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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王則霖 Unknown Date (has links)
刑事法的建立與制定,旨在保障人民的權利和維護社會秩序。19世紀前,各國刑罰強調的是隔離與應報思想; 20世紀受到犯罪學實證以及學派影響, 則強調隔離與矯治觀念。其中,1930年至1970年年代是重矯治、重整思潮,但矯正模式主張假釋及不定期刑罰制度,刑事司法人員自由心證及裁量權限過大,導致產生偏頗,故1970年後又回到「正義模式」也就是政策以嚇阻、隔離之觀念為主。 實施正義模式的後果,造成監獄超收及財政負擔增加。監獄的過度擁擠不但危害到監獄的人權,疾病及傳染病的發生也日趨嚴重,在此時空背景之下,開啟電子監控運用於刑事司法的時代,電子監控成為刑事控制的一環,已成為一種趨勢。   本研究以實務個案分析,藉由分析個案公司實際參與台灣、英國法務部的標案,以行為矯正概念,幫助假釋犯回到社會,讓他們提早適應社會、回歸社會,參與電子監控計劃可以讓他們與社會保持互動,不至於脫離人群,且讓他們保持就業,可以照顧子女或出席治療計劃等,免於受到被社會排斥,從而變成社會邊緣人,再次走回錯誤的路,再次變成社會的負擔,再輔以理論之架構,予以逐項分析比較及歸納。

電子商務對於我國統一發票制度之影響 / The impact of E-commerce on the uniform invoice system in Taiwan

陳芬娟 Unknown Date (has links)

大學圖書館電子資源管理系統現況調查之研究 / A Survey on electronic resource management systems of university libraries

何子頎, He, Tze Chi Unknown Date (has links)
電子資源與傳統印刷館藏不同的特質,使其必須以不同與傳統印刷館藏的新模式進行管理,但是館員、館藏和技術三個因素影響了圖書館的電子資源管理工作,造成了許多電子資源難以管理的結果,當館員試著解決這些問題時,卻發現了傳統的整合性圖書館系統無法提供所需的支援,於是電子資源管理系統應運而生。 本研究透過文獻探討國內外電子資源管理與系統的相關議題,並透過深度訪談,以了解國內八所大學圖書館和三家廠商電子資源管理所面臨的問題與解決方法,是否能夠符合圖書館的電子資源管理需求。 根據研究發現,提出結論如下:1.確認不同於傳統印刷館藏之電子資源管理新模式;2.建構大學圖書館電子資源管理系統功能要件及標準;3. 國內大學圖書館電子資源管理負責單位與工作流程;4.我國大學圖書館電子資源管理工作遭遇之困難;5.我國大學圖書館電子資源管理系統與功能;6.我國大學圖書館使用現有電子資源管理系統之困難與對未來新系統之期望;7.廠商電子資源管理系統功能與未來發展方向;8.提升我國大學圖書館使用電子資源管理系統使用率之方向。 最後針對前述研究結果提出建議: 對圖書館的建議:1.簡化、重整現有電子資源管理的作業流程;2.發展電子資源使用評鑑;3.訂定電子資源館藏發展政策;4.電子資源管理的新模式;5.提升圖書館對於電子資源管理的主導性。 對廠商的建議:1.以使用者為導向設計電子資源管理系統;2.發展合作機制,整合圖書館新舊系統;3.提高系統與國內大學圖書館使用環境的整合度;4.加強推廣、行銷電子資源管理系統。 / The electronic resources have many different characteristics with traditional print collections, so it must be managed with new model different from traditional print collections, but the librarian, collection and technical caused the difficulties of electronic resources management. When the librarians tried to resolve these problems, they found that the traditional integrated library system is unable to provide the necessary support, so the electronic resource management systems came into being. The study is explored through literary reviews and in-depth interviews in order to understand the problems and solutions with electronic resources management in eight libraries and three vendors in Taiwan and see if they can support the function required of the electronic resources management. Based on the research findings, the conclusions of this study are: 1.identify the new model of the electronic resources management different from traditional print collections; 2.construction of the university libraries’ electronic resources management function required and standards; 3.the departments are responsible for electronic resources management of university libraries in Taiwan; 4.the difficulties of university libraries’ electronic resources management in Taiwan; 5.university libraries’ electronic resources management systems and their functions in Taiwan; 6.the difficulties of using electronic resources management systems and the expectations of new system; 7.the vendors’ electronic resources management products and their future direction of development; 8.the direction of increasing Taiwan's university libraries use of electronic resources management system usage. Finally, according to the results of the study, several suggestions are provided: For the library: 1.simplified and reorganized the existing electronic resource management workflow; 2.the development of electronic resource usage evaluation; 3. construct the electronic resources collection development policy; 4.the new model of electronic resources management; 5.upgrading the libraries’ dominant of electronic resources management. For the vendors: 1.their systems should support user-centered access; 2.intergrated with the existing systems; 3.intergrated with the other vendors’ systems; 4.appropriated the use of the environment in Chinese; 5.to enhance the promotion and marketing of electronic resources management system.


