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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wie wirksam ist das Fortbildungsprogramm "Patientenseminar Angst"? Ein erster Erfahrungsbericht / How Effective Is the Patientseminar 'Anxiety'?

Perkonigg, Axel, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 03 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Der folgende Beitrag schildert erste Ergebnisse einer Evaluationsstudie des Fortbildungsprogramms «Patientenseminar Angst» für Ärzte. 109 Teilnehmer der Veranstaltung I und 104 Teilnehmer der Veranstaltung II wurden vor und im Anschluβ an die Veranstaltungen sowie 3 Monate später bezüglich ihrer Beurteilung des Fortbildungsprogramms sowie zu ihren Einstellungen, Erfahrungen und Kenntnissen zu Angstpatienten befragt und mit einer Kontrollgruppe verglichen. Es zeigte sich, daβ Angstpatienten in der Allgemeinarztpraxis viel Zeitaufwand beanspruchen und sowohl die diagnostischen als auch die therapeutischen Kenntnisse nicht zufriedenstellend sind. Das Fortbildungsprogramm wurde von den Teilnehmern sehr gut beurteilt. Durch die Teilnahme wurde in Teilgruppen eine Verbesserung vor allem der Kenntnisse im Bereich «Angststörungen erkennen/Diagnostik» erreicht. Das Patientenseminar wurde vom Groβteil der Teilnehmer sowohl in Gruppen als auch bei einzelnen Patienten in der Praxis durchgeführt. Es wird deutlich, daβ trotz des hohen Aufwandes eine groβe Akzeptanz für den Einsatz solcher Patienten-seminare vorhanden ist und daβ insgesamt die bisher untersuchten Variablen für eine überraschend hohe Effektivität der Fortbildungsmaβnahmen sprechen. / This artide describes preliminary results of an evaluation study of the patientseminar 'anxiety', an educational programme for physicians. Before and after the two seminar meetings, 109 participants of part land 104 participants of part II filled in a questionnaire about their opinion on the programme as weil as their attitudes, experience, and knowledge about anxiety patients. They were compared with a control group, which did not take part in the programme. It is found that anxiety patients call for a lot of attention at general practitioners' and that the physicians' diagnostic and therapeutic knowledge is not sufficient. The educational programme was highly rated by participants. The patientseminar was conducted, for the greater part of participants, by the physicians both in groups and for single patients. It became evident that in spite of high expenses there is a wide acceptance of such patientseminars and that the variables so far examined up to now indicate surprisingly high efficiency of the educational programme.

(Don't) panic in the scanner! How panic patients with agoraphobia experience a functional magnetic resonance imaging session

Lüken, Ulrike, Mühlhan, Markus, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Kellermann, Thilo, Reinhardt, Isabelle, Konrad, Carsten, Lang, Thomas, Wittmann, André, Ströhle, Andreas, Gerlach, Alexander L., Ewert, Adrianna, Kircher, Tilo 13 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Although functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has gained increasing importance in investigating neural substrates of anxiety disorders, less is known about the stress eliciting properties of the scanner environment itself. The aim of the study was to investigate feasibility, self-reported distress and anxiety management strategies during an fMRI experiment in a comprehensive sample of patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia (PD/AG). Within the national research network PANIC-NET, n = 89 patients and n = 90 controls participated in a multicenter fMRI study. Subjects completed a retrospective questionnaire on self-reported distress, including a habituation profile and exploratory questions about helpful strategies. Drop-out rates and fMRI quality parameters were employed as markers of study feasibility. Different anxiety measures were used to identify patients particularly vulnerable to increased scanner anxiety and impaired data quality. Three (3.5%) patients terminated the session prematurely. While drop-out rates were comparable for patients and controls, data quality was moderately impaired in patients. Distress was significantly elevated in patients compared to controls; claustrophobic anxiety was furthermore associated with pronounced distress and lower fMRI data quality in patients. Patients reported helpful strategies, including motivational factors and cognitive coping strategies. The feasibility of large-scale fMRI studies on PD/AG patients could be proved. Study designs should nevertheless acknowledge that the MRI setting may enhance stress reactions. Future studies are needed to investigate the relationship between self-reported distress and fMRI data in patient groups that are subject to neuroimaging research.

