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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Para além das osteoporose: experiências e modos de levar a vida de mulheres entre 50 e 59 anos / Going beyond osteoporosis: experiences and ways of living life in women between 50 and 59 years

Mazza, Selene Regina 19 March 2012 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta uma análise compreensiva das experiências e modos de levar a vida de mulheres entre 50 e 59 anos, no intuito de refletir sobre a vivência do processo de envelhecer e adoecer diante da invisibilidade sintomática da osteoporose, apresentando como referência contextual um momento específico do curso de vida destas mulheres. A abordagem teórica e metodológica apóia-se na articulação entre a sociologia do cotidiano e das emoções para exploração e interpretação de trajetórias, marcadores sociais e modos de vida que se processam na dinâmica da vida cotidiana deste grupo sociocultural. Através de histórias pessoais, das socialidades nos contextos interativos e do significado do corpo como processo narrativo e simbólico, desvelam-se categorias subjetivas que ordenam a vida e as práticas sociais destas mulheres em seu processo de envelhecimento, apresentando-as como sujeitos além da sua doença (osteoporose). Utiliza-se a conceitualização sobre curso da vida a partir dos sistemas produtivo, social e político para orientar a compreensão das experiências e trajetórias de vida de mulheres nesta faixa etária. O corpo é apresentado como uma tradução de formas de comer, de cuidar e de outras atividades de vida diárias, mostrando valores simbólicos e de referência conceitual sobre formas de ser, estar e fazer, onde as emoções pautam-se em processos intersubjetivos e contextos sociais diversos. No campo investigativo e analítico, utilizou-se como instrumento empírico a sala de espera de um posto de saúde em Fortaleza e entrevistas individuais para coleta e análise de informações, no intuito de apresentar singularidades e similaridades que compõem suas experiências e modos de vida. As falas retrataram a experiência de um corpo doloroso não vinculado à osteoporose, mas a situações afetivas, sociais e financeiras precárias que circunscrevem o dia a dia / This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the experiences and ways of taking the lives of women between 50 and 59 years in order to reflect on the experience of the process of aging and sicken against osteoporosis symptomatic invisibility,presenting as a contextual reference specific time course of life of these women. The theoretical and methodological approach is based on the relationship between the sociology of everyday life and emotions, for exploration and interpretation of trajectories, social bookmarks and lifestyles that are processed in the dynamics of everyday life of this socio and cultural group. Through personal stories, the sociabilities in interactive contexts and meaning of the body as symbolic and narrative process, give us a subjective categories ordering the life and social practices of these women in their aging process, presenting them as subjects beyond their disease (osteoporosis). It is used on the conceptualization of the life course viewed from the production, social and political systems to guide the understanding of the experiences and life trajectories of women in this age group. The body is presented as a translation of ways of eating, caring and other activities of daily living, showing symbolic values and conceptual framework on ways of being, being and doing, where emotions are driven in intersubjective processes, and various social contexts. In the investigative and analytical field, as an empirical instrument, we used the waiting room of a health center in Fortaleza, and individual interviews to collect and analyze information in order to provide uniqueness and similarities that make up their experiences and ways of life. The reports portrayed the experience of a painful body not linked to osteoporosis, but the precarious emotional, social and financial situations that encompass the day to day

“DET ÄR JU ALDRIG LÄTT ATT BLI FÖRÄLDER” - Boendestödjares syn på stöd till föräldrar med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning

Nilsson, Johanna, Näsström, Lillebill January 2018 (has links)
According to The Swedish act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS), people with intellectual disability have certain rights. Even if the law does not specifically mention parents with intellectual disability or the right to start a family, it is clear that this law shall promote equality in living conditions and full participation in community life. The Swedish social board (Socialstyrelsen) describes daily life support as a help for people in their daily life. The support is often addressed to people with mental disability but in some Swedish municipalities people with an intellectual disability can receive this support as well. Daily supporters does not only help with practical needs but also with social and psychological needs. This qualitative study aims to capture the respondents perspectives and perceptions on support for parents with intellectual disabilities. Six respondents from three different municipalities in Skåne county has been interviewed. From these interviews four different themes has been selected. All of the respondents has in some way mentioned that alliance/trust/relationship is very important, and that it is necessary for their work to even be possible. They also talk about their work with practical support and their work with clients in supporting them in their self-esteem. Cooperation is according to the respondents necessary in their work with the clients but that cooperation with other professions does not work. When the respondents talk about their views on the target group they often mention that the parents can feel insufficient in their role as parents. They think it could be a result of how people with intellectual disability often is treated and viewed by society. The result of this study shows that daily life support, specifically for parents with intellectual disability, is inadequate. However, the result should be considered in relation to the extent of the study.

