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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Korta tyglar? En queerfeministisk läsning av tio samtida hästklubbsböcker / Tight reins? A queer feminist reading of ten contemporary pony club books

Stockstad, Moa January 2007 (has links)
This master thesis is discussing ten pony books from 2006 in relation to the heterosexual matrix. It contains a rather extensive research overview regarding horse riding from a gender perspective, pony books, traditional feminist studies of girls’ books and queer readings of girls’ and children’s literature. The aim of the empirical study is two folded; firstly to show how the girl protagonists’ horse riding is presented in terms of masculinity and femininity (as defined by Natalie Koivula), secondly to analyze the relations between the girls appearing in the books from a queer perspective attempting to find some queer leakage in the depictions. The theory applied is based on Judith Butler and the method is derived from the tradition of queer readings and feminist counter readings. The results show that the protagonists construct masculinity as well as femininity, often combined, which question the assumption that girls and women can only construct femininity and furthermore illustrate that the division between femininity and masculinity is not as natural as is often assumed. The analysis also demonstrates that some of the girls express intense emotions for other girls and show a stronger bond towards other girls than towards boys. However, the relations between the girls are often normalized in accordance with the heterosexual matrix. The conclusion of the thesis is that the pony books can be both liberating from current heterosexual gender norms and reinforcing this societal order. Another important conclusion is that the liberating potential varies greatly between the books. / Uppsatsnivå: D

"Det finns liksom lagar för vad man får tänka och känna." : Om lesbiskhet som problem och identitet i tre svenska ungdomsromaner.

Malmberg, Sara January 2018 (has links)
My intention with this essay is to analyze how lesbianism is described in Swedish youth literature. I have done a queer reading of three books written in the 2000’s to find out if lesbian love is described as a problem, and if it isn’t: what it causing problems in the novels? When reading the novels I have also observed how the environment and the characters themselves perceive lesbian identity. The novels I have chosen are Det händer nu by Sofia Nordin (2010), Som eld by Sara Lövestam (2015) and Du och jag, Marie Curie by Annika Ruth Persson (2003). To apply queer theory I have used several concepts, such as heteronormativity, coming out, shame and internalized homophobia, when analyzing the texts. The conclusion of my analysis is that one of the novels describes the lesbian love itself as a problem, while the other two are wider in their descriptions. Some characters are comfortable in their lesbian identity, while some are struggling with shame and coming out-issues. My final conclusion is that it is heteronormativity that is causing problems in the novels, not lesbianism.

Att bli fri? : En intervjustudie med kvinnor som omorienterat sig från att leva heterosexuellt till att leva lesbiskt

Eriksson, Madeleine January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the experience of reorientation from being in relationships with men to be in relationships with women. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with 8 women between the ages of 28-67 years old. The purpose of the study is to analyze the women’s narratives on this experience in relation to sexuality, relationships, embodiment and various norms associated with heteronormativity. The theoretical framework for the study is queer phenomenology and the interpretational work has been conducted with close reading combined with narrative analysis. The study shows that the women perceive themselves as freer within the lesbian relationship, because they experience that the lesbian relationship does not have to confirm heteronormative expectations to the same extent as a heterosexual relationship. Further this is also one of the main themes throughout the material and thus the thesis: the women sense, for example, that their bodies do not have to conform heterosexual norms for how they do, move or embody themselves. Within the study I argue that this perceived freedom could be understood in relation to the former heterosexual life as well as an overall insight to how power structures specifically between men and women works to subordinate women.

"Eksklusjonen har gitt oss frihet på andre områder." : Et kvalitativt intervjustudie om lesbisk aldring

Thuen Rossbach, Mari January 2022 (has links)
Abstract The concept of a woman's value, possibilities and visibility within the world being linked to youthfulness and fertility, is widely discussed in various contexts. This thesis seeks to focus on female aging specifically within lesbian communities, and thus in contrast investigate whether heterosexuality, a heteronormative lifestyle and the male gaze are determining factors in women socio-culturally turning "invisible" after middle age. While there is research done on LGBTQ aging, mainly highlighting vulnerabilites and marginalization, there seems to be a lack of explorations on whether there may be socio-cultural advantages to living a queer, older life. Focusing on how the subject positions are fleeting and ever-changing in time and space, I wish to shed light upon the complex lived experience of being woman, old(er) and LGBTQ.  My research indicates that there are indeed several strengths and advantages related to the quality of life in the generation of current older lesbians. The study is based on qualitative, semi-structured interviews with seven lesbian women aged between 53 and 78.  Keywords: ageism, lhbtq, lesbianism, intersectionality, queer ageing, male gaze

femmebada med mig

Andersson Åsman, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Lesbiska flyktingar i offentliga dokument

