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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad har du i din digitala identitetsplånbok? : En uppsats om eIDAS II-förordningens digitala identitetsplånböcker och de tillhörande funktionerna för autentisering, identifiering och digitala intyg på attribut / What do you have in your digital idenitity wallet?

Stein, Camilla January 2023 (has links)
This thesis deals with digital identity wallets as digital identification means, through a legal and technical perspective, within the field of legal informatics. The 3rd of July 2021 the European Commission presented a proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 as regards establishing a framework for a European Digital identity, also known as the eIDAS II-regulation. The eIDAS II-regulation is at this moment being negotiated on EU-level and has not yet been adopted. In the eIDAS II-regulation the digital identity wallets were presented. These wallets en-able citizens and other residents to authenticate, and share electronic documents and identification data, with a relying party. The purpose of the digital identity wallets is to create a harmonized identification solution that will function within all member states of the EU. The thesis will concentrate on the relationship between the legal aspects of the eIDAS II-regulation and the technical solutions presented in the regulation. The eIDAS II-regulation covers a vast variety of legal and technical solutions, however the thesis will only focus on the electronic identification, authentication, and the sharing of electronic documents through the wallet. Furthermore, the thesis will analyse which data can be stored in the wallet according to the eIDAS II-regulation and what legal and technical solutions are proposed to enable shar-ing, and controlling the accuracy, of the data. The relationship between eIDAS II-regulation and GDPR will be discussed and analysed in the end of the thesis. This discussion gives the reader an understanding of how the regulations will integrate with each other and how eIDAS II-regulation is affected by the GDPR. The conclusion of the thesis is that the eIDAS II-regulation, thus the digital identity wallets, is a step in the right direction to create a harmonized regulation for digital identities, however there are certain legal problems that should be ad-dressed to make the digital identity wallets a secure and user-friendly solution. These legal problems with the digital identity wallets could be solved with the right technical specifications. Some of these technical specifications will be pre-sented and discussed in the thesis.

A conceptual decentralized identity solution for state government

Duclos, Martin 08 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
In recent years, state governments, exemplified by Mississippi, have significantly expanded their online service offerings to reduce costs and improve efficiency. However, this shift has led to challenges in managing digital identities effectively, with multiple fragmented solutions in use. This paper proposes a Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) framework based on distributed ledger technology. SSI grants individuals control over their digital identities, enhancing privacy and security without relying on a centralized authority. The contributions of this research include increased efficiency, improved privacy and security, enhanced user satisfaction, and reduced costs in state government digital identity management. The paper provides background on digital identity management in the public sector, discusses existing practices, presents the SSI framework as a solution, and outlines potential future research areas.

Mise en visibilité ou invisibilisation de soi, l’organisation de la présentation de soi sur Instagram par les individus issus de la génération Z