Endometrios i det vardagliga livet. En litteraturstudie om kvinnors upplevelser

Pettersson, Sofia, Hultqvist, Lydia January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Endometrios är en kronisk, inflammatorisk och gynekologisk sjukdom däromkring var tionde kvinna i fertil ålder drabbas. Bristande kunskap inom hälso- ochsjukvården resulterar i fördröjd diagnos och behandling. Vanliga symtom videndometrios är smärta, fatigue och blödningar.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa hur kvinnor med endometrios upplever attsjukdomen inverkar på deras vardagliga liv.Metod: En litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats. Genom databassökningar i CINAHLoch PubMed identifierades tolv kvalitativa, vetenskapliga artiklar somkvalitetsgranskades med mall för kvalitetsgranskning av studier med kvalitativforskningsmetodik - patientupplevelser utformad av Statens beredning för medicinskoch social utvärdering (SBU). Artiklarna analyserades med innehållsanalys.Resultat: Kvinnor med endometrios upplevde att sjukdomen inverkade negativt påderas vardagliga liv i många avseenden. Analysen resulterade i sex teman:funktionsförmåga; emotionellt mående; socialt liv; intima relationer; arbete, utbildningoch ekonomi; självbild och livsföring. Utöver dessa teman identifierades också tvåsubteman.Konklusion: Stöd, förståelse och bekräftelse av symtom är viktigt för kvinnornashantering av sjukdomen i det vardagliga livet. Okunskap och normalisering avmenstruationssmärtor i både samhället och inom hälso- och sjukvården gör att kvinnormed endometrios upplever ett utanförskap i samhället som kan leda till social isolering.Ökad kunskapsspridning om endometrios behövs inom både hälso- och sjukvården och isamhället för att kvinnorna ska kunna uppleva en bredare acceptans för sin sjukdom ochmötas av förståelse istället för misstro. Att synliggöra hur kvinnor med endometriosupplever att sjukdomen inverkar på deras vardagliga liv ger ökad förståelse för de härkvinnorna vilket är en förutsättning för att sjuksköterskan ska kunna ge personcentreradoch säker vård till den här patientgruppen. Sjuksköterskan kan bidra med information,samverkande åtgärder, stöd och bekräftande vilket kan minska lidande och risken försocial isolering.Nyckelord: Dagligt liv, endometrios, erfarenhet, inverkan, kvinnors hälsa, upplevelse,vardagligt liv. / Background: Endometriosis is a chronic, inflammatory and gynecological disease inwhich about one in ten women of childbearing age suffer. Lack of knowledge in healthcare results in delayed diagnosis and treatment. Common symptoms of endometriosisare pain, fatigue and bleeding.Aim: The aim of this study was to illustrate women’s experiences regarding the impactof endometriosis upon their everyday lives.Method: A literature study with a qualitative approach. Through database searches in CINAHL and PubMed, twelve qualitative, scientific articles were identified and quality-controlled with a template for quality review of studies with qualitative research methodology - patient experiences designed by the Swedish National Board for Medicaland Social Evaluation. The articles were analyzed with content analysis.Result: Women with endometriosis experienced negative impact of the disease:endometriosis affected several aspects of women's everyday lives and the analysisresulted in six themes: functional ability; emotional maturity; social life; intimaterelationships; work, education and economics; self-image and life-management. Twosubthemes were also identified.Conclusion: Support, understanding and confirmation of symptoms are important forwomen in order to cope with the disease in their everyday lives. However, women withendometriosis experience ignorance and normalization of menstrual pain in both societyand in healthcare which leads to alienation which can lead to social isolation. Increasedknowledge about endometriosis is needed in both healthcare and society in general, inorder for women to experience a broader acceptance of their illness and to be met byunderstanding rather than mistrust. Highlighting women’s experiences regarding theimpact of endometriosis upon their everyday lives leads to increased understandingwhich to the nurse is crucial information in order to guarantee a person-centered andsafe healthcare. The nurse can collaborate with other professions in healthcare andprovide information, support and confirmation to these women, which can reduce theirsuffering and risk of social isolation.Keywords: Daily life, endometriosis, everyday life, experience, impact, perception,women’s health.

