Spelling suggestions: "subject:"digitizing"" "subject:"finitizing""
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Att finna, eller att inte finna : En kvalitativ studie gällande tillgänglighet och information kring kommunala e-tjänster och webbsidor rörande ekonomiskt bistånd inom socialtjänsten. / To find, or not to find : A qualitative study concerning availability and information about municipal e-services and websites applying financial aid within social services.Köhlström, Julia, Hjelte, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Digitaliseringen har påverkat samhället i sin helhet, men det saknas aktuell forskning om digitaliseringen av socialt arbete. Därför har vi valt att kartlägga och diskutera området - empiriskt och teoretiskt. Studien ämnar kartlägga och jämföra socialtjänstens kommunala webbsidor kring den information som berör ekonomiskt bistånd, med koppling till rådande lagstiftning, mediateori och språkets betydelse. Studien studerar kommunernas användning av e-tjänster kopplade till ekonomiskt bistånd, sett till jämlikhet och tillgänglighet. Empirin, vilken inhämtats från tio svenska kommunala webbsidor med inriktning ekonomiskt bistånd, analyseras genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys som kompletteras med kvantifiering, genom frekvensanalys. Analysen tydliggjorde en domän; tillgänglighet, och två teman; information och kommunikation. Studien utgår från teorin om den andra mediaåldern, McDonaldisering, semiotik och isomorfism. Semiotisk teori har bidragit till att granska det latenta och manifesta, isomorfism för att förklara skillnader och likheter, samt McDonaldisation för att upptäcka effektivisering. Studiens resultat påvisar både likheter och skillnader mellan kommunerna. Skillnader återfinns i förhållning till tillgänglighet, begriplighet, samt hantering av lagstiftning. Vad gäller likheter tenderar informationen på webbsidorna att baseras på Socialtjänstlagen, kommunerna beskriver ansökningsprocessen på liknande sätt, samt att informationen är begränsad till svenska. Studiens resultat diskuterar tillgänglighet sett till kommunikation och information. Resultatet relateras till jämlikhet genom tillgång till e-tjänster inom socialtjänstens ekonomiska bistånd samt möjligheter till empowerment. Studiens resultat anger att fortsatt forskning behövs kring digitalisering och e-tjänster i socialt arbete, bland annat utifrån brukar- och personalperspektiv. / The digitalizing has affected the community as a whole, but current research about social work and its digitalization is lacking. Because of which, we have chosen to study and discuss this area - empirical and theoretical. This study aims to analyze and compare social services municipal websites regarding information about financial aid related to the current legislation, media theory and the importance of language. This study scrutinizes, through equality and availability, the usage of e-services regarding financial aid in municipals. The empirical data, which is gathered from ten Swedish municipal websites regarding financial aid, is analyzed by qualitative content analysis complemented by quantification, through frequency analysis. From the analysis a domain emerged; availability, and two themes; information and communication. This study has its base in The second media age, McDonaldization, semiotics and isomorfism. The theory of semiotics has contributed to a review regarding latent and manifest information, isomorfism to explain differences and similarities, and McDonaldization to explore efficiency. The result of the study indicates both similarities and differences among the websites. Differences were found concerning availability, intelligibility, and the usage of legislation. Similarities tend to exist in which the information on the websites were based on Social Services act, the municipals described the application process similar, and the information was limited to Swedish language. The result of the study discuss availability regarding communication and information. The result relates to equality through access to e-services within social services financial aid and opportunities to empowerment. The result of this study specify the need of proceeded research concerning digitalizing and e-services within social services, among other things on user and personnel perspective.
