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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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政府資料開放關鍵成功因素架構之建構- 以新北市政府資料開放成效為例 / Constructing critical success factors framework for open government data- a case study of open government data implementation in New Taipei City

賴盈霖, Lai, Ying-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
政府資料開放(Open Government Data, OGD)已成為全球電子治理趨勢之一,其帶來開放透明、參與和創新的潛在價值。資料開放幾乎己經是一種不可抵抗的趨勢,資料開放行動不應僅有中央視角,更應緊密聯結於城市規劃,以用於解決城市問題。地方政府推動資料開放政策仍面臨眾多挑戰,採取的行動策略會影響政策推展。為了順利推動並減少阻礙,找出影響地方政府在推動資料開放的關鍵成功因素,是目前地方政府首要思考的課題。 是以本研究旨在瞭解政府資料開放政策之成功因素,建構地方政府資料開放之關鍵成功因素架構雛型。新北市由於其在系統整合的經驗以及資料釋出態度的轉變,故本研究以新北市作為個案,以實務觀點與經驗更為適切地提出政府資料開放之關鍵成功因素架構。藉由文獻回顧國內外影響政府資料開放的因素,建立政府資料開放關鍵成功因素的初步架構,並以深度訪談方式瞭解新北市政府資料開放政策脈絡,蒐集受訪者對於政府資料開放關鍵成功因素之建議,以此為基礎進行架構的修正。最終本研究提出以政策環境基礎作為支持的政府資料開放循環流程,該流程包括資料開放計畫、資料開放準備、資料開放、資料使用、回饋與檢討等5個階段。針對政府資料開放循環流程中不同階段的目標,每階段下有各自相對應的關鍵因素,共計28項因素的政府資料開放關鍵成功因素架構,並針對各項關鍵因素提出之說明與建議,提供地方政府推動資料開放政策之參考。 基於前述研究過程與訪談結果,本研究發現新北市政府推動仍面臨許多挑戰,影響資料開放所帶來的成效不清。這些挑戰來自於政策路徑與規劃、組織管理以及民間溝通與聯結面向,彼此間相互有所關聯,也反映出所需強化之關鍵成功因素。本研究也從新北市推動經驗,提出對地方政府強化資料開放政策之建議,並給予後續研究發展的相關建議。 / Open Government Data (OGD) has become one of the main tendencies for E-governance in the world. OGD offers tremendous potential value for transparency, participation and innovation. Open data has almost become an inexorable trend. In addition, Open data initiatives are not only for central government but also local government, and it should be closely linked with city planning and used to solve city issues. However, local government faces many challenges in open data initiatives. Due to the influence on policy implementation from adopting strategies, it is important for local government to find out Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for open data initiatives in order to promote open data initiatives and remove barriers. This article presents a case study of the open data initiatives in the New Taipei City area, where the government has experience with system integration and the rapid release of open data. The main purpose of the research is to explore the phenomenon of empowering through open data at the local level and propose a holistic framework of CSFs for open data which assist the local government identifies the key issues. By reviewing related literatures and conducting interviews, the study proposed a framework of CSFs for open data with five stages (in terms of planning, readiness, disclosure, use and feedback) and resulted in a list of 28 success factors. The ranking of the success factors is taken into account by the order in which they are presented, mapped onto the Open Data Process. Also, the list of success factors might be helpful for local government to have an indication of what they should focus on. Based on the interviews, there are still some barriers need to be overcome and the results of open data remain unclear in New Taipei City. These challenges come from three major facets: policy roadmap, organizational management and civic communication. Besides, these challenges correlate with each other, and they also reflect on the necessity of strengthen CSFs by local government. Based on the experiences from New Taipei City, the final section of the study provides ways of advancing the open data initiatives with recommendations and researcher reflexivity.

