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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"...it can even make you live longer" : En narrativ analys av vilket sätt femininitet, bisexualitet och flersamhet representeras i filmen Puccini for Beginners

Borgenklint, Sofie January 2017 (has links)
With this essay, I’m reviewing with a narrative analysis, describing in what way the standards of feminism, bisexuality and non-monogomy is being represented in the movie Puccini for beginners. I’m reviewing this in support of a queer and straight time. As a complement for queer and straight time, I’m presenting different theoretical concepts, which are useful for the analyze of feminism, bisexuality and non-monogamy. The analyze is based on the categories of Labov. In which way the narritve is constructed, as well as in what way feminism, bisexuality and non-monogamy are being represented. Finally I’m summing-up how I answered my questions regarding straight and queer time in perspective of feminism, bisexuality and non-monogamy.

Differences in Access to Care and Healthcare Utilization Among Sexual Minorities: A Master's Thesis

Pham, Tan Phu 02 June 2014 (has links)
BACKGROUND: The barriers in accessing healthcare for gay, lesbian and bisexuals individuals are not well explored. These challenges as well as a lack of knowledge concerning this understudied group has prompted the Institute of Medicine to create a research agenda to build a foundational understanding of gay, lesbian and bisexual health and the barriers they encounter.1 the primary aim of this study will be to compare the differences in health care access and utilization between gay/lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual individuals using a large, nationally representative dataset of the U.S. population. METHODS: Data from 2001 to 2012 from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey was pooled. Using logistic regression, we calculated the unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios of having health insurance, having a routine place and seeing a provider at least one in the past year. RESULTS: We found that gay men were more likely to have health insurance coverage (ORadj:2.13 95%CI: 1.15,3.92), while bisexual men were at a small disadvantage in having health insurance coverage (ORadj:0.82 95%CI: 0.46,1.46). Bisexual men were more likely to have received health care in the past 12 months (ORadj:3.11 95%CI: 1.74,5.55). Lesbian women were less likely to have health insurance coverage (ORadj-lesbian:0.58 95%CI: 0.34,0.97). CONCLUSION: This study contributed to the limited knowledge on understanding the health care access and utilization among gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals, which was classified as a high priority by the Institute of Medicine. Expanding health insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act and Universal Partnership Coverage may reduce the disparities among gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals.

NATURAL HYSTERIA (a queer response to ecocide): An exercise in Living Art, Participatory Rituals and Queer Ecology -or- How I discovered Geyserbird, the Transgender Shaman within

