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考慮政府預算限制下經濟政策效果:小型開放體系之探討嚴宗大, Yan, Zong-Dai Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 導論。
第二章 政府預算限制與經濟政策效果。
第三章 小型開放體系模型的設定。
第四章 各種政府政策之含義。
第五章 結論。
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小型開放體系下收支調整政策與最適外匯準備的研究曾明煙, Zeng, Ming-Yan Unknown Date (has links)
Heller. Flander的測度法,分別計算我國理論上的最適外匯準備水準,並與實際外
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從軍事專業主義的角度探討改革開放後的中共軍隊與黨軍關係南慧瑄, Nam, Hye Sun Unknown Date (has links)
本文借用新軍事專業主義概念,自軍事專業性、政治角色、經濟角色與影響力等的面向,分析改革開放時代解放軍的轉變。1950年代以後的毛澤東雖然重視軍隊的軍事專業能力,卻因過度強調軍隊的政治角色而其軍事專業能力的發展難免遭到嚴重破壞。在此過程中,解放軍雖獲得極高的政治影響力,但其工具性甚強,結果毛澤東時期的解放軍逐步變成為「腫、散、驕、奢、懶」的組織。 這不可避免地影響解放軍的戰鬥能力,在韓戰和中蘇衝突等的實際戰場上,解放軍也至少沒有打敗,不過毛時期軍事現代化的確遭到阻力,而解放軍的軍事能力也跟著被削弱,中越邊界衝突也顯示此情形。很明顯的,此種軍隊嚴重阻礙中共國內政治的健全發展,因此鄧小平決定抑制軍隊的政治影響力,深感展開軍隊專業改革的必要。且當時中共中央對國際局勢的認知上的變化以及改革開放的推動也有助於軍隊改革的展開。結果,一方面以人事調整及軍隊教育的改革等的措施來逐步提高軍隊的專業能力,以有助於解放軍的現代化與正規化發展。在另一方面大大減少國防預算,也因此軍隊為了彌補國防預算的不足,開始經商,軍隊的經商雖然一邊看來破壞軍隊的專業能力及其形象,但另一邊卻增強軍隊影響力,是因為軍隊可以經商是指軍隊對自己所需的財政可以獲得控制力,也因此對解放軍來講,經商也許是個兩面刃,它在一邊削弱軍事專業能力,卻在另一邊它會變成為增強軍隊對財政的控制力。與此同時,解放軍在中共中央領導層佔的比率也逐漸下降。看來,除了軍隊經商所造成的後果以外,解放軍以開始朝向所謂「專業軍隊」的方向發展。
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引用文獻索引資料庫之比較研究 / A Comparison Study of Citation Indexing Database陳薇竹, Chen, Wei-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
引用文獻索引資料庫在Institute for Scientific Information(ISI)建置了Science Citation Index(SCI)與Social Science Citation Index(SSCI)以後,逐漸為學術界所重視,也帶動了傳統商業公司發展引用文獻索引資料庫之風潮,其中又以Science Citation Index-Expanded(SCIE)及後起之Scopus最為人稱道。但由於傳統商業公司對學者及圖書館收費過於高昂,引起學者及圖書館的反動,興起一陣由計畫及少數商業公司所發展,開放存取引用文獻索引資料庫之風潮,其中又以Google公司製作的Google Scholar,及NEC公司隨著計畫建置的CiteSeer最受人注目。 / 本研究採取實作法為研究方法,評比四個引用文獻索引資料庫的檢索介面及檢索細項之優劣。並以美國計算機械學會(ACM)頒發的杜林獎之50位得主為樣本,對SCIE、Scopus、CiteSeer及Google Scholar四個引用文獻索引資料庫進行作者檢索,逐一過濾檢索結果後,針對正確的檢索結果進行分析,比較四個引用文獻索引資料庫內部重複性與完整性,並交叉比對四個引用文獻索引資料庫兩兩比較之重複性、獨特性及完整性,並歸納造成此研究結果之原因。 / 研究結果發現SCIE與Scopus的檢索方式較容易,不會造成使用者太大的負擔,檢索方式也較為多元詳盡,其中又以Scopus的作者檢索使用最方便;而Google Scholar及CiteSeer皆主要利用一簡潔的檢索列,較難精準的檢索出所需資料。收錄資料完整度方面,Google Scholar收錄資料最多元,SCIE則涵蓋最完整之學術資源。交叉比對結果可得知,Google Scholar之資料獨特性最高;CiteSeer之收錄資料完整度最低。此外除了SCIE以外,其他三個引文索引資料庫皆收錄大量的網路資源。此外,美國計算機械學會的出版品則在四個引文索引資料庫中,皆扮演重要角色。 / 根據研究結果,對此四個引文索引資料庫提出建議,希望傳統商業引文索引資料庫能增加索引網路資源,並調整收費政策;開放存取引文索引資料庫應改正其書目著錄格式;希望圖書館能增加對引文索引資料庫使用之推廣,並教導使用者正確利用開放存取引文索引資料庫。 / 引文索引資料庫索引之文獻,已對學術評鑑造成很大的影響。圖書館應實地使用並引導使用者正確的利用引文索引資料庫,及使用網路資源的正確觀念。如此方可協助使用者不在浩瀚之網路資源中迷失。 / After Institute for Scientific Information(ISI) made Science Citation Index(SCI) and Social Science Citation Index(SSCI), Scholars progressively took notice of citation indexing databases. Commercial Companies also had begun to expand citation indexing database like the famous products are Science Citation Index-Expanded(SCIE). However, the commercial companies charged too much for using the database. So it excited the development of open access(OA) citation indexing database, instant of Google Scholar and CiteSeer. / OA means that people can use these citation indexing database for free. This paper aims to