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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台北市公立幼稚園教師利用資訊資源之研究 / A Study on the use of information resources of kindergarten teachers in Taipei

許修嬋, Hsu, Hsiu Chan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,我國出生率逐年遞減,少子化的現象普遍存在,家長及社會對於幼兒的教育十分重視,幼教老師在教學實施上備受壓力;而網路與科技媒體的蓬勃發展,更促使幼教老師必須重新思考教學的方式。教師如要運用教學媒體教授幼兒知識,須具備一定的資訊素養,懂得從各種管道尋獲教學資源。 / 本研究針對台北市公立幼稚園教師進行研究,期瞭解幼兒教師的資訊尋求行為概況;探討教師如何利用圖書館和網路資源準備教學;分析教師如何運用資訊資源進行專業成長;並瞭解幼教老師利用Blog的經驗。透過問卷調查和深度訪談來瞭解幼教老師利用資訊資源於教學上之概況。 / 研究發現,台北市公立幼稚園教師仍以女性教師為主,大部分教育程度在大學以上,年齡則以41~50歲居多,教師教學經驗豐富,六成的教師已從事教學達15年以上。高達92.5%的教師會使用網際網路,教師具有中上的資訊素養能力,且學歷較高和新進教師的教師具有較高的資訊素養。教師使用多種管道找尋合適的資源與媒體以支援教學,並將其評估、處理成為教材。在找尋資源時會考量資訊的正確性與方便性。 / 關於利用圖書館資源準備教學方面:教師至圖書館的目的為找尋教學相關資源;使用校內圖書室和台北市立圖書館找尋教學資源;使用繪本和影音資料為主。在利用網路資源協助教學上:教師利用網路資源準備教學;應用網路多媒體協助教學實施;參與網路社群分享教學資源及經驗;藉由網路平台紀錄教學活動;與家長進行親師溝通。而利用資訊資源進行專業成長上教師透過閱讀獲取專業知識;利用網路資源自我學習,並進行個人知識管理。此外,教師亦會運用Blog搜尋教學資源、分享教學經驗、整理學生學習歷程檔案、建置幼稚園網頁、記錄教學與整理教師教學檔案及建置個人Blog。 / 最後建議:(1)教育主管機關應鼓勵教師參與線上讀書會與成長團體,精進個人之專業知識;辦理各式資訊素養研習以提昇教師的資訊素養能力;委託相關單位編製資源示意圖協助教師準備教學;建置幼教專業知識共享平台,便於教師找尋及取得資源、整理個人教學知識,持續進行個人專業成長。(2)幼稚園圖書室應與鄰近圖書館合作並共享資源;協助教師充分利用圖書館資源準備教學。(3)幼稚園教師應充分利用資訊資源支援教學活動、進行終身學習;積極參與網路社群,利用Blog等網路平台與家長共同指導幼兒。 關鍵字:幼稚園教師;資訊尋求行為;教師專業成長;部落格 / This research focused on the utilization of information resources of public kindergarten teachers in Taipei. The purpose is to reveal the information seeking behaviors of kindergarten teachers, such as how the teachers use the library and internet resources to prepare for teaching; how teachers use the information resources to upgrade teachers' professional development; and the use of Blog. The study applies the questionnaire and in-depth interview to find out how the kindergarten teachers use the information resources. / According to this study, most of public kindergarten teachers in Taipei are female, hold bachelor degree, and the majority of them are about forties to fifties. Teachers are well experienced. Ninety two point percent teachers are able to use internet, most teachers are well equipped with information literacy. / Finally, suggestion were made as follows: (1) The Department of Education, Taipei City Government should encourage teachers to participate the online reading club and growth group for enhancing professional development; conducting all kinds of information literacy courses, compiling the pathfinders and setting up professional portal for professional growth. (2) The kindergarten library should cooperate with the neighboring libraries to share resources, and play the important role in assisting teachers using information resources. (3) Kindergarten teachers should learn how to utilize the information resources widely for supporting the teaching and achieve the life-long learning; participating in internet communities to upgrade their professional knowledge and core competences; and use the Blog and other social software to instruct kids with their parents together. Keywords:Kindergarten Teachers;Information Seeking Behavior;Teachers' professional development;Blog