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Digitala verktyg som hjälpmedel för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En kvalitativ studie om lärares använding av digitala verktyg i undervisningen / Digital tools as a tool for students in reading and writing difficulties : A qualitative study on teachers' use of digital tools in teachingKihlberg, Denise January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att synliggöra hur lärare använder sig av digitala verktyg som hjälpmedel för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Syftet är också att få reda på hur lärare ser på den nya läroplanen som givits ett mer digitalt innehåll. Här lyfts både fördelar och nackdelar med de digitala verktygen fram. I undersökningen användes kvalitativa intervjuer för att få fram lärares åsikter och erfarenheter kring ämnet. Resultatet visar att lärare tycker det är bra att kunna använda sig av digitala verktyg som hjälpmedel för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Dock tycker sig lärare sakna en del av den kompetens som krävs för att kunna använda digitala verktyg i undervisningen. Det finns både fördelar och nackdelar med de digitala verktygen. Den största fördelen är att motivationen för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter ökar när de får använda ett digitalt verktyg som hjälpmedel. Den största nackdelen är att eleverna inte längre skriver med papper och penna på samma sätt som förut. / The aim of this study is to make visible how teachers use digital tools as a tool for students in reading and writing difficulties. The aim is also to find out how teachers look at the new curriculum given a more digital content. Here, both advantages and disadvantages of the digital tools are highlighted. In the survey, qualitative interviews were used to get teachers' opinions and experiences on the subject. The result shows that teachers find it useful to be able to use digital tools as a tool for students in reading and writing difficulties. However, teachers feel that they lack some of the skills needed to use digital tools in their teaching. There are both advantages and disadvantages to the digital tools. The main advantage is that the motivation for students in reading and writing difficulties increases when they use a digital tool as a tool. The biggest disadvantage is that the students no longer write with paper and pen in the same way as before.
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Framtidens verktyg för arbetsmiljöarbete : En studie om vilka förutsättningar IT erbjuder verksamheter i deras arbetsmiljöarbeteAbraham, Robel, Saleman, Egal January 2019 (has links)
The influence and impact that digitalisation have in our society has not gone unnoticed, every aspect of our daily lives have more or less been digitalized so that we can effectively communicate, share and gain information and knowledge through IT solutions. Businesses and organisations are being more effective and efficient by embedding IT solutions as a strategy into their daily work. A particular field that has been stagnant through this revolution is how businesses and organisations manage their workplace environment and the purpose of this study is therefore to shed light on, and contribute with knowledge about, the potential that IT have when it comes to managing organisational occupational health and safety. We look further into a graphical user interface such as dashboard to gain an insight on how it could be used as a tool to monitor progress within occupational health and safety. The methods used in this exploration are integrated approaches which contains both qualitative and quantitative methods, the data was collected through interviews and surveys in a public organisation. The results of the study displays three main concerns which are caused by the lack of systematic approach while working with occupational health and safety. These three concerns are identified as feedback challenges, lack of consistency and absence of appropriate actions. The study further highlights which key factors that need to be successful in order to create and maintain a healthy occupational health and safety. With the result of our study, businesses and organisations can gain an understanding and insight on what type of advantages can be gained by using IT in order to promote a systematic approach while dealing with a challenging task as the workplace environment.
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Fotots väg från arkivboxen till allmänheten : En dokumentation av DiBiS digitaliseringsprocess samt en studie av digitaliseringens följderSöderman, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of my one year master’s thesis is to add a documentation of a data processing-process of photo- graphs to the administration of archives. The thesis is written from an archival science perspective which is to be seen in my choice of literature, method and questions at issue. To be able to form a documentation of a data processing-process I studied DiBiS, a company specialized in digitalizing old photographs and publish them on a online database. I also added a chapter where I studied how archival institutions used to handle their old photo- graphs in a traditional manner so the reader of this thesis will be able to understand and see the differences be- tween traditional and modern photograph management. Following the chapters describing traditional and modern management I formulated some questions at issue about the data-processing-process. Those questions I studied and analyzed in chapters about advantages and the complex of problems surrounding the subject. I came to the conclusion that there are a lot of advantages surrounding the data processing-process, especially