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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo clínico-qualitativo da dinâmica psíquica de pessoas com lombalgia crônica por artrose facetária / Clinical and qualitative study psychological dynamic of people with chronic low back pain by facet arthrosis

Barbara Subtil de Paula 17 July 2015 (has links)
A dor é uma experiência emocional e sensorial desagradável, associada ao dano real ou potencial de alguma região do corpo. Segundo a International Association for the Study of Pain, ela é sempre subjetiva, pois sua percepção é aprendida com a vivência pessoal de cada indivíduo. A lombalgia atinge cerca de 80% da população adulta e sua cronicidade pode estar relacionada com diversos fatores. Objetivou-se compreender a dinâmica psíquica das pessoas com lombalgia crônica por artrose facetária selecionadas para o estudo, partindo da perspectiva da psicossomática (campo de conhecimento que trabalha na interface entre os aspectos mentais, físicos e sociais) em uma compreensão biopsicossocial. Constitui-se em uma pesquisa descritiva de caráter clínico-qualitativo. Como método, foram definidas duas frentes de trabalho: revisão bibliográfica e estudo de campo. Na primeira realizou-se revisão bibliográfica acerca do tema dor e psicologia. A base de dados utilizada foi Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS-PSI). Levantou-se todo tipo de publicação através de uma terminologia padronizada no site BVS-PSI. Foram mantidas para análise de conteúdo do texto completo as publicações que fizeram referência à dor crônica lombar e que apontarem presença de psicologia, personalidade e/ou dinâmica psíquica no título ou no resumo. Na segunda etapa foi formulada avaliação psicológica de 6 pessoas, 3 do sexo feminino e 3 do sexo masculino, com idade de 20 a 60 anos, sendo que todos possuíam diagnóstico de lombalgia crônica devido a artrose facetária. Foram realizadas, nesta ordem, entrevista clínica semi-dirigida, Escala Visual de Dor (EVA) e Teste de Apercepção Temática (TAT). A partir d levantamento bibliográfico constatou-se que nenhuma pesquisa desenvolveu descrição detalhada da psicodinâmica de pacientes com dor lombar crônica. Cada participante apresentou dinâmica psíquica única, dando sentido a sua dor e ao seu tratamento a partir de sua experiência peculiar. No entanto, a dor foi percebida pelos participantes como um sinal de que eles têm limites. A relação estabelecida pelos participantes com sua dor e com seu tratamento esta diretamente relacionada com o modo como lidam com a vida. Conclui-se que tanto a dor lombar por artrose facetária altera a subjetividade e a objetividade da vida dos participantes da pesquisa, como o modo como lidam com a vida interfere em sua dor e tratamento. Compreender a dinâmica destes pacientes pode auxiliar no manejo de tratamentos mais eficazes. Por este motivo destaca-se a necessidade de olhar para o ser humano acometido pela dor, e não somente para a dor que acomete o ser humano. Propõe-se que mais pesquisas sejam realizadas a partir desta compreensão, o que implicará uma clinica preocupada com o ser humano em seu complexo funcionamento / Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential damage of any region of the body. According to the International Association for the Study of Pain, it is always subjective, once its perception is learned through personal experience of each individual. Low back pain affects about 80% of the adult population and its chronicity may be related to several factors. This study aimed to understand the psychological dynamic of the selected people with chronic low back pain by facet arthrosis, from the perspective of psychosomatic (field of knowledge working at the interface between the mental, physical and social aspects) in a biopsychosocial understanding. This is a descriptive research using clinical and qualitative approach. The methodology used was literature review and field study. The literature review was held on the subjects of pain and psychology. The database used was the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS-PSI). Every type of publication was raised through a standardized terminology in BVS-PSI website. For full-text content analysis the publications were selected if they had reference to chronic low back pain and the presence of the terms psychology, personality and /or psychic dynamics on the title or abstract. In the second stage of the study, the psychological evaluations of 6 people, 3 females and 3 males were done. They aged 20-60 years, and all had been diagnosed with chronic low back pain due to facet arthrosis. Then, it was carried out, in order, the semi-directed clinical interview, the Pain Visual Scale (VAS) and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). From the literature it was found that no research has developed detailed description of the psychodynamics of patients with chronic low back pain. Each participant had unique psychic dynamics, and they gave meaning to pain and treatment from their peculiar experience. However, the pain was perceived by participants as a sign that they have limits. The relationship established by the participants with their pain and its treatment is directly related to the way they deal with life. We concluded that both the low back pain by facet arthrosis changes the subjectivity and objectivity of the participants life, so do the way they deal with life interferes on their pain and treatment. The understanding of the dynamics of these patients may help the management of more effective treatments. Therefore there is the need to look at the human being affected by pain, not only at the pain that affects the human being. It is proposed that more research is done on this understanding, which will lead to a clinical practice that is concerned about the human being on his complex operation

