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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

AI i rekryteringsprocessen: En studie om användningen av AI för CV-analys / AI in the recruitment process: A study on the use of AI for CV-analysis

Al-Khamisi, Ardoan, El Khoury, Christian January 2024 (has links)
Studien undersöker vilka metoder som är mest lämpliga för rekryteringsprocesser genom att inkludera tre befintliga Artificiell intelligens (AI) verktyg samt en egenutvecklad prototyp. Tidigare studier har visat att AI kan förbättra rekryteringsprocessen genom att öka effektiviteten och minska fördomar, men också att det finns begränsningar i hur väl AI kan bedöma kandidaternas kompetenser. Målet är att bestämma de mest effektiva AI-lösningar för att matcha kvalificerade kandidater till ledande positioner. Identifierade möjligheter till förbättringar i hastighet, noggrannhet och kvalitet av rekryteringsprocessen. Fokuset för detta arbete ligger på analys av befintliga AI-lösningar parallellt med utvecklingen och testningen av en prototyp. Prototypen har designats för att hantera de brister som identifierats i de befintliga metoderna, såsom matchning av nyckelord mellan Curriculum Vitae (CV) och jobbannonsen. Denna metod har begränsningar i hur väl den kan identifiera kandidaters verkliga kompetenser och relevans för jobbet, vilket utforskas i denna studie. Resultatet från denna studie visar att AI för närvarande har en begränsad, men växande betydelse i rekryteringsprocesser. Detta pekar på en betydande potential för AI att erbjuda nya lösningar som kan leda till mer rättvisa och effektiva rekryteringsprocesser i framtiden. / The study examines which methods are most suitable for recruitment processes by including three existing artificial intelligence AI-tools as well as a custom-developed prototype. Previous studies have shown that AI can improve recruitment processes by increasing efficiency and reducing biases, but also that there are limitations in how well AI can assess candidate’s competencies. The goal is to determine the most effective AI solutions for matching qualified candidates to leading positions. Opportunities for improvement in speed, accuracy, and quality of the recruitment process have been identified. The focus of this work is on analyzing existing AI-solutions in parallel with the development and testing of a prototype. The prototype has been designed to address the deficiencies identified in existing methods, such as matching keywords between Curriculum Vitae (CV) and job advertisements. This method has limitations in how well it can identify candidate’s real competencies and relevance for the job, which is explored in this study. The results from this study show that AI currently has a limited, but growing significance in recruitment processes. This points to significant potential for AI to provide new solutions that can lead to fairer and more efficient recruitment processes in the future.

