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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketingové aktivity obchodního řetězce / Marketing Activities of Retail Chain

Doležel, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyzes marketing activities of retail chains in the Czech Republic. It summarizes basic knowledge about trade, marketing, marketing communications and basic methods of marketing research. It deals with particular retail chains with focus on modern trade, from the traditional trade it focuses on COOP chain. It examines different marketing activities of retail chains and sets best practice. For COOP chain is carried out a deeper analyses of marketing activities based on approach of SWOT analyses. The thesis also uses a knowledge from questionnaires: one was the internet questionnaire and the other was conducted via personal questioning among COOP customers. Final proposals incorporate marketing activities that can be used in any retail chain and also a set of recommendation of marketing activities designated especially for COOP chain.

Analýza distančního vzdělávání během nouzového stavu na 2. stupni vybrané ZŠ / Analysis of distance learning during the state of emergency at selected lower-secondary school

Poluhová, Adéla January 2020 (has links)
Author: Bc. Adéla Poluhová Title: Analysis of distance learning during the state of emergency at selected lower-secondary school Objectiv: The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyze the implementation of distance learning during the state of emergency at the selected lower- secondary school and finding differences in using applications during full time teaching and during the state of emergency. Methods: There search part uses a qualitative method an analysis, which describes the implementation of distance learning at the lower - secondary school during the emergency measure and quantitative method the results of a questionnaire surfy conducted among teachers. Results: The reset of the diploma thesis is a summary of the distance education developementat a lower-secondary school and thee valuation of a questionnaire survey. This survey is proces send to tables and graphs, which are described, evaluated and compared. Keywords: distance learning, state of emergency, emergency measures, on-line communication tools

Hallå? Hör ni mig? : En kvalitativ studie om särlokaliseringens påverkan på kommunikation i team

Begby Persson, Wilma, Hellström, Sofie January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Användningen av särlokaliserade team i organisationer har ökat markant de senaste årtiondena. När ett team arbetar särlokaliserat med hjälp av digitala kommunikationsverktyg ändras förutsättningarna för teamets kommunikation. Den tidigare forskningen om särlokaliserade team har främst behandlat internationella team med stora geografiska avstånd samt team till stor del bestående av experter, men till följd av pandemin covid-19 har särlokaliserat arbete blivit aktuellt för fler typer av team. Det finns därför anledning till att bedriva forskning om hur särlokaliseringen påverkar kommunikationen i dessa team.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att ge ökad förståelse för hur särlokalisering påverkar kommunikationen i team där teammedlemmarna är vana vid att arbeta samlokaliserat, genom att identifiera och förklara konsekvenser som särlokaliseringen får för teams kommunikation.  Metod: Denna studie är en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie med en abduktiv forskningsansats och ett realistiskt perspektiv. Studiens empiri har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med elva teammedlemmar tillhörande tre olika team bestående av studenter.  Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att särlokaliserat arbete med digitala kommunikationsverktyg får flertalet konsekvenser för kommunikationen i team. Särlokaliseringen bidrar med vissa konsekvenser medan de digitala kommunikationsverktygen bidrar med andra. I denna studie har 13 konsekvenser identifierats inom de kommunikativa aspekterna bekräftelse, konversationens flyt, feedback, gemensam förståelse och kreativitet. Studien fann även att de konsekvenser som identifierats har ett nära samband på så sätt att flertalet påverkar varandra. Varför de intervjuade teamen påverkades på detta sätt kan till viss del förklaras av deras ovana att arbeta särlokaliserat över digitala kommunikationsverktyg och omedvetenhet om vad det innebär för ett teams kommunikation. / Background: The use of dispersed teams in organisations has grown rapidly in the latest decades. A dispersed team that communicates with digital communication tools does not have the same prerequisites for communicating as a co-located team have. The previous research made about dispersed teams has mainly focused on international teams with large geographical distances and teams that for the most part consist of experts. Due to the pandemic covid-19, working in dispersed teams has become necessary for other types of teams. It is thereby motivated to conduct research about how the communication is affected in other types of dispersed teams.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how team communication is affected by the dispersion in teams where the team members are used to working co-located, by identifying and explaining consequences the dispersion of the team has on team communication.  Method: This study is a qualitative multi-case study with an abductive approach and a realistic perspective. The empirical data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with eleven team members belonging to three different teams of students.  Conclusion: The result of the study shows that dispersed teams using digital communication tools face several consequences regarding their communication. The fact that the team is not co-located leads to certain consequences and the use of digital communication tools leads to others. This study has identified 13 consequences within the communicative aspects: confirmation, the flow of the conversation, feedback, shared understanding and creativity. The study also shows that the consequences identified are closely connected in such a way that many of them affect each other. Why the interviewed teams were affected in this way can to some extent be explained by their inexperience in working with digital communication tools and unawareness of what it means for their communication.

