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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teaching the Swedish Common Principles as Virtue Ethics: The Unjust Narrator, Gender Inequality and the Arena of Societal Transformation in Welcome to Our Hillbrow

Aho, Emma January 2021 (has links)
According to Skolverket, the Swedish school has two missions: conveying knowledge and teaching values. These values are taught through the common principles (värdegrund) and instruct students about democratic values and human rights. However, Skolverket also reports that students lack such knowledge. Therefore, this essay aims to create a module with the main purpose of formulating and teaching the common principles, by using Phaswane Mpe's Welcome to Our Hillbrow, a text with the ability of presenting ethical issues whilst also making the reader respond to them. To achieve this, the values of the common principles will be extracted with the help of virtue ethics, which creates a conjunction with the book, where three topics are selected: sexism, gender identity and societal transformation. Virtue ethics, representing the common principles, together with Adichie’s definition of African feminism inform the analysis of sexism and gender inequality in the book and show how they are prevalent and extensive. Societal transformation is conceptualised and investigated through the use of narratology. Sexism and gender inequality are located in the horizontal plane of an arena, where the vertical expansion of narrative levels creates the urge for societal transformation. Such an expansion is made possible by an implied author, which provides the effect needed for reader inclusion. As such, Welcome to Our Hillbrow is described to entail an ethical challenge, that forces a responsible reader to emerge. Issues of sexism and gender inequality are then used together with the arena of societal transformation to construct a module in English 7, where students may themselves become reasonable readers through a process of critical self-reflection, a vital part of virtue ethics. This is done by employing Socratic and deliberative dialogue and an affective-humanistic approach, which together promote democratic values and human rights.

Lobbyingerfolg im europäischen Policy-Making: Wer gewinnt wo und warum? / Ressourcen, Framing, Arenen, Issuetypen und Koalitionen

Ehrenberg-Silies, Simone 18 November 2015 (has links)
Wie kann Lobbyingerfolg von Interessengruppen erklärt werden? Lange Zeit standen ausschließlich Ressourcen als Explanans für Lobbyingerfolg im Zentrum der theoretischen Auseinandersetzung. Später traten weitere unabhängige Variablen zur Erklärung von Lobbyingerfolg hinzu: Framing, Arenen, Issuetypen, Koalitionen und die politisch-ideologische Ausrichtung der Entscheidungsträger als intervenierende Variable. Die empirischen Beobachtungen am Beispiel der EU-Emissionspolitik zeigen, dass keine der genannten Variablen Lobbyingerfolg alleine erklären kann. Die Kongruenzanalyse wird belegen, dass die Erklärungs- und Prognosekraft der Variablen in den einzelnen Arenen variiert. Ressourcen sind ein guter Prädiktor für Lobbyingerfolg in der Arena der Kommission. In der Arena des Europäischen Parlaments ist vor allem das Lobbyingziel der einzelnen Interessengruppen entscheidend. In der Arena des Rats hängt der Lobbyingerfolg von einem komplexen Zusammenspiel aus Lobbyingziel, formellen Abstimmungsregeln und der Positionierung der Mitgliedstaaten ab, die wiederum von der Zusammensetzung der jeweiligen Regierungsexekutiven und der Ressourcenstärke einzelner Interessengruppen in den Mitgliedstaaten beeinflusst wird. In der Arena des Vermittlungsausschusses entscheidet die politisch-ideologische Position des Berichterstatters. Darüber hinaus kann gezeigt werden, dass sowohl in der Arena des Europäischen Parlaments als auch in der Arena des Rats bestimmte Framing-Strategien erfolgversprechend sind. Wohingegen die Zugehörigkeit eines Issues zu einem bestimmten Issuetypus von vornherein die Erfolgsaussichten mindert. Lobbyingerfolg am Ende des Mitentscheidungsverfahrens ist also das Resultat von Lobbyingerfolgen, die in den einzelnen Arenen auf unterschiedliche kausale Effekte zurückzuführen sind. Bemerkenswert ist, dass Lobbyingerfolg von einer Reihe von Faktoren abhängt, die von Interessengruppen selbst nicht unmittelbar beeinflussbar sind. / How can lobbying success of interest groups be explained? For a long time, solely resources were at the centre of the theoretical debate. Later, other independent variables were added to explain lobbying success: framing, arenas, types of issues, coalitions and the political-ideological position of decision-makers as an intervening variable. Empirical observations using the example of the EU emissions policy however show that none of the above variables can explain lobbying success alone. A congruence analysis demonstrates that the explanatory and predictive power of the variables varies in different arenas. Resources are a potent predictor of lobbying success in the arena of the Commission. In the arena of the European Parliament, it is the lobbying goal of stakeholders, which determines success. In the arena of the Council, lobbying success is the result of a complex interplay of lobbying goal, formal voting rules and the political position of the Member States. The political position of Member States, in turn, is influenced by the political-ideological composition of the government executive and the resources of individual stakeholders in the Member States. In the arena of the Conciliation Committee, the political and ideological position of the rapporteur is pivotal. In addition, it can be shown that both in the arena of the European Parliament and of the Council certain framing strategies support lobbying success. In contrast, the nature of an issue can diminish the chances of lobbying success right from the outset. Thus, lobbying success at the end of the co-decision procedure is the result of the combination of lobbying successes in the co-decision arenas, which are due to different causal effects. It is noteworthy that lobbying success depends on a number of factors, which cannot be directly influenced by interest groups themselves.

