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Mätning av armeringskorrosion med RapiCorLind, Christian, Wikslund, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Skador till följd av armeringskorrosion kostar årligen samhället stora belopp i renoverings och underhållskostnader. Idag används nästan uteslutande okulära inspektioner vid besiktning av armerade betongkonstruktioner. För att kunna göra en bättre bedömning av skador till följd av armeringskorrosion har det elektrokemiska mätinstrumentet RapiCor utvecklats. I detta examensarbete har lämpligheten och användarvänligheten av den nya tekniken med RapiCor utvärderats. Detta har gjorts genom praktisk fältmätning. Fältmätningen innefattade 35 olika konstruktionsdelar fördelat på 13 betongbroar, vilket gav en god insikt i hur RapiCor bör användas. Arbetet har lett fram till förslag på hur instrumentet kan vidareutvecklas. Dessutom har en enklare användarmanual tagits fram där alla steg i mätprocessen finns med. I manualen tas även de vanligaste felkällorna och fallgroparna med samt förslag på hur dessa kan undvikas. Rapporten behandlar grundläggande korrosionsteori för den oinvigde, hur broinspektioner utförs idag samt hur instrumentet fungerar vid mätning av armeringskorrosion genom de tre parametrarna korrosionshastighet, halvcellpotential samt resistivitet. Dessa tre vägs sedan ihop till ett korrosionsindex. Genom viss tolkning av ovanstående värden går det att bedöma vilken risk för korrosion som föreligger, hur allvarlig den är samt se korrosionens utbredning. Vidare visas med fyra exempel på olika konstruktionsdelar möjligheterna med RapiCor samt tidsstudier över hur lång tid de olika momenten i en mätning kan ta. Genom en jämförelsestudie mellan broar utsatta för tösalter och med broar där tösalter förekommer i en liten utsträckning står det klart att saltet har en stor inverkan på konstruktioner ur beständighetssynpunkt. Genom arbetet har det konstaterats att RapiCor är ett användarvänligt instrument men tar för lång tid att använda vid ordinära huvudinspektioner som de ser ut idag. Det finns däremot en stor potential för instrumentet vid särskilda inspektioner och kompletterande tillståndsbedömningar såsom skadeutredningar, uppföljning av skyddsåtgärder m.m. Det är dock inte uteslutet att det i framtiden kan göras utrymme för instrumentmätningar då det utan tvekan tillför en extra kvalitet i tillståndsbedömningen av armerade betongkonstruktioner något som kan ge broförvaltare en fördel i deras planerings och underhållsarbete.
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Investigation of tropospheric bro using space-based total column bro measurementsChoi, Sungyeon 03 April 2012 (has links)
We derive tropospheric column BrO during the ARCTAS and ARCPAC field campaigns in spring 2008 using retrievals of total column BrO from the satellite UV nadir sensors OMI and GOME-2 using a radiative transfer model and stratospheric column BrO from a photochemical simulation. We conduct a comprehensive comparison of satellite-derived tropospheric BrO column to aircraft in-situ observations of BrO and related species. The aircraft profiles reveal that tropospheric BrO, when present during April 2008, was distributed over a broad range of altitudes rather than being confined to the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Perturbations to the total column resulting from tropospheric BrO are the same magnitude as perturbations due to longitudinal variations in the stratospheric component, so proper accounting of the stratospheric signal is essential for accurate determination of satellite-derived tropospheric BrO. We find reasonably good agreement between satellite-derived tropospheric BrO and columns found using aircraft in-situ BrO profiles, particularly when satellite radiances were obtained over bright surfaces (albedo >0.7), for solar zenith angle <80 degree and clear sky conditions. The rapid activation of BrO due to surface processes (the bromine explosion) is apparent in both the OMI and GOME-2 based tropospheric columns. The wide orbital swath of OMI allows examination of the evolution of tropospheric BrO on about hourly time intervals near the pole. Low surface pressure, strong wind, and high PBL height are associated with an observed BrO activation event, supporting the notion of bromine activation by high winds over snow. We also provide monthly climatological maps of free tropospheric BrO volume mixing ratio (VMR) derived using the so-called cloud slicing technique. In this approach, the derived slope of the total column BrO versus cloud pressure is proportional to free tropospheric BrO VMR. Estimated BrO VMR shows a minimum in the tropics and greater values at higher latitudes in both hemispheres. High tropospheric BrO VMR at high latitudes in spring could be influenced by near-surface bromine activation.
