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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Djuren och den ädla människan : Aristokratins roll i den svenska djurskyddsrörelsens framväxt 1875-1905 / The animals and the noble human : The role of the aristocrats in the foundation of the Swedish societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals 1875-1905

Johansson, Madeleine January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to analyze the influence that aristocrats in Sweden had on the Swedish movement for the prevention of cruelty to animals, and why especially aristocrats started it. The sources I have been using are speeches and texts written by persons who were involved in the movement. I have also studied rapports from the three largest societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals. In the sources I looked for terms, expressions and opinions that can be paralleled whit the aristocratic ideal and opinion. Things that can relate to aristocratic urban people. I also searched for a class-consciousness and a negative view on other groups of people. Research questions: 1) Why was it especially the aristocrats that started to make a stand for the animals and what imprint did this make in the movement? 2) What issues was driven by the societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals? Which was regarded as the most important? 3) Which persons could be seen and heard pursuing the animal protection policy? 4) What kind of arguments for animal protection are the movement’s representatives presenting? The aristocratic people became committed to the animal protection movement because of the role they had in society, their ideal and because they had the time and money. They had the possibilities to take in the new ideas that during this time were presented in different kinds of areas. The upper class was regarded to have obligations because of their privileged way of life and their idealistic work was regarded as a matter of course. The societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals worked hard on educating the lower classes and the people in the countryside. The aristocrats brought philosophy, science and the urban view on animals.

Ibsens Vildanden : och 1800-talets familjedebatt

Skinnar, Jeanette January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Att vara förmyndare : En studie om förmyndarskap i Trosa kommun 1875 - 1891

Salo, Jacek January 2010 (has links)
Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka förmyndarskap i Trosa stadsförsamling på slutet av 1800-talet. Det material som använts för att uppnå detta syfte består av förmyndarskapsprotokoll från Trosa rådstugerätt och magistrat mellan 1875-1891, samt förmyndarskapsförteckningar för samma period. Resultatet visar att antalet omyndiga vilka förordnats förmyndare sjönk stadigt från undersökningsperiodens början mot dess slut. Resultatet visar också på att änkor tydligt betroddes att vara förmyndare åt sina egna barn under perioden. När det gäller förmyndarna så visar undersökningsresultatet på att det var en klar social skiktning i valet av förmyndare. Detta ter sig på två sätt. När rådstugerätten utsåg förmyndare utan rekommendation så valdes till mycket stor del förmyndare från övre samhällsklasser och när det inkom rekommendation angående förmyndare till rätten så rekommenderades och utsågs till förmyndare oftast män ur samma samhällsklass eller liknande yrkesgrupp. Ett tredje noterbart resultat angående förmyndarna var att det endast i ett fåtal fall utsågs förmyndare som var släkt med myndlingen. Detta visar att det var yrkesrelationer och andra informella samband människor emellan som var viktiga i valet av förmyndare snarare än släktskap.

Vilka är det som stryker omkring? : En studie av lösdriveriet i Östersund 1885-1899

Åslund, Anders January 2010 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att utifrån lösdrivarprotokoll från stadsfiskalen i Östersund att kartlägga och utforska lösdriveriet i Östersund under åren 1885-1899. Dessa protokoll har sammanställts för att kunna besvara frågor om lösdriveriets omfattning i staden, lösdrivarnas demografi, omständigheterna kring deras fasttagande och mantalsskrivningsort. Uppsatsens resultat har också, i en komparativ del, satts i relation till studier över lösdrivarsituationen i andra städer under den aktuella tiden, för att på så sätt jämföra Östersunds lösdriveri i förhållande till andra delar av Sverige.Resultatet visar att totalt 304 fall av lösdriveri finns dokumenterat i Östersund under den aktuella tiden, och den största andelen anhölls mellan åren 1889-1893. En stor majoritet av lösdrivarna var män, kvinnorna utgör endast 9 procent av Östersunds lösdrivare. Medelåldern var strax under 36 år och det vanligaste yrket var arbetare. Studien visar att den geografiska spridningen av lösdrivarna mantalsskrivningsort var stor och nästintill alla Sveriges län finns representerade.

Djuren och den ädla människan : Aristokratins roll i den svenska djurskyddsrörelsens framväxt 1875-1905 / The animals and the noble human : The role of the aristocrats in the foundation of the Swedish societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals 1875-1905

