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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Basso, Eliane Fátima Corti 16 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:30:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eliane Fatima Corti Basso1.pdf: 356512 bytes, checksum: bd265196ca3aeca75f32c7b8f6fbc966 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-16 / Magazine Sir: modernity and culture in the Brazilian press it has as objective to rescue the history of a publication that marked time. Produced in the period of 1959 the 1964, the magazine demonstrated its paper as a central space of quarrel of cultural subjects. Fruit of a specific conjuncture, Sir behaved itself as an encyclopedia of 50 years and beginning of years 60, divulging, in the set of news articles that produced, chronicles, assays, critical and articles, the values and the effective cultural movements, many times expressing new forms of behavior, considered advanced then. The used methodology in the research is of the descriptive analysis and qualitative of the content of the published substances and the theoretical approach it is based on the estimated ones of the interdisciplinaridade of the chain of the Cultural Studies. The conclusions had pointed the characterization of the magazine as a publication that translates Cultural the Journalism formative, come back the intellectualized people or multiplying calls of opinion, showing as one of the most important considered magazines "cultured" of the Brazilian market. It was a magazine directed predominantly for a culturally elitizado masculine public and/or economically. The idea is still conceived of that SIR, for its graphical and publishing project, was in the vanguard of Brazilian publications of all the times. / Revista Senhor: modernidade e cultura na imprensa brasileira tem como objetivo resgatar a história de uma publicação que marcou época. Produzida no período de 1959 a 1964, a revista demonstrou seu papel como um espaço central de discussão de temas culturais. Fruto de uma conjuntura específica, SENHOR portou-se como uma enciclopédia dos anos 50 e início dos anos 60, divulgando, no conjunto de reportagens que produziu, crônicas, ensaios, críticas e artigos, os valores e os movimentos culturais vigentes, muitas vezes expressando novas formas de comportamento, consideradas avançadas então. A metodologia usada na pesquisa é a da análise descritiva e qualitativa do conteúdo das matérias publicadas e o enfoque teórico está baseado nos pressupostos da interdisciplinaridade da corrente dos Estudos Culturais. As conclusões apontaram a caracterização da revista como uma publicação que traduz o Jornalismo Cultural formativo, voltada a pessoas intelectualizadas ou chamadas multiplicadoras de opinião, revelando-se como uma das mais importantes revistas consideradas "cultas" do mercado brasileiro. Foi uma revista dirigida redominantemente para um público masculino elitizado culturalmente e/ou economicamente. Concebe-se ainda a idéia de que SENHOR, por seu projeto gráfico e editorial, esteve na vanguarda das publicações brasileiras de todos os tempos.(AU)

A New York do Jaguaré: investigação em torno da Época São Paulo (2008-2013), os paradoxos da circulação e os desafios das revistas de cidade na instância do conteúdo em rede / The New York from Jaguaré: Research about Época São Paulo (2008-2013), the paradoxes of the circulation and the challenges of city magazines in the instance of online content.

Camilo Morano Vannuchi 29 September 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho é um estudo de caso da revista Época São Paulo, publicação mensal da Editora Globo que circulou entre maio de 2008 e dezembro de 2013, junto à revista Época, semanal. O objetivo é investigar os acertos e erros do título, tanto editoriais quanto comerciais, a fim de explorar os formatos adotados pelas revistas de cidade e formular recomendações práticas para esse gênero de publicação na era dos tablets e smartphones. Neste trabalho, a observação direta, não estruturada, feita por este pesquisador num momento anterior ao início oficial da pesquisa (o autor desta dissertação foi repórter da Época São Paulo entre 2008 e 2010 e seu editor de 2010 a 2012, afastando-se um ano antes do encerramento do título), combina-se com a observação indireta sobre os bastidores da revista (por meio de longas entrevistas com os três diretores que conduziram a redação em períodos sucessivos) e com o estudo das edições publicadas da Época São Paulo e da bibliografia consultada. Entre os temas pesquisados estão jornalismo de revista, jornalismo utilitário, informação local no âmbito da sociedade global, desafios da metrópole como espaço de consumo e também de direitos, autoria e objetividade no exercício do jornalismo, influência da circulação e da periodicidade na construção da relevância e desafios da comunicação no ciberespaço público. Espera-se contribuir para o estudo do jornalismo de revistas no Brasil, em especial para o campo das revistas de cidade. / This monograph is a case study of Época São Paulo magazine, Editora Globo\'s monthly publication which circulated from May 2008 to December 2013, as a supplement of weekly Época magazine. The purpose is to investigate the mistakes and successes of the title, both editorial and commercial, in order to explore the formats adopted by city magazines and formulate practical recommendations for this genre of publications in the age of the tablets and smartphones. In this work, this researcher\'s unstructured direct observation, in a period before the official beginning of the research (the author of this thesis worked as a reporter for Época São Paulo from 2008 to 2010 and as its editor from 2010 to 2012, resigning one year before the end of the title) is combined with the indirect observation about the backstage magazine (through long interviews with the three editors in chief in charge of the newsroom in successive periods) and also the study of the published issues of Época São Paulo and the selected bibliography. Among the researched topics were magazine journalism, utilitarian journalism, local information in the scope of the global society, the challenges of the metropolis as a space of consumption as well as of rights, authorship and objectivity in the practice of journalism, influence of the circulation and periodicity in the construction of relevance, and the challenges of communication in the public cyberspace. It is expected to contribute to the study of magazine journalism in Brazil, especially in the area of the city magazines.