平台型開放式企業的形塑過程:i mode 與 blade.org 個案探討 / Formation of the open platform:case studies of i-mode and blade.org

黃繼平, Huang, Ji Ping Unknown Date (has links)
自從二十世紀末以來,管理學者就開始高倡環境不再穩定,企業必須做出相應的改變,才能維持競爭優勢,持續生存下去。為了適應當今的動盪環境,企業發展出網絡式組織的型態,甚至形成跨越組織、互補共存的「平台」與「社群」。同時,企業也發覺自己無法掌握所有的創新靈感、人才、資源,必須跨越組織的疆界,向外尋求協助,進行「開放式創新」。新型態的組織正在成形,尤其發生在高知識密集或者高科技產業中。台灣以高科技產業聞名事業,供應鏈佈局全球,不久的未來(甚至是現在)極有可能產生諸多新型態的組織,因此我們不得不重視這樣的趨勢。 本論文在文獻探討的部分,把焦點放在三大議題上:開放式創新、平台企業、協作社群。吾人試圖尋找這些互異現象的整合架構,從學者的文獻中規納理論架構,找出形塑「開放平台」的重要面向,分別是「核化」與「拔尖」。接著以NTT DoCoMo從1990年代開始發展的i-mode平台,以及IBM在2005年成立的Blade.org社群作為分析個案,用以證實該理論架構的可行性。 最後,本論文歸納出以下結論:首先,企業建構平台時,須運用組織內部資源,但擺脫組織惰性;其次,當企業本身對平台控制程度高時,由企業來形塑平台的使命陳述。企業本身對平台的控制程度低時,平台需要有替代機制,為平台擬定發展方向;第三,發展平台須掌握最小限度的控制,最大程度的發揮;第四,尋求外部連結必須儘量跨越產業,讓平台有更多不同的應用,使平台擴大;第五,平台的形塑過程是個動態過程。 / Management scholars claim the business environment has been dramatically change since the end of 20th century. Enterprises have to respond the transformation of such environment in order to pursue the sustainable advantage and constant deveplopment. To adapt to the dynamic and using knowledge efficiently and effective, enterprise has changed from bureaucracy to networking and cross-boundary organization, which are the so-call platform or community type organization. In the meantime, enterprises gradually find out that they are unable to deal with all the ideas, human resources and corporate assets. Instead, they have to cross the boundary, seek assistance from outside innovators. New type of organization is going to emerge, especially in the knowledge-intensive or high technology industries. Taiwan is world-famous for its development of high technology industry. Also, networking connections among the high-tech companies are widely expanding all over the world. Therefore, it is expectable that the new type of organization will be formed in Taiwan in the near future, and it worthwhile for us to pay attention to the trend. In the content of this paper, the literature review is primarily focused three major issues: open innovation, platform enterprises and collaborative communities. This paper has tried to put the three different kinds of system into an integrated framework, together with inclusion from the scholars' theories, to conclude that an open platform can be formed in two dimensions. These two dimensions are called "coring" and "tipping". To conduct a case study, the research also chose for purpose of analysis and attempted to prove the feasibility of the integrated framework. The cases were obtained from business operational phenomena of companies respectively: i-mode which is owned by NTT DoCoMo, and Blade.org, which is owned by IBM. The research came to the conclusions in five aspects. First, while building the open platform, enterprise should manipulate the resource of the existing business and try to shed the inertia as well as the bureaucracy. Second, a platform leader has to mould the mission statement for the platform controlled by the leader in a great degree. If the platform is not close to the leader, the leader has to create a substitute institution to replace the function of the leader. Third, a manager has to maintain minimum control to facilitate the members of the platform to develop the function and performance heartily by their own. Fourth, a platform leader should try its best to connect with the outside innovation across the industries and develop various applications for easy access. Fifth, formation of the open platform is always a dynamic process.

中國服務業對外開放的戰略與開放程度分析 / China's opening-up strategy and the degree of openness in its service industry

