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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Racial stacking et stéreotypes raciaux en sport collectif : le cas particulier du basket-ball en contexte français / Racial stacking and racial stereotypes in team sport : the case of french basket-ball context

Perchot, Rodolphe 28 November 2013 (has links)
Ce travail doctoral s’intéresse au phénomène de catégorisation et de stéréotypie à l’oeuvre lorsque se joue la discrimination relative à l’appartenance ethnique au basket-ball. Dans une première phase réalisée en milieu naturel (racial stacking dans le championnat de basket-ball professionnel français), une première étude met en évidence une tendance à la surreprésentation des joueurs « blancs » au poste de meneur, considéré comme central au regard de la performance. Dans une seconde phase s’articlant autour de trois expériences, en impliquant des sujets (sportifs et non sportifs) en tant qu’entraîneurs dans un contexte expérimental, sont mis en évidence l’existence de biais de catégorisation (racial stacking), de stéréotypes (attribution de caractéristiques en adéquation avec les stéréotypes raciaux) et de discours (implication plus favorable dans les discours pour un joueur blanc que pour un joueur noir). Contrairement aux hypothèses attendues, les sujets qui appartiennent au milieu sportif mobilisent plus fortement les stéréotypes raciaux que les sujets non sportifs. Dans une troisième phase, une étude à propos du concept de centralité au basket-ball permet de déterminer que les postes de meneur de jeu et d’arrière (extérieurs) sont considérés comme plus centraux que les postes d’ailier fort et de pivot (intérieur) et le poste d’ailier comme polyvalent (à la fois central et non central). Dans une quatrième phase, nous avons mis en exergue que les biais de catégorisation et de stéréotypie peuvent être activés dans un univers virtuel dans lequel les joueurs ont des capacités équivalentes (jeu vidéo). Les effets de discrimination (favoritisme endogroupe) sont potentialisés par l’issue positive du match. Dans une cinquième phase, à travers l’accès à la nature des relations entre basketteurs blancs et basketteurs noirs, alors que de prime abord les résultats semblent mettre en évidence une discrimination positive à l’égard des basketteurs noirs, l’analyse fait apparaître un effet de survalorisation à l’avantage des basketteurs blancs (biais d’auto-favoritisme), considérés comme plus prépondérants dans leur équipe que leurs homologues noirs. Enfin, dans une dernière phase ayant pour objectif de tester les effets de la menace du stéréotype sur la performance (aspect moteur) et le discours (aspect cognitif), les résultats ne mettent pas en évidence d’effet de la menace du stéréotype. L’évaluation entraîne une amélioration de la performance chez les joueurs noirs alors qu’elle n’a pas d’effet sur les joueurs blancs. De plus, les joueurs noirs verbalisent le stéréotype comme un boost, alors que pour les joueurs blancs, il est considéré comme un frein. En conclusion, ce travail doctoral démontre l’importance d’une investigation plurielle afin d’approfondir la compréhension des phénomènes de discrimination en sport / This doctoral research investigates how categorization and stereotypes are conveyed when it comes to ethnic discrimination in basket-ball. The first study (racial stacking which was performed in the Pro National Basket-ball League A in France) shows that white players are more likely to be over-represented when it comes to the position of point guard considered as central in regard to the performance. The available evidence produced by the second phase of the research highlights the existence of categorization (racial stacking), of stereotypes (which conveys the belief that some people possess certain genetic and ethnic traits) and of biased discourse (more favorable implication in the discourse for a white player than for a black player). This second phase focuses on three experiments involving athlete and non-athlete subjects as coaches in an experimental context. Unexpectedly, the subjects belonging to the sport community are more prone to engage in racial stereotypes than their non-athlete counterparts. In a third phase, the study on the concept of centrality in basket-ball highlights the fact that the positions of point guards and shooting guards (outside) are considered more central than the positions of power forwards and centers(inside). It is also considered that small forwards are polyvalent (central and non-central). In a fourth phase we point out that bias of categorization and stereotyping can be set off in a virtual environment in which players have equivalent capacities (in a video game). The effects of discrimination (in-group favoritism) are intensified by the successful result of the match. In a fifth phase, after examining the relationships between white and black players and though the data seem to present a positive discrimination towards the black players, the results show an exaggerated preferential treatment towards the white players (overvaluation, In-group favoritism) who are considered more predominant within their team than black players. Finally, in the last phase which aimed at testing the effects of stereotype threat over performance (motor aspect) and discourse (cognitive aspect) the results show no evidence of stereotype threat. Evaluation leads to enhanced performance among black players whereas it presents no effect on white players. In addition, black players report stereotyping as a boost whereas it is considered an obstacle among white players. In conclusion, this doctoral research shows the importance of a comprehensive examination in order to deepen the knowledge of the phenomenon of racial discrimination in sport