陳秋雲, Chen, Chiou Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為2000年至2005年之歷時性分析,採用個案史研究法,藉由「《明日報》的興衰」、「部落格(blog)在台灣的發展」、「周星馳想拍少林棒球?」、「SARS風暴」與「東海大學劈腿事件」五個案例的歷史紀錄,檢視網路時代新聞產製與專業呈現何種面貌。 此段期間國內媒體大環境的變遷,呈現報業經營困難、主流媒體趨於八卦化及網路個人媒體興起的現象。網路新聞的發展由最初傳統新聞媒體所成立之新聞網站,繼而出現網路原生報《明日報》,而後部落格等網路個人媒體逐漸興起,網路新聞的形式仍在演變中。 網路傳播的互動性特質提升閱聽人主動性,平民記者的概念開始出現。傳統新聞記者引用網路消息來源加以報導已不在少數,且常以獨家新聞或熱門網路話題作為新聞價值之判準,即使查證未果仍以截稿時間為由而刊登,傳統新聞專業強調真實報導、公正客觀等核心價值已被動搖。

原住民代表性官僚的理想與現實─以溪洲部落拆遷事件為例 / The ideal and reality of aboriginal representative bureaucracy: An example of Shijou Tribe

劉湘琦, Liu, Hsiang Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以溪洲部落拆遷政策變遷為個案研究,瞭解「代表性官僚」在實務上如何運作,以及他們在現實的政策環境中如何自處,藉由深入的探討來發掘「代表性官僚」的更多可能,讓他們發揮積極代表性的功能。研究方法以深度訪談為主,在不足處再佐以官方新聞稿及國內報紙新聞資料,進行5位受訪者,共計6次訪談,研究範圍自2007年9月至2011年5月止。 本研究結果發現,因個案牽涉層級太高,臺北縣原民局的行政決策空間有限,在個人因素方面,「代表性官僚與代表團體間擁有共享的價值觀與信念」、「代表性官僚改變政策標的之行為」、「代表性官僚本身對其代表性的認同程度」等對代表性官僚的決策與執行有影響;在結構因素中「行政裁量權的多寡」與「外在政治環境」對代表性官僚的決策與執行有影響,較具體是反映在專業與資源不足、社會運動蓬勃、媒體與政治力介入、學者專家介入等因素。除了上述的影響因素之外,本研究亦發現不同行政人員的信仰、生活經歷、工作經歷等亦會影響行政人員處理相關事務的態度。此外,研究發現認為原住民族身分的行政人員如與政策標的屬於同一族群,則較能發揮文化、語言等優勢進行溝通協調工作,而原民住族在有困難時,也會習慣向自己的原民行政體系尋求協助,顯見「代表性官僚」的存在有其功能。但值得一提的是,非原住民族的行政人員也能夠透過與族人的長期互動來獲得族人的認同,因此,從處理原住民族事務的觀點來看,不論行政人員是否屬於原住民族,培養「原民意識」皆是必須的。 此外,本研究建議:第一,原民體系應增加人力與專業等資源,在政策推動上爭取主導權,避免成為自我限縮的官僚;第二,處理原住民族事務需要「原民意識」的培養,增加行政人員的內在動力;第三,為因應愈來愈多的都市原住民人口,中央原民會應主動進行全盤的政策規劃和立法相關準備工作,讓原住民族的利益能夠獲得立法保障,減少政黨輪替所帶來的影響,最後應有原住民族公共利益的產生制度,並增加族人對於原住民族代表性官僚的課責管道,以回應政策需求。 / This study is a case study about the relocation policy negotiation with Shijou Tribe, in order to understand how "Representative Bureaucracy" works in practice, as well as the real policy environment, and to discover the "representative bureaucracy" more likely to enable them to play an active representative functional . the main research method is in-depth interviews, the five respondents, a total of six interviews, and then combined with the official press releases and newspapers from September 2007 to May 2011 only. The study found that because the case involves high-level, Council of Indigenous Peoples Bureau, Taipei County executive decision-making space is limited. In personal factors, "between representative bureaucrats and representative groups with shared values and beliefs," "representative bureaucrats to change its policy subject of conduct "," representative bureaucracy itself, the recognition of their representative, " influence representative bureaucrats on the decision-making and implementation. In the structure factors, "the amount of administrative discretion" and "external political environment" influence representative bureaucrats on decision-making and implementation, more specifically reflected in the lack of expertise and resources, social movements, media and political forces involved, scholars expert intervention. Except the above factors, the study also found that the administrative staff of different beliefs, life experiences, work experience and other administrative staff will also affect the attitude of dealing with relevant affairs. In addition, the study found that Aboriginal identity and policy underlying executive officer of the same ethnic group, are more able to play culture, language and other advantages of communication and coordination, and the original people also used to their own administrative systems of Indigenous Peoples for assistance, which shows that the existence of "representative bureaucracy" has its functions. But it is worth mentioning that non-Aboriginal executives can also via the long-term interaction with the tribe to get the tribe recognized, therefore, deal with Aboriginal affairs from the point of view, regardless of whether they are Aboriginal administrative staff, developing a "sense of the original people" are necessary. In the end, this study suggests that the original system should increase professional ability and other resources, to avoid becoming a self-limited reduction of bureaucracy; In addition, increase administrative personnel intrinsic motivation; Finally, in response to an increasing number of urban Aboriginal population, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan should adjust overall policy planning and legislation related to preparatory work for the interests of indigenous peoples to obtain legislative protection, reducing the impact of politics. On the other hand, indigenous peoples should have the system for the public interest and increase the representative bureaucrats accountability.

