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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upplevelsen av självstigmatisering och stigmas effekter på tillvaron hos patienter med psykossjukdom : En litteraturöversikt / The experience of self-stigmatization among patients with psychotic disorders and stigma´s effects on existence : A literature review

Linde, Nina January 2016 (has links)
Background: It´s obvious that stigma reduces life opportunities and make people act throughout an outcast role. Stigma enters spheres where it is made up to protect a group, but only results in painful feelings for the vulnerable. Individuals suffering from psychosis are exposed to discrimination because of fear and prejudices. These are applied upon individuals whereas they stigmatize themselves.  Aim: To investigate the experience of self-stigma and stigmas effects on life for patients suffering from psychosis. Method: 24 scientific articles have been used and analyzed together with Whittemore and Knalfs integrative method (2005) for the result in this literature review.   After formulating a problem literature has been searched, evaluated, and analyzed in four steps which are presented. The literature was found through databases, free searching compounds and through references. As a theoretic framework the figure Existentiell ensamhet hos personer med psykiska funktionshinder from the doctoral Berättelser om ensamhetens vardag has been used.  Results: The psychiatric contact, to be a psychiatric patient and being labeled with a psychiatric diagnosis affected the way individuals labeled themselves. Individuals wanted to be seen as unique and listened to. The diagnosis contributed to feelings of shame and affected self-esteem and self-ability. Through acceptance of the disease participants could become something different than just a patient in the psychiatric services. Through other people the participant’s self-image could be built up. Social stigmas were described in all levels of society and also within the family. Relationships were important and a link to live a normal life and recover. Normality was desirable and said to occur through activities such as work and studies. Discussion: Was discussed through relevant research and Anette Erdners figure Existentiell ensamhet hos personer med psykiska funktionshinder from the doctoral Berättelser om ensamhetens vardag.

Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens upplevelser av att vårda patienter med missbruksproblematik : en litteraturöversikt / Health care professionals’ experiences of caring for patients with substance abuse : a literature review

Forsman, Annie, Forsell, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: I dagens samhälle är ordet missbruk ofta stigmatiserat och har en negativ klang. Användandet av olagliga droger ökar i samhället vilket innebär en större belastning på hälso- och sjukvården. Hälso- och sjukvårdslagen har enligt kapitel 3 1§ som mål att främja god hälsa och att ge en vård på lika villkor för hela befolkningen. Vården skall ges med respekt för alla människors lika värde och för den enskilda människans värdighet. Studier visar på att brukare upplevt ett stigmatiserat beteende från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens upplevelser av att vårda patienter med missbruksproblematik. Metod: Detta examensarbete har genomförts som en litteraturöversikt, genom att studera tio vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna har analyserats enligt Fribergs analysmetod där författarna sökte efter likheter och skillnader av upplevelser som sedan redovisades i olika huvudteman och underteman. Resultat: Utifrån analysen skapades två huvudteman: Negativa upplevelser och Positiva upplevelser. Negativa upplevelser kom att delas upp i fyra underteman: Utbildning och kunskap, Rädsla och brist på tillit, Att känna sig otillräcklig och Stigmatisering. Diskussion: Resultatets huvudfynd har diskuterats i förhållande till litteraturöversiktens bakgrund samt Joyce Travelbees teori om den mellanmänskliga relationen som referensram. / Background: In today's society, the word addiction is often stigmatized and has a negative tone. The use of illegal drugs increases in society, which means a greater burden on healthcare. According to the Health Care Act the aim is to promote good health and provide equal treatment for the entire population. The care should be given with respect for the equal worth of all people and the dignity of the individual. Studies show that patients with substance abuse experienced a stigmatized behaviour from healthcare professionals. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe the healthcare professionals' experiences of caring for patients with substance abuse. Method: This literature review was made by studying ten scientific articles. The articles have been analysed according to Friberg's method of analysis where the authors found similarities and differences of experiences, which were reported in various main themes and sub themes. Results: Based on the analysis, two main themes were created: Negative experiences and Positive experiences. Negative experiences were divided into four sub themes: Education and knowledge, Fear and lack of confidence, Feeling insufficient and Stigmatization. Discussion: The main findings of the result have been discussed in relation to the background of the literature review and Joyce Travelbee's Human-To-Human Relationship Model as a reference frame.