Emotion Communication Under Conditions of Partial Face Occlusion

Kastendieck, Till Martin 28 March 2024 (has links)
Diese kumulative Dissertation umfasst zwei Veröffentlichungen zu drei Bereichen der Emotionskommunikation. Ziel war es, zu untersuchen, ob OP-Masken die Emotionswahrnehmung, die Affiliation und die emotionale Mimikry (d.h. die automatische, aber zielabhängige Imitation des emotionalen Ausdrucks von Interaktionspartner:innen) reduzieren. In zwei Online-Experimenten (Studie 1: N=200, britische Stichprobe; Studie 2: N=235, deutsche Stichprobe) wurden subjektive Bewertungen und die emotionale Mimikry als Reaktion auf maskierte und unmaskierte Gesichter untersucht. Die wahrgenommene Emotionsintensität und die Genauigkeit der Emotionserkennung dienten als Indikatoren für die Emotionswahrnehmung. Die wahrgenommene zwischenmenschliche Nähe diente als Indikator für die Affiliation. Die emotionale Mimikry wurde mit Hilfe einer Gesichtsaktivitätserkennungstechnologie gemessen. In der ersten Studie sahen erwachsene Proband:innen erwachsene Zielpersonen, die Freude und Trauer ausdrückten, eingebettet in Innen- und Außenszenen. In der zweiten Studie sahen erwachsene Proband:innen Erwachsene und Kinder, die Freude, Trauer oder Ärger ausdrückten. Die Freudemimikry wurde durch Masken reduziert, insbesondere wenn die Zielpersonen Kinder waren. Im Gegensatz dazu war die Trauermimikry bei Kindergesichtern stärker und wurde, wie auch die Ärgermimikry, durch Masken nicht beeinträchtigt. Wir konnten auch zeigen, dass durch Gesichtsmasken verringerte Freudewahrnehmung und Nähe mit einer verringerten Freudemimikry verbunden waren. Die Studien zeigen somit, wie erwartet wurde, eine maskenbedingte Verringerung der Emotionswahrnehmung, der Affiliation, und der emotionalen Mimikry. Insgesamt trägt die vorliegende Arbeit zu unserem Verständnis der sozio-affektiven Auswirkungen der partiellen Gesichtsverdeckung bei und stützt die Theorie der emotionalen Mimikry im sozialen Kontext von Hess und Fischer, nach der Emotionswahrnehmung und Affiliation die emotionale Mimikry beeinflussen. / This cumulative doctoral dissertation encompasses two publications on three domains of emotion communication. The goal of the dissertation was to assess if surgical face masks reduce emotion perception, affiliation, and emotional mimicry (i.e., automatic but goal-dependent imitation of an interaction partner's emotional display). We conducted two online experiments (Study 1: N=200, U.K. sample; Study 2: N=235, German sample) that assessed subjective ratings and emotional mimicry in response to masked and unmasked faces. Perceived emotion intensity and emotion recognition accuracy served as indicators of emotion perception. Perceived interpersonal closeness (via the Inclusion of Other in the Self Scale) served as an indicator of affiliation. Emotional mimicry was measured using facial activity recognition technology. We also took into account socio-spatial context effects. In the first study, adult perceivers saw adult targets who expressed happiness and sadness embedded into indoor and outdoor scenes. In the second study, adult perceivers saw adult and child targets who expressed happiness, sadness, and anger. We found that happiness mimicry was reduced by masks, particularly when expressers were children. In contrast, sadness mimicry was stronger for children and, like anger mimicry, unaffected by masks. We also found that reduced emotion perception and closeness due to masks were associated with reduced happiness mimicry. The studies support evidence from before and during the COVID-19 pandemic for mask-related reductions of emotion perception and affiliation. Moreover, the studies provide unprecedented evidence on reductions of emotional mimicry in response to masked faces and child targets. Overall, the present work contributes to our understanding of the socio-affective effects of partial face occlusion and supports emotional mimicry in social context theory by Hess and Fischer, according to which emotion perception and affiliation influence emotional mimicry.

Untersuchungen zu qualitätsbeeinflussenden, nacherntephysiologischen und phytopathologischen Prozessen bei Convenience-Produkten während der Kurzzeitlagerung am Beispiel von Spargel (Asparagus officinalis L.)