Faktorer som påverkar ett traumateam i deras interprofessionella arbete vid ett akut patientomhändertagande : en litteraturöversikt / Factors affecting a trauma team in their interprofessional work in acute patient care : a literature study

Ovesdotter, Maria, Wrembicki Nelson, Alexandra January 2021 (has links)
När en patient inkommer till akutmottagningen efter att blivit utsatt för yttre högenergivåld krävs ett snabbt omhändertagande i form av ett interprofessionellt traumateam. Att omhänderta traumapatienter kan upplevas som sårbart och tumultartat vilket medför att vårdpersonal behöver agera snabbt. Om kommunikation inom traumateamet utövades felaktigt kan detta riskera patientsäkerheten då detta kan medföra försämrade behandlingsresultat och utökad handläggningstid. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva faktorer som påverkade ett traumateam i deras interprofessionella arbete vid ett akut patientomhändertagande. Designen var en allmän litteraturstudie baserad på 18 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet baseras på databasträffar genom CINAHL och PUBMED. En integrerad analys användes för att analysera insamlade data. Studiens resultat utgörs av tre huvudkategorier: Traumaledarens ansvar, Kommunikationsverktygens betydelse och Traumateamets gruppdynamik. Resultatet visade på traumaledaren har ett ansvar för helhetsperspektivet såväl över patienten som teamet. Beroende på vad situationen krävde hade traumaledaren olika ledarstilar. I traumateamet hade kommunikationsverktyg avgörande betydelse då bland annat closed-loop communication samt call-out, vilket kunde uppemot halvera patientens handläggningstid. Effektiv och tydlig kommunikationsväg inom traumateamet skapade en oproblematisk teamkommunikation. Traumateamets gruppdynamik utgjordes av tydlig struktur och positionering av medlemmarna i traumarummet. Genom en öppen atmosfär där allas kompetens involveras skapades en bra teamsammanhållning. Slutsatsen var att vid användning av kommunikationsverktyg inom traumateamet kunde patientomhändertagandet säkras och minimera eventuella missförstånd. Detta skapade ett välfungerande teamarbete med gynnsam gruppdynamik där samtliga ansvarsområden kompletterade varandra. / ABSTRACT When a patient enters the emergency room after being exposed to external high-energy violence, immediately care in the form of an interprofessional trauma team is required. Caring for trauma patients can be perceived as vulnerable and tumultuous, which means that care staff need to act quickly. If communication within the trauma team was exercised incorrectly, this may risk patient safety as this may lead to impaired treatment results and increased processing time. The purpose of the present study was to describe factors that influenced a trauma team in their interprofessional work in an acute patient care. The design was a general literature study based on 18 scientific articles. The results are based on database hits through CINAHL and PUBMED. An integrated analysis was used to analyze the collected data. The results of the study consist of three main categories: The Trauma Manager's responsibilities, The importance of Communication Tools and the Trauma Team's group dynamics. The results showed that the trauma leader has a responsibility for the overall perspective over both the patient and the team. Depending on what the situation required, the trauma leader had different leadership styles. In the trauma team, communication tools were crucial, including closed-loop communication and call-out, which could halve the patient's processing time. Effective and clear communication path within the trauma team created an unproblematic team communication. The trauma team's group dynamics consisted of a clear structure and positioning of the members in the trauma room. Through an open atmosphere where everyone's skills are involved, a good team cohesion was created. The conclusion was that when using communication tools within the trauma team, patient care could be secured and minimized any misunderstandings. This created a well-functioning teamwork with favorable group dynamics where all areas of responsibility complemented each other.

