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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų bendradarbiavimo galimybės / Opportunities of communication between social educators and social workers

Reinikovienė, Aurelija 13 January 2009 (has links)
Šis darbas skirtas apžvelgti socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo profesijų raidą bendradarbiavimo aspektu, aptarti socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo vaidmenis, veiklos ypatumus, bendradarbiavimo ir komandinio darbo esmę. Nors socialinio ugdymo praktika glaudžiai siejasi su socialiniu darbu, tačiau teoriniu lygmeniu socialinės pedagogikos ir socialinio darbo teorijos objektai priklauso skirtingoms socialinių mokslų kryptims. Tiek socialinio darbuotojo, tiek ir socialinio pedagogo pagrindinis veiklos tikslas – vaiko ir jo aplinkos gerovė. Šiuo darbu tikimasi išanalizuoti, kokios yra socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo bendradarbiavimo galimybės ugdymo įstaigose, kokius vaidmenis atlieka šie specialistai ir kuo jų veikla gali papildyti viena kitą. Darbo objektas - socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo bendradarbiavimas. Darbo tikslas - atskleisti socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo bendradarbiavimo galimybes. Tikslui pasiekti naudotas kiekybinio tipo tyrimas. 2008 metų spalio-lapkričio mėnesiais Kauno miesto vidurinėse mokyklose atlikta anketinė socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų apklausa, kuria siekta išsiaiškinti respondentų nuomonę apie socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų bendradarbiavimo galimybes. Tyrimo rezultatai: socialinis darbuotojas savo veikloje dažniausiai atlieka socialiniam pedagogui būdingesnius vaidmenis – konsultanto, mokytojo, informatoriaus, kt. Pastarieji, remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, nurodė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This paper is to review trade evolution of social educator and social worker in communication aspect, to discuss the roles of social educator and social worker, work singularity, communication and team work point. Even social training practice is close related with social work, but in theoretical level social education and social work theory objects belongs to different social study directions. Both social worker and social educator the main work goal is child and his social welfare. By this paper I hope to analyze, what opportunities are to communicate between social educator and social worker in training office, what roles are taken by these specialists and how their activity can complement each other. The object of the study is communication between social educator and social worker. The goal of the study is to show opportunities of communication between social educator and social worker. To reach this goal I did quantitative analysis. In October- November of the year 2008, the survey of the social workers and social educators was done in Kaunas secondary schools, in case to get the respondent‘s opinion about the opportunities of communication between social workers and social educators. The results of the analysis showed that social worker plays the roles more similar to social educators roles, like : advisor‘s, teacher‘s, informator‘s etc. Last-mentioned, on the ground of the stydy‘s results, showed that, on the contrary, do not play teacher‘s role so often, and... [to full text]

Skaitymo skatinimo strategijų taikymas socialinio pedagogo darbe su paaugliais / Application of reading strategies in social educator’s work with teenagers

Kapočiūtė, Eglė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Skaitymas yra vienas svarbiausių gebėjimų, ugdant asmenybę, atliepiančią šiandieninio pasaulio keliamus reikalavimus bendriesiems gebėjimams: kritiškai mąstyti, efektyviai komunikuoti bei mokytis visą gyvenimą. Išlavinta sakytinė ir rašytinė kalba padeda žmogui kritiškai mąstyti, diskutuoti, lengviau integruotis į visuomenę. / In the today‘s world people need to have a skills of critical thinking, effective communication and lifelong learning. The best way to educate those skills is reading. The research literature shows that reading for pleasure is decline in the different ages and social status humans. The less in reading are teenagers, which better are watching television or playing in computer games. Parents are one of the most important literacy teachers and stimulators for children.

Socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų profesinės veiklos turinio lyginamoji analizė / Comparative analysis of professional activity contents of a social pedagogues and social workers

Jocaitė, Ineta 02 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojami socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų profesinės veiklos turinio ypatumai. Socialinio darbuotojo ir socialinio pedagogo profesinės veiklos turinys analizuojamas įvairiais mokslinėje literatūroje išskiriamais aspektais, vadovaujantis šių specialistų rengimą ir jų veiklą reglamentuojančiais dokumentais bei tiriant socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų požiūrį, kuris atskleistas apklausos raštu metu. Darbo objektas – socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų profesinės veiklos turinys. Darbo tikslas – palyginti socialinių darbuotojų ir socialinių pedagogų profesinės veiklos turinį jų pačių požiūriu. Tyrimo duomenys buvo renkami naudojant uždaro tipo klausimyną ir apdorojami taikant aprašomąją statistiką t kriterijaus dviejų grupių vidurkiams palyginti. Tyrime dalyvavo 126 respondentai – 64 socialiniai pedagogai ir 62 socialiniai darbuotojai, dirbantys įvairiose socialinėse įstaigose. Analizuojant socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų veiklos turinį buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti kokie skirtumai ir panašumai išryškėja sugretinant socialinio darbuotojo ir socialinio pedagogo veiklą šių specialistų rengimą reglamentuojančiuose dokumentuose ir kuo specifiška ir autentiška socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo profesinė veikla dirbančių šios srities specialistų požiūriu. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad socialinė pedagogika ir socialinis darbas yra artimai susijusios profesijos, kurios daro įtaką viena kitos atžvilgiu, bet socialinę... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The bachelor's work analyzes occupational characteristics of social work educators and social workers. Social worker's and social educator's professional content is analyzed in various aspects of scientific literature, according to the training of specialists and regulations governing their activities by investigating both social pedagogues and social workers attitudes. The thesis was social pedagogues and social workers professional content analyzed. The objective was to compare the social worker's and social pedagogue's professional content on their own point of view. The data was collected using closed-ended questionnaire and descriptive statistics using t-test to compare the two groups of averages. The study included 126 respondents – 64 social pedagogues and 62 social workers in various social institutions. The analysis of social pedagogues and social workers was to find out what the differences and similarities between comparisons of the results revealed a social worker and social educator training of specialists in the governing documents and the specific and genuine social pedagogues and social workers working in this occupation in terms of professionals. The study found that social pedagogy and social work are very closely related occupations, which influence each other, but the social pedagogy and social work can vary depending on the content of the activities to which attention is focused professionals - social educator oriented activities also diagnosed with the... [to full text]

Vyresniųjų gimnazinių klasių mokinių socialinis statusas ir socialinio pedagogo pagalba, žemo socialinio statuso mokiniams / Social status of senior class pupils‘ and social educator help for low social status pupils‘

Klingienė, Simona 31 July 2013 (has links)
Darbe atlikta vyresniųjų gimnazinių klasių mokinių socialinio statuso ir socialinio pedagogo pagalba, žemo socialinio statuso mokiniams analizė. Tyrimo objektas - vyresniųjų gimnazinių klasių mokinių socialinis statusas ir socialinio pedagogo pagalba, žemo socialinio statuso mokiniams.Tyrimo hipotezė - vyresnio mokyklinio amžiaus moksleiviai, veikiami grupės ir jos vidinių statusų bei jų dinamiškų veiksnių, patiria lyderystės ir atstūmimo situacijų, kurias padėti išspręsti gali socialinis pedagogas. Tyrimo tikslas - ištirti vyresniųjų gimnazinių klasių mokinių socialinio statuso svarbą ir socialinio pedagogo pagalbą žemo socialinio statuso mokiniams. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1.Išanalizuoti mokslinę literatūrą apie grupės narių socialinį statusą, lyderio ir žemo socialinio statuso mokinių ypatumus, bei socialinio pedagogo pagalbą pastariesiems mokiniams; 2.Išsiaiškinti mokinių nuomonę, apie lyderius ir atstumtuosius, kokie aspektai įtakoja buvimą tokiuose vaidmenyse; 3. išsiaiškinti socialinių pedagogų nuomonę, apie lyderius ir atstumtuosius, kokie aspektai įtakoja buvimą tokiuose vaidmenyse; 4.Išsiaiškinti ar socialiniai pedagogai gali padėti žemo socialinio statuso mokiniams. Atviro ir uždaro tipo anketinės apklausos būdu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - vyresniųjų gimnazinių klasių mokinių socialinio statuso svarba ir socialinio pedagogo pagalba žemo socialinio statuso mokiniams. Atlikta statistinė duomenų analizė exel ir SPSS programa, atliktas x2 testas, rasti SD... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work carried out at senior class pupils‘ of social status and social educator help for low social status pupils‘ analysis. The object of research – the social status of senior class pupils and social educator help, for low social status pupils. Hypothesis - senior school pupils affected by group and its internal statuses and their dynamic factors, experience leadership and rejection situations that can help solve social educator .The aim - to investigate senior gymnasium grade students the importance of social status and social educator help for low social status pupils. Objectives of the study: 1.To analyze scientific literature of the social status of the members of the group, the leader and the low social status of the students 'characteristics, and social assistance to the latter ctors influence the presence of such a role; 2.To find out students' opinion about the leaders and outcasts, what factors influence the staying in such a role 3. Social educators' opinion about the leaders and outcasts, what factors influence the presence of such a role; 4.To find out does the social eductors can help for low social status pupils. The questionnaire survey by open and closed question was conducted research with the aim - the social status of senior class pupils and social educator help, for low social status pupils. The statistical analysis of the data using SPSS and Excel program conducted x2 test to find SD, percentages, averages. Qualitative research was conducted by... [to full text]