Kadau, Renate 31 August 2005 (has links)
In Deutschland nimmt der Anbau von Bleichspargel (Asparagus officinalis L.) sechzehn Prozent der Gesamtgemüseanbaufläche ein. Die Qualitätssicherung von Spargel, insbesondere aber von geschältem (Convenience-) Spargel stellt wegen der hohen Stoffwechselaktivität nach der Ernte eine Herausforderung dar. Insbesondere gilt es, die Textur und die Inhaltsstoffe vor qualitätsmindernden Veränderungen und verderbsförderndem Pilzbefall zu bewahren. Als Verpackung dienen in der Regel Folienverpackungen, die aber oft für das empfindliche Gemüseprodukt nicht geeignet sind. Daher wurde der Einfluss von unterschiedlichen Folienverpackungen (vier Polypropylenfolien, zwei biologisch abbaubare Folien und ein Oberflächencoating) mit unterschiedlicher Permeabilität für Sauerstoff und Kohlendioxid auf die Veränderungen der Qualitätsparameter ( Farbe, Textur, Frischmasse, Trockensubstanz, Gerüstkohlenhydrate ( Pectine, Lignin, Hemicellulose, Cellulose, Saccharose, Fructose, Glucose) von nicht geschälten und geschälten Spargel unmittelbar nach der Ernte und nochmals nach drei (bzw. vier) Lagertagen (2°C, 10°C, 20°C Lagertemperatur) ermittelt. Direkt nach der Ernte und nach drei Lagertagen wurde bei 10°C und 20°C Lagertemperatur die Kontamination mit Pilzen und der eventuell damit verbundene Gehalt an Fumonisin B1 geprüft. Die Lagertemperatur von 10°C (2 d Lagerdauer) erwies sich als geeignet zur Qualitätserhaltung von Convenience – Spargel. Bei 2°C und 20°C geschältem Spargel waren die Pectinfraktionen, bei nicht geschältem Spargel war der Hemicellulosegehalt Veränderungen unterworfen. Die Veränderungen dieser Qualitätsparameter waren mit den Veränderungen der Textur korreliert. Die Spargelspitze ist bei der Lagerung (2°C und 20°C) stoffwechselaktiver, als die restliche Spargelstange. Es zeigte sich, dass das Verhältnis von O2 zu CO2 (RQ) in der Verpackungsfolie signifikanten Einfluss auf die Qualitätsparameter von geschältem Spargel ausübte. Die geringsten stoffwechselphysiologischen Veränderungen wurden bei einem RQ von 0,65 festgestellt. Folienverpackungen mit RQ von 0,03-0,65 hatten sich für das endophytische Pilzwachstum als hemmend erwiesen. Das Mykotoxin Fumonisin B1 wurden in gesundheitlich unbedenklichen Mengen (< 1,67 mg * kg TS-1) in nicht gelagerten und in gelagerten Spargelstangen nachgewiesen. / The production area of white asparagus comprises 16 % of all vegetable crops in Germany. The economic important asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) is known for its high quality loss in postharvest. In order to protect convenience asparagus, i.e. fresh-cut peeled white asparagus from rapid deterioration in respect to phytopathological fungi, nutritive and sensory compounds the commercial use of film packaging might be an important tool. However, the film packaging materials used commercially do often not fulfil product physiological concerns. Therefore, the influence of different film packaging materials (four polypropylene-films, two biological degradable films and one coating) with different permeabilities for CO2 and O2 was investigated for unpeeled and peeled white asparagus during storage (2, 3, and 4 days) at temperatures of 2°C, 10°C, 20°C. Changes in the following quality attributes were studied: colour, texture, fresh weight, dry weight, structural carbohydrates (pectic substances, lignin, hemicellulose, cellulose), mono- and disaccharides (fructose, glucose, sucrose). Moreover, at harvest and after three days of storage the contamination with fungi and the content of the mycotoxin Fumonisin B1 was observed. The tests for contamination of fungi were conducted with slight nutrient agar (SNA) for seven days at 20°C under 14 h UV light and 10 h darkness (Nirenberg, 1976) Quality changes were most inhibited at a storage temperature of 10°C for two days. The ratio of O2 to CO2 (RQ) within the film packaging had a pronounced effect on the quality attributes of peeled asparagus. Changes in dry weight, fresh weight, lignin content were low at a RQ of 0,65 (P-Plus 2 film), whereas the water-soluble/insoluble pectin ratio (1 : 0,8) remained constant during the entire storage period. A low correlation was found between texture and hemicellulose, glucose, sucrose and the ratio of water-soluble to insoluble pectin. The meristematic zone of the asparagus tip revealed a higher metabolic activity than other morphological parts of the spear. Endophytic fungi, e.g. Fusarium spp., a precursor of mycotoxin, was found in control asparagus spears. During storage, the development of Fusarium spp. could be inhibited by all film packaging revealing a RQ of 0,003 - 0,65. The mycotoxin Fumonisin B1 occurred in all asparagus spears (control and stored spears), however the content (< 1,67 mg * kg TS -1) did not reach health risk threshold values.