吳志忠 Unknown Date (has links)
從網際網路的興起,導至許多的相關發展應運而生,一種新型態的數位經濟儼然形成,繼而起之的就是當紅的EC與EB的快速發展。目前許多企業組織紛紛走向走一潮流,在此一時代的大環境之下,企業們紛紛朝向策略性的組織聯盟來發展,他們意識到,唯有以合作性的策略聯盟才能更掌握競爭優勢。而電子化的交易市集,正是它們眼中最佳的追求目標,因為它能夠幫助企業們達成上述一連串相關的理念與願景。  縱使電子交易市集(e-marketplace)的前景一片看好,但目前大部分採行電子商務應用的公司,多著重在電子交易/採購部分,未能重視流程處理,並且仍然處於競爭仍然大於合作的狀態,再者,供應鏈管理上相關活動如訂單、存貨管理等等亦未能融入其中;因此,為能夠使企業有效連結產銷體系,完整建立起全球運籌管理模式,並精確掌握市場需求變化、迅速無誤地撮合買賣及完成交易,故就目前電子商務及產業電子化發展的情況來說,融入了供應鏈管理機制的電子交易市集應該就是一有效可行的解決方案。  目前供應鏈管理之最新發展的模式為CPFR(Collaborative, Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment)模式;此為一流程處理模式,主要強調供應鏈上協同合作流程(collaborative processes)的概念,以促進供應鏈上流程的處理效率,同時藉由成員之間的訊息分享(information sharing) 及整合性企業流程(co-managed)來獲得供應鏈管理之最佳績效。  因此,若能夠在B2B(Business To Business)電子交易市集平台機制中,將CPFR的流程及服務整合入市集平台中,則將會使得企業在這一波產業電子化的浪潮中,更能夠掌握住競爭優勢,故本研究首先根據文獻整理,建立起具有整合效益之電子交易市集之平台架構;進而以協同合作此一運作機制,將CPFR 處理流程之解決方案整合至此交易平台內,以建構出一具有CPFR協同合作的交易平台模式,來描述整個產業電子化在整合供應鏈及交易市集策略運作方式與流程;最後,再針對建構模式中,進行模式各個構面及服務的定義,讓企業清楚的了解合作流程的真正效益及優勢。


陳政益 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技不斷地演進,且普遍地應用於產、官、學界,其中尤以辦公室自動化系統為最;其以電腦化作業取代傳統人工作業,提昇了效率與品質。「電子公文管理系統」為辦公室自動化系統之一子系統,其包含了公文的製作、公文的交換,及公文的傳遞等三大功能。本論文參考國內外相關文獻及相關實務產品,如此,一方面藉由深入分析與比較,對電子公文管理系統架構及內容之描述更詳細,另一方面藉由系統分析方法,建立電子公文管理系統之模型。 本論文內容上共分五章,第一章緒論即簡述研究動機、研究目的、研究問題,預期貢獻,與名詞解釋;第二章文獻探討即針對與本研究之相關文獻作一彙整,其內容包含公文之定義與解釋、公文作業流程、電子交換、辦公室自動化、公文電子化,以及電子公文管理系統等等;第三章研究方法與步驟即描述進行研究時所採用之研究方法及實施步驟;第四章個案研討與分析即將研究之對象,就系統分析、系統功能、使用者,及整體面等觀點,作一深入比較與分析;第五章結論與建議即經由上述研究後,歸納出電子公文管理系統在建置上之建議,以及未來在此領域上之相關探討議題。