Bell, Graham 05 November 2018 (has links)
[ES] Natural Hysteria... es una investigación basada en una practica transdisciplinaria que documenta el proceso de producción de un ciclo de performances basadas en el texto: rituales, presentaciones teatrales, acciones callejeras y presentaciones de video, canciones y talleres. Es una respuesta artística al deterioro de nuestro medio ambiente y los ataques contra la diversidad cultural y biológica que están llevando a cabo un sistema capitalista basado en la acumulación de riqueza a toda costa que nos esta' llevando al borde de un colapso ecológico. Se procede a través de un análisis de otras prácticas artísticas disidentes que comparten una perspectiva queer, feminista, postcolonial o ecológica que las vincula a los conceptos explorados en mi trabajo para contextualizarlo en el campo expandido de las artes contemporáneas. La "histeria" alternativa que forma la base conceptual de este proyecto tiene sus inicios en los albores de la edad moderna y traza una historia de dominación de los "otros": se centra principalmente en las mujeres, en el género y en los disidentes sexuales, las personas de color y los animales. La explotación de los recursos naturales y humanos es una consecuencia de una cosmovisión basada en el establecimiento de oposiciones binarias que permiten que el "otro" sea clasificado y dominado. Por ejemplo: hombre / mujer, blanco / negro, hetero / homosexual, cultura / naturaleza. La construcción de estos "otros" - "femenino", "nativo", "queer", "naturaleza" - excluye a estos sujetos de la construcción de una identidad dominante que, sin embargo, depende de estas categorías para su existencia. En el Renacimiento, los campos de las ciencias y las humanidades no estaban separados. La visión mecanicista del mundo no había superado por completo las creencias paganas en la magia y en una fuerza espiritual que reside en todos los seres. Esta visión era una reliquia de la era precristiana y finalmente sería erradicada por las fuerzas unidas del Estado y la Iglesia a través de los procesos de la Inquisición, la caza de brujas, la colonización y la nueva religión de la "Ciencia". Todos estos procesos han producido un gran cambio en nuestra relación con la naturaleza, que en la actualidad se considera una entidad totalmente inerte. La naturaleza ya no forma parte de nuestro ser y se ha convertido simplemente en materia prima. La colonización continua hoy bajo una política neoliberal que utiliza el concepto de desarrollo para requisar territorio de los pueblos indígenas a fin de explotar sus recursos naturales. Esto se justifica clasificando estas personas como primitivas porque su modo de vida se basa en vivir en equilibrio con la naturaleza. La funcio'n de una práctica artística poli'ticamente comprometida es desafiar la noción de que no existe una alternativa al sistema actual. El marco teórico y artístico de esta investigación ha conducido al desarrollo de un alter ego performativo, el chaman transgénero Geyserbird, y a la configuración de una serie de performances que incluye rituales participativos, instalaciones con presencia y la reapropiacio'n queer de espacios industriales abandonados. El chama'n transge'nero es un ser espiritual que va más allá de las limitaciones del sistema de genero binario y se conecta con las culturas indígenas. El despliegue de esta figura en un contexto contemporáneo invita al publico a imaginar otras posibilidades para si' mismos y para nuestra sociedad. / [EN] Natural Hysteria... is a trans-disciplinary practice led investigation which documents the process of production of a cycle of text based performances -rituals, street actions, theatrical presentations, and video presentations, songs and workshops. It is an artistic response to the deterioration of our environment and the attacks on cultural and biological diversity being carried out by a capitalist system based on the accumulation of wealth at all costs which is leading us to the border of an ecological collapse. It proceeds through an analyses of other dissident artistic practices which share a queer, feminist postcolonial or ecological perspective linking them to the concepts explored in my work in order to contextualise it in the expanded field of the contemporary arts. The alternative "hysteria" that forms the conceptual basis of this project has its beginnings in the dawn of the modern age and traces a history of domination of those "others": focusing mainly on women, gender and sexual dissidents, people of colour and animals. The exploitation of natural and human resources is a consequence of a worldview based on the establishment of binary oppositions that allow the "other" to be classified and dominated. For example: man / woman, white / black, hetero / homosexual, culture / nature. The construction of these "others" - the "feminine", the "native", the "queer", "nature" - excludes these subjects from the construction of a master identity that, nevertheless, depends on these categories for its existence. In the Renaissance the fields of the sciences and the humanities were not separated. The mechanistic view of the world had not completely overcome pagan beliefs in magic and in a spiritual force which resides in all beings. This