from an ar- rangement- preservation and access point of view. I also came to the conclusion that the problems with data processing is the exaggerated focus on the photographic subject, the mistake of thinking that a digital copy of the subject can replace the original photograph and that retouch might distort the original outcome and therefore not live up to archival science standards. To my assistance I had Katarina Nordin, archivist at Arkiv Gävleborg and, among others, Ingrid Fallström, ar- chivist at DiBiS. Specialist technical literature used during my work with this thesis have been Anna Dahlgrens and Pelle Snickars (red.) I bildarkivet om fotografi och digitaliserings effekter, Hege Oulies Digitalisering av fotosamlinger, Project Minervas Good practices handbook, Wolfgang Ernsts Sorlet från arkiven – ordning ur oordning and Anna Christina Ulfsparres (red.) Arkivvetenskap.</p>
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Fotots väg från arkivboxen till allmänheten : En dokumentation av DiBiS digitaliseringsprocess samt en studie av digitaliseringens följderSöderman, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of my one year master’s thesis is to add a documentation of a data processing-process of photo- graphs to the administration of archives. The thesis is written from an archival science perspective which is to be seen in my choice of literature, method and questions at issue. To be able to form a documentation of a data processing-process I studied DiBiS, a company specialized in digitalizing old photographs and publish them on a online database. I also added a chapter where I studied how archival institutions used to handle their old photo- graphs in a traditional manner so the reader of this thesis will be able to understand and see the differences be- tween traditional and modern photograph management. Following the chapters describing traditional and modern management I formulated some questions at issue about the data-processing-process. Those questions I studied and analyzed in chapters about advantages and the complex of problems surrounding the subject. I came to the conclusion that there are a lot of advantages surrounding the data processing-process, especially from an ar- rangement- preservation and access point of view. I also came to the conclusion that the problems with data processing is the exaggerated focus on the photographic subject, the mistake of thinking that a digital copy of the subject can replace the original photograph and that retouch might distort the original outcome and therefore not live up to archival science standards. To my assistance I had Katarina Nordin, archivist at Arkiv Gävleborg and, among others, Ingrid Fallström, ar- chivist at DiBiS. Specialist technical literature used during my work with this thesis have been Anna Dahlgrens and Pelle Snickars (red.) I bildarkivet om fotografi och digitaliserings effekter, Hege Oulies Digitalisering av fotosamlinger, Project Minervas Good practices handbook, Wolfgang Ernsts Sorlet från arkiven – ordning ur oordning and Anna Christina Ulfsparres (red.) Arkivvetenskap.
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Vergleichende Untersuchung von intraoraler und extraoraler Digitalisierung nach Modellherstellung mit CEREC-3D® / Accuracy of Intraoral Data Acquisition in comparison to the conventional Impression and conventional impression taking compared to intraoral digitizingLoos, Rene 04 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Durch den Einsatz von CAD/CAM-Technologien sollen potenzielle Fehlerquellen der handwerklich-manuellen Herstellung zahnmedizinischprothetischer Restaurationen eliminiert werden. Grundlage für die Fertigung einer prothetischen Restauration mittels CAD/CAM ist eine möglichst genaue Digitalisierung der klinischen Situation. In dieser Studie wurde die Genauigkeit der digitalen Erfassung von Zähnen unter experimentellen sowie unter klinischen Bedingungen mit dem CEREC-3D® System (intraoral) im Vergleich zu konventioneller Abformung und Modellerstellung mit anschließender extraoraler Digitalisierung (Digiscan) untersucht. Von einem Schulungsmodell wurde mit einer Doppelmischabformung ein Modell mit präpariertem Zahn 16 erzeugt und extraoral digitalisiert. Dieses Modell wurde simuliert intraoral sowie nach erneuter Abformung und Modellherstellung extraoral digitalisiert. Im Anschluss daran erfolgte die Zuordnung der einzelnen Datensätze auf das Referenz-CAD-Modell und die dreidimensionale Differenzberechnung. Die durch die Ethik-Kommission genehmigte klinische Studie umfasste zehn Probanden. Bei diesen zehn Probanden erfolgte eine konventionelle und optische Abformung des Oberkiefers. Aus der konventionellen Abformung entstand ein Modell, welches extraoral-optisch digitalisiert wurde. Diesen Daten wurde die optische Abformung zugeordnet. Die dreidimensionale Auswertung erfolgte analog der in-vitro Studie. Die Auswertung der in-vitro Daten lieferte mittlere dreidimensionale Abweichungen von ±17-35μm bei der Betrachtung vom präparierten Zahn 16 und seinen Nachbarzähnen. Betrachtete man nur den präparierten Zahn 16, zeigten sich mittlere Abweichungen um ±17μm. Im Vergleich dazu lag die berechnete mittlere Differenz bei der intraoralen Digitalisierung eines Quadranten mit ±26-81μm erheblich darüber. Im Registrierzentrum konnte die geringste Abweichung gefunden werden. Der konventionelle Verfahrensweg (Abformung – Modellherstellung – extraorale Digitalisierung) hingegen liefert eine Genauigkeit von ±9-19μm. Anhand der gewonnenen Ergebnisse kann man sagen, dass die CEREC-3D®Kamera für die Erfassung von Einzelzahnrestaurationen sowie gegebenenfalls kleinerer mehrspanniger Restaurationen geeignet ist. Größere Restaurationen hingegen übersteigen den Indikationsbereich