電子期刊的資訊組織與取用之研究 / A Study on Organizing and Accessing Electronic Journals

趙慶芬, Chao, Ching-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
傳統期刊資訊組織的方式主要是編目與論文索引摘要,今電子期刊由於透過電腦網路的傳遞,也改變其資訊組織與檢索的概念。而資訊組織方式多元,取用多種管道,也造成使用者檢索複雜而多元的環境。 電子期刊提供全文期刊論文帶給學者專家許多便利,而深受使用者喜歡,但電子期刊也面臨多元取用管道與多元資訊組織的局面。電子期刊管理時要處理書目記錄、全文電子檔,以及二者的連結技術;另一方面電子期刊在資訊組織時涵蓋刊名、期數、論文單篇三個層級書目資料,造成電子期刊組織與取用的困難。 本研究透過文獻探討國內外電子期刊資訊組織與取用的相關議題,並透過深度訪談,以了解國內五所大學圖書館和六家廠商電子期刊資訊組織所面臨的問題與解決方法,是否能夠支援電子期刊的取用理論。 根據研究發現,提出結論如下:1.電子期刊的管理新模式;2.電子期刊使用者資訊取用的理論;3.我國圖書館電子期刊的取用管道;4.我國圖書館電子期刊資訊組織與技術;5.整合檢索系統對電子期刊的價值與影響;6.電子期刊取用的管道多元與紛歧;7.電子期刊取用的問題;8.電子期刊資訊組織與技術多元與紛歧;9.電子期刊組織與技術對圖書館帶來的問題。 最後針對前述研究結果提出建議: 對圖書館的建議:1.以使用者導向設計電子期刊的取用管道;2.電子期刊資訊組織與技術要應支援使用者資訊取用模式;3.簡化重整電子期刊管理的作業流程;4.對於維護多套系統的連結,可以採取自動維護或維護一套系統的方式;5.提供電子指定參考書的論文服務,以及電子期刊和數位學習的結合。 對廠商的建議:1.支援使用者中心取用;2.支援圖書館的電子期刊資訊組織;3.了解圖書館管理多套系統的困境,找到適切的方法;4.整合查尋系統可以多加強Portal和整合管理的功能;5.除了研發和銷售新系統,可以幫助圖書館適應新舊系統的過渡期;6.加入更多學術性的期刊,提昇內容權威;7.加強電子期刊回溯年代,解決禁刊問題 / The traditional ways of organizing journals are mainly to cataloge journals, to write abstracts, and to index journal articles. Today, through the transmission of computer network, the electronic journals change the concept of information organization and retrieval. Moreover, the plural forms of information organization and access also causes users to search information in a more complicated multi-environment. It is more convenient that the electronic journals offer the full-text articles to scholars, and users are deeply fond of it. However, the electronic journals meet with the situation of multi-access channels and multi-information organization. On the one hand, the electronic journals deal with the bibliographic records, full-text files, and the linking technology of both. On the other hand, the information organization of electronic journals contains bibliographic materials in three levels of titles, volumes, and articles. All of them cause the difficulty of organizing and using the electronic journals. This study is explored through literary reviews and in-depth interviews in order to understand the problems and solutions associated with electronic journals organization in five university libraries and six vendors in Taiwan and see if they can support the access theory of the electronic journals. Based on the research findings , the conclusions of this study are : 1.a new model of managing the electronic journals is proposed; 2.an User-centered access of the electronic journals theory is presented; 3.the library provides access to electronic journals through channels in Taiwan; 4.e-journals information organization and technology of library in Taiwan is presented; 5. meta-searching systems have the value and influence on the electronic journals; 6. access channels to electronic journals are multiple and fork confusingly; 7.the problems of accessing to electronic journals are studied; 8.there are multiple and confusingly-forked electronic journal information organization and technology; 9.the electronic journals cause the problem of organization and technology to library. Finally, according to the results of the study, several suggestions are provided : For the library: 1.the channel of the electronic journals should meet with the user’s need; 2.the organization and technology of electronic journals should support the user's needs; 3.it is necessary to simplify and reform the management procedure of the electronic journals; 4. the maintenance of the systematic linkages can be automatic or system-by-system.; 5.it should offer the integrating articles with courseware and electronic reserves. For the vendors: 1. they should support user-centered access; 2. they should support the information organization of the electronic journals for the library; 3. they should understand the difficulty of how the libraries manage the predicaments of many systems to find the appropriate solutions.; 4. Meta-searching systems should strengthen the functions of Portal and meta-management; 5.Except for developing and selling the new system, they can help the libraries to get through the transition period from an old system to the new system; 6.they should promote the authority of content in academic electronic journals; 7. the coverage of electronic journals should be enlarged to solve the problem of embargoes.