Časopis Praha v letech 1970-1979 / Magazine Prague in 1970-1979

Lhotáková, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis entitled "Magazine Praha in 1970-1979" deals with the monthly magazine Praha, which was published by the National Committee of the City of Prague in the period from 1970 to 1991. This was a regional magazine for the inhabitants of Prague as well as for visitors to the capital, which kept its readers abreast of current events in the metropolis. The main topics covered were city administration and construction, urban transport development, Prague culture and history. The introductory chapter covers the historical context - the situation in Czechoslovakia in the 1970s, the system of state administration with a focus on the administration of the city of Prague, and the media environment of that time. The following chapter describes the emergence, development, characteristics, and thematic focus of this periodical and the position of the editorial staff within the framework of the Prague National Committee. The aim of this thesis is to provide a detailed description of the magazine's first ten years - with particular analysis being given to the contents of the magazine, its internal arrangement, continuity and the transformation of the individual columns and main themes, the composition of the editorial staff and the layout. This thesis also asks to what extent did the magazine...

Au cœur des magazines ˸ de collaborations en négociations, le système des images de mode américaines (années 1960-années 1980) / The Collaborative and Negociated System of Fashion Editorials in American Magazines, 1960s-1980s

Morin, Alice 16 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse examine l’image de mode éditoriale en contexte(s), au sein de la presse magazine américaine entre les années 1960 et les années 1980, à travers une étude de cas sur les publications mainstream Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar et un nouveau magazine, Interview. On postule que la production photographique de ces trois titres représente à la fois le cœur de leur activité et de ces objets matériels, en raison de leur positionnement, de leurs codes et de leurs objectifs. On étudiera comment, dans ce cœur et à travers ses « grandes » séries éditoriales, se dégage un certain rapport à l’image comme plateforme entre une production collaborative et des réceptions, ainsi qu’une fonction de négociation par rapport au contexte historique. A travers l’étude des conditions de production des images, puis à travers leur analyse, et enfin par l’examen de leurs circulations, on démontrera l’existence d’une norme mainstream manifestant un certain conservatisme. Puis nous nous interrogerons sur les négociations éventuelles avec cette norme, sans cesse contestée, changeante en surface mais tenace.Un examen attentif de l’ensemble des tensions et des compromis au fil des moments de flottement que sont les décennies 1960 à 1980 nous permettra d’aboutir, sur la période étudiée, au constat qu’il existe bien un système articulé autour d’un discours hégémonique très difficile à questionner tant il est puissant et, en fin de compte, fermé. Ainsi, de manière transversale à tout notre travail, il émergera que l’ensemble des images de mode éditoriales est varié, mais lissé par un discours des magazines construit sur le long terme. Pourtant, il offre aussi bien des modèles que des contre-modèles, des contre-discours et des contre-points qui tous se déploient dans un cadre strict et souple, fermement orienté et adaptable, même s’il comporte quelques possibilités de subversion, toujours exercées à la marge. On conclura, en définitive, à la puissance de ce système, normé quoique toujours à l’équilibre entre des tensions contradictoires, structuré autour d’un format très fort, se nourrissant et s’exprimant par l’image de mode qui reste son fleuron. / This doctoral thesis examines fashion editorials through a case study of three American magazines in context, from the 1960s to the 1980s: Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, two mainstream publications, and a new magazine then, Interview. It is postulated that the photographic editorial production of those magazines is central to them – as material objects, and as the core of their activity as well, both aspects enabling and unfolding their positions, their codes and their purposes. By looking at major editorial series, I explore how these images stand out as "contact zones" between a highly collaborative production process and their receptions, and how their function is also one of negotiation with regards to its context.A close analysis of the conditions of production, the content and the circulations of these images demonstrates that magazines express undeniable conservatism through the perpetuation of a mainstream norm. However, as this norm constantly changes on the surface, I argue that conditions regularly emerge for it to be negotiated. An attentive study of the tensions and compromises unfolding in the « uncertain moments » that characterize the period running from the 1960s through the 1980s demonstrates the existence of a powerful system. Structured around a coherent and hermetic narrative, it proves indeed hard to challenge. Yet, as this thesis argues, the ensemble of editorial fashion images homogenized by these long-term processes is in fact varied and diverse. If these images construct models, they also offer counter-models, counter-narratives and counter-points. All these possibilities converge into a strict but agile framework, firmly oriented by its producers but adaptable, even though its subversive potential is only realized at the margins.This system—structured around a powerful format—is highly restrictive yet it still performs a constant balancing act between conflicting tensions and goals, fueled by and unfolded in the fashion images at its core.

