Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bisexuality."" "subject:"unisexuality.""
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Approche psychosomatique de l'insuffisance rénale : enjeux du féminin / Psychosomatic approach of renal failure : challenges of feminineBongrand, Laurence 30 November 2015 (has links)
A différentes reprises, l’auteur observe que la maladie, ici l’insuffisance rénale, survient à des moments clés de la vie du sujet. Après un tour d’horizon théorique sur la maladie, le soin, mais aussi les travaux théoriques traitant de la psychosomatique et du féminin, les observations débouchent sur des interrogations liées à la problématique du corps et de la psyché. C’est en rencontrant des patients en centre de dialyse, à partir de leur vécu et de leur discours sur le lieu de soin que la problématique du corps vient rejoindre la question du féminin, quel que soit le sexe (masculin ou féminin) des patients. D’abord, les relations maternelles sont le point de départ de la réflexion. Il s’avère que les patients rencontrés (hommes et femmes) ont été confrontés à des relations précoces, à un féminin primaire, venant particulièrement interroger les notions de rythme et de sensorialité. Ces Notions sont très présentes dans la pathologie de l’insuffisance rénale, ainsi que parfois dans les autres pathologies dont souffrent les patients. Ensuite l’analyse se poursuit plus précisément avec une réflexion sur les vécus contre-transférentiels. D’une part, se pose la question du vide, du désinvestissement chez les patients de sexe masculin, d’autre part, le mode d’être en relation des patientes vient interroger l’emprise. Enfin, l’auteur prolonge sa réflexion en abordant le féminin génital auprès des patientes de sexe féminin. La façon dont elles ont pu s’identifier aux imagos parentales, vivre l’Œdipe, changer d’objet et se séparer de l’objet primaire vient alors interroger la bisexualité mais aussi la violence et la haine. / The author observes at various times that the disease, in this case renal failure, arises at key moments in the life of the subject.After a theoretical overview on the disease, the care, but also the theoretical work dealing with psychosomatic and the feminine, observations lead to questions related to the concerns of the body and the psyche.It is by meeting patients in dialysis centers, from their experience and from their speeches where they are taken care of, that the matter of the body comes to join the question of the feminine, , regardless of gender (male or female) of the patients .At first, the maternal relationships are the starting point for the reflection. It turns out that patients met - both men and women - have faced premature relations and a primary female state, which particularly questions the notions of rythm and sensoriality. These concepts are very present in the pathology of renal failure, sometimes as well as in other pathologies the patients suffer from.Then the analysis continues more precisely with a reflection on counter-transference experiences. The first question that arises is that of the emptiness and the withdrawal of involvement of male patients and then the mode to be in relation for female patients leads to wonder about influence / pressure. Finally the author continues her reflection by considering female genital with female patients. How they were able to identify with parental images, experience the Oedipus complex, change the object, and separate from the primary object then leads to question bisexuality, but also violence and hate.
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Att visa eller inte visa den bisexuella läggningen på sociala medier : En jämförande kvantitativ studie om bisexuella och lesbiska kvinnors/ickebinäras synliggörande av deras sexuella läggning på sociala medier / To show or not to show the bisexual orientation on social media : A comparative quantitative study on bisexual and lesbian women's/non-binaries' visibility of their sexual orientation on social mediaJansson, Erica January 2020 (has links)
Previous studies have shown that bisexual women experience the lowest psychological well-being among the LGBTQ+ community. Bisexuality has been questioned as being a legitimized sexual orientation, both among the heterosexual group, as well within the LGBTQ+ community. Social media has brought on multiple benefits for LGBTQ+ people. One of those benefits is the ability to join groups specifically for LGBTQ+ people and in turn meet other people within the community. However, navigating some platforms have shown to be more problematic. Studies have shown that Facebook pose problems for LGBTQ+ people making their sexual orientation visible because of the different types of people that can partake in the content. The purpose of this study is to investigate potential differences or similarities between bisexual and lesbian women / nonbinary people's sense of security and attitude towards making one's sexual orientation visible on Facebook and Instagram. The study uses a quantitative method in form of a Google Forms survey sent out in Facebook groups, and published on Tumblr as well as on a Reddit forum. Hogan’s exhibitional approach is used as the study’s theoretical framework. The exhibitional approach focuses on how we modify our content on social media in consideration of the consumers, the algorithms and how our data is stored on social media platforms. There was a low response frequency among the respondents which led to a bias between the number of lesbians and bisexuals. The result showed that there wasn’t any statistical correlation between the variables visibility attempts of sexual orientation and being bisexual or lesbian. There was however a correlation between low identity uncertainty and being bisexual or lesbian. Studies on bisexuals show that there is a demand for continuous research on different aspects of bisexual women’s situation in society.
