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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Robust optimization of radiotherapy treatment plans considering time structures of the delivery

Orvehed Hiltunen, Erik January 2018 (has links)
Cancer is the second largest mortal disease in Sweden, and high efforts are made to develop the treatment of cancer. One of the main treatment methods is radiotherapy, which uses ionizing radiation to damage the cancerous cells. This has the chance of stopping the cell reproduction, and the goal is to reduce the tumor and stop the tumor growth. The most common forms of radiotherapy uses external beams to irradiate the tumor. In intensity modulated radiotherapy, IMRT, the beam fluences are optimized to give a highly conformal dose, i.e. a dose distribution which is restricted to the tumor and has low dose values outside of the tumor. A conformal dose is necessary to spare healthy tissue and sensitive organs, and thus keep the side-effects of the treatment at an acceptable level. The optimized beam shapes are created using a multileaf collimator, MLC. Finding the leaf positions and dose levels is formulated as a problem in the framework of mathematical optimization. Currently, one of the limitations in delivering conformal dose is due to patient movement during the treatment. In IMRT, the beams are delivered by consecutive segments, and the exact pairing of the segments with the patient position will have an impact on the delivered dose. This is called the interplay effect, and can cause both underdosage of the tumor and overdosage of the surrounding tissue. There are methods of mitigating the interplay effect. For example, the beam could be restricted to a single phase of the motion by repeatedly turning it on and off. This is known as gating. However, gating and many other interplay mitigation techniques lead to prolonged treatment times, which decreases the clinical throughput, causes higher patient discomfort and gives higher uncertainties in the delivered dose. This makes it desirable to find methods which avoid prolonged treatment times, while still giving highly conformal doses. Ideally, the best method would be to have a beam which follows any target movement. This idea is known as target tracking. In this thesis, an optimization method is suggested which includes the interplay effect in the treatment optimization. Two main treatment strategies are proposed. The method which is simplest to implement clinically is to create plans which are robust against uncertainties in the times for the patient motion. The resulting doses are found to give acceptable target covering where similar, conventional plans give a significant target underdose. To further increase the conformality of the doses, a non-robust method paired with gating technology is suggested. This method can effectively be seen as a target tracking method, and has the possibility to give highly conformal doses under acceptable treatment times.

Understanding Boundary Conditions for Brain Injury Prediction : Finite Element Analysis of Vulnerable Road Users

S. Alvarez, Victor January 2017 (has links)
Vulnerable road users (VRUs) are overrepresented in the statistics on severe and deadly injuries in traffic accidents, most commonly involving the head. The finite element (FE) method presents the possibility to model complex interactions between the human body and vehicles in order to better understand the injury mechanisms. While the rapid development of computer capacity has allowed for increasingly detailed FE-models, there is always a benefit of reducing the studied problem. Due to its material properties, the brain is more sensitive to rotational motion than to purely linear, resulting in complex injury causation. When studying brain injuries caused by a direct impact to the head, simulations using an isolated head model significantly increases efficiency compared to using a complete human body model. Also evaluation of head protective systems uses isolated mechanical head representations. It is not, however, established the extent to which the boundary conditions of the head determine the outcome of brain injuries. FE models of both the entire human body and the isolated head were used in this thesis to study the effect of the body, as well as active neck muscle tension, on brain injury outcome in VRU accidents. A pediatric neck model was also developed to enable the study of age-specific effects. A vehicle windscreen model was developed to evaluate the necessity of capturing the failure deformation during pedestrian head impacts. It was shown that the influence of the neck and body on brain injury prediction is greater in longer duration impacts, such as pedestrian head-to-windscreen impacts with an average difference of 21%. In accidents with shorter duration impacts, such as head-to-ground bicycle accidents, the average influence was between 3-12%. The influence did not consistently increase or limit the severity, and was dependent on the degree of rotation induced by the impact, as well as the mode of deformation induced in the neck. It was also shown that the predicted brain injury severity is dependent on capturing the large deformations of fractured windscreen, with the greatest effect near the windscreen frame. The pediatric neck model showed a large effect of age-dependent anatomical changes on inertial head loading, making it a promising tool to study the age-dependent effects in VRU accidents. / <p>QC 20171013</p>

