Spelling suggestions: "subject:"clothes"" "subject:"soothes""
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En attitydundersökning : Konsumenters inställning till att hyra kläder och köpa second hand / An attitude survey : Consumers’ attitude to renting clothes and buying secondhandLjungberg, Mathilda, Åqvist Mårtensson, Emma, Paulsson, Fanny January 2021 (has links)
Dagens konsumenter blir allt mer uppmärksammade på modeindustrins konsekvenser för miljön. Samtidigt har intresset för kollaborativ konsumtion ökat under de senaste åren och kan ses som ett alternativt till en mer hållbar konsumtion. Att handla kläder second hand samt att hyra kläder ingår under kategorin kollaborativ klädkonsumtion. Studiens syfte är att undersöka konsumenters attityder till kollaborativ konsumtion genom att handla second hand respektive hyra kläder. Genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer riktat till personer som någon gång handlat second hand ämnade studien få en djupare förståelse kring deras attityder gentemot secondhand respektive att hyra kläder. Sammanfattningsvis kom studien fram till att attityden till de båda kollaborativa tjänsterna skiljer sig åt och att uthyrningstjänster inte kan applicera samma logik som second hand. / Today's consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the fashion industry's consequences for the environment. At the same time, interest in collaborative consumption has increased in recent years and can be seen as an alternative to a more sustainable consumption. Shopping for second-hand clothes and renting clothes are included in the category of collaborative clothing consumption. The purpose of the study is to investigate consumers' attitudes to collaborative consumption by buying second-hand and renting clothes. Through qualitative semi-structured interviews aimed at people who have shopped second-hand, the study intended to gain a deeper understanding of their attitudes towards second-hand and renting clothes. In summary, the study concluded that the attitude to the two collaborative services differs and that rental services cannot apply the same logic as secondhand.
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Elaboración de prendas para bebés - Baby Moda ShopFlores Luján, Darwin, Medina Marin, Anne Vereniz, Mendoza Cardenas, Helen, Vargas Cancho, Liliana, Vilca Caycho, Laura Gabriela 19 July 2021 (has links)
Nuestro proyecto de negocio llamado Baby Moda Shop se realizó pensando en las necesidades del consumidor, pues actualmente los clientes de ropa para bebé valoran la calidad del producto, así como el diseño de las prendas. Además, se ha determinado la necesidad de aquellos padres que buscan vestir a sus pequeños de manera rápida y práctica. Por ello, ofrecemos un producto con estos tres atributos que son valorados por los padres, pues nuestras prendas están confeccionadas para bebés de 0 a 12 meses, por lo que usamos como tela el algodón pima. Asimismo, ofrecemos los diseños de calidad y el valor agregado de utilizar los broches imantados para facilitar el cambio y darle una mayor practicidad al vestir a los bebés.
Nuestro local estará ubicado en el distrito de Surco, Lima, estaremos enfocados a los NSE A, B y C, nuestra fuente de ingreso será la venta de ropa para bebés y para ello trabajaremos con un plan de marketing que nos permita lograr posicionamiento en el mercado objetivo, por medio de publicidad en redes sociales, influencers y página web. / Our business project named "Baby Moda Shop" was made thinking in consumer´s needs, because nowadays baby clothing costumers highly value the product quality as well as the clothing design. Furthermore, have been seen the necessity of parents, who seek to dress their children in a simple and fast way. That’s why, we offer a product with these three benefits that parents cares, our clothing are made for babies for zero to twelve months, so we use Pima cotton fabrics. In addition, we offer quality designs and the value added of using magnetic brooches to make it easier changing clothes and give more practicality when to dress babies.