有影無隱?影音傳播隱私管理測量研究:以影音社交網站YouTube為例 / Tug of War, to Vlog or Not to Vlog? An Exploratory Measure Study of Communication Privacy Management Theory in Video Disclosure and Privacy: Take Online Social Networking Site YouTube for Instance

鍾佩君, Chung, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究應用Petronio的傳播隱私管理理論(CPM),探討在影音社交網站YouTube的情境中,使用者在資訊揭露與隱私之間的緊張關係,試圖了解使用者在影音社交網站YouTube情境中的隱私管理是如何,並從使用者的性別、使用動機、網路使用經驗、感知匿名/辨識、及感知風險程度的隱私考量,探討是否會對使用者在影音社交網站YouTube情境的隱私管理有所影響。 本研究嘗試從初探性的角度,針對上傳自己影音的使用者,發展出測量YouTube上傳自己影音的隱私測量量表在於了解目前使用者的使用現狀,而什麼樣的影響因素,會影響到這些使用者在上傳影音時的隱私管理行為,以供未來研究做為參考與指教。 本文完成有效樣本共有617位使用者,其中包含527位有上傳過自己影音的使用者,90位沒有上傳過自己影音的使用者;研究發現女性使用者會比男性使用者揭露較少,且個人資訊連結較少;而愈沒有消遣娛樂使用動機的使用者,對於個人資訊界線控制會愈多;具有自我表現使用動機的使用者,對於個人資訊揭露程度就會愈多,而不愈具有消遣娛樂使用動機的使用者,個人資訊連結會愈多,具有自我表現使用動機的使用者,個人資訊連結就會愈多。 此外在使用者自我感知與各自隱私管理行為之間關係中,發現上傳影音的使用者,不會因為個人內容所感知到的風險程度,而進行自我資訊控制等隱私管理行為;反而會因為從他人的影音內容中辨識出他人,以及因為外在環境感知到的風險程度,而進行自我資訊控制以及自我資訊揭露程度行為的隱私管理。 / This study applies Petronio’s Communication Privacy Management theory to explore how YouTubers manage their disclosure in YouTube videos; whether YouTubers’ gender, motivation, internet experience, the degree of perceived identification and perceived risk have any impact on their privacy management behaviors in social networking site, YouTube. In addition, this study uses Child, Pearson & Petronio’s (2008) WPMM scale as reference; attempts to create an explanatory scale to measure YouTubers’ privacy concern and management for future research. There are 617 YouTubers completed an online survey, including 527 YouTubers who have their video available in YouTube and 90 YouTubers who do not have their video available in YouTube. Results show female YouTubers disclose their personal information much less than male and have less linkage behavior. As for YouTubers’ motivation, users who do not regard using YouTube as entertainment will control their information; and users who often present themselves in YouTube will disclose their information. Additionally, users being used to presenting themselves will open more access and linkage to their personal information. What’s more, YouTubers who can identify others from their own videos and perceive threat or risk from internet environment have the tendency to have their information controlled and limited, not to disclose more personal information and disallow others have the access to their video in YouTube. Following the results of the present study, suggestions for future research in the online management of privacy, especially in YouTube context, are also listed and discussed.