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Fermentace kuchyňských odpadů / Kitchen Waste FermentationDlabaja, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
Biodegradable waste is a significant type of waste, which includes kitchen waste from restaurants, catering establishments and kitchens as well. This work evaluates a waste production in the Czech Republic and compares it with a waste production of other European countries. It provides a brief search through legislation and analyzes present development, going from simple disposal of material to energetic and material utilization. New laws has established stiffer requirements for the treatment of dangerous biowaste including kitchen waste. Under all these changes benefits of the most suitable ways of waste treating are analyzed. Part of the work is a laboratory experiment of the biogas yield, which verifies theoretical assumption of kitchen waste utilization at anaerobic fermentation. In conclusion the economy calculation of such manufacturing plant is done.
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Behaviorální analýza síťového provozu a detekce útoků (D)DoS / Behavioral Analysis of Network Traffic and (D)DoS Attack DetectionChapčák, David January 2017 (has links)
The semestral thesis deals with the analysis of the modern open-source NIDPS tools for monitoring and analyzing the network traffic. The work rates these instruments in terms of their network location and functions. Also refers about more detailed analysis of detecting and alerting mechanisms. Further analyzes the possibilities of detection of anomalies, especially in terms of statistical analysis and shows the basics of other approaches, such as approaches based on data mining and machine learning. The last section presents specific open-source tools, deals with comparison of their activities and the proposal allowing monitoring and traffic analysis, classification, detection of anomalies and (D)DoS attacks.
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En kartläggning av otrygga offentliga rum : en kvalitativ fallstudie i del av Bro, Upplands-Bro kommun (Stockholms län)Flemström, Ulrica January 2021 (has links)
Bro is an urban area located in Upplands-Bro municipality, Stockholm County. In 2020, the Stockholm Police conducted a security survey for all municipalities included in the Stockholm police region. The results of the survey for Upplands-Bro municipality show that many residents feel insecure about the risk of being exposed to crime. The residents experience that the feeling of insecurity is at its highest in Bro. The thesis is limited to investigating this in nine public spaces in central Bro. The purpose is to investigate whether previously crime-prone public spaces in built-up environments can evoke experiences of insecurity in people, despite their unawareness that they are old crime scenes. If people experience insecurity, the thesis aims to investigate which crime prevention measures can be applied in the design of public spaces to increase their security experiences there. In the essay, the student is named as the "investigator". The approach to the thesis applies several different methods. A safety survey is the thesis' main method, while a safety walk (method combination) is the secondary one. Initially, site analyzes are used as feasibility studies to carry out several site visits in the nine public spaces. (1) The first site visit is made to get to know the existing conditions of the sites and to create an overall picture. At the same time, the places are photographed in daylight. (2) Site visit no. 2 is made to photograph the sites in the evening darkness. (3) During the third site visit, the investigator conducts a safety walk, where a focus group of eight members (excluding the investigator) consisting of residents in Bro, is invited for interviews in the field. The intention with this is to take part in their experiences if the places feel unsafe and if there is a need for crime prevention measures to achieve increased security. (4) Site visit no. 4 is made to study in detail the spatial properties of the sites on the basis that the focus group has identified “insecurity problems” that are most in need of crime prevention measures for increased security. The crime prevention measures in the thesis include: (1) increased care of the outdoor environment, cutting shrubs and trees, (2) repairing broken materials, repainting, (3) removal of damage, graffiti and debris, (4) increased lighting, (5) to open up the site, remove dark spaces/hiding places, (6) increase the view of the site from buildings or through direct human supervision, (7) to add electrical safety systems such as camera surveillance/alarm/gate code or fences around the site. A safety survey is conducted with the intention of reaching out to all residents in the urban area of Bro. The survey mainly asks questions about: (1) how they experience security at the nine sites and (2) whether the sites need to be changed for increased security there, which creates a need for crime prevention measures. The questionnaire is sent out in collaboration with Upplands-Bro municipality's Street / Park / Traffic department and 247 locals answer the questionnaire. However, the response rate does not correspond to all of Bros' urban residents, which the investigator is aware of. To include all residents, the investigator has not requested biological sex or age in all methods. Thus, the investigator has disregarded what a possible distribution of answers between women and men or different age groups can look like. The answers from the safety walk and the survey are analyzed through qualitative content analysis. The method results are made visible in the form of photographs and diagrams with accompanying descriptive text about the results with the highest percentage that are perceived to be most prominent. The results are then visualized in an insecurity map, a form of heat map. The insecurity map is compared with the crime scene map to see if there is a connection between “unsafe places” and “previous crime scenes” in a combined map. In the analysis, the survey results are interpreted through the thesis' theoretical perspective and validated against the outcome of the safety walk. Based on the analysis, the investigator reads out what crime prevention measures residents point out to achieve increased security in the "unsafe places". Then the results are discussed and how they fulfill the purpose of the essay and answer the problem formulation and the questions. Finally, conclusions and recommendations for future studies are presented.