Socialinė pedagoginė pagalba ugdymo proceso dalyviams / Social Pedagogical Assistance to the Participants of the Educational Process

Astrauskienė, Asta 27 June 2013 (has links)
Mokslinėje literatūroje daug kalbama apie moksleivių problemas bei socialinio pedagogo darbą, padedant jas spręsti, tačiau labai mažai analizuojama, kaip socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos teikimą vertina jos gavėjai (moksleiviai, tėvai) ir teikėjai (pedagogai). Tyrimo objektas – ugdymo proceso dalyvių (ugdytinių, tėvų, pedagogų) nuomonė apie socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos mokykloje teikimą. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti ugdymo proceso dalyvių (ugdytinių, tėvų, pedagogų) nuomonę apie socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos mokykloje teikimą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) Išanalizuoti mokslinę, pedagoginę, psichologinę literatūrą, teisinių duomenų bazę ir aptarti teorinius tyrimo aspektus. 2) Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize, pateikti socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos teikėjų kompetencijų turinį ir veiklos charakteristikas. 3) Atskleisti pagrindines problemas, lemiančias socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos poreikį. 4) Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais suformuluoti rekomendacijas socialiniams pedagogams. / There is a lot of talk about student problems and the work of social educators in the scientific literature, trying to help salving them, but there is very little analysis about the evaluations of social pedagogical assistance from the beneficiaries (students, parents) and providers (educators). The object of the research – The view of educational process participants (students, parents, educators) on the social pedagogical assistance in school. The purpose of the research – to reveal the views of educational process participants (students, parents, educators) about the social pedagogical assistance in school. Objectives of the study – 1) To analyze the scientific, pedagogical and psychological literature, the legal database, and discuss the theoretical aspects of the investigation. 2) Based on the analysis of scientific literature provide competency content and performance characteristics of educational assistance providers. 3) Uncover key issues that determines the need of pedagogic assistance. 4) Based on the results of the research formulate recommendations for social educators. The research methods: Analysis of scientific literature and documents, survey of students, parents and educators, statistical analysis of the data. 120 pupils from the schools of Pakruojis and its region participated in this survey, 46 parents and 66 educators and other specialists working in schools (social educator, psichologyst, teachers assistant, special educator, speech teacher). For the... [to full text]

Socialinių pedagogų kūrybingumo raiška profesinėje veikloje / Expression of creativity of social workers in professional activities

