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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Frank, Robert & Stig : A Study About Organizational Core Value Branding, through Notional Employees

Andersson, Angelica, Yavuz Iskander, Madelene January 2010 (has links)
The phenomenon of notional employees has started to occur, since companies are facing an increased challenge to break through the marketing clutter. The phenomenon makes it possible for companies to communicate the increasingly important intangible values of a brand. The purpose with this thesis is to explore and illustrate how organizational core values are communicated through notional employees. The phenomenon of notional employees was researched from both a company and customer perspective, where a multiple case study research was made. Interviews were held with the authors of the notional employees and focus groups were held among consumers. Communication of core values via notional employees follows four steps. First the notional employee and its character is created. This step is followed by communication of core values through the notional employee. Thirdly, the type of values which has been communicated needs to be analyzed. Finally, if true core values are not communicated, communicative adjustments are required. These steps are presented in “The Core Value Communication Wheel”.

Communication of Values : A Qualitative Study at Stena Metall

Arvidsson, Sofia, Fransson, Lena, Lundgren, Carin January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The purpose of this thesis is to investigate Stena Metall’s values and how they are communicated within the organization.</p><p><strong>Background: </strong>In the Fall of 2008, the world was shocked by the worst financial crisis in decades. The crisis had deep effects on the Swedish economy, and many companies suffered heavily. The recycling and environmental service company Stena Metall experienced their first negative result in 30 years, and 900 employees had to leave the company. An action program, including an altered culture was established with the purpose to adapt the operations to the new business environmental conditions. Values, which are a part of the organizational culture, were decided to be an important part of the change. To implement these in the entire organization a well-structured communication process is needed. Within these subjects; values and communication, a qualitative study at Stena Metall has been conducted.</p><p><strong>Method: </strong>To fulfill the purpose, a qualitative method has been used. Thirteen interviews were conducted to collect data from different levels of the organization. The interviews were designed differently based on the employee’s level of responsibility in the organization. The theoretical framework used when analyzing the empirical material includes earlier research in the areas of culture, with emphasis on values, and communication.</p><p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Two set of values have been identified, core values and aspiration values. The findings indicate a gap in the communicational process at Stena Metall. Part of the new information communicated about Stena Metall´s values is lost on its way from the management to the lower levels in the organization. The perception of what the values mean, both core and aspiration values, differs depending on level in the organization.</p>

Frank, Robert & Stig : A Study About Organizational Core Value Branding, through Notional Employees

Andersson, Angelica, Yavuz Iskander, Madelene January 2010 (has links)
<p>The phenomenon of notional employees has started to occur, since companies are facing an increased challenge to break through the marketing clutter. The phenomenon makes it possible for companies to communicate the increasingly important intangible values of a brand.</p><p>The purpose with this thesis is to explore and illustrate how organizational core values are communicated through notional employees.</p><p>The phenomenon of notional employees was researched from both a company and customer perspective, where a multiple case study research was made. Interviews were held with the authors of the notional employees and focus groups were held among consumers.</p><p>Communication of core values via notional employees follows four steps.</p><p>First the notional employee and its character is created. This step is followed by communication of core values through the notional employee. Thirdly, the type of values which has been communicated needs to be analyzed. Finally, if true core values are not communicated, communicative adjustments are required.</p><p>These steps are presented in “The Core Value Communication Wheel”.</p>

Litteraturens möjligheter i värdegrundsarbetet : En kvalitativ studie om lärares arbete med värdegrunden genom litteratur / Literature teaching as an opportunity to work with the core values : a qualitative study on teachers ' work with the core values through literature