Utvärdering av kvalitetsregistret och processtödssystemet Carath / Evaluation of the quality register and process support system Carath

Karlsson, Rikard January 2017 (has links)
Studien genomförs i syfte att utvärdera hur arbetsflödet i sjukvårdssystemet Carath är anpassat efter rutiner hos användarna på de thoraxkliniker som äger systemet och där det används. Tre arbetsplatsundersökningar och elva stycken intervjuer genomfördes med sjukhuspersonal på olika kliniker i Sverige med metoden kontextuell design. Resultaten från studien visar att Carath är anpassat efter patientflödet på klinikerna men i mindre grad anpassat efter användares arbetsrutiner och roller. Studien visar även på att systemet saknar inbyggd hantering för återkoppling och kontroller av registrerad data. Dessa funktioner utförs istället manuellt utanför systemet. Samtliga av de saknade funktionerna bekräftas även genom SEIPS-modellen som funktioner som är rekommenderbara inom ett sjukvårdssystem. Sammantaget visar resultatet från kontextuella intervjuer med kommentarer från personal, genererade sekvensmodeller över arbetsflöden och utvärderingar mot SEIPS-modellen att Carath skulle behöva balanseras mellan patientflöde och personalens arbetsflöde. Funktioner för återkoppling och kontroll skulle integreras i systemet. Framtida arbete innefattar en undersökning kring integration mot andra system inom sjukvården.

The Physical Axon : Modeling, Simulation and Electrode Evaluation

Latorre, Malcolm January 2017 (has links)
Electrodes are used in medicine for detection of biological signals and for stimulating tissue, e.g. in deep brain stimulation (DBS). For both applications, an understanding of the functioning of the electrode, and its interface and interaction with the target tissue involved is necessary. To date, there is no standardized method for medical electrode evaluation that allows transferability of acquired data. In this thesis, a physical axon (Paxon) potential generator was developed as a device to facilitate standardized comparisons of different electrodes. The Paxon generates repeatable, tuneable and physiological-like action potentials from a peripheral nerve. It consists of a testbed comprising 40 software controlled 20 μm gold wires embedded in resin, each wire mimicking a node of Ranvier. ECG surface Ag-AgCl electrodes were systematically tested with the Paxon. The results showed small variations in orientation (rotation) and position (relative to axon position) which directly impact the acquired signal. Other electrode types including DBS electrodes can also be evaluated with the Paxon. A theoretical comparison of a single cable neuronal model with an alternative established double cable neuron model was completed. The output with regards to DBS was implemented to comparing the models. These models were configured to investigate electrode stimulation activity, and in turn to assess the activation distance by DBS for changes in axon diameter (1.5-10 μm), pulse shape (rectangular biphasic and rectangular, triangular and sinus monophasic) and drive strength (1-5 V or mA). As both models present similar activation distances, sensitivity to input shape and computational time, the neuron model selection for DBS could be based on model complexity and axon diameter flexibility. An application of the in-house neuron model for multiple DBS lead designs, in a patient-specific simulation study, was completed. Assessments based on the electric field along multiple sample planes of axons support previous findings that a fixed electric field isolevel is sufficient for assessments of tissue activation distances for a predefined axon diameter and pulse width in DBS. / Elektroder används inom sjukvården, både för att mäta biologiska signaler, t.ex. hjärtats aktivitet med EKG, eller för att stimulera vävnad, t.ex. vid djup hjärnstimulering (DBS). För båda användningsområdena är det viktigt med en grundläggande förståelse av elektrodens interaktion med vävnaden. Det finns ingen standardiserad metod för att utvärdera medicinsk elektroders dataöverföringsfunktion. I den här avhandlingen presenteras en metod för att underlätta elektrodtestning. En hårdvarumodell av ett axon (Paxon) har utvecklats. Paxon kan programmeras för att efterlikna repeterbara aktionspotentialer från en perifer nerv. Längs axonet finns 40 noder, vilka var och en består av en tunn (20 μm) guldtråd inbäddad i harts och därefter kopplad till elektronik. Denna testbädd har använts för att undersöka EKG elektroders egenskaper. EKG elektroderna visade på variationer i orientering och position i relation till Paxon. Detta har en direkt inverkan på den registrerade signalen. Även andra elektrotyper kan testas i Paxon, t.ex. DBS elektroder. En teoretisk jämförelse mellan två neuronmodeller med olika komplexitet, anpassade för användning vid DBS studier, har utförts. Modellerna konfigurerades för att studera inverkan på aktiveringsavstånd från olika axondiametrar, stimulationspuls och stimulationsstyrka. Då båda modellerna visade likvärdiga aktiveringsavstånd och beräkningstid så förordas den enklare neuronmodellen för DBS simuleringar. En enklare modell kan lättare introduceras i klinisk verksamhet. Simuleringarna stöder tidigare resultat som visat att det elektriska fältet är en bra parameter för presentation av resultat vid simulering av DBS. Metoden exemplifieras vid simulering av aktiveringsavstånd och elektriska fältets utbredning för olika typer av DBS elektroder i en patient-specifik studie.