Rubinienė, Lolita 06 September 2013 (has links)
Objektas – socialinių pedagogų kūrybingumo raiška profesinėje veikloje. Tikslas – nustatyti socialinių pedagogų kūrybingumo raišką profesinėje veikloje. Uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti socialinių pedagogų kūrybingumo sampratos atitiktį teorinei kūrybingumo konceptualizacijai. 2. Nustatyti kokiose profesinės veiklos situacijose socialiniams pedagogams labiausiai reikalingas kūrybingumas 3. Įvertinti ar skiriasi socialinių pedagogų kūrybingumo kompetencijos raiška tarp trumpą ir ilgą darbo stažą turinčių soc .pedagogų. Hipotezės: 1. Praktinį darbą dirbančių socialinių pedagogų kūrybingumo samprata atitinka teorinę kūrybingumo konceptualizaciją. 2. Socialiniams pedagogams labiausiai kūrybingumas bus reikalingas individualiame darbe su vaikais. 3. Kūrybingumu pasižymės ilgesnį darbo stažą turintys socialiniai pedagogai. Problema: Šio darbo problematiką nusako poreikis įvertinti ar Lietuvoje socialinių darbuotojų kūrybingumas reiškiasi taip pat, kaip Vakarų Europos šalyse ir kokie asmeniniai veiksniai susiję su socialinių pedagogų kūrybingumu. Lietuvoje socialinių pedagogų kūrybingumas beveik nėra tyrinėtas Lietuvos autorių, tad šiame darbe kūrybingumas yra nagrinėjamas kaip svarbi profesinė kompetencija, kuri reiškiasi įvairiose socialinio pedagogo darbo veiklose. Išvados 1. Socialinių pedagogų turima kūrybingumo samprata atitinka teorinę konceptualizaciją, pateikiamą mokslinėje literatūroje: kūrybingumas – tai nuo veiklos srities priklausantis subjektyvus konkretaus asmens... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Purpose – explore the manifestation of creativity in the domain of social education. Objectives: 1. To compare social educators’ subjective creativity with theoretical conceptualization. 2. To set the main professional roles in which social educators‘ creativity is needed 3. To evaluate the role of service length for social educators’ subjective creativity. Hypotheses: 1. Subjective creativity in the domain of social education corresponds with the theoretical conceptualisation of creativity. 2. Social educators’ creativity is mostly needed in the domain of direct service. 3. The longer service length it is associated with the higher level of subjective creativity. Probem of this paper is to describe the need to clarify the concept of subjective creativity in the domain of social education. Social educators’ subjective creativity is underreasearched area in Lithuanian creativity investigations. Creativity is important professional competence, so the reasearch is valuable for the development of social educators’ professional roles. Conclusions 1. Social educators’ subjective creativity coresponds to theoretical conceptualization of the phenomenon. Creativity in the domain of social education can also be defined using the definition of C.Ford and D.Gioia (2000), e.g. it is individual domain, specific results, which are new and valuable. Social educators’ are in agreement that every duty can be done creatively and creativity is manifested in everyday activities. Only a... [to full text]

Socialinio pedagogo veiklos modeliavimo galimybės nepilnamečių šeimos planavimo prevencijos procese / The opportunities of modelling social pedagogue’s activity in the process of juvenile family planning prevention

Abromavičienė, Rita 17 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė socialinio pedagogo veiklos galimybių nepilnamečių šeimos planavimo prevencinėje veiklos analizė, išskirti pagrindiniai veiksniai, pagrindžiantys socialinio pedagogo veiklos galimybių modeliavimo būtinybę nepilnamečių šeimos planavimo prevencinėje veikloje. Nepilnamečių focus grupės diskusijos metodu atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - atskleisti socialinio pedagogo veiklos modeliavimo galimybes nepilnamečių šeimos planavimo prevencijos procese. Atlikta tyrimo duomenų analizė, taikant teksto turinio (content) analizės metodą. Tyrime dalyvavo 9 14-16 metų amžiaus nepilnamečiai, kurie mokosi „X“ bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos 8-10 klasėse. Tyrimo dalyvių imtį sudarė 6 mergaitės ir 3 berniukai. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami 14-16 metų nepilnamečiams reikšmingų reiškinių sampratos bei reikšmė, atskleista šeimos planavimo samprata bei struktūrą, išskirtos pagrindinės socialinio pedagogo veiklos galimybės nepilnamečių šeimos planavimo prevencinės veiklos procese, akcentuoti socialinio pedagogo inicijuojamos prevencinės veiklos trūkumai bei problemos, reikalaujančios sprendimų bei tobulinimo. Remiantis atlikta mokslinės literatūros analize bei nepilnamečių focus grupės diskusijos metu gautais duomenimis, parengtas bei pagrįstas socialinio pedagogo veiklos galimybių modelis nepilnamečių šeimos planavimo prevencijos procese. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Respondentų nuostatos atskleidė bei pagrindė šią šeimos planavimo prevencijos proceso... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work carried out theoretical social pedagogue business opportunities minors in preventive family planning performance analysis, the main source of social support of teacher modeling of business opportunities need to minors in preventive family planning activities. Juvenile focus group discussion method of study, which aims - to reveal the social educator performance modeling for the prevention of juvenile family planning process. Performed data analysis using the content of the text (content) analysis. The study involved nine minors aged 14-16 who are learning the "X" of general education classes 8-10. The study participants consisted of 6 girls and 3 boys. The empirical part deals with the 14-16 minors significant events and significance of the concept, revealed the family planning concept and structure, the main teacher of social activity opportunities juvenile family planning preventive action process, to highlight the social educator initiated preventive shortcomings and problems that require solutions and improvements. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and minors in focus group discussions during the data obtained and prepared based on the social model of teacher performance potential of juvenile family planning prevention process. The main conclusions of the research: 1. Respondents highlighted the provisions of this family based prevention planning process consistency and structure of its basic elements , highlighted the school social teacher... [to full text]

