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Attitudes stigmatisantes envers les personnes vivant avec le VIH : développement et validation d’un instrument de mesure intégrant un dispositif participatifBeaulieu, Marianne 05 1900 (has links)
Contexte : De manière générale, on considère que le processus de validation d’un instrument de mesure porte sur la validité et la fiabilité. Or, la nature dynamique et évolutive de certaines problématiques, comme la stigmatisation des personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH), laisse croire qu’il est particulièrement important de réinvestir rapidement dans la pratique, les résultats produits par les mesures ainsi validées.
Objectifs : La présente thèse vise à développer et valider une échelle de mesure des attitudes stigmatisantes envers les PVVIH en intégrant un dispositif participatif. La thèse utilise en partie les données d’une enquête de surveillance des attitudes envers les PVVIH au Québec, elle comporte trois études qui répondent aux trois objectifs spécifiques suivants : (1) valider la version révisée d’un instrument de mesure des attitudes favorables à la stigmatisation dans la population générale du Québec envers les PVVIH; (2) analyser la relation entre la mesure des attitudes favorables à la stigmatisation et le recours au dépistage du VIH dans la population générale du Québec; (3) décrire et analyser les processus de circulation et d’utilisation des connaissances produites par l’instrument de mesure dans les réseaux professionnels des membres d’un comité consultatif.
Méthodes : Un comité consultatif réunissant plusieurs partenaires issus de différents milieux a été constitué dès l’obtention de la subvention. Il a été consulté et informé avant, pendant et après l’enquête téléphonique populationnelle (n=1500) ayant permis de colliger les données. L’Échelle des Attitudes Stigmatisantes envers les Personnes Vivant avec le VIH (EASE-PVVIH) a été validée au moyen de plusieurs analyses psychométriques : analyses factorielles exploratoires et confirmatives, corrélations, régression linéaire multiple, test-t, tests d’hypothèses d’invariance de la structure factorielle et alphas de Cronbach (objectif 1). L’association entre les attitudes favorables à la stigmatisation et le recours au dépistage du VIH a été testée à l’aide de régressions logistiques hiérarchiques (objectif 2). Quant aux processus de circulation et d’utilisation des connaissances dans les réseaux professionnels, ils ont été analysés au moyen d’une étude de cas rétrospective (objectif 3).
Résultats : Les analyses ont révélé trois résultats importants. Premièrement, d’un point de vue psychométrique, l’EASE-PVVIH est un outil fiable et valide pour mesurer les attitudes stigmatisantes envers les personnes vivant avec le VIH. Deuxièmement, sous une certaine forme caractérisée par l’inquiétude éprouvée lors de rencontres occasionnelles, les attitudes stigmatisantes par rapport aux personnes vivant avec le VIH semblent nuire au recours au test de dépistage dans la population générale au Québec. Troisièmement, un dispositif participatif en particulier, soit un comité consultatif, semble être un moyen pour favoriser le réinvestissement rapide et étendre la portée des résultats produits par la recherche dans des actions concrètes de santé publique.
Conclusion : Ces résultats mettent en lumière la portée d’un dispositif participatif pour la validation d’instrument de mesure. L’arrimage entre les préoccupations scientifiques et pratiques apparaît être une avenue prometteuse pour améliorer la qualité et la pertinence sociale des données produites par les mesures. / Background: A measurement scale is generally evaluated in terms of validity and reliability. However, the dynamic and evolutive nature of certain issues, such as the stigmatization of people living with HIV (PLHIV), suggests that it is particularly important to rapidly reinvest the knowledge into practice that has been obtained using validated measures.
Objectives: The purpose of this thesis was to develop and validate a scale to assess stigmatizing attitudes towards PLHIV by integrating a steering committee into the process. Part of this thesis uses the data collected from a survey of attitudes towards PLHIV in Quebec. Three studies were conducted to achieve the three following objectives: 1) to validate the revised version of a measurement scale to assess stigmatizing attitudes towards PLWHA in the general Quebec population; 2) to analyze the relationship between stigmatizing attitudes and HIV testing in the general Quebec population, and 3) to describe and analyze how members of a steering committee used and disseminated knowledge produced by a research project.
