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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Häufige Wiedervorstellungen in der Patientenversorgung von Geflüchteten / Frequent re-admissions in the care of refugee patients

Müller, Frank 19 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Des droits sociaux pour l'intégration des réfugiés en Europe : les droits à la santé, au logement, à l’éducation et au travail des personnes ayant besoin d’une protection internationale, dans les Droits de l’homme et le Droit des réfugiés / Social rights for the integration of refugees in Europe. Rights to health, housing, education and work of persons in need of international protection, in Human rights law and Refugee law

Viennet, Carole 05 October 2018 (has links)
L’intégration des réfugiés requiert l’accès aux soins et au logement, la scolarisation, la formation professionnelle et l’entrée sur le marché du travail. La question est, en somme, celle de la garantie de leurs droits sociaux. Pour y répondre, cette thèse pose les jalons de la protection des droits à la santé, au logement, à l’éducation et au travail de chacune des catégories de personnes ayant besoin d’une protection internationale. Les principales normes des Droits de l’homme et du Droit des réfugiés adoptées dans le cadre des Nations unies, du Conseil de l’Europe et de l’Union européenne sont ainsi, pour la première fois sur ce sujet, confrontées, lues en combinaison et mises en perspective avec les réformes à venir. Il en ressort, en particulier, une cartographie des garanties offertes en fonction des statuts migratoires et situations personnelles, la définition des critères généraux déterminants émergés de la comparaison des systèmes, ou encore des arguments juridiques innovants. / The integration of refugees includes providing access to healthcare and housing, schooling, vocational training and entry into the labour market. In short, it is about guaranteeing their social rights. Examining these issues, this thesis paves the way for the protection of rights to health, housing, education and work of every category of person in need of international protection. The main human rights and refugee norms adopted under the respective frameworks of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union are, for the very first time in this field, challenged, read in conjunction and put in to perspective in light of forthcoming reforms. The results are, in particular, a mapping of the various guarantees available according to one’s migration status and personal circumstances, the definitions of general determinative criteria which emerge from a comparison of respective systems, as well as innovative legal arguments.

Moderní metody sociální práce s migranty mimo rámec registrované sociální služby v ČR, Case study: Rodinné konference / Modern methods of social work with migrants beyond the registered social services in the Czech Republic, Case study: Family Conference

Fišarová, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
The main intention of this thesis is to open the problem of the theme of social work with migrants beyond a registrated social services, which has been continously working in parallel with an execution of the services beyond a registrated social services, but which has not been mapped yet. The methods which had been used, had been the questionnaires of the own consruction and half-structured dialogs. The thesis also describes the offer of the registrated social services for imigrants and asylum seekers. The thesis has three parts - the teoretical one, the methodlogic one and the pratical one. The opening part contains the used terminology, the contemporary situation of social services for foreigners and the definiton of groups of persons with migrant experience in the Czech republic, based on the laws and markings used in official documents. This part is followed by the description of Berry's model of acultural strategies, which have intersected the information that has been described recently, followed by the description of the social politic of the Czech Republic and the law specification of integration of foreigners. The second part of the work is the methodology of a survey. In the practical part there are presented the results of analyse of the own questionnaire survey, half-structured dialogs...

Funktionshindrande erfarenheter : en litteraturstudie om mottagandet av flyktingar med funktionsnedsättning / Disabling experiences : a literature study on the resettlement of refugees with disabilities

