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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣臉書使用者的隱私權管理 / Facebook users’ privacy management in Taiwan

林宜萱, Lin, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
Given the high penetration rate of Facebook and more than 10 million daily active users in Taiwan, the subject of Facebook became an important focus of study. This thesis attempted to examine how factors such as gender and gender, time spent on Facebook, personal privacy orientation, knowledge, negative experiences and privacy concerns would predict users’ profile privacy settings and their use of privacy protection strategies. By utilizing the Communication Privacy Management theory (CPM), individuals and collectives would develop the rules, known as boundary. In the process of managing one’s privacy, they would coordinate the boundary and also mitigate the disruption to the rules established, known as boundary turbulence. A survey of 1,102 Facebook users in Taiwan through an online questionnaire was conducted over a two-week period from April 29 – May12, 2014, and yielded a confidence level of 95% and a 3% confidence interval. Results showed that 48.6% of respondents were males, while 51.4% were females. Respondents that fell between the age group 25-34 also made up the biggest group among users. Respondents had spent an average of 4.71 years on Facebook at the time of the study, and reported that they spent an average of 3.06 hours on Facebook per day. Facebook users in Taiwan were privacy-oriented, had partial knowledge to Facebook’s privacy policy, and were concerned about their privacy on Facebook, particularly how Facebook utilized their personal user information. As for negative experiences users had on Facebook, over three quarters of them reported the negative experience of being invited into the spammed shopping groups. Respondents also utilized different privacy settings based on the nature of the information on their profiles. Through performing linear hierarchical regression analyses, results showed that gender, time spent on Facebook, users’ personal privacy orientation, knowledge toward Facebook’s privacy policy and negative experiences served as predictors to the strictness of users’ profile privacy settings. On the other hand, gender, age, knowledge toward Facebook’s privacy policy, negative experiences and privacy concerns served as predictors for users’ privacy protection strategies. This thesis contributed to the current research pool in the following ways. First of all, the sample in this thesis was representative of the population of daily active users in Taiwan. Secondly, while numerous previous studies have focused on predicting users' privacy management via privacy settings or the frequency of updating their privacy settings as dependent variables, this thesis also considered privacy protection strategies, such as deleting Facebook friends, un-tagging photos, and turning off cookies on computers. Thirdly, this thesis also considered users' negative experience on Facebook, and confirmed that it was a significant predictor to both users’ privacy settings on profiles, and privacy protection strategies. Keywords: Communication Privacy Management theory (CPM), Facebook, privacy, boundary management, Taiwan

私募股權基金法規規範之理論與實務 / The theory and practice of the legal system of private equity funds

陳育惠, Chen, Yu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究主題是「私募股權基金法規規範之理論與實務」,透過比較法之方式,本論文首先說明外國私募股權基金之實務運作、風險及相關法規規定,再者分析外國私募股權基金在我國之具體個案,瞭解其失敗或成功之原因,以探討我國法律適用於具體個案之相關問題。 本論文分為七章。第一章說明論文研究動機、目的及範圍。第二章闡述私募股權之定義,並探討私募股基金之種類,復剖析私募股權基金之特點及優缺點。第三章分析私募基金可能造成之風險。第四章主要探討先進國家對私募股權基金之規範及監管方式,包括美國、英國、日本等國。第五章說明外國私募股權基金在我國之發展及分析我國私募制度之規範。第六章探討我國政府就私募股權基金併購活動之現行相關法律規範,並探討我國目前法令之缺失或不足。第七章為總結。 關鍵字:私募股權基金、私募、併購 / This thesis focuses on the issue concerning “the theory and practice of the legal system of private equity funds.”By adopting the method of comparative legal study, the author first illustrates the practice, risk and regulations of foreign private equity funds. Further, this thesis discusses the actual transactions conducted by foreign private equity funds in Taiwan. Through the analysis of the reason for the success or failure of such transactions, the author discusses the problems arising when applying current laws to such transactions conducted by foreign private equity funds. This thesis is comprised of seven chapters. Chapter One explains the motivation, purpose and scope of the thesis. Chapter Two illustrates the definition of private equity fund as well as types, pros and cons of private equity funds. Chapter Three analyzes the risks caused by private equity funds. Chapter Four discusses regulations and supervision over private equity funds in developed countries, such as the U.S., U.K, and Japan. Chapter Five states the development of foreign private equity funds in Taiwan and introduces the private placement system of Taiwan. Chapter Six discusses the current regulations concerning M&A transactions conducted by foreign private equity funds and analyzes the demerit or deficiency of these regulations. Chapter Seven finalizes the issues raised in the previous chapters and reaches the conclusion of this thesis. Keywords: private equity fund, private placement, merger and acquisition

台灣有價證券私募制度與企業轉型之個案研究 / Case study on Private Placements of Securities System and Business Transformation