陳元 Unknown Date (has links)

2005年縣長與縣市議員選舉候選人網站與部落格分析 / An Analysis and Critique of 2005 Taiwan Candidate Websites and Blogs

黃毓茹 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要以2005年縣市長與縣市議員選舉為研究對象,增補過去網站評估指標之不足,以重新建構之親切性、互動性、資訊性、工具性、連結性、動員性、與涉入性七大指標,先以「內容分析法」針對候選人競選網站之呈現與候選人角色進行比較分析,探究選舉類型、候選人特質、政黨等因素在網站表現上是否呈現差異;其次,針對台北縣長候選人競選網站與部落格,「深度訪談」其建置者,比照北縣長候選人網站與部落格實際表現情形。 研究發現,「選舉類型」與「政黨類別」是影響網站表現的二個因素,縣市長候選人網站在親切性、資訊性表現均較縣市議員精彩;此外,候選人網站與部落格的表現出之差異與特色如下:一、政治性的網站,去政治化的部落格;二、部落格文章多以感性、正面為主;三、部落格較具候選人個人化色彩;四、候選人網站與部落格均以直接形象呈現為主;五、候選人部落格超連結運用情形仍未普遍;六、線上捐款尚未盛行。 本研究並發現,候選人部落格(Candidate Blog)普遍具有混雜(hybrid)的特質, 因此不適用於過去部落格之「非個人即議題」或「非議題即個人」全然武斷的劃分,建議後續在探討部落格時,應視「候選人部落格」為一獨立子題予以討論。

建構以語意社會網路為主的部落格入口網站 / Building Semantic Social Network-Based Blog Portal

余承遠, Yu,Cheng-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0的提出,主要的概念是以Web為平台,以「個人」為中心,透過群體智慧的方式來共享與產生知識,例如維基百科、部落格等。部落格提供了個人自由創作與發表文章空間,主要以RSS、Trackback為共有標準,服務提供者可另外加上自訂功能。然而部落格每天所產生的文章量相當龐大,我們是否有辦法在這些文章中,找出符合使用者想看的文章。本研究期望建構一個部落格入口網站,分析目前部落格使用的特徵,比較與目前Web環境差異;引入語意網技術,針對Metadata處理資訊,設計本體論(Ontology)來描述人、文章與標籤之間的關係並建立簡單分類;導入大眾既有經驗與人脈網路建立,觀察社會網路所能提供的貢獻;實作上將透過特徵分析來設計Crawler,自動抓取並解析文章,並建置入口網站,進行資料的分析與驗證,探討加入語意網與社會網路分析的結合所能帶來的效益。 / The Web 2.0 is based on the main concept "individuals" as the center, through the collaborative wisdom to share and to generate knowledge on the Web, such as the Wikipedia, Blog, etc. Blog provides a space for the free creativity and posting articles from individuals. Based on RSS and Trackback service providers can set an additional function. However, the daily amount of articles issued from the Blog is enormous. How can we provide methods for users to find their interesting articles? This study hopes to build the Blog portal and analysis of the current Blog features compared with the web environment. We use semantic web technology and focus on metadata processing. The ontology describes the relationship among persons, articles, tags and a simple categorization. Folks experience and relationship are established and observed with the benefits from social network analysis. In this study, we implement a crawler, and automatically grab and analysis articles. With constructing the portal, we extract information and discuss the benefits of using combination semantic web and social network analysis