Andersson, Renee January 2007 (has links)
<p>The means that the Swedish State has to legitimize and standardize different perspectives of women and their sexuality is significant. Persecution of gender and sexuality is today something that can grant refugee status according to the Swedish Aliens Act. By studying the documents that forestall the amendment of the laws is it possible to unveil the concept and ideas about women sexuality that the state manifests and reproduces through these laws and official documents.</p><p>The aim of this essay is to look upon the sexual policy as it occurs in official the documents that deal with lesbian refugees. The study cover and maps present research on this group of women and gives an answer to how norms about women sexuality are expressed in these documents.</p><p>Throughout the survey of the research field not much previous research was found, therefore even research that only partly covers the field is included and reviewed.</p><p>As method a detailed reading of the official documents and a discourse analysis with it’s emphasize on theoretical themes like gender and sexuality, lesbianism and state feminism, was made. Lesbians are missing in the official state documents and the one time the Migration Board’s documents refer to lesbians they are ascribed to as gender and not as sexuality.</p><p>The essay concludes that the confusion about the category gender and the category sexuality has the result that the lesbians become invisible. Lesbians tend throughout the material to be ascribed to the category gender and gay men to the category sexuality.</p><p>The standardized perspective and normative discourse that has been found in the official documents has the effect that women is looked a pound as gender and therefore, by the same logic loose their sexuality. In this way the Swedish State discriminates lesbian.</p><p>Another conclusion is that the Swedish State has a somewhat ambivalence perspective on their own work on promoting gender equality.</p>

De anormalas plats i skapelsen : Religiösa teman i romanen Ensamhetens brunn

Lundmark, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine religious themes in the novel The Well of Loneliness by author Radclyffe Hall. The novel has been analysed using a hermeneutic method, with focus on the religious world picture of the novel and the faith of the lgbt characters. Conclusions regarding the religious world picture is a world where God is closely linked to nature. All humans, including lgbt people, are a natural part of his creation. The hatred towards lgbt people can be traced to humans, not God. The novel centers around the religious beliefs of lgbt people outside the realm of institutional religion. Their religious beliefs are often closely linked to their lgbt experiences, and characterized by belief in a god who does not condemn them. Their close relationship to nature can be interpreted as a part of their relationship to God.

Pervers sexualitet i ett civiliserat samhälle : En diskursanalys av en kolonial antisodomilag / Perverted sexuality in a civilized society : A discourse analysis of a colonial anti-sodomy law

Ajou, Shirin January 2023 (has links)
This study has analyzed five different judgments from the colonial anti-sodomy law Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code using the frameworks of Foucauldian genealogical discourse, and Judith Butler’s heterosexual matrix. The aim was to understand and expose how sexuality and lesbianism were constructed within these judgments and to make the norms within the discourses visible. The findings showed sexuality as dependent on a heterosexual and gender-binary norm. Gender hierarchy creates structures of the gender binary that positioned the man in the center of sexual interaction, desire, and sexuality. In contrast, the woman played a passive and often invisible, and nonsexual role. Further, the gender hierarchy produced a sexual hierarchy with natural heterosexuality as the most desirable. To maintain good heterosexuality, differentiation was crucial hence the undesirable and perverted male homosexuality acted as a hostile opposition. Due to the role of women as passive lesbianism appeared invisible. The discourse of the nonsexual woman made lesbian sexuality unimaginable. As a consequence, the lesbian was assumed asexual.

