Spelling suggestions: "subject:"commercial daw]"" "subject:"commercial caw]""
501 |
Le contrat d'assurance maritime à Rouen dans l'Ancien droit / The maritime insurance contract in Rouen in the old french lawRodet-Profit, Alix 09 April 2015 (has links)
L'assurance maritime constitue la première forme d'assurance connue, qui s'est développée à la fin du Moyen-Âge et a gagné l'ensemble de l'Europe au XVIe siècle. Rouen, l'une des plus importantes villes commerciales et maritimes du royaume de France, fut la première – et la seule – à être dotée d'un greffe des assurances dès 1556. Elle constitue donc un lieu de choix pour l'étude de ce contrat dans notre pays. Le caractère aléatoire de l'assurance a posé très tôt le problème de l'équilibre des intérêts des parties. D'une part, l'assuré devait pouvoir bénéficier de garanties suffisantes pour recourir à l'assurance. Il s'agissait d'autre part de protéger l'assureur, qui, en plus de prendre les risques de l'expédition à sa charge, se trouvait en grande partie dépendant de la bonne foi de son assuré. Aux côtés de leur « commis aux assurances », les marchands rouennais ont alors recherché et adopté des solutions. L'ordonnance de la Marine de 1681, première législation française sur les assurances, a ensuite tenté d'unifier les usages et pratiques du royaume. Elle a proposé différentes mesures pour promouvoir ce contrat tant auprès des assurés que des assureurs. L'assurance maritime, en lien avec les nombreux domaines juridiques que sont le droit des obligations, le droit commercial, le droit maritime, le droit cambiaire ou encore celui des sociétés, a alors évolué sous l'influence conjuguée des juges et des marchands, toujours soucieux de trouver un équilibre contractuel. / Shipping insurance is the first known form of insurance. It was instituted at the end of the Middle Ages and spread to the whole of Europe in the sixteenth century. Rouen, as one of the largest commercial and maritime cities in the Kingdom of France, was the first and indeed the only city to be given a patent for insurance as early as 1556. It is therefore the ideal place in which to study such a contract in this country. The fluctuating nature of insurance quickly pinpointed the problem of balancing the interests of the parties involved. On the one hand, the insured person needed to be able to benefit from guaranties allowing him to resort to insurance. Similarly, the insurer needed to be protected since he not only had the responsibility of the voyage, with the risks that that implied, but was also dependent on the honesty of the person insured. Together with their “insurance agents”, the merchants of Rouen therefore sought and adopted solutions to this problem. The Royal Ordinance of Shipping, in 1681, – the first French legislation on insurance – then endeavoured to unify the customs and uses carried out in the Kingdom of France. It offered various measures to develop this contract between the insured and the insurer. Maritime insurance, together with the many other sectors of law such as that of obligations, commercial law, maritime law, law pertaining to Exchange or to Societies, then evolved under the combined influence of the judiciary and of merchants, continually seeking a contractual balance.
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L'Alsace et la Moselle : terrains d'expérimentation de la réforme du droit civil et commercial français (1918-1975) / Alsace and Moselle : territories of experiment in French civil and commercial Law reform (1918-1975)Coutant, Élodie 31 August 2018 (has links)
A leur retour sous la souveraineté française en 1918, l'Alsace et la Lorraine sont principalement régies par le droit allemand. Compte tenu de l'inadaptation de la législation française au monde moderne, et des intérêts divers en présence, il est décidé de ne pas procéder à l'unification législative. Le droit alors applicable dans les nouveaux territoires français est maintenu temporairement afin d'inspirer la réforme du droit français correspondant, et préparer l'unification législative sur la base de ce droit rénové. Malgré la pénétration du droit local dans notre législation nationale, l'unité législative tarde à se réaliser. / On their return under French sovereignty in 1918, Alsace and Lorraine were governed mainly by German law. In view of the inadequacy of French legislation in the modern world and the various interests involved, it was decided not to proceed with legislative unification. The law then applicable in the new French territories is temporarily maintained in order to inspire the reform of the corresponding French law and to prepare legislative unification on the basis of this renovated right. Despite the penetration of local law into our national legislation, the legislative unity is slow to materialize.