Tratamiento de los trastornos de ansiedad: Diseño y evaluación de una intervención grupal basada en la Inteligencia Emocional

Pérez Lizeretti, Nathalie 14 July 2009 (has links)
Els trastorns d'ansietat són amb diferència els trastorns psiquiàtrics més freqüents i el tractament cognitiu-conductual (TCC) s'ha mostrat eficaç per aquests trastorns. Però existeixen molt poques investigacions en les que es compari la seva eficàcia amb tractaments desenvolupats sota altres perspectives teòriques. D'altre banda, s'ha demostrat que la intel·ligència emocional es un factor relacionat amb la presència dels trastorns mentals. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi ha estat dissenyar i avaluar l'eficàcia d'un tractament humanista basat en el desenvolupament de la intel·ligència emocional (TIE). Per això s'ha dut a terme un assaig clínic aleatoritzat en el que s'ha comparat la seva eficàcia amb un grup control de tractament (TCC). Ambdós s'han aplicat durant 24 sessions, d'hora i mitja, amb una freqüència setmanal al llarg de uns 6 mesos aproximadament. La mostra ha estat formada per 132 pacients d'un centre públic de salut mental, diagnosticats de trastorn d'ansietat (agorafòbia o TAG) dels que el 81,8% eren dones. El 86,3% presentaven comorbilitat amb altres trastorns de l'Eix I i el 89,4% amb trastorns de personalitat. Els subjectes es van avaluar al pretractament, després de tres mesos d'haver començat el tractament, en el postractament i 3 mesos després de haver-lo finalitzat, en el seguiment. Els qüestionaris administrats fóren el STAI, el Inventario de Agorafobia, la SCL-90-R, el MCMI-II, QOL-SV, el MSCEIT V2.0 i el TMMS-24. També es va utilitzar el qüestionari WATOCI a fi d'avaluar l'aliança terapèutica. Els resultats de l'estudi demostren que el tractament TIE és més eficaç que el TCC pels símptomes clínics, els trastorns de personalitat, la intel·ligència emocional i la satisfacció vital. S'obté una taxa de milloria del 92,3% en ansietat i del 85,7% en agorafòbia, i el nivell de satisfacció dels pacients amb el tractament és superior quan són tractats amb el TIE. També s'han analitzat els factors que influeixen en el acompliment i l'abandonament del tractament. / Los trastornos de ansiedad son con diferencia los trastornos psiquiátricos más frecuentes y el tratamiento cognitivo-conductual (TCC) se ha mostrado eficaz para estos trastornos. Sin embargo, existen escasas investigaciones que comparen su eficacia con tratamientos desarrollados desde otras prespectivas teóricas. Por otra parte, se ha demostrado que la inteligencia emocional es un factor implicado en la presencia de los trastornos mentales. El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido diseñar y evaluar la eficacia de un tratamiento humanista basado en el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional (TIE). Para ello se ha llevado a cabo un ensayo clínico aleatorizado en el que se ha comparado su eficacia con un grupo control de tratamiento (TCC). Ambos se han aplicado durante 24 sesiones, de hora y media de duración, con frecuencia semanal a lo largo de aproximadamente 6 meses. La muestra ha estado formada por 132 pacientes procedentes de un centro público de salud mental diagnosticados de trastorno de ansiedad (agorafobia y TAG) de los que el 81,8% fueron mujeres. El 86,3% presentaban comorbilidad con algún trastorno Eje I y el 89,4% con trastorno de personalidad. Los sujetos fueron evaluados en el pre-tratamiento, a los tres meses de inciar el tratamiento, en el post-tratamiento y a los 3 meses de seguimiento. Los cuestionarios administrados fueron el STAI, el Inventario de Agorafobia, la SCL-90-R, el MCMI-II, QOL-SV, el MSCEIT V2.0 y el TMMS-24. También se utilizó el cuestionario WATOCI a fin de evaluar la alianza terapéutica. Los resultados del estudio muestran que el tratamiento TIE es más eficaz que el TCC sobre los síntomas clínicos, los trastornos de personalidad, la inteligencia emocional y la satisfacción vital. Se obtiene una tasa de mejoría del 92,3% en ansiedad y del 85,7% en agorafobia y el nivel de satisfacción de los pacientes con el tratamiento es mayor cuando son tratados con TIE. También se analizaron los factores que influyen tanto en el cumplimiento como en el abandono del tratamiento. / Anxiety disorders are by far the most common psychiatric disorders and cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) has proved to be effective in the treatment of these disorders. However, there is little research comparing its efficacy to treatments developed from other theoretical perspectives. Also, it has been proved that emotional intelligence is a factor involved in mental disorders. The aim of the present study has been to design and then assess the efficacy of a humanistic treatment based on the development of emotional intelligence (EIT). A randomized clinical trial was carried out comparing its efficacy with a CBT. Both methods were applied for 24 one and a half hour weekly sessions (6 months approximately). The sample consisted of 132 patients from a public mental-health centre diagnosed with anxiety disorder (agoraphobia and generalized anxiety disorder) of which 81,8% were women, 86,3% presented comorbidity with one or more Axis I disorders and 89,4% with personality disorder. The participants were assessed pre-treatment, 3 months after starting the treatment, post-treatment and at a 3 month follow-up. The questionnaires administered were the STAI, the Agoraphobia Inventory, the SCL-90-R, the MCMI-II, the QOL-SV, the MSCEIT V2.0 and the TMMS-24. The WATOCI was also used in order to assess the therapeutic alliance. The findings of the study suggest that EIT is more effective for clinical symptoms, personality disorders, emotional intelligence and life satisfaction than CBT. The degree of improvement is of 92,3% for anxiety and 85,7% for agoraphobia and the patient satisfaction level with the treatment is higher when treated with EIT. Also analized were the factors that influenced the following or drop-out from the treatment.

Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede von Vulnerabilitäts- und Risikofaktoren bei Angststörungen und Depression: Eine epidemiologische Studie / Common and specific risk factors of anxiety disorders and depression: An epidemiological study

Bittner, Antje 11 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Hintergrund. Angst- und depressive Störungen treten sehr häufig auf. Die Komorbidität zwischen beiden Störungsgruppen ist hoch. Quer- und Längsschnittstudien legen nahe, dass vorausgehende Angststörungen das Risiko sekundärer Depression erhöhen, wobei wenig zur Rolle klinischer Charakteristika von Angststörungen in diesem Zusammenhang bekannt ist. Es liegen eine Fülle von Befunden zu Risikofaktoren für Angst- und depressive Störungen vor, die bei genauerer Betrachtung allerdings eine Reihe methodischer Limitationen und offener Forschungsfragen aufweisen (z.B. viele Querschnittserhebungen, klinische Stichproben, keine vergleichenden Analysen der Risikofaktoren von Angststörungen versus Depression). Eine reliable Bewertung der diagnostischen Spezifität vs. Unspezifität von Vulnerabilitäts- und Risikofaktoren von Angst- und depressiven Störungen mit den bislang vorliegenden Ergebnissen schwer möglich ist. Fragestellungen. Es wurden Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden hinsichtlich der Korrelate und Risikofaktoren von reinen Angst- versus reinen depressiven Störungen untersucht. Durch einen Vergleich reiner Angst- mit reinen depressiven Störungen sollte eine reliablere Einschätzung der Spezifität versus Unspezifität der untersuchten Vulnerabilitäts- und Risikofaktoren erfolgen. Der zweite Fokus lag in der Analyse der Rolle von primären Angststörungen und der mit ihnen assoziierten klinischen Merkmale bei der Entwicklung sekundärer Depressionen. Methoden. Die „Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology (EDSP)“- Studie ist eine prospektive, longitudinale Studie. Eine repräsentative Bevölkerungsstichprobe von ursprünglich 3021 Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen (zu Baseline 14-24 Jahre alt) wurde dreimal befragt (eine Baseline-Erhebung sowie zwei Folgebefragungen). Zusätzlich wurden die Eltern der Probanden, die am ersten Follow-Up teilgenommen hatten, in einem Elterninterview direkt interviewt. Von 2548 Probanden lagen diagnostische Informationen von der Basisbefragung und des Follow-Up-Zeitraumes vor. Psychische Störungen wurden mit Hilfe des M-CIDI nach DSM-IV Kriterien erfasst. Darüber hinaus wurden eine Vielzahl potenzieller Risikofaktoren (z.B. Behavioral Inhibition, kritische Lebensereignisse) erhoben. Ergebnisse. Die drei wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit waren: a)Es konnten gemeinsame, aber auch einige spezifische Risikofaktoren für Angststörungen versus depressive Störungen nachgewiesen werden. b)Die Angststörungen stellen eine heterogene Gruppe dar: Auch innerhalb der Gruppe der Angststörungen zeichnen sich spezifische Risikofaktoren für spezifische Angststörungen ab (d.h. es fanden sich Unterschiede zwischen Spezifischer und Sozialer Phobie). c)Es wurden starke Assoziationen zwischen Angststörungen sowie der mit ihnen assoziierten Merkmale (Beeinträchtigung, Komorbidität, Panikattacken) und der Entwicklung sekundärer depressiver Störungen gefunden. Im multiplen Modell, das alle klinischen Merkmale beinhaltete, stellte sich der Faktor schwere Beeinträchtigung als bedeutendster Prädiktor heraus. Diskussion und Schlussfolgerungen. Insgesamt befürworten die Befunde dieser Arbeit eher die sog. Splitters-Perspektive von zumindest teilweise unterschiedlichen Risikofaktoren für Angst- und depressive Störungen. Einer der potentesten Risikofaktoren für depressive Störungen scheinen vorausgehende Angststörungen zu sein, der Schweregrad der Beeinträchtigung durch die Angststörung spielt dabei eine entscheidende Rolle. Eine rechtzeitige, effektive Behandlung dieser Angststörungen könnte eine sehr erfolgversprechende Strategie in der Prävention depressiver Störungen sein. Der Beeinträchtigungsgrad durch die Angststörung kann dabei zur Identifizierung von sog. Hoch-Risiko-Personen genutzt werden. / Background. Anxiety disorders and depression are frequent mental disorders; comorbidity is high. Although cross-sectional and longitudinal studies suggest that anxiety disorders increase the risk of subsequent depression, little is known about the role of clinical characteristics of anxiety disorder in this association. Furthermore, there are a lot of studies investigating risk factors of anxiety disorders and depression. Most of these studies, however, have some substantial limitations (e.g., cross-sectional design, clinical samples, lack of analyses comparing risk factors of anxiety disorders versus depression) preventing a reliable assessment of the specificity of vulnerability and risk factors for anxiety disorders and depression. Aims. The first aim of the study was to examine common and specific correlates and risk factors of pure anxiety disorders versus pure depression. The second aim was to analyse the association between anxiety disorders and subsequent depression and the role of clinical characteristics of anxiety disorders in this associations. Methods. The data are from the Munich Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology (EDSP) study. The EDSP study is a 4-year prospective-longitudinal community study, which includes both baseline and follow-up data on 2548 adolescents and young adults 14 to 24 years of age at baseline. Parents of those probands participated at the first follow-up of the study were also interviewed. DSM-IV diagnoses were made using the Munich-Composite International Diagnostic Interview (M-CIDI). A range of risk factors were assessed (e.g., behavioral inhibition, life events). Results. There were both common and specific risk factors of anxiety disorders and depression. Furthermore, specific risk factors for specific anxiety disorders could be identified (i.e. different risk factors of specific phobia versus social phobia were found). Anxiety disorders and their clinical characteristics (impairment, comorbidity, panic attacks) were significantly associated with the development of subsequent depression. In the final model, which included all clinical characteristics, severe impairment remained the only clinical feature that was an independent predictor of subsequent depression. Discussion and conclusions. The findings suggest that there are specific risk factors of anxiety disorders and depression. Anxiety disorders are a very powerful risk factor for subsequent depression whereas severe impairment seems to play a major role in this association. Effective treatment of anxiety disorders, specifically those associated with extreme disability, might be important for targeted primary prevention of depression. The degree of impairment of anxiety disorders could be used for the identification of individuals at highest risk for onset of depression.

