Spelling suggestions: "subject:"4digital exclusion"" "subject:"4digital xclusion""
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“Jag stänger av TV:n om det kommer om corona och gör något roligare på iPaden i stället” : En kvalitativ studie om digitalt utanförskap bland äldre under coronapandemin 2020 / "I turn off the TV if it comes about corona and do something more fun on the iPad instead" : A qualitative study on digital exclusion among the elderly during the corona pandemic 2020Olsson, Wilma, Tjäder, Victoria January 2021 (has links)
Följande arbete är en kvalitativ studie om digitalt utanförskap bland äldre och om det har förändrats i och med isoleringen som blev en följd av coronapandemin. Tidigare forskning visar att den äldre generationen i Sverige är de som använder internet minst och att de ofta behöver hjälp från familj eller vänner för att kunna utföra nya uppgifter på internet. De över 70 år blev klassade som riskgrupp under år 2020 när coronapandemin bröt ut i Sverige. Studien ämnar därför att studera om äldre i Sverige upplever att det digitala utanförskapet har påverkats av coronapandemin. Empirin till studien togs fram med hjälp av en fokusgrupp som kvalitativ metod, och studien metodutvecklade fokusgrupp genom att testa ramverktyget i en tid där inte alla delar i metoden kunde tas hänsyn till. Fokusgruppen bestod av fem personer som alla var 70 år eller äldre och eftersom fokusgruppsintervjun utfördes under coronapandemins andra våg tog den plats utomhus och med minst två meters avstånd mellan deltagarna. Resultatet av studien visar att fokusgruppsdeltagarna inte uppfattade att de lever i ett digitalt utanförskap och de anser att coronapandemin inte har påverkat deras internetvanor. Deltagarna var mätta på information om coronapandemin och använder traditionella medier som radio och tv i större utsträckning än internet när det kommer till informationssökning. I studiens analys kopplas resultatet samman med tidigare forskning samt teorierna Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT) och Digital Divide. Vidare diskuteras studiens resultat och analys som visar att digitalt utanförskap korrelerar med socialt utanförskap, och en slutsats som dras är att ingen av deltagarna uppfattar att de lever i ett digitalt utanförskap eftersom de har nära relationer och lever i en tvåsamhet. Vidare slutsatser av studien är att information om coronapandemin har funnits att tillgå i alla typer av medier, vilket har gjort att äldre har fortsatt använda traditionella medier som primärkälla. / The following research is a qualitative study of digital exclusion among the elderly. The study aims to investigate if isolation due to the coronavirus has affected the digital exclusion among the elderly in any way. Previous research shows that the elderly in Sweden are the ones who use the internet the least and that they often need help from family or friends to be able to perform new tasks on the internet. Those over 70 years old are more at risk of getting dangerously ill from the coronavirus and in Sweden they were told to isolate themselves. Therefore, this study intends to investigate if elderly people in Sweden consider that the isolation has affected their perception of digital exclusion. The empirical findings were collected through focus group interviews as a qualitative method, and the study aims to develop focus group as a method by testing the framework in a time when not all aspects could be taken into consideration. The focus group consisted of five people who were all over 70 years of age and since the focus group interview was conducted during the spread of the coronavirus, it took place outdoors and with two meters distance between every participant. The results of the study show that the focus group participants do not perceive that they are digitally excluded, and they do not believe that the corona pandemic has affected their internet habits. The participants use traditional media such as radio and television more than the internet when it comes to information retrieval. In the analysis-chapter of the study, the empirical findings are compared to previous research and the two theories Uses and gratification theory (UGT) and Digital Divide. Furthermore, the results of the study show that digital exclusion correlates with social exclusion. One conclusion of the study is that none of the participants perceives that they are digitally excluded since they all have close relationships with family and friends. Further conclusions are that information about the corona pandemic has been available in all types of media, and for that reason the elderly have continued to use traditional media as their primary source instead of turning to the internet.