Gênero: representação cognitiva e enfrentamento da dor central decorrente de acidente vascular encefálico / Gender: cognitive representation and coping with central post-stroke pain

Mariana Nogueira 11 March 2011 (has links)
A dor central decorrente de acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) por ser intensa e persistente, gera repercussões físicas, sociais, psicológicas e financeiras. Foram evidenciadas diferenças de gênero quanto aos aspectos sensoriais, fisiológicos, afetivos, sociais, culturais, cognitivos e comportamentais relacionados à dor. No entanto, há poucas pesquisas sobre gênero e dor e não existe consenso sobre diferenças entre homens e mulheres quanto à representação cognitiva e processos de enfrentamento da dor. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram: identificar e comparar os processos de enfrentamento de homens e mulheres com dor central decorrente de AVE; averiguar e comparar as representações cognitivas que homens e mulheres têm da sua dor e relacionar representações cognitivas e enfrentamento da dor. Foi realizada no Centro de Dor da Divisão de Clínica Neurológica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Participaram do estudo 50 sujeitos, sendo 25 homens e 25 mulheres com dor central causada por AVE isquêmico ou hemorrágico, com duração de pelo menos 3 meses, idade igual ou superior a 30 anos e escolaridade mínima de 4 anos. Foram excluídos indivíduos com déficits cognitivos, de linguagem e com presença de sintomas psicóticos. Os sujeitos responderam um inquérito sobre dados demográficos e clínicos, Escala Visual Analógica (EVA), Escala Modos de Enfrentamento de Problemas (EMEP), uma pergunta aberta pertencente à EMEP, Questionário de Percepção da Doença Revisado (QPD-R) e Inventário de Depressão de Beck (IDB). Dos 50 sujeitos, 20 (10 homens e 10 mulheres) foram sorteados aleatoriamente para participar de entrevista semi-dirigida e do Procedimento Desenho-Estória com Tema. A estratégia Distrair a Atenção foi referida como a mais utilizada pelos sujeitos de ambos os grupos; as mulheres revelaram utilizar mais do que os homens as estratégias Busca de Práticas Religiosas e Pensamentos Fantasiosos da EMEP e Realizar Práticas Espirituais e Religiosas da questão aberta da EMEP; utilizar número maior de estratégias de enfrentamento em relação aos homens; associar mais do que os homens o Estado Emocional como causa da dor no QPD-R e o Fator Emocional como causa da dor na entrevista semi-dirigida. Verificou-se relação entre associar o Fator Emocional como causa da dor e utilizar a estratégia de enfrentamento Controlar as Emoções, perceber fatores internos como causa da dor e usar estratégias de enfrentamento Centradas na Emoção e referir aumento da intensidade da dor e utilizar estratégias de enfrentamento Centradas na Emoção. Os resultados apresentados podem contribuir para o tratamento de indivíduos com dor crônica / The central post-stroke pain is intense and constant and is a great physical, social, psychological and financial burden. Gender differences in relation to the sensory, physiological, emotional, social, cultural, cognitive and behavioral aspects involved in pain were evidenced. There are few researches about gender and pain and there is no consensus on men and women differences in cognitive representation and coping of pain processes. The research objectives were: identify and compare the coping processes of men and women with central post-stroke pain, investigate and compare the cognitive representations that men and women have of their pain and relate cognitive representations and coping of pain. It was performed at the Pain Center of Clinical Neurology Division, Hospital das Clínicas, School of Medicine, University of São Paulo. Participated in the study 50 subjects, 25 men and 25 women, with central pain caused by ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke at least 3 months, age equal or superior of 30 years old and a minimum 4 year basic schooling. Individuals with cognitive or language deficit or with the presence of psychotic symptoms were excluded of the research. The subjects answered to a survey about demographic and clinical data, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Ways of Coping with Problems Scale (WCPS), open question that belongs to the WCPS, Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Twenty (10 men and 10 women) of the 50 subjects were randomly selected to participate in a semi-directed interview and the Drawing-and-Story Procedure with Theme. The strategy to Distract Attention was more used by the subjects in both groups. The women indicated use more than men the strategies Search for Religious Practices and Fantasized Thoughts of the WCPS and Held Spiritual and Religious Activities in the open question of WCPS; used a greater number of coping strategies compared to men; associated more than men the Emotional State as the cause of pain in IPQ-R and the Emotional Factor as a cause of pain in the semi-directed interview. There was relationship between Emotional Factors associated as a cause of pain and use the Control Emotions coping strategy; realize internal factors as the cause of pain and use Emotional-Centered coping strategies and noted an increase of pain intensity and use Emotional-Centered coping strategies. The results can contribute to the treatment of patients with chronic pain

