整體國民小學教師組織承諾有顯著的預測力。 五、國民小學校長部落領導對國民小學教師組織承諾的互動模式各項適配度指標良好 上游潛在變項「國民小學校長部落領導」對下游潛在變項「國民小學教師組 織承諾」具有顯著的影響力。 最後,本研究根據研究發現,提出相關建議,俾供教育行政機關、國民小學 校長及後續研究之參考。

英語外語課程中,部落格融入『過程寫作』之教學: 個案研究 / The integration of weblogs into the instruction of process writing in an efl classroom: a case study

詹惠玲, Chan, Hui Ling Unknown Date (has links)
幾十年來,過程寫作常因為『重內容輕形式』和『輕忽寫作成品』而導致批評聲浪不斷。 近年來,部落格網誌的四大特色 — 自我表達、自我反省、互動和發布 — 吸引學者和語言學習者的注意。本文旨在探討部落格融入『過程寫作』之教學如何影響四名台灣高三學生的寫作表現。文獻探討涵蓋過程寫作,部落格和三項共通因素 — 回饋、自我反省日誌和電子檔案評量。 本研究的對象是研究者所教授的過程寫作班的四位高三學生。本研究的程序以寫作循環 (writing cycle) 為主軸。資料包括多次校訂 (multiple revisions)、兩篇草稿 (前後測)、學生寫作態度問卷、教師日誌(teacher’s log)和訪談紀錄。首先,以Yagelski’s coding schemes (1995) 和Johnson’s (1994) 內容和組織指標 (indicators of content and organization) 解讀多次校訂,以了解學生的校訂類型 (types of changes in multiple revisions)。接著,分析前後測分數的差距 (score differences)及文章長度 (the length of essay)、探討多次校訂與前後測草稿的關聯性,再找出前後測草稿中的內容與組織指標,以顯示學生在兩篇草稿的進步程度。訪談資料則用於探討部落格的功能、學生遇到的困難和需要何種教師支援。至於學生的寫作態度,則以前後測問卷的分數差距 (score difference) 為主,再以訪談紀錄作為佐證資料或疑點澄清。最後,與教室情境有關的發現,則以教師日誌和訪談資料為主。 本研究的主要發現如下: 1. 生有自己偏好的校訂類型 (types of changes in multiple revisions)。 2. 作班的四位高三學生在內容和組織方面有顯著進步。 3. 級部落格在過程寫作的每個階段都有不同功能。 4.多次校訂的枯燥須加以克服,以及建議實施老師與學生間的迷你會議。 5.在信心、焦慮、實用性與偏好四方面,學生寫作態度改變。 6.教室情境所衍生的幾項發現。 最後,本研究對過程寫作在實際教學上應用與未來研究方向提供建議。 / Over the past decades of practice in process writing, criticism over “the stress on content over form” (Badger & White, 2000) and the neglect of final writing product (Barnes, 1983) has never ceased. Considering that blog has attracted scholars and learners for its unique features — self-expression, self-reflection, interactivity, and publication, this researcher integrated blog into the instruction of process writing to investigate the writing performance of the four 12th graders. The literature review covered studies on process writing, blog and three elements commonly found in both process writing and blog— feedback, self-reflection journals and e-portfolio. The participants of this study were four 12th graders of Taiwan’s high school in a blog-mediated process writing class taught by the researcher. The procedure revolved around the process writing cycle, in which these four participants repeated the recursive writing process. Data included multiple revisions, two drafts (pre-test and post-test), questionnaires on students’ writing attitude (pre-test and post-test), the teacher’s logs and interviews. First, to obtain what types of changes students made in multiple revisions, the 48 multiple revisions were coded by Yagelski’s coding schemes (1995) and Johnson’s indicators of content and organization (1994). Second, to investigate if the four participants made progress in content and organization, this researcher touched on four aspects of analysis: 1) the score differences between the pre-test and post-test drafts, 2) the length of essay, 3) a connection analysis between the multiple revisions and the two drafts and 4) a draft analysis using Johnson’s indicators of content and organization (1994). Third, the interview data helped to explore how the blog functioned in each step of process writing model, and to present the challenges students encountered and the teacher support they needed. Fourth, to discover if these students experienced any attitude changes, she also calculated the score differences between the pre-test and post-test questionnaires in students’ writing attitude and verified the questionnaire results or clarified the unclear points with interview data. Finally, some other classroom-context-related findings were also revealed in the analysis of the teachers’ logs and the interview data. The major findings were listed as below: 1) students showed preference for making some types of changes in multiple revisions; 2) the four students in the blog-mediated process writing class gained significant progress in content and organization; 3) the class blog functioned differently in each step of process writing model; 4) the boredom of doing multiple revisions and the teacher-student mini conference were the challenges encountered and the teacher support recommended; 5) there were writing attitude changes in the four categories — confidence, anxiety, usefulness and preference; and 6) several findings were also revealed in the context of classroom. Some pedagogical implications and recommendations for future research on process writing were presented at the end of the thesis.

初探BLOG在企業內部溝通的可行性 / BLOG feasibility study in business communication

黃國禎 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,以BLOG精神所創造的網路工具機制,逐漸開始被企業重視──除了受到若干訴訟案例與公關危機事件的影響外,運用在企業內部的溝通上,既可能藉由新興媒介增加知名度與影響力,但又須在保障公司利益下防範負面效應。因此,本研究初步探討BLOG在企業內部溝通的可行性,瞭解國外十個企業的觀點與作法,並探訪國內二個企業在面向的意願,以文獻探討與深度訪談的個案研究進行質化分析。   研究推論:企業採行BLOG互動溝通模式,受到企業認知態度、體制文化開放性、媒介特性瞭解度、管理制度完善性、組織功能需求以及目標效益的考量限制;其次在軟體介面尚須建立管理規範、網站維護、教育宣導、諮詢審核仲裁等機制。而架構內部BLOG,更須考量功能設定、防護措施、技術支援、網路頻寬與主機容量等硬體條件,如此使工具應用的可行性提高。   歸納分析亦提到企業如何因應BLOG趨勢潮流,運用BLOG溝通的利益與可能流弊、內部設定及外部連結的運用作法與優點,以及如何建構優質的溝通內容。最後,本研究期望能以初步深討的基礎,提供未來針對此領域的企業溝通管理、公共關係、傳播效益與媒介創新應用的研究參考。 / In recent years, the system of web-tool created by BLOG technology has been applied to business world. The Corporate, which would like to pay a close attention to BLOG, is not only shocked by other companies’ lawsuits or PR crises, but also wants to improve brand awareness and image to public. The question is: how do we know that using such new media can avoid from notorious communication but create value for each company? The researcher will discuss this issue which collects 12 cases of blog guidelines or interviews, and then will analyze the latent construct or meaning of contents by Qualitative study.  The research infers that the corporate BLOG system can be operated by the prerequisite involving with managers’ attitude, culture acceptance, media understanding, functional request and object efficiency, etc. Then, it should be set well in software environment including web management, internal training, examined or arbitrative institution. It also should be considered to build in hardware structure, technical support and web protection.    Further more, the conclusion contributes some ideas of how corporate faces BLOG trend, what advantages for BLOG using are, what differences in inner-built or outside-linking of BLOG are, and how to create a high-quality communication.  Finally, the researcher tries to make a feasibility figure of business BLOG communication, hoping that fundamental research will provide further study in business management, public relationship and new media efficiency or application.

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