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En jämförande studie om strandskyddsdispenser och bygglovsansökningar : En undersökning för vilka faktorer som avgör om en ansökan ska beviljas eller avslåsAhmed, Jama M., Bulale, Nasir January 2023 (has links)
Shoreland protection is an important issue in today's urban planning and aims to ensure long-term public access to coastal protection areas while maintaining good living conditions for animals and plants. Shoreland protection was introduced in the 1950s to protect the coasts, and the shoreland protection zone includes both land and water. Shoreland protection zones generally extend 100 meters inland and 100 meters out into the water from the shoreline, but can be extended to 300 meters. Despite this, an increasing trend of granted exemptions from shoreland protection has been observed. A new report from the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation points out that 93% of the 693 applications for exemption reviewed in 13 exemptions were granted. This has resulted in more than a third of the Swedish coast being exploited, which can negatively affect the natural environment and the conditions for public access to shorelandareas. This thesis is conducted in collaboration with the municipality of Upplands-Bro, with the aim of comparing and analyzing building permit documents and shoreland protection exemptions. Methods used to answer the study's research questions and problem formulation consist of interviews, literature studies, and an analysis of building permit applications in shoreland protected areas in the municipality of Upplands-Bro. Factors such as the placement of the operation, the degree of detail in the drawings, and its impact on the water environment have been identified as decisive for whether an application is approved or rejected. However, the study shows that the decision-making process is not entirely predictable and is also influenced by other factors, such as political agendas. The results indicate that in order to create a more predictable and fair decision-making process, a strengthening of the current regulations and increased supervision from the County Administrative Board is needed to ensure that the legislation is followed consistently. This study contributes to the ongoing discussion on the application of shoreland protection and provides concrete suggestions on how the process can be improved.
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“What’s up, bro?” : A synchronic corpus study on the use of bro in TV showsLivskog, Felizia January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the synchronic variation in usage of the word bro in English speaking TV shows that aired 2017, by extracting data from The TV Corpus. In today’s society bro is becoming more and more frequent in use and the increase seems to be partly due to the high level of nuance the word has. It can be used in several situations. This is shown in the results where the categories of gender, age, race/ethnicity, relationship and context are presented. Combined, the examined material shows that the most common situation for the usage of bro is a white adult male saying it to his white adult male friend in a work-related context. This suggests a trend where bro has developed from only meaning brother to also mean friend or more specifically, male friend, nowadays. This kind of development is not unusual for clipped words, that is, shortened words that retain a meaning similar to the original word. The results of this study suggest that bro is becoming more integrated into the language and that bro seems to be a word tied to a masculine stereotype. However, further studies are needed to determine all the nuances of the word bro and how it will continue to evolve in the future.
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Buttering up the dead : An archaeological study of the relationship between burial urns and grave gifts from the scandinavian Roman Iron Age from Uppland, Sweden, using lipid-and elemental analysesSundström, Annika January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker begravningsurnor som deponerats under romersk järnålder i grav A7000 i Broby bro, Täby Socken, Sverige. Materialet som undersöks är en del av forskningsprojektet; Broby bro – en plats där världen passerar. Teorierna kring begravningsritualer från denna tidsperiod har genom lipidanalyser samt elementanalyser förfinats. Av de fem kärl som undersöks har fyra, F16007, F16152, F16195 och F16263, definierats som begravningsurnor. F16137 är fortfarande oidentifierad. Fokus har lagts på att undersöka relationen mellan fynden och även att fastställa om F16195 och F16263 kommer från samma urna. Resultaten visar att F16195 är en gravgåva till F16263.