Dor facial crônica e sua associação com morbidades odontológicas e sistêmicas / Chronic facial pain and its association with dental and systemic comorbidities

Mariana Yumi Takahashi Puerta 18 May 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Dor facial crônica abrange várias condições que podem se apresentar isoladas ou concomitantes, cujas evidências têm apontado para o impacto local e na saúde como um todo. Morbidades odontológicas e sistêmicas podem estar presentes nesses indivíduos e afetar a sensibilidade álgica. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar doentes com dor facial crônica quanto à prevalência e perfil de morbidades odontológicas e sistêmicas, em comparação com indivíduos sem dor facial. MÉTODOS: Cento e sessenta e quatro pacientes do ambulatório de Dor Neuropática Orofacial do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, com idade média de 57,7±15,75 anos, e 133 indivíduos-controles sem queixas de dor, com idade média de 49,83±22,55 anos, foram selecionados. Foram avaliadas as características clínicas e funcionais orofaciais e o histórico médico prévio, sendo utilizado um protocolo de avaliação sensitiva superficial que incluiu as seguintes modalidades: percepção mecânica (táctil e vibratória), percepção térmica (frio e calor), percepção álgica (superficial e profunda), percepção à estimulação elétrica, sensibilidade gustativa (doce, azedo, amargo e salgado) e limiar olfativo. Para a tabulação, os doentes foram divididos em dois subgrupos (dor facial neuropática e dor facial complexa). Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente considerando-se um nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Houve maior prevalência de doenças gastrointestinais, respiratórias e psiquiátricas no grupo de dor facial complexa quando comparado aos outros dois grupos estudados (dor facial neuropática e controle) (p < 0,033, p < 0,014 e p < 0,001, respectivamente). A prevalência de ausências dentárias foi maior nos indivíduos com dor neuropática (49,2%) quando comparados ao grupo de dor complexa (37,9%) e aos controles (30,1%). Estes últimos apresentaram mais cáries do que os doentes com dor, enquanto que alterações mandibulares foram mais comuns nos grupos de doentes (p < 0,050). Os doentes com dor neuropática apresentaram mais bruxismo (p=0,005), e os diversos tratamentos odontológicos, fisioterápicos e cirúrgicos se associaram a alterações nos limiares sensitivos. Quanto às morbidades sistêmicas, houve maior prevalência de doenças cardiovasculares na maioria dos grupos de doentes, sendo que tanto estas quanto os fármacos utilizados para seu tratamento também estavam relacionados principalmente a anormalidades sensitivas somestésicas e olfativas. CONCLUSÕES: A maior prevalência de morbidades em doentes com dor facial complexa parece relacionar-se com um caráter sindrômico e funcional dessas condições, sendo