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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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創新機會成長對消費部落規模影響之研究 / A study of the effect of the development of innovative chances on the scope of consumer tribes

林木花, Lin, Mu Hua Unknown Date (has links)
新商品上市後造成流行的機率低於25%(Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1990;Cooper, 2011),但Rogers(唐錦超,民95)的創新擴散模型實驗卻提出若早期採用者接受新商品並分享他們的創意使用價值,則能影響早期消費大眾較快且容易接受新商品且在市場上誘發流行。因此本研究的動機是希望透過資訊技術,首先確認早期採用者存在於網路族群之中,再萃取被網際網路大量資料包圍的網路早期採用者與其在新商品的創意使用價值資料,希望能夠藉此影響早期消費大眾的接受意願,並跨越他們之間的鴻溝(Moore, 1991)。 本研究目的是探討即使網路早期採用者與早期消費大眾兩者之間無實體的社會關係網絡時,網路早期採用者所創造的新商品創意使用價值,還是能夠影響早期大眾消費者購買的意願,以形成一種新型創新擴散模式。實作上是將網路早期採用者的創意使用價值,設計成廣告宣傳單直接刺激早期消費大眾,觀察新商品是否被他們接受。經過購買意願問卷回收、整理和分析消費者族群與接受程度,證實網路早期採用者的創意使用價值確實能引起早期消費大眾往高購買意願的族群移動。 再者,企業為了能夠在市場生存競爭獲勝,必須比其他同業更早挖掘出稀少且有價值的資訊幫助新商品跨越鴻溝,協助企業獲得更多的利益。雖然本研究提出的新型創新擴散模式,能提高早期消費大眾接受新商品的意願,但是在人機互動的資料分析過程中,耗費過多人力。因此本研究再根據文字探勘的IDF概念提出ICF演算法,藉以縮小決策範圍並且得到效率前緣的機會點,依然能在眾多的資料中也萃取出網路早期採用者的微弱創意使用價值,同時降低人工作業、專家主觀解讀和決策制定的複雜度的問題,得到高品質的效率方案。 / The chance for a new product to be prevalent is lower than 25% (Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1990; Cooper, 2011). However, in Rogers’ innovative diffusion model (Rogers, 2003), he proposed that if early adopters accepted new products and shared their innovative use value with others, the early majority may accept the new products quickly and readily. First of all, this study intends to use information technology to make sure that the early adopters exist on the Internet world. Then the author tries to extract innovative use information employed by the early adopters who are surrounded by huge amount of information. Hopefully, the early majority can be affected by such measures. That is, in the process of consuming merchandise, consumers tend to build mutual affections, value, and psychological sensation. This may enable the new products to cross over the chasm between the early adopters and early majority (Moore, 1991; 1995). The purpose of this study is to explore the innovative use value created by early adopters existing on the Internet world. It is to affect the purchasing intention of the early majority when there is no social relationship network between early adopters and early majority so as to build a new innovative diffusion model. In order to achieve this, the innovative use value created in the Internet by the early adopters was designed as commercial fliers to directly stimulate the early majority. It is used to observe whether new products are accepted by the early majority. The experimental results proved that this measurement surely can move the early majority toward groups with high intention. Moreover, talking about the continuing existence of a business, one needs to find out the rare and valuable information in the early stage in order to make the new products to cross over the chasm. The new innovative diffusion proposed by this study is able to extract the innovative use value created by the early adopters in Internet. And, for the purpose of reducing manpower and contracting the weak innovative information created by the early adopters, this study was conducted by using ICF algorithm which is derived from IDF concept existing in the text mining. It is to narrow the range of policy making, gain the chance point from the effect frontier, improve the quality and efficiency when making a decision, and reduce subjective judgement made by experts, which may help decision makers to make an effective policy based on their advantage and preference, and in the end, to reduce the complexity of making a policy.

台灣原住民保留地劃設保留區之研究─高雄縣桃源鄉個案分析 / Study of Setting the Indigenous Reserved Area: Case in Taoyuan Township of Kaohsiung County