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"Vi får ett digitalt utanförskap som vi på något vis måste hantera" : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur digitala stödverktyg kan bidra till att minska det digitala utanförskapet bland äldre.Gärdqvist, Ida, Olsson, Pernilla January 2021 (has links)
Many older people find it difficult to start using new technology and difficult to get the help when they need it. Society is becoming increasingly digital, therefore there's a risk ending up digitally excluded. Use of digital technology can be difficult due to problematic factors such as insufficient prior knowledge, lacking motivation, insecurity, and the complexity. In order for these factors to be managed, there needs to be support available. Prior research shows that older people have preferences for social support, but when this support is not available appropriate replacement tools need to be available to facilitate the use of digital technology. The purpose of the study was to help reduce digital exclusion among the elderly by studying how different digital support tools can be used to deal with problem factors when using digital technology. A qualitative study was conducted, based on a theory model that highlights four problem factors. Three different digital support tools in an auditory, visual and written format were evaluated. Opinions on the digital support tools as well as the various problem factors were collected from an IT educator and from the elderly at the age of 65 or over through two sub-studies consisting of interviews and thinking aloud tests. The results showed that the factors that were most difficult to counter with the digital support tools were the complexity and insufficient prior knowledge, while the factors lacking motivation and insecurity could be managed with the digital support tools. The results also showed that users of digital support tools should be able to choose whether the support is to be used in an auditory, visual or written format. The written instructions could combat the most problem factors. The visual instructions was the support tool that was most difficult to use because it required some prior digital knowledge. If basic digital knowledge is absent, none of the support tools could be used in an optimal way. Reducing digital exclusion solely with the help of digital support tools is thus difficult because those who are most excluded and have the greatest need for support don't possess the basic knowledge to use the tools. / Många äldre anser att det är svårt att börja använda ny teknik och svårt att få hjälp när de behöver det. I ett samhälle som digitaliseras allt mer riskerar de därför att hamna i ett digitalt utanförskap. Svårigheterna gällande användandet av digital teknik kan bero på olika problemfaktorer som bristande motivation, otrygghet, komplexitet och otillräckliga förkunskaper. För att dessa faktorer ska kunna hanteras behöver de äldre ha tillgång till stöd. Tidigare forskning visar att äldre föredrar sociala stödformer, men om det sociala stödet inte kan erhållas behöver lämpliga ersättande stödverktyg finnas tillgängliga som kan underlätta användandet av digital teknik. Syftet med denna studie var att bidra till att minska det digitala utanförskapet bland äldre genom att studera hur olika digitala stödverktyg kan användas för att hantera problemfaktorer för digital teknik. En kvalitativ studie, som utgick från en teorimodell baserad på de fyra problemfaktorerna, genomfördes. Tre olika digitala stödverktyg, i form av skriftliga, auditiva och visuella instruktioner, utvärderades. Åsikter kring de digitala stödverktygen samt de olika problemfaktorerna samlades in från en IT-pedagog och från personer som var 65 år eller äldre genom två delstudier bestående av intervjuer och tänka högt-test. Resultatet visade att faktorerna bristande motivation och otrygghet kunde hanteras med digitala stödverktyg medan faktorerna komplexitet och otillräckliga förkunskaper var svårare att hantera. Resultatet visade också att användaren av digitala stödverktyg bör få välja om stödet ska nyttjas i ett auditivt, visuellt eller skriftligt format. De skriftliga instruktionerna var det stödverktyg som kunde hantera flest problemfaktorer medan de visuella instruktionerna var svårast att använda eftersom verktyget krävde digitala förkunskaper. När förkunskaperna var otillräckliga kunde inget av stödverktygen användas på ett optimalt sätt. Det är därmed svårt att minska det digitala utanförskapet enbart med hjälp av digitala stödverktyg, eftersom de som står längst utanför det digitala samhället och har störst behov av stöd, inte har de grundläggande kunskaperna för att använda verktygen.