張泰榕, Chang, Tai Jung Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣之公開發行公司,無論是獲利公司面臨成長瓶頸有轉型需求;或是虧損公司面臨財務困難或經營困難有資金需求,紛紛採用有價證券私募制度募集資金。本研究首先探討企業運用有價證券私募制度進行轉型之策略考量,發現企業辦理有價證券私募考量之因素與其動機有密切之關係,動機主要來自發行成本較低與時效性較快、降低資訊不對稱之影響、發行條件容易撮合、企業面臨財務困難或經營困難、藉以進行併購或策略聯盟、企業股價績效不佳以及經營權相對穩固等原因。而私募對象之選擇為私募成敗之關鍵,包括應募人身分、目的及其資金來源與能否配合企業需求皆為辦理私募公司需審慎評估之因素。本論文係以個案公司為例,探討個案公司在面臨諸多挑戰時,如何透過有價證券私募制度選擇與評估私募對象,以及如何運用私募制度取得之資金來達到轉型的目的。而因辦理私募引進私募對象後對股權結構、經營權、組織結構及人事變化影響甚鉅,對企業本身未來發展與其利害關係人亦影響甚大,更顯評估與選擇私募對象之重要性。 本研究發現,透過有價證券私募制度募集之資金及引進新投資人所帶來之附加價值確實可為企業帶來脫胎換骨之轉型契機,善加運用有價證券私募制度所帶來之新資源,可以讓岌岌可危的企業挽救危機,也可以讓營運出現瓶頸之公司得以找出新的營運方向而出現轉機。私募重要資訊主要係由發行公司內部人所掌握,本研究在保障股東權益方面有下列幾項建議可供參考: 一、 私募引進策略投資人應強制要求先公布已洽定之應募人再定價 二、 私募協商之條件或承諾事項屬重大影響股東權益者應強制公開資訊以保障股東權益 三、 經營權實質異動不以全體董事變動是否達二分之一做為主管機關檢視標準將更為有效 四、 若係獲利公司辦理私募引進策略投資人應於私募預計效益顯現且達「公開發行公司辦理私募有價證券應注意事項」所定之補辦公開發行獲利條件時即可提早准許其解除三年閉鎖期間限制並放寬其獲利條件比較基期 / The public companies in Taiwan, either profit companies confronting the bottleneck of growth or loss companies facing the financial deficit or operating dilemma, recently conduct private placement of securities in droves for fundraising. The research revealed that a company conducted private placement for business transformation would consider the fact in connection with its incentive as follows: lower issue cost and quick time effectiveness, reducing the information asymmetric, easy to negotiate the term sheet, confronting financial deficit or operating dilemma, M&A or alliance intention, lower stock price performance and seeking stable right of management. The key success factor of private placement is choosing the right private placee. We need to carefully evaluate the status, purpose, fund source of the private placee. The research use the case company to see how the company conduct its business transformation through the private placement system. The fund raising from the private placement and value-added by the strategy investor could bring a company being reborn through the moment of business transformation. The research also brought up some suggestion to protect the right of shareholders.


洪敦彥 Unknown Date (has links)
代理理論認為,雇主對勞動者,有減低資訊不對稱之需求,從而避免勞動者之任何投機行為與偏差行為損及其利益。不過,雇主為減低資訊不對稱所為之隱私侵擾行為,卻涉及到勞動者資訊生命週期的各個階段,從資訊的獲得、處理、儲存、散播與利用等,皆與隱私權的爭議密不可分,並且同時與管理效能息息相關。 本文以當代之隱私權理論為經,以工作場所中勞動者資訊生命週期的各階段為緯,配合我國法律現況與國際保障趨勢,透過文獻分析法,以及訪談研究後發現:1. 國內雇主的隱私侵擾行為以行為監督、資料監控為主,實施檢測之隱私侵擾行為不若國外發達;2.國內缺少對工作場所隱私侵擾行為之相關立法規範;3.國內雇主實施組織控制的方式有直接與間接兩者;4.隱私侵擾行為同時會為組織帶來正功能與負功能;5. 雇主隱私侵擾行為之動機乃是透過瞭解員工的勞動過程、本身條件,以減低其資訊不對稱的劣勢,目的是為了發揮組織控制之管理功能;6.組織取得臨時員工之個人資料項目較正式員工少,而離職員工的個人資料管理較模糊。最後,本文分別對政府管制、人力資源主管/雇主與勞動者等三方面提供不同之建議,並指出後續研究方向。