L’effet de distinctivité dans les tâches implicites et explicites de mémoire : une explication en termes d’intégration multimodale / Distinctiveness effect in implicit and explicit memory tasks : An explication in terms of multimodal integration

Oker, Ali Mehmet 29 June 2009 (has links)
Le travail de recherche présenté dans cette thèse considère la mémoire humaine comme un système unique et non abstractif qui reflète l’ensemble de nos expériences sous forme de traces épisodiques multimodales. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont multiples, mais le principal est de montrer qu’un effet robuste de la mémoire, l’effet de distinctivité, peut émerger aussi bien dans les tâches implicites que dans les tâches explicites et que cet effet s’expliquerait en termes de mécanismes spécifiques (activation et intégration multimodales) et non pas en termes de systèmes mnésiques sous-jacents.Trois séries d’expériences ont été élaborées. Dans une première série, nous avons manipulé l’information contextuelle extrinsèque associée à ces concepts. Une tâche de catégorisation nous a permis de démontrer que l’effet de distinctivité pouvait se manifester avec une tâche implicite de mémoire.Dans une deuxième série d’expériences, nous avons manipulé la distance entre des images à catégoriser dans une phase d’encodage. Ainsi, les images apparaissaient soit plus éloignées les unes des autres, soit plus proches. Suite à une récupération implicite, nous avons mis en évidence que notre hypothèse de distinctivité spatiale était validée, c’est-à-dire que les items spatialement plus distinct lors de l’encodage sont associés à des performances supérieures en phase test.Dans la troisième série d’expériences, nous avons mis en évidence que lesperformances liées à l’effet de distinctivité dans les tâches implicites et explicites de mémoire variaient selon différents niveaux d’intégration des dimensions sensorielles. Cette idée a été testée en rappel libre, en décision lexicale et en reconnaissance.Au final, nos résultats expérimentaux suggèrent que les performances issuesdes tâches implicites et explicites peuvent être expliquées au sein du même système mnésique unique. Ainsi, les processus d’intégration seraient à l’origine de ce phénomène. / The series of research presented in this thesis considers human memory as a single and non-abstractive system which reflects all of our experiments in an episodical multimodal traces form. Objectives of this thesis are multiple, but the main issue is to show that the distinctiveness effect, a well known phenomenon of memory, can emerge in implicit memory tasks as well as in explicit memory tasks and this effect can be explained in specific terms of mechanisms (activation and multimodal integration) and not in terms of subjacent memory systems.Three series of experiments were elaborated. In the first series, we used an extrinsic contextual information associated to concepts. A categorization task permitted us to show that distinctiveness effect can appear within an implicit memory task.In the second series of experiments, we manipulated the distance between images to be categorized in an encoding phase. Thus, images presented were either more distant to each other, or more closer. Following an implicit retrieval, we highlighted that spatial distinctiveness hypothesis was validated. This means that spatially more distinct items during the encoding phase are associated to higher retrieval performances in the test phase.In the third series of experiments, we showed that performances related to distinctiveness effect in implicit and explicit memory tasks varied according to various levels of sensory dimension integration. This postulate was tested with free recall, lexical decision and recognition tasks.Finally, our experimental results suggest that performances from implicit and explicit memory tasks can be explained within the same single memory system. Thus, the integration process would be at the origin of this phenomenon.