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Developments in bilateral air service agreementsEhrenbeck, Mirelle 01 1900 (has links)
This dissertation deals with international transport law and looks at the development
of bilateral air service agreements governing international scheduled flights from their
inception after the Chicago Conference of 1944 until the present day. The Chicago
Conference left a legacy of separation in airline services. Scheduled and nonscheduled
flights came into existence and bilateral agreements are needed to regulate
international scheduled services.
The relationship between the state and its designated airline forms the pivot of the
bilateral relationship. However, the aviation relationship between state and airline and
between states inter se face challenges as globalisation and development take place
in the air transport industry. New methods of cooperation now exist which need to be
adapted to suit the needs of individual countries and airlines. South Africa has
accepted the challenges of development and undertaken modern methods of
cooperation such as code-sharing. / Law / LL.M.
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Developments in bilateral air service agreementsEhrenbeck, Mirelle 01 1900 (has links)
This dissertation deals with international transport law and looks at the development
of bilateral air service agreements governing international scheduled flights from their
inception after the Chicago Conference of 1944 until the present day. The Chicago
Conference left a legacy of separation in airline services. Scheduled and nonscheduled
flights came into existence and bilateral agreements are needed to regulate
international scheduled services.
The relationship between the state and its designated airline forms the pivot of the
bilateral relationship. However, the aviation relationship between state and airline and
between states inter se face challenges as globalisation and development take place
in the air transport industry. New methods of cooperation now exist which need to be
adapted to suit the needs of individual countries and airlines. South Africa has
accepted the challenges of development and undertaken modern methods of
cooperation such as code-sharing. / Law / LL.M.
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Soft law као инструмент хармонизације међународног трговинског права / Soft law kao instrument harmonizacije međunarodnog trgovinskog prava / Soft law as an instrument of harmonization of International commercial lawMijatović Marija 15 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Даља хармонизација међународног трговинског права је неопходна. Међутим, поставља се питање којим методима вршити овај процес. Значајан и несумњив допринос су у том погледу остварили тзв. hard law извори (извори тврдог права), пре свега међународне конвенције. Ипак, услед њихових недостатака отворен је простор за употребу алтернативних видова нормативних метода.<br />Предмет анализе у докторској дисертацији је допринос тзв. soft law инструмената (инструмената меког права) процесу хармонизације међународног трговинског права. С обзиром на то да се ради са теоријског гледишта о проблематичном и неуједначено дефинисаном феномену, истраживање је сконцентрисано на утврђивање карактеристика, те предности и мана коришћења ових инструмената. Наиме, soft law акти су несанкционисана правила која производе значајне de facto правне ефекте чиме доприносе процесу хармонизације права на међународном нивоу, и значајно на нивоу Европске уније у којој се врши главница пројеката ове врсте.<br />Централно место у анализи заузимају Принципи UNIDROIT за међународне трговинске уговоре и Начела европског уговорног права, те судска и арбитражна пракса која се односи на примену ових прописа меког права.<br />Након уводних разматрања, рад се излаже у два дела. У првом делу анализира се сложеност савременог система међународног права која је последица, између осталог, разноликости нормативних техника које се користе при његовом стварању и све већег значаја међународних организација у овим процесима. Затим се на основу мноштва теоријских ставова излажу карактеристике, врсте, функције soft law аката, те поређење са hard law прописима. У другом делу дисертације наглашава се потреба интензивније хармонизације међународног трговинског права, те начини на које се овај процес постиже кроз употребу soft law аката. Могу се користити као модел извори међународним и националним легислативним телима, као меродавно уговорно право, у поступцима пред судовима и поготово арбитражама и као важно средство тумачења и попуњавања правних празнина међународног униформног и националних права. На крају, у закључним разматрањима износе се закључци на основу спроведеног истраживања.</p> / <p>Dalja harmonizacija međunarodnog trgovinskog prava je neophodna. Međutim, postavlja se pitanje kojim metodima vršiti ovaj proces. Značajan i nesumnjiv doprinos su u tom pogledu ostvarili tzv. hard law izvori (izvori tvrdog prava), pre svega međunarodne konvencije. Ipak, usled njihovih nedostataka otvoren je prostor za upotrebu alternativnih vidova normativnih metoda.<br />Predmet analize u doktorskoj disertaciji je doprinos tzv. soft law instrumenata (instrumenata mekog prava) procesu harmonizacije međunarodnog trgovinskog prava. S obzirom na to da se radi sa teorijskog gledišta o problematičnom i neujednačeno definisanom fenomenu, istraživanje je skoncentrisano na utvrđivanje karakteristika, te prednosti i mana korišćenja ovih instrumenata. Naime, soft law akti su nesankcionisana pravila koja proizvode značajne de facto pravne efekte čime doprinose procesu harmonizacije prava na međunarodnom nivou, i značajno na nivou Evropske unije u kojoj se vrši glavnica projekata ove vrste.