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A study on societal attitudes towards homosexuals in Thulamela Municipality of Vhembe District, South AfricaMushome, Vhahangwele 18 May 2018 (has links)
MA (Psychology) / Department of Psychology / The study aimed to explore societal attitudes towards homosexual individuals in the Thulamela Municipality of the Vhembe District Municipality. The objectives of the study were to identify societal attitudes towards homosexuals in Thulamela Municipality, to explore challenges posed by society towards homosexual people in Thulamela Municipality, and to describe societal perceptions of homosexual individuals. The study was qualitative in nature and purposive sampling was used in the study. A semi-structured interview guide was used. A minimum of 12 non-homosexual people were interviewed. Thematic content analysis was used to analyse data. Different ethical issues were taken into consideration before the study was conducted. The findings of the study show that society is still conservative when it comes to homosexuality. However, it discourages harsh negative attitudes towards homosexual people. Society needs to develop more accepting and tolerant behaviors towards homosexuality. The study found that age, sex, race, ethnicity, social background, level of education and religious affiliation were consistent factors in determining attitudes towards homosexuality. This study recommends that training workshops on sexual orientation should be intensified for teachers, police officers, nurses and other public service employees as well as school administrators to inform them of current trends of homosexuality in the schools. It is also recommended that student accessibility to appropriate and accurate information regarding students’ sexuality should be increased at early stages through library and Internet resources, as well as workshops and forums. / NRF
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Clinique de la maternalité singulière : scénarios transgénérationnels et bisexualité psychique en question / Clinic singular maternality : scenarios and generational psychic bisexuality in questionTourné, Laurence 19 November 2013 (has links)
« La maternalité est à la maternité ce que la réalité interne est à la réalité externe ». Nombre d’auteurs ont décrit les mouvements et remaniements psychiques, notamment identitaires, inhérents à la maternité et montré combien ce processus était complexe. Mais elle est aussi une « expérience complètement singulière » chaque fois et pour chacune. Comment comprendre l’expérience psychique singulière de la maternité chez une femme à travers des naissances successives ? Je propose de développer deux hypothèses de travail et de les mettre à l’épreuve à travers quatre situations cliniques.La première hypothèse renvoie à la transmission psychique entre les générations. L’existence d’un maillage unique de scénarios transgénérationnels se jouant avec chacun des enfants, participe de cette singularité de la maternalité à travers des naissances successives. Nous montrerons comment des expériences passées d’ascendants deviennent des scénarios fantasmatiques organisateurs se rejouant de génération en génération, se différenciant à chaque fois, et participant alors à la singularité de la maternalité.La seconde hypothèse repose sur l’idée d’une bisexualité psychique en mouvement à travers les maternités successives comme éclairage à sa singularité. La bisexualité psychique de l’individu ne serait pas figée une fois pour toute, chaque maternité remanierait la bisexualité psychique de la femme, les intrications des dispositions masculines et féminines de la femme s’articulant différemment à chaque naissance. Une bisexualité psychique unique et singulière à chaque fois comme éclairage à la singularité de la maternalité. De plus, aux prises avec une imago maternelle phallique, certaines femmes envisageraient l’un de leurs enfants comme un fétiche, moyen de maintenir intact le fantasme de bisexualité psychique d’être tout (sujet et objet, femme et homme). / "The maternality motherhood is that the internal to the external reality is reality". Many authors have described the movements and psychic alterations, including identity inherent in motherhood and showed how this process was complex. But it is also a "completely unique experience" each time and for each. How to understand the unique psychological experience of motherhood in a woman through successive births? I propose to develop two working hypotheses and put them to the test in four clinical situations.The first hypothesis refers to the psychic transmission between generations. The existence of a single mesh of generational scenarios are playing with each child, part of this singularity of maternality through successive births. We will show how past experiences of ancestors become fantastical scenarios organizers replaying generations, differing each time, and then participating in the singularity of maternality.The second assumption is based on the idea of psychic bisexuality moving through successive maternity as lighting his uniqueness. Psychic bisexuality of the individual is not fixed once and for all, each maternity redraft psychic bisexuality in women, the intricacies of male and female provisions of articulating different woman every birth. A unique and singular psychic bisexuality every time lighting as the singularity of maternality. In addition, faced with a phallic mother imago, some women consider one of their children as a fetish way of keeping intact the fantasy of psychic bisexuality to be any (subject and object, man and woman).