Methods: A steering committee made up of partners from various communities was formed once funding was obtained. The committee was actively involved before, during, and after the population telephone survey (n=1500) was conducted to collect the data. The Stigmatizing Attitudes towards People Living with HIV/AIDS Scale (SAT-PLWHA-S) was validated using psychometric analyses: exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, correlations, multiple linear regression, t-tests, hypothesis testing of factorial structure invariance, and Cronbach’s alphas (objective 1). The association between stigmatizing attitudes and HIV testing were tested using sequential logistic regression (objective 2). The dissemination and use of knowledge among professional networks were analyzed using a retrospective case study (objective 3).
Results: The results revealed three significant findings. First, from a psychometric standpoint, the SAT-PLWHA-S is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring stigmatizing attitudes towards PLHIV. Second, one form of stigmatizing attitudes, concern about occasional contact with PLHIV, appeared to act as a barrier for HIV testing in the general Quebec population. Third, a steering committee appear to foster rapid translation of research results into concrete public health actions.
Conclusion: These results shed light on the contribution of a steering committee to the validation of a measurement scale. The joining of scientific and practitioners’ concerns appears to be a promising avenue for improving the quality and relevance of data generated by such measures.
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Politika nulové tolerance v Duchcově a Litvínově jako (společnost polarizující) politika disciplinace / Zero Tolerance policy in Duchcov and Litvínov: A Case of Polarizing Politics of DisciplinationMatysová, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, I deal with the Zero tolerance policy in its perspective of theory, records and application. I regard it as a disciplining policy, which leads to polarization and consequent deepening of problems in absence in of indications of social issues by their proper names. Answer to the issue of work is evidence of a practical example in a foreign surrounding and subsequent in-depth qualitative analysis of the two urban cases of region Ústí nad Labem - Duchcov and Litvínov. The data were processed by qualitative methods and techniques of sociological research in support partial statistics and hard data. This combined methodology aims to grasp the topic in the field of urban sociology and on that basis try for plasticity research based on interdisciplinarity. Based on research confirmed that the Zero tolerance policy in Duchcov and Litvínov is not recommendable manual for dealing with long-term social and deteriorating security situation. found that the appointment of politicians do not address the causes of incurred to shape the long-term problems. Furthemore been found the named policy do not address the causes of incurred to shape the long-term problems. Vice versa, reverses the logic of cause and effect - the cause of the decline in the quality of life in cities. In thus considered the...
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Mobbning bland skolungdomar : En litteraturstudie om social status och grupptillhörighet / Bullying among adolescents : A literature review on social status and peer group effectsStymne, William January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att förklara hur kamratgrupperingar och sociala hierarkier utgör en väsentlig del av samt leder till mobbning bland skolungdomar. Detta har genomförts med kvalitativ meta-analys av forskningsartiklar, som har tolkats utifrån sociologiska teorier om stigmatisering och miniatyrsamhälleliga gruppers maktförhållanden. Resultatet har framställts genom en grounded theory ansats och analyserats utifrån meta-analytisk metod samt diskursanalytisk ontologi. Resultatet och analysen indikerar att kamratgrupperingar och hierarkier utgör skeden av komplexa händelseförlopp, från skolklassers sammansättningar fram till att mobbning utbryter. Konklusionerna av detta är att det behövs vidare fördjupningar av olika orsakssamband i framtida forskning. Sambanden behöver även uppmärksammas för att motverka hierarkiska skiljelinjer mellan kamratgrupper när man förebygger och avstyr mobbning. / The purpose of this essay is to explain how peer groups and social hierarchies are an essential part of, and generate bullying among school adolescents. This has been conducted through qualitative meta-analysis of research articles, which have been interpreted through sociological theories on stigmatization and power relationships between minor social groups. The results are presented through a grounded theory approach and analyzed by meta-analytic methods and discourse analytic ontology. The analysis indicates that peer groups and social hierarchies are stages of complex social processes, between the formations of school classes up until bullying breaks out. The essay concludes that further research of each causal relationship is needed in future research. The causalities also need to be considered when preventing social hierarchies and intervening in school bullying situations.