Digitaliseringens påverkan på veckotidningsbranschen – En fallstudie på företaget Aller media

Holmstedt, Jonas, Larsson, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
På grund av digitaliseringens uppenbara påverkan på tidningsindustrin i kombination med brist på tidigare vetenskapliga studier kring detta ämne – söker denna studie att öka kunskapen och förståelsen för hur fenomenet digitalisering påverkat företag i veckotidningsindustrin. Studiens syfte är främst att undersöka hur företaget Aller media och dess affärsmodeller påverkats av digitaliseringen. För att ta reda på detta har inledningsvis två kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med två chefer på Aller media. Intervjuerna har sedan kompletterats med en webbenkät som besvarades av Aller medias anställda. Resultatet från datainsamlingsmetoderna visar att digitaliseringen haft en påtaglig påverkan på Aller media med både positiva och negativa konsekvenser. Sammantaget har Aller media anpassat sig väl sedan digitaliseringen och har med anammandet av nya digitala affärsmodeller lagt en bra grund för att vara fortsatt relevanta i en alltmer digitaliserad framtid. / Due to the obvious impact of digitalisation on the magazine industry in combination with lack of previous scientific studies on the subject - this study seeks to increase the knowledge andunderstanding of how the phenomenon of digitalisation has affected companies in the magazine industry. The purpose of the study is primarily to investigate how the company Aller media and its business models have been affected by digitalisation. To investigate this, two qualitative interviews were initially conducted with two managers at Aller media. The interviews were then supplemented with a web survey that were answered by Aller medias employees. The results from the data collection methods show that digitalisation has had a significant impact on Aller media with both positive and negative consequences. In total, Aller media has adapted well since digitalization and with the adoption of new digital business models the company has laid a good basis for remaining relevant in an increasingly digitalized future.

Тенденции развития фэшн-журналистики на примере российских и зарубежных интернет-изданий : магистерская диссертация / Trends in the development of fashion journalism on the example of Russian and foreign online publications

Власова, А. Р., Vlasova, A. R. January 2022 (has links)
Объект ВКР – отечественная и зарубежная фэшн-журналистика. Цель работы – выявление закономерностей и различий развития модной журналистики в России и за рубежом. Методы исследования: типологический анализ интернет-изданий «Vogue», «Elle», «Cosmopolitan»; контент-анализ, сравнительно-сопоставительный анализ. Результатом работы стали практические рекомендации для дальнейшего изучения фэшн-журналистики в российских и зарубежных СМИ. Научная новизна работы заключается в уточнении тенденций фэшн-журналистики на текущий год, рассмотрении аспектов влияния социальной повестки на редакционную политику глянца, а также отражения политических событий в публикациях. Издания «Vogue», «Elle», «Cosmopolitan» ранее не рассматривались исследователями в качестве эмпирического материала для сравнения контент-анализа между отечественным и зарубежными (в нашем случае — французским и американским) изданиями. Область применения полученных результатов – фэшн-журналистика, научные труды, медиакоммуникации. Значимость работы заключается в необходимости отслеживания развития модной журналистики, как одного из обширных направлений развлекательной журналистики, и, тем самым, понимании тенденций в современном обществе. / The object of the WRC is domestic and foreign fashion journalism. The purpose of the work is to identify patterns and differences in the development of fashion journalism in Russia and abroad. Research methods: typological analysis of the Internet publications "Vogue", "Elle", "Cosmopolitan"; content analysis, comparative analysis. The work resulted in practical recommendations for further study of fashion journalism in Russian and foreign media. The scientific novelty of the work lies in clarifying the trends in fashion journalism for the current year, considering aspects of the influence of the social agenda on the editorial policy of the gloss, as well as reflecting political events in publications. The publications Vogue, Elle, Cosmopolitan have not previously been considered by researchers as empirical material for comparing content analysis between domestic and foreign (in our case, French and American) publications. The scope of the obtained results is fashion journalism, scientific works, media communications. The significance of the work lies in the need to track the development of fashion journalism, as one of the broad areas of entertainment journalism, and, thereby, understanding the trends in modern society.