城忠志 Unknown Date (has links)
原住民族長期生活於山村地區,有著特殊民族文化維繫個人或團體間長期的互動,惟日本時期沿襲迄今的保留地制度,無論是空間區位的選擇或增劃編地點的決定,原住民族毫無參與的餘地,導致無法妥善勘選區位適當的土地作為原住民保留地使用,進而使文化傳承、經濟生活所依賴的母土逐漸流失;近年來受國外原住民保留地經營管理成功案例的激勵及民族意識的興起下,原住民發起三次還我土地運動,而政府部門在增劃編的回應中,也認真的思索保留地興革的建議,遂在學者專家及原住民族菁英的討論過程,凝聚回復傳統產權共有舊制的共識。   憲法增修條文第十條第十二項對原住民族基本權的規範,含有「制度保障」之意涵,因此原住民族土地管理法規,是有提昇為法律位階之必要性,爰由內政部研定「原住民族土地開發管理條例」草案,刻正依法定程序送請立法院審議中。按該條例草案異於前之管理辦法者,在於增加了「原住民族保留區」的制度設計,新制在原住民族社會已有共識,惟尚缺乏個案研究的實證分析,因此難以辨別制度可能引發的後遺症,爰有本研究就桃源鄉進行個案分析驗證。   本研究以國外學者Elinor Ostrom在制度經濟學對共用資源共管機制的制度設計原則,來檢驗分析個案在保留區新制實施過程中,可能衍生的問題,以實地問卷訪談的方式進行調查;嗣經得知劃設原住民族保留區可以解決桃源鄉現存的保留地問題,而劃設地點以該鄉梅山村及寶山村最適宜,惟應建立一套劃設指標據以實施且應有相關配套措施,最後根據當地原住民的意見反應,證明集體決策理論觀點,適合運用在劃設原住民族保留區的決策過程。   此外,在後續研究的部分,本研究亦建議:桃源鄉小規模群體自主治理的資源利用方式,可否全面運用到保留區新制,有待與其他個案比較分析及探討,而欲達此政策目的,必須選定實驗區域,進行試驗及檢討,方得確保制度設計成為法律後,能夠彌補現行保留地措施肇致政府失靈與市場失靈的缺失。 / Taiwan indigenous people have lived in mountainous area for centuries. The interactions between their individuals and groups are regulated by specific cultures. However, the Reserved Land Institution began with Japan Colonist Era does not allow indigenous people to chose the place they live in by themselves. It made improper zoning. urthermore, it led to the land, which had supported their cultural and economic life lapsed gradually. In past twenty years, encouraged by the international indigenous movements and domestic ideology wakening, Taiwan indigenous people had held the Return My Land Demonstrations for three times. Government began to deliberate the reform of Indigenous Reserved Land Institution, and acquired conclusions after long-term discussion between government, scholars and indigenous elites. One of the conclusions is to revert to the traditional land tenure co-owning institution.   According to the Added Article of the Constitution (article 10, item 12) , this country has obligation to protect the basic rights of indigenous people with formal institutions. It means the Indigenous Reserved Land Developing and Managing Regulation needs to be promoted to a formal law. At this moment, The Legislative Yuan is deliberating the Indigenous Reserved Land Developing and Managing Law drafted by the Exclusive Yuan. A new designing named Reserved Area was made in it. This new designing was agreed by most of indigenous people. However, there is no empirical analysis to it and its side effect so far. Therefore, this research examined the Reserved Area Institution by case study in Taoyuan Township of Kaohsiung County.   The theoretical basis of this research is the institution designing principles of common pool resources self-governance, which addressed by Elinor Ostrom. Meanwhile, the investigation was processed by questionnaires. After the analysis, this research pointed that Indigenous Reserved Area Institution can solve the problems of Reserved land in Taoyuan Township now. The most proper locations of Indigenous Reserved Area are May-Shan and Pao-Shan villages. In farther step, it needs relative supporting measures and concrete area setting index. Beside, base on the responses of local residences, the research proved that Collective Action Theory is proper to be applied in the decision making process of setting the Indigenous Reserved Area.   In the end, the research suggested: the way people in Taoyuan Township governing their resource is not definitely proper to other indigenous groups. The precondition of implementing the new designing is to make more case tudies, compares and analysis. It is necessary to have small-scale experiments in advance. In the way, it can just correct the market failure and government failure caused by on going regulation when the new designing becomes a formal new law.

寬頻網路與數位內容發展前景與關連之研析 / A Research on Prospects and Correlation of Broadband and Digital Content