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De la stigmatisation à la biomédicalisation ? : analyse critique d'une quête de sens pour des parents ayant un enfant diagnostiqué d'un TDA/HBrice, Dolorès January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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L’évaluation du risque comme facteur influençant les opinions et comportements en lien avec le tabac et le cannabisPlante, Elisabeth 07 1900 (has links)
S’inscrivant dans le cadre d’une étude pancanadienne portant sur la normalisation du cannabis et la stigmatisation du tabac, le principal objectif de cette recherche était de comprendre quelle place occupe l’évaluation des risques dans la compréhension des perceptions et comportements liés aux deux substances. Pour ce faire, à partir d’un devis mixte – quantitatif et qualitatif, nous avons 1) décrit les perceptions et opinions des participants quant à leur propre consommation de cannabis et/ou de tabac et quant à la consommation que font les gens en général des mêmes substances. Nous avons aussi 2) décrit comment les participants évaluent les risques liés à chacune des substances. Enfin, sachant que la perception du risque est intimement liée au comportement d’un individu, nous avons cherché 3) à préciser comment l’évaluation du risque agit sur les comportements et les opinions des quelques 50 participants, hommes et femmes âgés entre 20 et 49 ans, bien intégrés socialement, envers le tabac et le cannabis.
Il s’avère que les fumeurs de cannabis, qui ont insisté sur la distinction à faire entre la manière dont ils font usage de la substance et une consommation abusive, valorisait le contrôle que leur permettait, selon eux, la consommation de cannabis. La consommation de cigarettes, quant à elle, était perçue négativement pour des raisons opposées puisque de l’avis des participants à l’étude, elle engendrerait chez le fumeur une incapacité à se maîtriser et un besoin compulsif de fumer. Dans cette optique, les risques liés au cannabis étaient perçus, par la plupart, comme étant contrôlables, à l’exception du jugement d’autrui qui demeurerait incertain et sur lequel il serait impossible d’avoir du contrôle. La réaction de certaines personnes de leur entourage étant ou bien imprévisible ou négative, c’est ce qui les amènerait à fumer principalement en privé. Le contrôle social formel aurait finalement peu d’influence étant donné le fort sentiment qu’ont les répondants qu’il ne s’appliquera tout simplement pas à eux. / In the context of a pan-Canadian study pertaining to the normalization of cannabis and the stigmatization regarding tobacco, the main objective of this research was to understand the importance given in the evaluation of the risks in the understanding of the perceptions and behaviors as they relate to the aforementioned substances. Based on a mixed method, qualitative and quantitative, the process undertaken was 1) to describe the perceptions and opinions of respondents regarding their own use of cannabis and/or tobacco as well as the use of the same substances by the general public. We then 2) described how the respondents evaluate the risks as they relate to each substance. Finally, knowing that the perception of the risks are intimately related to the behavior of an individual, we 3) sought to determine how the evaluation of risks affects the behaviors and opinions of the 50 study participants, all of whom are socially well adjusted men and women between the ages of 20 to 49, regarding tobacco and cannabis.
The cannabis smokers insisted on the importance of making a distinction between the way they use the substance versus an abusive use. They ascertained that there was a degree of control regarding the use of cannabis. The use of tobacco was perceived negatively for opposite reasons as it created a dependency to the smoker, an incapacity to control its use and the creation of a compulsive urge to smoke. Given these optics, the risks related to use of cannabis were perceived by most as controllable with the exception of judgment from others which remained uncertain and which would be impossible to control. The reaction of certain people within their surroundings was either unpredictable or negative which lead them to smoke mainly in private. Finally, formal social control would very little influence on the respondents given the strong feeling they had that this did not apply to them.