代言人網誌日記形式廣告之溝通效果研究 / Communication effects research of endorser advertising on blog diaries

黃子潔, Huang,Tzu-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網誌成為網路世界的新寵兒,一種新型態的廣告「代言人網誌日記形式廣告」也應運而生。本研究以「代言人類型」與「置入方式」兩變項對此新類型的廣告之溝通效果三面向「回憶效果」、「品牌態度」與「購買意願」做初步的探討,並設計了三種不同的代言人類型與兩種置入方式共六種實驗廣告,於網路上徵求受測者並進行問卷之收集。 本研究結果發現如下:在「回憶效果」與「購買意願」兩應變項上,「不同類型代言人」與「不同型式置入」均會對其產生顯著影響,而在「品牌態度」應變項上,僅「不同類型代言人」對其產生顯著影響。同時,在此三面向之溝通效果上,均呈現出「一般消費者代言人」效果最佳、「名人代言人」效果最差的情形;在「回憶效果」與「購買意願」上,則均呈現出「文章中置入」形式效果優於「文章外置入」形式的情形。「代言人類型」與「置入方式」間的交互作用在此三面向之溝通效果上均未達顯著性。 / “Blog diaries written by product endorsers” is a new form of advertising promotion as blog becomes more popular in Internet world than ever. ”Endorsers types” and “product placement types” are the two independent variables in the study to investigate the three aspects of advertising communication effects—“recall effects”, “brand attitude”, and “purchase intention.”— which are the dependent variables in the study. The formal experimental commercials are six different kinds in total based on three endorser types and two product placement types and posted in Internet for questionnaires collecting. The results are both the different endorser types and the different product placement types have significant influences on “recall effects” and “purchase intention” aspects, but only different endorser types caused significant influences on “brand attitude” aspect. The typical consumer endorser is most effective type in all of three kinds and the celebrity endorser is the worst one on every advertising communication effect aspects. “The inside placement” has the better effect than “the outside placement” on “recall effects” and “purchase intention” aspects .The interact between “the endorsers types ”and “product placement types” are not significant in the three aspects of advertising communication effects.

YouTuber對美妝消費者購買決策影響之研究 / The influence of YouTuber on consumers’ decision journey in the cosmetic products

蘇品伃, Su, Ping Yu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊時代來臨、社群媒體普及,現今的消費者有能力從網路尋找多元的資訊進行購買決策,消費者也能互相交換資訊。YouTube的時尚美妝影片數量多、內容豐富,消費者在尋找產品或使用教學的影片時,會將其作為搜尋來源之一,並相信這些內容不具商業利益,客觀且公正。 美妝YouTuber樂於創作影音內容,分享產品資訊、購物經驗、和生活事物等議題,進而培養出一群訂閱的觀眾,成為具社群影響力的網路名人;然而這些YouTuber如何影響消費者、為何能吸引特定族群的消費者,目前國內外相關的研究仍十分稀少。 本研究以美妝影音部落格和美妝消費者為研究對象,探討「美妝消費者的購買決策過程,及其如何受到YouTuber之影響」,採用質性的網路民族誌 (netnography) 作為研究方法,先搜集三個YouTube熱門美妝頻道的網路資料,參與留言區的討論,再訪談十六位千禧世代的美妝消費者。本研究發現:一、創作者和觀看者透過YouTube凝聚成美妝「社群」;二、美妝YouTuber具備「發起者」和「影響者」的角色;三、美妝消費者的行為和態度可能受到人氣YouTuber影響。 / Nowadays, consumers search information about products, prices and distribution on the Internet before their purchase decisions so that social media has radically changed the communication landscape. Consumers are able to share their purchase experiences online and interact with other users. More and more users are using YouTube as a search engine as well as looking for makeup tips, tutorials, and product recommendations because consumers would believe these user-generated contents are reliable and trustable. The aim of this research is to explore how YouTubers of beauty industry in Taiwan, have influenced their viewers and to what extent this influence on the purchase decision process. This study uses a qualitative approach ‘netnography’ as the main research methods to collect data. Three YouTube beauty channels were observed and participated; additionally, 16 in-depth interviews with millennial consumers were conducted. The research finds out that YouTube beauty channels can be seen as communities where relationships between YouTubers and viewers is formed. YouTubers are the initiator and influncer on the purchase decision journey. The study also found that the popularity of YouTuber may affect consumers’ behaviors and attitudes.