Mogensen, Julia, Engström, Helena January 2021 (has links)
Flyktingar med funktionsnedsättning tillhör två marginaliserade grupper och är därför extra utsatta. Det saknas samlad kunskap om deras situation. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och undersöka hinder som flyktingar med funktionsnedsättning möter i samband med mottagandet och inledande etableringsprocess. Studien genomfördes i form av en litteraturöversikt. En litteratursökning resulterade i 11 peer review-granskade, vetenskapliga artiklar där empirisk originalforskning redovisas. Analysen genomfördes med hjälp av Michael Olivers sociala modell och intersektionell analys. Resultatet visar att brist på tillgänglighet, information och kunskap skapar funktionshindrande barriärer i mottagningsprocessen. Marginaliserande processer uppstår i olika intersektioner mellan flyktingskap, funktionsnedsättning, klass, etnicitet och kön. Utifrån resultatet föreslås en bättre samordning mellan olika instansers insatser för att förbättra situationen för flyktingar med funktionsnedsättning. / Refugees with disabilities belong to two marginalized groups, which makes them particularly vulnerable. The collective knowledge about their situation is insufficient. The purpose of this study is to describe, and investigate, the obstacles that refugees with disabilities may encounter during the initial stages of the resettlement process. The study was carried out in the form of a literature review. A literature search resulted in 11 peer-reviewed, scientific articles, in which empirical, original research is presented. The analysis was conducted using Michael Oliver's social model and intersectional theory. The results show that lack of accessibility, information, and knowledge causes experiences of disability during the resettlement. Marginalization processes occur in the intersections between refugee status, disability, class, ethnicity, and gender. Considering the results, an attempt to enhance the coordination between the efforts of various agencies is proposed, to improve the situation for refugees with disabilities.

Analýza negativních politicko-bezpečnostních dopadů hostování žadatelů o azyl v zemích Evropské unie / Analysis of Negative Political and Security Impacts of Asylum Seekers Hosting in the European Union Member States

Vargová, Martina January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis Analysis of Negative Political and Security Impacts of Asylum Seekers Hosting in the European Union Member States reflects upon the increasing numbers of asylum seekers arriving at the shores of the European Union and therewith associated potential negative political and security impact of their hosting. The aim of the thesis is to assess whether any negative impact of asylum seekers hosting can be observed within three areas of concern identified as a) crime rate, b) terrorism rate and c) political tension between the host states and whether higher hosting performance of the member states produces a more negative impact. In order to fulfil the aim of the thesis, a quantitative ordinary least squares linear regression analysis followed by a qualitative approach is conducted. The analysis processes data on the number of asylum seekers arriving in each member state available via United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees database, the crime rate data available via Eurostat and the terrorism rate data available via Global Terrorism Database administered by University of Maryland. Two levels of analysis are present, a generalized level focusing on four categories of member states based on their per capita hosting performance and an individual level of analysis focusing on individual...

How do we address the European refugee crisis through employment and integration in an urban environment? : What architectural tactics can we use to support legal and illegal networks within a city?

Scott, Bethany January 2020 (has links)
A refugee faces many issues on their journey to safety, but the issues do not end once they reach a host country. Applying for asylum is an arduous process with long waiting times in most European countries, and a low acceptance rate. Lack of integration into a new community is one of the main issues faced during this time. Studies show that labour market opportunities are a successful tool to aid integration and help to close the employment gap between native residents and new arrivals. The employment gap exists due to lack of local language, employment connections, transference of existing skills, legal issues, and personal and health issues. This paper argues that early commencement of language learning, transference of qualifications and picking up the necessary new skills for employment, is a positive way to use the long waiting time to benefit asylum seekers. It is also important to support newly accepted refugees during their integration into the community. Reflecting on organisations and networks that currently exist for refugees, a new civic space is proposed in the city to improve the integration of users through labour market training and opportunities. Looking at the legislations in place for integration and existing pathways to residency, an example is shown of how it can be manipulated to encourage involvement in the labour market.

Xenophobia and Intergroup Conflict: An Inquiry Through The Concept of Health A qualitative field study on the perceptions of health among refugees and asylum seekers in Cape Town, South Africa

Viltoft, Clara Dybbroe January 2018 (has links)
Motivated by the ongoing and widespread xenophobia in South Africa, this study explores the experiences of health access and the health sector by refugees and asylum seekers so as to understand intergroup relations, and more specifically the tensions between nationals and non-nationals. In achieving this, an ethnographic fieldwork was conducted in Cape Town, South Africa during Spring 2017; semi-structured interviews with refugees and asylum seekers provide the material for analysis to identify key perceptions on health and xenophobia to shed light on what possible peacebuilding initiatives should address. Key themes uncovered that intergroup violence based on nationality is prevailing in the areas and townships where refugees and asylum seekers live side by side with (black) South Africans. The presence of violence and the fear of risk of violence appear to fuel intergroup resentment and hostility. The lack of social well-being of the refugee became apparent in their frustrations in attaining safety in their everyday life. Moreover, it positions them so that they are unable to improve their own situation and attain health, health access, and health rights. Additionally, it found that a major obstacle to the realisation of health is connected to legal documentation as well as perceived competition for scarce health service. Specifically, it uncovered the perception of assumed hostile attitude (or fear hereof) by nationals among refugees and asylum seekers constitute both visible and invisible access barriers to the public health system and social integration. The application of the instrumental group conflict theory to the ethnographic interview material thus showed that to end what I term ‘norms of protracted social conflict rooted in xenophobia’, refugees and asylum seekers access to and treatment in the health sector is integral for their inclusion into society. It can simultaneously foster relations with the locals and, at the same time, allow for an everyday life wherein the individual can participate in and contribute to the South African society.