Andersson, Sanna January 2015 (has links)
Studien syftar till att beskriva hur fyra lärare mot yngre åldrar förhåller sig till och arbetar med värdegrunden genom litteraturen. Där litteraturen används som ett pedagogiskt verktyg för att förebygga konflikter eller belysa andra frågor som berör skolans värdegrund. Utifrån detta diskuteras litteraturens möjligheter och funktion i skolans värdegrundsarbete och därtill lärares beskrivna mål med värdegrunden genom litteraturarbetet samt val av litteratur. Studiens övergripande mål är att föra en diskussion om synen på skolans huvudsakliga uppdrag kunskapsuppdraget och värdegrundsuppdraget. Denna studie beskriver hur lärare förhåller sig till kunskapsuppdraget och värdegrundsuppdraget, där litteraturen får ha en central plats för arbetet med värdegrundsfrågor. Studien är också en beskrivning av lärarnas ämnesuppfattningar inom svenskämnet. Studien utgår ifrån följande frågeställningar: -Hur beskriver lärarna sitt arbete med värdegrunden genom litteraturen?  -Vilka förtjänster respektive utmaningar upplever lärarna att det finns med ett arbetssätt där litteratur används i värdegrundsarbetet?   -Vilka mål beskriver lärarna att de har med sitt arbete med värdegrunden genom litteraturen? -Hur motiverar lärarna sina didaktiska val av litteratur i syfte att beröra värdegrundsfrågor? Studiens valda metod är kvalitativa metoder genom lärarintervjuer och har därför ett lärarperspektiv. De utvalda lärarna har alla svenska som ett av sina huvudämnen. Det empiriska materialet analyseras utifrån teorier nära Louise M. Rosenblatts tankar om litteraturen som en nödvändighet i en demokrati och för att utveckla demokratiska medborgare. Även Gunilla Molloys syn på svenskämnet som ett demokratiämne samt Aidan Chambers teorier om litteraturläsningens inverkan på individen tas upp. Resultatet visar att lärarna har en konstruktivistisk syn på värdegrundsarbetet inom värdepedagogiken då värdegrundsfrågor arbetas medvetet med i hantering av konflikter och förebyggande värdegrundsarbete. Resultatet visar att lärarna ser litteraturen som en möjlighet att utveckla både elevers demokratiska värderingar och demokratiska förmågor. Litteraturens möjligheter att utveckla den känslomässiga inlevelseförmågan innefattande empati och förnuft genom att göra textkopplingar till sig själva och världen omkring sig framkom som centrala delar av arbetet med litteraturen. Lärarna beskriver rika möjligheter till deliberativa samtal utifrån litteraturen i undervisningen till att arbeta med värdegrundsrelaterade frågor men det framkom som en utmaning att få med alla elever i samtalen. Lärarna väljer texter utifrån elevernas samt gruppens behov och tidigare erfarenheter och kan därför sägas ha en erfarenhetspedagogisk ämnesuppfattning. Det framkom att lärarna inte bara ser svenskämnet som ett färdighetsämne utan också som ett demokratiämne med många möjligheter att bidra till den växande människans utveckling av demokratiska värderingar.

臺北市政府政風機構工作績效與功能效益分析之研究 / The analysis research of job performance and function benefits of the ethics organization, Taipei City Government

陳保倫 Unknown Date (has links)
在整體大環境求新求變的趨勢下,行政機關面臨許多外在環境衝擊,而開始思考突破傳統的管理方法加以因應,是故政風機構自民國81年9月16日改制成立,分階段設定不同工作目標,從「肅貪行動方案」、「預防重於查處、興利優於防弊、服務代替干預」、「反浪費、反腐敗、反貪污之「預防性政風」、至以民為本之廉政新構想的「行動政風」,都是為了因應社會變化與需求所作之創新改變。因此,本研究以臺北市政府公務人員為對象,將政風機構工作績效以訪談方式進行質化研究分析,以瞭解公務人員對於政風機構核心價值與工作績效之認識程度及功能效益之評析。 本研究經質化訪談研究發現如下: 一、 政風機構在主動度部分,受訪者對其主動協助機關辦理大型活動之安全維護工作及擔任溝通協調角色,均予正面肯定評價。 二、 政風機構在成效度部分,受訪者透過廉能宣導活動能加深反貪倡廉理念,並藉與機關業務或活動結合方式,更能有效達到反貪理念的深化與活化。 三、 政風機構在配合度部分,受訪者肯定政風同仁對交辦業務盡心盡力之工作表現。 四、 政風機構在精進度部分,近年導入風險管理推行政風業務,能機先掌握機關可能發生違常之人、事、時、地、物之風險,並於危機發生時能迅速妥處,降低傷害。 / With the development of social pluralism and external environmental impact, government agencies had to rethink about their traditional management ideas and how to improve them. Therefore, Since September 16, 1992, Government Ethics Office (GEO) has begun restructuring different stages of target , from the early stages of「Anti-Corruption Action Plan」 to 「Plans of Crime Prevention, Positive Measures, Daily Recommendations, and Anti-Waste & Anti-Corruption」to the current「Mobilization of Government Ethics Plan」which are all in response to public demand made by social changes. The study was based on the employees of Taipei City Government through qualitative interviews and research, as well as, analysis on public awareness and benefits towards job performance and core values. The essence of research findings are as follows: 1. GEO Initiatives: respondents provided positive evaluations towards GEO Communication, coordination, maintenance, and security during large scale events 2. GEO Effectiveness: Strengthening the concept of anti-corruption and reducing crime rate by promoting more effective anti-corruption action plan 3. GEO Cooperation: striking positive evaluation on job performances 4. GEO Refined Progresses: with the implementation of risk management in recent years, GEO were able to lower the risk occurring at organization and deal with them quickly as well.