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Den tillgängliga informationen på internet – ett hinder bort : En översikt av svenska kommuners digitala tillgänglighet avseende deras webbsidor om våld i nära relationer / The accessible information on the internet – a obstacle away : An overview of Swedish municipalities’’ digital accessibility regarding their websites on violence in close relationshipsGanebo Eriksson, Elin, Sjöstrand, Emilia January 2021 (has links)
Avsaknaden av digital tillgänglighet i en alltmer digitaliserad värld bidrar till en exkludering av personer med olika funktionsnedsättningar, trots att dessa människor skulle kunna dra stor nytta av internet. Sveriges kommuner är skyldiga att erbjuda digitalt tillgängliga hemsidor enligt Lagen (2018:1937) om tillgänglighet till digital offentlig service. Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga kommunernas digitala tillgänglighet rörande deras webbsidor om våld i nära relationer. Studien var av deskriptiv karaktär med en kvantitativ strategi. Begreppet digital tillgänglighet operationaliserades till 23 indikatorer som fick utgöra det granskningsprotokoll som webbsidorna sedan granskades efter. Resultatet visade att ingen av Sveriges kommuner uppmätte full digital tillgänglighet. Vidare visade resultatet att kommunerna i regel var bättre på digital tillgänglighet för motorik och synnedsättningar, än för hörselnedsättning. Utöver det var kommunerna bättre på att uppfylla lagkrav än andra aspekter av digital tillgänglighet. Den digitala tillgängligheten tycktes inte ha något samband med kommunens befolkningsmängd. / The lack of web accessibility risks excluding people with different disabilities. Sweden's municipalities are legally obliged to offer digitally accessible websites. The purpose of this study was to examine the municipalities' web accessibility regarding their websites about intimate partner violence. The study was descriptive in nature with a quantitative strategy. The concept of web accessibility was operationalized into 23 indicators which constituted the protocol according to which the web pages were then reviewed. The results showed that none of Sweden's municipalities measured full web accessibility. Furthermore, the results showed that the municipalities were generally better at fulfilling web accessibility for some impairments, such as vision, than others. The municipalities were also better at meeting legal requirements than other aspects of web accessibility. The web accessibility did not seem to have anything to do with the municipality's population.
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"Daglig dator" : Combating computer anxiety through daily online exercisesJohansson Åhed, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
It’s well known that the contemporary rapid development of technology has created a digital divide between those who adopt and use the emerging digital services, and those who don’t. The ones who fail to adapt to the new digital society, is at great risk of being completely excluded from it, which strips away both social, health related and economical opportunities. These people are often seniors, and multiple factors weigh in on their non-participation. One of the more common factors are technology relates stress, and in extension, computer anxiety. While there exists literature on how to reduce computer anxiety, it’s often linked to physical training courses that the user can sign up for. The purpose of this study is to explore a completely digital solution, based upon the loose principles identified by Dos Santos and Santana (2018). This is done through the creation and evaluation of a senior-oriented website, that offers the user daily exercises in basic computer management, knowledge, and safety, with the goal of reducing computer anxiety. The results show both that the principles indeed can be used as design guidelines, and that my design has potential, although some adjustments have to be made.
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Hur kan en svensk organisation arbeta för att motverka digitalt utanförskap?Lekanovic, Nemanja, Zubic, Ilma January 2020 (has links)
Allt fler samhällstjänster digitaliseras och människor måste anpassas efter samhällets digitala utveckling. Detta är en fallstudie där syftet är att undersöka hur verksamheten Skånetrafiken arbetar för att motverka digitalt utanförskap, samtidigt ge ökad förståelse för begreppet digitalt utanförskap. Teorin som använts i denna studie hämtades från litteratur inom digitalt utanförskap. Den bygger på forskaren Jan Van Dijks forskning om digitalt utanförskap, där teorin syftar till att förklara de olika nivåerna i digitalt utanförskap. Undersökningen bygger på en kvalitativ intervjustudie där fem intervjuer har utförts med anställda från Skånetrafiken. Utifrån detta har flera faktorer identifierats i Skånetrafikens arbetssätt som främjar digital inkludering. Vidare har ett teoretiskt bidrag utvecklats fram för hur organisationer bör arbeta för att motverka digitalt utanförskap. Det teoretiska bidraget är ett resultat framtaget utifrån det konceptuella ramverket och studien om Skånetrafiken. / More and more community services are being digitized and people must adapt to society's digital development. This is a case study in purpose to investigate how Skånetrafiken works to counter digital exclusion, while at the same time trying to increase understanding of the concept digital exclusion. The theory used in this study was derived from literature on digital exclusion. It is based on Jan Van Dijk's research on digital exclusion, where the theory aims to explain the different levels of digital exclusion. The case is based on a qualitative interview study where five interviews have been conducted with employees from Skånetrafiken. Based on this, several factors have been identified in Skånetrafiken's working methods that promote digital inclusion. Furthermore, a theoretical contribution has been developed for how organizations should work to counter digital exclusion. The theoretical contribution is a result derived from the conceptual framework and the study of Skånetrafiken.