林佑龍, Lin, Yu Lung Unknown Date (has links)
中國服務業近年來成長迅速,服務貿易額占世界比重亦愈來愈高,且截至2012年10月為止,中國已與香港、澳門、東協、新加坡、紐西蘭、智利、巴基斯坦、秘魯及哥斯大黎加等國家和地區簽署雙邊服務貿易協定,積極對外開放服務業市場。目前臺灣正與中國進行ECFA服務貿易協定的協商談判,因此深化研究中國服務業對外開放的戰略,以及分析中國至今已簽署之所有服務貿易協定的承諾內容與開放程度,是臺灣當前重要經貿課題之一。 本文使用文獻分析法探究中國服務業對外開放的戰略與政策,同時採用Marchetti and Roy(2008)的量化分析法,計算中國目前所有服務貿易協定之開放程度,並探討中國各大部門之開放情形,得到許多重要結論。首先,本文認為中國在服務業對外開放的戰略面和政策面實為相互呼應,於2001年加入WTO之後即全面擴大服務業的對外開放,並且日益重視服務貿易的發展,特別是新興服務貿易。其次,儘管中國於雙邊簽署許多服務貿易協定,但除了對香港(和澳門)新增約10.7%的開放程度之外,其餘國家平均僅新增2.6%的開放程度,可見中國實質開放程度並不高。另外,本文亦發現中國在採礦相關、醫院和旅遊等服務部門,會視部門類型之不同,決定不同之開放對象。最後,文末整理臺灣應於ECFA服務貿易談判盡力爭取開放之部門,並提出若干談判策略建議。 / In recent years, China has made remarkable progress in developing its service industry, and its proportion of trade in services in the world has risen significantly. Until October 2012, China has already signed nine bilateral agreements on trade in services with Hong Kong, Macao, ASEAN, Singapore, New Zealand, Chile, Pakistan, Peru and Costa Rica, showing its activeness and resolution to open up the services market. Taiwan is also negotiating with China about the negotiation of trade in services. Therefore, to understand China’s opening-up strategy and analyze both the content of commitments and the degree of openness in all agreements on trade in services China have signed, have become one of the major economic issues for Taiwan’s government. This thesis used literature analysis method to explore China’s opening-up strategies and policies in its service industry, and applied the quantitative method based on Marchetti and Roy(2008) to calculate the degree of openness in all agreements on trade in services China have signed. Meanwhile, the current situation of China’s service sectors was examined separately. There are three principal findings. First of all, China’s opening-up strategy in service industry is very consistent to its policies. Since China joined the WTO in 2001, it has not only significantly opened up its services market, but also made more efforts into the development of trade in services, especially the emerging sectors. Second, although China has signed many bilateral agreements on trade in services, the real degree of openness is not high. Except Hong Kong (and Macau), which gets approximately 10.7 percentages more in the degree of openness stipulated in the WTO agreement, the rest of countries only get 2.6 percentages more degree of the openness in average. Third, for particular purposes, China would give different treatment to different countries in service industries like services incidental to mining, hospital services, and touristic services. Finally, this thesis lists some service sectors, which Taiwan should strive for China’s opening-up on the negotiation of Trade in Services, and provides some suggestions for negotiation strategy.

政府開放資料使用族群影響力認知評估 -以台灣經驗為例 / Open Government Data Impact Cognition of Data Users: A Taiwan Study

吳昱明, Wu, Yu-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,政府資料開放(Open Government Data)政策的研究蔚為一片學術研究的藍海,成為各國政府、企業以及公民社會共同關注的治理議題。然而,過去研究聚焦於資料品質以及政府開放資料動機等研究,較少關注開放資料使用族群以及開放資料影響力。因此,本研究從使用者影響力認知著手,探討我國政府資料開放現狀,並且盤點開放資料能否體現透明課責、參與協作等精神,並且促進在政治、社會與經濟上的各種效益。 本次研究採用次級資料分析以及質性訪談方式進行,開放資料影響力問卷部分雜揉各國際組織近年來倡議方向編製而成,衡量指標為透明課、參與協作以及政治、經濟與社會預期效益,發放對象我國開放資料使用族群。質性訪談部分,則觸及我國開放資料的政策執行者、倡議者以及服務開發者,蒐集不同角色之間對於開放資料影響力的認知與意見。 研究顯示,我國開放政府尚未走向以資料利用為前提並且促進公民參與協作與創新的階段。在各項影響力指標當中,我國使用族群對於透明指標的現況較為樂觀,但是對於開放資料促進社會影響力部分則前景堪憂,多數受訪者認為當前開放資料影響力不彰的原因在於缺乏良好且具規模的資料轉化機制,除了政府各單位在推動政策上所遇到的瓶頸之外,政府與民間社群對於資料創新也缺乏想像,因此以資料利用為前提來精進政府資料開放政策實有必要,本研究根據結論提出政策與後續研究上相關建議。 / As a field of practice and research that is fast-growing and a locus for much attention and activity, open government data (OGD) has attracted stakeholders from different sectors. The open data movement holds out the promise of improving transparency, accountability, citizen participation. Nevertheless, it is not yet clear if Taiwanese government are truly fulfilling these promises. Current literature on open government data has uncovered a wide range of challenges related to data qualities and barriers of policy implementation. In other words, most of the open data research based on a technology-driven perspective, rather than a focus on the potential public value and social benefits of data to be used. As a result, the purpose of this study is to test an open data impact evaluative framework and reveal the open data impact cognition among data users in Taiwn from a variety of origins. This study adopts quantitative method, applying secondary analysis, and qualitative method, applying interview survey, in the meantime. The research subjects include different data users in this field, such as open government initiators, developers and policy executors. This study shows that the impact of open data in Taiwan is limited. Although Taiwan obtained a top ranking of Global Open Data Index these years, Taiwanese government and civil society hasn’t tapped the full potential of open data on promoting public value or creating social benefits. As open data initiatives spread across the globe, research is needed that can deepen our shared understanding of the open data potential in creating a better democratic society.