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Byggnadsrelaterad ohälsa och psykiskt lidandeGustafsson, Astrid, Lahti, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Byggnadsrelaterad ohälsa (BRO) är ett tillstånd som utgörs av en intolerans för vissa byggnader eller delar av byggnader som yttrar sig genom besvärande ospecifika symtom. I tidigare studier har psykisk ohälsa visat sig vara en riskfaktor för BRO men det finns ännu få studier som undersöker detta. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka hur utbrändhet, depression, ångest och stress, definierat som psykiskt lidande, ser ut hos personer med olika svårighetsgrader av BRO. Svårighetsgrad av BRO definieras på två sätt. Dels utifrån hur många symtomgrupper (fördelade i; slemhinne-, hud- och allmänsymtom) deltagarnas symtom ingår i. Dels utifrån hur stora besvär av BRO-symtomen deltagarna skattar att de har. Studien var en enkätstudie med 106 deltagare inklusive kontrollgrupp, rekryterade från sin företagshälsovård och arbetsplats. Deltagarna arbetade på Norrlands Universitetssjukhus i Umeå eller Skellefteå lasarett. Resultatet visade att det var signifikant fler i gruppen med svår BRO som uppnådde gränsvärdet för svår utbrändhet (4.47). Gruppen med svår BRO skattade signifikant högre än samtliga andra grupper gällande utbrändhet och signifikant högre än kontrollgruppen gällande depression. Alla delar av psykiskt lidande hade signifikanta positiva korrelationer med intensitet av besvär av BRO-symtom. Resultaten indikerar att psykiskt lidande, i synnerhet utbrändhet och till viss del depression, är associerat till stigande svårighetsgrad av BRO. / Building related intolerance (BRI) is a condition with disturbing and unspecified symptoms attributed to certain buildings or parts of buildings. In previous research mental ill-health has been identified as a risk factor for BRI, but the studies investigating this are still few. The general aim of the current study was to investigate how burnout, depression, anxiety and stress, defined as psychological distress, is constituted among people with different levels of severity of BRI. Level of severity was defined in two different ways. As number of BRI-symptoms (distributed into three groups; mucosal, skin and general symptoms) and as intensity ratings of suffering from BRI-symptoms. The data was collected through a questionnaire answered by 106 participants including a control group. Participants were recruited from their occupational health care and their workplace. The participants worked at the university hospital of Umeå or the hospital in Skellefteå. The results showed that there were significantly more people that reached a cut-off for severe burnout (4.47), in the group with severe BRI. The group with severe BRI rated significantly higher than all other groups regarding burnout and significantly higher than a control group regarding depression. All parts of psychological distress had a significant positive correlation with measures of suffering from BRI-symptoms. The results indicates that psychological distress, burnout in particular and partially depression, is associated with increasing severity levels of BRI.
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Uppföljning av nyckeltal för större bro- och betongtunnelentreprenader : <em>Nyckeltal tänkta att användas för att kvalitetssäkra anbudsarbete</em>Due-Boje, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppdragsgivare för detta examensarbete är Skanska Sverige AB Region Stora Projekt, som arbetar med stora bro- och anläggningsprojekt. Störst behov ligger i att få ökad kunskap om de <em>Allmänna</em>i projekten. Arbetet med anbudskalkyler innebär att förutse projektkostnader och kostnaderna <em>Allmänna kostnader</em> utgör en betydande del av projektets totalkostnad och är svårkalkylerade. Generellt uttryckt utgör denna post de byggkostnader som används gemensamt i projektet. Nyckeltal komprimerar information i syfte att göra den mer lättillgänglig för användaren.</p><p>Syftet med denna rapport är att få fram nyckeltal tänkta att i första hand användas till att kvalitetssäkra kommande anbudsarbeten.</p><p>Det material och data som rapporten baseras på är intern information om referensprojekten och slutrapporter.</p><p>För två av resurserna kan nyckeltal presenteras, samma gäller för en tredje baserat på att referensprojekten har liknande utförande. Det är rimligt för en fjärde. De resterande är för objektsspecifika och det finns för lite underliggande data för att kunna dra någon slutsats. För dessa krävs det fler referensprojekt för att kunna få fram tillförlitlig data.</p> / <p>The taskmaster for this thesis is Skanska Sverige AB Region Stora Projekt, who works with large bridge- and construction projects. Greatest need is to enhance the understanding of the <em>General costs</em> of the projects. Tender calculation means to predict project costs and <em>General costs </em>are a significant part of the project's total cost and is difficult to calculate. This post is, broadly expressed, the construction costs that are used jointly in the project. Ratios compress information in order to make it more accessible to the user.</p><p><p>The purpose of this report is to present ratios primarily intended to be used to quality-assure future tender work.</p><p>The material and data to which the report is based on is internal information about the reference projects and their final reports.</p><p>For two of the resources ratios can be presented, the same applies to a third based on that the reference projects have similar design. It is reasonable for a fourth. The remainder is too object-specific and there is little underlying data to draw any conclusions. For these require more reference projects in order to obtain reliable data.</p></p>
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