Catégorisation et nomination : des termes "concrets" aux termes "abstraits" au fil de l'eau / Categorization and nomination : from "concrete" terms to "abstract" terms going with the stream

Ivannikova, Anastasia 07 December 2011 (has links)
La réflexion porte sur la façon dont, grâce au langage, le monde perçu est conçu, catégorisé et nommé. Dans un premier temps, le cadre théorique et la problématique de recherche sont posés par un rappel critique des compréhensions classiques de la catégorie nominale et l’exposé des propositions linguistiques sur la production du sens dans la nomination et son organisation prototypicale. Une attention particulière est ensuite accordée à la relativité linguistique et à l’opposition entre termes «concrets» et «abstraits» retenus comme procédures d’investigation. L’analyse porte sur le vocabulaire de l’eau dans trois langues (français, russe, anglais) tel qu’il apparaît à travers des échantillons pris dans deux registres du discours, littéraire et scientifique, et dans les trois langues. L’examen de ce corpus conduit à la confrontation des sens repérés et à l’élaboration d’une esquisse de la représentation prototypicale de l’eau. / The reflection focuses on how the world is categorized and named through our language. Firstly, theoretical framework is defined by a critical reminder of traditional comprehension of the category. We develop our reflection on the production of meaning and the prototype organization issues. A particular attention is given to linguistic relativity and opposition between terms considered as «concrete» and «abstract». Our analysis focuses on water vocabulary in three languages (French, Russian and English) as it appears through the samples taken from two types of discourse, literary and scientific. The study suggests a confrontation of identified meanings in order to develop a sketch of the prototypical water representation.

Catégorisation cognitive et stéréotypie dans la production du langage chez les patients schizophrènes : contributions psycholinguistiques / Cognitive categorization and stereotype during langage production in shizophrenic patients : neurolinguistic

Vasile, Beniamin 16 May 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose l'exploration de la production langagière chez les adultes schizophrènes à travers les processus de catégorisation cognitive et de lexicalisation. L'approche interdisciplinaire réunit la psychopathologie, la linguistique cognitive et des éléments de neuropsychologie dans le cadre d'un protocole expérimental accueilli et validé par les services spécialisés du CHU de Purpan, Toulouse. Structuré en trois volets, le protocole explore les niveaux lexical, phrastique et discursif du langage des patients schizophrènes par le moyen de tâches de dénomination, de fluence verbale et de narration dans le cadre d'entretiens à dominante directive. Les résultats corroborent les données de la littérature faisant état de déficits quantitatifs et qualitatifs chez les patients schizophrènes. La plurivalence du corpus indique par ailleurs l'importance des stéréotypes qui transparaissent dans des figements psycholinguistiques chez ces patients et qui nécessitent une prise en charge spécifique (remédiation cognitive, art-thérapie). / This PhD thesis presents the exploration of the linguistic production at the schizophrenia adults through the processes of cognitive categorization and lexicalization. The interdisciplinary approach gathers the psychopathology, the cognitive linguistics and elements of neuropsychology within the framework of an experimental protocol approved by the clinical services of Purpan CHU (teaching hospital) from Toulouse. Structured in three parts, the protocol investigates the lexical, phrasal and discursive levels in schizophrenia patients by means of naming tasks, verbal fluency and storytelling within the framework of clinical experiments. The results confirm the data of the specialized literature stating quantitative and qualitative deficits in schizophrenia patients. In addition, the rich content of the corpus indicates the importance of the stereotypes which show through in psycholinguistics fixed frames in these patients and which require a specified coverage(Cognitive remediation, art-therapy).