電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式應用於大學圖書館之研究 / E-Metrics Assessment Model for the Study of Electronic Journals in University Libraries

張慈玲, Chang,Tze-ling Unknown Date (has links)
由於電子資源蓬勃興起,大學圖書館紛紛引進以滿足師生教學研究之需求,然同時預算規模卻未見增加,加以電子資源市場,尤其是電子期刊部份,每年皆以平均7%~10%漲幅成長,使得圖書館對電子期刊使用及其效益,需要有更清楚的了解與掌握,透過衡量網路化服務與資源品質的方法,除可作為圖書館人員決策參考,並能提供有利的理由以尋求經費支援。 本研究目的希能探討電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑相關理論與研究,以ARL E-Metrics計畫為基礎,對大學圖書館電子期刊提出績效評鑑模式芻議與實證分析。採用研究方法為文獻分析法、深度訪談法與電子計量(E-Metrics)分析法,以國立臺灣大學館藏西文電子期刊為對象進行研究。 經訪談與實證資料分析結果,本研究確認了館藏導向電子期刊的績效評鑑的目的、歸納出電子期刊資源與服務評鑑的程序及方法,並建構大學圖書館電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式與要件,包含電子期刊資源、使用、成本與績效四大類型,合計14項指標,同時並獲得具體電子期刊績效評鑑結果,確認國內大學圖書館進行電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式之可行性。 最後,本研究根據結論,建議可以質化方式進行電子期刊評鑑研究,以獲得對電子期刊資源的全面性瞭解,並對電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式與指標、資料蒐集方式等提出建議。而對於未來研究方向,建議可從朝以下四方面努力:(1)進行網路資源與服務導向電子期刊評鑑模式之研究;(2)開發電子期刊使用統計管理軟體;(3)進行電子期刊成本經濟學研究;(4)進行電子期刊使用紀錄分析之評鑑研究。 / Due to the fast growth of electronic resources, it has become a trend for university libraries to acquire such resources to meet the research needs for their users. The expenditures libraries have to spend for electronic resources, especially that for electronic journals have been raised at average rate of 7% to 10% each year. However, the yearly budget for libraries never has been increased as much. It thus has become important for libraries to identify the real usage of and institutional research outcomes from the acquired electronic journals. The assessment of networked information service and resources quality of it is useful for acquisition decision-making. If there is a positive assessment result, then it will also provide justification for seeking budget support. The purpose of this study is to conduct an empirical study so as to enable formulating an assessment model for electronic journals a library has subscribed. The author firstly explores the theories and researches for the application of E-Metrics as assessment model for electronic journals. Taking the ARL E-Metrics project as a referential model, the author combines literature review, in-depth interview, and E-metrics in the research methodology to do researches about the western-language electronic journals subscribed by the National Taiwan University Library. This study has resulted in very useful assessment statistics for electronic journals. From analyzing the data collected from interviews and the related empirical study, the author is able to verify the purpose of assessment for electronic journals under collection development policy, to formulate procedures and methodology for the assessment of electronic journal resource and, the services based on it, to find out necessary components for E-Metrics assessment model for university libraries which comprises of fourteen indicators of four major criteria of (1) e-journal resources (2) its usage (3) its cost and (4) performance from it. The author concludes that the E-Metrics model is good for university libraries to assess their acquired electronic journals. Based on the findings of this study, the author recommends qualitative research to be the more adequate approach for the assessment of electronic journals and proposed the following four areas for future research: (1) investigation of Internet resources and assessment model for electronic journals under the library’s service policy (2) development of statistics and management tools for the subscribed electronic journals (3) cost study of electronic journals from economics point of view (4) analytical study of access logs of electronic journals.