Johansson, Madeleine January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this paper is to analyze the influence that aristocrats in Sweden had on the Swedish movement for the prevention of cruelty to animals, and why especially aristocrats started it. The sources I have been using are speeches and texts written by persons who were involved in the movement. I have also studied rapports from the three largest societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals. In the sources I looked for terms, expressions and opinions that can be paralleled whit the aristocratic ideal and opinion. Things that can relate to aristocratic urban people. I also searched for a class-consciousness and a negative view on other groups of people.</p><p>Research questions: 1) Why was it especially the aristocrats that started to make a stand for the animals and what imprint did this make in the movement? 2) What issues was driven by the societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals? Which was regarded as the most important? 3) Which persons could be seen and heard pursuing the animal protection policy? 4) What kind of arguments for animal protection are the movement’s representatives presenting?</p><p>The aristocratic people became committed to the animal protection movement because of the role they had in society, their ideal and because they had the time and money. They had the possibilities to take in the new ideas that during this time were presented in different kinds of areas. The upper class was regarded to have obligations because of their privileged way of life and their idealistic work was regarded as a matter of course. The societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals worked hard on educating the lower classes and the people in the countryside. The aristocrats brought philosophy, science and the urban view on animals.</p>

Heartists : Om konstnärsparet Carolina Benedicks Bruce och William Blair Bruce med inriktning på könsroller, klass och identitet. / Heartists : About the artist couple Carolina Benedicks Bruce &amp; William Blair Bruce. Focusing on gender roles, class and identity.

Pietikäinen, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
This essay accounts for the lives of atist couple Carolina Benedicks Bruce (1856-1935) and William Blair Bruce (1859-1906). The perspective emerges from both Griselda Pollock’s theories on female artists as from Yvonne Hirdman’s gender contract. The essay is made out in the form of a biography, with focus on aspects of gender roles, class and identity. The material consists of letters written by the couple and their families, as well as Carolina’s diaries.    Carolina Benedicks Bruce was born into the wealthy Benedicks family  from Stockholm and Gysinge. At Grez she met William Blair Bruce in 1885. William was born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and was sent to France by his family for artistic education in his twenties. They built a home together at Gotland; Brucebo. They conducted themselves liberally to the current norms of gender roles, class and identity aspects of the time. They created their own path, to be able to do what they were passionate about.

Monument i miniatyr : Den samhällselitiska diskursens förändring under det långa 1800-talet, uttryckt i medaljkonsten

Johansson, Martin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Författaren heter numera Tunefalk.</p>

Slavhandel och slaveri i svensk 1800-talspress : En pressundersökning om hur slavhandel och slaveri framställs i tre svenska dagstidningar mellan 1840-1860 / Slave trade and slavery in 19th century Swedish newspapers : A study of how slave trade and slavery were depicted in three Swedish daily newspapers between 1840 and 1860

Cook, William January 2014 (has links)
The transatlantic slave trade started in the 17th century and lasted for more than two hundred years, and many nations across the world abolished the slave trade during the 19th century. As slavery became a rather controversial topic, it led to hectic debates about the moral aspects of buying and selling human beings. During the 19th century in North America, newspapers were used to influence people and make them aware of the contemporary slave trade. Ideas and thoughts about the slave trade were conveyed to the public through newspapers, which became important and widely used media phenomena. Newspapers have always been used to convey different kinds of information, and as slavery was a much-disputed topic, the newspapers frequently wrote about it. This study aims to give an analysis of how three 18th century Swedish newspapers – Folkets röst, Jönköpingsbladet and Post- och inrikes tidningar – depicted the slave trade and slavery in general, between 1840 and 1860. In each newspaper, 15 news articles were analysed. The results show that the number of news articles where slavery was depicted in a negative context in Folkets röst and Post- och inrikestidningar, the results were approximately the same. As for Jönköpingsbladet, slavery was depicted in primarily neutral contexts. Neither of the newspapers depicted slavery positively.

Homo Epistolicus : Om brevställare som socialisationsinstrument

Andersson, Robert January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Världen hälsar på : Rasrepresentationer i Svenska familj-journalen 1864-1881 / The world pays a visit : Representations of race in Svenska familj-journalen, 1864-1881

Eriksson, Louise January 2015 (has links)
Under slutet av 1800-talet publicerades tidningen Svenska familj-journalen i flera årgångar som en tidning menad att läsas av hela familjen som underhållning. Ett inslag i tidningen var berättelser om främmande länder och folkslag. Skribenterna beskrev en exotisk och sensationell värld utanför Sverige i sina artiklar och för många i läsarkretsen var detta deras enda kontakt med omvärlden. På ett sätt kan man säga att världen hälsade på hos läsarna istället för tvärtom. Det är dessa artiklar om andra nationaliteter jag har undersökt i min kandidatuppsats. Undersökningen granskar artiklar som innehåller framställningar av främmande folkslag utanför och inom Europa samt samer. Studien baseras på Saids teori om Orientalism och Foucaults diskursteori samt tidgare forskning kring svensk identitet och rasrepresentationer. Syftet med undersökningen är att granska den svenska självbilden under slutet av 1800-talet genom att undersöka rasrepresentationer i tidningen Svenska familj-journalen under åren 1864-1881. Min undersökning demonstrerar att den svenska självbilden genomgick förändring och dessutom var relativt splittrad under 1800-talet.

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