Cadillac, Léo 12 1900 (has links)
Dans la Mise en scène de la vie quotidienne (1956), Erving Goffman fait ressortir que, dans la sphère « hors ligne », l’individu se produit quotidiennement sur différentes « scènes » identitaires, en fonction de différents « public ». En fonction des contextes, l’acteur choisit de se présenter sous un « masque social » approprié, selon qu’il se trouve, par exemple, avec ses parents, avec ses amis, avec son « crush » ou face à son employeur. Or, sur Instagram, l’utilisateur doit composer avec le mélange de ses différents « publics », sur une unique « scène » identitaire : son compte principal. Les individus issus de la génération Z en tant que « digital natives » sont très actifs dans la construction de leur identité numérique, si bien qu’ils ont parfois du mal à distinguer les limites entre la sphère réelle et la sphère virtuelle. D’autre part, ces jeunes adultes se trouvent à une étape charnière de leur vie, pris entre plusieurs préoccupations : trouver l’amour, assurer leur avenir professionnel, satisfaire leurs parents, marquer leur appartenance à un groupe de pairs… L’objectif de ce mémoire consiste à mieux comprendre la façon dont les individus issus de la génération Z organisent leur présentation de soi sur Instagram. Pour ce faire, douze utilisateurs issus de la génération Z, actifs sur le réseau social Instagram ont été interrogés. Les résultats de la recherche montrent que, en réaction aux différentes attentes qui pèsent sur eux, les jeunes utilisateurs développent sur leur compte principal une présentation de soi marquée par la recherche de neutralité, un profil Instagram « vitrine », une « façade » aseptisée qui satisfait les différents publics présents parmi leurs abonnés. Ce compte principal constitue la face « émergée » de l’identité sur Instagram. Mais, comme le suggère la métaphore tirée de l’iceberg, à travers d’autres fonctionnalités, sur Instagram, les utilisateurs développent, en parallèle de leurs contenus « grand public » et à l’abri de certains regards inquisiteurs, une identité « underground », qui correspond la face « immergée » de leur identité sur Instagram. Par le biais de leurs stories « amis proches » d’abord, puis, dans un détournement d’usage, via un compte secondaire (dit « Finstagram »), les jeunes utilisateurs revêtent un « masque social » bien différent du premier. La validation de leur identité n’étant plus une priorité sur cette scène « cachée », dans les « coulisses » de leur présentation de soi, les utilisateurs ne craignent plus d’exprimer leurs opinions, de se présenter sous le prisme de l’auto-dérision ou même d’exposer des pratiques socialement dévalorisées. Ce mémoire constitue une première étude qualitative de l’organisation de la présentation de soi par les utilisateurs issus de la génération Z sur Instagram. / In The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1956), Erving Goffman highlights that in the “offline” sphere, the individual performs daily on different identity “stages” according to different “audiences.” The actor selects the appropriate “social mask” based on the context and the presence of certain “audience” members such as his parents, friends, “crush,” or employer. However, on Instagram, the user must perform for a mixture of different “audiences” on a single identity “stage”: his main account. As “digital natives,” individuals from Generation Z are highly active in constructing their online personas, to the point that they may sometimes have difficulty distinguishing the boundaries between real and online worlds. On the other hand, these young adults are at a pivotal stage of their lives where they are caught between various concerns: finding love, ensuring their professional future, meeting parental expectations, establishing their sense of belonging in a group of peers… The objective of this thesis is to better understand the way individuals from Generation Z organize their self-presentation on Instagram. To pursue this goal, we interviewed twelve users from Generation Z who are active on the Instagram. The results of this research show that in response to the various expectations weighing on them, young users developed a self-presentation on their primary Instagram account that emphasized neutrality. This account serves as a “showcase” profile and a sanitized “façade” that intends to satisfy the various audience members among their followers. It constitutes the “emerged” facet of identity on Instagram. However, as the iceberg metaphor suggests, users utilized other features on Instagram to develop an “underground” or “submerged” identity visible only to a select few alongside their “mainstream” content. First, through “close friends” stories, then, in a reconfiguration of Instagram features, through a secondary account (known as a “finstagram”), young users adopted a “social mask” very different from the one on their primary account. Since the validation of their identity is no longer a priority on this “hidden” stage, in the “backstage” of their self-presentation, users are no longer afraid to express their opinions, present themselves through the lens of self-deprecation or even expose socially stigmatized activity. This thesis constitutes a first qualitative study about the organization of self-presentation by users from Generation Z on Instagram.

Diseño de identidades digitales: metodología iterativa para la creación y desarrollo de marcas