Our main Store will be in Surco, Lima; we are going to focus on NSE A, B and C, our incomes are going to be the sales of baby clothing therefore we are working with a marketing plan that allows us to positioned in the market target, using social media advertising, influencers, and a web page. / Trabajo de investigación
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Klädkoden inom teckenspårkstolkning : Tolkars professionella garderob / The dress code in sign language interpretationEricsson, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Teckenspråkstolkar hanterar till vardags olika typer av tolkuppdrag, till exempel möten på arbetsplatser, offentliga uppdrag på scen, i utbildningssammanhang eller hos tandläkaren. Syftet är alltid detsamma, nämligen att möjliggöra kommunikation mellan personer som inte delar samma språk. Situationernavarierar dock och kan äga rum i alla tänkbara kontexter i livet, från vaggan till graven. Det ingår i tolkensprofession att anpassa sig till situationen. Det handlar både om en språklig och kulturell anpassning och en anpassning av sitt yttre för att inte vara ett störningsmoment för de närvarande parterna under uppdraget. Kläderna är en viktig del inom tolkning eftersom teckenspråket är visuellt baserat och mottagaren uppfattar språket via synen. Den här studien fokuserar på yrkesverksamma teckenspråkstolkars uppfattning om klädkoden inom professionen samt hur klädvalet anpassas efter uppdragen. I uppsatsen genomfördes sju kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer för detta ändamål. Analysen visar att det förekommer anpassningar ifråga om vad tolkar väljer att ta på sig beroende på vilken typ av uppdrag som står på agendan. Det kan handla både om att vara praktiskt klädd inför uppdrag och att signalera professionalitet till omgivningen. Klädkoden inom tolkkåren är en oskriven regel som alla känner till och följer, men som inte är specifikt uttalad när man väl är klar med utbildningen. Samtidigt uppger flera tolkar om att de inom ramen för den rådande klädkoden ändå på kreativa sätt kan variera sin klädsel och markera sin personliga identitet. / Sign language interpreters handle different types of interpreting assignments with regards to work-related situations such as meetings at workplaces, public assignments on stage, in educational contexts, or at the dentist. The purpose is always the same, to enable communication between people who do not share a language. Situations, however, vary greatly and can occur in all conceivable contexts in life from the cradle to the grave. A part of the interpreter's profession is to adapt to these situations. It includes linguistic and cultural adaptation, as well as adaptation of the interpreter’s appearance in order to not interfere with the parties involved in the assignment. Clothing is an important part of interpretation as the sign language is visual and the recipients understand the language through signs. This study focuses on the professional sign language interpreter’s perception of the dress code in the profession and how the choice of clothing is adapted to the assignments. The study conducted seven qualitative research interviews for this purpose. The analysis shows that there are adjustments in terms of what interpreters choose to wear, which depend on the type of assignment, to be both practically dressed and to signal professionalism in the environment. This dress code within the interpreting corps is an unwritten rule that everyone knows and follows, but which is not specifically stated once the education is completed. At the same time, several interpreters state that within the framework of the prevailing dress code, they can still creatively vary their attire and mark their personal identity.
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Queer sensibility as an aesthetic of inclusion: How non-demographic designers are challenging fashion normsSpirina, Mariia 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Výpočty proudění a přenosu tepla pro optimalizaci konstrukce bubnové sušičky prádla / Computations of fluid flow and heat transfer for design optimization of tumble clothes dryerČermák, Martin January 2013 (has links)
V rámci této práce byla provedena komplexní analýza elektricky vyhřívané bubnové sušičky prádla s cílem identifikovat možnosti optimalizace její konstrukce vedoucí ke zlepšení přestupu tepla. Pro řešení byl zvolen postup využívající výpočtovou dynamiku tekutin (CFD). K dosažení dostatečně detailního popisu zadaného problému byl využit komerční software Fluent společně se speciálně vyvinutým modelem přenosu tepla.
