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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementace podnikatelského záměru financovaného z fondů EU / Implementation of Prospectus Financed by EU Resources

Marušincová, Blanka January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the suggestion of implementation of the prospectus, which leads towards the harmonization between work and family life of employees of research organization. The second area deal with European Union financial resources issue aim at research organization, or if you like it deal with Structural funds issue, that gives financial support to our implementation. Results of the thesis are further on check up in the real project that runs also in the time the thesis is drawn up.

Omsorgsbegreppet i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers beskrivning av och arbete med omsorgsbegreppet i förskolan

Roshage, Ann, Kayhan, Berna January 2021 (has links)
Nyckeln till en djupare förståelse av omsorgsbegreppet ligger i omsorgens verkliga synlighet i förskolan. Att synliggöra begreppet omsorg är dock inte lätt. Hur beskrivs omsorgsarbetet och hur förstår pedagogerna omsorg på ett djupare plan? Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka pedagogers förståelse av begreppet och emotionellt omsorgsarbete samt att ta reda på hur förskolor aktivt arbetar med omsorgsfrågor i sina arbetslag. Våra forskningsfrågor är följande; a) Hur beskriver pedagoger sin förståelse av begreppet omsorg? b) Hur förklarar pedagoger arbetet med barns rätt till omsorg? c) Hur tar pedagoger hand om och tillgodoser barns känslomässiga behov i förskoleundervisningen? Resultatet visar att omsorgen sker ömsesidigt i samspelet mellan pedagoger och barn men eftersom begreppet omsorg är mångsidigt och svårtolkat blir det sekundärt i förskoleundervisningen. Alla barn har rätt till lika mycket omsorg men det ser olika ut på grund av olika faktorer som barns ålder, personaltäthet, resurser, storleken på barngruppen et cetera. Respondenterna i vår studie framhåller att det inte samtalas tillräckligt mycket kring omsorg och hur man bedriver och aktivt arbetar med barns känslomässiga behov i förskoleutbildningen. / The key to a deeper understanding of the concept of care lies in the real visibility of care in preschool. However, making the concept of care visible is not easy. One must consider what care look like in its entirety between children and adults in today's preschool? How is care work described and how do the educators understand care on a deeper level? The purpose of our study is to examine educators' understanding of the concept of care and emotional care work and to find out how preschools actively work with care issues in their work teams. Our research questions are as follows; a) How do educators describe their understanding of the concept of care? b) How do educators explain the work with children's right to care? c) How do educators care for and provide for children's emotional needs in preschool education? The result is based on analyzes from a care ethics perspective by Nel Noddings. We have used Noddings concept to link educators' descriptions, which are from a care ethics perspective; role model, dialogue, practical actions and confirmation. The result shows that care takes place mutually in the interaction between educators and children but since the concept of care is versatile and difficult to interpret it becomes secondary in preschool education. All children have the right to the same amount of care, but it looks different due to different factors such as children's age, staff density, resources, size of the group of children etc. The respondents in our study say that there isn’t enough talk about care and how to conduct and actively work with children's emotional needs in preschool education.

Parental leave policy and reproductive work : A quantitative study of men’s share of housework and care work in 27 countries

Nylén, Annie January 2022 (has links)
The gender division of care work and housework is a product of numerous factors, both individual and national. By using the ‘Equal Gender Division of Labour’ (EGDL) indicator developed by Dearing (2016a), this thesis assesses correlations between parental leave policy and division of reproductive labour in 27 countries. OLS regression was used to test the hypothesis and determine correlations. By controlling for the correlations of individual attitudes, the thesis attempted to isolate the effects of parental leave policies. The results indicate that parental leave policies which promote gender equality are positively correlated with men’s larger shares of care work and housework. When control variables are added, the results demonstrate how parental leave policy is directly correlated with men’s larger share of care work. As for men’s share of housework, the thesis suggests that the original correlations are due to the effect of individual attitudes, which may also be impacted by parental leave policy.