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Aux sources de l'originaire dans le désir d'enseigner : approche clinique et projective / Analyzing the sources of origin in the desire to teach : clinical and projective approachCayot Decharte, Angélique 30 November 2017 (has links)
L'objet de ma recherche porte sur le désir d'enseigner qui interroge le choix d'un métier et la rencontre actuelle entre l'adulte et l'enfant, soit dans l'enseignement ordinaire soit pour les enseignants spécialisés qui choisissent de se confronter aux troubles graves des apprentissages et au handicap. Il s'agit d'explorer les origines du désir pris dans le discours spontané des enseignants appuyé sur des entretiens cliniques de recherche et dans un autre registre saisir la dynamique pulsionnelle, les choix identificatoires, les processus d'idéalisation et les mouvements fantasmatiques qui peuvent se déployer à travers l'utilisation des méthodes projectives. Pris dans la « métaphore vive » du mythe de Pygmalion déconstruit par Kaës (1973) à partir du fantasme de fustigation décrit par Freud en 1919, enseigner appelle un scénario fantasmatique mobile où les emplacements et les identifications entre l'enfant et l'adulte sont permutables, réversibles dans un retournement des positions actives et passives du sujet. Le désir d'enseigner s'inscrit dans une dimension narcissique patente actualisant le sentiment de continuité d'existence et la quête d'une image de soi idéale mais dans le même temps, se joue aussi la quête de la différence, ancrée dans l'infantile et le sexuel (Chabert, 2011) convoquant inévitablement la différence des sexes et la bisexualité psychique. Enfin, dans la réciprocité du désir d'apprendre et de savoir, enseigner à l'enfant, c'est aller à la rencontre de l'Inconnu posé par Rosolato (1978) comme une relation fondamentale entre le désir et l'idéal qui interroge l'inconnu en soi, le mystère de nos origines convoquant les fantasmes originaires rattachés aux questions de la naissance, de la mort et de la scène primitive. Le Rorschach et le TAT, ces autres objets énigmatiques qui font émerger des « arrêts » sur image et l'insistance de la répétition à certaines planches, mobilisent, dévoilent des enjeux fantasmatiques dans un écho singulier avec ce qui se joue dans la rencontre entre l'adulte et l'enfant à l'âge œdipien, celui de la latence et de l'adolescence. / This research focuses on the desire to teach that motivates the choices of a career and of the mutual encounter between the adult and the child, either in an ordinary school or a special educational setting for learning difficulty or severe disability needs. It aims at exploring the origins of the desire of teachers, on the one hand, through clinical research interviews, and on the other hand, by focusing on the underlying dynamics of drives, identifications and fantasies through projective testing. Caught up in the "rule of metaphor" of the Pygmalion myth, which was revisited by Kaës (1973) based on Freud's child beating fantasy concept (1919), teaching addresses mobile fantasized scenarios where identifications between the adult and the child are intertwined and reversible, turning around active and passive positions of the subject. The desire to teach is part of an evident narcissistic domain, restoring the sense of continuity of being and of an ideal self-image. However, the quest for differentiation, rooted in infantile psychosexuality (Chabert, 2011), is also played out, inevitably summoning gender differences and psychic bisexuality. Lastly, given the reciprocity between the desire to impart and to learn, teaching a child means encountering the Unknown which Rosolato (1978) defined as the fundamental relationship between the desire and the ideal; a relationship that questions the unknown in oneself, the mystery of one's origins and evoke primal fantasies which relate to questions of birth, death and primitive scenes. Enigmatic tools, such as the Rorschach and the TAT, produce fixated images and insistent repetitions on specific cards which summon fantasies echoing those at play in the encounter between the adult and the child of oedipal, latency or adolescent age.