A supervisão como parte do processo de formação continuada do educador social: uma mediação necessária para a construção e desenvolvimento do trabalho socioeducativo / Supervision as part of the process of continuing education of social educator: a mediation necessary for the construction and development of socioeducative work.

Gerson Heidrich da Silva 19 April 2013 (has links)
Esta tese, inserida nos campos da Psicologia e da Educação, tem como objetivo analisar a supervisão no contexto da formação continuada do educador social, verificando, a partir da perspectiva do próprio educador, se ela é fundamental para a sua formação crítica e reflexiva, assegurando-lhe a construção da sua autonomia para o trabalho socioeducativo. Para tanto, dois planos de estudos são percorridos: o teórico e o prático. No campo teórico, estuda-se autores que discutem a supervisão na educação formal, ou seja, a escolar, bem como no contexto do trabalho socioeducativo. A partir disso, apresentamos algumas características de um processo de supervisão que servem de referência para o desenvolvimento do segundo plano, o prático, o qual corresponde à pesquisa de campo, com a participação de seis educadores sociais, de nível universitário, atuantes na cidade de São Paulo e arredores, que já vivenciaram e/ou estão vivenciando um processo de supervisão voltado para a prática cotidiana. Por meio da análise do material disponibilizado pelos sujeitos, composto do relato de duas experiências de atendimentos realizados por eles, sendo um submetido à supervisão e outro não, e uma entrevista presencial, é verificado o sentido que esses educadores atribuem à supervisão para a sua formação. A análise desse material revela o que eles consideram fundamental: ter um espaço de supervisão que lhes permita e facilite a exposição das ações que realizam, bem como dos sentimentos que afloram durante o desenvolvimento dessas ações. Reivindicam, de certa forma, a necessidade de serem acolhidos (ou se sentirem acolhidos) em suas mais diversas manifestações, tanto de ordem teórica quanto emocional, o que remete à supervisão como um espaço de mediação voltado para a formação teórico-metodológica sem desconsiderar a humana, assegurando a construção de um sujeito crítico e reflexivo. Assim, nessa proposta de supervisão, destaca-se a importância de um supervisor mais experiente, estudioso, pesquisador e fomentador de pesquisas em relação à complexidade social e à prática socioeducativa. Nesse sentido, sua competência deve assegurar às suas intervenções o investimento nas potencialidades dos educadores sociais, contrapondo-se às carências instauradas no exercício da prática socioeducativa que, invariavelmente, têm levado à reificação dos que dela compartilham. / This thesis, inserted in the fields of Psychology and Education, has as objective to analyse the supervision in the context of the continued formation of the social educator, verifying, from the perspective of the proper educator, if it is basic for its critical and reflexive formation, assuring the construction of their autonomy for the socioeducativo work. For this, two planes of studies are realized: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical field, study authors who discuss supervision in formal education and in the context of socioeducative work. From this, we present some characteristics of a supervision process that serve of reference for the development of the second plain, the practical, which correspond to research field, with the participation of six social educators, college level, working in the city of São Paulo and surroundings, who have experienced or are experiencing a process of supervision to developed practice. Through the analysis of the material from the subjects, compound the report of two experiences, being one subjected to supervision and not another, and an interview, is found that the meaning attributed to these educators for their training supervision. This analysis shows that they consider essential: to have a space of supervision that allows and facilitate them to exposure the performed actions, as well as the feelings that arise during the development of these actions. They vindicate the need to be received (or feel welcomed) in its various manifestations, both from a theoretical and emotional, which refer to supervision as space of mediation for the theoretical and methodological training of the social educators, without disregarding their human formation, ensuring the construction of a critical and reflective subject. Thus, this proposal of supervision shows the importance of an experienced supervisor, scholar, researcher and developer of research in relation to social complexity and socioeducative practice. His competence should ensure in his interventions the investment in the potential of the educators, as opposed to the lacks established at exercise of socioeducative work that invariably have led to the reification whose share this kind of practice.