重返集體狂歡的年代?探索Live實況直播的意涵-以遊戲實況為例 / Return to the era of carnivalization? Exploring the significance of Live Streaming Video in game live case

黃勝淋 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以近年來日益普及的實況直播為主題,從研究者自身的遊戲實況使用經驗出發,希望從宏觀的角度去理解:實況直播此一新興媒介技術是如何被人們所使用、其傳播的內容與形式又有何特性及意義。   基於上述問題意識,本文主要引介三個理論概念:Huizinga的遊戲人、Bakhtin的狂歡化以及McLuhan媒介即訊息的概念,試圖藉由前二者的理論來分析實況直播作為一群眾參與媒介互動場域的特性,並進一步延伸McLuhan的媒介觀點,以探看實況媒介技術在當代的實存意涵。   由於現今實況類型與平台相當多元,本文選擇以研究者本身最為熟悉的遊戲實況平台Twitch.tv為分析場域,並同時使用網路民族誌與深度訪談法二種方法來進行資料蒐集。本研究發現,聊天室或訂閱贊助的回應功能強化了觀眾作為「參與者」的地位,而實況也成為一個眾人共同參與、玩耍(Play)的暫時性媒介場域。本研究也指出,聊天室時常出現的洗頻現象其實是一種群眾的集體起鬨過程,而群眾的言談行動之間也充滿日常生活所不容見的、狂歡化的性質與氛圍,人們並藉此解放日常生活的限制與壓力。   此種隨時隨地且即時發生的「媒介狂歡」其實代表著,透過參與實況媒介,人們得以隨意地在集體連結與個體自由之間來回,這不僅是如同黃厚銘與林意仁(2013)所描繪的「流動的群聚」,更是呼應了McLuhan所預言的「再部落化」的意涵,人們宛如重返部落時代的集體參與、互動的即時現場,而此種變革更可能重塑人類的感官經驗、社交生活乃至存有本質。 / Inspired from researcher’s experience of using live streaming media, this study aimed to understand the usage of this new media technique, what characteristics it shows and what significance it implies. Based on the goals above, three main theories were referenced, including Johan Huizinga’s “Homo Ludens”, Mikhail Bakhtin’s “Carnival” and Marshall McLuhan’s concepts about media technology. Researcher analyzed the characteristic of live streaming media as an interactive field based on the first two theories mentioned, and further discussed the meanings and influences of live streaming media with McLuhan’s theory of media viewpoint. This study chose twitch.tv to be the field of analysis because researcher is familiar with it the most and took Netnography and In-Depth Interview as research methods. The result of this study indicated that the reply functions on streaming platform allow audience to participate, making the streaming media as a temporary interactive field where audiences can interact and play with others. Moreover, when a live streaming is on, the unceasing comment spamming phenomenon by users in chat room can be explained as the crowd at a Carnival, which is unusual and inappropriate in daily life. Therefore, users can release the pressure in their everyday lives. Such Carnival form of live streaming media indicated that people are free to move back and forth between collective connection and personal space, which is not only similar to the concept of “mob-lity” proposed by Huang & Lin(2013), but also embodied McLuhan’s idea of “re-tribalize”. The participation and interaction among streaming media users may reconstruct the sensation and nature of the human beings.

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