Att leva med hjärntumör : Personers upplevelser av dagligt liv / Living with brain tumor : Persons experiences in daily life

Jansson, Linn January 2020 (has links)
Personer med hjärntumör lever med fysiska, kognitiva och neurologiska symtom beroende på tumörens lokalisation, de lever med osäkra prognoser och oro för framtiden och deras anhöriga. Genom att anta ett holistiskt perspektiv kan sjuksköterskan värna om personens behov och erbjuda stödjande resurser. Litteraturstudiens syfte var att belysa hur vuxna personer med hjärntumör upplever dagligt liv. Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie. I studiens resultat framkom att personer upplever begränsningar i vardagen till följd av sina symtom, att de upplever en förändrad psykosocial situation, att de har ett stort behov av information, men även att de har ett inneboende hopp och använder sig av copingstrategier. Sjuksköterskan bör se individen bakom sjukdomen, och uppmärksamma hens behov och önskningar. Informationen bör vara individuellt anpassad efter personens kognitiva förmågor och kommunikation med de anhöriga bör främjas. Sjuksköterskan bör ge emotionellt stöd och på så sätt stödja personen i att acceptera sin livssituation samt finna styrka och hopp. Mer forskning om personer med hjärntumör i arbetsför ålder krävs såsom hur de upplever möjligheten att få information om de långsiktiga konsekvenserna när de återgått till dagligt liv efter behandling. / Persons with brain tumor lives with physical, cognitive and neurological symptoms depending on where the tumor is located, they live with unsure prognosis and anxiety about the future and their relatives. The nurse can protect the needs of the person and offer supporting resources by adopting a holistic approach. The aim of the study was to illustrate how adults with brain tumors experience daily life. The study was conducted as a general literature study. The result of the study illustrates persons experiencing limitations in daily life activities, a changed psychosocial situation, a need for information but also an intrinsic hope and strategies to cope. The nurse should see the individual behind the disease and pay attention to their needs and desires. The information given should be individually customized to the persons cognitive abilities and the communication with their relatives should be promoted. The nurse should give the person emotionally support and by that support the person in accepting their new way of living life and to feel strength and hope. More research about persons with brain tumor in working age is needed, such as how they experience the possibility to recieve information about the long-term consequences when they returned to daily life after treatment.

Le miel en Égypte Ancienne : histoire et fonctions d'un produit précieux / The Honey in Ancient Egypt : history and Functions of a valuable Product.

Lafont, Julie 08 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse de Doctorat, intitulée « Le miel en Égypte ancienne. Économie et fonction d’un produit précieux », a pour principal objectif d’identifier les différents domaines dans lesquels le miel intervenait dans la société égyptienne antique. Elle évalue notamment l’état des connaissances des Anciens Égyptiens en matière d’apiculture : les techniques employées depuis la récolte jusqu’à la mise en pot, le choix des zones géographiques de production, la typologie des miels.Elle vise également à révéler l’existence d’une économie spécifique à cette denrée enconsidérant notamment sa distribution, sa valeur marchande au cours de l’histoirepharaonique ainsi que la portée des échanges avec les cultures voisines.Enfin, elle interroge les textes afin de définir les divers usages du miel : alimentaire, au moyen des scènes de « pâtisserie » et des nombreuses listes d’offrandes ; médical, grâce aux papyri médico-magiques ; rituel, à travers l’étude des inscriptions de tombes et de temples. / Entitled "Honey in Ancient Egypt. Economy and Functions according to a valuable product", this PhD thesis main objective is to identify the various areas where the honey had a role in ancient Egyptian society. This study assesses specifically the state of knowledge of the ancient Egyptians in terms of beekeeping techniques from harvest to potting, as well as the selection of adapted geographical areas of production and the existing classification of each type of honey.My PhD thesis aims at showing the existence of a specific economy for this commodity and especially its distribution, its market value during the Pharaonic history and the scope of exchanges with neighbouring cultures.Finally, this research examines texts to define the various daily uses of honey : food, consisting in scenes of "pastry", many lists of offerings, etc. ; medical, thanks to medical-magical papyri ; ritual, through the study of inscriptions of tombs and temples.