Teoría del cuidado en el arte del siglo XXI. Propuestas de creación artística y gestión cultural en el sur de Europa durante el periodo 2000-2023

Ferriols Montañana, Ana 23 March 2024 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral aborda la relación existente entre teoría del cuidado y práctica artística. La desigualdad en las labores reproductivas y de mantenimiento con relación al género ha sido puesta en evidencia desde la década de 1970. A partir de la reclamación de la importancia de este tipo de trabajo, y de su posición central en las estructuras sociales, surge la ética del cuidado, pensamiento que se desarrolla especialmente en el ámbito filosófico y político. La investigación llevada a cabo pone de manifiesto que existe una fuerte influencia del pensamiento y las prácticas del cuidado en la creación artística del siglo XXI, especialmente en la zona del sur de Europa. Para abordar esta conexión se plantea un estudio dirigido a profesionales en España, Francia, Portugal e Italia, siendo los ámbitos profesionales objeto de estudio, los relacionados con el comisariado y la gestión cultural, las instituciones culturales y, por último, artistas y colectivos de artistas. Las respuestas obtenidas sobre prácticas laborales con relación al cuidado han sido analizadas y contextualizadas. Asimismo, se estudian y analizan diferentes casos paradigmáticos que presentan una notable vinculación con las prácticas del cuidado como son el Centro HUARTE en España, la bienal Manifesta 12 en Italia o el trabajo de la artista Céline Condorelli en Francia, entre otros. A partir de los mismos se constata que la influencia de la teoría del cuidado desempeña un protagonismo relevante en el ámbito artístico desde la década de 2010. Se aborda también el papel de los comunes urbanos como espacios de generación de infraestructuras de cuidado y los puntos esenciales que definen una estética del cuidado. Finalmente, se concluye que se confirma la hipótesis planteada y se realiza una clasificación de las orientaciones temáticas que el cuidado adopta en el ámbito expositivo contemporáneo. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral aborda la relació existent entre teoria de la cura i pràctica artística. La desigualtat en les labors reproductives i de manteniment en relació amb el gènere ha sigut posada en evidència des de la dècada de 1970. A partir de la reclamació de la importància d'aquesta mena de treball, i de la seua posició central en les estructures socials, sorgeix l'ètica de la cura, pensament que es desenvolupa especialment en l'àmbit filosòfic i polític. La investigació duta a terme posa de manifest que existeix una forta influència del pensament i les pràctiques de la cura en la creació artística del segle XXI, especialment en la zona del sud d'Europa. Per a abordar aquesta connexió es planteja un estudi dirigit a professionals a Espanya, França, Portugal i Itàlia, sent els àmbits professionals objecte d'estudi, els relacionats amb el comissariat i la gestió cultural, les institucions culturals i, finalment, artistes i col·lectius d'artistes. Les respostes obtingudes sobre pràctiques laborals en relació amb la cura han sigut analitzades i contextualitzades. Així mateix, s'estudien i analitzen diferents casos paradigmàtics que presenten una notable vinculació amb les pràctiques de la cura com són el Centre HUARTE a Espanya, la biennal Manifesta 12 a Itàlia o el treball de l'artista Céline Condorelli a França, entre altres. A partir dels mateixos es constata que la influència de la teoria de la cura exerceix un protagonisme rellevant en l'àmbit artístic des de la dècada de 2010. S'aborda també el paper dels comuns urbans com a espais de generació d'infraestructures de cura i els punts essencials que defineixen una estètica de la cura. Finalment, es conclou que es confirma la hipòtesi plantejada i es realitza una classificació de les orientacions temàtiques que la cura adopta en l'àmbit expositiu contemporani. / [EN] This thesis addresses the relationship between care theory and artistic practice. Since the 1970s, inequality in reproductive and maintenance tasks in relation to gender has been highlighted. The ethics of care arises from the claim of the importance of this type of work, and its central position in social structures, it is a thought that is developed especially in a philosophical and political field. The research carried out shows that there is a strong influence of care thinking and practices on the artistic creation of the 21st century, especially in southern Europe. To address this connection, a study aimed at professionals in Spain, France, Portugal and Italy is proposed. The professional fields under study are those related to curating and cultural management, cultural institutions and, finally, artists and artist collectives. The responses obtained on work practices in relation to care have been analysed and contextualized. Likewise, different paradigmatic cases that present a notable connection with care practices are studied, such as the HUARTE Center in Spain, the Manifesta 12 biennial in Italy or the work of the artist Céline Condorelli in France, among others. From these cases it is confirmed that the influence of care theory has played a relevant role in the artistic field since the 2010s. It is also addressed the role of urban commons as spaces generating care infrastructures and essential points that define an aesthetics of care. Finally, it is concluded that the proposed hypothesis is confirmed, in addition to a thematic classification of the ways in which care is adopted in the contemporary exhibition field. / Ferriols Montañana, A. (2024). Teoría del cuidado en el arte del siglo XXI. Propuestas de creación artística y gestión cultural en el sur de Europa durante el periodo 2000-2023 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203127