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Sexual Minority Disparities in Opioid and Benzodiazepine Misuse Among Adults With Opioid Use DisorderStruble, Cara A., Thomas, Kathryn, Stenersen, Madeline R., Moore, Kelly E., Burke, Catherine, Pittman, Brian, McKee, Sherry A. 01 May 2022 (has links)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Sexual minority individuals demonstrate disparate rates of substance use. Research suggests that bisexual women are vulnerable to substance use disorders when compared to other sexual minority groups. This study explored differences in prevalence of past-year alcohol use disorder (AUD) with and without concurrent past-year opioid and/or benzodiazepine misuse. METHODS: The present study utilized responses from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) public dataset between the years 2015-2019 (N = 16,002) to examine the association between sexual orientation and concurrent misuse of opioids and/or benzodiazepines among individuals with past-year AUD, stratified by sex. RESULTS: Bisexual females demonstrated higher rates of concurrent opioid and benzodiazepine use compared to all other groups. Although there was no association between sexual orientation and concurrent substance use patterns among males, female respondents with past-year AUD endorsing past-year misuse of opioids and benzodiazepines, both alone and in combination, were more likely to be bisexual compared to heterosexual. Lesbians were less likely to endorse concurrent misuse of opioids and benzodiazepines compared to bisexual females. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: In a national sample, bisexual females demonstrated higher odds of risky concurrent substance use patterns. Identifying sexual minority individuals who exhibit elevated risk of co-occurring alcohol, opioid, and/or benzodiazepine misuse is an important step to targeted prevention efforts and allocation of resources to combat rising overdose deaths. SCIENTIFIC SIGNIFICANCE: For the first time, this study explored risky concurrent alcohol, opioid, and benzodiazepine misuse patterns among individuals of different sexual orientations.
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HeteronormativitätKleiner, Bettina 27 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Mit dem Begriff Heteronormativität wird die Naturalisierung und Privilegierung von Heterosexualität und Zweigeschlechtlichkeit in Frage gestellt. Kritisiert werden nicht nur die auf Alltagswissen bezogene Annahme, es gäbe zwei gegensätzliche Geschlechter und diese seien sexuell aufeinander bezogen, sondern auch die mit Zweigeschlechtlichkeit und Heterosexualität einhergehenden Privilegierungen und Marginalisierungen. Der Begriff tauchte erstmalig 1991 in Michael Warners Aufsatz "Introduction: Fear of a Queer Planet" auf. Zentrale Bezugspunkte der Analysen von Heteronormativität stellen Foucaults Untersuchungen zum Zusammenhang von Sexualität und Macht sowie Butlers Theorie der Subjektkonstitution im Rahmen der heterosexuellen Matrix oder der heterosexuellen Hegemonie dar.