Kommunalt handlingsutrymme för att öka byggandet i trä : En studie av planeringsförutsättningar / Municipal possibilities and constraints to increase building in wood : A study of planning conditions

Kalén, Victoria January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka kunskapen om vilka förutsättningar som påverkar kommunernas handlingsutrymme att styra mot ökat byggande i trä. Utgångspunkten är att ökat byggande i trä är en viktig hörnsten i Sveriges arbete för att nå klimatmål om minskade koldioxidutsläpp. I fallstudie undersöker jag Växjö och Skellefteå kommun som sedan länge arbetat aktivt med att öka byggande i trä och båda antagit kommunala träbyggandsstrategier. I fallstudie undersöker jag hur såväl kontextuella (projektspecifika och informella förutsättningar) som formella förutsättningar påverkar kommunens handlingsutrymme. Resultatet visar att processer för att identifiera planförutsättningar och överbrygga olika perspektiv är avgörande för att skapa ett kontextuellt handlingsutrymme. Resultatet visar vidare att kontextuella förutsättningar även har potential att till viss del skapa handlingsutrymme utanför det formella handlingsutrymmets ”uppenbara” ramar. / The aim of this study in to increase the knowledge of municipal possibilities and constraints to increase building in wood by examining the municipal planning conditions. Point of departure is that building in wood is a prerequisite to reach the Swedish climate targets of drastically reducing national CO2-emissions. In a case study two municipalities are examined, Växjö and Skellefteå, two municipalities with strategies to increase building in wood and with long experience in doing so. The study explores how contextual planning conditions (project specific and informal conditions) alongside formal planning conditions affects the municipal space of action. The result shows that processes to identify planning conditions and to bridge different perspectives are crucial in order to create a contextual space of action. The result further demonstrates that contextual planning condition withhold the potential to, to a certain degree, create space of action outside the presupposed boundaries of the formal planning system.

Evaluación de la calidad del concreto hidráulico usando agregado fino marginal en el proyecto rehabilitación y mejoramiento de la carretera DV. Imperial – Pampas

Paredes Carrasco, Alexander Edward, Guillen Herrera, Edson Rodolfo January 2015 (has links)
Para la presente investigación de tesis desarrollada entre los distritos de Imperial y Pampas, provincia de Tayacaja, en el departamento de Huancavelica, se tiene como unidad de análisis a 60 muros de contención, donde se aplicó criterios muestréales de 23 muros f´c 210 kg/cm2. Como resultados alcanzados se logró elaborar concreto hidráulico de calidad usando agregado fino marginal con el cual se pudo satisfacer los parámetros de resistencia y durabilidad. Para demostrar la durabilidad se realizaron distintos ensayos; los que no cumplieron con las especificaciones de la norma EG-2000 fueron el de Equivalente de arena MTC E 114, Material que pasa el Tamiz N°200 MTC E 202 y Análisis granulométrico por tamizado ASTM C 136, por lo cual se efectuaron análisis más rigurosos como: el ensayo de Valor de azul de metileno y el ensayo de Análisis petrográfico macroscópico y microscópico en agregados para concreto ASTM C 295, donde se obtuvo como resultado que la arena no presenta elementos activos en su composición, lo que quiere decir que ante las condiciones ambientales de la zona estos elementos no se expanden ni se contraen y adicionalmente como medida de control se diseñó la mezcla de concreto hidráulico con aditivo incorporador de aire AirMix-200. Del mismo informe petrográfico se concluyó que la composición principal del agregado es la caliza, la cual es materia prima para la elaboración del cemento, que de alguna manera adicional ayuda a cumplir satisfactoriamente el parámetro de resistencia. Así mismo quedó demostrado que a través de ensayos a compresión no confinada de testigos de concreto, se alcanzó resistencias superiores a lo requerido en la norma EG-2000. Research for this thesis developed between the districts of Imperial and Pampas, Tayacaja province, in the department of Huancavelica, it has the analysis unit 60 retaining walls, where 23 sample criteria applied walls f´c 210 kg/cm2. Results obtained are as elaborate hydraulic concrete achievement of marginal quality using fine aggregate with which it was able to satisfy the parameters of strength and durability. To demonstrate the durability various tests were performed; those who do not comply with the specifications of the EG-2000 were rule the sand equivalent MTC E 114, passes what material the sieve No. 200 MTC E 202 and sieve analysis ASTM C 136, here by which they were made Analysis More rigorous like: The test value of methylene blue and testing of macroscopic and microscopic petrographic analysis in paragraph aggregate concrete ASTM C 295, where it resulted the sand without presents elements active in their composition, which means they say to the area Environmental Conditions These elements do not expand or contract and additionally as a control measure of self-design hydraulic concrete mix with entraining admixture AirMix-200 air. Same petrographic report concluded that the composition of the director of aggregate is limestone, which is a raw material for the production of cement, which in some additionally helps one perform satisfactorily resistance parameter. Also it demonstrated that one through essays of unconfined compressive concrete witness, higher strengths than required was reached in the EG-2000 standard.