Psychological and social needs and types of information needed amongst primary caregivers of family members living with aids in mansa district, Zambia

Zulu, Moses January 2008 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / The Zambia Demographic Health Survey reports that 81% of the population of Mansa District, Zambia lives in extreme poverty. Eleven percent (11%) of this population is estimated to be HIV positive. Many of this HIV positive population were the primary breadwinners in their households prior to the onset of AIDS. The majority of them are cared for by family members (PCGs) with limited training. Home Based Care programmes provide care and support to patients at their homes. However, this support does not extend to the caregivers. This explorative study investigated the psychological, social and informational needs of primary caregivers of AIDS patients in Mansa District, Zambia. It was envisaged that the findings of the study would assist home-based care organizations to provide comprehensive support and care to the primary caregivers, in addition to patients. Methods A qualitative research approach was chosen to gain an in-depth understanding of healthrelated experiences of caregivers while taking into consideration the context within which this phenomenon takes place. Twenty-six caregivers who provide basic care and support to family members who had advanced HIV-disease were recruited into the study. All AIDS patients in the study were former breadwinners of their households. Purposive, maximum variation sampling was used to select non-homogeneous cases of family caregivers, who provided services to AIDS patients within their homes. It was envisaged that such a heterogeneous sample would provide wide variations in experiences, and this would contribute to the range of issues pertaining to caregiver needs being covered. Three Focus group discussions were conducted, audio-tape recorded and transcribed. Findings The findings of the study highlight that caregivers have the following psychological needs: reciprocated sympathy and appreciation from society and their patients, stress coping mechanisms, and the capacity to display patience despite unreasonable demands made by the patients for whom they are caring. The study highlights that caregivers face numerous challenges in dealing with conflicting relationships and in handling stigma and discrimination, and that they are in need of a strong social support network. It also emphasizes that many of the primary caregivers lack adequate information about social services organizations that can assist them with training. The training will enable those (PCGs) to provide care in a manner that does not compromise the safety of the patients or themselves, as well as give them opportunities for education and skills development for income generation that will make it possible for them to provide for the upkeep of the family. Conclusions Home-based care workers are best placed to support PCGs at home. The training of such home-based workers should be extended to take in consideration the specific needs of these caregivers. In addition, the role of primary caregivers should be acknowledged in national HIV/AIDS strategies.

Perception et vécu subjectif de stigmatisation familiale chez le proche aidant d’une personne ayant reçu le diagnostic de maladie d’Alzheimer (MA) / Perception and subjective experience of family stigmatization among family caregivers caring for persons with the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD)

Danko, Marianna 01 December 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'explorer la stigmatisation perçue liée à la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA) parmi une population d'aidants familiaux (enfants adultes ou conjoints) accompagnant leurs proches (conjoints ou parents) vivant avec une probable MA. Parmi les patients, non seulement, il est examiné les sources de stigmatisation envers les personnes vivant avec une probable MA associées aux réactions émotionnelles et comportementales d'affiliation ou de distance sociale de l'entourage. Mais encore il est observé les facteurs de stigmatisation qui prédisent une variation de leur qualité de vie. Parmi, leurs aidants familiaux, il est étudié les facteurs de stigmatisation qui prédisent une variation de la symptomatologie dépressive et du fardeau de soins. Dans cette relation, il est étudié le rôle modérateur du soutien social. Nos résultats indiquent parmi les patients, que la fréquence des symptômes comportementaux liés à la dépression prédisent les émotions négatives et les comportements de distance sociale de l'entourage. Aussi, nous observons que la qualité de vie du patient varie selon son lieu de résidence. Au domicile, il est observé davantage de comportements de distance sociale venant de l'entourage. Parmi les proches aidants, il est constaté que soutien social modère les effets entre les émotions négatives, les comportements de distance sociale de l'entourage envers le patient, et la symptomatologie, le fardeau de soins des aidants. Mais que le soutien social exacerbe les effets entre les émotions positives de l'entourage et le fardeau de soins. Cette thèse permet d'objectiver la stigmatisation liée à la maladie d'Alzheimer parmi les patients et leurs proches aidants. Les résultats obtenus justifieraient l'élaboration d'actions de communication centrées sur la nécessité du soutien social auprès de l'ensemble des personnes affectées par la maladie d'Alzheimer. / This thesis aims at exploring the perceived stigmatization towards persons possibly leaving with Alzheimer’s disease among the population of the family caregivers – grown-up children and spouses. Not only do we have observed sources of stigmatizations aimed at patients possibly leaving with Alzheimer’s disease, in relation with emotional reactions and either affiliation behavior, or social distancing from the family and social circle, but we have also observed factors of stigmatization leading to variations in patients’ quality of life. Amongst family caregivers, we have studied factors of stigmatization leading to changes in the associated depressive symptoms and the increased caregiver burden. With respect to the relationship induced, we have given attention to the moderating role of social support. Our results show that, among patients, the negative emotions and the social distancing behavior from social circle can be linked to the frequency of behavioral symptoms related to the depression. With respect to this observation, we show an variation in the patients’ quality of life according to the places they live in. At home, we have noted increased social distancing behavior from the social circle. Amongst the relatives caregivers, we have also noticed that social support has a moderating influence on the effects of negative emotions, the social distancing behavior from the social circle towards the patient, the symptoms and the burden of care felt by the caregivers. However, the social support exacerbates the relation between positive emotions among the relatives and the burden of care. This thesis gives us the opportunity to objectify the stigmatization process with respect to Alzheimer’s disease amongst patients and their relatives caregivers. Our results could open the way to specific communications promoting the necessity for social support in favor of the entire population concerned by Alzheimer’s disease.