Canavese Arbona, Ana 07 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] El desarrollo del medio digital ha transformado nuestra forma de consumo en las últimas décadas. La invención de Internet, su democratización, la aparición de múltiples dispositivos de acceso y las redes sociales, la tecnificación de los objetos y la llegada de la inteligencia artificial han tenido un impacto significativo en la sociedad, así como entidades esenciales como las empresas y sus marcas. La integración total de la digitalización en las marcas es una realidad, y cada vez se opta más por este medio como un espacio prioritario para aportar valor al público a través de sus productos o servicios. Esta investigación se centra en profundizar en el significado de la marca digital y en sus características esenciales. Para ello, se realizará un recorrido histórico de la evolución de los signos identitarios con relación a la tecnología, lo que permitirá tener un enfoque global en su adaptación a cada uno de los avances digitales. Además, se analizarán los múltiples significados de marca y se revisará y recogerá la metodología específica para su creación: el branding. Con el fin de entender las particularidades y ventajas de los marcos de trabajo aplicados en el sector digital y del desarrollo de software, se estudiarán metodologías iterativas basadas en sistemas ágiles como el Design Thinking, el Diseño Centrado en Usuario o el Atomic Design, entre otros. Finalmente, a partir del estudio realizado, se generará una metodología híbrida para crear marcas digitales capaces de adaptarse mejor a los cambios de contexto del medio. Para ello, se hará uso de procesos, herramientas y plataformas complementarias empleadas en ámbitos tecnológicos y se diseñará un proceso de revisión constante con el fin de asegurar la calidad y el buen funcionamiento de las marcas en todo momento. / [CA] El desenvolupament dels mitjans digitals han transformat la nostra forma de consum en les últimes dècades. La invenció d'Internet, la seua democratització, l'aparició de múltiples dispositius d'accés i les xarxes socials, la tecnificació dels objectius i l'arribada de la intel·ligència artificial han tingut un impacte significatiu en la societat i en les entitats essencials com les empreses i les seues marques. La integració total de la digitalització en les marques és una realitat, i cada vegada s'opta més per aquest mitjà com un espai prioritari per a aportar valor al públic. Aquesta investigació es centra en aprofundir en el significat de la marca digital i en les seues característiques essencials. Per a això, es realitzarà un recorregut històric de l'evolució dels signes identitaris en relació amb la tecnologia, la qual cosa permetrà tindre un enfocament global de la seua adaptació a cadascun dels sorgiments digitals. A més a més, s'analitzaran els múltiples significats de marca i es revisarà i recollirà la metodologia específica per a la seua creació: el branding. Amb la finalitat d'entendre les particularitats i avantatges dels marcs de treball aplicats al sector digital i del desenvolupament del software, s'estudiaran metodologies iteratives basades en sistemes àgils com el Design Thinking, el Disseny Centrat en l'Usuari, l'Atomic Design, entre d'altres. Finalment, a partir de l'estudi realitzat, es generarà una metodologia híbrida per a crear marques digitals capaces d'adaptar-se millor als canvis de context del mitjà. Per a això, es farà ús dels processos, eines i plataformes complementàries emprades en àmbits tecnològics i es dissenyarà un procés de revisió constant amb la finalitat d'assegurar la qualitat i el bon funcionament de les marques en tot moment. / [EN] The advancement of digital media has significantly impacted how we consume information in recent years. With the Internet and social networks becoming more accessible, coupled with the emergence of multiple access devices and the application of artificial intelligence, society and essential entities such as companies and their brands have been significantly affected. Digitalisation has become an integral part of branding, and companies now prioritize using digital media to provide value to their customers. This research explores the meaning of digital branding and its fundamental characteristics. It will provide a historical overview of how identity signs have evolved with technological advancements, offering a comprehensive approach to their adaptation in the digital age. To fully understand the advantages and nuances of digital and software development frameworks, this study will delve into iterative methodologies based on agile systems, such as Design Thinking, User-Centered Design, and Atomic Design. Ultimately, the study will generate a hybrid methodology for creating digital brands that can adapt better to environmental changes. For this purpose, other complementary processes, such as tools and platforms used in technological fields, will be used. A constant review process will also be present to ensure the quality and proper functioning of the brands at all times. / Canavese Arbona, A. (2023). Diseño de identidades digitales: metodología iterativa para la creación y desarrollo de marcas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196737

Our Humanity Exposed : Predictive Modelling in a Legal Context

Greenstein, Stanley January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines predictive modelling from the legal perspective. Predictive modelling is a technology based on applied statistics, mathematics, machine learning and artificial intelligence that uses algorithms to analyse big data collections, and identify patterns that are invisible to human beings. The accumulated knowledge is incorporated into computer models, which are then used to identify and predict human activity in new circumstances, allowing for the manipulation of human behaviour. Predictive models use big data to represent people. Big data is a term used to describe the large amounts of data produced in the digital environment. It is growing rapidly due mainly to the fact that individuals are spending an increasing portion of their lives within the on-line environment, spurred by the internet and social media. As individuals make use of the on-line environment, they part with information about themselves. This information may concern their actions but may also reveal their personality traits. Predictive modelling is a powerful tool, which private companies are increasingly using to identify business risks and opportunities. They are incorporated into on-line commercial decision-making systems, determining, among other things, the music people listen to, the news feeds they receive, the content people see and whether they will be granted credit. This results in a number of potential harms to the individual, especially in relation to personal autonomy. This thesis examines the harms resulting from predictive modelling, some of which are recognized by traditional law. Using the European legal context as a point of departure, this study ascertains to what extent legal regimes address the use of predictive models and the threats to personal autonomy. In particular, it analyses Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the European Union (EU). Considering the shortcomings of traditional legal instruments, a strategy entitled ‘empowerment’ is suggested. It comprises components of a legal and technical nature, aimed at levelling the playing field between companies and individuals in the commercial setting. Is there a way to strengthen humanity as predictive modelling continues to develop?