adopt comparison as four databases’ retrieval interface, and unique and overlap of documents of the subjects of computing machinery and electrical engineering. The research subjects are composed of OA and traditional commercial citation indexing database in the follow: SCIE, Scopus, Google Scholar, and CiteSeer. Moreover, this research retrieved all documents of Turing award winners in the four citation indexing databases, in order to examine these four citation indexing databases’ unique and overlap. / As a consequence, this study provides the findings as follows : Firstly, traditional commercial citation indexing databases (SCIE and Scopus) have the easier retrieval interface and various searching forms. The Google Scholar collects more multiform resources of retrieval results, and SCIE completed collects scholarly literatures. We make a comparison to find that Google Scholar has much more unique data, but CiteSeer is completely less in four citation indexing databases. Besides SCIE, another three citation indexing databases conclude a large number of internet data. Finally, publications of The Association of Computing Machinery(ACM) play an important role in the four citation indexing databases.
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從開放式創新觀點探討NTT DoCoMo平台型經營模式 / NTT DoCoMo’s Platform Business Model:Open Innovation Perspective韓燕甯, Han,Yan Ning Unknown Date (has links)
在現今之行動通訊產業中,面對技術融合、顧客需求多樣化、快速創新的衝即,整個產業結構已發生了根本上的影響。傳統行動通訊產業中的線性價值鏈已不復見,而是重新聚合成全新的價值網,而這個新的價值網跨越了原本各自獨立的產業界線,並經由不同的連結方式,形成新的產業形態,展現出新的面貌。其中,更可以明顯發現,透過許多不同領域能力之結合,可以造就出許多新事業、新市場的誕生。據此,企業為了追求快速創新,便不可能僅憑一己之力,於內部發展出各式各樣之能力。反之,企業必須由外部擷取他人之力,再與內部核心能力結合,與外部關係人建立共生關係,最終達成多贏之局面。據此,Chesbrough (2003) 認為,企業過去「封閉式創新」的作法已不合時宜,未來必須走向「開放式創新」。
本研究在文獻探討的部分,將焦點放在三大議題:開放式創新、經營模式與平台型經營模式。同時,選擇全球行動通訊產業的領導廠商 – NTT DoCoMo為個案公司,從1999年至2007年之公司資料中,歸納出個案公司的三大議題:發展歷程、經營模式與合作關係。
最後,本研究歸納出以下結論:第一:平台型經營模式有利於企業有效且及時地連結外部環境之資源,以實踐開放式創新;第二:企業在追求快速創新之目標時,其所採用之創新模式可依據下述兩種要素來區分:合作關係之廣度與資源投入之程度。而面對不同核心程度之能力時,須採用不同之模式;第三:平台型經營模式由眾多構面組成,而面對不同的構面,企業須採用不同的模式來發展;第四:成功的平台型經營模式必須具備吸引力與主導力。 / Today, the mobile communication industry is faced with the impact of technology fusion, diversified customers’ demand and fast innovation; this industry already changed fundamentally. The linear value chain of traditional mobile communication industry is no more, instead, there is a whole new value net, which is connected in different way to become a new industry. From the result, through the combination of capabilities from different areas, it can lead to many new businesses and markets. According to the above, for the purpose of fast innovation, companies are impossible to develop various capabilities all by themselves inside; instead, companies have to introduce other capabilities from outside and combine with their core capabilities. Through the establishment of ecosystem, it will lead to the all-win situation. According to the above, Chesbrough argues that the traditional close innovation is no more, it is the age of open innovation.
