Spelling suggestions: "subject:"customary"" "subject:"ustomary""
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La diffusion du droit international pénal dans les ordres juridiques africainsNgameni, Herman Blaise 14 October 2014 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, l’Afrique est sans aucun doute la partie du monde la plus affectée par la commission des crimes internationaux les plus graves. Pourtant, depuis des décennies, il existe des mécanismes juridiques visant à sanctionner les responsables des crimes qui heurtent la conscience humaine. Seulement, l’échec relatif de ces mécanismes peut pousser l’observateur à se demander s’il est possible de garantir la diffusion du droit international pénal sur le continent africain. Cette interrogation est loin d’être incongrue, car même si un nombre important d’états africains ont ratifié le Statut de Rome qui organise la répression du génocide, des crimes contre l’humanité, des crimes de guerre et même du crime d’agression, il n’en demeure pas moins que l’application de ce Statut dans les différents ordres juridiques concernés est très souvent compromise. La principale raison à cela c'est que, le droit international pénal ne tient pas forcément compte des particularismes juridiques des états qui ont pourtant la primauté de compétence, en vertu du principe de subsidiarité, pour sanctionner la commission des crimes internationaux selon les règles classiques de dévolution des compétences. De plus, il faut préciser que l’Afrique est le terrain de prédilection du pluralisme juridique qui favorise la juxtaposition de l’ordre juridique moderne et de l’ordre juridique traditionnel. Si le premier est en principe réceptif aux normes internationales pénales, le second qu’il soit musulman ou coutumier avec l’exemple des Gacaca rwandais, repose sur une philosophie juridique différente de celle du droit international pénal. Dans tous les cas, l’articulation du droit international pénal avec les ordres juridiques africains est une des conditions de sa diffusion. Cette articulation pourrait d’ailleurs être favorisée par le dialogue entre les juges nationaux et internationaux qui doivent travailler en bonne intelligence pour édifier un système international pénal ; d’où l’intérêt pour les états africains de favoriser une coopération effective avec les juridictions pénales internationales. Il va sans dire que, tout ceci ne sera possible qu’au sein des régimes politiques démocratiques capables de renoncer aux règles et pratiques juridiques anachroniques pour s’appuyer sur une politique criminelle pouvant favoriser, dans un avenir plus ou moins lointain, un véritable universalisme du droit international pénal. / Today, Africa is undoubtedly part of the world most affected by the commission of the most serious international crimes. Yet for decades, there are legal mechanisms to punish those responsible for crimes that shock the conscience of humanity. But the relative failure of these mechanisms can push the viewer to wonder if it is possible to ensure the dissemination of international criminal law on the African continent. This question is far from being incongruous, because even if a significant number of African states have ratified the Rome Statute that governs the fight against genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression even, the fact remains that the application of the Statute in the different legal systems involved is often compromised. The main reason for this is that international criminal law does not necessarily take into account the legal peculiarities of the states that have yet the primacy of jurisdiction under the subsidiarity principle, to sanction the commission of international crimes by the conventional rules devolution of powers. In addition, it should be noted that Africa is the stomping ground of legal pluralism that promotes juxtaposition of the modern legal system and traditional law. If the first is normally receptive to criminal international standards, the second whether Muslim or customary with the example of the Rwandan Gacaca is based on a different legal philosophy from that of international criminal law. In all cases, the articulation of international criminal law with African legal systems is one of the conditions of release. This link could also be encouraged by the dialogue between national and international judges who must work in harmony to build an international criminal system; hence the need for African states to promote effective cooperation with international criminal courts. It goes without saying that all this will be possible only in democratic political systems which can waive the rules and legal practices anachronistic to press a criminal policy that can promote in a more or less distant future, a true universalism of international criminal law.