des Systems und sollten extraoral über den Umweg einer Abformung digitalisiert werden. Klinische Parameter beeinflussen die Genauigkeit der intraoralen Digitalisierung in einem akzeptablen Maß. Dies wird anhand des Vergleiches der in-vitro mit den in-vivo Daten ersichtlich. Dabei ist die Puderschicht von durchschnittlich 28,6μm (51) bei der intraoralen Digitalisierung zu berücksichtigen. / Using CAD/CAM-technology in dentistry is supposed to reduce or eliminate potential sources of error resulting from the manual craftsmanship needed when making dental restorative restorations. For any CAD/CAM-made restoration, a digitalization as precise as possible is basic. In this study, the precision of the digital measurement of teeth was examined in-vitro and invivo. The intraoral CEREC-3D® system was compared with conventional impression taking and model making and subsequent digitalization (Digiscan). A one-stage putty-and-wash impression was taken from a training model. The first upper molar in this model was prepared for a full crown. The resulting gypsum model was extraorally digitized. This master model was digitized with simulated intraoral digitizing and, after taking again an impression and making a gypsum model, with extraoral digitizing. The data was then aligned to the reference CAD-model, and the threedimensional differences were calculated. The clinical trial included ten probands and was approved by the responsible ethical committee. From each proband, a conventional impression as well as an intraoral digitizing was made from the upper jaw. The gypsum model resulting from the impression was digitized extraorally, and the data was aligned to the data-sets of the intraoral digitizing. The threedimensional differences were calculated analogous to the in-vitro analysis. The threedimensional analysis showed mean differences between ±17 and 35 microns for the prepared tooth 16 and its neighboring teeth. Looking at tooth 16 alone, the mean differences were around ±17 microns. Compared to these values, the mean differences calculated for intraoral digitizing of a whole quadrant were considerably higher (±26-81 microns). The smallest mean deviations were found at the center of alignment. The conventional method (impression taking - model making - extraoral digitizing) showed a significantly higher precision (±9-19 microns). The results show that the CEREC-3D®camera is suitable for single tooth and short-span restorations. However, the indication is not given for long-span restorations using the intraoral system. Such restorations should always be made after conventional impression taking, model making and subsequent extraoral digitizing. The precision of the intraoral digitizing is influenced by clinical parameters in an acceptable way as shown by the comparison of invitro and in-vivo data. The powder-layer of average 28.6 microns (51) has to be taken into consideration, when using intraoral digitizing.
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Faktorer för en förbättrad digitaliserad blankett : En studie baserad på the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) och användbarhetstesterEile, Paulina January 2018 (has links)
We live in a society that is becoming more and more digital, where new technologies revolutionize several industries, and technological advances go faster every day. There may be an understanding that companies and organizations want to keep up with this digitization and not fall behind. But what happens if companies go too fast without involving the people who actually use their systems and services? The purpose of this study was to find possible problematic factors in digitizing a form in a PDF format. This form is used for the purpose of enrolling a principal administrator to further log in on a corporate service at Fora AB, with BankID or mobile BankID. An additional purpose for the study was to create a new design proposal by creating a prototype. An empirical data collection has been conducted through usability tests that included interview questions and observation of use. The theoretical framework underlying the study is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and its view on user acceptance. The study has resulted in a number of factors that leads the user not accept the system, these factors have formulated into three improvement areas; simple navigation, digitizing all the way and minimizing technical requirements. / Vi lever i ett samhälle som blir mer och mer digitalt, där nya tekniker revolutionerar flera branscher och den teknologiska utvecklingen går snabbare för varje dag. Det kan finnas en förståelse för att företagen och organisationerna vill hänga med i denna digitalisering och inte hamna efter. Men vad händer om företagen går för snabbt fram utan att involvera de människor som faktiskt ska använda deras system och tjänster? Denna studie har haft som syfte att finna eventuella problematiska faktorer i en digitalisering utav en blankett i PDF-format. Denna blankett används i syfte av att anmäla en huvudadministratör för att vidare kunna logga in på en företagstjänst på Fora AB, med BankID eller mobilt BankID. Ett ytterligare syfte för studien var att skapa ett nytt designförslag i form av en prototyp. En empirisk datainsamling har utförts genom användbarhetstester som inkluderade intervjufrågor samt observation av användning. Det teoretiska ramverket som legat till grund för studien är the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) och dess syn på användaracceptans. Studien har resulterat i ett flertal faktorer som bidrar till att användaren inte accepterar systemet, dessa faktorer har formulerats till tre förbättringsområden; enkel navigation, digitalisera hela vägen samt minimera krav på teknisk kunskap.