Study of the oxygen reduction on perovskite-type oxides in alkaline media / Etude de la réduction d'oxygène sur les oxydes de type pérovskite en milieu alcalin

Poux, Tiphaine 27 January 2014 (has links)
La cinétique lente de la réduction de l’oxygène (ORR) est en grande partie responsable de la perte d’énergie de nombreux systèmes de conversion tels que les piles à combustible. Parmi les possibles catalyseurs de l’ORR, les oxydes de type pérovskite sont des candidats prometteurs en milieu alcalin. La présente thèse est consacrée à l’étude de l’activité, du mécanisme et de la stabilité de pérovskites à base de Co et Mn pour l’ORR. Grâce aux techniques d’électrode tournante à disque et disque-anneau (R(R)DE), les études de l’ORR et des transformations d’HO2- sur les couches minces de pérovskite/carbone dans une solution de NaOH ont montré qu’O2 est réduit en OH- via un mécanisme « en série » avec formation d’HO2- intermédiaire. Pour des quantités d’oxyde suffisantes, HO2- est ensuite réduit, ce qui résulte en un mécanisme apparent de 4 électrons. Dans ces électrodes, le carbone joue un double rôle. Il augmente l’activité électrocatalytique en améliorant le contact électrique et il est impliqué dans le mécanisme de l’ORR en catalysant la réduction d’O2 en HO2-, surtout pour les pérovskites à base de cobalt qui sont considérablement moins actives que celles à base de Mn. Néanmoins, l’électrocatalyse de l’ORR semble dégrader les sites actifs des pérovskites. / The sluggish kinetics of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is largely responsible for the energy losses in energy conversion systems such as fuel cells. Among possible inexpensive catalysts for the ORR, perovskite oxides are promising electrocatalysts in alkaline media. The present thesis is devoted to the investigation of the ORR activity, mechanism and stability of some Co and Mn-based perovskites. The rotating (ring) disk electrode (R(R)DE) studies of the ORR and the HO2- transformations on perovskite/carbon thin layers in NaOH electrolyte prove that O2 is reduced to OH- via a “series” pathway with the HO2- intermediate. For high oxide loadings, the formed HO2- species are further reduced to give a global 4 electron pathway. In these electrodes, carbon plays a dual role. It increases the electrocatalytic activity by improving the electrical contact and it is involved in the ORR mechanism by catalyzing the reduction of O2 into HO2-, especially for Co-based perovskites which display lower reaction rates than Mn-based perovskites.

Atrial Fibrillation Detection Algorithm Evaluation and Implementation in Java / Utvärdering av algoritmer för detektion av förmaksflimmer samt implementation i Java

Dizon, Lucas, Johansson, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Atrial fibrillation is a common heart arrhythmia which is characterized by a missing or irregular contraction of the atria. The disease is a risk factor for other more serious diseases and the total medical costs in society are extensive. Therefore it would be beneficial to improve and optimize the prevention and detection of the disease.   Pulse palpation and heart auscultation can facilitate the detection of atrial fibrillation clinically, but the diagnosis is generally confirmed by an ECG examination. Today there are several algorithms that detect atrial fibrillation by analysing an ECG. A common method is to study the heart rate variability (HRV) and by different types of statistical calculations find episodes of atrial fibrillation which deviates from normal sinus rhythm.   Two algorithms for detection of atrial fibrillation have been evaluated in Matlab. One is based on the coefficient of variation and the other uses a logistic regression model. Training and testing of the algorithms were done with data from the Physionet MIT database. Several steps of signal processing were used to remove different types of noise and artefacts before the data could be used.   When testing the algorithms, the CV algorithm performed with a sensitivity of 91,38%, a specificity of 93,93% and accuracy of 92,92%, and the results of the logistic regression algorithm was a sensitivity of 97,23%, specificity of 93,79% and accuracy of 95,39%. The logistic regression algorithm performed better and was chosen for implementation in Java, where it achieved a sensitivity of 97,31%, specificity of 93,47% and accuracy of 95,25%. / Förmaksflimmer är en vanlig hjärtrytmrubbning som kännetecknas av en avsaknad eller oregelbunden kontraktion av förmaken. Sjukdomen är en riskfaktor för andra allvarligare sjukdomar och de totala kostnaderna för samhället är betydande. Det skulle därför vara fördelaktigt att effektivisera och förbättra prevention samt diagnostisering av förmaksflimmer.   Kliniskt diagnostiseras förmaksflimmer med hjälp av till exempel pulspalpation och auskultation av hjärtat, men diagnosen brukar fastställas med en EKG-undersökning. Det finns idag flertalet algoritmer för att detektera arytmin genom att analysera ett EKG. En av de vanligaste metoderna är att undersöka variabiliteten av hjärtrytmen (HRV) och utföra olika sorters statistiska beräkningar som kan upptäcka episoder av förmaksflimmer som avviker från en normal sinusrytm.   I detta projekt har två metoder för att detektera förmaksflimmer utvärderats i Matlab, en baseras på beräkningar av variationskoefficienten och den andra använder sig av logistisk regression. EKG som kommer från databasen Physionet MIT används för att träna och testa modeller av algoritmerna. Innan EKG-signalen kan användas måste den behandlas för att ta bort olika typer av brus och artefakter.   Vid test av algoritmen med variationskoefficienten blev resultatet en sensitivitet på 91,38%, en specificitet på 93,93% och en noggrannhet på 92,92%. För logistisk regression blev sensitiviteten 97,23%, specificiteten 93,79% och noggrannheten 95,39%. Algoritmen med logistisk regression presterade bättre och valdes därför för att implementeras i Java, där uppnåddes en sensitivitet på 91,31%, en specificitet på 93,47% och en noggrannhet på 95,25%.