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雙邊投資協定徵收條款之研究---以台灣,韓國比較研究為中心 / A study on the expropriation clause in the bilateral investment treaty--focused on a comparative study of Taiwan and south Korea--朴栽亨 Unknown Date (has links)
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La contribution du tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie au développement des sources du droit international public : le dilemme normatif entre droit international classique et droit international pénalDeshaies, Mélanie 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite de la contribution du Tribunal pénal international
pour l'ex-Yougoslavie (« TPIY ») au développement des sources formelles du
droit international public. Il considère, plus précisément, le dilemme normatif
entre le droit international classique, polarisé sur l'État et « résorbé» dans une
juridicité formelle, et le «droit de l'unité substantiel », codifiant le mythe
kantien de la paix par le droit et associant juridicité et légitimité par une
intégration de l'éthique dans le droit. L'analyse postule la rétroaction du droit
sur ses sources et étudie les courants idéologiques du droit international
contemporain à partir de la jurisprudence du TPIY. Le mémoire conclut à une
rupture entre le discours rhétorique du TPIY sur les sources, se réclamant du
droit international classique, davantage compatible avec le principe de légalité,
et les pratiques normatives effectives du Tribunal, ressemblant à un
jusnaturalisme moderne, fondé sur des valeurs morales et éthiques. / This thesis studies the contribution by the International Criminal
Tribunal for the former- Yugoslavia ("ICTY") to the development of Public
International Law. Specifically, it analyses the normative dilemma between
sources ofClassic International Law - correlated to the will ofStates, as wel/
as legal formalism - and the "International law ofsubstantial unity" - which
codifies the Kantian myth of ''peace by law" and moves the classic idea of
legality from formalism to legitimacy by using ethical references. The analysis
assumes Law's retroactive effect on its sources and considers ideological
movements of Contemporary International Law in the jurisprudence of the
ICTY. The thesis concludes to a clash between ICTYabstractfindings related to
sources ofInternationallaw and the actual "day-by-day" normative practices
ofthe Tribunal. While the first brings into play Classic International Law and
the rule of law, the second looks more like a neo-naturalism, fashioned by
moral and ethical values. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit - option recherche(LL.M)"
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De la réforme et de l'harmonisation du droit des sûretés dans un contexte de mondialisation de l'économie : vers un retour au paradigme de l'uniformisation du droit?Leduc, Antoine 03 1900 (has links)
La réforme et l’harmonisation du droit des sûretés mobilières sont à l’ordre du jour de plusieurs organisations internationales, car il est admis qu’un régime de sûretés efficient favorise l’accès au crédit à de faibles coûts. L’harmonisation de ce droit comporte deux volets. D’une part, dans l’Occident industrialisé, les efforts d’harmonisation vont de la réforme des droits internes à l’établissement de régimes spéciaux relativement à des biens spécifiques (principalement les biens mobiles de grande valeur, tels les aéronefs, le matériel ferroviaire roulant et les satellites, et les biens incorporels, comprenant les créances, valeurs mobilières, actifs financiers et titres intermédiés). Ces efforts d’harmonisation démontrent que d’un point de vue systémique, malgré quelques différences notables, les régimes nord-américains et européens sont fondés sur des principes similaires et atteignent des résultats comparables. En résulte l’émergence d’un ordre juridique transnational en droit des sûretés mobilières, fondé sur les principes de la primauté de l’individu et la reconnaissance du droit de propriété de l’individu dans ses biens, mis en œuvre grâce à l’État de droit.
D’autre part, les institutions financières internationales encouragent l’établissement de régimes de sûretés dans les pays en voie de développement qui obéissent aux mêmes critères que ceux de l’Occident, en insistant sur les réformes institutionnelles et juridiques visant l’établissement d’une bonne gouvernance et l’État de droit. Cependant, une transposition des régimes occidentaux ne peut se faire sans heurts dans les pays en voie de développement, notamment pour des raisons socio-culturelles et politiques. Lorsque les principes de la primauté de l’individu, de la propriété individuelle et de l’État de droit ne sont pas reconnus dans un pays donné, la réforme et l’harmonisation du droit des sûretés s’en trouvent compromis.
La démonstration de l’état d’avancement de la réforme et de l’harmonisation du droit des sûretés dans les pays occidentaux industrialisés est faite grâce à une comparaison du Uniform Commercial Code, du Code civil du Québec, des Personal Property Security Acts des provinces canadiennes de common law, des principes des droits français et anglais, de l’influence du droit communautaire sur les pays membres de l’Union Européenne. Sont analysés, aussi, dans cette optique, les principaux instruments de l’harmonisation du droit émanant des organisations internationales.
Par ailleurs, deux études de cas relatifs à la réforme du crédit foncier en Égypte et à la réforme de l’urbanisme et de l’habitat en République démocratique du Congo, viennent étayer les difficultés que rencontrent les institutions internationales, telles la Banque mondiale et l’ACDI, dans le cadre de projets de réformes visant la bonne gouvernance et l’instauration d’un véritable État de droit, en partie à cause d’un pluralisme des ordres juridiques de ces pays. / The reform and harmonization of secured transactions on movable (or personal) property is fostered by international organizations, on the assumption that an efficient regime of secured transactions will give access to affordable credit to a large number of persons and corporations. Such reform and harmonization process can be explained according to its two main features.