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"Odívání socialistického těla: Expertní výzkum konfekce a státní somatometrické politiky v ČSR v letech 1948-1953" / Sizing issues and anthropometric studies in mass-production of clothing in Czechoslovakia (1948-1953)Foglová, Alena January 2019 (has links)
The construction of the Czechoslovakian socialist state was accompanied by numerous social projects, through which the communist dictatorship strived to influence even the most ordinary aspects of everyday lives of its citizens. The mass production of the off-the-peg clothes, which was subject to the state scientific research, was characteristic of the clothing industry after the year 1948. As a result, extensive somatometric projects were run on the Czechoslovakian territory (ADAGO, GOLIÁŠ, DEKOLT I-III). Their purpose was to map the population sizes, create a unified clothes size scale and develop a new methodology for cut structure. Simultaneously with this research, discussions about the ideal fashion canon, which would reflect the socialist ideology, also took place. The thesis analyses the clothing expert discourse of the period in a broader context and takes into account its informative value with regard to the period's conceptions of clothing, corporality, and fashion. Key words socialist dictatorship, socialist ideology, clothing industry, off-the-peg clothes, somatometry, clothing research, anthropometry, expert discourse
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VETT. : Alternative methods of extending the life of textilesIpsen, Ebba January 2022 (has links)
In my master’s degree project in Design at Konstfack, completed and presented during the spring semester of 2022, I combine three of my competencies: Applied knowledge in industrial design, textile and pattern construction and textile materials science. The project was carried out in contact with many different actors, in the industrial design field as well as the textile field. 92% of the garments we wash, we wash unnecessarily. Many garments are washed after just one use. Washing less reduces the wear and tear of the fabric. If we extend the life of the garment by one year, we can reduce our carbon footprint by 25%. Sweat is one of the main reasons why we wash, although the whole fabric does not need to be cleaned. Based on the collected user data, the armpit was identified as one of the primary problem areas. I am developing an absorbent patch for the armpit. This product consists of circular textile materials, in symbiosis with function and shape. The product’s imprint is traceable, as well as transparent in manufacturing. With this absorbing patch, I want to contribute to a sustainable change in the fast-fashion industry by affecting design thinking, demand and consumerism. This project focuses on how we can practice washing less, by identifying behavior patterns, material research in textiles and circular design in product development. Last but not least it is a close study of a product category and how it can be developed. Hence the title: VETT. - “common sense”.
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Avlagda kläder - avfall eller resurs? : En enkätundersökning om hur studenter motiverar sin användning av olika klädavfallsmetoder / Garment lifecycle - to end or extend? : A survey of how Swedish students motivate the disposal of their unwanted clothingLindén, Felicia, Svensson, Madelene January 2022 (has links)
Under de senaste två decennierna har konsumtionen av nyproducerade kläder ökat med närmare 30 procent per person i Sverige. Den ökade konsumtionen har medfört att individers klädavfall blivit mer omfattande och många gånger slängs klädesplagg som fortfarande kan användas i hushållets restavfall även om andra alternativ är bättre. Med utgångspunkt i detta och tidigare forskning som visar att unga människor är en högkonsumerande grupp undersöker föreliggande studie hur studenter vid Jönköping University som är bosatta i Jönköpings kommun hanterar sitt klädavfall. Med en webbaserad enkätundersökning samlades data in för att ta reda på vilka av klädavfallsmetoderna secondhand, textilåtervinning, återförsäljning, ge till familj och/eller vänner och restavfall som målgruppen använder samt vad som motiverar deras val att använda dessa klädavfallsmetoder. Genom att utgå från teorin om bunden rationalitet och tematiskt analysera svaren på enkätens öppna frågor visar resultatet hos studiens 73 respondenter att valet av klädavfallsmetod är komplext och i många fall begränsas av omständigheter. Sådana omständigheter beskrivs av studiens respondenter som bland annat brist på tillgänglighet, tid och information. Resultatet visar också att valet av klädavfallsmetod många gånger inte enbart handlar om att göra sig av med sitt klädavfall på ett smidigt sätt. För vissa fungerar klädavfallsmetoderna även som ett sätt att generera extra intäkter eller för att hjälpa andra människor. En kunskap om och förståelse för varför klädavfallsflödena ser ut som de gör kan vara behjälpligt för såväl regeringar som kommuner i pågående arbete för ett mer cirkulärt samhälle. Senast januari 2025 ska