Awakening Empathy: Integrated Tools for Social Service Workers in Establishing Trust with Young, Single Mothers

Casey, Davida L. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Distansarbete i mediebranschen : En studie om medarbetares motivation / Teleworking in the media industry : A study of employee motivation

Forsberg, Simon, Sundström, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
I slutet av 2019 utbröt covid-19 pandemin vilket ledde till en ökad mängd distansarbete för företag och dess medarbetare samtidigt som användningen av digitala kommunikationsverktyg ökade. Distansarbetet har lett till att företag och organisationer har behövt utforma nya arbetssätt och strategier för att verksamheterna skall kunna fortlöpa utan att medarbetarnas motivation blir lidande. Denna studie innehåller motivationsteorier, distansarbetets påverkan på medarbetarnas motivation samt vilka följder detta kommer att ha på den framtida arbetssituationen inom mediebranschen. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer och en surveyundersökning riktad till medarbetare inom mediebranschen har ett bredare perspektiv framkommit inom ämnet. Studiens slutsats visar på att det finns utmaningar gällande implementeringen av distansarbete och användandet av digitala kommunikationsverktyg men att det kan leda till fördelar om vissa aspekter tas hänsyn till på olika sätt. Slutligen har studien även påvisat att distansarbetet lett till en förändrad arbetssituation i form av en hybridvariant av arbete på plats och distansarbete. / At the end of 2019, the covid-19 pandemic broke out, which led to an increased amount of teleworking for companies and their employees at the same time as the use of digital communication tools increased. Teleworking has led companies and organizations to design new working methods and strategies so that the operations can continue without the employees' motivation suffering. This study contains motivation theories, what impact teleworking has on employees' motivation and what consequences this will have on the future work situation in the media industry. Through qualitative interviews and a survey aimed at employees in the media industry, a broader perspective has emerged in the subject. The study's conclusion shows that there are challenges regarding the implementation of telework and the use of digital communication tools, but that it can lead to advantages in certain aspects due to different ways. Finally, the study has also shown that teleworking has led to a changed work situation in the form of a hybrid variant of on-site work and teleworking.

Valoración de los flujos de la comunicación interna en colaboradores de la I.E. 10024 Nuestra Señora de Fátima, Chiclayo, 2022

Puyén Chancafe, Deysi Eveling January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación planteó describir la valoración de los flujos de comunicación interna en los colaboradores de la I.E. 10024 Nuestra Señora de Fátima, 2022 y como objetivos específicos se planteó: diagnosticar los tipos de comunicación interna, describir cuales son las herramientas de comunicación interna que utilizan los colaboradores e identificar cual es el flujo de comunicación interna que contribuiría en el proceso comunicacional de los colaboradores de la institución educativa. Para esto, se empleó la metodología cuantitativa de tipo descriptivo correlacional, no experimental, y el instrumento aplicado fue la encuesta a través de un cuestionario de 20 preguntas dirigido a 30 colaboradores de la institución educativa. La investigación demostró que la comunicación interna se practica frecuentemente de acuerdo a los flujos de comunicación entre los directivos y los colaboradores de la institución educativa y la conclusión a la que se llegó fue que una comunicación horizontal, permite una comunicación eficaz, participativa, asertiva, y sobre todo un ambiente laboral agradable. / The present investigation proposed to describe the evaluation of the internal communication flows in the collaborators of the I.E 10024 Nuestra Señora de Fátima, achieved specific objectives was to detect the types of internal communication, describe what are the internal communication tools used by the collaborators and identify the flow of internal communication that would contribute to the communication process of the collaborators of the educational institution. For this, the qualitative, non-experimental, descriptive correlational methodology was used, and the instrument applied was the survey through a questionnaire of 20 questions addressed to 30 employees of the educational institution. The research shows that internal communication is frequently practiced according to the communication flows between the managers and the collaborators of the educational institution.

Marketingová komunikace ve vybraném hotelu / Marketing communication of a chosen hotel

HOUŠKOVÁ, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with marketing communication of Grandhotel Zvon. The thesis includes theoretical introduction, basic information about Grandhotel Zvon, marketing mix (4P), analysis of current marketing communication and the costs of this communication. The final part presents suggestions and recommendations, especially creating a profile on social networks.

