Spelling suggestions: "subject:"alonso"" "subject:"alfonso""
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Affect, Neoliberalism and Forgiveness in Alonso Cueto's 'Redención' TrilogyPearce, Anthony Joseph 01 June 2018 (has links)
In the aftermath of the bloody twenty-year internal conflict in Peru, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación, or CVR) documented the massive human rights violations by Sendero Luminoso and the Peruvian state. The CVR contextualized these abuses by producing a broad historical narrative which has fomented the creation of a new discourse in Peruvian cultural production. This thesis is concerned with how the CVR and the post-conflict search for reconciliation have influenced contemporary Peruvian literature. This paper will focus on the ‘Redención' trilogy by novelist Alonso Cueto. The three novels explore notions of forgiveness and reconciliation between perpetrators and victims of the conflict. Beginning with La hora azul (2005), the first chapter investigates the reliance on neoliberal reconciliation logic in the CVR (monetary reparations, etc.) as well as the gestures towards affective exchanges. It also explores the ways in which La hora azul stages these reliances within restitution discourse in Peru. In the second chapter, I examine La pasajera (2015) and further explore the ways in which reconciliation is tied to both affect and neoliberal logic. This leads to a discussion on how affect and the free-market work together, rather than as competing systems of exchange and how Cueto emphasizes the proximity of the victim and the perpetrator in the novel. Finally, I conclude by analyzing La viajera del viento (2016). This chapter continues to focus on the proximity of the victim and the perpetrator and how this ethically uncomfortable discourse may actually make way for new modes of forgiveness between victims and perpetrators.
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Emotional PoliticsPizarro Maximiano Magalhães Manarte, João Maria January 2023 (has links)
In this thesis, we sought to understand the use of emotions as a political tool within the context of Spanish History in the 15th century. Using the theoretical and methodological approach of Emotional History, heavily influenced by Barbara Rosenwein, Piroska Nagy, and Damien Boquet; we go through the royal chronicles written by Diego de Valera and Alonso de Palencia, analyzing the uses of emotions as a way of controlling the narrative of the kingdom. We see that emotions not only had a complex range of meanings and symbolism attached, but also that these were used to paint the image of monarchs in a brighter or darker light.
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Madness and laughter Cervantes's comic vision in Don Quixote /Bauer, Rachel Noël. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D. in Spanish)--Vanderbilt University, Dec. 2007. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.
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Surrounding Amazonia : the 1637-39 Teixeira expedition, knowledge and representationBacellar, Sarasvati de Araujo 27 February 2013 (has links)
This Master’s Thesis investigates the 1637-39 Teixeira’s expedition and how it transformed the Amazon region at the beginning of the seventeenth century. It assumes that this expedition was a key historical event to challenge the balance of power in the area. It shows through historical documents how ethno-geographic knowledge was an essential tool in the discursive construction of the Amazon Natives, undermining their cultural landscapes and initiating the process by which geographical knowledge enabled European territorial power. Foucault’s framework to approach and expound on the relationship between knowledge and power is the theoretical system of analysis that helps to understand the meaning embedded in the historical documents under scrutiny. / text
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La representación de la(s) masculinidad(es) en la industria cultural colombiana. Las políticas de género en SoHo y sus escritoresGarcia Leon, David Leonardo 01 June 2018 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation examines the social representation of masculinities in the contemporary Colombian cultural industry. The corpus of the study is composed by the novels of four Colombian writers (Santiago Gamboa, Alonso Sánchez Baute, John Better, and Efraím Medina) and their contributions to SoHo, a magazine for heterosexual men that is considered the Colombian version of Playboy. The research proves that gay and trans male bodies and subjectivities are commodified, spectacularized, and appropriated in order to include them in the late-capitalist logic that Colombia adopted at the beginning of the 90s. This dissertation relies on an interdisciplinary approach that combines Literary, Cultural and Gender Studies, and Queer Linguistics. In the first chapter, I argue that SoHo is a site of hybridization where local, regional, global, as well as hegemonic and counterhegemonic discourses about male Colombian sexuality concur. The second chapter focuses on the representation of gay and trans masculinities in Locas de felicidad (2009) by John Better and Al diablo la maldita primavera (2007) by Alonso Sánchez Baute, and shows how these Colombian authors question the neoliberal policies implemented in their country by constructing the male gay body as a commodity. Such construction reveals that LGBTQ subjects can only be fully considered citizens if they are useful to the imperatives of a liberal market economy. In chapter three, I explore the connection between Colombia's armed conflict, neoliberal policies, and masculinities in the novel Plegarias nocturnas (2012) by Santiago Gamboa. In this analysis I demonstrate that a violent, protectionist, and liberal masculine figure was erected in Colombia's national discourse as one of the means to cope with the longstanding military conflict in the country. Plegarias nocturnas contests this figure by emphasizing queer ways of living. The final chapter deals with Sexualidad de la Pantera Rosa (2004) by Efraím Medina and shows that although the subaltern protagonist of the novel presents himself as a critic of patriarchy, the power of his criticism is concealed through the use of an ironic and ambiguous discourse that, in the end, leads to the conservation of his heterosexual dominance. This research project is the first to analyze contemporary Colombian masculinities. The study of the rhetorical strategies employed by several writers to portray late capitalist masculinities enriches our knowledge of 20th and 21st-century Latin American literature demonstrating how it reflects the sociopolitical and economic changes of this period. In addition, by looking at how Colombian masculinities intertwine with regional and global gender politics, this research contributes to the current debates about sexual minorities and their role in maintaining neoliberal normative ways of living. Therefore, this study proposes innovative discussions regarding how the South reproduces and/or contests hegemonic discourses.