La mouvance zaydite après l'unification yéménite de 1990 ou la réaffirmation politico-religieuse des "perdants de l'histoire"

Dorlian, Samy 07 January 2011 (has links)
Suite à la révolution du 26 septembre 1962, le Yémen du Nord a vu naître la première république de la péninsule Arabique qui a mis fin au long imamat chiite zaydite caractérisé par le primat politico-religieux des descendants du prophète Muhammad : lessâda. Dans leur grande majorité, ces membres du «groupe de statut» le plus élevé au sein de la hiérarchie sociale de l’ancien régime, ont progressivement assumé leur nouvellecondition de «perdants de l’histoire». À partir de 1970, avec la fin de la guerre «civile»entre républicains et royalistes (partisans de l’imamat), ils ont généralement fait preuve de réalisme, ainsi que d’une volonté d’intégration et d'adaptation au nouveau système tant sur le plan politique que socio-professionnel.Dans le contexte pluraliste de l’unification du pays en 1990 entre le Yémen du Nord et leYémen du Sud, certains sâda ont toutefois choisi de donner à leur appartenance confessionnelle une expression politique aux formes organisationnelles diversifiées. Cette mouvance zaydite - composée d’acteurs perçus, par le pouvoir, comme représentant l’ancien régime - a pu relever le défi de la compatibilité avec le régime républicain. En effet, ces acteurs qui se sont inscrits, en dernière instance, dans une dynamique de modernisation politique, n’ont cessé de se revendiquer de la pensée zaydite. Et au lieu d’opter pour la «sunnisation du zaydisme», comme le suggère la littérature républicaine,ce qui les aurait obligés à renier leur appartenance confessionnelle primordiale, ils ont préféré entreprendre un réformisme immanent au zaydisme. Cette double épreuve de modernisation et de réformisme a inscrit la mouvance zaydite dans un processus de construction d’un universel politique. Or, ce dernier a connu un frein à partir de juin2004, avec le déclenchement de la guerre de Saada (du nom du chef lieu de la province homonyme, frontalière de l’Arabie Saoudite au nord-ouest du pays), entre le gouvernement et les partisans de Husayn, Badr al-Dîn puis ‘Abd al-Malik al-Hûthi(respectivement fils, père et frère). En effet, la «confessionnalisation» de la revendication politique de l’adversaire par le pouvoir a débouché sur une stigmatisation collective,provoquant des reformulations identitaires qui ont sérieusement menacé l’aspect modernisateur de la réaffirmation politico-religieuse des «perdants de l’histoire» au Yémen. / Emerging out of the 26 September, 1962 revolution, North Yemen became not only the first republic in the Arabian Peninsula, but also ended the long-lasting rule of the ShiaZaydi Imamate, embodying the political and religious dominance of the descendants of the prophet Muhammad : the sâda. After the revolution, a majority of the members of this status group, which occupied pre-eminent positions in the social hierarchy of the ancien régime, were relegated to the condition of «losers of the history». Since 1970 and the endof Yemen’s civil war, which pitted republicans against royalists (partisans of theImamate), the sâda adopted a pragmatic political stance, evincing an eagerness to integrate into and adapt to the new system in Yemen, in political as well as in socioprofessional terms.However, within the pluralistic context of the country’s unification in 1990 between North Yemen and South Yemen, some of the sâda choose to give political expression to their Zaydi «sectarian» affiliation, which expression took diverse organizational forms.The resulting Zaydi movement - comprising actors perceived, by the government, as representing the ancien régime - was able to overcome the challenge of compatibility with the republican regime. While adopting a strategy of political modernization, it never ceased asserting its Zaydi thinking. Rather than adopting the «Sunnisation of Zaydism» -as suggested by the republican literature - which would have forced the movement to abandon its primary «sectarian» underpinnings, it opted for an internally congruous Zaydireformism. The two fold undertaking of modernization and reform, put the Zaydimovement on the path of constructing a political vision claiming to be of universal validity. However, this project stalled relatively after June 2004, following the outbreak of the Saada war (from the name of the province bordering Saudi Arabia in the northwest of Yemen), waged between government and the partisans of Husayn, Badr al-Dînand later ‘Abd al-Malik al-Hûthi (respectively son, father and brother). Indeed, the government’s «strategy» of «sectarianization» of its adversary’s political claim, led to acollective stigmatization prompting identity reformulations which seriously threaten the modernizing aspect of the political and religious revival of the «losers of the history» in Yemen.