Um sistema multiagente de identificação e caracterização de relações sociais de alunos em um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem

Lima, Dhanielly Paulina Rodrigues de 24 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Kamila Costa (kamilavasconceloscosta@gmail.com) on 2015-06-11T20:27:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação-Dhanielly P R de Lima.pdf: 4096663 bytes, checksum: fad619bf150f86206922b434efb5a67f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-15T18:19:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação-Dhanielly P R de Lima.pdf: 4096663 bytes, checksum: fad619bf150f86206922b434efb5a67f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-15T18:20:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação-Dhanielly P R de Lima.pdf: 4096663 bytes, checksum: fad619bf150f86206922b434efb5a67f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-15T18:20:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação-Dhanielly P R de Lima.pdf: 4096663 bytes, checksum: fad619bf150f86206922b434efb5a67f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-24 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The increase use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) as disseminators of knowledge aids students in developing knowledge and provides an interaction between people through computational tools mediated by the teacher (mediator or tutor). However, many LMSs does not have a mechanism or tool to aid the teacher to get detailed information about the social interaction between students and their group. This complicates the teacher’s awareness with regard to social relations established within the discipline. Based on this information, this paper proposes and details an approach to this problem that makes use of a Multi-Agent System architecture directed to the analysis of the interactions of groups. As proof of concept, a prototype was developed as using a software methodology for Multi-Agent Systems in order to analyze the interactions between students that occurred in the forums and messages of a course in the LMS Moodle and present this information to the teacher in the form of sociogram or table. In this way, the teacher can visually monitor the interactions of students within the course, and adopt tactics that promote social inclusion. To validate the work a case study was performed, a class of a course of Distance Education in a Higher Education Institution (HEI). According to the results obtained in simulated tests and a real class, it is clear that the graphic visualization of interactions of students in the forums and messages, when combined with the proactivity of agents, can corroborate the work done by mediators. The vizualization of the interactions provides to the teachers a more comprehensive, clear and quick view of social interactions established in the discipline, facilitating a option to intervene intentionally through teaching strategies such as to encourage students to develop the communication, interaction and the creation of new groups. / A crescente utilização de Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVA) como disseminadores do conhecimento auxilia os alunos na construção do saber e proporciona uma interação entre as pessoas via ferramentas computacionais mediadas pelo professor (mediador ou tutor). Contudo, muitos AVAs não possuem um mecanismo ou ferramenta para auxiliar o professor a obter informações detalhadas acerca das interações sociais dos alunos e dos seus grupos. Isso dificulta a percepção por parte do professor no que diz respeito às relações sociais estabelecidas dentro da disciplina. Com base nessas informações, o presente trabalho propõe e detalha uma abordagem para esse problema que faz uso de uma arquitetura de Sistemas Multiagente voltada para a análise das interações dos grupos. Como prova de conceito, um protótipo foi desenvolvido a partir de uma metodologia de software para Sistemas Multiagente, com o objetivo de analisar as interações entre os estudantes que ocorreram nos fóruns e nas mensagens de um curso no AVA Moodle e, apresentar essas informações ao professor sob a forma de sociograma ou tabela. Desta forma, o professor pode acompanhar visualmente as interações de seus alunos dentro do curso e adotar táticas que promovam a inserção social. Para validar o trabalho, foi realizado um estudo de caso como avaliação de viabilidade, numa turma de um curso de Educação a Distância (EaD) de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES). De acordo com os resultados obtidos nos testes simulados e com uma turma real, pode-se concluir que a visualização gráfica das interações dos alunos nos fóruns e nas mensagens, quando aliadas à proatividade dos agentes, pode corroborar o trabalho desempenhado pelos mediadores. A visualização das interações proporciona aos docentes uma visão mais abrangente, clara e rápida das relações sociais estabelecidas na disciplina, facilitando a opção de intervir intencionalmente por meio de estratégias didáticas, tais como incentivar os alunos no desenvolvimento da comunicação, na interação e na criação de novos grupos.

Marketingová komunikace ve vybraném podniku / Marketing communications in a chosen company

SCHREIEROVÁ, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
The basic goal of this thesis is to propose a communication campaign for a chosen firm by using modern tools in the communication mix. The theoretical part contains an explanation of basic concepts, tools and methods in marketing communication. The information is collected from secondary sources as are scholarly literature or internet sources. The practical part is focused on the analysis of the chosen company background and on analysis of communication tools that the company uses by encouraging information from the theoretical part. There is a proposal for a new communication campaign including the budget of the campaign in the last part of the thesis. The campaign is primarily focused on online communication and social networks.

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