A construção de identidade do educador social na sua prática cotidiana: a pluralidade de um sujeito singular / The construction of identity of the social educator in daily pratical its: the plurality of a singular subject

Gerson Heidrich da Silva 14 March 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer características de identidade que o educador social, de nível universitário, da cidade de São Paulo, vem construindo na sua prática cotidiana. A metodologia desenvolvida para este trabalho constou de um instrumento com três partes, elaborado pelo pesquisador e preenchido por quinze educadores sociais de áreas de formação diversas: Psicologia, Serviço Social, Pedagogia, Ciências Sociais, Artes Plásticas, Ciências Contábeis e Jornalismo. Buscamos, dessa maneira, o perfil sócio-econômico e cultural desses educadores, complementando com aspectos qualitativos de sua prática cotidiana relatada mediante questões semi-dirigidas e duas cartas propiciadoras de livre expressão. Os resultados, analisados a partir do diálogo entre a Psicologia Sócio-Histórica e autores da Sociologia, Pedagogia, Serviço Social, apontam a desvalorização e a impotência como características dessa identidade em construção, justificadas pela falta e pela descontinuidade que sustentam a queixa instaurada no discurso desses sujeitos. E, apresentam a persistência como característica de seu perfil. Sua intervenção, assim acreditamos, poderia ser transformadora da realidade na qual intervém. No entanto, parecenos que sua prática tem sido pouco efetiva, uma vez que também aponta para a falta de diferenciação desse educador em relação à população por ele atendida. Há, ainda, certo apelo à necessidade de capacitação, de qualificação, de aprimoramento da formação. Isso nos leva a pensar na necessidade de profissionalização desse educador, assegurando-lhe um campo dinâmico de reflexão, de discussão, de supervisão, de acolhimento e construção de saberes específicos facilitadores da ressignificação de sua postura diante da prática cotidiana. Isso destituiria, assim pensamos, o caráter missionário dessa prática como um dos álibis da desesperança. / The objective of this study was to know identity characteristics that the social educator, of academic level, of the city of São Paulo, is building in his daily practice. The methodology developed consisted of an instrument with three parts, elaborated by the researcher and filled out by fifteen social educators of several formation areas: Psychology, Social Service, Pedagogy, Social Sciences, Plastic Arts, Accounting Sciences and Journalism. We looked for those educators\' socioeconomic and cultural profile, complementing with qualitative aspects of their daily practice told by semi-driven questions and two letters of free expression. The results, analyzed from the dialogue between the Social-Historical Psychology and authors of the Sociology, Pedagogy, Social Service, they point the depreciation and impotence as characteristics of that identity in construction, both justified for the lack and for the discontinuity that sustain the complaint established in the speech of those subjects. And, they point the persistence as characteristic of their profile. His intervention, we believed like this, it could transform the reality in which intervenes. However, it seems us that his practice has been little effective, once it also appears for the lack of that educator\'s differentiation in relation to the population for him assisted. There is, still, right appeal to the training need, of qualification, of improving his formation. From this we think in the need of that educator\'s professionalism, assuring him a dynamic field of reflection, of discussion, of supervision, of reception and construction of specifics knows facilitators of new signification of his posture face the daily practice. That would deprive, we thought like this, the missionary character of that practice as one of the alibis of the hopeless.