La protection des données personnelles sur l’internet.- Analyse des discours et des enjeux sociopolitiques. / "Protection of personal data on internet. Discourses and sociopolitical issues analysis"

Walczak, Nathalie 04 July 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse, dans le cadre des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, aborde la question de la protection des données personnelles sur l’internet à travers l’étude des discours de quatre acteurs concernés par ce sujet : les entreprises de l’internet, les instances régulatrices, la population française et la presse nationale. L’objectif est de comprendre comment, à travers les discours de chacun de ces acteurs, se dessinent la question du brouillage des sphères privée et publique sur l’internet. C’est une question qui prend de l’ampleur avec le développement de l’internet, notamment avec la multiplication des réseaux socionumériques, qui offrent aux internautes différentes possibilités pour afficher leur extimité. La multiplication des dispositifs de mise en relation interpersonnelle s'accompagne alors d'une nouvelle dialectique contemporaine entre le privé et le public, pas toujours maîtrisée par les personnes concernées.Cette interaction entre le public et le privé induit un déplacement de la frontière qui sépare les deux sphères et peut entraîner certaines dérives de la part des entreprises spécialisées, telles Google ou Facebook, par rapport à l'agrégation des données personnelles des internautes. En effet, les bases de données sont au cœur du système économique de ces entreprises et ont acquis une valeur marchande liée à des enjeux essentiels par rapport à leur fonctionnement. Or, l’utilisation commerciale des ces données n’est pas nécessairement connue par l’utilisateur et peut être réalisée sans son accord, du moins de manière explicite. Ce double questionnement lié au brouillage des sphères privée et publique, c'est-à-dire, premièrement, l’aspect individuel où l’internaute est incité à dévoiler de plus en plus d’éléments personnels, et, deuxièmement, l’aspect lié à la marchandisation des données par les entreprises de l’internet, engendre alors la question de la confidentialité des données et des libertés individuelles. Les instances régulatrices, que ce soit à l’échelle de la France ou de l’Union Européenne, tentent d’apporter des réponses afin de protéger l’internaute en mettant en place des actions concernant le droit à l’oubli ou en poursuivant juridiquement Google, par exemple, lorsque l’entreprise ne se conforme pas aux lois en vigueur sur le territoire concerné.Les différents angles d’approche ainsi que la diversité des acteurs étudiés ont nécessité la constitution d’un corpus multidimentionnel afin d’avoir une approche comparative des différents représentations. Ce corpus comprend à la fois des textes inscrits comme les discours politiques, les discours des instances régulatrices, les discours des entreprises de l’internet, plus spécifiquement Google et Facebook ou les discours de presse qui occupent une position méta-discursive puisqu’ils se font l’écho des discours des acteurs précédemment énoncés. Il comprend aussi des discours oraux constitués d’entretiens spécialement réalisés dans le cadre de cette recherche auprès d’individus pris au hasard de la population française. Une analyse quantitative des discours entre 2010 et 2013, période contemporaine à la thèse, a permis d’effectuer un premier tri et de ne sélectionner que les discours les plus pertinents par rapport à nos hypothèses. L’analyse qualitative qui a suivi a été basée sur le cadre théorique précédemment élaboré afin de croiser les représentations des acteurs à propos des données personnelles et mettre en évidence les différentes visions inhérentes à cette question. / This thesis, in Communication and Information Sciences, raises the question of the internet personal data protection through the discourses analysis of four actors concerned with this subject: internet companies, authorities regulating, French population and national press. The objective is to understand how, through the discourses of each one of these actors, the question of the jamming of the spheres private and public about the Internet takes shape. It is a question which increases with the development of the Internet, in particular with the multiplication of the social digital network, which gives to the Internet users various opportunities to display their privacy. The multiplication of the interpersonal relationship devices connection is then accompanied by a contemporary dialectical between private and public spheres, not always controlled by concerned people.This interaction between private and public leads to a transfert of the border wich separates the two spheres and can involves some drifts on behalf of specialized companies, such Google and Facebook, toward the aggregation of personal data contents. Indeed, databases are central in the economic system of these companies and gained a commercial value. However, the commercial use as of these data is not necessarily known by the user and can be realized without its agreement, at least in an explicit way. This double questioning related to the jamming of the private and public spheres, i.e., firstly, the individual aspect where the Internet user is incited to reveal personal elements more and more, and, secondly, the related aspect with the selling of the data by the Internet companies, then generates the question of the individual freedom and data confidentiality. The regulating authorities, in France or in European Union, try to provide answers in order to protect the Internet users by setting up actions relating to the right to be forgotten or by prosecuting Google, for example, when the company does not conform to the laws in force on the territory concerned. The various angles of incidence as well as the diversity of the studied actors required the constitution of a multidimentional corpus in order to have a comparative approach of the different representations. This corpus includes texts registered like political discourses, regulating authorities speeches, companies of the Internet speeches, specifically Google and Facebook, or press speeches which occupy a meta-discursive position since they repeat speeches of the actors previously stated. It includes also oral speeches made up of talks especially recorded for this research with some persons taken randomly in the French population. A quantitative analysis of the discourses between 2010 and 2013, contemporary period with the thesis, permit to carry out a first sorting and to select only the most relevant speeches compared to our hypothesis. The qualitative analysis which followed was based on the theoretical framework previously elaborate in order to cross the representations of the actors in connection with the personal data and to highlight the various visions about this question.