Hemodialys ur patienters perspektiv : Erfarenheter från vardagen - en litteraturbaserad studie / Haemodialysis from patient’s perspective : Experiences from daily life – a literature based study

Sundberg, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hemodialys är en behandling som är aktuell vid kronisk njursvikt då njurarnas renande funktion ej längre fungerar och behöver ersättas. Behandlingen är tidskrävande och påverkar patienten både fysiskt och psykiskt. Patienten kan upplevda någon form av lidande och det är sjuksköterskans ansvar att främja hälsa och välbefinnande genom att förmedla kunskap och information samt att främja delaktighet och ta patientens autonomi i beaktande. Syfte: Beskriva patienters erfarenheter av sin vardag när de behandlas med hemodialys. Metod: Litteraturbaserad med grund i analys av kvalitativ forskning. Resultat: Ur analysen framkom två huvudkategorier; Hemodialysen styr vardagen och Anpassar till ett förändrat liv med sju tillhörande underkategorier. Slutsats: Restriktioner bidrog till svårigheter att hantera sin vardag. Behov av kunskap för att hantera vardagen var viktigt och sjuksköterskans bemötande påverkar patienten både positivt och negativt. Patienter erfar sin vardag olika och vissa hanterar den bra, upplever hälsa och meningsfullhet medan andra känner lidande och har ingen motivation för att kunna hantera vardagen. / Background: Haemodialysis can replace the filtration function of the kidneys when needed at end-stage renal disease. It is a treatment that causes suffering of different types and consumes a lot of time and has a physical and psychological effect. Knowledge, information, autonomy and participation are of importance for patients perceptions of wellbeing and the nurse has a supporting role. Aim: To describe patient’s experiences of their daily life when on haemodialysis. Method: Literature based with analysis of qualitative studies. Result: From the analysis two main categories emerged; Haemodialysis control daily life and Adapting to a different life, with seven subcategories. Conclusion: Restrictions in daily life was difficult to manage and the patients needed knowledge to be able to go through the day. The behaviour of the nurse had an influence on the patient, both positive and negative. Every patient experience their daily live different when on haemodialysis and some manage well and felt healthy while some suffered and felt illness and had no motivation.

Institution et destitution du temps social : socioanthropologie du temps institué et des contre(-)temps révolutionnaires / Institution and destitution of social time : socioanthropology of the instituted social time and of revolutionary counter(-)times