Lesbiska flyktingar i offentliga dokument

Andersson, Renee January 2007 (has links)
The means that the Swedish State has to legitimize and standardize different perspectives of women and their sexuality is significant. Persecution of gender and sexuality is today something that can grant refugee status according to the Swedish Aliens Act. By studying the documents that forestall the amendment of the laws is it possible to unveil the concept and ideas about women sexuality that the state manifests and reproduces through these laws and official documents. The aim of this essay is to look upon the sexual policy as it occurs in official the documents that deal with lesbian refugees. The study cover and maps present research on this group of women and gives an answer to how norms about women sexuality are expressed in these documents. Throughout the survey of the research field not much previous research was found, therefore even research that only partly covers the field is included and reviewed. As method a detailed reading of the official documents and a discourse analysis with it’s emphasize on theoretical themes like gender and sexuality, lesbianism and state feminism, was made. Lesbians are missing in the official state documents and the one time the Migration Board’s documents refer to lesbians they are ascribed to as gender and not as sexuality. The essay concludes that the confusion about the category gender and the category sexuality has the result that the lesbians become invisible. Lesbians tend throughout the material to be ascribed to the category gender and gay men to the category sexuality. The standardized perspective and normative discourse that has been found in the official documents has the effect that women is looked a pound as gender and therefore, by the same logic loose their sexuality. In this way the Swedish State discriminates lesbian. Another conclusion is that the Swedish State has a somewhat ambivalence perspective on their own work on promoting gender equality.

”e du me på webbsex?” : En studie av kön/genus och sexualitet på ett Internet-community riktat till tjejer. / ”wanna have web sex?” : A study of sex/gender and sexuality on an Internet community for girls.

Funkeson, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
<p>The thesis examines how sex/gender and sexuality are represented through text and images within the Internet community Sylvia whose primary target group is girls. Through an examination of the aesthetics, the member rules and the choices that constitute the framework for the site, the study observes Sylvia as a cultural context. In relation to this setting, the ten most visited member profiles at the time for the study are more closely examined. These profiles are studied from a constructivist view of sex/gender and are analysed from the perspective of feminist and quee r theory as well as in the light of feministic debates concerning sexuality and erotica. The thesis shows how Internet as a forum and the non-heterosexual context Sylvia open up for a constructivist understanding of sex/gender and also leads to a questioning of "masculinity" and "femininity". But the biological sex remains important since the community implies an explicit discussion about biological sex when targeting girls who should feel secure when practicing their sexuality. The result is that the sex/gender structures within the community often keep to a binary and essential segregation of the sexes. Sylvia becomes a free zone of solidarity in between women. This opens up for sexual experimentation beyond the heterosexual erotification of the female body. The user profiles also contain subversive gender expressions which are questioning the hetero norm. Even though there is a possibility of choosing from a variety of alternative sex/genders, the majority of the users keeps defining themselves as "girls" and "boys" . The study shows that Sylvia remains to relate to the world "outside" and this leads to an increase of Internet's possibility of deconstruction of identities online.</p> / <p>Uppsatsen undersöker hur kön/genus och sexualitet representeras i text och bild på Internet-communityt Sylvia, vars primära målgrupp är tjejer. Studien ger en överblick över den kulturella kontext som Sylvia utgör genom att undersöka den estetik, de regler och de valmöjligheter som sätter ramen för användarna. Med detta som bakgrund studeras de tio användarprofiler som vid tiden för studien var mest besökta. Profilerna undersöks utifrån en konstruktivistisk syn på kön/genus och analyseras utifrån såväl feministiska som queerteoretiska perspektiv samt i ljuset av feministiska debatter om sexualitet och erotik. Utifrån studien går det bland annat att se hur Internet som forum och den icke-heterosexuella kontexten Sylvia öppnar upp för en konstruktivistisk syn på kön och ett ifrågasättande av "manlighet" och "kvinnlighet". Men det biologiska könet bibehåller sin status eftersom sidan explicit för en diskussion om biologiskt kön i samband med att den riktar sig till tjejer som ska kunna känna sig trygga i utövandet av sin sexualitet. Därför faller kön/genusstrukturerna på communityt ofta tillbaka i en binär och essentialistisk könsuppdelning. Sylvia blir något av en frizon av kvinnlig gemenskap som öppnar upp för ett experimenterande med sexualitet som sträcker sig bortom den heterosexuella erotiseringen av kvinnokroppen. I användarprofilerna återfinns även subversiva genusuttryck som ifrågasätter heteronormen. Trots att det är möjligt att välja mellan ett flertal alternativa kön/genus fortsätter majoriteten av användarna att definiera sig själva som "tjejer" och "killar". Studien visar på att Sylvia hela tiden förhåller sig till världen "utanför" och härmed minskar Internets möjliga dekonstruerande effekt på identiteter online.</p>

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