Marknadsanalys av AED i Norden / Market research of AED in Nordic countries

Pogosian, Anna, Mehyeddine, Katya January 2016 (has links)
Varje år drabbas ca 10 000 människor av hjärtstopp utanför sjukhus och av dem är det endast 500 som överlever. Sannolikheten för överlevnad ökar upp mot 75% vid användning av hjärtstartare.   Kandidatexamensarbetet gjordes i uppdrag av Servicia Medical, där målet var att analysera den nordiska marknaden för AED, utifrån att undersöka största återförsäljarna, attraktiva platser för placering av AED, prisutveckling och tillväxt. Marknadsundersökningen omfattar enbart Sverige, Finland och Danmark. För att ta reda på vilka återförsäljare som är störst utfördes en webbaserad informationssökning, samt telefonsamtal och mejlväxling med generalagenter. Data för attraktiva platser och tillväxt erhölls från olika verksamheter. Intervjuer, mejl och telefonsamtal utnyttjades för att få fram prisutvecklingen.   Återförsäljarna delades in i två kategorier, där den ena avsåg företag som har fokus på första hjälpen och den andra företag med ospecifik fokusering.  Information som krävdes för att undersöka vilka platser som är mest attraktiva, samt tillväxten i Finland och Danmark saknades. Gator och torg, tåg, buss, båt och spårtrafik är de mest attraktiva platserna för placering av AED i Sverige. Under de senaste fem åren har priset sjunkit i Sverige och Danmark. Tillväxten i dessa länder är olika där Sverige har en växande trend, medan Danmark har en ojämn och otydlig. Ingen slutsats kan dras för tillväxten i Finland. / Each year about 10 000 people get a cardiac arrest outside hospital and only 500 of them survives. Defibrillators are an efficient treatment for cardiac arrest, where the probability of survival increases up to 75%.   This Bachelor project is done on behalf of Servicia Medical, where the goal is to analyze the Nordic market of AED by investigating the greatest retailers, the most attractive locations to place AED, price development and growth. The market research covers only Sweden, Finland and Denmark. To discover the greatest retailers, web-based research was performed as well as phone-calls and e-mail exchanges with general agents. Data for analyzing attractive locations and growth were obtained from various businesses. Interviews, e-mails and phone calls were used to derive price development.   The found retailers were divided into two categories. The first category was companies that focus on first aid and the second one had a non-specific focus. Some Finnish and Danish businesses had a lack of required information to examine the most attractive locations and growth. Streets and squares, trains, busses, boats and rail traffic are the most attractive locations in Sweden to place AED. During the past five years prices have decreased in Sweden and Denmark. The growth in these countries is different. Whilst Sweden has a growing trend, Denmark has an uneven and unclear trend. No conclusion can be drawn for the growth in Finland.