Étude de l'EEG quantifié en éveil et en sommeil chez des adolescents présentant un trouble anxieux

Gauthier, Anne-Karine 09 1900 (has links)
Les troubles anxieux sont parmi les troubles psychiatriques les plus souvent diagnostiqués chez les adolescents. Ces troubles sont souvent accompagnés de nombreuses comorbidités, dont des difficultés de sommeil. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de caractériser l’activité corticale à l’éveil et pendant le sommeil à l’aide de l’EEG quantifié chez une population d’adolescents présentant un trouble anxieux, et de la comparer à un groupe témoin d’adolescents. Dans un second temps, on cherche à savoir si l’activité EEG des patients anxieux corrèle avec différentes mesures cliniques. Deux études permettent de répondre à ces objectifs, une première portant sur l’activité EEG au cours de l’éveil, et une seconde portant sur l’activité EEG au cours du sommeil (SL et SP). La première étude démontre que l’activité EEG des deux groupes ne présente pas de différence à l’EEG le soir. Par contre, le matin, les patients anxieux présentent une activité significativement supérieure à celle des contrôles aux électrodes centrales (0,75-10 Hz et 13-20 Hz) ainsi qu’aux électrodes occipitales (2,5-7,75 Hz). Dans la seconde étude, nous avons analysé l’activité EEG absolue et relative en SL et en SP. Nous avons trouvé une activité absolue significativement supérieure à l’EEG de la région centrale chez les participants du groupe anxieux : en SLP (stades 3 et 4) sur l’ensemble des bandes de fréquence, en stade 2 sur les bandes de fréquence thêta, alpha et beta seulement. Finalement, en SP, les différences sont trouvées en alpha et beta, et non en thêta et delta. Les résultats obtenus à ces deux études suggèrent la présence de mécanismes de synchronisation et de filtrage inadéquats au niveau de la boucle thalamo-corticale, entraînant une hypervigilance du SNC. Quant aux corrélations entre l’activité EEG et les mesures cliniques, les résultats obtenus dans les deux études révèlent que les fréquences lentes (thêta et delta) de l’activité d’éveil le matin corrèlent à la fois avec l’anxiété de trait et d’état et les fréquences rapides (Alpha et Beta) de l’EEG du sommeil corrèlent sélectivement avec l’anxiété d’état. Il semble donc exister un lien entre les mesures cliniques et l’activité EEG. Une hausse d’activité EEG pourrait être un indicateur de la sévérité accrue des symptômes anxieux. / Anxiety disorders are among the most diagnosed psychiatric disorders in the adolescent population. These disorders are often accompanied by different comorbidities, such as sleep problems. The main objective of this thesis is to characterize the cortical activity during wake and sleep, using quantified EEG, in a population of adolescents presenting an anxiety disorder, and to compare these results to those of a control group of adolescents. Secondly, we wish to verify if the EEG activity of the anxious participants correlates with different clinical measures. Two different studies are conducted in order to attain our objectives, the first one being on the EEG activity during wake, and the second being on the EEG activity during sleep (slow wave sleep and rapid eye movement sleep). The first study reveals that the EEG activity from both groups does not differ in the evening. However, in the morning, anxious participants display an increased activity on central electrodes (0.75-10 Hz and 13-20 Hz), and on occipital electrodes (2.5-7.75 Hz). In the second study, we demonstrate that anxious participants show an increased absolute EEG activity on central electrodes: in slow wave sleep (stages 3 and 4), it is found on all frequency bands, in stage 2, it is found on the theta, alpha and beta frequency bands. Finally, in rapid eye movement sleep, the differences are only in alpha and beta, and not in theta and delta. These data suggest the impairment of thalamo-cortical gating mechanisms in adolescents with anxiety disorders, leading to CNS hyperarousal. As for the correlations between the EEG activity and the clinical measures, the results from our studies reveal that the slow frequencies (theta and delta) of morning wake EEG correlate with both trait and state anxiety, while fast frequencies (alpha and beta) from the sleep EEG correlate specifically with state anxiety. Thus, there appears to be an association between EEG activity and clinical measures. An increased EEG activity could be an indicator of the severity of the anxious symptoms.