que a presença de morbidades se associou com a dor e com alterações sensitivas. O grupo de dor facial neuropática apresentou maior comprometimento funcional mandibular e perdas dentárias, sendo que estas se associaram a morbidades sistêmicas / INTRODUCTION: Chronic facial pain is a term that includes several conditions that might be present isolated or concomitant. The evidences have suggested an impact in general health and dental or systemic comorbidities can be found in these patients affecting their sensory pain perception. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate patients with chronic facial pain about the prevalence and profile of general and local oral conditions in comparison to subjects with no facial pain complaint. METHODS: Hundred-sixty-four patients from the Neuropathic Facial Pain Clinic of Hospital das Clínicas of the Medical School of the University of São Paulo, with mean age of 57.7±15.75 years old, and 133 control subjects with no pain complaints, with mean age of 49.83±22.55 years old, were selected. The evaluation protocol included: clinical and functional orofacial characteristics, previous medical history and sensory evaluation of the following modalities: mechanical (tactile and vibratory), thermal (cold and warm), pain (superficial and deep), electric stimulation, gustative (sweet, sour, bitter and salty) and olfactory thresholds. The patients were divided into two subgroups (neuropathic facial pain and complex facial pain). Data were statistically analyzed considering a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: The prevalence of gastrointestinal, respiratory and psychiatric diseases was higher in the group of patients with complex facial pain compared to the other groups (p < 0.033, p < 0.014 e p < 0.001, respectively). The frequency of dental absences was higher in patients with neuropathic pain (49,2%) when compared to complex facial pain (37,9%) and controls (30,1%). The controls had more decays that the patients, while mandibular masticatory abnormalities were more frequent among the patients (p < 0.50). Neuropathic facial patients had more bruxism (p=0.005) and the common dental, physiotherapic and surgical treatments were associated with abnormalities in sensory thresholds. Cardiovascular disease was the most common morbidity, and systemic conditions as well as the medication to treat them were associated with abnormalities in somatosensory and olfactory thresholds, mainly. CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of morbidities in patients with complex facial pain seems to be associated with a syndromic and functional aspect of these conditions; the frequency of systemic morbidities and pain were associated with sensory abnormalities. Patients with neuropathic facial pain had more mandibular function complications and teeth losses, which were associated with systemic morbidities