呂雅惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分六章。第一章旨在說明本論文的研究動機、所欲處理的企業內電子郵件監看議題的引爆點及研究方法。 在針對監視與勞動隱私的討論中,福特(Michael Ford)指出,當前的監督與過去相較,有過之而無不及,因為資訊傳播科技的興起化解了從事持續監督的經濟障礙。本論文的第二章,首先即由工作場所監督行為,特別是資訊社會電子化辦公場所帶來的新興科技監視型態--電子監視開展。以最常見的監控方式---電話監聽、錄影監控及電子郵件與網路使用行為的監控作為主要的討論內容。 關於企業內電子郵件監控的問題,不論實務見解或相關論述,長久以來,均落入這樣的迷思:雇主確實擁有電腦所有權,雇主為維護企業秩序,有權規定應遵守的紀律。相較於政府行為的侵害,上開二種聯想於是給了雇主監視的堂皇理由。甚且,即使國際勞動基準的建構已漸漸蔚為風尚,然而,此議題亦未獲得應有的關注。因此,本文於第二章希望藉由檢驗監看行為所涉基本權利的侵害,作為喚醒所應珍視之憲法價值的引導。接著論證基本權利的第三人效力與提供基本權利衝突的解決之鑰。 我國對此問題的相關論述多聚焦在美國法,實務見解由結論上看來,也因襲美國法的思維。美國法上累積不少案例,於立法史上亦多有爭議與阻礙。然而,美國學者亦不乏批評聲音。本論文第三章,一方面介紹本議題在美國的實際情況,另一方面也是要呈現法規範不足所面臨的窘境。 美國隱私的概念來自個人主義,隱私幾乎被當作財產看待。然而,對此議題,歐洲國家則採異於美國法的個人自主、尊嚴的價值傾向。更值得注意者,相對於美國對於通訊內容本身的討論,歐盟指令提供的是個人資料的保護。本論文於第四章即以歐盟相關立法規範及主要會員國之規範作為美國法的對比。雖然美國法上的評論現況,多以侵權行為的侵入要件及「隱私的合理期待」作為主要的標靶,但許多學者也留意到歐洲人權公約第8條的規定。本章中,我們也將探討歐洲人權公約第8條的意涵及關於「合理隱私期待」的檢驗。另外,歐洲人權法院在人權及基本自由的保障上,扮演舉足輕重的角色。因此,該院的重要判決,值得詳細介紹,以收當頭棒喝之效。 論文第五章,主要是針對我國相關法律規範的檢討及實務判決的俯瞰,並提出本文看法及我國法上自省的方向。 最後,本論文第六章整理先前討論的重點,提出若干建議作為結論。

中共與商業--以華北抗日根據地為例(1937-1945) / The Relationship Between Chinese Communist Party and the Business in North China from 1937 to 1945

陳秀珍, Chen, Hsiu-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以抗戰時期中共在華北的抗日根據地為例,說明此段時期中共統治區內公私營商業消長的情況,著重中共如何在華北抗日根據地中發展商業活動,及中共政權與私營及公營商業的關係. 從"中共與商業"在戰時不同階段所呈現出來的不同面貌為出發點,定位抗戰時期"中共與商業"在歷史長流中的角色與意義.


陳嘉宜 January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

隱私權在澳門的保障 : 以個人資料保護法為中心 / 以個人資料保護法為中心;"Protection of the right of privacy in Macao : focus on the Personal Data Protection Act"

梁芷娟 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

中國大陸私募股權投資基金法制研究 / The study of Private Equity Investment Fund in China

林元堯 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,市場低利率環境、證券市場之高報酬率吸引歐美私募基金業者蜂擁進入亞洲新興資本市場。在2001年時就有相關報告指出中國大陸已存在數千家私募基金,2009年「創業板」推出,幾十家由私募基金投資的企業相繼掛牌上市,私募基金在中國大陸的發展如火如茶。近年來因為其彈性之營運模式,已逐漸吸引全球資本市場之焦點。惟亞洲新興市場目前法律針對私募基金之相關規定,相較於歐美等發展較完備之資本市場,無論於私募基金之法律架構、私募基金之監理模式以及私募基金較常見之交易模式如公開收購、融資收購等,相關之法律規範仍尚待建立。 中國大陸對私募股權投資基金不論是中央各部會之間或是地方政府,近年來均分別推出多項法令,雖然有不少創新突破,但也有扞格及不足之處,本文針對中國大陸私募股權投資基金相關法規,探討私募股權投資基金的發展現狀及問題。 / According to the relevant report in 2001,there were thousands of Private Funds in Mainland China. In 2009, there were tens of Private Funds invested companies got public listed successfully due to the emerging of growth enterprise market. The development of private fund in China is getting quicker and more prosperous. However, in the contrary to the rapid growth in private fund markets, the government legislation in such fields is far away from effectiveness. China still lacks of a unified, effective Private Fund monitoring system. This dissertation tried to provide advises on establishing and perfecting the monitoring system for Chinese Private Equity Fund by analyzing the development, operational risk and the necessity of monitoring system .Also it tried to conduct researches on the overseas legislation on the Monitoring the Private Equity Fund, so that to better protecting the investors, to maintain the safety of the market, and to accelerate the healthy development of Chinese Private Equity Fund.


林凱, LIN, KAI Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

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