De ansiktslösa i hopplöshetens fördärv : En kritisk diskursanalys av nyhetsmediers samhällsdebatt om gängkriminaliteten i Sverige / The faceless in the destruction of hopelessness : A critical discourse analysis of news media’s social debate about gang criminality in Sweden

Rosati Örsell, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka och analysera hur personer i gängkriminella miljöer konstrueras samt positioneras i den nyhetsmediala samhällsdebatten om gängkriminalitet i Sverige genom att studera publicerade debattartiklar från en specifik tidsperiod. Studien utgår från ett kritiskt diskursanalytiskt perspektiv som menar att verkligheten formas och tolkas genom språkliga diskurser, varför valda analysverktyg har ett lingvistiskt fokus där texternas lexikala aspekter undersöks, liksom deras anspråk på gängkriminalitetens orsaker och lösningar. Vidare analyseras debattartiklarnas innehåll genom ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv på de skildringar och identiteter som görs, samt utifrån teorier om stigmatiseringsprocesser och avvikarkarriärer Även själva fördelningen mellan debattörer samt presenterade perspektiv i debatten analyseras i relation till sociala makthierarkier. Uppsatsens resultat visar på att personer i gängkriminella miljöer främst tenderar att reduceras till deras kriminella egenskap i debatten, vilket konstruerar personerna som avvikare och förövare i samhället på sätt som stundtals får avhumaniserande effekter. I vissa fall nämns även personernas unga ålder samt icke-svenska etnicitet, vilket främst motiverar till förslag på ökade disciplinära åtgärder mot unga samt personer som saknar medborgarskap. Vidare präglas en stor del av debatten av ett fokus gentemot polisiära resurser och skärpta straff, vilket verkar osynliggörande för gängkriminalitetens bakomliggande sociala faktorer samt det sociala arbetets betydelse. Detta får även konsekvenser för personernas sörjbarhet samt ansedda rätt till sociala stödinsatser som fokuserar på förändring. I de fall sociala aspekter faktiskt diskuteras i debatten tenderar en sorts osynlig tröskel skapas mellan ”den unga som sörjbar” och ”den kriminella som straffbar” – vilket möjliggör till att vidmakthålla identiteterna "offer" och "förövare" i skildringarna på ett sätt som gör att problemets komplexitet undviks. / The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze how people within gang criminal environments is constructed and positioned in news media’s social debate about gang criminality in Sweden by studying published debate articles from a specific time period. The study is based on a critical discourse analytical perspective on reality as shaped and interpreted by linguistic discourses, why selected analysis tools has a linguistic aim that investigate the texts lexical aspects, as their claims on causes and solutions of gang crime. Furthermore the debate articles are analyzed through a social constructionist perspective on the descriptions and identities that is made, and also by theories about stigmatization processes and deviant careers. The division between debaters and represented perspectives is also analyzed in relation to social hierarchies of power. The result of the study shows that people in gang criminal environments mainly tend to be reduced to their criminal quality, which constructs them as deviants and perpetrators by ways that sometimes have dehumanizing effects. In some cases the persons young age and non-swedish ethnicity is mentioned, which mainly justifies proposals for increased disciplinary actions against youths and people without swedish citizenship. Further, the debate is characterized by a focus towards police resources and increased penalties which tend to overshadow the underlying social factors of gang crime and the importance of social work. This has consequences for their considered worth of sympathy and rights to social support that focuses on change. When social aspects is discussed it tends to create a invisible gap between ”the youth worthy of sympathy” and ”the punishable criminal” – which enable to maintain the identities of “victims” and “perpetrators” in a way that avoids the complexity of the problem.