Analyse du dispositif info-communicationnel formé par un réseau social d'entreprise : quelle communication, pour quel travail ? / Analysis of the info-communicationnal apparatus formed by an enterprise social network : which communication for which work?

Piment, Hélène 16 November 2018 (has links)
Envisageant le réseau social d’entreprise comme un dispositif info-communicationnel hybride, cette thèse vise à saisir les différents discours qui le traversent, dans une position critique du modèle managérial qui est supposé mener à son intégration dans les organisations. Ce dispositif étant situé dans un contexte professionnel, la recherche menée réinterroge également la notion d’activité à l’aune de la représentation du réseau social d’entreprise en tant que nouvel outil collaboratif et de gestion des connaissances. Afin d’observer et de comprendre les interactions qui ont cours entre les différents éléments de ce dispositif, une méthodologie plurielle, essentiellement qualitative, a été mise en place. Celle-ci a permis de recueillir, examiner et rapprocher à la fois des publications, des entretiens (individuels et collectif) et des écrits d’écran, par une analyse discursive et sémiotique. Car l’une des particularités de ce dispositif est qu’il semble véhiculer un certain nombre de contradictions, voire provoquer des paradoxes pragmatiques, du fait notamment que son principal mécanisme repose sur une visibilité permanente / Considering the enterprise social network as an hybrid info-communicational apparatus, this thesis aims to capture the different discourses that cross it, in a critical position of the managerial model that is supposed to lead to its integration into organizations. As this apparatus is located in a professional context, the research also reinterprets the notion of activity in the light of the representation of the enterprise social network as a new collaborative and knowledge management tool. In order to observe and understand the interactions that take place between the various elements of this apparatus, a plural methodology, essentially qualitative, has been put in place. This enabled to collect, examine and reconcile at the same time publications, interviews (individual and collective) and screen writings, by a discursive and semiotic analysis. Because one of the peculiarities of this apparatus is that it seems to convey a certain number of contradictions, even to cause pragmatic paradoxes, in particular because its principal mechanism rests on a permanent visibility.

Big Data – data med stor påverkan i det vardagliga livet : En fallstudie kring hur individen påverkas av Big Data i sin vardagliga kommunikation och interaktion på sociala medier / Big Data, Big Impact – In Everyday Life : A case study of Big Data's impact on the individuals interaction in everyday and social life.