Analyse du lien séquentiel entre les comportements d'anxiété et d'évitement lors d'interactions parent-enfant

Lapierre, Catherine 06 1900 (has links)
Les troubles anxieux figurent parmi les psychopathologies les plus fréquentes chez les enfants. Ils peuvent avoir de graves répercussions sur leur développement et, à long terme, ils tendent à persister ainsi qu’à s’aggraver. L’évitement est un moyen souvent utilisé par les personnes anxieuses, adultes ou enfants, afin de tenter d’échapper à l'objet de leur peur et ainsi faire diminuer leur niveau d’anxiété. Les schémas cognitifs dysfonctionnels reliés à l’anxiété, et à l’origine de l’évitement, se développent tôt chez l’enfant et sont en partie reliés aux interactions parent-enfant. La présente recherche vise à examiner, à l’aide d’une analyse séquentielle des interactions, la dépendance entre les comportements d’anxiété et d’évitement chez les membres de 20 dyades parent-enfant, dont les enfants sont âgés entre 4 et 7 ans. La tâche d’interaction, une histoire à compléter par les membres de la dyade, a la capacité de susciter des émotions anxieuses chez les participants. Les résultats de cette étude ne permettent pas de démontrer une dépendance entre les comportements d’anxiété et d’évitement des parents et ceux des enfants. La discussion présente des éléments de réflexion sur des pistes de recherche à explorer. / Anxiety disorders are common among children. They can have serious consequences on their development, and tend to persist or even get worst over time. Avoidance behaviors are often used by anxious people, including children, to escape the object of their fear and to decrease their anxiety level. Dysfunctionnal anxious cognitions that support avoidance tend to develop early in childhood and are partially related to parent-child interactions. The objective of the present study was to examine sequential dependency between anxious and avoidant behaviours, by means of sequential analysis of parent-child interactions. The sample included 20 parent-child dyads, children being aged between 4 and 7 years. A story-completion task was administered in order to arouse anxious feelings in participants. Results of the present study did not suggest a dependency between anxious and avoidant behaviours among dyads. The discussion proposes avenues for future research to explore.