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Impulso sexual excessivo e comportamento barebacking em homens que fazem sexo com homens / Compulsive sexual behavior and barebacking in men who have sex with menDo Amaral, Maria Luiza Sant\'Ana 16 April 2014 (has links)
O comportamento \"barebacking\" é definido como o intercurso sexual anal entre homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH) que decidem intencionalmente não usar preservativos, no contexto de risco do HIV. O comportamento sexual compulsivo (CSC) pode agir na motivação do comportamento \"barebacking\", aumentando o risco de transmissão do HIV, sendo que no Brasil a prevalência do HIV entre HSH é de 10,5%. Objetivos: estimar a frequência do comportamento \"barebacking\" nos HSH compulsivos sexuais, e investigar a associação do comportamento \"barebacking\" com: infecção pelo HIV; comportamento sexual de risco; severidade do CSC; transtorno associado ao uso de álcool e drogas; grau de otimismo em relação ao tratamento do HIV; capacidade de vinculação afetiva tipo segura; consolidação da identidade; e as seguintes dimensões de personalidade: busca de novidades, esquiva ao dano, dependência de gratificação e autodirecionamento. Métodos: estudo transversal realizado em amostra de HSH que buscaram tratamento para o CSC. Participaram 55 homens compulsivos sexuais, sendo que 21 apresentavam o comportamento \"barebacking\" e 34 não. Foram avaliados em entrevista psiquiátrica para verificação dos critérios de elegibilidade (critérios de dependência de sexo e de Impulso Sexual Excessivo, diagnósticos de exclusão, nível cognitivo). Todos responderam os seguintes instrumentos: Inventário de Consolidação de Identidade, Escala de Vinculação de Adulto, Escala de Compulsividade Sexual, Escala de Otimismo/Ceticismo no contexto dos tratamentos do HIV, Inventário de Temperamento e Caráter, Instrumento de Avaliação de Risco no Comportamento Sexual, além de questões complementares quanto ao comportamento \"barebacking\" e HIV. Ainda participaram de entrevista com a pesquisadora, que teve a finalidade de investigar a intencionalidade do não uso do preservativo. Resultados: 38% da amostra apresentaram comportamento \"barebacking\", sendo que 64% apresentaram orientação homossexual e 36% bissexual, e o comportamento \"barebacking\" associou-se à homossexualidade (p < 0,05). Comparando-se indivíduos com e sem o comportamento \"barebacking\", não se encontrou diferença em relação: a transtornos relacionados ao uso de álcool e/ou drogas, ao otimismo quanto ao tratamento do HIV, à vinculação afetiva, às dimensões de personalidade esquiva ao dano e dependência de gratificação. Houve uma tendência à associação à severidade do CSC, à consolidação da identidade e à busca de novidades. Houve associação negativa com a dimensão de personalidade autodirecionamento (p < 0,001). A prevalência do HIV foi de 20% na amostra total e de 43% dentre os participantes com comportamento \"barebacking\" (p < 0,05). Conclusões: a orientação homossexual e o baixo autodirecionamento foram preditores de comportamento \"barebacking\" neste estudo, sugerindo menor autonomia, reduzida força de vontade, desorganização, baixa capacidade de controle interno, baixa autoaceitação e baixa autoestima, como característica de personalidade dos que apresentam comportamento \"barebacking\" / The barebacking behavior is defined as anal intercourse among men who have sex with men (MSM) who intentionally decide do not to use condoms in the context of HIV risk. Compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) can act in motivating the barebacking behavior increasing the risk of HIV transmission, whereas in Brazil the prevalence of HIV among MSM is 10.5%. Goals: To estimate the frequency of barebacking behavior in sexually compulsive MSM, and to investigate the association of barebacking behavior with: HIV infection, sexual risk behavior, severity of CSB; substance disorders; degree of optimism regarding the treatment of HIV; ability to develop secure emotional attachment type, identity consolidation, and the following personality dimensions: novelty seeking, harm avoidance, reward dependence and self-directedness. Methods: Cross-sectional study in a sample of MSM who sought treatment for CSB. 55 sexually compulsive men participated, of whom 21 presented the barebacking behavior and 34 do not. All of them were underwent to psychiatric interview for verification of eligibility criteria (criteria for sex