Installation av automatiseringsutrustning : Planerad mot verklig installationstid / Installation of automation equipment

Karlsson, Jenny, Söderberg, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
Vid kundspecifika produkter kan det finnas svårigheter i att få den budgeterade tiden att stämma med den verkliga tiden som arbetet behöver vid installation. Detta skapar inte minst svårighet vid planering, utan kan även påverka företagets kapital genom extra kostnader. Det skapar även längre väntetider för slutkund, något som kan bidra till missnöjda kunder (Hemanta 2012). Denna rapport undersöker skillnaden på den planerade installationstiden och vad den verkliga installationstiden faktiskt blev hos företaget DELTA med fokus på företagets olika produktkategorier och underkategorier. I rapporten analyseras given data från företaget där rapporter med planerad tid och verklig tid presenteras.  Rapportens syfte att hitta om det finns någon skillnad i rapporterad installationstid för att sedan försöka hitta orsakerna till varför den planerade installationstiden inte stämmer med den verkliga. Avgränsningar som gjorts i rapporten beror till största del på att det fanns en deadline som gjorde att tiden var begränsad.  Insamlingen av data för rapporten har till största del tagits fram genom en litteraturstudie och intervjuer hos DELTA. Litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar har tagits fram med hjälp av biblioteket på högskolan i Borås och med hjälp av bibliotekets sökmotorer. Även tidigare använda kursböcker har använts som hjälp och som källor vid informationsframtagning.  Rapporten slutar i att en slutsats kan dras över att det finns problem med att den planerade installationstiden inte stämmer överens med den verkliga. Det finns skillnader i hur bra man sätter tiderna mellan de olika produktkategorierna, men tidsättningen är inte bra för någon kategori. Slutsatser dras att man måste förbättra förarbetet när man sätter upp den planerade tiden och att företaget måste jobba med bland annat sin företagskultur och kommunikation för att lättare lyckas med att få en så liten differens som möjligt mellan tiderna. / For customer-specific products, there may be difficulties in getting the budgeted time to match the actual time needed for installation. This creates difficulty in planning, but can also affect the company's capital through additional costs. It also creates longer delivery time for the end customers. This can contribute to dissatisfied customers (Hemanta 2012). This report analyzes the difference between the planned installation time and the actual installation time at DELTA, focusing on the company's different product categories and subcategories. The report analyzes data provided by the company where reports of planned time and real time are presented.   The purpose of the report is to analyze if there is a difference in actual installation time and then try to find the reasons why the scheduled installation time does not match the actual one. Limitations made in the report are largely due time limit.  The collection of data for the report has been largely developed through a literature study and interviews at DELTA. Literature and scientific articles have been produced using the library at Borås University and also using the library's search engines. Even previously used coursebooks have been used as a source of information.  A conclusion can be drawn that there is a problem that the planned installation time does not match the actual time. There are differences in how well the times are set between the different product categories, but the time set is not good for any of the category. Conclusions can be drawn that the company must improve the preparation when setting up the planned time and the company must also work with its corporate culture as well as communication to reduce the difference between times.

Métodos de categorização de variáveis preditoras em modelos de regressão para variáveis binárias / Categorization methods for predictor variables in binary regression models