臺北市信義區公所推行電子化政府之問題與對策 / Problems and Solutions of Promoting E-Government in Xinyi District Office Taipei City Government

林景皓 Unknown Date (has links)
面對資訊科技發展全球化的趨勢與挑戰,網際網路成為各國政府治理的重要手段,我國自1997年推動電子化政府以來,在各界的努力之下,無論在家戶連網率、網路使用率及行動上網率等基礎設施上都已達成相當不錯的水準,電子化政府並獲得不同國際評比的肯定,突顯出我國在推動電子化政府之成效,電子化政府服務亦是政府與民眾間一種交流與溝通不可或缺的方式。 本研究以臺北市信義區公所為研究標的,在我國電子化政府受國際優良評比的前提下,落實在最基層的為民服務機關電子化政府服務,提出相關的研究問題,以了解實務上所提供電子化政府服務的實際執行情形為何,是否為民眾帶來優渥的便利性或是遭遇那些困難點,或只是徒具形式的電子化服務,並探究民眾的使用需求或使用行為是否有哪些改變,藉由研究發現,弱勢民眾及年長者之數位落差、電子化服務身份認證之限制、民眾對於電子化服務管道的陌生、民眾使用電子化服務申辦之誘因不足及對電子化服務系統行動化之需求等。 針對上述研究發現,本研究對臺北市信義區公所電子化服務措施,提出重新定位區公所電子化服務類別、電子化服務邁向行動化、強化區公所電子化政府服務誘因及宣導電子化服務管道、結合民眾資源等四大面向之具體建議,做為基層為民服務機關電子化服務措施精進之參考。 / Faced with the globalization of information technology development trends and challenges, Internet governance has become an important means of Governments, to promote our country since 1997, e-government, under the efforts of all walks of life, regardless of the rate of home Internet users, Internet use rate and rate mobile Internet infrastructure have reached a very good level, e-government and access to various international competitions certainly highlights the country in promoting the effectiveness of e-government, e-government services between government and the public is also a exchange and communication an integral way. In this study, the Taipei Xinyi District Office to study the subject in the context of e-government by the international rating of excellent, implemented in the most basic institution serving the public e-government services, proposed research questions related to the understanding of practice provided e-government services, the actual implementation of the case and whether it is privileged to bring the convenience of the public or the difficulties encountered point, or just a formality of electronic services, and explore people's needs or whether there are some changes in usage behavior, by study found that older people vulnerable populations and the digital divide, e-service authentication of the restrictions, the public electronic services for the pipeline strange lack of people to use electronic services sponsor of the incentives and demand for electronic service system of the action Wait. In response to these findings, this study Xinyi District Office in Taipei electronic service measures proposed repositioning of the district office e-services category, e-services oriented toward action, strengthening incentives for district office e-government services and advocacy e-Services pipeline, combined with the people and resources for the four specific recommendations, serving the public authorities as a reference grassroots measures sophistication of electronic services.