<br />Centralno mesto u analizi zauzimaju Principi UNIDROIT za međunarodne trgovinske ugovore i Načela evropskog ugovornog prava, te sudska i arbitražna praksa koja se odnosi na primenu ovih propisa mekog prava.<br />Nakon uvodnih razmatranja, rad se izlaže u dva dela. U prvom delu analizira se složenost savremenog sistema međunarodnog prava koja je posledica, između ostalog, raznolikosti normativnih tehnika koje se koriste pri njegovom stvaranju i sve većeg značaja međunarodnih organizacija u ovim procesima. Zatim se na osnovu mnoštva teorijskih stavova izlažu karakteristike, vrste, funkcije soft law akata, te poređenje sa hard law propisima. U drugom delu disertacije naglašava se potreba intenzivnije harmonizacije međunarodnog trgovinskog prava, te načini na koje se ovaj proces postiže kroz upotrebu soft law akata. Mogu se koristiti kao model izvori međunarodnim i nacionalnim legislativnim telima, kao merodavno ugovorno pravo, u postupcima pred sudovima i pogotovo arbitražama i kao važno sredstvo tumačenja i popunjavanja pravnih praznina međunarodnog uniformnog i nacionalnih prava. Na kraju, u zaključnim razmatranjima iznose se zaključci na osnovu sprovedenog istraživanja.</p> / <p>Further harmonization of International commercial law is necessary. However, there is a question of methods to be used during this process. So-called hard law sources, especially international conventions, had a significant and undoubtful contribution, but their flaws opened some space for using alternative means of normative methods.<br />The subject of this dissertation’s analysis is the contribution of so-called soft law instruments to the process of harmonization of International commercial law. Considering the fact that the subject matter that is being theorized about is a difficult and an unevenly defined phenomenon, the research was focused on determining characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of using those instruments. Namely, soft law acts are non-sanctioned rules, which produce important de facto legal effects, contributing to the process of harmonization of the law at the international level, especially at the level of The European union in which the majority of this kind of projects is realized.<br />The UNIDROIT Principles for commercial contract law and Principles of European contract law, court and arbitration practice dealing with applying those soft law regulations are the center of this analysis.<br />After introductory considerations, this thesis is divided into two parts. In the first one, the subject of analysis is the complexity of modern international law system, which is a consequence of, among other things, diversity of normative techniques used in the making of the system, and ever growing importance of international organizations involved in those processes. After that, characteristics, types and functions of soft law acts, and their comparison to hard law regulations, are being presented, all based on a large quantity of theoretical standpoints. The second part of the dissertation emphasizes the need for intensifying the harmonization of International commercial law, and presents the ways to achieve that through using soft law acts. Those acts can be used as model sources to international and national legislation bodies, as law governing the contract, in processes before courts and especially arbitration tribunals and as an important mean of interpretation and supplement to both international uniform and national law. At the end, final considerations present conclusions about the research conducted.</p>
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The Influence of ICC Arbitral Decisions on Canadian Law: Comparative Study between Civil Law and Common Law JurisdictionsHedaraly, Saleha 05 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette recherche est de démontrer que les décisions arbitrales de la Chambre de commerce internationale peuvent être considérées comme une source potentielle de droit au Canada. Il existe actuellement une incertitude quant au droit matériel utilisé en arbitrage international pour résoudre les différends commerciaux. Bien que l’utilisation de la lex mercatoria pour résoudre un litige soit une option, elle se heurte à de nombreuses incertitudes terminologiques et conceptuelles. L’utilisation d’une approche méthodologique
de la lex mercatoria permettrait une classification de ses sources en deux branches: (1) le droit statutaire international et (2) le stare decisis des tribunaux d’arbitrage commercial international. Une telle approche méthodologique conférerait plus de certitude quant à l’application d’un droit uniforme. De plus, elle faciliterait l’étude de l’interlégalité entre les règles de la lex mercatoria et le droit matériel interne. Plus particulièrement, elle permet de
comparer les similitudes et les différences des règles du droit matériel entre les décisions arbitrales internationales, le droit statutaire international et les juridictions canadiennes de common law et de droit civil. Cette comparaison rend possible une évaluation de l’influence potentielle des décisions arbitrales de la Chambre de commerce internationale sur le droit matériel canadien et si cette influence est plus importante en droit civil ou en common law. / This paper’s objective is to demonstrate that the International Chamber of Commerce’s
arbitral awards may be considered as a potential source of law in Canada. There currently
exists an uncertainty as to the substantive law used in international commercial arbitration.