王正德, Wang, Cheng-Te Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,寬頻網路與數位內容的興起,受到世界先進國家的注意。在台灣,寬頻網路與數位內容不僅是產業界及學術界熱門的研究及發展課題,也是政府既定的產業政策方向,但卻少有研究同時針對兩者進行完整的討論和其關連之研析。 本研究旨在針對科技、產製、市場、經營與政策五個面向,透過文獻分析與深度訪談法,從趨勢發展的角度探討數位內容與寬頻網路彼此的前景和關連。 本研究認為,寬頻網路與數位內容在科技、產製、市場、經營及政策等面向上的發展關連緊密,彼此相輔相成,並可以產生整合的效果: (一)科技面:寬頻網路傳輸效能與效率的提升,加上科技匯流與IP網路的整合,提供內容已成為寬頻網路必然的發展趨勢。 (二)產製面:數位內容可以發展多元創新的應用,主要仍是寬頻網路的推波助瀾,因此寬頻網路未來勢必成為數位內容最重要的傳輸通路。 (三)市場面:寬頻網路與數位內容的市場需求彼此重疊。提供加值內容可以創造寬頻市場的範疇經濟優勢,透過寬頻傳輸則可以擴大數位內容的市場規模。 (四)經營面:寬頻網路與數位內容經營者的核心能力不同,彼此價值鏈的關連緊密,並可以提供創新和多元的經營模式。 (五)政策面:世界重要國家都很重視寬頻網路與數位內容的推展,同時推展寬頻網路和數位內容可以滿足彼此在政策上的供給和需求關連。 在台灣,近年來寬頻網路和數位內容產業發展迅速,但少有相互合作以發揮整合優勢的成功案例,另外在寬頻連線速率和線上內容的品質方面,也還有進步的空間。因此,政府除應持續加強寬頻網路和數位內容的推展,也可以同時思考寬頻網路與數位內容產業政策之間的支援與整合。 / While the upsurge of broadband and digital content has attracted considerable attention in developed countries recently, in Taiwan, despite the fact the fixed official policy has propelled the R&D on the subject either in the field of industry or academia respectively, integrated program researches are inadequate. This research aims to explore the prospects and correlation of digital content and broadband through literature analysis and intensive interviews, focusing on five dimensions of technology, production, market, operation, and policy. In conclusion, the broadband and digital content developing cooperatively and coordinately results in synergy out of the five facets as below: A.Technology:The upgrade of transmission effect and efficiency, as well as the digital convergence and IP network integration, broadband entrepreneurs offering content has inevitably become a trend. B.Production:Broadband fostering the growth of digital content enables it be applied in an innovative way, making it definitely a significant transmission material for digital content. C.Market:The market demand of broadband and digital content overlaps, and the economy scope advantages in broadband market is reachable when broadband is provided with value-added content. D.Operation:Broadband operators and digital content operators, closely correlating with each other in value chains, vary in core competence, which may innovate and variegate business models. E.Policy:Most advanced countries have been making efforts to promote broadband and digital content, while the policies of broadband and digital content are both enforced, the supply and need of both industries can be fulfilled. Despite of broadband and digital content industries developing in Taiwan in recent years, successful synergy cases out of cooperation between broadband and digital content run short. The speed rate of broadband access and the quality of online content issues remain to be strengthened. It is suggested that the government persist in popularizing broadband and digital content, besides working out interdisciplinary policies for broadband and digital content.

時裝設計產業智慧財產保護之研究 / A study on the intellectual property rights in apparel design industry

古詩苹 Unknown Date (has links)
快速時尚為目前服飾零售業的主流經營理念,快速時尚服飾零售業者自時裝週伸展台上的華服汲取靈感,透過對供應鏈的設計與改良,縮短產品自設計、生產到上架的時間,販售高度客製化的流行服飾產品。同時,隨著網路購物市場持續膨脹發展,網路購物模式不斷新生,如團體合購與代買、代下標、連線等突破跨國購物障礙的中介服務。快速時尚的即時生產概念與暢通的網路通路,彷彿仿製時裝的雙翼,使之如蒲公英的種子般輕盈地飄落全球、遍地開花。   在仿製時裝的態樣及規模皆與過往顯著不同的當下,智慧財產權相關法律制度是否賦予原創時裝設計師保障?在專利權與商標權方面,由於時裝設計的流行性本質與新式樣專利之創作性要件有所矛盾,亦不易符合立體商標之識別性要件,且專利權與商標權須申請註冊獲核准始受保護,設計師得花費大量時間、費用及作業勞力成本,所費不貲,設計師與欲藉該二種智慧財產權維護其權益,既有難度也不適合。而在著作權方面,本研究一一檢視著作權取得要件後,則認為時裝設計為得受現行著作權法保護之客體,且不限於平面形式之時裝設計圖,立體形式同受保護,原創時裝設計師得依該法主張權利。   我國司法實務見解及近期行政函示亦肯定時裝設計受著作權法之保護,認定抄襲改作屬侵害他人時裝設計作品著作權之行為,就此本研究擇我國時裝設計侵權訴訟中的代表性案例,分析法院判決理由。本研究另挑選美國最新時裝設計侵權訴訟二案,進行個案分析,自該二案例顯見於法律並未明文保護時裝設計之情況下,訴訟並非有效對抗仿製時裝之手段。   最後,本研究以產業分析、法律分析及個案分析之研究結果為基礎,分別對政府與企業經營者提供建議:政府應釐清時裝設計產業政策走向,選擇較適我國之快速時尚服飾零售業扶植之,繼而朝有利發展快速時尚服飾零售業之方向解釋著作權法;我國快速時尚服飾零售業者應穩固基礎建設、善用網路通路,前進大中華市場;我國原創時裝設計師則應注意各國法制動態,提升商品與服務品質,並把握利用侵權訴訟宣傳行銷品牌之機會。

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