Barriers for help-seeking refugee- and asylum seeker women with mental ill-health : A qualitative interview study / Barriärer för hjälpsökande flykting- och asylsökande kvinnor med psykisk ohälsa : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Placid Solimena, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Backround: Many patients from ethnic and minority groups have cultural needs and belief perceptions about health and care that differ from the mainstream population. To be able to cover the needs of the ongoing changing society in healthcare, does the nursing care professionals have awareness of the differences a patient’s cultural background is related to their health and how to help the patient in her new health related cultural environment. Aim: To explore the barriers and obstacles that refugee and asylum seeking women are faced with when looking for healthcare for mental ill-health in Sweden. Method: Qualitative in-depth interview study. Results: The result-analysis generated seven themas which were seen as a barrier or obstacle to seek healthcare to mental ill-health among refugee and asylum seeking women in Sweden. Knowledge about Swedish healthcare, Access to the healthcare and language, Somatic health problems, Education level, Economic situation, Prioritizing things in relation to health, and Taboos, shame, and fear of stigma around mental ill-health. Conclusions: This study shows that there are barriers and obstacles for refugee and asylum seeking women to seek healthcare for mental ill-health in Sweden. The study highlights the care professional’s knowledge cap about how to implement the law about care that cannot be delayed. / Bakgrund: Många patienter från etniska grupper och minoritetsgrupper har kulturella behov och trossystem om vård och omsorg som skiljer sig från den vanliga befolkningen. För att kunna täcka behoven i det ständigt föränderliga samhället inom vården, behöver vårdpersonalen medvetenhet om skillnaderna mellan en patients kulturella bakgrund och deras hälsa och hur man kan hjälpa patienten i sin nya hälsorelaterade kulturmiljö.  Syfte: Att utforska de barriärer och hinder som flykting- och asylsökande kvinnor ställs inför när de söker sjukvård för psykisk ohälsa i Sverige. Metod: Kvalitativ djupintervjustudie.  Resultat: Resultatanalysen genererade sju temas sågs som ett hinder för att söka sjukvård mot psykisk ohälsa bland flykting- och asylsökande kvinnor i Sverige. Kunskap om svensk sjukvård, Tillgång till sjukvården och språk, Somatiska hälsoproblem, Utbildningsnivå, Ekonomisk situation, Prioritering av saker i relation till hälsa samt Taboos, skam och rädsla av stigma kring psykisk ohälsa.  Slutsatser: Denna studie visar att det finns hinder för flykting- och asylsökande kvinnor att söka sjukvård för psykisk ohälsa i Sverige. Studien belyser vårdpersonalens kunskapslucka om hur man ska implementera lagen om vård som inte kan anstå.

Examining the Efficacy of French Asylum Policies and Refugee Integration Effects

Cordero, Roberto 01 January 2017 (has links)
This Thesis investigates the French asylum seeker legal framework and refugee integration effects based on evidence in government data, non-governmental organizations, and external sources. Specifically, the policies of the protected rights of asylum seekers from history to modern day in relation to its efficiency and respect to human rights. Despite the development of past models through reforms, some shortcomings and discrepancies still exist that adversely affect asylum rights and responsibility sharing among EU nations. A potential system that benefits the applicant in addition to the host country is possible by implementing a model that takes into consideration asylum preferences, socioeconomics, and ethics. My project aims to encourage everyone to advocate for human rights, be familiar with the asylum policies of the European Union and to educate others on a topic that is affecting many on a global scale.

The newly established refugee: A qualitative study of Iraqi refugees in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Knoll, Alina-Beth Drischell 23 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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