Silva, Diego Mattozo Bernardes da 13 June 2017 (has links)
Modelos de regressão para variáveis resposta binárias são muito comuns em diversas áreas do conhecimento. O modelo mais utilizado nessas situações é o modelo de regressão logística, que assume que o logito da probabilidade de ocorrência de um dos valores da variável resposta é uma função linear das variáveis preditoras. Quando essa suposição não é razoável, algumas possíveis alternativas são: realizar transformação das variáveis preditoras e/ou inserir termos quadráticos ou cúbicos no modelo. O problema dessa abordagem é que ela dificulta bastante a interpretação dos parâmetros do modelo e, em algumas áreas, é fundamental que eles sejam interpretáveis. Assim, uma abordagem muitas vezes utilizada é a categorização das variáveis preditoras quantitativas do modelo. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo propor duas novas classes de métodos de categorização de variáveis contínuas em modelos de regressão para variáveis resposta binárias. A primeira classe de métodos é univariada e busca maximizar a associação entre a variável resposta e a covariável categorizada utilizando medidas de associação para variáveis qualitativas. Já a classe de métodos multivariada tenta incorporar a estrutura de dependência entre as covariáveis do modelo através da categorização conjunta de todas as variáveis preditoras. Para avaliar o desempenho, aplicamos as classes de métodos propostas e quatro métodos de categorização existentes em 3 bases de dados relacionadas à área de risco de crédito e a dois cenários de dados simulados. Os resultados nas bases reais sugerem que a classe univariada proposta têm um desempenho superior aos métodos existentes quando comparamos o poder preditivo do modelo de regressão logística. Já os resultados nas bases de dados simuladas sugerem que ambas as classes propostas possuem um desempenho superior aos métodos existentes. Em relação ao desempenho computacional, o método multivariado mostrou-se inferior e o univariado é superior aos métodos existentes. / Regression models for binary response variables are very common in several areas of knowledge. The most used model in these situations is the logistic regression model, which assumes that the logit of the probability of a certain event is a linear function of the predictors variables. When this assumption is not reasonable, it is common to make some changes in the model, such as: transformation of predictor variables and/or add quadratic or cubic terms to the model. The problem with this approach is that it hinders parameter interpretation, and in some areas it is fundamental to interpret the parameters. Thus, a common approach is to categorize the quantitative covariates. This work aims to propose two new classes of categorization methods for continuous variables in binary regression models. The first class of methods is univariate and seeks to maximize the association between the response variable and the categorized covariate using measures of association for qualitative variables. The second class of methods is multivariate and incorporates the predictor variables correlation structure through the joint categorization of all covariates. To evaluate the performance, we applied the proposed methods and four existing categorization methods in 3 credit scoring databases and in two simulated cenarios. The results in the real databases suggest that the proposed univariate class of categorization methods performs better than the existing methods when we compare the predictive power of the logistic regression model. The results in the simulated databases suggest that both proposed classes perform better than the existing methods. Regarding computational performance, the multivariate method is inferior and the univariate method is superior to the existing methods.

Efeitos de workshop de psicoterapia analítica funcional sobre habilidades terapêuticas / Not informed by the author

Fonseca, Natalia Mingione da 08 July 2016 (has links)
Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional (FAP) tem como proposta a análise e intervenção de comportamentos que ocorrem durante a sessão, através de modelagem direta dos comportamentos do cliente. Para realizar a FAP de forma sistemática, alguns repertórios são requeridos do terapeuta, que o conhecimento teórico em si pode não ser capaz de produzir. Por isso, tem-se estudado formas de treino ao terapeuta FAP e sua eficácia. Além de leituras, a maneira mais comum de treino é por meio de supervisões, mas uma forma adicional tem sido utilizada mais recentemente, a de workshops experienciais, com objetivo maior de desenvolver as habilidades desejáveis ao terapeuta FAP. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar se esta forma de treino é capaz de produzir aquisições no repertório do terapeuta e se estas mudanças são mantidas três meses após a intervenção. Para isso, dois terapeutas participaram de delineamento experimental de linha de base múltipla, e passaram por um workshop (variável independente - VI). Foram utilizados para análise dos dados os instrumentos Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Rating Scale (FAPRS) e a Escala de Impacto da FAP (FAPIS). A análise dos dados mostrou que, após o workshop, ambos os terapeutas passaram a prover consequências (TRB2) aos comportamentos de melhora do cliente (CCR2) com maior eficiência, e um dos terapeutas passou a evocar mais comportamentos problema (CCR1) após o treino. A Cliente 1 emitiu mais CCR1 na fase experimental, enquanto o Cliente 2 passou a emitir mais CCR2 após a introdução da VI. Os dados da FAPIS mostraram que ambos os terapeutas relataram ter adquirido habilidades relacionadas à aplicação principalmente das Regras 2 e 3 da FAPA / Functional Analytic Psychotherapy proposes to analyze and do interventions in behaviors that occur during sessions, through direct shaping of clients behaviors. To do FAP in a systematic way, some repertoires are required of the therapist that theoretical knowledge may not be able to provide. Therefore, studies have been carried out on training methods for FAP therapists and its efficacy. Besides readings, the most common form of training is through supervisions, but a new additional way is through experiential workshops, whose goal is to develop desirable skills in FAP therapists. The aim of this study was to investigate if this form of training is capable of producing repertoire acquisitions to therapists and if these changes maintain three months after the intervention. For this, two therapists participated in a multiple-baseline experimental design, and did a workshop (independent variable IV). To analyze the data, two instruments were used: the Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Rating Scale (FAPRS) and the FAP Impact Scale (FAPIS). Results show that, after the workshop, both therapists provided consequences (TRB2) to clients improvement behaviors (CRB2) more effectively, and one of the therapists evoked more problem behaviors (CRB1). Client 1 emitted more CRB1 in experimental phase, whereas C2 emitted more CRB2. FAPIS data showed that therapists reported that they have acquired more FAP-related skills, especially the ones related to Rules 2 and 3