addiction and Excessive Sexual Drive, exclusion psychiatric diagnosis, and cognitive level). All answered the following instruments: Identity Consolidation Inventory, the Adult Attachment Scale, Scale of Sexual Compulsivity, Scale Optimism/Scepticism in the context of HIV treatments, Temperament and Character Inventory, Instrument Risk Assessment in Sexual Behavior, plus additional questions regarding the barebacking behavior and HIV. They were also interviewed by the researcher, whose purpose was to investigate the intentionality of not using condoms. Results: 38% of the sample presented barebacking behavior, whereas 64% were gay and 36% bisexual, and barebacking behavior was associated with being gay (p < 0.05). Comparing subjects with and without the barebacking behavior no difference was found in relation to: substance disorders, optimism regarding the treatment of HIV, adult attachment, personality dimensions harm avoidance and reward dependence. There was a trend toward association with severity of CSB, and the consolidation of identity and novelty seeking. There was a negative association with the personality dimension self-directedness (p < 0.001). HIV prevalence was 20% in the total sample and 43% among participants with barebacking behavior (p < 0.05). Conclusions: gay and low self-directedness predicted barebacking behavior in this study, suggesting low autonomy, reduced willpower, disorganization, low ability for internal control, low self-acceptance and low self-esteem, as personality characteristics from those presenting barebacking behavior
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The performance and production of bisexual identity work onlineArthur, Emily D. 29 October 2009 (has links)
Employing institutional ethnography as an analytic frame, this study explicates the
disjuncture felt by bisexual-identified individuals between their lived actualities and the textual realities stemming from the binary model of sexuality. This study also explores the role of online journal communities, including the capabilities and limits of this type of venue, as a rolling text that coordinates the narratives created there around bisexuality and bisexual-identification. Finally, this study critically examines the collaborative development of an experience-based discourse on bisexuality as produced by text-based
identity work. Through the coordination of bisexual identity work taking place online,
the venue facilitates the production of an alternative discourse that is differentiated from other sexuality discourses in its demonstration of fluidity, multiplicity, and resistance to order. In its differences from, rather than its similarities to, governing sexuality discourses, this bisexual discourse-in-production creates the possibility for a radical reconceptualization of sexuality and sexual-identification.
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Impulso sexual excessivo e comportamento barebacking em homens que fazem sexo com homens / Compulsive sexual behavior and barebacking in men who have sex with menMaria Luiza Sant\'Ana Do Amaral 16 April 2014 (has links)
O comportamento \"barebacking\" é definido como o intercurso sexual anal entre homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH) que decidem intencionalmente não usar preservativos, no contexto de risco do HIV. O comportamento sexual compulsivo (CSC) pode agir na motivação do comportamento \"barebacking\", aumentando o risco de transmissão do HIV, sendo que no Brasil a prevalência do HIV entre HSH é de 10,5%. Objetivos: estimar a frequência do comportamento \"barebacking\" nos HSH compulsivos sexuais, e investigar a associação do comportamento \"barebacking\" com: infecção pelo HIV; comportamento sexual de risco; severidade do CSC; transtorno associado ao uso de álcool e drogas; grau de otimismo em relação ao tratamento do HIV; capacidade de vinculação afetiva tipo segura; consolidação da identidade; e as seguintes dimensões de personalidade: busca de novidades, esquiva ao dano, dependência de gratificação e autodirecionamento. Métodos: estudo transversal realizado em amostra de HSH que buscaram tratamento para o CSC. Participaram 55 homens compulsivos sexuais, sendo que 21 apresentavam o comportamento \"barebacking\" e 34 não. Foram avaliados em entrevista psiquiátrica para verificação dos critérios de elegibilidade (critérios de dependência de sexo e de Impulso Sexual Excessivo, diagnósticos de exclusão, nível cognitivo). Todos