"När jag kliver över tröskeln hos någon, då finns inte omvärlden” : En intervjustudie om emotionellt arbete inom hemtjänstens nattpatrull / "When I step over someone's threshold, the outside world ceases to exist" : An interview study on emotional labour within the home care night patrol

Thydén, Nanna January 2023 (has links)
Care work is not a new subject for feminist research. However, it is still important to study because of the persistent social devaluation of care workers. Financial cutbacks, the intensification of work and the general insecurity of the labour market have meant additional challenges for women, who make up the overwhelming majority of those who perform this type of work. Nowadays, women continue to be over-represented in caring and “emotional” work. In this thesis, I focus on home care work as a particular form of care work and aim to analyse care workers’ emotional management and perceptions of their current work situation. The thesis is based on a qualitative study through interviews with night-time home care workers. Building on the theory of “emotional labour” as presented by Arlie Russel Hochschild (1983) in The Managed Heart, this paper argues that working at night poses additional emotional challenges to an already affected workforce. In a time of prominent challenges in Swedish healthcare, care workers must adapt to new ways of dealing with emotions.

Care and Careers: Gender Differences in the Reconciliation of Work and Family

Samtleben, Claire 24 May 2022 (has links)
Die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie ist eine der größten Herausforderungen und gleichzeitig Gelingensbedingung für Geschlechtergerechtigkeit auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und im familiären Bereich. Die vorliegende Dissertation verdeutlicht in drei empirischen Papieren die Relevanz von Sorgearbeit für die Arbeitsmarktpartizipation von Frauen und Männern, sowie die Rolle von Unternehmen für das Unterfangen, berufliche und familiäre Aufgaben zu vereinbaren. Im ersten Papier fragt diese Dissertation nach der Rolle von Haus- und Sorgearbeit sowie ihrer Verteilung im Paar für die Arbeitsmarktpartizipation von Frauen und Männern. Für die Analyse werden Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) der Jahre 2001-2017 herangezogen. Um sich bestmöglich einer kausalen Identifikation anzunähern, werden First- Difference Instrumentalvariablen-Regressionen (FD-IV) geschätzt. Das zweite Papier betrachtet die Gründe von Vätern gegen eine (längere) Elternzeitnahme. Anhand eines Mixed-Methods Forschungsdesigns wird untersucht, welche betrieblichen Determinanten eine (längere) Elternzeitnutzung erklären. Darüber hinaus wird analysiert, ob und in welchem Unternehmenskontext Männer und Frauen Karriereeinbußen nach Elternzeitnutzung erfahren. Die Datenbasis sind qualitative und quantitative Daten einer Zusatzbefragung zum AID:A II Survey. Das dritte Papier untersucht die Frage nach dem Zusammenhang von Homeoffice-Nutzung und Work-Family Conflicts. Konkret wird analysiert, ob es Unterschiede nach Unternehmenskultur gibt. Auf Grundlage des LPP-ADIAB werden Multilevel-Regressionen mit fixen Effekten für Berufe separat für Männer und Frauen geschätzt. Zusammengefasst belegt die Dissertation geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der Herausforderung, Erwerbstätigkeit und private Verpflichtungen in Einklang zu bringen. Darüber hinaus wird die Notwendigkeit von politischen Reformen und der Handlungsbedarf, aber auch die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten von Unternehmen verdeutlicht. / Reconciling work and family is one of the greatest challenges and, simultaneously, a precondition for gender equality both in the labor market and in the domestic sphere. In three empirical chapters, this dissertation illustrates the relevance of care work for the labor market participation of women and men, as well as the role of companies in the effort to reconcile work and family responsibilities. In the first paper, this dissertation asks about the role of housework and care and its distribution in the couple for the labor market participation of women and men. The analysis uses data from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) from 2001-2017 on time use for various household chores as well as childcare and eldercare. First-difference instrumental variable regressions (FD-IV) are estimated to best approximate a causal identification. The second paper examines fathers’ reasons against taking (longer) parental leave. Building on this, a mixed-methods research design is used to investigate which firm-level determinants explain (longer) parental leave use by men and women. Furthermore, it analyzes whether, and in which company contexts, men and women experience perceived career setbacks after taking parental leave. The database is qualitative and quantitative data from a supplementary survey to the AID:A II. The third paper investigates the question of the relationship between working from home and work-family conflicts. Specifically, it analyzes whether there are differences according to corporate culture. Based on the LPP-ADIAB, multilevel regressions with occupation fixed effects are estimated separately for men and women. Overall, the dissertation demonstrates gender-specific differences in the challenge of reconciling gainful employment and private obligations. In addition, it points out the necessity of political reforms and the need for action, but also the potential for companies to shape these changes.