A Comparison of the MMPI, Faschingbauer's Abbreviated MMPI and the MMPI-168 with Selected Medical Patients and Medical School Applicants

Martin-Cannici, Cynthia Elaine 05 1900 (has links)
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is often used for evaluating candidates for gastric bypass surgery, chronic pain patients, head trauma victims, and medical school applicants. However, due to the considerable time involved in completing and scoring the standard MMPI, researchers have attempted to devise short versions of this instrument to reduce the time required while providing similar results. In recent years, the Faschingbauer Abbreviated MMPI (FAM) and the MMPI-16 8 have been proposed as viable MMPI substitutes. The present study examined the comparability between profiles using these short versions of the MMPI with the patterns obtained using the entire measure. Participants consisted of equal numbers of gastric bypass candidates, chronic pain patients, head trauma victims, and medical school applicants. Scores on the FAM tended to be similar to scores on the complete MMPI for gastric bypass, chronic pain and head trauma patients. In contrast, the MMPI-16 8 yielded profiles which were similar to complete MMPI profiles with chronic pain and head trauma patients.

"MAN LEVER JU I EN KONTEXT " - En kvalitativ utvärdering av en ny modul inom smärtbehandling / "WE ALL EXIST WITHIN CONTEXT" -A qualitative evaluation of a new module in chronic pain therapy

Johansson, Emma, Kvartsberg, David January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Aspects psychologiques et sociaux de l'expérience de la douleur chronique / Psychological and social aspects of chronic pain experience

Laguette, Vanessa 01 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la compréhension de l'expérience de la douleur chronique à travers les rôles de facteurs psychosociaux : Douleur chronique comprise en tant que « douleur en situation » et socialement construite, et expérience de la douleur enracinée dans et par la vie sociale. L'expérience est ainsi fonction des significations et du sens que le sujet donne à ses situations de douleur, par l'importance des théories subjectives ou 'profanes' et des représentations sociales. De ce fait, la compréhension de l'expérience de la douleur nous amène à penser le rôle du savoir expérientiel des patients, et ainsi la place du « patient-expert » dans le système de soin. Nous explorons, par ailleurs, le fait que l'expérience, le sens donné à la douleur et le vécu auraient un lien avec la qualité de vie et la souffrance psychologique. Nos intérêts s'élargissent ainsi à la compréhension des déterminants de la qualité de vie et de la santé psychologique, notamment à travers le rôle du rapport au temps et des insertions sociales des patients. De façon plus élargie, cette thèse porte également sur les déterminants de la participation aux études longitudinales et à la prise en charge des patients au long court. En conséquence, nous inscrivons cette présente thèse dans un cadre pluriméthodologique avec des données quantitatives et discursives dans un objectif de triangulation. / Our research cover the comprehension of the experience of chronic pain through the role of psychosocial factors. These diseases are understood as "pain in situation" and socially constructed; their experience is related to and conditioned by social life. Experience becomes function of meanings and sense that patients give to their pain situations, by the importance of subjective and 'profane' theories, and social representations. Therefore, the understanding of pain experience leads us to question the role of patients' experiential knowledge and the position of the "expert patient" in the health care system. In addition, we explore the fact that the experience and the meaning gave to the pain may be related to quality of life and psychological suffering. Our interests thus broaden to include the understanding of quality of life and psychological health determinants, especially through the role of the relation to psychological time and patients' social insertions. More generally, we study the determinants of involvement in longitudinal studies and long-term patients care. Consequently, we incorporate our research interests within a multi-methodological framework using quantitative and discursive data to create triangulation

3-(4-Fluorofenilselenil)-2,5 difenilselenofeno produz ação do tipo-antidepressiva em diferentes modelos de depressão em camundongos / 2,5-Diphenyl-3-(4-fluorophenylseleno) selenophene produces antidepressant-like action in different models of depression in mice