Qualité de vie et coûts des troubles anxieux : évaluation de la qualité de vie et des coûts des troubles anxieux spécifiques : trouble anxieux généralisé et phobie sociale / The cost and quality of life impact in patients with anxiety disorders

François, Clément 15 December 2010 (has links)
Parmi tous les problèmes de santé chronique, les troubles anxieux combinent une prévalenceélevée, une apparition précoce, une chronicité élevée et des conséquences sur lefonctionnement majeur. Or l’anxiété comme pathologie a été plutôt évaluée d’un point de vueclinique ; l’impact des sous types sur la qualité de vie et les coûts a été de façon généralemoins étudié, surtout sur l’impact à long terme, et les études présentent des variationsimportantes d’estimation des coûts.Il est intéressant d’évaluer ces sous types de trouble anxieux du point de vu de la qualité devie liée a la santé ainsi que les paramètres objectifs des consommations de soins et coûts ;l’étude des conséquences de la rechute est particulièrement importante. Nous avons mesuréles coûts associés à l’ensemble des sous types des troubles anxieux, en utilisant une extractiond’une base de données administrative américaine sur plusieurs centaines de milliers depatients, et ainsi permis d’avoir un estimé précis des coûts médicaux, de comparer les coûtsassociés aux différents diagnostics d’anxiété, de les comparer à ceux de l’épisode dépressif, etde l’influence de la relation dynamique entre les troubles anxieux et la dépression. Nousavons ensuite étudié l’évolution de l’impact sur la qualité de vie et le fonctionnement duTrouble Anxieux Généralisé et de la Phobie Sociale à travers deux essais cliniques et estimédans ces essais les utilités associées à des états de santé. Des efforts de recherche accrus sontnécessaires pour fournir des données prospectives sur l’aspect dynamique des TroublesAnxieux et de la dépression, et évaluer les coûts indirects également en pratique cliniquecourante. / Anxiety disorders are unique among all chronic conditions, both physical and mental, inhaving a combination of very high prevalence, early age at onset, high chronicity, andsubstantial role impairment. Anxiety disorder was mostly evaluated of a clinical standpoint;the impact of subtypes on the quality of life and costs were generally less studied, especiallyon long-term impact, and studies show large variations of cost estimates. It is interesting toevaluate these subtypes of anxiety disorder from the point of view of health related quality oflife and the objective parameters of health care consumption and costs. The consequences ofrelapse are of particular importance due to the chronicity of these disorders. We measured thecosts associated with all subtypes of anxiety disorders, using an extraction of a U.S.administrative database on hundreds of thousands of patients, and thus allowed to have anaccurate estimate of medical costs, compared the costs associated with different diagnoses ofanxiety, compared with those of the depressive episode, and studied the dynamic relationshipbetween anxiety disorders and depression. We then studied the evolution of the impact onquality of life and functioning of the Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia throughtwo randomised clinical trials and found in these tests associated utilities to health states.Increased research efforts are needed to provide prospective data on the dynamic aspect ofAnxiety Disorders and Depression, and to also measure the indirect costs in clinical practice.

Personalidade e sua relação com transtornos de ansiedade e de humor: Uma análise da produção científica brasileira na abordagem cognitivo-comportamental