The Knowledge- and Adoption Level of Standards for Technical Interoperability among Providers of Healthcare Information Systems / Kunskaps- och Tillämpningsnivån av Standarder för Teknisk Interoperabilitet hos Leverantörer av Vårdinformationssystem

Hagman, Anna January 2016 (has links)
This thesis was one of the deliverables of StandIN. The purpose of StandIN was to propose a common framework including standards for technical interoperability. The goal of this thesis was to structure and analyze information about the knowledge- and adoption level of the standards among providers of healthcare information systems (HIS's). Moreover, it aimed to evaluate different aspect that might affect the adoption. The target group was providers of HIS's used in Swedish county councils and regions. The information was gathered through a survey and semi-structured interviews, and stored in an Excel database. From the database, Pivot tables and charts were created in order to show the knowledge- as well as adoption level of the different standards. The results were thereafter compared to theory about interoperability and standard adoption. It was clear that the knowledge level varied for the different standards. In addition, the adoption level was very low - except from CCOW and HL7 v2. Least adopted were domain-specific standards. The results also indicated a trend for only adopting parts of standards. Moreover, many providers stated that they performed specific integrations rather than followed common standards. This seemed to be due to the choice of standards being too wide, and the actual adoption not being consistent among the different providers. According to the providers, an introduction of a national framework based on uniform and consistent international standards was an awaited solution to the problem. A future extension of this thesis would be to perform a similar study involving the customers. The database could also be used to do clustered analyses of the adoption state in different county councils and regions. Moreover, it could be used to analyze the development of standard adoption over time. / Den här uppsatsen var ett utav delresultaten i StandIN, ett initiativ till att ta fram ett gemensamt ramverk med standarder för teknisk interoperabilitet. Den här uppsatsen syftade till att strukturera och analysera information om kunskaps- och tillämpningsnivån för de tilltänkta standarderna. Målgruppen var leverantörer av vårdinformationssystem som används i Sveriges landsting och regioner. Informationen samlades in genom en enkät samt semi-strukturerade intervjuer, och lagrades sedan i en Excel-databas. Pivot-tabeller och -diagram skapades för att visualisera kunskaps- och tillämpningsnivån, och resultaten jämfördes sedan med teori om interoperabilitet och standardtillämpning. Det var tydligt att kunskapsnivån skilde sig för de olika standarderna. Tillämpningsnivån var generellt sett väldigt låg, bortsett från CCOW och HL7 v2. Minst tillämpade var domänspecifika standarder. Det var också tydligt att centrala leverantörer inte tillämpade samma standarder, vilket troligtvis påverkar de kompletterande systemen. Många leverantörer gjorde snarare specifika integrationer, än följde gemensamma standarder. Anledningen var att valet av standarder var för brett, och att den faktiska tillämpningen av standarder inte var konsekvent mellan olika leverantörer. Enligt leverantörerna skulle ett nationellt ramverk med enhetliga och internationella standarder vara en efterlängtad lösning på problemet. En fortsättning på denna uppsats är att använda databasen till att göra klusteranalyser för tillämpningsnivån av standarder hos system i olika landsting och regioner. Databasen skulle också kunna användas till att analysera utvecklingen av kunskap och tillämpning över tid. / StandIN

