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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La réparation des dommages causés par le dirigeant en droit des sociétés : étude comparative droit français-droit italien

Belinguier-Raiz, Sarah 13 January 2012 (has links)
En droits français et italien des sociétés il est difficile d'affirmer l'existence "d'un" droit à réparation en particulier lorsqu'il s'agit du préjudice social, sa réparation étant freinée par le manque d'effectivité de l'action sociale, et du préjudice individuel de l'associé, sa reconnaissance au fond étant limitée. Il est également difficile pour les victimes d'affirmer l'existence "du" droit à réparation, en raison d' obstacles de nature procédurale et financière rencontrés dans la mise en oeuvre de leur droit jusqu'à l'éventuelle condamnation. Les difficultés rencontrées par les victimes révèlent le manque d'effectivité de la réparation des dommages causés par le dirigeant et, par là même, le manque d'effectivité de la responsabilité personnelle de ce dernier. L'étude de certaines dispositions nouvelles des deux pays, en particulier du droit italien, nous invite cependant à réfléchir sur les perspectives d'évolutions. / .

Odpovědnost za škodu způsobenou vadou výrobku / Liability for Damage Caused by a Defective Product

Šťovíček, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Dissertation Thesis Abstract - Liability for Damage Caused by A Defective Product JUDr. Petr Šťovíček The subject-matter of the dissertation thesis is the relationship of legal liability for damage inflicted upon a consumer by a defective product. The paper describes the statutory definition of the relationship, in particular, without limitation, the preconditions to the establishment of liability of the individual entities on the part of entrepreneurs participating in all phases of the product distribution from the moment of its manufacturing, or, as the case may be, it import to the Czech Republic, to the moment of its sale to the end consumer; limits of the liability and possibilities through which the consumer may claim compensation of the caused damage. The first part of the paper focuses on the above mentioned issued of general legal regulation applicable to liability, its historical development and types; it has a rather generally descriptive nature. Special civil law regulation of liability is provided for also in a number of special Acts, in particular in Act No. 59/1998 Coll., on Liability for Damage Caused by A Product Defect. The second part of the thesis provides an outline of the legal regulation covering the sphere of consumer protection with respect to liability relationships incurring in...

Právní úprava rybářství / The Legal Regulation of Fishery

Lubovský, Zbyněk January 2014 (has links)
IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE The subject of my doctoral dissertation is an exploration of fishing rights as a collection of a wide range of legal norms regulating the behavior of the recipients only in the performance of fishing, but also in civil, administrative and criminal relations with the breeding and hunting fish related. Due to the current lack of scientific literature on this topic, the thesis also basic definition and status of the Czech Fishing rights in the legal system of the Czech Republic and important connections not only in relation to the institutions of environmental law, but also of civil and criminal law. Basic Institutes of fishing rights are always described as in historical context, as from the time of its inception developed, as well as in international comparisons of countries that their cultures are very close to us.

Responsabilité civile et responsabilité pénale : à la recherche d'une cohérence perdue / Civil liability and criminal liability : in search of lost consistency

Dubois, Charlotte 02 December 2014 (has links)
La responsabilité civile est traditionnellement attachée à la réparation des préjudices individuels. Pour sa part, le droit pénal est présenté comme la branche du droit qui assure la protection de l’intérêt général par la sanction de comportements attentatoires à un socle commun de valeurs sociales. Cette distinction de finalités justifie une hiérarchie des disciplines qui se traduit par une primauté accordée au droit pénal. Pourtant, on se propose de démontrer que le législateur, au même titre que le juge d’ailleurs, semble s’engager dans une direction contestable en considérant qu’il y a une différence de degré entre droit civil et droit pénal là où existe en réalité une différence de nature. De ce postulat inexact naît une confusion généralisée qui conduit chaque discipline à s’approprier les considérations de l’autre : le droit civil devient punitif tandis que, dans le même temps, le droit pénal accorde une place sans cesse accrue à la réparation du préjudice. Ce mouvement nous semble porteur d’un double danger : en premier lieu, le droit pénal délaisse sa fonction protectrice de l’intérêt général lorsqu’il s’attache à réparer des préjudices purement individuels ; en second lieu, le droit civil punitif, délié des garanties fondamentales dont est assortie la matière répressive, peut se révéler être une menace pour les libertés individuelles. Ce mouvement croisé des deux disciplines met en péril la cohérence de leurs régimes respectifs : leurs influences réciproques doivent être révélées afin de mieux cerner les faiblesses du droit de la responsabilité et de proposer des remèdes en vue d’assurer un agencement cohérent et complémentaire des responsabilités civile et pénale. / Studying two separate disciplines, such as Civil and Criminal liability, it would not be expected to find any interactions between them: Civil Law repairs the damage caused to private interests; while Criminal Law punishes, thereby ensuring public interests. These differences in purpose justify a hierarchy of disciplines resulting in the supremacy of Criminal Law over Civil Law. However, it will be shown that the legislature and the judge are going in the wrong direction by considering that there is a difference of degree between Civil Law and Criminal Law where there is actually a difference in nature. This incorrect assumption has given rise to a widespread confusion where each discipline takes ownership of the considerations of the other: Civil Law becomes punitive, while, at the same time, Criminal Law becomes increasingly compensatory. The present work aims to denounce a double danger: first, Criminal Law abandons its protective function of public interests when it attempts to repair purely individual damages; second, a punitive Civil Law, detached from the fundamental safeguards that are attached to criminal matters, may prove to be a threat to individual freedoms. This cross-movement between the two disciplines jeopardizes the consistency of their respective systems: reciprocal influences must be revealed in order to better understand the weaknesses of legal liability and to propose remedies that ensure a consistent and complementary arrangement of legal rules.