Cartografando novas formas de subjetivação no cotidiano de uma ONG / Charting new forms of subjetivity in the daily life in the NGO TABA : living and coexistence space for adolescents

Fernandes, Adriana Dezotti 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Aurea Maria Guimarães / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T19:54:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernandes_AdrianaDezotti_M.pdf: 796936 bytes, checksum: f5aeafce4e37a6572f24710be666efc1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: A humanidade, ao longo de seu percurso histórico, tem estabelecido bizarras relações no exercício da arte de viver e conviver. São relações de poder e obediência, de fuga e captura, de controle e submissão, de resistência e luta, de extermínio e preservação. Diante disso, este texto busca debruçar-se sobre as formas de poder e de governo ? ou melhor, de "governamentalidade" ? a partir da Idade Média até a atualidade, amparado pelo referencial teórico das últimas conferências de Michel Foucault. Partiremos da sociedade de soberania e passaremos pela sociedade de disciplina para, então, compreendermos a forma como o "biopoder" segundo Foucault (2008b) ou a chamada "sociedade de controle" por Deleuze (1992) geraram o neoliberalismo e, com ele, as instituições como as ONGs, cuja intenção de conter a miséria, leva, de certa forma, a perpetuá-la. Iremos nos aprofundar na reflexão de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari (1997) sobre como o "Aparelho de Estado" e as instituições de poder da atualidade (mídia, grandes empresas nacionais e multinacionais) capturam as tentativas de resistência e luta das "Máquinas de Guerra". Tentaremos verificar como é possível resistir criando "linhas de fuga", construindo novas maneiras de estar em grupos, novas formas de ser, de governar a si mesmo e, consequentemente, de governar aos outros. Enfim, qual a possibilidade de existirem novas formas de subjetivação. Finalmente, estudaremos essas relações de poder e subjetivação através da TABA, uma ONG cuja ambigüidade a torna, em alguns momentos, capturada pelos tentáculos do neoliberalismo e, em muitos outros, a permite criar espaços de fuga e resistência. Essa paradoxal existência nos leva a perceber que, mesmo de dentro da máquina, ainda é possível criar formas de autonomia, de resistência tal qual um Frankstein às avessas, ou seja, como filha do neoliberalismo, a(s) ONG (s) supera(m) e boicota(m) o criador, construindo "buracos na lei" e novos modos de ser, mesmo estando na condição engessada de uma instituição. / Abstract: Along its history, Humankind has established bizarre relations in the exercise of living. These are relations of power and obedience, escape and capture, control and submission, resistance and fight, slaughtering and preservation. In face of this, this article goes through forms of power and government - or 'governmentability', to say so - from the Middle Ages until now, supported by the theoretical basis of Michel Foucault. We will start from the society of sovereignity, go through the society of disciplin and therefore, we will be able to understand how the form of "biopower", according to Foucault, or the "society of control" according to Deleuze, has generated neoliberalism and, with it, institutions such as the NGOs, whose intention to retain misery actually fosters its perpetuation. We will look thouroughly into the reflection made by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari about how the "State Device" and the present power institution (media, big national and multinational companies) have captured the attempts of resistance and fight of the "War Machines". We will try to verify how it is possible to resist by creating "escape lines", building new forms of living in groups, new forms of being, of governing oneself and therefore, governing others. All in all, what the possibilities of new forms of subjetification are. Finally, we eill study these relations of power and subjetification through TABA, an ONG whose ambiguity allows it at times to be captured by the tentacles of neoliberalism and, in many other moments, allows it to create runaway and resistance spaces. This paradoxal existence leads us to realize that even inside the machine, is is still possible to create forms of autonomy, resistance, such as na upside-down Frankstein, that is, as children of neoliberalism, NGOs overcome and boycott the creator, digging "holes in the law" and building new forms of existence, even being plastered in the condition of an institution. / Mestrado / Ensino e Práticas Culturais / Mestre em Educação

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