Design of an Application Interface for Clinical Gait-Analysis

Forsström, Robin January 2022 (has links)
A system that enables a cheap and accurate method to objectively measure the gait of patients has been developed at the university hospital of Umeå, and is undergoing clinical testing during the writing of this thesis. Presented in this thesis are the theory, process, and results of the development of a prototype and user interface, used for the analysis and presentation of the data from these gait measurements. Ideally, the physiotherapists conducting the examinations will be able to analyze and edit the data from these measurements themselves. The focus was therefore lain on optimizing the usability and understandability of the prototype for physiotherapists. Because of the optimization of usability for physiotherapists, the development of the prototype was based on the design processes of Design thinking and User centered design. It was an iterative process broken down into three iterations. Each iteration included the development of a prototype that increased in fidelity with each iteration. Tests and interviews were also included and they laid the foundation for the tuning of the prototypes. A final prototype was developed and it consisted of three main parts. In the first part (1) the user inserts information about the examination and patient, as well as retrieves the measurement data from the external measurement device. In the second part (2) the user analyses and edits the data from the measurement, and in the third part the user is shown a summary of the results from the measurement and calculations. Functions that show the correlation between graphs to ease the editing of the data were added to the prototype. Help-pages were also added, which enabled the users to get help when needed during the analysis of the data. The prototype was evaluated by the participants in the user tests using the system usability scale, and the prototype scored an average of 79.58 points (A-) with a median of 83.75 points (A). Which ranks the usability of the prototype as good to excellent. This shows that the usability of the prototype has been optimized for physiotherapists. It has been done by chunking the analysis and editing of the measurement-data in into separate sections and also by adding functions that show the correlation between the different graphs in the prototype. The optimization was also made possible by following established design processes and concepts within user experience and user interface design. / På Umeå universitetssjukhus har ett system för gångmätningar tagits fram som möjliggör för billiga och exakta mätningar. Systemet gör det även möjligt att utföra objektiva bedömningar av patienternas gång. Detta system genomgick klinisktestning under tiden då detta examensarbete genomfördes. I detta examensarbete så presenteras teorin, processen och resultatet av utvecklingen av en prototyp för ett an-vändargränssnitt, som ska användas för analys och bedömning av mätdatat från dessa gångmätningar med det nya mätsystemet. Datat från gångmätningarna ska kunna analyseras och redigeras av de fysioterapeuter som genomför gångmätningarna. Användargränssnittet har därför utformats för att optimera användarvänligheten motfysioterapeuter och underlätta deras förståelse för hur mätdatat ska redigeras och analyseras. Användargränssnittet har tagits fram med hjälp av designprocesserna "Design thinking" och användarcentrerad design. Tre iterationer genomfördes och i varje iteration så utvecklades och förbättrades en prototyp för användargränssnittet. Användartester och intervjuer ingick också i dessa iterationer. En slutgiltig prototyp togs from och bestod av tre huvuddelar. En första del (1) där användaren kan skriva in information om mätningen och patienten, samt hämta data från mätningen från en extern mätenhet. En andra del (2) där användaren kan analysera och redigera data från mätningen, samt en tredje del (3) som visar en summering av resultatet från mätningen och beräkningarna. Funktioner som visade korrelationen mellan grafer för att underlätta redigeringen av data lades till i prototypen. Hjälpsidor lades också till vilket möjliggjorde för användaren att få hjälp vid behov. Prototypens användarvänlighet evaluerades av deltagarna i användartesten medhjälp av en skala som kallas "System Usability Scale". Prototypen fick en snittpoäng på 79.58 (A-) på denna skala, med en median på 83.75 poäng (A). Detta rankar användarvänlighet för denna prototyp som god till utmärkt. Den uppnådda poängen visar att en optimering av användarvänlighet mot fysioterapeuter har lyckats för den framtagna prototypen. Denna optimering av användarvänligheten har uppnåtts genom att dela upp analysen och redigering av mätdatat i flera delar, och genom att addera funktioner som visar korrelationen mellan olika grafer i prototypen. Optimeringen har även kunnat genomföras med hjälp av etablerade designmetoder så som design thinking.