vision was a relic of the pre-Christian era and would finally be eradicated by the united forces of State and Church through the processes of the Inquisition, the witch hunts, colonization and the new religion of "Science". All of these processes have produced a huge change in our relationship with nature, currently seen as a totally inert entity. Nature is no longer part of our being and has became nothing more than raw material. Colonisation continues today under a neoliberal politics which uses the concept of development to requisition territory from indigenous people in order to exploit its natural resources. This is justified by qualifying these people as primitive because their way of life is based on living in equilibrium with nature. The function of a politically engaged artistic practise is to challenge the notion that no alternative exists to the current system. The theoretical and artistic framework of this investigation has led to the development of a performative alter ego, the transgender shaman Geyserbird, and to the configuration of a series of performances which included participatory rituals, installations with presence and the queer appropriation of abandoned industrial spaces. The transgender shaman is a spiritual being who goes beyond the limitations of the binary gender system and connects to indigenous cultures. The deployment of this figure in a contemporary context, invites the public to imagine other possibilities for themselves and for our society / [CA] Natural Hysteria... e's una investigacio' basada en una pra¿ctica transdisciplina¿ria que documenta el proce's de produccio' d'un cicle de performances basades en el text: rituals, presentacions teatrals, acciones al carrers i presentacions de vi'deo, canc¿ons i tallers. E's una resposta arti'stica a la deteriorament del nostre medi ambient i els atacs contra la diversitat cultural i biolo¿gica que esta¿ duent a terme un sistema capitalista basat en l'acumulacio' de riquesa costi el que costi que ens esta¿ portant a la vora d'un col·lapse ecolo¿gic. Es procedeix a trave's d'una ana¿lisi d'altres pra¿ctiques arti'stiques dissidents que comparteixen una perspectiva queer, feminista, postcolonial o ecolo¿gica que les vincula amb els conceptes explorats en el meu treball per contextualitzar-ho en el camp expandit de les arts contempora¿nies. La "histe¿ria" alternativa que forma la base conceptual d'aquest projecte te' els seus inicis en les albors de l'edat moderna i trac¿a una histo¿ria de dominacio' dels "altres": se centra principalment en les dones, en el ge¿nere i en els dissidents sexuals, les persones de color i els animals. L'explotacio' dels recursos naturals i humans e's una consequ¿e¿ncia d'una cosmovisio' basada en l'establiment d'oposicions bina¿ries que permeten que l'"altre" sigui classificat i dominat. Per exemple: home / dona, blanc / negre, hetero / homosexual, cultura / naturalesa. La construccio' d'aquests "altres" - "femeni'", "natiu", "queer", "naturalesa" - exclou aquests subjectes de la construccio' d'una identitat dominant que, no obstant aixo¿, depe'n d'aquestes categories per a la seua existe¿ncia. En el Renaixement, els camps de les cie¿ncies i les humanitats no estaven separats. La visio' mecanicista del mo'n no havia superat per complet les creences paganes en la ma¿gia i en una forc¿a espiritual que resideix en tots els e'ssers. Aquesta visio' era una reli'quia de l'era precristiana i finalment seria eradicada per les forces unides de l'Estat i l'Esgle'sia a trave's dels processos de la Inquisicio', la cac¿a de bruixes, la colonitzacio' i la nova religio' de la "Cie¿ncia". Tots aquests processos han produi¿t un gran canvi en la nostra relacio' amb la naturalesa, que en l'actualitat es considera una entitat totalment inerta. La naturalesa ja no forma part del nostre e'sser i s'ha convertit simplement en mate¿ria preval. La colonitzacio' continua avui sota una poli'tica neoliberal que utilitza el concepte de desenvolupament per a requisar territori dels pobles indi'genes a fi d'explotar els seus recursos naturals. Aixo¿ es justifica classificant aquestes persones com a primitives perque¿ la seua manera de vida es basa en viure en equilibri amb la naturalesa. La funcio' d'una pra¿ctica arti'stica poli'ticament compromesa e's desafiar la nocio' que no existeix una alternativa al sistema actual. El marc teo¿ric i arti'stic d'aquesta investigacio' ha condui¿t al desenvolupament d'un alter ego performatiu, el xaman transge¿nere Geyserbird, i a la configuracio' d'una se¿rie de performances que inclou rituals participatius, instal·lacions amb prese¿ncia i la reapropiacio' queer d'espais industrials abandonats. El xaman transge¿nere e's un ser espiritual que va me's enlla¿ de les limitacions del sistema de ge¿nere binari i es connecta amb les cultures indi'genes. El desplegament d'aquesta figura en un context contemporani convida al pu'blic a imaginar altres possibilitats per a ells mateixos i per a la nostra societat. / Bell, G. (2018). NATURAL HYSTERIA (a queer response to ecocide): An exercise in Living Art, Participatory Rituals and Queer Ecology -or- How I discovered Geyserbird, the Transgender Shaman within [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/111925