A informatividade da música eletrônica / The informativeness of electronic music

Fernandes, Jade Augusto de Macedo Gola 08 October 2015 (has links)
Essa pesquisa faz um recorte da música eletrônica através de suas linguagens, práticas documentárias e processos informativos, estudados a partir de contextos socioculturais, para observar sua constituição como um gênero musical popular. A informatividade da música eletrônica foi compreendida em seus complexos de relações terminológicas e conjecturas diversas, ilustrando e identificando interrelações, propriedades estéticoformais, categorizações e características discursivas e linguísticas. Conceitos da Ciência da Informação e das humanidades foram utilizados para analisar como esse gênero irresoluto e fragmentado por muitas definições, processos anticategóricos e conflitos de distinção cultural, acaba por definir-se como um campo de intensa materialidade informativa e histórica, que segue tendo na ideia de \"música eletrônica\" seu universo simultaneamente amplo e circunscrito. Objetos, fenômenos, o devir musical, categorias e as linguagens dessa música foram estudados sob os vértices da informatividade, como proposta por Bernd Frohmann, conceito processual que surge a partir da ideia dos documentos como definidores e reveladores de contextos, problemáticas e discursos. Essa pesquisa conclui como a informatividade da música eletrônica logra documentá-la como tal: um gênero musical histórico, institucionalizado e documentado, coeso e problematizado por preponderantes aspectos informativos, referenciais e de categorização - um fenômeno da Cultura e da Informação. / This research outlines electronic music through its languages, documentary practices, informative processes and their sociocultural contexts, to observe its constituion as a popular music genre. The informativenesse of electronic music is seen from its complexes of terminology relations and several conjectures, that illustrate and identify interrelations, aesthetic and formal properties, categorizations, discursive and linguistic characteristics. Concepts from Information Science and other humanities have been used to analyze how this irresolute musical genre, fragmented by anti-categorical and cultural distinction conflits, ends up being defined as a field of intense informative and historical materiality. This music still relies this wide and also circumscribed universe on the idea of \"electronic music\". Objectos, phenomena, the music becoming, categories and languages of this music have been studied under the informativeness theorical vertices, as proposed by Bernd Frohmann, a procedural concept that arises from the ideia of documents as defining elements of contexts, discourses and problems. This research concludes how informativeness manages to document electronic music as such: a historical, institutionalized and documented musical genre, cohesive and also very problematized by its preponderant informative, referential and categorical aspects - a Cultural and Informative phenomenon.


Kävrestad, Joakim January 2014 (has links)
Frauds conducted online are crimes that are and has been increasing in numbers over the last years. Government reports shows that this is the case in Sweden as well as internationally. As of today the Swedish legal systems lacks a definition and categorization approach for online frauds. This thesis aims at developing such definition and a classification scheme that can be used to classify online frauds. Further, this thesis suggests and evaluates a defense mechanism for use in arenas were online frauds are executed. The results bring a definition and classification scheme that has been developed in cooperation with the Swedish police and validated with a judge from a Swedish court. The evaluation of the suggested defense mechanism indicates that our suggested defense mechanism has the potential to make internet users less susceptible to online fraud attacks.