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L’étranger et le droit pénal : étude sur la pertinence de la pénalisationChassang, Céline 06 December 2013 (has links)
Le droit pénal génère des distinctions entre étrangers et nationaux, les premiers faisant, dans certaines situations, l’objet d’une pénalisation spécifique. Pourtant, la pertinence de cette pénalisation peut être questionnée au regard d’un balancement, opéré par le droit pénal, entre distinction et assimilation.Dans un premier temps, l’étude démontre que les différentes distinctions en droit pénal peuvent être contestées. D’une part, la pénalisation dont fait l’objet l’ensemble des étrangers ne semble pas opportune car elle apparaît tant superflue – lorsque le droit pénal se superpose à un dispositif extra-pénal suffisant – qu’illégitime – lorsque le droit pénal utilise l’apparence d’extranéité comme critère d’application. D’autre part, la pénalisation spécifique dont font l’objet les étrangers en situation irrégulière apparaît inadéquate puisque, dépendante de l’évolution des règles administratives et européennes, elle revêt un caractère instable et parce qu’elle ne présente qu’un intérêt relatif pour lutter contre l’immigration illégale.Dans un second temps, l’analyse montre, à travers un mouvement d’assimilation progressive de l’étranger au national, que le droit pénal sait aussi se désintéresser de l’extranéité. D’une part, cette assimilation répond à un impératif d’égalité qu’il est possible d’observer dans le cadre du procès pénal, mais également à l’aune de la création d’immunités pénales au profit de certains étrangers. D’autre part, cette assimilation est fondée sur la lutte contre l’impunité des auteurs d’infractions puisqu’elle est commandée par les impératifs de la coopération pénale internationale et consacrée par le mécanisme de la compétence universelle. / Criminal law gives rise to distinctions between aliens and nationals, the former being subjected to specific criminalization. But the relevance of this criminalization may be questioned, considering the balance sought by criminal law between distinction and assimilation.First, the study demonstrates that the different distinctions provided by criminal law may be challenged. On one hand, criminalization that applies to every alien is not convenient since it appears non-essential – when criminal law overlaps already sufficient extra-criminal rules – and illegitimate – when criminal law uses foreign origin as selection criterion. On the other hand, specific criminalization applied to illegal aliens appears to be inadequate since, depending on the evolution of national administrative rules and European rules, it has no legal certainty and relative interest to restrict illegal immigration.Then, the analysis shows, through a movement of progressive assimilation of aliens to nationals, that criminal law can also lose interest in foreign origin. On one hand, this assimilation meets to a requirement of equality that one may observe not only in criminal lawsuits but also in matters of criminal immunities in favor of some aliens. On the other hand, this assimilation is based on broader fight against impunity of offenders as required by international criminal cooperation and recognized by the mechanism of universal jurisdiction.
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The Chopis' journey: Restoring identity through Theology and MissionMacamo, Marcos Efraim 02 1900 (has links)
This work discusses the dilemma of the Chopi people, who despite having a rich cultural heritage, were marginalized by other people, owing to menial labour they have done, such as the removal of faeces and grave digging for the city of Maputo. There is a contrast between the Chopis who were historically an exceptional people in rural Mozambique and the rejected and excluded people they have become in the city.
This study attempts, to revert this situation, through a participative process of research, action and change, and highlights some aspects related to their cultural and religious identity. Contributing factors to their predicament are political, economic, social and religious in nature. My work entails an intense endeavour towards renewing identity regarding their understanding of employment, through theology and mission in a contextual approach. Transformation and the renewal of the values of the Chopi people are crucial towards this end. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology-Specialisation in Urban Ministry)
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Opvoedkundige sielkundige riglyne vir die hantering van die agterblywende gesinslede van die selfmoordslagoffer / Educational psychological guidelines for intervention with families of the suicide victimBarnard, Ilonka 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Selfmoord is 'n kontroversiele aangeleentheid wat beide omstanders en agterblywendes met onsekerheid vervul. 'n Belangrike rede hiervoor is dat dit 'n onnatuurlike afsterwe is wat teen baie mense se norme en
waardes indruis. ldiografiese navorsing is onderneem om die belewenisse van agterblywende gesinslede te ondersoek aangesien hulle die eintlike slagoffers van 'n selfmoord is wat met 'n komplekse realiteit gelaat
word. Die doel van die navorsing was om riglyne daar te stel vir die hantering en ondersteuning van hierdie mense. Vanuit 'n in-diepte literatuurstudie, het dit geblyk dat die grootste probleme waarmee agterblywendes gekonfronteer word, wentel random problematiese emosies, veroordeling deur omstanders en belewings van persoonlike onvermoe om te midde van intense rousmart selfaktualisering optimaal te volvoer. 'n Vraelys wat aspekte (socs dit uit die literatuurstudie geblyk het) inkorporeer, is opgestel en aan agterblywendes gegee om te