Mécanismes de vieillissement de l'Assemblage-Membrane-Électrodes dans une pile à combustible de type PEM par approche expérimentale / Mechanisms of Membrane-Electrode-Assembly aging in PEMFC by experimental approach

Huang, Botao 17 July 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a permis de mettre en évidence les mécanismes de vieillissement de la pile à combustible de type PEM lors de cyclages d'humidité de l'air et suite à la perforation de l'AME (Assemblage Membrane Electrodes). Premièrement, les mécanismes connus de dégradation des divers composants (membrane, catalyseur, support du catalyseur, GDL, plaques bipolaires et joints d'étanchéité) ont été présentés. Ensuite, les outils de diagnostic en-ligne (chronopotentiométrie, spectroscopie d'impédance, gestion de l'eau et analyse chimique de l'eau) et ceux hors-ligne (CV et LSV) ainsi que des analyses post-mortem (RMN, MET, MEB et DRX) ont été décrits. Expérimentalement, le cyclage en humidité de l'air a été effectué en mono-cellule de 25 cm2: le cyclage à forte humidité entraîne une perte significative de la surface électroactive du catalyseur; le cyclage à faible humidité favorise la perméation de l'hydrogène à travers la membrane. Le cyclage à faible humidité réalisé sur une pile de 100 cm2 a montré un mécanisme de dégradation différent de celui de la pile de 25 cm2: la perméation de l'hydrogène reste faible alors que la tension de la pile était de plus en plus fluctuante certainement du fait de la présence de volumes morts et de la rétention d'eau liquide dans la pile. L'effet de la perforation de l'AME a été étudié sur une pile de 100 cm2: la perforation par une punaise de 0,7 mm de diamètre ne génère qu'une légère augmentation de la perméation de l'hydrogène; la perforation par une punaise de 1,2 mm de diamètre entraîne une chute de tension et l'augmentation significative de la résistance de diffusion de l'oxygène due à la perméation importante de l'hydrogène / This thesis highlights the aging mechanisms of PEM Fuel Cell submitted to two main aging conditions: air relative humidity (RH) cycling, and MEA (Membrane Electrode Assembly) pinhole test of operation. First, the aging mechanisms of PEMFC main components (membrane, catalyst, carbon support, GDL, bipolar plates and gaskets), have been reviewed from the literature. Then the on-line diagnostic tools (chronopotentiometry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, water management and water analysis), off-line ones (cyclic voltammetry and linear sweep voltammetry) and post-mortem analyses (nuclear magnetic resonance, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction) have been described. Experimentally, the high and low air RH cycling runs have been carried out with a 25 cm2 single cell: the high air RH cycling run promoted serious loss of the ElectroChemical Surface Area (ECSA); the low air RH cycling run caused significant increase in hydrogen crossover. The low air RH cycling has been also performed with a 100 cm2 single cell and the aging mechanism was different from that of 25 cm2 cell: the hydrogen crossover remained very low but the fuel cell voltage exhibited strong fluctuations at the end of the run: this was attributed to the presence of dead volumes and liquid water retention within the cell. Finally, MEA pinhole effect has been investigated with a 100 cm2 single cell: the perforation by a 0.7 mm diameter pin promoted slight increase in the hydrogen crossover; the perforation by a 1.2 mm diameter pin caused significant cell voltage losses and serious increase in the cathode diffusion resistance due to significant hydrogen crossover