Firstly, in Western and developped countries, the focus is on endeavours to harmonize the various regimes internally and to establish special regimes with respect to specific assets (for instance, high value mobile equipment, such as aircrafts, rolling stock or satellites, on the one hand, or incorporeal property, including securities, financial assets or security entitlements, on the other hand). Even though some differences remains from a systemic point of view, north american and european regimes are based on similar principles and achieve comparable results. It is therefore possible to see the emergence of a transnational legal order in the law of secured transactions, based on individuals and the enforcement of their rights of ownership, ascertained by the Rule of Law principle.
Secondly, international financial institutions are encouraging the implementation of secured transactions regimes in developing countries along the same criteria as those used in Western developed countries, in the context of institutional and legal reforms under governance and rule of law projects. However, Western regimes must be adapted and customized before they are transplanted into a developing country. Indeed, for socio-cultural and political reasons, it is not possible to establish the same kind of regime therein. When individual rights and freedoms, including the right of ownership and the Rule of Law, are not recognized, the reform and harmonization of secured transactions is not likely to happen.
The status of advancement of the reform and harmonization of secured transactions in the developed world is illustrated by a comparison between the Uniform Commercial Code, the Civil Code of Québec, the Personal Property Security Acts of canadian common law provinces, the applicable principles under both French and English Law, and the influence of European Law on its member states. An analysis of the main harmonization instruments proposed by international organizations is also conducted.
Finally, the pitfalls of governance and rule of law reform projects are well described by two case studies. The first one deals with real estate and mortgage law reforms in Egypt, with a goal to encourage affordable access to housing; the second one is about urban planing and housing reforms in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The existence of a multiplicity of legal orders in these countries explains the difficulties encountered in such reform processes.
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To hunt and to hold : Martu Aboriginal people's uses and knowledge of their country, with implications for co-management in Karlamilyi (Rudall River) National Park and the Great Sandy Desert, Western AustraliaWalsh, Fiona Jane, January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] This ethnoecological study examines land uses by modern Martu Aboriginal people on their country. They occupy very remote settlementsParnngurr, Punmu and Kunawarritjiin the Great and Little Sandy Deserts. In 1990, their country included Crown Lands and Rudall River National Park. The study investigated the proposition that the knowledge and practices of Martu were of direct relevance to ecosystem processes and national park management. This research commenced in the wider Australian research context of the late 1980s early 90s when prevailing questions were about the role of customary harvest within contemporary Aboriginal society (Altman 1987; Devitt 1988) and the sustainability of species-specific harvests by Australian indigenous people (Bomford & Caughley 1996). Separately, there was a national line of enquiry into Aboriginal roles in natural resource and protected area management (Williams & Hunn 1986; Birckhead et al. 1992). The field work underpinning this study was done in 19861988 and quantitative data collected in 1990 whilst the researcher lived on Martu settlements. Ethnographic information was gathered from informal discussions, semi-structured interviews and participant observation on trips undertaken by Martu. A variety of parameters was recorded for each trip in 1990. On trips accompanied by the researcher, details on the plant and animal species collected were quantified. Martu knowledge and observations of Martu behaviour are interpreted in terms of the variety of land uses conducted and transport strategies including vehicle use; the significance of different species collected; socio-economic features of bush food collection; spatio-temporal patterns of foraging; and, the 'management' of species and lands by Martu. The research found that in 1990, hunting and gathering were major activities within the suite of land uses practiced by Martu. At least 40% of trips from the settlements were principally to hunt. More than 43 animal species and 37 plant food species were reported to be collected during the study; additionally, species were gathered for firewood, medicines and timber artefacts. Customary harvesting persisted because of the need for sustenance, particularly when there were low store supplies, as well as other reasons. The weight of bush meats hunted at least equalled and, occasionally, was three times greater than the weights of store meats available to Parnngurr residents. ... Paradoxically, hunting was a subject of significant difference despite it being the principal activity driving Martu expertise and practice. There is potential for comanagement in the National Park but it remains contingent on many factors between both Martu and DEC as well as external to them. The dissertation suggests practical strategies to enhance co-management.
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Where the clouds stand Australian Aboriginal relationships to water, place, and the marine environment in Blue Mud Bay, Northern Territory /Barber, Marcus. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Australian National University, 2005.
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The basis of contractual liability in indigenous lawAnspach, Philip 30 June 2003 (has links)
This study examines the basis of contractual liability in indigenous law. It concludes that contractual liability arises only from real contracts where one party has performed fully or partially in terms of an agreement. Attention is given to both the nature and concept of indigenous contracts to ascertain the function of contracts in indigenous societies in order to bring a holistic perspective to the topic.