Manejo de esquivas emocionais na psicoterapia analítica funcional: Delineamento experimental de caso único / Management of emotional avoidance in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: single-case experimental design

Geremias, Milena Carvalho de Godoy 03 October 2014 (has links)
A partir do estudo e consolidação empírica da Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional (FAP) tem-se explorado cada vez mais a relação estabelecida entre terapeuta e cliente, no intuito de se compreender e aprimorar os processos de mudança clínica ocorridos em terapia. A literatura enfatiza que respostas emitidas por parte do terapeuta no decorrer do processo de autorrevelação do cliente podem impactar seu desfecho, facilitando ou dificultando exposições e verbalizações. Considerando que a FAP tem se ajustado bem a casos clínicos que apresentam dificuldades no estabelecimento de relações de intimidade, o objetivo central desta pesquisa foi investigar se o responder contingente do terapeuta às respostas de esquivas emocionais emitidas pelo cliente, aumenta a emissão de relatos sobre sentimentos, assim como o de autorrevelações em sessão e em seus relacionamentos extra consultório. Para isso, uma cliente com queixa de dificuldade em estabelecer relações interpessoais e uma terapeuta (com experiência clínica no manejo da FAP) foram selecionadas. O delineamento experimental de caso único apresentou o formato: A1-B1-A2-B2. As sessões foram filmadas e transcritas e os dados coletados foram analisados pela Escala de Classificação da Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional (FAPRS) adaptada. Doze sessões foram categorizadas e 4.094 (quatro mil e noventa e quatro) unidades de análises foram avaliadas. Os resultados indicaram que a variável independente (FAP) foi a responsável pela diminuição na emissão de comportamentos problema (CRBs1) e, principalmente, pelo aumento na emissão de comportamentos de melhora (CRBs2). Em outras palavras, durante a fase FAP, após a evocação da terapeuta, a cliente passou a entrar em contato com seus sentimentos e se autorrevelar mais efetivamente em terapia, de modo que seus comportamentos de esquiva emocional diminuíram. De maneira geral, as diferenças entre as fases FAP e não-FAP ficaram evidentes com os dados dos CRBs2 e não com os dos CRBs1. Os resultados corroboram a hipótese do estudo, fortalecem as evidências clínicas promovidas pela Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional e replicam os dados apresentados pelas pesquisas realizadas no Programa de Psicologia Clínica da USP com o uso da FAP e com delineamento experimental de caso único / Based on studies and empirical consolidation of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP), the relationship between therapist and client has been extensively explored in order to understand and enhance the process of clinical change that occurs during therapy sessions. The literature emphasizes that feedback provided by the therapist to the process of clients self-disclosure might affect and impact outcome by facilitating or hindering interpersonal exposure and verbalizations. Considering that FAP presents satisfactory results with clinical cases characterized by difficulties to establish intimate relationships, the aim of this research was to investigate whether the therapist contingent responding to clients emotional avoidance increases clients report of feelings, self-disclosure in therapy and in out-of-session relationships. For this study, a client with problems to establish interpersonal relationships and a therapist with clinical expertise on FAP were chosen. The single-case experimental design had the format: A1-B1-A2-B2. The sessions were recorded and transcribed and the data collected were coded using an adaptation of the Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Rating Scale (FAPRS). Twelve sessions were coded and 4.094 (four thousand and ninetyfour) units of analysis were analyzed. Results indicated that the independent variable (FAP) was responsible for decreasing the emission of problem behaviors (CRBs1) and above all for increasing the emission of improvements (CRBs2). In other words, during FAPs phase, after the therapist evoking, the client began to get in touch with her feelings and to self-disclose more effectively in therapy. As a result, her emotional avoidance behaviors decreased. In general, the differences between FAP and non-FAP phases were clearly showed in the data of the CBRs2 and not in the data of the CRBs1. The results corroborate the hypothesis of the study, strengthen clinical evidence of FAP and replicate the data presented in other research studies conducted in the Clinical Psychology Program at University of São Paulo using FAP and single-case designs

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