nämligen alla EU:s medlemsländer uppfylla direktivet 2018/851 om avfall som bland annat innefattar krav på separat insamling av textilier. / Over the past two decades, the consumption of new clothing has increased by almost 30 percent per person in Sweden, which has also caused individual's clothing waste to become more extensive. Clothes that are still wearable is often disposed of in the household's residual waste. With this in mind, and with previous research showing that young people are considered a high- consuming group, this study aim to investigate how students at Jönköping University, who live in Jönköping municipality, handle their clothing waste. The empirical data was retrieved with a web-based survey to investigate which of the clothing disposal methods secondhand, textile recycling, private resale, giving to family and/or friends, and residual waste that are used by the target group and how they justify their choice of clothing disposal method. Through a thematic analysis of the open-ended questions in the survey, as well as through using the theory of bounded rationality, the results show that the choice of clothing disposal method is complex since it many times is limited by circumstances. Among the study’s 73 respondents, such circumstances turned out to be, among other things, a lack of accessibility, time, and information. Furthermore, the result shows that for some of the respondents the choice of clothing disposal method is not solely about getting rid of the clothes in a comfortable way. For some, clothing disposal is also about earning some extra money or about helping others. Knowledge and understanding of why clothing waste is handled the way it is and ends up where it ends up can be helpful for governments as well as for municipalities in their ongoing work for a more circular society. By January 2025, all EU member states must comply with the EU Directive 2018/851 on waste which among other things targets the need for a separate collection of textiles.
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Vilken karaktär väljer du? : Karaktärsval i digitala spel och klädernas roll / Which character do you choose? : Character choices in digital games and the role of clothesSvensell, Elin, Öberg, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
In this study we look at character choices in digital games, what causes them and more specifically how big of an impact the character’s clothing has on this choice, and how this differs between genders. Further, we also look at differences in how partially nude characters are perceived versus fully clothed characters, as well as how all of this affects the player's user experience. With this in mind, we also want to know how game designers can use this knowledge in character choices to design for a good user experience. To answer these questions, we conducted qualitative interviews as well as a survey. Based on the results we concluded that the clothing has quite a low impact on the player’s character choice, but that they prefer to play as a fully clothed character if they get to choose. Instead, the character’s abilities are mostly what drives the choice. Furthermore, a partially nude character is most often seen as unrealistic, annoying, and/or uncomfortable for the player. This is especially true for female characters. In order to design for a good user experience in character choices, the game designer should include as many female as male characters, as this benefit both men and women. This is because women tend to play as female characters, whereas men to a greater extent plays with both male and female characters. Beyond this it is also a good idea for the colours of characters to be customizable to tailor to players specific needs, such as colour-blindness.
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Yoga and the Wardrobe: Centre StageCavazzana, Francesca Angelica January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses specifically on yoga clothing to explore the wardrobes of individuals who practice yoga within Northern Europe. This study explores yoga as an embodied practice connected to dress, uncovering the relationship between clothing and the body based on online ethnographic research. Wardrobe studies were carried out remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic producing a new approach to the field through remote wardrobe studies. The theoretical perspective of Erving Goffman analyses the participants and their wardrobes through the lens of dramaturgy. This perspective allows for the investigation into the behaviour of individuals practising online and in- person yoga classes compared to yoga at home. Viewing social life as a theatre performance to explore individual’s wardrobes and yoga clothing is a vital component of the study. The research demonstrates how individuals in a society constantly perform and how a wardrobe is an object that also performs. The findings suggest that yoga clothing, the body, and the wardrobe are intrinsically connected, providing rich information contributing to fashion studies.
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