While the use of lex mercatoria to solve commercial disputes is often referred to, several terminological and conceptual uncertainties undermine its credibility. The use of a methodological approach to lex mercatoria allows for a twofold classification of its sources through: (1) international legislation and (2) stare decisis from international arbitral tribunals. This methodological approach provides a greater certainty for the application of a uniform law which, in turn, allows for the study of interlegality between rules of lex mercatoria and substantive domestic law. Furthermore, this methodological approach facilitates the demonstration of the similarities and differences between international arbitral decisions, international legislation as well as Canadian common law and civil law
jurisdictions. This comparative analysis will allow the study of the potential influence of the arbitral decisions of the International Chamber of Commerce on substantive Canadian law and whether this influence is more important in civil law or common law.
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La résolution du contrat de vente en droit OHADA : d’une réforme à l’autreEbata, Rodrigue N. 08 1900 (has links)
La présente étude examine une des difficultés que soulève la résolution du contrat de vente en droit africain des affaires. L'Organisation pour l'Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires (OHADA) créée par le Traité du 17 octobre 1993 organise les règles communautaires relatives à la résolution du contrat de vente. Le Livre VIII de l’Acte uniforme OHADA portant sur le Droit commercial Général a été adopté le 15 décembre 2010 et a abrogé l’Acte du 17 avril 1997. Selon l’article 281 de l’Acte uniforme, la résolution du contrat de vente ne survient que lors de l’inexécution totale ou partielle de l’obligation du cocontractant. Notre étude visera à évaluer les conséquences dans le droit de la vente OHADA de la substitution du critère de privation substantielle par celui de la gravité du comportement du débiteur justifiant une résolution unilatérale du contrat. Cette nouvelle position du droit de la vente OHADA se démarque dans une certaine mesure du droit matériel uniforme et rejoint un courant adapté aux impératifs socioéconomiques du commerce tant régional qu’international. En outre la partie lésée devra déterminer la gravité du comportement du débiteur au risque de voir sa demande sanctionnée pour défaut de droit et donner lieu à des dommages intérêts à l’autre partie. En effet, avec pour optique la nécessité de sauvegarder le contrat au nom du principe favor contractus, comment le juge détermine a posteriori si la gravité du comportement du cocontractant est suffisante pour anéantir le contrat? Ce nouveau critère de la gravité du comportement du cocontractant en droit de la vente OHADA vient supplanter le critère de la privation substantielle et fait cohabiter la traditionnelle résolution judiciaire avec celle de la résolution unilatérale dont les contours demeurent incertains. Les cas d’ouvertures liés à la résolution du contrat de vente OHADA pour inexécution des obligations fondamentales ou accessoires seront passés au crible de même que leurs effets sur les parties. Dans une approche comparatiste avec la Convention de Vienne et les règles de codifications privés telles que les Principes UNIDROIT ou du Droit Européen des Contrats il y a lieu de s’interroger sur la mise en œuvre et les conséquences de la résolution du contrat de vente OHADA par l’inexécution de l’obligation d’une des parties due à un manquement essentiel d’une part et à la gravité du comportement du débiteur d’autre part. / The Treaty on Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa signed on October 17th, 1993 created the Organisation for Harmonisation of Business law in Africa (OHBLA).OHBLA organises common rules on resolution of sales contracts. The Book VIII of the Uniform act on General Commercial Law adopted on December 15th, 2010 replaces the previous act of April 17th, 1997. According to article 281 of this uniform act, contract resolution only occurs when there is a partial or total non execution of one party’s obligation. The present study is going to examine one of the difficulties that exist in the resolution of sales contracts in African business law. Our study will consist in evaluating the consequences of substitution of the substantial privation criteria by the seriousness of the debtor’s behaviour in OHBLA sales law. This substitution justifies a unilateral contract termination. This new OHBLA law position somehow distinguish itself from material uniform law and joins a new position socioeconomically more adapted to regional and even international business. Moreover, the prejudiced party will have to determine the gravity of the debtor’s behaviour risking to be punished for lack of motives and according damages to the other party. In fact, in order to save the contract by all means according to the favor contractus principle, how will the judge subsequently determine if the debtor’s behaviour gravity is enough to breach the contract? This