Gai, Bibiana Mozzaquatro 11 March 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Selenophenes are a promising class of heterocyclic selenium-containing compounds presenting important pharmacological properties. Based on selenium well-described role on mood regulation and since depression is a serious and prevalent disease affecting a wide part of the world s population, the main aim of this work was to investigate de antidepressant-like action of 3-(organosseleno)-2,5-diphenyl-selenophenes in mice. The pharmacological effect of these compounds was analyzed by using different experimental models of depression and results were shown by three scientific articles. Firstly, results of Article 1 demonstrated the antidepressant-like action of five selenophene compounds. H-DPS, CH3-DPS, Cl-DPS, FDPS and CF3-DPS reduced the total immobility time of mice evaluated in the forced swimming test (FST), which seems to be related to their chemical structure. The antidepressant-like action of F-DPS was observed at lower doses than other selenophenes e involves the phosphorylation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinases (ERK), whose signaling pathway is commonly modulated by antidepressant drugs. Articles 2 and 3 investigated the pharmacological effect of F-DPS in mouse models of depression induced by both neuropathic pain and chronic corticosterone administration, respectively. Both the acute and subchronic treatments with F-DPS significantly reversed the depression-related behavior produced by partial sciatic nerve ligation (PSNL), whereas pain sensibility was only reduced after repeated treatment with this selenophene. Besides, repeated administration of the glucocorticoid hormone corticosterone induced behavior, endocrinal and neurochemical changes similar to those clinically observed in depression, which were also reversed by treatment of animals with F-DPS. Based on these data, the mechanisms of pharmacological action of this organoselenium compound seem to involve, at least in part, a modulation of glutamatergic and serotonergic systems, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis regulation and changes on neuronal pathways related to the synaptic plasticity. Together, the results shown in this thesis suggest the pharmacological properties of selenophene compounds, particularly F-DPS, as an interesting tool in the study and development of future therapies for depressive disorders. / Os selenofenos são uma classe de compostos heterocíclicos aromáticos com promissoras propriedades farmacológicas. Tendo em vista o importante papel do selênio na regulação do humor e a grande prevalência populacional das doenças depressivas, o principal objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a ação do tipo antidepressiva de 3-(organosseleno)-2,5-difenilselenofenos em camundongos. A fim de atender a este objetivo, o efeito farmacológico destes compostos foi analisado pelo uso de diferentes modelos experimentais de depressão e os resultados foram apresentados em três artigos científicos. Primeiramente, os resultados do Artigo 1 demonstraram a ação do tipo antidepressiva de cinco representantes da classe dos selenofenos. Os compostos H-DPS, CH3-DPS, Cl-DPS, F-DPS e CF3-DPS reduziram significantemente o tempo total de imobilidade de camundongos avaliados no teste do nado forçado (TNF), efeito este que parece estar relacionado às suas estruturas químicas. A ação do tipo antidepressiva do F-DPS foi observada em menores doses em comparação aos outros selenofenos e envolve a fosforilação da proteína quinase regulada por sinal extracelular (ERK), cuja via de sinalização é comumente modulada por drogas antidepressivas. Os Artigos 2 e 3 investigaram o efeito farmacológico do F-DPS em modelos crônicos de depressão induzida pela dor neuropática e pela administração crônica de corticosterona em camundongos, respectivamente. Tanto o tratamento agudo como o subcrônico com F-DPS reverteram significantemente o comportamento do tipo depressivo produzido pela ligação parcial do nervo ciático (LPNC), enquanto que a sensibilidade à dor foi reduzida somente após a terapia prolongada com este composto. Por sua vez, a administração repetida do hormônio glicocorticoide corticosterona induziu alterações comportamentais, endócrinas e neuroquímicas similares às observadas clinicamente na depressão e que também foram revertidas pelo tratamento dos animais com F-DPS. Com base nestes resultados, acredita-se que os mecanismos de ação farmacológica deste composto orgânico de selênio envolvam, pelo menos em parte, a modulação dos sistemas glutamatérgico e serotonérgico, a regulação da atividade do eixo hipotálamo-pituitária-adrenal (HPA) e modificações em vias neuronais relacionadas à plasticidade sináptica. Juntos os resultados apresentados nesta tese de doutorado sugerem que o estudo das propriedades farmacológicas de compostos selenofenos, particularmente do F-DPS, parece ser interessante no desenvolvimento de futuras terapias para o tratamento dos distúrbios neurológicos relacionados às doenças depressivas.

La méditation de Pleine Conscience pour la prise en charge de la souffrance émotionnelle associée à la douleur chronique : adaptation à des patients âgés douloureux chroniques / mindfulness meditation for treating emotional regulation in chronic pain older adults : adaptation for old patients