施設介護労働者の職場定着策の在り方に関する研究 : 介護職員のキャリアと人材育成の視点から / シセツ カイゴ ロウドウシャ ノ ショクバ テイチャクサク ノ アリカタ ニカンスル ケンキュウ : カイゴ ショクイン ノ キャリア ト ジンザイ イクセイ ノ シテン カラ

中井 良育, Yoshiyasu Nakai 21 March 2018 (has links)
本研究は、介護労働者の職場定着のあり方について、就業前から就業後にかけての職業キャリアに着目しながら分析し、主に教育・研修等の人材育成の視点から実証的に考察した。検証の結果、労働環境の整備、教育機関との連携、介護の社会的意義等の理解促進等の人材確保策、職業キャリアに着目した労働条件の改善とメンタルヘルス対策及び能力等に対する目標設定と評価基準の導入、並びに職員への教育や指導で生じる負担軽減等の職場定着策、コミュニケーション能力向上を目的とした教育・研修及び非正規職員への教育・研修、並びに実施した研修・講習の効果測定等の人材確保策を提起した。 / 博士(政策科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Ways in which child and youth care workers support child-headed households in communities

Thumbadoo, Zenuella Sugantha 31 January 2013 (has links)
The qualitative research approach, applying an explorative, descriptive and contextual strategy of enquiry was used to address the research question formulated, - How do child and youth care workers support child-headed households in the community? In this process the needs, relationships, interactions and encounters which occur between child and youth care workers and young people in child-headed households are described. The research was conducted with children from two child-headed households (12 children in all) and three community child and youth care workers from the Isibindi project in the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal. The findings confirm that the integration of child and youth care work characteristics in the daily life events of the children, contributed to services to children that are therapeutically caring, reclaiming and reflective of the African spirit of Ubuntu – demonstrating a relevant and unique South African expression of child and youth care practice. / Sociology / M. Tech. (Child and Youth Care)

Ways in which child and youth care workers support child-headed households in communities

Thumbadoo, Zenuella Sugantha 31 January 2013 (has links)
The qualitative research approach, applying an explorative, descriptive and contextual strategy of enquiry was used to address the research question formulated, - How do child and youth care workers support child-headed households in the community? In this process the needs, relationships, interactions and encounters which occur between child and youth care workers and young people in child-headed households are described. The research was conducted with children from two child-headed households (12 children in all) and three community child and youth care workers from the Isibindi project in the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal. The findings confirm that the integration of child and youth care work characteristics in the daily life events of the children, contributed to services to children that are therapeutically caring, reclaiming and reflective of the African spirit of Ubuntu – demonstrating a relevant and unique South African expression of child and youth care practice. / Sociology / M. Tech. (Child and Youth Care)

Palabras femeninas que nombran la injusticia en los cuidados familiares

Yago Alonso, Carmen 19 September 2009 (has links)
Esta tesis se inscribe en una trayectoria de pensamiento libre de la diferencia sexual para nombrar en femenino la injusticia. Estudia específicamente lo negativo que encierra la creación y la gestión de la casa, el trabajo, el matrimonio y la maternidad. Teniendo en cuenta la teoría psicosocial sobre la percepción de injusticia y siguiendo la necesidad de ampliar el conocimiento de la justicia, la investigación profundiza en la representación de la injusticia en lengua materna. Participan 95 mujeres de la Región de Murcia narrando el trabajo y los cuidados en el ámbito doméstico y familiar. Se han utilizado varias metodologías y teorías de investigación: teoría feminista, teoría basada en los datos y psicología discursiva. La hipótesis de trabajo principal es que las palabras de las mujeres trascienden el sentido corriente de la injusticia de un modo inaudito. Los resultados re-significan los denominados paradigmas populares de la justicia. / The present study focuses on the meaning of injustice for women from the thinking of sexual difference. The negative about household labor is studied. In response to psychosocial theory on the perception of injustice and to continue with justice knowledge, this research explores the representation of injustice for 95 women from Region of Murcia. These female participants were invited to narrate work and care in their families. It have been used several research methodologies and theories: feminist theory, Grounded theory and discursive psychology. The strongest support is for the hypothesis that suggests that women's words transcend the ordinary sense of injustice in a way unheard of. Findings give a new meaning of justice for social sciences.

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