new criterion of the gravity of a contracting party’s behaviour comes in replacement of the substantial privation criteria and enhances the cohabitation of the traditional judiciary termination and the unilateral cancellation which is still uncertainly defined. Cases related to contract resolution caused by non-execution of mandatory or accessory obligations in OHBLA law will be carefully examined as well as their effects on contracting parties. In a comparative approach with the Vienna Convention and private codifications such as UNIDROIT principles or European contract law, we will wonder about the use and the consequences of resolution of sales contract in OHBLA law caused by non-execution a mandatory obligation on one part and the gravity of one party’s behaviour on the other part.
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The concerns of the shipping industry regarding the application of electronic bills of lading in practice amid technological changeJafari, Farhang January 2015 (has links)
In the sea trade, the traditional paper-based bill of lading has played an important role across the globe for centuries, but with the advent of advanced commercial modes of transportation and communication, the central position of this document is under threat. The importance of the bill of lading still prevails as does the need of the functions that this document served in the past, although in a changed format. In the recent past, the world has witnessed a lot of debate about replacing this traditional paper-based document with an electronic equivalent that exhibits all of its functions and characteristics, both commercial and legal. More specifically, unlike many rival travel documents, such as the Sea Waybill, a bill of lading has two prominent features, that is to say, its negotiability and its acceptability as a document of title in certain legal jurisdictions that are required to be retained in an electronic bill of lading so as to also retain the prominence of this document in the future landscape. This thesis is, however, more concerned about the legal aspects of adopting the electronic bill of lading as a traditional paper-based legal document as well as an effective legal document in the present age. However, the scope of this debate remains primarily focused on the USA and UK jurisdictions. In the course of this thesis, it is observed that, in the past, the bill of lading has been subject to a variety of international regimes, such as The Hague Rules and The Hague-Visby Rules, and presently efforts are being made to arrive at a universal agreement under the umbrella of The Rotterdam Rules, but such an agreement is yet to arrive among the comity of nations. On the other hand, efforts made by the business community to introduce an electronic bill of lading are much louder and more evident. The private efforts, such as the SeaDocs System, CMI Rules, and the BOLERO Project, etc., were, however, received by the fellow business community with both applause as well as suspicion. At the same time, there are a number of concerns voiced by the international business community on the legislative adoptability in national and international jurisdictions and the courts’ approach in adjudicating cases involving electronic transactions and these are making the task of adoption of electronic bill of lading in the sea-based transactions a difficult task. Therefore, in the absence of any formal legal backing from national and international legislations, these attempts could not achieve the desired results. In this thesis, the present situation of the acceptability of electronic transactions in general, and of the electronic bill of lading specifically, has also been discussed with reference to certain national jurisdictions, such as Australia, India, South Korea and China, in order to present comparative perspectives on the preparedness of these nations. On the regional level, the efforts made by the European Union have also been discussed to promote electronic transactions within its jurisdiction. All the discussion, however, leads to the situation where the level of acceptability of electronic bill of lading in the near future is found to be dependent upon the official efforts from the national governments and putting these efforts towards arriving at an agreement on Rotterdam Rules as early as possible. The other area of importance revealed in this thesis is the need for change in juristic approach by the courts while interpreting and adjudicating upon cases involving electronic transactions. On the whole, this thesis has provided a cohesive and systematic review, synthesis and analysis of the history of the bill of lading, its importance as a document of title, and attempts to incorporate its important functions within the fast-paced electronic shipping commerce of today. In such a way it has provided a valuable contribution to the literature by providing a comprehensive resource for jurists, policy-makers and the business community alike, as they work towards adapting the bill of lading so that it might be successfully applied in electronic form.