Operational effectiveness of connected vehicle smartphone technology on a signalized corridor

Mjogolo, Festo 01 January 2019 (has links)
Over the last decade, extensive research efforts have been placed on performance evaluation and the benefits of innovative CV applications. Findings indicate that CV technology can effectively mitigate the safety, mobility, and environmental challenges experienced on transportation networks. Most of research evaluated CV technology through simulation studies. However, a field study provides a more ideal method of assessing CV technology effectiveness. Therefore, a field study to obtain the actual effectiveness of CV technology was warranted, to validate previous findings, and to add to the body of knowledge surrounding this topic. This thesis presents both a field study and simulation evaluation of the effectiveness of CV smartphone technology on a 1.1 mile segment of State Road 121, containing five intersections, in Gainesville, Florida. Field observations were conducted using a CV application, developed by Connected Signals, Inc., that uses a smartphone application, called EnLighten, to communicate intersection information to driver’s smartphone, which serves as a vehicle on-board unit. Traffic operation and safety performance was evaluated using start-up lost time, discharge distribution model, and speed harmonization. Findings show that the CV smartphone technology improved intersection performance with a reduction in start-up lost time of approximately 86%. Additionally, driving safety improved with a reduction in speed variability by nearly 61% between vehicles in a specific lane for a 100% CV penetration rate. Cost analyses of deploying CV smartphone technology indicate that implementation may result in an average total economic cost savings associated with crashes of nearly $6.8 million at the study site, and approximately $5.6 billion statewide. Findings of the simulation evaluation revealed that the CV technology improved performance of intersections operating at a Level of Service (LOS) B or better, compared to lower operating levels. Operational performance improved at intersections operating at a LOS C with a 30% to 60% CV penetration rate.

Cytochrome C biosensor for the determination of trace level arsenic and cyanide compounds

Fuku, Xolile Godfrey January 2011 (has links)
In this work, an electrochemical method based on a cyt c biosensor has been developed, for the detection of selected arsenic and cyanide compounds. Boron Doped Diamond (BDD) electrode was used as a transducer, onto which cyt c was immobilised and used for direct determination of Prussian blue, potassium cyanide and arsenic trioxide by inhibition mechanism. The sensitivity as calculated from cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square wave voltammetry (SWV), for each analyte in phosphate buffer (pH= 7) was found to be (1.087- 4.488 ×10-9 M) and the detection limits ranging from 0.0043- 9.1 μM. These values represent a big improvement over the current Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines.