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Digitalisering inom vården : Effekter vårdpersonalen upplever efter implementering av ett IT-system / Digitizing in health care : Effects the health care staff experience after implementationof a IT-systemWallinder Mittonen, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Rapportens syfte är att i en fallstudie undersöka vilka effekter personalen på ett vård och omsorgsboendeti Filipstads kommun upplever i sin vardag, efter att ett nytt IT-system implementerats, för att bedöma om upphandlingsprocessens genomförande ligger till grund för effekterna personalen upplever. Detta ämne är aktuellt, då digitalisering inom vården ingår allt mer i personalens vardag inom vård och omsorg. Effekter efter en implementering av ett IT-system uppstår alltid, men frågan är om effekterna påverkar vård och omsorgspersonalens vardagliga arbetssituation på ett positivt eller negativt sätt. Detta är en fallstudie med kvalitativ inriktning, där metodvalen är semistrukturerad intervju och deltagande känd observation. Utifrån den insamlade teorin utformades de intervjufrågor som användes vid intervju med säkerhetssamordnare (SS ) och upphandlingschef (UC) för Filipstads kommun som är IT-systemets beställare. Efter intervjun med SS och UC i sammanhållning med teori utformades de intervjufrågor som ställdes till gruppledaren för vård och omsorgsboendet samt fem stycken personal på vård och omsorgsboendet, varav fyrast jobbar dag och en jobbar natt. Resultatet av fallstudien visar att upphandlingsprocessen och implementeringen av IT-systemet utförts utan några större brister, men IT-systemet har en hög dysfunktionalitet. Respondenternas och gruppledarens syn är att kraven sett annorlunda ut om de fått medverka vid kravinsamlingen, denna syn stöds inte av det som framkommit under rapportens skrivande.Dock har personalens vardagliga arbetssituation försämrats efter det nya IT-systemet implementerats. Syftet med det nya IT-systemet var att personalen skulle känna sig tryggare och ha bättre koll över brukarna. Detta har inte uppnåtts då IT-systemet har en så hög dysfunktionalitet att en slutbesiktning varit omöjlig att genomföra.
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Vergleichende Untersuchung von intraoraler und extraoraler Digitalisierung nach Modellherstellung mit CEREC-3D®Loos, Rene 30 October 2008 (has links)
Durch den Einsatz von CAD/CAM-Technologien sollen potenzielle Fehlerquellen der handwerklich-manuellen Herstellung zahnmedizinischprothetischer Restaurationen eliminiert werden. Grundlage für die Fertigung einer prothetischen Restauration mittels CAD/CAM ist eine möglichst genaue Digitalisierung der klinischen Situation. In dieser Studie wurde die Genauigkeit der digitalen Erfassung von Zähnen unter experimentellen sowie unter klinischen Bedingungen mit dem CEREC-3D® System (intraoral) im Vergleich zu konventioneller Abformung und Modellerstellung mit anschließender extraoraler Digitalisierung (Digiscan) untersucht. Von einem Schulungsmodell wurde mit einer Doppelmischabformung ein Modell mit präpariertem Zahn 16 erzeugt und extraoral digitalisiert. Dieses Modell wurde simuliert intraoral sowie nach erneuter Abformung und Modellherstellung extraoral digitalisiert. Im Anschluss daran erfolgte die Zuordnung der einzelnen Datensätze auf das Referenz-CAD-Modell und die dreidimensionale Differenzberechnung. Die durch die Ethik-Kommission genehmigte klinische Studie umfasste zehn Probanden. Bei diesen zehn Probanden erfolgte eine konventionelle und optische Abformung des Oberkiefers. Aus der konventionellen Abformung entstand ein Modell, welches extraoral-optisch digitalisiert wurde. Diesen Daten wurde die optische Abformung zugeordnet. Die dreidimensionale Auswertung erfolgte analog der in-vitro Studie. Die Auswertung der in-vitro Daten lieferte mittlere dreidimensionale Abweichungen von ±17-35μm bei der Betrachtung vom präparierten Zahn 16 und seinen Nachbarzähnen. Betrachtete man nur den präparierten Zahn 16, zeigten sich mittlere Abweichungen um ±17μm. Im Vergleich dazu lag die berechnete mittlere Differenz bei der intraoralen Digitalisierung eines Quadranten mit ±26-81μm erheblich darüber. Im Registrierzentrum konnte die geringste Abweichung gefunden werden. Der konventionelle Verfahrensweg (Abformung – Modellherstellung – extraorale Digitalisierung) hingegen liefert eine Genauigkeit von ±9-19μm. Anhand der gewonnenen Ergebnisse kann man sagen, dass die CEREC-3D®Kamera für die Erfassung von Einzelzahnrestaurationen sowie gegebenenfalls kleinerer mehrspanniger Restaurationen geeignet ist. Größere Restaurationen hingegen übersteigen den Indikationsbereich des Systems und sollten extraoral über den Umweg einer Abformung digitalisiert werden. Klinische Parameter beeinflussen die Genauigkeit