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L'ordre public économique sociétaire devant le phénomène des montages : approche comparée du droit français et du droit grec / The economic public order of the legal entities of commercial law and the montages : comparative approach of French and Greek lawKalodikis, Nikiforos 10 April 2014 (has links)
L'ordre public économique sociétaire est défini comme l'ensemble des règles de droit impératif et de principes d'ordre public qui jouent un rôle dans la structuration et l'organisation juridique des sociétés et la limitation de la liberté des particuliers dans cette structuration et organisation; les sociétés sont vues dans cette perspective comme les expressions juridiques des entreprises, organisations socio-économiques impliquant une multiplicité d'intérêts, mais aussi comme des « lieux » d'organisation du pouvoir privé économique, ne pouvant par conséquent être laissées absolument au jeu de la liberté contractuelle, notamment pour ce qui concerne les formes sociétaires les plus développées. Sous le terme français de montages on peut par contre regrouper des efforts de l'autonomie privée d'exploiter au maximum les marges de liberté en droit des sociétés, des efforts qui souvent se meuvent vers les limites du licite ou même poursuivent des finalités sans aucun doute illicites. Les montages peuvent être définis dans leurs rapports avec l'ordre public économique sociétaire, comme des efforts des particuliers d'aménager des effets de règles de cet ordre public, de contourner l'application normale de ces effets ou même d'instrumentaliser des blocs de règles de cet ordre public à des finalités atypiques ou même illicites. Les montages peuvent consister à des actes sociétaires de droit organisationnel (statuts, décisions des organes sociaux) ou à des actes relevant du droit des contrats (contrats de la société avec ses associés ou dirigeants, pactes entre associés - notamment actionnaires- ou des associés avec des tiers); ils peuvent aussi instrumentaliser les sociétés au delà de leur finalité type légale de constituer des formes juridiques d'entreprises-entités autonomes (ainsi les groupes de sociétés) ou même au-delà de toute utilisation comme formes juridiques d'entreprises. Il en résulte le besoin d'étudier les différents montages rencontrés dans la pratique des deux pays sous comparaison et l'attitude de leurs droits à l'égard de ces montages, en examinant les mécanismes de base du droit français et du droit grec pour le partage du licite et d'illicite, l'application de ces mécanismes dans la prise en compte des montages et les mécanismes de sanction des montages illicites. / The economic public order of the legal entities of commercial law (companies, partnerships,entities with limited liability of their members) is the total of mandatory rules and mandatory principles which act in the legal organization and structuring of the above entities and put the limits of the freedom of the individuals in this domain. ln this perspective, the entities of commercial law are seen as the legal expressions of the enterprises, socioeconomic organizations implicating a multitude of different interests, but also "places" of the private economic power, which cannot be totally abandoned in the domain of contractual freedom, especially regarding the most developed forms of such entities. The french term "montages" expresses on the contrary the endeavor of the individuals and of their autonomy to exploit to the maximum the margins of freedom let by the law of the entities of commercial law, moving often toward the limits between the legal and the illegal or even pursuing ends beyond doubt illegal. These montages can be defined in their relationship with the economic public order of the entities of commercial law, as the efforts of the individuals to adjust the normal effects of this public order, or to evade these effects, or to manipulate sets of rules of this public order to serve ends atypical or even unlawful. The montages can be acts of organizational law (acts of constitution, decisions of the organs of the entities of commercial law) or acts of the law of contracts (contracts of the entity with its members or directors, contracts between the members of the entities - especially shareholders-, contracts between these members and persons exterior to the entity) ; they can also use and manipulate the entities of commercial law themselves beyond their destination to be legal forms of enterprises-autonomous economic unities (especially this is the case in the groups of legal entities of commercial law) or even beyond any use as legal forms of enterprises. The result of these considerations is the need to study the different montages found in the practice of the two countries under comparison and examine the attitude of their laws toward those montages, by the examination of their basic mechanisms of distinction between the lawful and the unlawful and of the application of these mechanisms on the different montages and by the study of the mechanisms of sanction of the unlawful montages.