En internt segregerad skola : En kvalitativ studie utifrån elevernas egna upplevelser på Klaraskolan i Halmstad / An internally segregated school

Andersson, Bertil, Svedlind, Jesper January 2020 (has links)
This qualitative essay has been performed on the secondary school Klaraskolan in Halmstad. The school has two defined groups that derive from two separate, different and homogenous schools. The aim of the essay is to identify the pupil’s experiences, thoughts and opinions about the social environment on Klaraskolan in relation to their different backgrounds. The primary focus for the essay is to examine differences between the groups that contribute to an internally segregated school. Conclusions will be made from how the power is distributed between the groups and how that affects the social cohesion. The main theory for the essay is Pierre Bourdieus field theory with two supportive theories which is Michel Foucaults conceptof disciplinary power and Ove Sernhedes concept of territorial stigmatization. The empiricism is collected by two group interviews, four individual interviews and three observations. The result proved that there are significant differences in how the pupil’s experienced their schooling, how they chose to interact with their friends and how they experience their treatment by their teachers and surroundings. The conclusions made by this was that language and residential area is of big importance regarding how they defined themselves and how they interpreted the opposite group. Regarding power between the two groups they dominated different social spaces at school. These conclusions combined generated the final conclusion that Klaraskolan can be defined as an internally segregated school.

Från en gårdsfest i Bronx till TV-soffan hos Malou : En kvalitativ studie om hiphoptexters skildring av det sociala livet i svenska förorter mellan åren 2019–2020

Andersson, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
This study examines how Swedish hip hop lyrics between the years 2019–2020 depict the social life in the suburb. The study is divided into two different parts, the first of which analyzes general themes, categories and concepts in hip hop texts through an overview of 50 different songs. The second study analyzes five popular hip hop texts based on a qualitative text analysis. / Den här studien undersöker hur svenska hiphoptexter mellan åren 2019–2020 skildrar det sociala livet i förorten. Undersökningen är uppdelad i två olika delar, varav den första analyserar generella teman, kategorier och begrepp i hiphoptexter genom en översiktslyssning av 50 olika låtar. Den andra studien analyserar fem populära hiphoptexter utifrån en kvalitativ textanalys. / Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Umeå universitet

Etická problematika postavení lidí trpících duševním onemocněním na trhu práce / The etical issue of the position of people suffering from mental disorder in the labor market

Cabishová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
Subject of Diploma thesis is a description of ethical problems and complication of social mechanism related to employing people who suffer from mental illnesses. There are factors which influences opportunities for success, like concealed or unspecified information about diagnosis. It is happening based on experience with labeling and stigmatization. Thesis reflects sick person's dilemmas and social roles and proposes a solutions in the light of ethic. The goal will be to create a design of code of ethics which can be helping people with experience with mental disorders enter to labour market. Keywords ethical problem, dilemma, mental illness, stigmatization, virtue, code of ethics

“Känns som allting bara går på repeat, 90- talet det går på repris.” : En kvalitativ studie om hiphoptexters skildring av verkligheten under 1990- och 2010-tal.

Björk, Erik, Stranqvist, Dominic January 2021 (has links)
This study examines how Swedish hip hop lyrics from the 1990s and 2010s portrays the social life, first and foremost in the suburb. The study consists of two parts, the first is a more general study of which themes and categories appear in the lyrics through an overview of 90 different hip hop songs. The second part of the study is focusing on analyzing different processes in change from the 1990s to the 2010s hip hop lyrics. The material of this part consists of 5 songs from the 1990s and 5 songs from the 2010s, that through a qualitative text analysis presents different changes in discourses.

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