Trans* / Trans*Geschlechtlichkeit

Kleiner, Bettina, Scheunemann, Kim 27 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Das Präfix "trans-" ist aus dem Lateinischen hergeleitet und bedeutet "jenseits". Bezogen auf Geschlecht deutet trans* auf Lebensweisen hin, die nicht in einer (vermeintlich natürlichen und angeborenen) Zweigeschlechtlichkeit aufgehen. Transgeschlechtlichkeit wurde in aktivistischen Zusammenhängen in Abgrenzung zu der medizinisch-psychologisch geprägten Kategorie Transsexualität entwickelt. Seit den späten 1960er Jahren eröffnete sich, vor dem Hintergrund ethnomethodologischer Theoriebildung, ein Feld der sozialwissenschaftlichen Untersuchung transgeschlechtlicher Lebensweisen. Im Gegenzug dazu perspektivieren die Queer- und Gender Studies Transgeschlechtlichkeit in den 1990er Jahren neu.

Trans* / Trans*Geschlechtlichkeit

Kleiner, Bettina, Scheunemann, Kim 27 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Das Präfix "trans-" ist aus dem Lateinischen hergeleitet und bedeutet "jenseits". Bezogen auf Geschlecht deutet trans* auf Lebensweisen hin, die nicht in einer (vermeintlich natürlichen und angeborenen) Zweigeschlechtlichkeit aufgehen. Transgeschlechtlichkeit wurde in aktivistischen Zusammenhängen in Abgrenzung zu der medizinisch-psychologisch geprägten Kategorie Transsexualität entwickelt. Seit den späten 1960er Jahren eröffnete sich, vor dem Hintergrund ethnomethodologischer Theoriebildung, ein Feld der sozialwissenschaftlichen Untersuchung transgeschlechtlicher Lebensweisen. Im Gegenzug dazu perspektivieren die Queer- und Gender Studies Transgeschlechtlichkeit in den 1990er Jahren neu.

”e du me på webbsex?” : En studie av kön/genus och sexualitet på ett Internet-community riktat till tjejer. / ”wanna have web sex?” : A study of sex/gender and sexuality on an Internet community for girls.

Funkeson, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
<p>The thesis examines how sex/gender and sexuality are represented through text and images within the Internet community Sylvia whose primary target group is girls. Through an examination of the aesthetics, the member rules and the choices that constitute the framework for the site, the study observes Sylvia as a cultural context. In relation to this setting, the ten most visited member profiles at the time for the study are more closely examined. These profiles are studied from a constructivist view of sex/gender and are analysed from the perspective of feminist and quee r theory as well as in the light of feministic debates concerning sexuality and erotica. The thesis shows how Internet as a forum and the non-heterosexual context Sylvia open up for a constructivist understanding of sex/gender and also leads to a questioning of "masculinity" and "femininity". But the biological sex remains important since the community implies an explicit discussion about biological sex when targeting girls who should feel secure when practicing their sexuality. The result is that the sex/gender structures within the community often keep to a binary and essential segregation of the sexes. Sylvia becomes a free zone of solidarity in between women. This opens up for sexual experimentation beyond the heterosexual erotification of the female body. The user profiles also contain subversive gender expressions which are questioning the hetero norm. Even though there is a possibility of choosing from a variety of alternative sex/genders, the majority of the users keeps defining themselves as "girls" and "boys" . The study shows that Sylvia remains to relate to the world "outside" and this leads to an increase of Internet's possibility of deconstruction of identities online.</p> / <p>Uppsatsen undersöker hur kön/genus och sexualitet representeras i text och bild på Internet-communityt Sylvia, vars primära målgrupp är tjejer. Studien ger en överblick över den kulturella kontext som Sylvia utgör genom att undersöka den estetik, de regler och de valmöjligheter som sätter ramen för användarna. Med detta som bakgrund studeras de tio användarprofiler som vid tiden för studien var mest besökta. Profilerna undersöks utifrån en konstruktivistisk syn på kön/genus och analyseras utifrån såväl feministiska som queerteoretiska perspektiv samt i ljuset av feministiska debatter om sexualitet och erotik. Utifrån studien går det bland annat att se hur Internet som forum och den icke-heterosexuella kontexten Sylvia öppnar upp för en konstruktivistisk syn på kön och ett ifrågasättande av "manlighet" och "kvinnlighet". Men det biologiska könet bibehåller sin status eftersom sidan explicit för en diskussion om biologiskt kön i samband med att den riktar sig till tjejer som ska kunna känna sig trygga i utövandet av sin sexualitet. Därför faller kön/genusstrukturerna på communityt ofta tillbaka i en binär och essentialistisk könsuppdelning. Sylvia blir något av en frizon av kvinnlig gemenskap som öppnar upp för ett experimenterande med sexualitet som sträcker sig bortom den heterosexuella erotiseringen av kvinnokroppen. I användarprofilerna återfinns även subversiva genusuttryck som ifrågasätter heteronormen. Trots att det är möjligt att välja mellan ett flertal alternativa kön/genus fortsätter majoriteten av användarna att definiera sig själva som "tjejer" och "killar". Studien visar på att Sylvia hela tiden förhåller sig till världen "utanför" och härmed minskar Internets möjliga dekonstruerande effekt på identiteter online.</p>