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An Analysis of Bid-Rent Curve Variations Across American CitiesJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: Research literature were reviewed regarding the land-use economic theory of bid-rent curves and the modern emergence of polycentric cities. Two independent Geographic Information System (GIS) analyses were completed to test the hypothesis that bid-rent methodology could be used to tease out trends in residential locations, and hence contribute to present-day urban planning efforts. Specifically, these analyses sought to address the relationships between place of work and place of residence in urban areas. A generalizable set of benchmarks for identifying urban employment centers were established for 10 study cities in the United States, and bid-rent curves were calculated under separate monocentric assumptions and polycentric assumptions. The results presented wide variations in real bid-rent curves that a) overall deviated dramatically from the hypothetical distribution of rent, and b) spoke to the unique residential patterns in individual U.S. cities. The implications of these variations were discussed with regard to equitable housing for marginalized groups and access to centers of employment. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.U.E.P. Geography 2014
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Genealogía del tiempo en el cine moderno: del neorrealismo italiano a “Los Muertos” de Lisandro AlonsoCotler Avalos, Andres 18 June 2018 (has links)
En este texto, el autor desarrolla la historia del neorrealismo italiano y el contexto histórico en
el que se desenvolvió. De igual manera, se rastrea las características de su estética que supuso
un momento de corte frente a las anteriores estéticas realistas. Frente al neorrealismo visto
únicamente como crítica o crónica social, algunos críticos y filósofos como André Bazin y
Gilles Deleuze relevaron sus aportes en la Historia del Cine tanto por las innovaciones en la
puesta en escena como por ser el inicio de un cine que utilizó el tiempo cinematográfico en
tanto elemento expresivo primordial. Fueron algunos directores provenientes de este
movimiento, en la década del cincuenta, como Roberto Rossellini, Federico Fellini y
Michelangelo Antonioni quienes hicieron el tránsito de una estética neorrealista al cine
moderno, privilegiando al tiempo cinematográfico como una característica importante en el
cine de autor de entonces, que Deleuze denominó como Imagen-tiempo. La vigencia de estos
directores en el cine contemporáneo no es casual: marcaron un territorio que luego será
emulado por jóvenes directores interesados en los efectos expresivos y poéticos del tiempo
cinematográfico. Ese es el caso de varios de los directores mas interesantes de América Latina
durante la primera década del año dos mil. Ese es el caso del cineasta argentino Lisandro
Alonso. / The research focuses on the history of Italian neorealism and the historical context in which it
developed. Similarly, it analyzes the characteristics of its aesthetics that implied a rupture with
previous realistic aesthetics. Considering neorrealism only as a criticism or social chronicle,
some critics and philosophers such as André Bazin and Gilles Deleuze, divulged its
contributions in the History of Cinema both for its innovations in staging as for being the outset
of a cinema that uses cinematographic time as a fundamental expressive element. Some of the
directors of this movement in the decade of the fifties as Roberto Rossellini, Fellini and
Michelangelo Antonioni started the movement from a neo-realistic aesthetic to modern cinema
granting especial characteristic to cinematographic time in the author cinema of that time,
which Deleuze labeled as the Time-Image. The authoritativeness of these directors in
contemporary filmmaking is not fortuitous: they underline a territory that will be later imitate
by young directors interested in the expressive and poetic effects of the cinematographic time.
This is the case for some of the most interesting directors of Latin America during the first
decade of the year 2000. This is the case of Argentinean director Lisandro Alonso.