電子書興起對出版業的影響之產業分析與投資應用 / The shock of the emergence of e-books upon publishers, relevent industry analyses, and investment implications

謝菱純, Sie, Ling Chun Unknown Date (has links)
電子書興起,改變了讀者的閱讀方式,紙本書不再是唯一的選擇。電子書的供應鏈由上而下可分為:作者、出版社、DRM業者、網路通路平台、電信業者、硬體載具製造商。隨著科技創新,新的供應鏈創造了參與者新的競合模式,各參與者的商業模式也隨之創新,相較於過去的紙本書市場出版商擁有較大的議價能力之情況,在新的競合模式中,掌握客源的網路平台通路商對於上游的出版商之議價能力大幅提升。另一方面,越來越多作者跳過出版社,直接將電子書的版權賣給網路平台通路商,導致出版商原有的掌握版權之優勢減弱,長期下可能會致使出版社在電子書供應鏈中的議價能力進一步降低。未來隨著科技進步,彩色電子書閱器與結合其他功能的設備將是發展趨勢,但光靠硬體端難以建立他人無法輕易突破的進入障礙,而許多參與者在供應鏈上並非具單一角色,像是Amazon與Apple兼具網路平台通路商與硬體載具供應商之角色,亦即「平台+硬體載具」的雙重獲利模式,而這兩間公司皆掌握了主要的「客源」,是其重要優勢。而Amazon更是透過支援的應用程式,讓非自家載具之消費者也能至自己的電子書店下載電子書,像是iPad、iPhone、藍莓機等等。因此以未來電子書成長後議價能力與賺取現金流之能力的消長預期來看,相較於其他參與者,Amazon與Apple會是較佳的長期投資標的。 / The emergence of e-books changes the reading habit, and the paper-book is not the only one medium of reading anymore. The supply chain of e-books comprises diversified industries, including authors, publishers, DRM providers, online retailers who operate digital bookstores and manage accounts of customers, telecommunications, technology-side players. When technology advances, the new supply chain creates new co-competition model, the business models of players begins to innovate. Compared to paper-book market in which the publishers have stronger bargaining power, in new co-competition models, the online retailers have a huge customer base and therefore have stronger bargaining power over publishers. Furthermore, there are more and more authors who skip publishers and sell the digital right to online retailers directly. That is, the content resources controlled by publishers reduce, and the bargaining power of publishers deteriorates. In the future, producing colorful e-readers will not be a difficulty anymore, but the technology-side players will have difficulty in establishing entrance barrier. However, some participants play various roles across the supply chain, such as Amazon and Apple. Both of two companies play the roles of online retailers and technology-side players, and have double sales resources from plate form and hardware. Beside, both of these companies have large customer base, and it is the critical competitive advantage of Amazon and Apple. Especially, Amazon supports some hardware tools like iPad, iPhone, and Blackberry. As long as the customers download the application programs, the customers can purchase e-books on Amazon.com. From the aspects of potential of growing bargaining power and future discounted cashflows, Amazon and Apple would be better choices for long-term investors.

ICT產業會展行銷策略-台北國際電子產業科技展 / Exhibition marketing strategy of ICT industry- Taipei International Electronics Show