der intraoralen Digitalisierung in einem akzeptablen Maß. Dies wird anhand des Vergleiches der in-vitro mit den in-vivo Daten ersichtlich. Dabei ist die Puderschicht von durchschnittlich 28,6μm (51) bei der intraoralen Digitalisierung zu berücksichtigen. / Using CAD/CAM-technology in dentistry is supposed to reduce or eliminate potential sources of error resulting from the manual craftsmanship needed when making dental restorative restorations. For any CAD/CAM-made restoration, a digitalization as precise as possible is basic. In this study, the precision of the digital measurement of teeth was examined in-vitro and invivo. The intraoral CEREC-3D® system was compared with conventional impression taking and model making and subsequent digitalization (Digiscan). A one-stage putty-and-wash impression was taken from a training model. The first upper molar in this model was prepared for a full crown. The resulting gypsum model was extraorally digitized. This master model was digitized with simulated intraoral digitizing and, after taking again an impression and making a gypsum model, with extraoral digitizing. The data was then aligned to the reference CAD-model, and the threedimensional differences were calculated. The clinical trial included ten probands and was approved by the responsible ethical committee. From each proband, a conventional impression as well as an intraoral digitizing was made from the upper jaw. The gypsum model resulting from the impression was digitized extraorally, and the data was aligned to the data-sets of the intraoral digitizing. The threedimensional differences were calculated analogous to the in-vitro analysis. The threedimensional analysis showed mean differences between ±17 and 35 microns for the prepared tooth 16 and its neighboring teeth. Looking at tooth 16 alone, the mean differences were around ±17 microns. Compared to these values, the mean differences calculated for intraoral digitizing of a whole quadrant were considerably higher (±26-81 microns). The smallest mean deviations were found at the center of alignment. The conventional method (impression taking - model making - extraoral digitizing) showed a significantly higher precision (±9-19 microns). The results show that the CEREC-3D®camera is suitable for single tooth and short-span restorations. However, the indication is not given for long-span restorations using the intraoral system. Such restorations should always be made after conventional impression taking, model making and subsequent extraoral digitizing. The precision of the intraoral digitizing is influenced by clinical parameters in an acceptable way as shown by the comparison of invitro and in-vivo data. The powder-layer of average 28.6 microns (51) has to be taken into consideration, when using intraoral digitizing.
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Vacation Exchange Management : Investigating the Vacation Exchange Process at Karlstad Municipality Through Document Analysis, Interviews, and Task Analysis to Elicit System RequirementsTensmyr, Tobias January 2020 (has links)
The study aims to investigate the current process for vacation exchange at Karlstad municipality to elicit system requirements for a future system. The investigation includes creating an understanding of the vacation exchange process, the roles involved, and their tasks performed in the process. Further, the limitations, the information used, and the decisions made in the vacation exchange process were also a part of the investigation. The investigation of the vacation exchange process is performed by analyzing an internal document from Karlstad municipality and interviews conducted with the three roles involved in the process. The interviews are transcribed, summarized, and modeled by process models using 2c8 Modeling Tool to explain the vacation exchange process, inputs, and outputs, and the tasks each role performs. The findings showed three specific categories in the vacation exchange process that should be improved when a future system is designed and developed to support the process. The three found categories were: lack of information, information flow, and distribution of responsibilities. In conclusion, the future system should have a function to notify the roles involved. Information used in the vacation exchange process should be gathered and easily accessible in the future system. Further, the future system should support communication between the roles involved in the vacation exchange process, as well as include functions for back-up, digital sending of documents, and facilitate rarely performed tasks. Lastly, the future system should define the responsibilities for each role to balance the tasks each role performs in the process.
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