Le Roulley, Simon 04 December 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la question du temps social comme enjeu stratégique pour les communautés révolutionnaires métropolitaines en France à partir de l'étude de trois d'entre elles localisées à Caen, Rennes et Nantes. Ce travail s'attache à montrer les processus historiques d'institution du temps social et les tentatives visant sa destitution. Il s'engage par un retour epistémo-méthodologique sur la constitution de la sociologie à partir d'une discussion entre Durkheim et Marx. Nous défendons l'hypothèse selon laquelle la discipline se constitue davantage comme une science de l'ordre visant la stabilisation des institutions, puis avec d'autres auteurs nous essayons de dégager les voies d'une sociologie de la destitution qui assume une politique d'intervention. Partant, nous nous employons dans un premier temps (partie 2) à mener une sociologie critique classique basée sur une approche sociohistorique de la domination, en l'espèce une histoire de l'institution du temps social à partir d’une étude du travail, de la vie quotidienne, des rapports de pouvoir. Dans les parties 3 et 4 nous proposons une socioanthropologie de formes-de-vies communistes œuvrant à la fois dans la lutte contre le temps social institué (contretemps révolutionnaires, dimension négative) et affirmant un rapport au temps partant des usages (contre-temps révolutionnaires, dimension positive). L’objectif de cette thèse est de monter la façon dont un horizon post-capitaliste s’expérimente ici et maintenant, la façon dont il prend en charge ou non la question de la domination du temps social institué, la façon, aussi, dont il est réprimé. / This thesis deals with the question of social time as a strategic issue for the metropolitan revolutionary communities in France from the study of three of them located in Caen, Rennes and Nantes. This work seeks to show the historical processes of the institution of social time and attempts to destitute it. It begins by an epistemological and methodological return on the constitution of sociology through a discussion between Durkheim and Marx. We defend the hypothesis according to which the discipline is constituted more like a science of the established order aiming at the stabilization of the institutions. Then, with other authors, we try to clear the ways of a sociology of the destitution which undertakes a politics of intervention. Therefore, we begin at first (part 2) to investigate in a classical critical sociology’s way based on a sociohistorical approach of domination – in this case a history of the institution of social time through a study of work, of everyday life and power relations. In parts 3 and 4 we propose a socioanthropology of communist forms-of-life leading at the same time a fight against the instituted social time (revolutionary countertimes, negative dimension) and affirming a relation to the time starting from the activities (revolutionary counter-time, positive dimension). The aim of this thesis is to show how a post-capitalist horizon experiences itself here and now, the way in which it takes over or not the question of the domination of the instituted social time, the way, also, which it is repressed.

Older adults with disability in extreme poverty in Peru: How is their access to health care?

Flores-Flores, Oscar, Bell, Ruth, Reynolds, Rodney, Bernabé-Ortiz, Antonio 01 December 2018 (has links)
Background Disability rates increase with age. In 2012, Peruvian older adults ( 65 years) represented 9% of the population. Additionally, older population reported disabilities at about 5 times the rate of Peruvians between 36 and 64 years old, and 30% of older population lived in poverty. Peruvian seniors living in extreme poverty experience disabilities and the extent of their access to healthcare is unknown. Objective This study assesses associations between disability and access to healthcare among Peruvians older individuals living in extreme poverty. Methods Secondary analysis of a national representative population based survey that utilizes information from Peru’s 2012 survey Health and Wellbeing in Older Adults (ESBAM), which includes older adults living in extreme poverty. We define disability in terms of the Activities of Daily Living (ADL disability) framework. Healthcare access was assessed as having any of Peru’s available health insurance schemes combined with preventive health services (vision assessment, influenza vaccination, blood pressure assessment, diabetes screening, and cholesterol assessment). Poisson robust regression models were used to evaluate the associations among relevant variables. Prevalence Ratios and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were reported. Results Data from 3869 individuals (65 to 80 years old), of whom 1760 (45.5%) were females, were analyzed. The prevalence of ADL disability was 17.3% (95%CI: 16.0%-18.4%). In addition, more than 60% had never received any of the preventive measures evaluated, except for the blood pressure assessment. In the adjusted model, people with ADL disability had 63% less probability of having extensive insurance, compared to those without disability (p<0.05). Conclusions This study shows that this Peruvian older population living in extreme poverty has limited access to healthcare services. Although there was no consistent association between ADL disability and the healthcare access, there is an urgent need to reduce the inequitable access to healthcare of this poor Peruvian older population. / Wellcome Trust / Revisión por pares

Home- and occupation-based interventions in stroke rehabilitation: a scoping review

Blindeman, Eline January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: Stroke puts a burden on the society as half of the stroke survivors have long term care needs. After six months many stroke survivors cannot independently perform basic daily life activities, which makes living independently at home challenging. Stroke survivors who received occupational therapy are more independent for those activities. As more and more stroke survivors are discharged home faster, having an insight into the continued rehabilitation in the home environment is of great importance for the future. Aim: The aim of this review was to map which occupation-based interventions occupational therapists use in home-based stroke rehabilitation with the goal to improve basic activities of daily life. Methods: A scoping review was chosen to map and to summarize the research content and to identify possible research gaps. Data for this study was systematically collected by following Arksey and O’Malley’s framework. In total, six studies were obtained that met the inclusion criteria. Results: The results show that a combination of intervention strategies is used and besides Control Induced Movement Therapy the usage of activities as treatment came to the fore. Conclusion: The results lead to the conclusion that occupation-based activities are used to improve basic activities of daily life. The lack of detailed explanation of the interventions makes it difficult to implement those in daily life practice and therefore more descriptive interventions should be published to encourage evidence-based practice.