Optimización del envasado en atmósfera modificada de la lechuga iceberg

Martínez López, Juan Antonio 24 February 2011 (has links)
El presente trabajo está justificado por la necesidad real constatada por las empresas hortofrutícolas de mejorar la calidad de la lechuga Iceberg en vistas a su exportación a los países de la Unión Europea y, también, con el propósito de conocer el comportamiento fisiológico de esta hortaliza cultivada en la comarca del Campo de Cartagena de la Región de Murcia (España). La mejora de la calidad hace referencia a conseguir mantenerla desde la cosecha hasta el lugar de consumo, ya que la calidad del producto cosechado suele ser bastante buena. Respecto al comportamiento fisiológico, se ha pretendido conocer el potencial de conservación de la lechuga y el efecto del preenfriamiento y uso de las atmósferas modificadas en el mantenimiento de la calidad. También se han estudiado las alteraciones fisiológicas y microbianas que aparecen en las lechugas del Campo de Cartagena y el efecto de la refrigeración y coadyuvantes durante su almacenamiento. Como un complemento necesa rio al estudio de la calidad, se han determinado las características de permeación a los gases metabólicos de los envases plásticos destinados a la conservación de los productos vegetales en atmósferas modificadas y el comportamiento respiratorio de la lechuga con el fin de obtener una estrategia de diseño de envase que permita conocer las exigencias de este producto en relación al tipo de envasado que requiere. Los resultados han puesto de manifiesto que la lechuga Iceberg cultivada en el Campo de Cartagena es muy sensible a las alteraciones fisiológicas de nervaduras rosáceas y mancha canela sin mediación del etileno, que constituyen los principales problemas en su exportación. La solución planteada pasa por sustituir el envase actual, polipropileno macroperforado, por polipropilenos no perforados, biorientados o de tipo estándar, que han permitido reducir de forma drástica la incidencia de estas dos alteraciones y mantener un mejor aspecto visual incluso tras dos semanas de almacenamiento refrigerado. Si embargo, se debe controlar correctamente la temperatura y mantener la cadena de frío, ya que el envasado de la lechuga en estos polímeros no perforados presenta riesgos de incidencia de otras alteraciones fisiológicas como la mancha parda y el daño del cogollo interior. La reducción de las alteraciones en atmósfera modificada se ha atribuido a los niveles favorables de O2 (no menos del 10% y no más del 15%) y de CO2 (entre el 1 y el 4%) y su efecto beneficioso para frenar el metabolismo combinado con la reducción de la temperatura de refrigeración. / This study was accomplished because of horticultural Spanish companies needed to improve Iceberg lettuce quality to be exported towards the European Community countries and, at the same time, to know the physiological behaviour of this vegetable grown in the Campo de Cartagena area of the Murcia Region (Spain). The quality improvement consists of maintaining the lettuce quality from harvest to consumption, since the lettuce quality was usually quite good at harvest. Regarding to physiological behaviour, in this work it was searched both the lettuce shelf life and the effect of cooling and modified atmosphere packaging on maintaining quality. In the same way, the physiological and microbiological disorders which appeared in the lettuces grown in the Campo de Cartagena and the effect of chilling storage and other techniques were studied. In addition to this quality study, lettuce respiration and metabolic gas permeation throughout polymeric packages for using in modifi ed atmosphere packaging were studied. The data obtained permit to know the film requirements and to design an optimum modified atmosphere packaging for Iceberg lettuce. The results demonstrated that Iceberg lettuce grown in Campo de Cartagena is very sensitive to physiological disorders ‘pink rib’ and ‘russet spotting’ this last one without ethylene releasing. These are the main problems when lettuces are exported. Both non-perforated bioriented polypropylene and standard polypropylene were proposed as alternatives to substitute the conventional macroperforated polypropylene. The gas composition reached within packages with these films permitted to reduce drastically the above mentioned disorders and to maintain the overall quality for periods longer than two weeks under chilling. Both temperature and cold chain must be correctly kept so that no risks of either ‘brown stain’ or ‘heart-leaf injury’ can appear due to an inadequate use of non-perforated films. The disorders red uction was attributed to levels of O2 (between 10 to 15%) and CO2 (between 1 and 4%) within the packages and the favourable effects of those atmospheres combined with the use of chilling storage temperatures on restraining lettuce metabolism.

Modélisation du vieillissement et détermination de l'état de santé de batteries lithium-ion pour application véhicule électrique et hybride

EDDAHECH, Akram 12 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse se concentre sur la fiabilité des batteries lithium pour des applications véhicules à faible émission en CO2. Pour cela, des méthodologies de caractérisation électriques et thermiques, des protocoles et des tests de vieillissement de batteries lithium sous différents modes (cyclage actif, calendaire simple et cyclage/calendaire) ont été mis en œuvre.Une première partie de ces travaux de thèse s'attache à la modélisation et à l'estimation des états de charge et de santé de la batterie.La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'étude du vieillissement calendaire des batteries lithium utilisant la spectroscopie d'impédance comme méthode de caractérisation. Ensuite, une méthode originale pour l'évaluation de l'état santé de la batterie est proposée. Elle est basée sur l'exploitation de l'étape de charge à tension constante lors d'une recharge complète et est donc bien adaptée à une intégration au sein d'un système de gestion de batterie. L'approche introduite est validée sur des données réelles de vieillissement allant jusqu'à deux ans de test.Enfin, une étude du phénomène de régénération de la capacité suite à un vieillissement des batteries de type combiné cyclage/calendaire est menée. Cette dernière partie constitue une ouverture pour le développement de stratégies d'usage des batteries lithium en incluant leur comportement thermique.

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