Převzetí společnosti skrze insolvenční řízení (SAZKA, a.s.) / Takeover of through insolvency proceedings (SAZKA, a.s.)

Nedvědová, Nikola January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with takeovers in the Czech environment according to the Insolvency Act No. 182/2006 Coll., which passed an amendment to the 1. 1. 2008. There are methods of resolving insolvency of the debtor and principles of insolvency proceedings which should be followed during the insolvency process. Work distinguishes friendly and hostile takeover. The theoretical part provides an overview of possible ways of takeover, the reasons that motivate new owners to think about a possible takeover and globally applicable defense strategies. Another theoretical starting point is consideration of the reorganization of the company, which may be conducted by both the debtor and of the creditor(s). The practical part describes the hostile takeover of SAZKA from its history, through description of the key moments of crisis to insolvency proceedings which resulted in the bankruptcy of the debtor. Subsequent hostile takeover was directed by PPF and KKCG, which bought up commitment wagers and therefore became important creditors (controlling the betting and lottery activities) and later winner of the tender for the sale of the entire company. This case is a textbook example of takeover of the company, which had fallen into financial distress. The battle for the largest lottery company in the country was very hard, long and eventually resulted in a very profitable business, which fell into the arms of a single owner.

Střelnice & lasergame aréna „Eagle eye“ / Shooting range & lasergame arena "Eagle Eye"

Javůrek, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this project is a new building of a shooting range and lasergame arena in Brno, district Královo pole. The aim of the thesis is to create a documentation for realization of a shooting range and lasergame arena. It is a stand-alone two-storey building without the basement. The building is based on piled foundations, the construction system is reinforced concrete frame, infill material is light concrete brick. There is an exception: in the tunnel shooting range, there are monolithic reinforced concrete walls. The ceilings above the first floor are made also of reinforced concrete, the ceiling above the second floor / roof is made of pre-stressed reinforced concrete roof panels of spiroll type. There is flat, single-layer roof. The walls are designed as double-layered, contact-insulated with fiber-cement cladding.

Protektivní vliv kognitivního tréninku během adolescence na deficit neuronální koordinace ve farmakologickém modelu schizofrenie. / Protective effect of pro-cognitive training during adolescence on neuronal coordination deficit in a pharmacological model of schizophrenia.

Krajčovič, Branislav January 2017 (has links)
Schizophrenia is a severe neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by positive, negative and cognitive symptoms with poor functional outcomes, placing an enormous burden on the individual, caregivers and society. Although deficits in cognition are an integral part of the disease and the best predictor of functional outcomes, there is as yet no established treatment addressing them. Avoidance of a hidden place on a continuously rotating arena (Carousel) requires cognitive control and is a rodent model of cognitive coordination of information from dissociated spatial frames, which is impaired in acute pharmacological and neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia. Cognitive training on the Carousel during adolescence alleviates adult cognitive deficit in a neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia and improves neural coordination (oscilations in the beta and gamma band), which is thought to be necessary for cognition. We examined if cognitive training during adolescence eliminates the deficit in neuronal coordination observed in adult rats after acute systemic NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 (0.15 mg/kg). During adolescence, rats were either trained in spatial avoidance on Carousel or merely handled. As adults, rats received two 5-min exploration sessions in the same (A/A) or in two distinct...

Vlivová struktura a problém korupce v obchodu s vojenským materiálem v České republice / Higher Cicrcles in Defence Sector and Corruption in Defence Materiel Procurement in the Czech Republic

Pernica, Bohuslav January 2018 (has links)
The thesis Higher Cicrcles in Defence Sector and Corruption in Defence Materiel Procurement in the Czech Republic deals with the question of presence of military-industrial complex (MIC) in the Czech society and economy after than more 65 years its constitution in Czechoslovakia by communist defence minister A. Čepička. His effort was initiated by a confidential wish expressed by J. V. Stalin in 1951 within a political meeting with defence ministers newly established people's republics in East Europa. Due to fact that MIC is usually linked with corruption, the thesis deals with the issue of corruption in acquisition of defence materiel; in particular, after 1994 when the first design of building-up the Czech military power was adapted as well as the first acquisition plan of military materiel was introduced for the next 10 years. So, the aim of the thesis is to verify the theory MIC's presence in the Czech Republic and to diagnose the stage of corruption in acquisition of military materiel at the Ministry of Defence. Author scrutinised the validity of two hypotheses: (H1) the MIC is in the Czech Republic omnipresent and (H2) the corruption in acquisition of military materiel at the Ministry of Defence is the stage of systemic corruption. With application of comparative analysis comparing the Czech...

Slovinské národní divadlo v Lublani / Slovene National Theatre in Ljubljana

Hýl, Petr January 2009 (has links)
SLOVENE NATIONAL THEATRE IN LJUBLJANA Author Report Of The Diploma Work Author: Bc. Petr Hýl Supervisor: doc. ing. arch. Zdeněk Makovský

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