beantwoord. Van die belangrikste elemente wat na vore gekom het, is dat intense verhoudingskomplikasies na 'n selfmoord figureer, dat agterblywendes 'n behoefte het om rouverwerking teen hul eie tempo te doen, dat agterblywendes verkies dat omstanders nie voortdurend die gebeure sal ontleed en soek na oorsake in die teenwoordigheid van agterblywendes nie en dat elke agterblywende persoon se roubelewing persoonlik en uniek is. 'n Hoofstuk is gewy aan 'n wye verskeidenheid terapeutiese tegnieke wat geimplementeer kan word tydens hulpverlening aan agterblywendes. Die studie beskryf ook 'n gevallestudie en die verloop van sestien individuele terapeutiese sessies. In die terapeutiese insette is daar hoofsaaklik gebruik gemaak van hipnoterapie as 'n vorm van ontspanningsterapie waartydens daar gelokus word op problematiese emosies en persepsies wat voortgesette kwalitatiewe selfaktualisering belemmer. In die studie word Opvoedkundige Sielkundige riglyne vir hulpverlening aan agterblywendes, wat benut kan word deur hulpverleners (soos sielkundiges, onderwysers en ander ondersteuningsisteme). verskaf. Die studie bevestig dat die agterblywendes as die werklike slagoffers na 'n selfmoord agtergelaat word, maar dat sinvolle intervensie hierdie persone in staat kan stel om ten spyte van die gebeure weer optimaal te selfaktualiseer. / Suicide is a controversial topic. It causes both bystanders and survivors to feel insecure. An important reason for this is that it is an unnatural death which directly opposes the norms and values of the majority of people. ldiografic research has been undertaken to closely examine the experiences of suicide survivors as they are the real victims who are left to cope with a complex reality after a suicide. The objective of this study was to provide guidelines to effectively manage and render assistance to survivors. From an in depth review of available literature it appeared that troubled emotions, being denounced by bystanders and the inability to proceed with continued qualitative self-actualization are some of the most important problems survivors have to cope with.
A questionnaire, incorporating significant aspects reported in literature, was compiled and given to survivors to complete. From their responses certain facets seemed to be problematic. Among the more problematic aspects were complicated interpersonal relations, the basic need to grieve at their own pace, the preference that bystanders avoid analysing the suicide and possible contributing factors (especially in the presence of survivors) and the recognition that each survivor's grief is personal and unique. A chapter has been devoted to a wide range of therapeutic techniques that can be implemented to facilitate the support given to survivors. The study also describes a case study as well as the progression of sixteen individual therapy sessions. Therapeutic intervention was mainly based on hypnotherapy as a form of relaxation therapy during which the focus is placed on problematic emotions and perceptions which prevent continued qualitative self-actualization. Educational Psychological guidelines along which assistance can be rendered by psychologists, teachers as well as other support services are given. This study not only confirms that the survivors are the actual victims of a suicide, but also that it is possible to assist these people to achieve optimal self-actualization through meaningful intervention. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)
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Stigmatizace duševně nemocných v současné společnosti / Stigmatization of Mentally Ill in the Present SocietyCHODOROVÁ, Alena January 2009 (has links)
The work deals with the problem of stigma creation among mentally ill people in the contemporary society. A group of people with mental illness is determined by defining the terms of mental health and mental illness. The consequences of the illness on the quality of life are described. A history of mental health care and the development of the opinions on the group of mentally ill people are mentioned. The problems of stereotypical attitudes to mentally ill are dealt with, together with the importance of impact of stigmas on the personality of the mentally ill and their environment. In the last part the possibilities of shifting off the stigmas are eliminated, respecting the experience in the field of mental health care abroad.
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Politika nulové tolerance v Duchcově a Litvínově jako (společnost polarizující) politika disciplinace / Zero Tolerance policy in Duchcov and Litvínov: A Case of Polarizing Politics of DisciplinationMatysová, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, I deal with the Zero tolerance policy in its perspective of theory, records and application. I regard it as a disciplining policy, which leads to polarization and consequent deepening of problems in absence in of indications of social issues by their proper names. Answer to the issue of work is evidence of a practical example in a foreign surrounding and subsequent in-depth qualitative analysis of the two urban cases of region Ústí nad Labem - Duchcov and Litvínov. The data were processed by qualitative methods and techniques of sociological research in support partial statistics and hard data. This combined methodology aims to grasp the topic in the field of urban sociology and on that basis try for plasticity research based on interdisciplinarity. Based on research confirmed that the Zero tolerance policy in Duchcov and Litvínov is not recommendable manual for dealing with long-term social and deteriorating security situation. found that the appointment of politicians do not address the causes of incurred to shape the long-term problems. Furthemore been found the named policy do not address the causes of incurred to shape the long-term problems. Vice versa, reverses the logic of cause and effect - the cause of the decline in the quality of life in cities. In thus considered the...
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