姚思敏 Unknown Date (has links)
2000年,民主進步黨籍的陳水扁以39.3%得票率當選中華民國第十任總統,完成中華民國歷史上第一次政黨輪替。陳水扁就任後,台海兩岸的政治關係雖然沒有顯著的進展,但是兩岸在經貿方面卻是屢創紀錄,兩岸貿易金額超越台灣-美國、台灣-日本之間的雙邊貿易額,中國成為台灣最大且最重要貿易夥伴。 任何國家的經濟政策,皆必須因不同時空背景、內外環境及政策目標而適時修訂與調整。特別是在2000~2004年,兩岸先後加入世界貿易組織,彼此的經貿關係從此進入國際經貿框架中。本文希望探討台灣政府如何因應加入世貿組織後的新局面,構思並提出適宜的兩岸貿易與投資政策,並嘗試分析直接通航對台灣的利弊與衝擊。因此,本文選定「小三通」政策、「8吋晶圓廠赴大陸投資」政策以及「春節包機」政策進行個案分析,探究這些政策的成效與影響。 研究結果發現,陳水扁在首次執政期間,對於兩岸經貿的往來相當重視,也提出不少試辦性或開放部分管制措施;然而,這些動作卻是在外在壓力環境下不得不為的動作,缺乏主動性與積極性。此外,扁政府主導的大陸經貿政策受限於多方角力的制約,導致政策開放幅度與內容不盡理想,不能滿足企業的佈局和民眾之需求。本文建議,台灣政府應以積極、開放且主動的策略與中國大陸就經濟層面的議題進行合作與協商,未來亦可朝向「兩岸自由貿易區」的層次邁進,方能有效維持台灣整體競爭力與國家最高利益。

通貨膨脹率與貿易開放性之關係 -分量迴歸於追蹤資料的應用

陳佩玗 Unknown Date (has links)
本文章使用 Koenker (2004) 的追蹤資料分量迴歸模型 來分析貿易開放性與通貨膨脹率之間的關係。此外,本文更考量匯率制度的影響以及探討不同型態的國家樣本間貿易開放性對通貨膨脹率的影響。 實證結果發現貿易開放性只對較高的通貨膨脹率呈現顯著負向關係,若加入匯率制度於模型後,貿易開放性仍只對較高的通貨膨脹率呈現顯著負向影響; 而 OECD ( Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ) 國家的實證結果顯示貿易開放性與不同分量通貨膨脹率之間皆有顯著的負向關係;但嚴重負債國家在大部分的分量下並無顯著負向關係。

臺北縣立公立國中開放學區決策準則建構之研究 / A study on constructing the decision criteria of open enrollment in Taipei County

洪燈旭 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討國內家長學校選擇權發展情形及實施現況,並深入瞭解臺北縣公立國中現行之學區分發入學制度,以建構臺北縣公立國中開放學區入學的決策準則。研究方法部分,先以文獻分析歸納臺北縣開放學區決策準則五大構面與二十四項準則項目,再以模糊德菲術問卷進行調查。模糊德菲術調查樣本為三十八位教育行政官員、校長、教師及家長代表,本研究透過三角模糊數整合專家對準則重要性之看法並以適切性篩選準則項目,最後以歸一化之方式求得各構面以及各項目權重,完成臺北縣開放學區決策準則建構。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下: 1. 「開放學區」是臺北縣公立國中學區制度未來發展可行且具重要性的政策。 2. 臺北縣實施「開放學區」的五項第一層級決策準則構面依序為:「學校因素」、「配套措施」、「交通因素」、「教育設施」、「地理環境」。 3. 「校園安全」、「交通安全」、「學校招生過多或不足的解決方式」、「學生學業成績表現」、「降低班級學生數」是臺北縣實施「開放學區」優先考慮的五項第二層級決策準則項目。 4. 改變現行學區劃分制度,仍需民間單位及家長提出更多家長選擇 權的需求。 / The purpose of this study is to construct a set of standards for the decision-making of open enrollment in Taipei County. To achieve this purpose, this study adopts three methods, including literature analysis, questionnaires investigation and Fuzzy Delphi method. First, the literature review is used to obtain initial indicators; then Fuzzy Delphi method is used to collect opinions from experts in open enrollment, which are to examine the degree of importance and suitability of initial indicators. The practical decision criteria suitable for open enrollment are therefore produced. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Open enrollment policy is feasible and important for the development of school district system of public senior high schools in Taipei County. 2. The decision criteria of open enrollment include five areas : school, supplementary measure, traffic, facilities and environment. 3. The most important five indicators for decision-making of open enrollment are: safety in campus, traffic safety, the solution of shortage of students or over, academic performance, reducing the number of students in a class. 4. It needs parents to bring up the demand of “parents’ choice” to change current school district system.