Värdegrundens betydelse i en kommunal organisation : En kvalitativ studie om relationen mellan individuella och organisatoriska värderingar samt vad värdegrund bidrar med i en kommunal organisation

Hård af Segerstad, Tom, Thunholm, Cecilia January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine what significance värdegrund (core values) has in a municipal organization, and if it’s important that employees have personal values corresponding with the organizational values. Some focus is directed at why organizations should work with core values. The qualitative case study includes 11 interviews with employees within the organization Uppsala municipality. Theories and earlier studies indicate a discrepancy between whether organizations should work with core values at all. The result shows a unified opinion that core values are beneficial for the examined organization, and that it has different functions. In regard to personal values, the respondents are not in agreement whether it’s important that they correspond with the organizations core values. A concluding remark, based on empirical findings and accounted theory, is that the municipal organization in this case should use core values to build a culture instead of using it as a method of management, and that they shouldn’t emphasize too much on the importance that personal values and core values corresponds.

Content analysis of developmental assets in HIV/AIDS message framing

Malan van Rooyen, Marlize 14 June 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore and describe how the developmental asset framework could be used to conceptualise HIV/AIDS message framing. LoveLife media messages (as gain-framed HIV/AIDS prevention messages) were purposefully sampled. Qualitative content analysis allowed loveLife media messages to be analysed through coding, categorisation and memoing. The analysis process revealed core values and developmental assets portrayed in gain-framed HIV/AIDS prevention messages. Core values identified included, love, respect (portrayed least), dignity (portrayed most) and responsibility. Internal assets identified included, achievement motivation, school engagement, responsibility, integrity, restraint, honesty, planning and decision making, resistant skills, personal power, sense of purpose, self-esteem and positive view of personal future., External assets identified included, family support and positive family communication. Responsibility and personal power, were portrayed most and honesty together with family support, and positive family communication, least. Broadcast messages portrayed the most developmental assets and outdoor messages the least. Correlations were found between core values love, dignity, and responsibility, and the identified developmental assets. Insight was gained into three potential roles developmental assets could play in framing HIV/AIDS prevention messages. Firstly, developmental assets could serve as a source of enablement to make youth aware of strengths they could utilise to foster well-being. Secondly, developmental assets could direct incorporation of positive psychology principles in designing HIV/AIDS prevention messages. Lastly, the study revealed that the developmental asset framework could be used in conjunction with the theory of message framing in designing HIV/AIDS prevention messages. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Antigone och Medea: moderna kvinnor i en omodern tid : Didaktisk potential i två antika tragedier ur ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv

Zetterström, Emma January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the didactic potential inherent in Sophocles' Antigone and Euripides' Medea within the framework of the Swedish school curriculum, coupled with its value-based assignment viewed through a gender theoretical perspective. The primary inquiries guiding this study are as follows: What pedagogical possibilities reside in the tragedies of Antigone and Medea concerning gender dynamics and their alignment with the educational objectives of the Swedish curriculum? In what ways do Antigone and Medea diverge in their treatment of gender-related themes? Additionally, what pedagogical considerations must educators bear in mind when addressing the teaching of Antigone and Medea across various instructional contexts? The theoretical foundations underpinning this investigation encompass gender theory and the theory delineating didactic potential in fiction, positing that literature possesses the capacity to foster critical thinking concerning foundational values. The principal methodological approach employed in this study is close reading, a method that entails a meticulous analysis of the text to discern subtle nuances and complexities inherent in the representation of gender in Antigone and Medea. The preeminent findings underscore the pervasive presence of the male-female dichotomy within the two works. Existing scholarship indicates a male association with the public sphere (polis) and a female association with the domestic sphere (oikos). However, both Antigone and Medea navigate between these spheres, reflecting their complexity and norm-defying nature. Notably, these characters exhibit traits traditionally ascribed to males, such as strong will, courage, and a propensity to question authority, offering intriguing implications from a gender theoretical standpoint. Consequently, the didactic potential of both tragedies is deemed substantial.  The tragedies serve as an auspicious foundation for aligning with the school's core values and the objectives of the Swedish curriculum. However, pedagogical deliberations are imperative, extending beyond individual reading. Integrating literature discussions and diverse tasks is advisable to broaden students' perspectives and enhance their repertoire. Teachers should also be cognizant of the inherent problematic aspects within the tragedies, necessitating a nuanced approach in instructional planning.

Dramapedagogik – potential, hinder och läroplansvisioner : En systematisk litteraturstudie om användandet av dramapedagogik i grundskolan. / Drama in education – potential, obstacles and curriculum visions : A systematic review on the use of drama in elementary education.

Yman, Frida, Wihlborg, Ida, Karlsson, Catharina January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie är att undersöka vad nationell och internationell forskning från de senaste två decennierna har att säga om dramapedagogik. Därtill har studien för avsikt att undersöka vad som kan uppnås genom att använda dramapedagogik i undervisningen och hur det påverkar elevernas utveckling. Materialet har valts ut genom databassökningar och manuella sökningar. Därefter har materialet analyserats och kategoriserats och 18 kvalitativa och kvantitativa vetenskapliga texter har valts ut. De aktuella studierna är publicerade i åtta olika länder, mellan år 2000 och år 2023.  Resultatet av studien pekar på att dramapedagogik är ett gynnsamt verktyg i undervisning. Forskningen visar en samstämd bild av att pedagogiskt drama både täcker in och stärker arbetet med värdegrundsfrågor, samt inlärning av rena ämneskunskaper. Det finns starka belägg för att pedagogiskt drama gynnar elevers personliga utveckling, empatiska förmåga, gruppkänsla och motivation. En del av forskningen säger att lärare gärna vill arbeta mer med dramapedagogik, men att de upplever brist på både kunskap och tid för undervisningsmetoden.

行政機關重組理論之研究-以內政部消防署為例 / The Study of Reorganization Theory in the Executive Branch - A Case of the Fire Agency of the Interior Ministry

王素珍, Wang, Su Chen Unknown Date (has links)
在今日變動不居的時代,組織面對不確定且快速變遷的環境及需求,在功能、業務及目的方邵不斷更迭變動,因此組織結構亦須隨時因應,適時加以調整。但有時行政機關囿於各項限制因素,無法隨時調整其組織結構,因而使結構無法配合機關功能,形成機關目的達成的阻礙。在此情形下,即有了「畢其功於一役」的重組需求產生。   莫雪(F. Mosher)的組織重組定義指:對於組織之落後及不合時代的運作及組織間相互關係,無法以循序漸進的方式予以改變時,所施加的結構性改變。主要包括四大項:1.職位的增加,2.任務的重新安排,3.現職人員的更迭,4.預算的增減。行政機關重組的理論基礎主要建立於四方面:強調理性設計的行政正統論;外在環境影響的環境依賴論;政治互動的政治競爭論及內在價值的核心價值論。這些基礎奠立行政機關重組的各項影響因素,包括重組動力、重組目的、重組步驟、重組策略、重組各項阻礙因素及成功要件。   消防機關的重組,在結構方面主要欲設立隸屬於內政部警政署之下的消防署及省級消防廳,縣級消防局等,完整統一的消防體系。由消防機關重組過程可以發現各重組理論基礎的結合應用狀況,及影響因素的互動制衡情形,行政機關及立法機關之間的權力利益交錯更是最重要的要素,研重組策略及成功要件以減少重組過程所可能面臨的阻礙,是行政機關重組成功與否的關鍵。

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