Interaktiv digital utbildning för gasansvariga inom Region Uppsala / Interactive online course made for personnel responsible for medical gases within Region Uppsala

Södergran, Philip, Söderlund, David January 2021 (has links)
Background: In healthcare, it is common that personnel handle medical gases. Medical gases can be hazardous if they are handled the wrong way. The healthcare personnel needs knowledge within gas handling to eliminate the risks of mix-ups, inaccurate transportation, inaccurate change of regulators and further on. Therefore, it is essential to educate healthcare personnel in how to handle medical gases in a safe manner. Region Uppsala has been responsible for educations on-site. To make the education more accessible it is desirable to make an interactive online course, with personnel responsible for medical gases as the target group. Aim: To design a digital interactive education, with personnel responsible for medical gases as the target group. Method: Revise material from earlier education plans within gas handling, designing an interactive online course using Articulate 360 storyline and evaluate the pedagogical layout and the information in the first version of the online course. Result: It was found that an interactive online course, with personnel responsible for medical gases within Region Uppsala as the target group should contain general information about gas, medical gases with associated bottles, information about gas cylinder, regulators and their handling and security and management processes. Focus during the making of the online course was to include interactive parts and to follow the principles “Meaningful”, “Engaging” and “Accessible”. The result from the evaluation made on the first version of the education generated about ten points of improvement. Two examples of changes applied to the final version of the education was a change of color from black to white on the icons at the bottom of the layout and addition of a section about emergency shut-off valves. Conclusion: An interactive online course was produced with the purpose to educate personnel responsible for medical gases within Region Uppsala. The created online course is more accessible than the previous education available on-site and with some complementary practical elements, the online course can permanently replace the previous on-site education.

Designing a fast and robust device for measuring and providing graphical visualization of the number of 60Co sources in a Leksell Gamma Knife® / Designa en snabb och robust anordning för att mäta och tillhandahålla grafisk visualisering av antalet 60Co källor i en Leksell Gamma Knife®

Andersson, Simon January 2020 (has links)
The Leksell Gamma Knife® (LGK) is a device for performing radiosurgery. The LGK contains approximately 200 radioactive sources whose beams intersect in a focal point in order to treat brain tumours. Quality assurance tools are used at Elekta to indirectly assess the number of sources in an LGK from the total amount of radiation. In order to increase patient safety, regulatory agencies have been asking for evidential proof of the number of sources in the LGK. This thesis' goal is to directly measure each source in the LGK and optimize the total detection time. To do this, a source detection system was developed with two parts, a radiation detection system and a moving gantry. Initial tests of the design were performed at Elekta and a final test was performed on an LGK at Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset. The results show that the proposed design has the possibility of detecting all sources in an LGK.

Simulation of Detector Response : How Does the Electron Multiplication Differ Within Ionization Chambers with Various Geometries? / Simulering av detektorrespons : Hur skiljer sig elektronmultiplikationen åt inom jonisationskammare med varierande geometrier?

Messén, Matilda, Moser, Elvira January 2019 (has links)
This degree project was performed in collaboration with the division of nuclear physics at the department of physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. A partial goal of the project was to create a simulation model, where the relationship be- tween the multiplication of electrons that occurs in an ionization chamber and the different pressures of air in the detector could be visualized. The main goal was then to use this model in order to examine the behaviour of electron multiplication for different geometries of the simulated ionization chamber. The simulation was performed in Python 3.7 (Python Soft- ware Foundation, DE, United States), and geometry was modified by increasing and decreasing the simulated inner and anode wire radius of the chamber. Results showed that the peak of the multiplication curve occurred at different pressures for different geometries. When the anode wire radius was fixed, the peak occurred at a lower pressure for an increase of the inner radius, whereas, when the inner radius was fixed, the peak occurred at a higher pressure for an increase of the anode wire radius. The number of created electrons are dependent of Townsend’s coefficent, α, which in turn is dependent of the relationship between pressure and electric field strength. The electric field strength within an ionization chamber varies for different geometries, and therefore is the relationship between pressure and electric field that results in the max- imum value of α, and thus the maximum peak of the multiplication factor, consequently given by different pressures for different chamber geometries. If the results from the simulations in this project are to correspond with actual experimental data, the knowledge of this geometry-dependence may be used to include or exclude the multiplication peak in further measurements depending upon preference.

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