responderam os seguintes instrumentos: Inventário de Consolidação de Identidade, Escala de Vinculação de Adulto, Escala de Compulsividade Sexual, Escala de Otimismo/Ceticismo no contexto dos tratamentos do HIV, Inventário de Temperamento e Caráter, Instrumento de Avaliação de Risco no Comportamento Sexual, além de questões complementares quanto ao comportamento \"barebacking\" e HIV. Ainda participaram de entrevista com a pesquisadora, que teve a finalidade de investigar a intencionalidade do não uso do preservativo. Resultados: 38% da amostra apresentaram comportamento \"barebacking\", sendo que 64% apresentaram orientação homossexual e 36% bissexual, e o comportamento \"barebacking\" associou-se à homossexualidade (p < 0,05). Comparando-se indivíduos com e sem o comportamento \"barebacking\", não se encontrou diferença em relação: a transtornos relacionados ao uso de álcool e/ou drogas, ao otimismo quanto ao tratamento do HIV, à vinculação afetiva, às dimensões de personalidade esquiva ao dano e dependência de gratificação. Houve uma tendência à associação à severidade do CSC, à consolidação da identidade e à busca de novidades. Houve associação negativa com a dimensão de personalidade autodirecionamento (p < 0,001). A prevalência do HIV foi de 20% na amostra total e de 43% dentre os participantes com comportamento \"barebacking\" (p < 0,05). Conclusões: a orientação homossexual e o baixo autodirecionamento foram preditores de comportamento \"barebacking\" neste estudo, sugerindo menor autonomia, reduzida força de vontade, desorganização, baixa capacidade de controle interno, baixa autoaceitação e baixa autoestima, como característica de personalidade dos que apresentam comportamento \"barebacking\" / The barebacking behavior is defined as anal intercourse among men who have sex with men (MSM) who intentionally decide do not to use condoms in the context of HIV risk. Compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) can act in motivating the barebacking behavior increasing the risk of HIV transmission, whereas in Brazil the prevalence of HIV among MSM is 10.5%. Goals: To estimate the frequency of barebacking behavior in sexually compulsive MSM, and to investigate the association of barebacking behavior with: HIV infection, sexual risk behavior, severity of CSB; substance disorders; degree of optimism regarding the treatment of HIV; ability to develop secure emotional attachment type, identity consolidation, and the following personality dimensions: novelty seeking, harm avoidance, reward dependence and self-directedness. Methods: Cross-sectional study in a sample of MSM who sought treatment for CSB. 55 sexually compulsive men participated, of whom 21 presented the barebacking behavior and 34 do not. All of them were underwent to psychiatric interview for verification of eligibility criteria (criteria for sex addiction and Excessive Sexual Drive, exclusion psychiatric diagnosis, and cognitive level). All answered the following instruments: Identity Consolidation Inventory, the Adult Attachment Scale, Scale of Sexual Compulsivity, Scale Optimism/Scepticism in the context of HIV treatments, Temperament and Character Inventory, Instrument Risk Assessment in Sexual Behavior, plus additional questions regarding the barebacking behavior and HIV. They were also interviewed by the researcher, whose purpose was to investigate the intentionality of not using condoms. Results: 38% of the sample presented barebacking behavior, whereas 64% were gay and 36% bisexual, and barebacking behavior was associated with being gay (p < 0.05). Comparing subjects with and without the barebacking behavior no difference was found in relation to: substance disorders, optimism regarding the treatment of HIV, adult attachment, personality dimensions harm avoidance and reward dependence. There was a trend toward association with severity of CSB, and the consolidation of identity and novelty seeking. There was a negative association with the personality dimension self-directedness (p < 0.001). HIV prevalence was 20% in the total sample and 43% among participants with barebacking behavior (p < 0.05). Conclusions: gay and low self-directedness predicted barebacking behavior in this study, suggesting low autonomy, reduced willpower, disorganization, low ability for internal control, low self-acceptance and low self-esteem, as personality characteristics from those presenting barebacking behavior
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