後 Web 2.0時代開放競爭策略之研究 / The study of the open competition strategy in post Web 2.0 era

楊孝先, Yang, Hsiao Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
以往之網際網路相關研究,並未就 Web 2.0一詞提出簡單明確且涵蓋廣泛之解釋,故本研究首先嘗試提出一 Web 2.0之通用意涵:「網路參與者更容易重組及排列網路元素的網際網路演化狀態。」,並將 Web 2.0從流行名詞轉而充分融入各網際網路服務的階段設定為後 Web 2.0時代。 近年來網際網路已經越來越朝向開放發展,而本研究發現開放的發展主要可分為三個階段:第一,於 Web 2.0時代以前,開放的機制即已奠定基礎,此階段主要的發展來自於技術與架構方面;第二,Web 2.0時代,開放的觀念與能力逐漸成熟,此階段的趨力主要來自於使用者與開發者社群之互動;第三,後 Web 2.0時代,企業之開放策略形成,正式進入商業與程序主導的開放階段。本研究並羅列混搭的類型,以之為涵蓋範圍,結合其成員及網路關係,試圖解構出網際網路的開放生態系。 在說明追求競爭優勢的傳統理論在 Web 2.0時代已經失效之後,本研究針對開放的動態策略互動進行脈絡化整理,建構出擴充超競爭理論的第五個競技場—開放競技場理論,其中,各動態策略互動之內涵與造成的影響分別為:使用者產生內容造成控制權移轉;開放內容混搭突破傳統網站壁壘;以開放 API 解放創新枷鎖;以開放平台收編第三方開發者;以開放社交資料收編中小型網站;以及資料可攜將所有高牆剷平。開放競技場的假想終點,就是一種所有服務、技術、內容,及資料等都完全開放的狀態。開放競技場的網際網路企業,一方面要追求開放以獲得競爭優勢,一方面又要避免達到沒有人有競爭優勢的完全開放狀態。 本研究並認為,台灣網際網路產業由於現存者的不作為,目前並未進入開放競技場,且因為缺乏開放競技場的動態策略互動經驗,廠商普遍而言難以進入超競爭之國際市場,僅能專注本地市場。 / Former Internet studies did not provide a simple and inclusive explanation to the concept of Web 2.0. Therefore, this study proposed a universal meaning of Web 2.0: "the Internet evolution stage in which its participants are more easy to reassemble and arrange Internet elements." Moreover, post Web 2.0 era is defined as the period when the buzzword of Web 2.0 becomes prevalent in Internet services. In recent years, the Internet is becoming more and more open. This study found that the development of openness can be divided into three stages. (1) Before Web 2.0, the open mechanism has already set its root. The development of this stage is a result of technology and architecture. (2) In Web 2.0 era, as the concept and capability of 'openness' are gradually mature, the driving force behind this stage involved the interaction of user and developer communities. (3) Following the formation of open strategy, the effects of business and process are predominant in post Web 2.0 era. The study has also listed the types of mashups, combining the players and their network relationships, to reconstruct the open ecosystem of the Internet. After showing that traditional theories in competitive strategy are invalid in Web 2.0 era, this study contextually discussed and organized the dynamic strategic interactions in open development, which expanded hypercompetition theory into its fifth arena, the open arena theory. The core ideas and consequences of the dynamic strategic interactions are as follows: (1) user generated content to shift the control; (2) content mashups to break the web strongholds; (3) open API to unleash the chains of innovation; (4) open platform to recruit third party developers; (5) open social data to absorb small and middle websites; (6) data portability to tear down all the walls. The end of open arena is supposed to be a status that all services, technologies, contents, and data are completely open to all. Businesses in open arena pursue openness to gain competitive advantages, while prevent total openness where no one has any competitive advantage. According to the study, since the inertia of the monopolistic incumbent, the Internet industry in Taiwan has not currently entered into the open arena. Lacking the experience of dynamic strategic interaction in open arena, it is generally difficult for businesses in Taiwan to tap into the global market, and thus limited to the local market.