Decker, Emmanuelle 03 December 2015 (has links)
RésuméLes études cliniques et expérimentales ayant recours à la méditation de Pleine Conscience (PC) ont démontré l’efficacité de cette procédure dans l’amélioration de nombreuses manifestations psychopathologiques (anxiété, dépression), ainsi que dans la prise en charge des détresses émotionnelles provoquées par les pathologies chroniques (douleur, psoriasis). Ces prises en charge ciblent prioritairement les interactions dysfonctionnelles que le sujet initie et/ou perçoit avec les évènements internes et externes qu’il rencontre, et s’inscrivent donc dans la théorie des systèmes complexes. Cette théorie s’intéresse à l’entre rapport actif ou entre accordage (Abram, 1996) qui permet l’émergence d’une spécification mutuelle (Varela, 1993) du sujet et de son monde, et qui considère que le fait de jouer modifie les règles du jeu (Gleick, 2008).L’objectif de cette thèse est d’adapter un programme MBCT (mindfulness based cognitive therapy) pour une population de patients âgés douloureux chroniques, et d’évaluer sa faisabilité et son efficacité sur l’intensité douloureuse, la fonctionnalité et la régulation émotionnelle.L’adaptation proposée est attentive à la fois aux spécificités des personnes âgées qui manifestent une diminution de leurs ressources attentionnelles, mais aussi aux déterminants singuliers de ce type de programme qui entraine l’attention et la capacité à passer d’un mode opératoire discursif-analytique à un mode opératoire sensori-perceptif.Une des originalités de l’étude est d’adopter une méthode mixte, quantitative et qualitative, pour tester « si ça marche » et « comment ça marche » selon le sujet lui-même (Masson & Hargreaves, 2001).Les résultats rapportent que 86.1 % des participants ont complété le programme de 8 semaines et continuent à s’entrainer seuls trois mois après. Les résultats quantitatifs ont démontré des améliorations au niveau de l’intensité de la douleur, de la fonctionnalité avec la douleur, et une augmentation de l’utilisation des stratégies de régulation émotionnelle internes fonctionnelles qui demandent un effort volontaire conscient, et facilitent l’accomplissement des objectifs et du bien-être. Les résultats qualitatifs distinguent différents thèmes reflétant les effets bénéfiques du programme selon les participants. Le thème principal rapporté par tous les participants est « l’attention », elle-même liée à l’« apaisement émotionnel » et aussi très souvent à un changement graduel ou radical dans la relation avec les évènements et/ou une « autre vision ».L’adaptation du programme MBCT pour des personnes âgées souffrant de douleurs chroniques est donc faisable et efficace. Un des leviers thérapeutiques semble être l’entrainement attentionnel qui permet de développer une certaine qualité de l’état attentionnel. Cette qualité de l’attention faciliterait un ajustement plus écologique, reflété par l’apaisement émotionnel. / AbstractClinical and experimental studies using Meditation Mindfulness (MM) have demonstrated its effectiveness in improving many psychopathological symptoms (anxiety, depression), and emotional distress caused by chronic diseases (pain, psoriasis).These therapeutics primarily target the dysfunctional interactions initiated and/or perceived by the subject in relationship with internal and external events he encounters. They refer to the theory of complex systems, which focuses on adjustment and on emergence of mutual specification (Varela et al., 1993) between the subject and its environment, and think that playing changes the rules of the game (Gleick, 2008).The aim of this PhD research work is to adapt a MBCT (mindfulness based cognitive therapy) program for chronic pain older adults, and evaluate its feasibility and efficacy on pain intensity, function and emotional regulation.The proposed adjustment takes into account both the age related specificities on attentional resources, but also the program’s characteristics about training of attention and training to switch from linguistic-analytical to sensory-perceptual processing.One original feature of the study is the use of an integrated methodology, quantitative and qualitative, to test "if it works" and "how it works" as described by participants themselves (Masson & Hargreaves, 2001).The overall completion rate was 86.1 % at the end of the program (8 weeks) and the majority of participants continued to meditate at 3 months after the end of the program (3-month follow-up), suggesting that this intervention was feasible and acceptable in chronic pain older adults. Based on quantitative analyses results, the program appeared to have a beneficial effect on pain intensity, physical function and the internal and functional emotional regulation strategies. These specific strategies are those who require the greatest effort, need conscious voluntary process, facilitate the accomplishment of one’s goal and promote well-being. Based on qualitative analyses results, the main process involved in therapeutic change is the core theme “attention” always coupled with an “emotional appeasement”, and very often with “radical transformation” and “other vision”.This work demonstrates that an adapted MBCT program is feasible in CP older adults. The core theme “attention” seems to be the therapeutic lever of the adapted MBCT in CP older adults. The attentional training would enable to develop an attentional quality, allowing for ecological adaptation and reflected by emotional appeasement.