楊雯琪, Yang, Justina Unknown Date (has links)
2013年台灣工業總產值為5,020億美元,總出口值3,032億美元;其中電機電子業產值為2,536億美元,出口值為1,430億美元,佔工業總產值50.98%及出口總值47.2%;產值預估到2020年將達3,200億美金,是支撐整體國家經濟成長動能之主要產業,由此可看出ICT產業之重要性。近年來台灣強調產業升級轉型以應付日趨艱苦的國際挑戰,檢視幾個無法突破關鍵環節的因素,大家都有共識台灣缺少廣大市場腹地,而且,台灣ODM /OEM產品已在國際發光,卻隱形(hidden)在其他品牌光環之下,缺少自有品牌。宏碁股份有限公司施振榮董事長認為台灣不缺人才,只缺舞台,而舞台越大,產業的創價才會越高。據專家測算,國際上展覽業的產業帶動係數大約為1:9,即展覽場館的收人如果是1,相關的產業收入則為9。島型國家如台灣係以外貿為導向之經濟型態,參加國際展覽會是國際行銷相當重要的策略,如果能建構好台灣辦的臺北國際專業展覽平台,提供國際買主來台採購交易,不僅可以節省企業時間,該會展活動除能夠創造巨大的經濟效益,而且還可以帶動交通、旅遊、餐飲、住宿、通信、廣告等相關產業的發展,將可確實掌握互聯資訊,是深具效益的拉式行銷,因此,如此重要的商務活動,ICT產業在會展行銷的策略是值得探討的。然以台灣為例部分專業展會是由所屬行業別產業公協會結合外貿協會資源優勢互補辦理會展,除了解並可深耕產業外,將可運用產業資源全年度無縫隙協助產業迎合趨勢技術升級,並可策動駐外單位資源邀請買主即需求機構來台交流媒合掌握商機。 本研究過程中將以已邁入第41屆的台北國際電子產業科技做為ICT產業會展行銷策略的平台,希冀藉由會展中規劃主題以展演推動2013隱形冠軍推動計畫/2014台灣電子資通訊相關產業展覽推動計畫/2015優勢產業-智慧電子展覽推動計畫,希冀藉由推動,將ICT產業會展行銷策略計畫,結合此國際專業展期間,建置產業主題館(區)、規劃與建置產業地圖,以整體規劃方式呈現該產業完整供應鏈、國際競爭優勢及未來發展等,透過參與式、互動式、體驗式及國際化等推動策略,撕開品牌包裝下的面紗,讓世界認識台灣ICT產業的堅強實力,並讓參觀民眾及國際買主可親身互動體驗,深度推廣臺灣產業優勢並促成商機 / In 2013, industrial output of Taiwan was 50.2 billion US dollars, and 3,032 million US dollars the total export value. Wherein the output value of the electrical and electronic industry was 2,536 billion US dollars, and $ 143 billion the export value, accounts for up to 50.98% the total industrial output value and 47.2% of the total exports. In 2020, the estimated value will be reached 320 billion US dollars; it will support the main industry of the whole country's economic growth momentum, which has appered the importance of the ICT industry. In recent years, Taiwan has been emphasing industrial upgrading and transformation to cope the difficulties increasly by international challenges, by viewing a few key factors unable to break through; we all have a consensus on the lack of broad masses hinterland of the Taiwan market. ODM / OEM products of Taiwan have been well known worldwidely, but among other reputated brands, it has been hidden and laked of its own brand, ACER’s Chairman Stan Shih believed that talent is adequate in Taiwan, but they don’t have good oppunities and chances to perform, otherwise, the more performace, the higher industry value will be created. According to experts estimated, in international exhibition industry, the industrial driven coefficients is about 1: 9, this is, if the exhibition venues income is 1, and the related industrial revenue will be 9, economy of Taiwan is based on foreign trade-oriented economic patterns, so participate in international exhibitions is a very important international marketing strategy. If we could build a well platform organized by the Taipei international professional exhibition to provide international buyers to come to Taiwan procurement transactions, we can not only save time for compromise, but also to promote the development of transportation, tourism, catering, accommodation, communications, advertising and other related industries. In addition, the exhibition activities create huge economic benefits and exactly grasp Internet information. It is an important business activity of the effective pull strategy, as to such an important business activity, the marketing strategy of the ICT industry exhibition will be worth to explore. However, make Taiwan as an example, most of professional exhibition industry are held by each industry associations and combined with complementary advantage of TAITRA resources to handle exhibition. In addition to understand and cultivate industries, the use of industrial resources of the whole year can seamlessly assist industry to catch up the trend of technological upgrading, and instigate resource of overseas units, and invite buyers, this is, demanding mechanisms to have matchmaking for further business opportunities. During the research process, the upcoming 41st Taipei International Electronics Industry Technology Exhibition will be used as a platform for the ICT industry exhibition marketing strategy. By planning theme to visiblize hidden champions in year 2013, promote Taiwan electronic information and communication related industry exhibition in 2014, and give impetus to advantage industry - Intellectual electronic exhibition promoting plan in 2015. Hopefully, by promoting the ICT industry exhibition marketing strategy, combining industrial museum (area) and industrial map which will be built up during the international professional exhibition in order to appear the overall planning of the completely supply chain industy, international competitive advantages and future development. Besides, as enhanced the strength for the world to recognize the ICT industry of Taiwan by promoting policies through participatory, interactive, experiential and internationalization, uncover hidden champions, and let the visiting public and international buyers can personally have interactive experience, take advantage and contribute to promotion of industrial business of Taiwan

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