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Direito comercial à luz da doutrina do capitalismo humanista e do princípio constitucional da proporcionalidadeQueirolo, Paola Cantarini 26 March 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-26 / This dissertation was developed with a focus on fundamental rights, the principle of proportionality, philosophy and philosophy of law, to obtain a perspective of humanization of commercial law, allowing for debate and reflection on the design of the new Brazilian Commercial Code through an analysis Legal of socio-economic, developed within the framework of capitalism humanist doctrine. First dealt with the search for a new interpretation of the law, considering its fictional nature, while a product before they will desire, as well as his character autopoietic, postulating a necessary and indissoluble link him with the philosophy and the arts, highlighting what would be the most political among them, since its birth, namely the theater. Thus, we sought a new look in this new interpretation, more sensitive and reflective, launched on commercial law, which would be more closely coupled with humanism and human dignity, right to human rights of otherness, via principle proportionality. This is making the attempt, however difficult that presents itself, for it considers absolutely necessary to reconcile the individualistic and self-centered capitalism with a new humanism, still in gestation, "antropophiliac" to initiate it with him, Also, a new capitalism, humanistic, based on brotherhood, solidarity and human dignity. For the last, it is the analysis of the relationship between the principle of proportionality and human dignity in order to better cope with further questions, crucial, resulting from collisions between fundamental rights and / or fundamental principles, so as to preserve the essence fundamental right of all and the very democratic state, precisely, human dignity, which looms as what's more important to be preserved, preserving us. In a second step, we analyze the issue of flexibility of labor law (working conditions), indicating, in this aspect, the unconstitutionality of the current Bankruptcy and Corporate Restructuring (Law No. 11.101/05) and also Project Brazilian Commercial Code (PL No. 1572/2011), via the principle of proportionality, as understood through unremovable realization of human dignity and democratic state / A presente dissertação de mestrado foi desenvolvida com foco nos direitos fundamentais,
princípio da proporcionalidade, filosofia e filosofia do direito, visando alcançar uma
perspectiva de humanização do direito comercial, ensejando o debate e a reflexão acerca do
Projeto do novo Código Comercial Brasileiro através de uma análise jurídica de cunho sócioeconômico,
desenvolvida no marco da doutrina do capitalismo humanista. Primeiramente
tratou-se da busca por nova interpretação do direito, considerando sua natureza ficcional,
enquanto um produto antes do desejo que da vontade, assim como o seu caráter autopoiético,
postulando uma necessária e indissolúvel vinculação dele com a filosofia e com as artes,
destacando-se aquela que seria a mais política dentre elas, desde seu nascedouro, a saber, o
teatro. Destarte, buscou-se um novo olhar nessa nova interpretação, mais sensível e reflexiva,
lançado sobre o direito comercial, o qual passaria a ser conjugado mais estreitamente com o
humanismo e com a dignidade humana, logo com os direitos humanos da alteridade, via
princípio da proporcionalidade. Trata-se de fazer a tentativa, por mais difícil que se apresente,
por considera-la absolutamente necessária, de se conciliar o capitalismo individualista e
egocêntrico com um novo humanismo, ainda em gestação, antropofilíaco , para que se
instaure com ele, também, um novo capitalismo, humanista, com fundamento na fraternidade,
na solidariedade e na dignidade humana.
Por derradeiro, faz-se a análise da relação entre o princípio da proporcionalidade e a
dignidade humana, visando posteriormente o melhor enfrentamento das questões, cruciais,
resultantes de colisões entre direitos fundamentais e/ou princípios fundamentais, a fim de que
se preserve o conteúdo essencial de todo direito fundamental e do próprio Estado
Democrático de Direito, precisamente, a dignidade humana, que avulta como o que há de
mais importante a ser preservado, preservando-nos. Em um segundo momento, é analisada a
questão da flexibilização do direito do trabalho (das condições de trabalho), apontando, neste
aspecto, as inconstitucionalidades da atual Lei de Falências e Recuperação de Empresas (Lei
nº 11.101/05) e também do Projeto de Código Comercial Brasileiro (PL nº 1572/2011), via
princípio da proporcionalidade, entendido como meio inafastável de realização da dignidade
humana e do Estado Democrático de Direito
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