Försäkringsskydd för skadeståndsansvar vid dataskyddsöverträdelser : En undersökning av försäkringsvillkorens omfattning och eventuella begränsningar i förhållande till art. 82 GDPR och grupptalan / Insurance coverage for liability in case of data protection breaches : An investigation into the extent and potential limitations of insurance terms in relation to art. 82 GDPR and class action lawsuits

Nahlbom, Robin January 2024 (has links)
I uppsatsen utreds försäkringsskyddet för skadeståndsansvar vid dataskyddsöverträdelser. GDPR är den centrala regleringen för personuppgiftsbehandling och fastställer ett antal principer som måste upprätthållas för att den ansvarige ska få behandla personuppgifter. Bryter den ansvarige mot förordningens principer har den registrerade rätt att kräva skadestånd enligt art. 82.1 GDPR. Förordningen fastställer tre kumulativa krav som måste vara uppfyllda för att skadeståndsskyldighet ska föreligga. Det innefattar att en överträdelse av GDPR har skett, att materiell eller immateriell skada till följd av denna överträdelse har uppstått och att det föreligger ett orsakssamband mellan skadan och överträdelsen. Förordningen innehåller även en bestämmelse som tar över medlemsstaternas nationella skadeståndsrättsliga bestämmelser, vilket innebär att GDPR ska tillämpas enligt sin ordalydelse och att de kumulativa kraven enligt art. 82.1 GDPR måste följas. Det innebär att nationella skadeståndsrättsliga begrepp inte bör jämställas med begrepp som framgår av art. 82.1 GDPR eftersom begreppen har tillkommit i en helt annan kontext. Exempelvis översätts i vissa fall materiella och immateriella skador till ekonomiska och ideella skador. Begreppen är inte synonyma och bör inte tillställas samma betydelse eftersom terminologin i art. 82.1 GDPR kan misstolkas. Försäkringsvillkoren som reglerar skadeståndsskyldigheten för dataskyddsöverträdelser och som även hänvisar till art. 82.1 GDPR, innehåller i vissa fall nationella skadeståndsrättsliga begrepp och även andra begrepp som inte framgår av förordningen. Det kan leda till att kongruensen mellan villkorens utformning och förordningens ordalydelse medför tolkningsproblematik vid bedömning om skadeståndsskyldighet föreligger. Därför bör försäkringsvillkoren endast innehålla sådan terminologi som framgår av art. 82.1 GDPR. Dataskyddsöverträdelser medför oftast att en stor grupp människor lider skada varför förordningen tillåter registrerade att föra grupptalan med hjälp av en ideell organisation enligt art. 80 GDPR. Teoretiskt sett kan skadeståndsbeloppen bli högre än försäkringsbeloppen varför det i sådana fall saknas ett försäkringsskydd för grupptalan för den personuppgiftsansvarige. Försäkringsvillkoren anger däremot ingenting om att försäkringen inte täcker ett sådant anspråk. Därmed ställs försäkringsbolagen inför utmaningen att hantera sådana anspråk, varför försäkringen bör uppdateras för att möta skadestånd i en grupptalan vid dataskyddsöverträdelser. / The essay investigates insurance coverage for liability for damages in the event of data protection breaches. GDPR is the central regulation for the processing of personal data and establishes a number of principles that must be upheld for the data controller to process personal data. If the data controller breaches the principles of the regulation, the data subject has the right to claim damages under Art. 82.1 GDPR. The regulation sets out three cumulative requirements that must be met for liability for damages to arise. This includes that a breach of the GDPR has occurred, that material or immaterial damage as a result of this breach has arisen, and that there is a causal link between the damage and the breach. The regulation also includes a provision that supersedes the national tort law provisions of Member States, which means that the GDPR shall be applied according to its wording and that the cumulative requirements under Art. 82.1 GDPR must be followed. This means that national tort law concepts should not be equated with concepts as set out in Art. 82.1 GDPR as the concepts have arisen in a completely different context. For example, in some cases, material and immaterial damages are translated into economic and non-economic damages. The concepts are not synonymous and should not be attributed the same meaning as the terminology in Art. 82.1 GDPR can be misinterpreted. The insurance terms and conditions that regulate liability for damages in the event of data protection breaches and also refer to Art. 82.1 GDPR, in some cases contain national tort law concepts and other concepts that are not evident in the regulation. This may lead to a lack of congruence between the wording of the terms and conditions and the wording of the regulation, resulting in interpretation issues when assessing whether liability for damages exists. Therefore, the insurance terms and conditions should only contain terminology as set out in Art. 82.1 GDPR. Data protection breaches usually result in harm to a large group of people, which is why the regulation allows data subjects to bring a collective action with the assistance of a not-for-profit organization under Art. 80 GDPR. Theoretically, damages awarded may exceed insurance coverage, which means there is no insurance coverage for collective actions for the data controller in such cases. However, the insurance terms and conditions do not specify that the insurance does not cover such a claim. Therefore, insurance companies are faced with the challenge of handling such claims, which is why the insurance should be updated to cover damages in a collective action in the event of data protection breaches.

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