Long-term perspectives on musculoskeletal pain : Health care utilization and integration of behavioral medicine treatment into physical therapy

Emilson, Christina January 2017 (has links)
There are currently no effective methods for treating and preventing chronic pain. The aim of this thesis was to study prognostic factors for health care utilization, and the long-term outcomes of tailored behavioral medicine treatment for patients with musculoskeletal pain. Another aim was to increase knowledge about physical therapists’ assessment and analysis of patients’ pain conditions and to investigate the potential of subgrouping patients based on prognostic factors. Methods: In Study I, a prospective population-based cohort was followed over 21 years. Data from three measure points were analyzed: 1995 (n=2425), 2007 (n=1582) and 2016 (n=1184). Study II was a 10-year follow-up of randomized controlled trial (n=97), comparing tailored behavioral medicine treatment and exercise-based physical therapy. In Study III, a descriptive and explorative design was applied, using data from video-recordings of 12 physical therapists. In study IV, assignment to three subgroups based on the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire was validated against reference instruments, and the stability between two points of measurement was investigated in patients (n=40) who were seeking primary health care due to musculoskeletal pain. Results: Chronic pain, female gender and high age predict high health care utilization over 21 years, and a trajectory of stable high health care utilization over the entire period. The differences between groups in favor for tailored behavioral medicine treatment reported at post-treatment and after two years, were not maintained at the 10-year follow-up. A majority of the physical therapists assessed factors for poor prognosis. The analyses were mainly based on biomedical assessments and none of the physical therapists included behavioral factors. Subgroup assignment according to the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire appears to be valid and stable over time. Conclusion: Prognostic factors such as chronic pain and female gender need to be considered when allocating health care resources and planning treatment to improve long-term outcomes. The treatment should also be tailored based on individual functional behavioral analyses of key behaviors and on patient´s biomedical and psychosocial condition, including strategies for maintenance of behavioral changes. Evidence-based methods for integrating behavioral medicine treatment into physical therapy need to be further evaluated and improved.

Långvarig smärta efter cancerbehandling - En litteraturöversikt / Chronic pain after cancer treatment - A systematic review

Aronsson, Jennifer, Grandin, Simone January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Cancer ökar bland befolkningen och det i sin tur kan leda till ökade komplikationer av behandling och cancersjukdomen i sig såsom långvarig smärta. Patientens upplevelse är inte alltid att vårdpersonalen ser smärtproblematiken som kan uppstå. Sjuksköterskan ska arbeta för att lindra lidande, vilket smärta är del av. Lidande en unik upplevelse som ser olika ut för varje individ. Då lidande kan komma av den totala livssituationen behöver sjuksköterskan en ökad förståelse för att kunna uppfylla sitt ansvar. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att sammanställa forskning om långvarig smärta efter cancerbehandling. Metod: En integrativ litteraturöversikt med 11 artiklar. Resultat: Två huvudteman identifierades, dagligt liv och livskvalitet, samt sex underteman om hur långvarig smärta inverkar på följande; fysiska aktiviteter, dagliga aktiviteter, arbetslivet, läkemedelsanvändning, generell hälsa och sexlivet. Slutsats: Många patienter upplevde en negativ påverkan på det dagliga livet med både psykiska, fysiska och sociala dimensioner. Patienterna upplevde att arbete, fysisk aktivitet samt att dagliga sysslor blev begränsade på grund av den långvariga smärtan. Hur stor påverkan patienterna fick på de olika dimensionerna tycks ha en koppling till vilken cancerform och behandling patienterna fick. / Background: Cancer is increasing among the population, which can lead to an increased number of complications as chronic pain, not only from the cancer treatment but from the disease itself. Patients have also been found to feel that their pain problems are not taken seriously by the healthcare professionals. The nurses should work to relieve any suffering which is caused by pain. Suffering is a unique experience that is different for everyone. As suffering may be due to the overall life situation, the nurses need a greater understanding of the situation in order to fulfill their responsibilities. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to compile research on chronic pain after cancer treatment. Method: An integrative literature review with 11 included articles. Result: Two main themes were identified; daily life and quality of life, and six subthemes regarding how the chronic pain influences and impacts the following; physical activities, daily activities, the professional life, drug use, general wellbeing, and sex life. Conclusion: Many patients experienced a negative impact on their daily life in both mental, physical and social dimensions. Patients felt that work, physical activity and daily tasks were limited due to the chronic pain. This varied in all aspects depending on the type of cancer and which treatment the patients received.

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