It is demonstrated that the settlement of disputes arising out of indigenous contracts is primarily focused on the reconciliation of people and the consequent maintenance of harmony within the community. The foremost concern in indigenous law of contract is with human justice rather than with strict legal justice, and expression is thereby given to prevailing community values. / Indigenous Law / LL.M.
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The indigenous rights of personality with particular reference to the Swazi in the kingdom of SwazilandAnspach, Philip 30 November 2004 (has links)
This study was undertaken to establish whether rights of personality are known in indigenous law. Since indigenous law differs not only between tribes but is also affected by the degree of exposure to Western values, a micro-study has been done in a semi-rural environment in the Kingdom of Swaziland to establish to what extent own value systems have been influenced or altered when Western legal concepts are utilised. The information, obtained by interviewing a panel of experts, was compared with the available literature. During the process of gathering information, the aims of the research were not only to describe how the legal principles function, but also to take note of those socio-cultural processes which function outside of the law.
Rights of personality were studied against a background of the culture and way of life of the peoples concerned. The importance of culture has been acknowledged in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, wherein the recognition and application of indigenous law generally rests on a constitutionally protected right to culture.
Whilst the identifiable rights of personality may generally be classified according to specialised legal systems, the separation of rights to good name and to dignity may be inappropriate in the indigenous sphere. Dignity in indigenous legal systems is to be viewed as a comprehensive right of personality, into which should be subsumed the right to good name and reputation in the community.
It is such dignity, embracing the ubuntu quality of humanness that is protected
as a comprehensive indigenous right of personality.
Although the indigenous law of personality is showing some signs of adapting to new developments, there is also proof that the established legal principles and human values are being retained. However, these changes are unique and are neither typically traditional nor Western. The indigenous law of personality, operating in a changing social environment, has to retain its flexibility and adaptability in order to remain ”living” law for the peoples concerned. / Jurisprudence / LL.D.
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Aspects of succession law in ancient Egypt with specific reference to testamentary dispositionsVan Blerk, Nicolaas Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study indicates the strong link between the belief in the afterlife and the inception of testamentary dispositions in ancient Egypt. To understand law, and specifically succession law, the importance of religion must be understood. Religion was embedded in society. One of the most important principles of religion was maat, which formed the basis for law. The living and dead formed part of the same community. The belief in the afterlife implied an immortality, an eternal continuation of life. There was a moral relationship between the dead and living and the deceased was dependent on sustenance after death. There was an obligation for the family to sustain the deceased, but this piety diminished and a need arose to make arrangements for sustenance prior to death. This led to the inception of the testamentary disposition document.
The purpose of succession law is to maintain and strengthen the socio-economic structure in society and it therefore fulfils a social function. At the heart is the nuclear family. In ancient Egypt two systems of succession law developed: customary intestate succession and testate succession (by way of testamentary disposition). Different types of documents were used in ancient Egypt to serve the purpose of a testamentary disposition, such as the pious foundation and the imyt-pr. Important concepts and elements of succession law from the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms are identified and discussed. These include fideicommissum, trusts, usufruct, habitatio, legacies, the importance to indicate ownership of property, etc.
The testamentary disposition documents of ancient Egypt must be one of the earliest examples of testate succession law. The Egyptian testamentary disposition, with its concepts and elements of succession law, was established centuries before Rome and Roman law were established. The resemblance to our modern-day wills and testaments through our Roman testate succession law heritage is remarkable. / Classics and World Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Ancient Near Eastern Studies)
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International law in the post-1994 South African constitutions : terminology and applicationLamprecht, Andries Albertus 01 January 2002 (has links)
An important change wrought by the post-1994 South African Constitutions is the attempt to
have South Africa recognised as a democratic and sovereign state in the "family of nations."
The new Constitutions make extensive reference to the state's international obligations and
represent an endeavour to [re]define the status of international law vis-a-vis national law.
Some provisions utilise international law in the interpretation and formulation of national
jurisprudence and represent an [albeit not totally successful] endeavour to attain greater
harmonisation between international and national law.
This is an attempt to systematize the various criticisms levelled against these provisions to
date, and to highlight certain interpretational difficulties and problems that present themselves
in the process. The distinction between the various terminologies and branches of
international law is also taken to task. Lastly, this paper attempts to determine the extent to which international law is applied at national level under the post-1994 constitutions. / Jurisprudence / LL. M.
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