Denise, Eriksson, Erika, Thunstedt January 2017 (has links)
Today, it has become a natural part of life for many people to share personal information and turn to search engines and social media as they search and seek information on the internet. This study aims to investigate how individuals are affected by Big Data in their interactions with social media and to understand how individuals relate to personalization of Big Data, digital identity, agency and how they share their own personal data. This has been researched through a case study involving qualitative interviews and experiments. The result of the research shows that personalization of Big Data on social media has an impact on individuals in their ever yday lives. The research from this case study shows a certain negative attitude towards personalization on social media and that there is so me awareness of the companies agency on the internet, this does not affect individuals in taking any actions. This leads to the conclusion that personalization is to some extent a desired function. / Idag har det blivit en självklarhet för många att dela med sig av personlig information på internet och vända sig till sökmotorer och sociala medier när de letar och söker information. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur individer påverkas av Big Data i sin interaktion med sociala medier och att förstå hur individer förhåller sig till personalisering av Big data, digital identitet, aktörers makt och hur de tänker kring delning av personlig data. Detta studeras genom en fallstudie där kvalitativa intervjuer och experiment. Resultatet från studien visar att personalisering av Big Data på sociala medier påverkar individer och deras digitala användning i vardagen. Studien visar en viss negativ inställning till personalisering på sociala medier och på viss medvetenhet kring aktörernas makt på internet, detta påverkar inte individerna att göra aktiva handlingar. Detta leder till slutsatsen att personalisering av Big Data i viss mån är en accepterad funktion, även om det innebär en förlorad makt över sin digitala användning.

The M2X Economy – Concepts for Business Interactions, Transactions and Collaborations Among Autonomous Smart Devices

Leiding, Benjamin 11 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Det mobilanpassade id-kortet : En behovsanalys och modell för framtida utveckling / The smartphone based ID card : A demand analysis and model for future development

Peterson, Lukas, Johansson, Samuel January 2016 (has links)
Mycket av plånbokens innehåll och funktion, såsom medlemskort och betallösningar, är idag ersatt av mobila lösningar. Däremot finns det i Sverige ingen mobil lösning för id-kort som kan användas på samma sätt som det fysiska id-kortet. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka huruvida svenska myndigheter ser ett behov av en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning och, om detta behov konstateras, föreslå en modell för hur en sådan lösning skulle kunna utformas. För att undersöka detta ämne har tre intervjuer med svenska myndigheter (Elegitimationsnämnden, Polismyndigheten och Transportstyrelsen) samt en litteraturstudie genomförts. Uppsatsens resultat består av tre kunskapsprodukter: en behovsanalys, en kravsammanställning och en infrastrukturmodell. Behovsanalysen undersöker behovet av en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning, sett från de intervjuade myndigheternas perspektiv. Denna analys visar att myndigheterna ser ett behov av en sådan lösning. Kravsammanställningen består av krav på en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning som härletts från de genomförda intervjuerna samt från uppsatsens huvudsakliga teoribas: Kim Camerons The Laws of Identity (2005). Infrastrukturmodellen är utformad efter dessa krav och beskriver hur en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning skulle kunna utformas för att passa in i den svenska infrastrukturen för digital identitetshantering. Modellen är även utformad för att följa Hanseth och Lyytinens (2010) designregler för informationsinfrastrukturutveckling och den visar att utveckling av en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning i Sverige är tekniskt genomförbar. / Much of the contents and functionality of the traditional wallet, such as membership cards and payment solutions, have been replaced by smartphone solutions. Yet, in Sweden there is no smartphone based solution for ID cards that can be used in the same way as the physical ID card. This paper examines whether the Swedish authorities see a need for a smartphone based ID card solution and, if such a need is identified, suggests a model for how such a solution could be designed. To explore this topic, a literature review and three interviews with Swedish authorities (the E-identification Board, the Police Authority and the Transport Agency) have been conducted. The results of this report consists of three knowledge products: a demand analysis, a requirements specification and an infrastructure model. The demand analysis examines the need for a smartphone based ID card solution, as seen from the interviewed authorities' perspective. This analysis indicates that the authorities see a need for such a solution. The requirements specification consists of requirements for a smartphone based ID card solution, derived from the conducted interviews and Kim Cameron's The Laws of Identity (2005). The infrastructure model is designed to meet these requirements and describes how a smartphone based ID card solution could be designed to fit into the Swedish infrastructure for digital identity management. The model is also designed to follow the design rules for information infrastructure development derived by Hanseth and Lyytinen (2010) and shows that the development of a smartphone based ID card solution in Sweden is technically feasible.

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