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Tillämpning av programmering inom matematik och risker för digitalt utanförskap / Application of programming within mathematics and risks of digital exclusionEskilson, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
With a background of digitalisation and what that has meant for the introduction of programming in the mathematics syllabus, this literature review examines forms of application for programming within mathematics in upper secondary school. This review also sets the background with the help of important key competencies for a digitalized information society, such as computational thinking, as described by the European Commission. The Swedish National Agency for Education has also prescribed several of these key competencies in its curricula. Previous research has also shown that increased digitalisation leads to an increased divide in society and threatens the equality of the school system. Thus, this review also examines possible risks of digital exclusion that applications of programming within mathematics and an emphasis on digitalisation may entail. To better explain this, Bourdieu’s theory of capital and habitus together with Selwyn’s theory of technical capital are used. The search results and their empirical data within this review include case studies, correlation and regression analyses, and data collected through interviews, questionnaires, and more. This review should not be considered generalizable for Sweden as a whole, but it shows several forms of application for programming within school mathematics and describes the impact on learning, risks of digital exclusion, success factors, and benefits this may entail. Furthermore, aspects of digital exclusion explicitly regarding capital are also discussed. This review is far from exhaustive, and several identified aspects have had to be excluded due to an ever-increasing scope. However, this only seems to indicate that interest for and within the research field is high and that it is actively being researched. This review highlights what much other research has shown, namely that the picture is not unambiguous and needs to be further clarified, which leads the discussion to further research. This review proposes a qualitative study to empirically examine students’ experiences of possible digital exclusion with an explicit connection to the application of programming within mathematics.
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Digitalt utanförskap i en hemlös situation – en systematisk litteraturstudie / Digital exclusion in a homeless situation – a systematic literature studyYaseen, Mai, Ludwig, Erika January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: För att få tillgång till hälsoinformation och digitalt hälsostöd är det idag nödvändigt att ha tillgång till internet. Hemlöshet är en multidimensionell fråga som är förknippad med dålig hälsa, inklusive kronisk och psykisk sjukdom, funktionella begränsningar, kognitiv nedsättning och eventuell beroendeproblematik, där strukturell hemlöshet blir allt vanligare. Syftet: syftet var att undersöka om det finns ett digitalt utanförskap bland hemlösa och att ge en förståelse kring hinder och möjligheter. Metoden: som användes var en systematisk litteraturöversikt. Analysmetoden var en induktiv tematisk analys av 20 artiklar. För att hitta relevanta studier använde avhandlingen specifika nyckelord för att söka i PubMed och CINAHL. Resultat: Resultatet lyfte fram sex teman: demografiska kategorier, många hemlösa har tillgång till internet och mobil, instrumentell användning, m-hälsa, hinder och barriärer. Resultatet visade att ålder, kön och utbildning är viktiga faktorer, och bristande utbildning är den största faktorn till digitalt utanförskap. Slutsats: Studien undersökte hur hemlösa påverkas av digitalt utanförskap och fann att bristande utbildning och hög ålder hindrar deras användning av teknik, trots att de har tillgång till internet och mobiltelefoner. Studien visade också att hemlösa sällan använder teknik för hälso ändamål. För att öka inkluderingen av hemlösa på samhällsnivå bör det finnas fler offentliga miljöer och utbildning i teknologisk användning. / Introduction: To access health information and digital health support today, it is necessary to have access to the Internet. Homelessness is a multidimensional issue associated with poor health, including chronic and mental illness, functional limitations, cognitive impairment, and potential addiction issues, where structural homelessness is becoming increasingly common. Aim: The purpose was to investigate whether there is a digital divide among the homeless and provide an understanding of barriers and opportunities. Method: The method used was a structured literature review. The analysis method was an inductive thematic analysis of twenty articles. To find relevant studies, the dissertation used specific keywords to search PubMed and CINAHL. Results: The results highlighted six themes: demographic categories, many homeless have access to the internet and mobile phones, instrumental use, m-health, barriers and obstacles. The results showed that age, gender, and education are important factors, and lack of education is the biggest factor contributing to digital exclusion. Conclusion: The study examined how homelessness is affected by digital exclusion and found that lack of education and advanced age hinder their use of technology, despite having access to the internet and mobile phones. The study also showed that the homeless rarely use technology for health purposes. To increase the inclusion of the homeless at the societal level, there should be more public environments and education on technology use.