創新擴散理論之應用─以財政部財政資訊共享服務平台為例 / The Application of Innovation Diffusion Theory: A Case Study of Open Data Platform of Ministry of Finance

霍達 Unknown Date (has links)
開放政府資料能帶來龐大的經濟效益以及達到透明治理的理念,已成為電子治理最重要的議題之一,各國政府如美國、英國、加拿大無不積極推動開放政府資料政策。我國行政院亦將政府資料開放列為第四階段電子化政府計畫的項目之一,中央機關與地方政府將分別建立開放資料平台,並要求將機關所擁有之資料逐步開放予社會大眾使用。在此背景下,財政部財政資訊中心預建置財政資訊共享服務平台,來達到資料開放政策的目標。本研究目的在於該平台的推動在實務上面臨了哪些困難,後續還有哪些地方需要克服,這樣的經驗能帶給其他行政機關哪些啟示。 本研究首先整理國內外開放政府資料的文獻,其次介紹創新擴散理論,作為財政資訊中心推動財政資訊共享服務平台的階段基礎,並以訪談法蒐集相關資料。本研究最後以議題設定與配對階段、再定義/再建構階段、闡述階段及例行化階段為主軸,分別探討各階段的推動工作與困境。 本研究發現,推動財政資訊共享服務平台的主要工作與困境包括溝通策略、法律規範、分工方式、業務單位的抗拒與資料的價值。財資中心在政策規劃面、組織管理面以及法律規範面仍有改進空間,包括改變同仁的觀念態度、提出明確的評估報告、團隊成員的代表性、訂定行政規則以及與相關單位共商修法議題。未來有意推動相關政策的機關,除了前述財資中心應該改進之處,尚須注意組織文化以及公民參與的部分,讓政策推動的阻力降至最低。 / Open government data (OGD) can brings great economic benefit and promotes more openness in government, it has become one of the most important issues in e-Government around the world. An open data policy was enacted by the Executive Yuan at the end of 2013, both central and local governments should gradually release their possessed data to the public. In the context of open data policy, Fiscal Information Agency, MOF tries to establish an open data platform of Ministry of Finance. However, the open data policy in Taiwan is still in a stage of sprouting, it is an innovation policy and brand new notion to many governments, the objective of this research is to analyze what obstacles does Fiscal Information Agency, MOF meet when promoting the open data platform of Ministry of Finance, and how could this experience be learned. First of all, the research introduces the literatures about open data. Secondly, quoting the Innovation Diffusion Theory as the conceptual framework and conducting interviews. The analysis about the works and obstacles is individually based on the phase of agenda setting, matching, redefining/restructuring, clarifying and routinizing. The results show the main work and obstacles including the strategy of communication, legal norms, division of labor, resistance of agency and the value of data. There are still areas of improvement for Fiscal Information Agency, MOF, such as changing the concept of colleagues, providing a tangible report about open data and the representativeness of group. The lessons from this study are expected to provide insights to the Taiwan government when it tries to engage the open data policy.


小林伊織, Iori Kobayashi Unknown Date (has links)
在中共政權成立的前夕,中國國民黨與中國共產黨都為了爭取東南亞華人華僑的支持而努力。即使東南亞各國尚未承認中共,許多華人支持它,甚至有人為了參加新祖國的建設而歸返大陸。 不過到了文革時期,歸僑及其眷屬被視為.「帝國主義的走狗」,遭到迫害的人甚多,也有人逃到國外。 自從鄧小平掌握實權,推行改革開放政策以來,華僑和華人逐漸被平反,他們對大陸的投資也跟隨著增加。如今,中共為吸引華僑華人的資金,推出各種優待措施。 本論文的主要目的是探討中共改革開放以來的僑務政策,進而試將僑務政策在整個改革開放政策中定位。

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