In this research, the literature review focuses on three issues: open innovation, business model and platform business model. Meanwhile, this research chooses the global leading company in mobile communication industry – NTT DoCoMo as the case company and the case study focuses on three issues: history, business model and collaborative relationships.
This research reaches three conclusions. First, platform business model can help companies connect with the environment effectively and timely. Second, open innovation includes two different concepts: open and closed at the same time and these different concepts should be applied to different capabilities. Third, business model is composed of many aspects, and different aspects should be developed by different concepts. Forth, open business model’s paradigm is platform business model and two of platform business model’s fundamental forces are attraction and predomination.
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行動通訊產業價值鏈之分析研究以智慧型手機為例黃軍維, Huang, Chun Wei Unknown Date (has links)
在行動通訊的快速發展下,手機和PDA開始經由多功能整合外,也開始內建開放式作業系統平台,通常使用的作業系統有Symbian、Windows Mobile、Linux、Palm。早期的智慧型手機發展主要是以商務人士為主要服務對象,隨著智慧型手機不斷的整合多功能於一機之下。智慧型手機逐漸從語音的服務轉移到內容服務。智慧型手機目前全球以將近40%的高成長率快速發展。
在產業與個案分析之後,本研究整理出幾個研究發現: 1.智慧型手機在未來幾年的發展會具有高毛利,高成長率的市場機會;2.智慧型手機的研發需花費相當大的資源來做應用軟體和系統平台和硬體之間的整合;3.智慧型手機研發能力門檻相對於一般手機製造廠商高;4.智慧型手機的使用者介面和應用服務將使整個產業的附加價值拉高;5.智慧型手機市場的產品定位從商務人士移轉到一般消費者市場的定位;6.智慧機行動上網加值服務提供使用者內容服務驅向多元化;7.智慧型手機製造商與電信系統業者的合作關係會成為未來主流的商業模式。
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以區塊鏈技術為基礎之電子發票平台研究 / A study of e-invoice system based on Blockchaintechnology苗華斌, Scott Miau Unknown Date (has links)
本研究中六項建構電子發票系統的需求如資料完整性、可驗證性、可用性、可稽核性、不可否認性與可溯源性可被達成。此架構不僅適用於發行一般的消費性電子發票更適用於向企業提供短期資金借貸如發票融資的應用情境。未來,在不同的實作需求下,將可探討整合區塊鏈另一項技術開放鏈(Openchain)以建立混合公開與私有節點的應用。 / Different e-invoice systems are designed to meet different needs and application scenarios. Although these systems areuseful and readily available, researchers and businesses hope to be able to expand the coverage of e-invoice systems using Blockchain technologies.
This study proposes an e-invoice system based on Blockchain technologies which shows anotherapplication scenario of Blockchain technology and e-invoice system. First, a review of about 980 publicationson e-invoicing and Blockchain was carried outwithinformetrics used for further analysis so as to better understandthe development of e-invoice and Blockchain technologies. Second, the concepts and mechanisms of Bitcoin and Blockchain technologies were reviewed. Finally, an e-invoice system based on Ethereumwas proposed.
The proposed system meets the six needs of an e-invoice system: integrity, authenticity, availability, auditability, non-repudiation and traceability. It is not only suitable for issuing general invoices but also can play a role in further invoicing applications such as invoice financing as well as agri-food supply chain traceability. In the future, Openchain or hybrid Blockchain infrastructure that combines public and private nodes can be consideredfor use in this proposed e-invoice system.