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Estrategias Filipinas Respecto a China: Alonso Sánchez y Domingo de Salazar en la empresa de China (1581-1593)Ollé, Manuel, 1962- 29 January 1999 (has links)
S'analitzen en aquesta tesi les relacions entre Xina i Filipines entre 1565 i 1593, amb una atenció especial al protagonisme que van jugar en aquest període el jesuita Alonso Sanchez y el primer bisbe de Manila, Domingo de Salazar. Es contextualitzen aquestes relacions en el marc de les pautes de relació exterior de la Xina Ming i en el conjunt de la inserció asiática de les Filipines espanyoles del segle XVI. També es contextualitzen en el marc de les disputes entre ordes religioses i en el marc de l'entrada del jesuitas Mateo Ricci i Michele Ruggieri a Xina. S'hi destaca la importància de la relació Macau-Manila. La tesi edita i anota una sèrie de documents en xinès, castellà i portuguès que permeten verificar i concretar tot el procés de relació i els projectes espanyols de conquesta de Xina, que van arribar a presentar-se a la cort de Felip II.Se analizan en esta tesis las relaciones entre China y Filipinas entre 1565 y 1593, con una atención especial al protagonismo que jugaron en este periodo el jesuita Alonso Sanchez y el primer obispo de Manila, Domingo de Salazar. Se contextualizan estas relaciones en el marco de las pautas de relación exterior de la China Ming y en el conjunto de la inserción asiática de las Filipinas españolas del siglo XVI. También se contextualizan en el marco de las disputas entre órdenes religiosas y en el marco de l'entrada del jesuitas Mateo Ricci y Michele Ruggieri en China. S'destaca la importancia de la relación Macau-Manila. La tesis edita y anota una serie de documentos en chino, castellano y portugués que permiten verificar y concretar todo el proceso de relación y los proyectos españoles de conquista de China, que llegaron a presentarse a la corte de Felip II.
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Análisis de la variación de las grafías sibilantes en dos impresos: el Flos Sanctorum original de Alonso de Villegas (s.XVI) y la traducción de Ludovico Bertonio, La Vita Christi (s.XVII)Ramos Padilla, Rayza Milena 22 February 2021 (has links)
La regularización ortográfica del castellano se inicia en la época del reinado de Alfonso
X en el s.XIII y tiene como consecuencia lo que tradicionalmente se ha denominado como
la norma alfonsí. El objeto de la presente investigación es evaluar la continuación de esta
norma gráfica en la representación de las grafías sibilantes de dos textos: la primera parte
del Flos Sanctorum de Alonso de Villegas, impreso en Toledo (España); y el Libro de la
vida y milagros de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo (La Vita Christi), impreso en Juli (Perú) de
Ludovico Bertonio. Para esto, es importante reconocer la labor normalizadora de la
imprenta: la búsqueda de uniformidad en los usos gráficos de los textos. Es necesario
entonces rescatar el origen toledano del texto de Villegas, que representa -según nuestra
hipótesis- rezagos del centro histórico normativo y, por lo tanto, mantiene la norma
impuesta siglo atrás por el rey sabio. Por otro lado, es importante considerar si esta norma
se conserva en La Vita Christi de Bertonio, que es la traducción de la primera parte del
Flos Sanctorum de Villegas. Se realizará un análisis de la variación interna de las grafías
sibilantes de cada obra para evaluar la continuación de esta norma en la imprenta toledana
y la imprenta peruana (a partir del caso de Juli). Al mismo tiempo, esto nos permitirá ver
si la desviación de la norma alfonsí es hecho revelador de alguno de los dos cambios más
importantes que sufrió el paradigma inicial de seis sibilantes: el ensordecimiento de los
pares sonoros y la fricatización de las sibilantes africadas.
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Tak på marknaden ger tak över huvudet? : Sveriges hyreslag genom fyra decennier / A ceiling on the market brings roofs above our heads? : Swedish rent legislation through four decadesMelker Darab, Adam, Hultgren, Magnus January 2011 (has links)
Det har länge hävdats att bostadsbristen i Stockholm i stora delar beror på att Sveriges sedan 1968 rådande hyreslagstiftning har inneburit ett pristak på marknaden, vilket motverkat en tillfredsställande nybyggnation av hyreslägenheter. Syftet med denna uppsats är undersöka om så är fallet. Hyreslagens grundläggande intentioner och antaganden har utifrån grundläggande teori noggrant synats. Dessutom har den utveckling som skett på marknaden jämförts med de symptom som ett efterfrågeöverskott och ett pristak skulle innebära. Lagstiftningen har visat sig bestå av vad som i förlängningen kan argumenteras ha inneburit en icke-adekvat prisbildningsmekanism. Rimligtvis kan detta ha inneburit ett pristak vilket i sin tur det uppenbara efterfrågeöverskottet i teorin kan härledas till. De symptomatiska tillstånd som visat sig gällande i Stockholm kan därmed på många punkter förklaras av att lagen i praktiken har inneburit ett pristak.
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