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O papel do software livre na inclus?o digitalElias, Paulo C?sar 04 October 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-10-04 / The contemporary society shows increasingly the necessity of the individual in having the control of the selection, processing, communication and use of the information. The computerization of the society is well-known and increasing, mediated mainly for the new technologies capable to establish links in different and distant geographic spaces, converging with a great amount of information in the most diverse areas of intelligence human being, either the cultural, enterprise, political and governmental use, or even for entertainment. On the other hand, this new society also reveals a great inequality between those who has access to the new technologies of the information and its great nets and those who doesn t have any access of physical or cognitive information, instituting the ones called excluded. Because the technological transformations occurred since the effective implementation of the Internet, new forms of organization and production of software appear, highlighting nowadays , the movement of free software and the current speeches telling us that it would establish itself as a liberating character in the sharing of information and knowledge, able to act as a new tool of digital inclusion. This study verifies the condition of veracity of this hypothesis, carrying out a theoretical research based in the Science of the Information and the discussions of the political economy of the information, investigating the current configuration of the society before the new technologies and the role that free software has been playing as a tool of digital inclusion. / A sociedade contempor?nea mostra cada vez mais a necessidade de o indiv?duo ter controle do processo de sele??o, processamento, comunica??o e uso das informa??es. A informatiza??o da sociedade ? not?ria e crescente, mediada principalmente pelas novas tecnologias, capazes de estabelecer elos em diferentes e distantes espa?os geogr?ficos, convergindo com uma grande quantidade de informa??es nas mais diversas ?reas da intelig?ncia humana, seja para o uso cultural, empresarial, pol?tico e governamental ou mesmo de entretenimento. Em contrapartida, esta nova sociedade revela tamb?m uma grande desigualdade entre os que possuem condi??es de acesso ?s novas tecnologias da informa??o, e as grandes redes de informa??o, dos que n?o possuem acesso algum, f?sico ou cognitivo, instituindo os chamados exclu?dos. Frente ?s transforma??es tecnol?gicas, ocorridas a partir da implementa??o efetiva da Internet, surgem novas formas de organiza??o e produ??o de software, tendo como destaque no cen?rio atual o movimento de software livre e os discursos existentes de que ele se estabeleceria com um car?ter libertador no compartilhamento de informa??o e conhecimento, podendo atuar como uma nova ferramenta de inclus?o digital. Este estudo verifica a condi??o de veracidade dessa hip?tese, realizando uma pesquisa te?rica alicer?ada na Ci?ncia da Informa??o e nas discuss?es da economia pol?tica da informa??o, investigando a atual configura??o da sociedade diante das novas tecnologias e o papel que o software livre vem desempenhando como ferramenta de inclus?o digital.
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INTERNET COMO PLATAFORMA PARA LIVRE CIRCULAÇÃO DE INFORMAÇÃO DE RELEVÂNCIA SOCIAL E NOVAS POSSIBILIDADES DE COMUNICAÇÃO / Internet as a plataform for free movement of social relevance information and new possibilities of communicationMiramoto, Rafael Silva 01 April 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-04-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The study shows how the Internet has increased the possibilities for communication of citizens in a way that was not possible in the period of concentration and control of the broadcasting media over the social information, thus providing space for the free flow of information and new communication possibilities. However, it points out that still exist disparities related to the access and the network usage in all its potentialities. The study verifies that at the current moment are still happening disputes regarding legislation concerning the rights and obligations of those who use the network. The thesis is grounded in the bibliographical and documentary research and based on authors who are researchers in the areas of Communication, Digital Technology, Free Social Information Right and Internet Legislation as Cilicia Peruzzo, Manuel Castells, Rousiley Maia, Sérgio Amadeu da Silveira, Tim Wu, Tim Berners-Lee, Walter Lima Junior, Wilson Gomes and Yochai Benkler. The result of the research shows that in the Brazilian scenario, the socioeconomic inequalities are both a factor of inequality regarding access as to the uses of the Internet, being a problem for those who wish to take ownership of this technological development with freedom. Therefore, it is up to the public sector interfering aiming to reduce the informative asymmetries to guarantee the right to communicate of the Brazilians in the space of the connected digital communication. / O estudo aponta como a internet ampliou as possibilidades de comunicação dos cidadãos de uma forma que não era possível no período do controle e concentração dos meios broadcasting sobre a informação social, assim, oferecendo espaço para a livre circulação de informação e novas possibilidades de comunicação. Entretanto, ressalta que ainda há assimetrias tanto do ponto de vista do acesso quanto do uso da rede em todas as suas potencialidades. Verifica que o atual momento ainda é de disputas em relação à legislação que diz respeito aos direitos e deveres dos que utilizam a rede. O trabalho foi realizado por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, tendo com base autores que pesquisam sobre as áreas da Comunicação, Tecnologias Digitais, Direito à Informação Social Livre e Legislação de internet, como Cicília Peruzzo, Manuel Castells, Rousiley Maia, Sérgio Amadeu da Silveira, Tim Wu, Tim Berners-Lee, Walter Lima Junior, Wilson Gomes e Yochai Benkler. O resultado da pesquisa demonstra que no cenário brasileiro, as desigualdades socioeconômicas são fator de desigualdade tanto em relação ao acesso quanto aos usos da internet, sendo dificultador para quem desejar se apropriar com liberdade deste desenvolvimento tecnológico. Portanto, cabe ao setor público interferir com vistas à diminuição das assimetrias informativas para garantir o direito de comunicação dos brasileiros no espaço de comunicação digital conectada.