”e du me på webbsex?” : En studie av kön/genus och sexualitet på ett Internet-community riktat till tjejer. / ”wanna have web sex?” : A study of sex/gender and sexuality on an Internet community for girls.

Funkeson, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
The thesis examines how sex/gender and sexuality are represented through text and images within the Internet community Sylvia whose primary target group is girls. Through an examination of the aesthetics, the member rules and the choices that constitute the framework for the site, the study observes Sylvia as a cultural context. In relation to this setting, the ten most visited member profiles at the time for the study are more closely examined. These profiles are studied from a constructivist view of sex/gender and are analysed from the perspective of feminist and quee r theory as well as in the light of feministic debates concerning sexuality and erotica. The thesis shows how Internet as a forum and the non-heterosexual context Sylvia open up for a constructivist understanding of sex/gender and also leads to a questioning of "masculinity" and "femininity". But the biological sex remains important since the community implies an explicit discussion about biological sex when targeting girls who should feel secure when practicing their sexuality. The result is that the sex/gender structures within the community often keep to a binary and essential segregation of the sexes. Sylvia becomes a free zone of solidarity in between women. This opens up for sexual experimentation beyond the heterosexual erotification of the female body. The user profiles also contain subversive gender expressions which are questioning the hetero norm. Even though there is a possibility of choosing from a variety of alternative sex/genders, the majority of the users keeps defining themselves as "girls" and "boys" . The study shows that Sylvia remains to relate to the world "outside" and this leads to an increase of Internet's possibility of deconstruction of identities online. / Uppsatsen undersöker hur kön/genus och sexualitet representeras i text och bild på Internet-communityt Sylvia, vars primära målgrupp är tjejer. Studien ger en överblick över den kulturella kontext som Sylvia utgör genom att undersöka den estetik, de regler och de valmöjligheter som sätter ramen för användarna. Med detta som bakgrund studeras de tio användarprofiler som vid tiden för studien var mest besökta. Profilerna undersöks utifrån en konstruktivistisk syn på kön/genus och analyseras utifrån såväl feministiska som queerteoretiska perspektiv samt i ljuset av feministiska debatter om sexualitet och erotik. Utifrån studien går det bland annat att se hur Internet som forum och den icke-heterosexuella kontexten Sylvia öppnar upp för en konstruktivistisk syn på kön och ett ifrågasättande av "manlighet" och "kvinnlighet". Men det biologiska könet bibehåller sin status eftersom sidan explicit för en diskussion om biologiskt kön i samband med att den riktar sig till tjejer som ska kunna känna sig trygga i utövandet av sin sexualitet. Därför faller kön/genusstrukturerna på communityt ofta tillbaka i en binär och essentialistisk könsuppdelning. Sylvia blir något av en frizon av kvinnlig gemenskap som öppnar upp för ett experimenterande med sexualitet som sträcker sig bortom den heterosexuella erotiseringen av kvinnokroppen. I användarprofilerna återfinns även subversiva genusuttryck som ifrågasätter heteronormen. Trots att det är möjligt att välja mellan ett flertal alternativa kön/genus fortsätter majoriteten av användarna att definiera sig själva som "tjejer" och "killar". Studien visar på att Sylvia hela tiden förhåller sig till världen "utanför" och härmed minskar Internets möjliga dekonstruerande effekt på identiteter online.