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國中校長轉型領導、教師開放型/封閉型人格與學習型組織關係之研究 / Research on the Relations between the Transformational Leadership of Junior High school principals, the Openness Personality/Closeness Personality and the Learning Organization張易書, Chang, Y. S. Unknown Date (has links)
九、對未來研究建議:研究方法可擴大使用問卷以外的方式,研究變項可進一步探討其它影響學習型組織之因素,研究工具應盡量設計符合國情使用。 / This research is aimed mainly to help understand the status quo of such issues in Taiwan as the transformational leadership of junior high school principals, the transactional leadership, teacher’s openness personality and closeness personality, and the learning organization. My further emphasis is therefore put on:
1. the relations between the transformational leadership of junior high school principals, the transactional leadership, teacher’s openness personality and closeness personality, and the learning organization,
2. the relations between the teacher’s openness personality/closeness personality and the principal’s cognitive leadership mode,
3. the analysis of the interactive effects of the transformational leadership of junior high school principals and teacher’s openness personality and closeness personality on the learning organization,
4. the analysis of the transactional leadership of junior high school principals and teacher’s openness personality and closeness personality on learning organization, and
5. the study on the relations between junior high school teacher’s background variables and the learning organization.
This research sampled the teachers in Taiwan by means of purposive sampling and 517 effective samples were received and analyzed from questionnaires delivered to 701 teachers from 20 junior high schools. The research tools used in this paper were the principal transformational leadership scale, the transactional leadership scale, the dogmation scale, and the learning organization scale according to which this research is conducted. The statistic analysis was made mainly according to multi-variables analysis, single variable analysis, independently sampling variables as well as other descriptive statistical tools.
This paper is concluded as:
1. that the status quo of junior high school teacher’s transformational leadership / transactional leadership and teacher’s openness personality / closeness personality, and the learning organization is provided and analyzed,
2. that a junior high school principal, by employing different degrees of transformational leadership, may impose an effect on the characteristics of teacher’s learning organization,
3. that a junior high school principal, in terms of employing transactional leadership, may impose an effect on the characteristics of teacher’s learning organization,
4. a teacher with closeness personality recognizes more details and facts with respect to the learning organization than a teacher with openness personality,
5. that the transformational leadership, used by a junior high school principal, and the teacher’s openness or closeness personality have an interactive effect on the learning organization, but only to a limited degree,
6. that the transformational leadership used by a junior high school principal and the teacher’s openness or closeness personality have a partially interactive effect on the learning organization,
7. that the transformational leadership used by a junior high school principal have more influence on the teachers with closeness personality, and
8. that the background variables of a teacher have a significant influence on his/her learning organization.
This research mainly discusses the results aforementioned and proffers recommendations with respect to the personnel concerned and those who would like to conduct any future research. These recommendations are summarized as:
1. that the education authorities should give an impetus to a learning-typed society by declaring and promoting their policies as well as by designing concrete plans which are aimed to be implemented throughout all educational units, including those at basic level,
2. that symposia characterizing research and study on the learning organization should be held on a regular basis, which may offer teachers an opportunity for further research and study,
3. that a channel of R&S should be established, mainly targeting principals, and the courses should be designed to promote their growth,
4. that a principal should make use of transformational leadership extensively in order to help his teachers ameliorate their recognition of the learning organization,
5. that a principal should make use of transactional leadership extensively in order to help his teachers ameliorate their recognition of the learning organization,
6. that a principal should recognize that a teacher’s openness personality or closeness personality has its impact on the learning organization,
7. that a principal should encourage female teachers, junior teachers, and teachers who do not take on administrative work to participate in the operations of school affairs.
8. that teachers themselves should take part in the de facto operations of school affairs in a wide basis, and
9. that thereupon and with respect to future study that a research method could be applied in ways other than questionnaires, that other research variables could be further included to discover other parameters that might influence the learning organization, and that research tools should be designed to suit local conditions where the researchers are.
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物流共同化作業模式之研究王貴英, Wang, Gui-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
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內生性經濟成長與國際貿易 / Endogenous Growth and International Trade謝戎峰, Hsieh, Long Fon Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是在探討在部門間是固定規模報酬的情況下,傳統的Oniki-Uzawa外生成長模型及現代內生性成長模型,包括Bond,Wang and Yip(1996)、Mino(1996)之兩財模型及Stokey and Rebelo(1995)之三財模型下,均衡成長率的決定與其動態調整過程,並分析比較小國封閉和開放體系下,此二者之異同。
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