Martins, Pablo Fernando Souza 09 November 2010 (has links)
Personality is one of the most controversial and intriguing theme in Psychology. In a general way, it could be understood as a set of rigid patters of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors from an individual. The aim of this investigation was describe how Brazilian researches in Psychology that use cognitive, behavioral, and cognitive-behavioral therapy referential have been approaching the subject Personality in their work. We also intended to determine the frequency of publications on Personality Disorders to compare this data with the bibliographical production on Anxiety and Mood Disorders. Moreover, we tried to describe how the Personality construct - and even Personality Disorders construct - has been addressed in the work on the Anxiety and Mood Disorders chosen for this review. The PePSIC Periódicos Eletrônicos em Psicologia - e SciELO.ORG - Scientific Electronic Library Online - databases were used for research. We investigated 53 journals, including two specific Cognitive Therapies and Behavioral-Cognitive Therapy (TCC) periodicals. Within each journal, we undertook a systematic survey on publications on the themes: Personality, Personality Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Phobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depression, Dysthymia and Bipolar Disorder. A preliminary research has resulted in 218 articles. A second filter has obtained 81 articles in which we the focused on this review. There were found thirty-eight articles on Anxiety Disorders, twenty-five on Mood Disorders and eighteen on Personality Disorders. It was found that 90% of the papers on Anxiety Disorders make no reference to the term Personality or make it in a discrete way. This number rises to 96% to Personality Disorder group. Analyzing the specific journals on TCC we verified that 97% of the articles on Anxiety and Humor disorders do not cite the term Personality or cite but not explore it. This results point to the low rate of studies addressing the Personality and personality disturbs. Then, we can suggest that the difficulty on treating this Axis II disturbs has been worsened by lack of knowledge produced on the subject, either for lack of interest among researchers or because of the methodological obstacles found on this field. / A Personalidade é um dos conceitos mais controversos e intrigantes da Psicologia. Em linhas gerais pode ser entendida como um conjunto de padrões rígidos de sentimentos, pensamentos e comportamentos de cada indivíduo. Partindo de uma revisão na literatura brasileira de psicologia, este trabalho teve o objetivo de descrever como os pesquisadores que utilizam os referenciais cognitivo, comportamental e cognitivocomportamental têm abordado o tema personalidade em seus trabalhos. Além disso, verificou-se a freqüência de publicações sobre transtornos de personalidade a fim de comparar esse dado com a produção bibliográfica sobre os Transtornos de Ansiedade e de Humor; e descrever como o constructo personalidade e mesmo os transtornos da personalidade tem sido abordado nos trabalhos sobre os Transtornos de Ansiedade e Humor escolhidos para essa revisão. As bases usadas foram o PePSIC Periódicos Eletrônicos em Psicologia e SciELO.ORG - Scientific Electronic Library Online, totalizando 53 revistas pesquisadas, incluindo duas revistas específicas de Terapias Cognitivas e Terapia Comportamental e Cognitiva. Dentro de cada revista, realizou-se uma busca sistemática de publicações sobre os temas: Personalidade, Transtornos de Personalidade, Transtorno de Pânico, Fobia Social, Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo (TOC), Transtorno de Ansiedade Generalizada, Depressão Maior, Transtorno Bipolar e Distimia. Uma pesquisa preliminar resultou em 218 artigos. De uma segunda filtragem obteve-se 81 artigos que foram foco dessa revisão. Foram encontrados trinta e oito artigos de Transtornos de Ansiedade, vinte e cinco de Transtornos de Humor e dezoito sobre Transtornos de Personalidade. Verificou-se que 90% dos artigos sobre Transtornos de Ansiedade não fazem, ou fazem uma discreta referência ao termo personalidade. Esse número sobe para 96% para o grupo de Transtornos de Humor. Ao analisar as revistas específicas de TCC verificou-se que 97% dos artigos sobre Transtornos de Ansiedade e Transtornos de Humor não fazem nenhuma referência ou apenas uma referência discreta ao termo personalidade. Esses resultados apontam o baixo número de pesquisas que abordam a personalidade e seus transtornos. Assim, pode-se inferir que a dificuldade no tratamento dos transtornos do Eixo II tem sido agravada pela falta de conhecimentos produzidos sobre o tema, seja por desinteresse dos pesquisadores seja pelos obstáculos metodológicos. / Mestre em Psicologia Aplicada

Líquen plano oral: atiopatogenia. Transtornos de ansiedade e depressão e uso de medicamentos / Oral lichen planus: etiopathogenesis. Anxiety and depression disorders and use of drugs

Silvio Kenji Hirota 04 December 2007 (has links)
Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar a associação transtornos de ansiedade e depressão e do uso de medicamentos com o líquen plano oral (LPO). O grupo de estudo compreendeu pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico de LPO, segundo critérios da Organização Mundial de Saúde (WHO, 1978), com ou sem envolvimento cutâneo ou de outras mucosas. Um grupo controle composto por indivíduos sem lesão de líquen plano cutâneo e/ou mucoso, com perfil semelhante ao dos pacientes com LPO em relação ao sexo, idade e cor, foi incluído. Para avaliação de transtornos de ansiedade e depressão foram aplicadas duas escalas de auto-avaliação, respectivamente, o Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado (IDATE-T) e a Escala de Rastreamento Populacional para Depressão - Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), ambas as escalas validadas internacionalmente. O uso diário de medicamentos foi analisado de acordo com os seguintes critérios: (1) classificação de medicamentos de acordo com o código ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical - classificação pela OMS, versão 2007), (2) quantidade de medicamentos utilizados - monofarmacia: 1 medicamento, polifarmacia menor: 2 a 4 medicamentos, e polifarmacia maior: 5 ou mais medicamentos, e (3) uso de medicamentos com potencial de induzir reação liquenóide a drogas. Sessenta e três pacientes LPO (média de idade = 54,2 anos, relação mulher/homem 6:1) e 35 do grupo controle (média de idade = 53,3 anos, relação mulher/homem 4:1) compuseram a casuística de pacientes avaliados. Os resultados demonstraram que não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes (P > 0,05) entre o grupo LPO e o grupo controle com relação aos transtornos de ansiedade e depressão e o uso de medicamentos. Em conclusão, transtornos de ansiedade e depressão e o uso de medicamentos parecem não constituir fatores diretos na etiopatogenia do LPO. Todavia, esses fatores devem ser considerados na avaliação geral do paciente LPO, principalmente em termos de tratamento da lesão oral. / This study was aimed at investigating the possible association of the anxiety and depression disorders and the use of drugs with the oral lichen planus (OLP). The study group included patients with clinical and histopathologic diagnosis of OLP, according World Health Organization criteria (WHO, 1978), with or without skin and others mucosal involvement. A control group composed of individuals without skin and/or mucosal lichen planus, with similar characteristics to the OLP patients in respect to the sex, age and skin color, was included. For evaluation of anxiety and depression disorders a two self-administered scale the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-T) and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) scales were applied, both internationally validated scales. The daily drug intake was analyzed according to the following criteria: (1) classification of drugs according the ATC code (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical - classification by OMS, 2007 version), (2) amount of drugs used - monopharmacy: 1 drug, minor polipharmacy: 2 a 4 drugs, e major polipharmacy: 5 or more drugs, and (3) use of drugs with potential to induce a lichenoid drug reaction. Sixty-three patients (mean age = 54.4 years, ratio female/male = 6:1) and 35 individuals of control group (mean age = 53.3 years, ratio female/male = 4:1) composed the sample of patients evaluated. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences (P> 0.05) between the OLP group and the control group with respect to anxiety and depression and the use of drugs. In conclusion, anxiety and depression disorders and the use of drugs seem to play no direct role in the etiopathogenesis of OLP. However, these factors should be considered for general evaluation of OLP patients, mainly for therapeutic purposes.