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"Biblioteket är den sista instansen" : En intervjustudie med personal vid folkbibliotek om arbetet med och uppdraget kring besökarnas digitala hjälpbehov / "The library is the last resort" : An interview study with staff at Swedish public libraries about the work with and the commission regarding the visitors' digital needsStrindevall, Gustaf, Jehrlander, David January 2017 (has links)
En rad problem uppstår när världen blir allt mer digitaliserad. När samhället och dess bärande tjänster förflyttas från det fysiska mötet till den digitala arenan riskerar människor med bristande digitala kompetenser att bli exkluderade. I och med detta demokratiproblem har biblioteken tilldelats en del av ansvaret för att arbeta med dessa frågor genom uppdraget som kunskapsspridare inom IT. I tidigare studier har det framkommit att det finns oklarheter i hur detta uppdrag ska tolkas, att det finns bristande digitala kompetenser för att utföra uppdraget, samt att biblioteket har en viktig samhällelig roll i dessa frågor. Denna intervjustudie utförd i Stockholmsregionen har haft för avsikt att undersöka bibliotekariers syn på de utmaningar detta uppdrag innebär, samt att applicera det teoretiska ramverket DigComp för att utforska vilka digitala kompetenser som relaterar till biblioteksbesökarnas hjälpbehov i digitala frågor. Studiens teoretiska analys visar att besökarnas digitala hjälpbehov i olika grad relaterar till alla de kompetensområden DigComp presenterar vilket kan bidra till att sätta ord på besökarnas hjälpbehov, utröna vilka digitala kompetenser bibliotekspersonal kan tänkas behöva inneha samt bidra till beslutsprocessen kring vad uppdraget inom det digitala området bör innefatta. Studiens tematiska analys visar att informanterna delvis inte har den tid, det intresse eller de digitala och pedagogiska kompetenser som krävs för att kunna fullfölja det uppdrag som tilldelats. Det kan därför också ses som paradoxalt att denna yrkesgrupp tilldelats detta uppdrag. / A series of problems arise when the world becomes increasingly digital. When society and its supporting services move from physical meetings to the digital arena, individuals with lacking digital competences risk being excluded. Due to this democracy problem the Swedish public libraries have been assigned one part of the responsibility to convey knowledge regarding information technology. In previous studies it has been found that there are uncertainties in how this commission is to be interpreted, that the librarians are lacking digital competences for fulfilling this task and that the library also has an important societal role to play in these issues. This interview study conducted within the Stockholm region has been designed to investigate the librarians' views on the challenges posed by this commission, as well as applying the theoretical framework DigComp to explore which digital competences are related to library visitors' digital needs. The theoretical analysis of this study shows that the visitors' digital needs relate to all of the competences presented in DigComp in various degree. This knowledge can help to express which competences relate to the needs of visitors, identify the digital competences that library staff may need to possess and contribute to the decision-making process regarding what the mission within the digital field should include. The thematic analysis of the study shows that the interviewed librarians in part do not have the time, interest or digital and educational competences required to complete the assignment commissioned to the public libraries. It can therefore also be seen as paradoxical that this profession of librarians has been assigned to this specific task.
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