Wiccan Marriage and American Marriage Law: Interactions

Carda, Jeanelle Marie 19 November 2008 (has links)
This project considers the ways in which Wiccan marriage and American marriage law interact with each other. The thesis examines certain aspects of the history of 20th-century American marriage law, the concurrent development of contemporary marriage ritual in Wicca, developing problems in this area, and possible solutions. In particular, the project focuses on the recognition of religious groups and their officials as they are authorized by state and federal law to perform marriages and how this process has affected Wiccan ritual.

Kamp om rummet : en studie av heteronormativitet i Svenska kyrkan / Struggle about the room : a study of heteronormativity within the Swedish church

Lindström, Susanne January 2005 (has links)
This thesis deals with questions concerning ongoing constructions of heterosexuality as a norm in the Swedish church. Empirically the study is based partly on interviews with thirteen homo- and bisexual priests, one district visitor and one church politician and partly on some of the church’s own inquiries and documents concerning the question of Christianity and ”deviant” sexuality. The aim for this study is to examine how norms for sexuality, coexistence and gender are repeated in the documents created by the Swedish church itself about homosexuality and Christianity and to discern how these norms are present and have sense – are reproduced, challenged and transformed in life stories of Christian homo- and bisexual individuals. To be able to see how the notion of homosexuality as abnormal is reproduced, secured and challenged I have chosen to interpret texts, observations and life stories from a critical discourse perspective. In this theoretical tradition it is central to stress how, or rather to investigate what strategies are used to produce and maintain notions of ”abnormality”. One dominating view in the discussions within the church is that homosexuals and heterosexuals have equal value but that partnership cannot be equated with marriage. This understanding is expressed in my examples of formations of heteronormativity within the church. In the interview persons’ narratives there are discourses represented that are articulated in the church’s own inquiries but the narratives also express counter discourses. They speak about themselves in relation to, for example, imperative heterosexuality, homosexual ideals, core family ideals, theological way of thinking and dichotomizing understanding of gender. I have identified several ”uses” in the narratives and all of them are contained in an overall Christian homosexual ”us”. Instead of viewing themselves as being ”wrong” some of the interview persons have moved the problem to the heteronormativity. Experiences of not being part of the norm have made them strong and willing to struggle and fight for their rights. This position, outside the norm, is by some viewed positively. The homosexuals’ experiences of oppression have led to a desire to liberate the church from homophobia and show ”the true” church, where no one is discriminated. Homosexuals are accepted within the church, but only as deviants. This way heterosexuality is being made the superior category. Its meaning and superior position cannot be questioned according to many of the church’s representatives. Still, this is exactly what is happening when homosexuals are increasingly visible to the public and when they challenge the heterosexual norm. This provocation makes the heterosexual norm visible and forces representatives of the norm to deal with it! / Författaren har bytt efternamn till Holst.


Kleiner, Bettina 27 April 2017 (has links)
Mit dem Begriff Heteronormativität wird die Naturalisierung und Privilegierung von Heterosexualität und Zweigeschlechtlichkeit in Frage gestellt. Kritisiert werden nicht nur die auf Alltagswissen bezogene Annahme, es gäbe zwei gegensätzliche Geschlechter und diese seien sexuell aufeinander bezogen, sondern auch die mit Zweigeschlechtlichkeit und Heterosexualität einhergehenden Privilegierungen und Marginalisierungen. Der Begriff tauchte erstmalig 1991 in Michael Warners Aufsatz 'Introduction: Fear of a Queer Planet' auf. Zentrale Bezugspunkte der Analysen von Heteronormativität stellen Foucaults Untersuchungen zum Zusammenhang von Sexualität und Macht sowie Butlers Theorie der Subjektkonstitution im Rahmen der heterosexuellen Matrix oder der heterosexuellen Hegemonie dar.

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