Sömnapnens inverkan på vuxna med hjärtsjukdom : en litteraturöversikt / The effect of sleep apnea on adults with heart disease : a literature review

Hedberg, Sara, Qvarnström, Eva January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sömnapné är en vanlig men underdiagnostiserad sjukdom och kännetecknas av upprepade andningsuppehåll under sömnen. Tillståndet förekommer ofta i samvariation med hjärtsjukdom och är ett ökande hälsoproblem. Patienter med hjärtsjukdom finns på alla vårdnivåer inom hälso- och sjukvården varför det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan har kunskap om sömnapné och dess inverkan. Sömnproblematik har beskrivits som en kunskapslucka för sjuksköterskor. Syftet var att beskriva vuxnas erfarenhet av sömnapné och dess inverkan på dagligt liv vid samtidig hjärtsjukdom. Metod som valdes var en litteraturöversikt. Artikelsökningen genomfördes i PubMed samt Cinahl. Arton vetenskapliga artiklar av både kvalitativ samt kvantitativ ansats inkluderades och analyserades med integrerad analys.  Resultatet av litteraturöversikten visade på tre huvudkategorier: Påverkan på vardagen, Påverkan på den psykiska hälsan och Påverkan av otillräcklig kunskap. Det framkom tydligt en negativ påverkan på det dagliga livet främst genom den överdrivna dagsömnigheten. Den störda sömnen påverkade den fysiska, psykiska och sociala funktionen vilket gav en nedsatt livskvalité. Humöret påverkades och depression var vanligt förekommande. Behandling med Continuous Positive Airway Pressure [CPAP] innebar ofta att livskvalitén påverkades positivt. Slutsatsen: Litteraturöversikten visade att vuxna med sömnapné och hjärtsjukdom kunde få en sämre psykisk och fysisk hälsa vilket påverkade det dagliga livet ur flera aspekter.Överdriven sömnighet under dagtid var det mest framträdande symtomet vilket var kopplat till både nedsatt livskvalitet och depression. Resultatet visade att patienterna var omedvetna och hade otillräcklig kunskap kring att deras symtom kunde bero på sömnapné. Det framkom att sömnapné är en mångfasetterad sjukdom som kunde innebära ett lidande för patienten.Ökad kunskap hos sjuksköterskan kan bidra till upptäckt av sömnrelaterade problem hos patienter med hjärtsjukdom. / Background: Sleep apnea is a common but underdiagnosed disease that is characterised by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep. The condition often occurs in association with heart disease and is a growing health problem. Patients with heart disease are present at all levels of care in health care, which is why it is important that the nurse has knowledge of sleep apnea and its effects. Sleep problems have been described as a knowledge gap for nurses.The aim was to describe adults' experience with sleep apnea and its impact on daily life in concomitant heart disease. The method chosen was a literature review. The article search was conducted in PubMed and Cinahl. Eighteen scientific articles of both qualitative and quantitative approach were included and analysed with integrated analysis.The results of the literature review showed three main categories: Impact on everyday life, Impact on mental health and Impact on insufficient knowledge. There was a clear negative impact on daily life, mainly through excessive daytime sleepiness. The disturbed sleepaffected the physical, mental and social function, which resulted in a reduced quality of life. Mood was affected and depression was commonly. Treatment with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure [CPAP] often meant that the quality of life was positively affected. Conclusion: The literature review showed that adults with sleep apnea and heart disease could have poorer mental and physical health, which affected daily life from several aspects. Excessive daytime sleepiness was the most prominent symptom, which was linked to both reduced quality of life and depression. The results showed that the patients were unconscious and had insufficient knowledge that their symptoms could be due to sleep apnea. It turned out that sleep apnea is a multifaceted disease that could cause suffering for the patient. Increased knowledge of the nurse can contribute to the detection of sleep-related problems in patients with heart disease.

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