Influência da técnica de derivação urinária na qualidade de vida dos pacientes com câncer invasivo de bexiga submetidos a cistectomia radical / The influence of urinary diversion on quality of life in patients with invasive bladder cancer after radical cystectomy

Emanoela Batista Feitosa 23 November 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os pacientes oncológicos exigem um olhar diferenciado da equipe multiprofissional que o assiste. O câncer provoca um estresse de longo prazo. Fora a preocupação imediata com a morte, o medo relacionado à dor e às deformidades físicas deixam os pacientes em total quadro de ansiedade e muitas vezes, quadros depressivos se instalam no diagnóstico e se prolongam após o tratamento. Para o tratamento do câncer de bexiga é realizada a cistectomia total, desta forma torna-se necessária a utilização de técnicas de derivação urinária (Bricker ou neobexiga), ambas tem seus benefícios e empecilhos que irão influenciar diretamente na qualidade de vida desses pacientes. OBJETIVO: Comparar as alterações de qualidade de vida em pacientes submetidos às técnicas de reconstrução urinária por neobexiga ortotópica ou derivação urinária a Bricker em pacientes submetidos à cistectomia radical. MÉTODO: Foi realizado estudo qualitativo, transversal de 67 pacientes submetidos à cistectomia radical, divididos em dois grupos: 1) Neobexiga e 2) ureteroileostomia cutânea (Bricker) operados no período de Julho/2005 a Outubro/2010, pela mesma equipe cirúrgica, no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram utilizados para entrevista a ficha Sócio- Demográfica, a Escala de Ansiedade e Depressão e o Questionário SF36. RESULTADOS: Observamos que a média de idade do grupo Bricker é significativamente maior que a do grupo com neobexiga (p = 0,036). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nas proporções de sexo entre os dois grupos (p = 0,963). Quanto às demais adaptações pós-operatórias, como retorno ao trabalho, sono e repouso, nível de ansiedade e depressão, em nosso estudo não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre as técnicas. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve diferença significativa, com relação a qualidade de vida pós operatória, entre os pacientes submetidos a derivação urinária por neobexiga ortotópica ou Bricker / INTRODUCTION: Cancer patients require a different view of the multidisciplinary team because cancer may cause long-term stress. The concern with death, fear related to pain and physical deformities leave patients in complete of anxiety and depression settle in the diagnosis and continue after treatment. Physical and mental distress is common while living with cancer illness. Patients commonly suffer because the concern with death, fear related to pain and physical deformities. For the treatment of bladder cancer a radical cystectomy is performed and the choice of transposed intestinal segment surgery ranges from incontinent urinary diversion through an abdominal stoma (ileal conduit diversion) to continent urinary diversion to orthotopic bladder replacement (orthotopic neobladder), both have their benefits and drawbacks that will directly influence the quality of life of these patients. OBJECTIVE: We compared health-related quality of life between patients who underwent orthotopic neobladder or an ileal conduit urinary diversion following radical cystectomy. METHOD: The study included 67 patients who underwent radical cystectomy for bladder cancer, divided into two groups: 1) Neobladder; 2) Ileal conduit diversion (Bricker). Health related quality of life was evaluated using the Short Form-36 survey, a patient demographic sheet and the anxiety and depression scale. RESULTS: When compared the mean age, we found that the mean age of the Bricker group is significantly higher than in the neobladder group (p = 0.036). There were no significant differences in sex ratios between the two groups (p = 0.963). There was no significant difference in any scale scores between the neobladder and ileal conduit groups. Conclusion: No significant postoperative differences were observed in the QOL associated with the urinary diversion.

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