En enfärgad regnbåge : Hur den homosexuella normen formas i HBT-magasinet QX / A Monochrome Rainbow : How the homosexual norm is formed in the Swedish LGBT-magazine QX

Embretsén, Hanna, Palmberg, Maria January 2012 (has links)
The HBTQ-society is not a homogeneous group; it contains a range of different sub-groups. QX is Sweden’s biggest magazine aimed at members of the HBTQ-society. The purpose of this study is to analyze if the magazine is more directed towards gay men or women – both by examining how many men versus women appear in QX, but also by looking at the different ways in which the articles are more relevant to either men or women, such as by tone, language or choice of subjects. In this study, we have analyzed twelve issues of QX, from January 2012 to December 2012, in order to get the most current results as possible. We used a quantitative content analysis when examining the division of men and women, and a qualitative analysis to investigate the direction towards each gender in the texts. Identification and power have been significant theories with which to analyse the results. The study clearly shows that QX is more aimed towards homosexual men rather than women, despite its claim to be gender neutral. During 2012, 66 % men and 34 % women appeared in QX. It was also discovered that more articles were aimed at gay men rather than women. The results support the theory that lesbian women could feel excluded from the HBTQ-society by reading QX. Since role models are crucial in the process of identification – and gay women access less of them than gay men – lesbians have a disadvantage in finding representation and identification in QX, which is unequal and therefore a problem.

Living in the American style: an analysis of House Beautiful magazine, 1935-1955

Smith, Elizabeth A. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Architecture / Department of Architecture / Richard L. Hoag / The years of World War II mark a time of significant sociological and cultural change. In the United States, new technologies were introduced, and family structure and family economics changed. These changes were reflected in the popular media, including housing design publications. This thesis examines the design of the American house from 1935 to 1955 as presented in House Beautiful, originally The House Beautiful and first published in 1896, and how it changed during this twenty-year period. Seven themes were used to organize and describe change during this period. These themes are: 1) family structure and economics, 2) technology, 3) construction, 4) automobile, 5) site and spatial relationships, 6) status, and 7) privacy. Changes in presentation of the house in House Beautiful are shown by comparing and contrasting feature house articles across the twenty-year study period. The focus audience of House Beautiful magazine was what the publishers of House Beautiful characterized as the average American, while in fact the designs were not for the masses. Rather, the magazine catered to the ideal image of the average American. Trends discussed in relation to changes in house design include the following: family stability and security, privacy, home-ownership, transportation, suburban development, the process of Americanization, quality of life, and household efficiency.

Med fokus på manliga reportage : En kartläggning och analys av Veckans reportage i Fokus 2008

Karlsson, Robert, Stulken, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to examine what stories the Swedish periodical Fokus write about in their main reportage, "Veckans reportage", and how they express their stories. Through the survey we wanted to examine which topics, areas and actors that occurred in the texts during the year of 2008. We studied Fokus in two parts. In the first part we read every "Veckans reportage" published in 2008, which is 43 reportages, and categorized them into groups based on topics, areas and actors. The result helped us to pick two representative texts to analyse further. The method we used in the second part of the survey was discourse analysis, with focus on actors, metaphors and representations. The results of the first part showed that Fokus has a major Swedish perspective, either by topics about Swedish issues or by international topics and what influence they might have on Sweden. The most common topics during the year of 2008 were about politics and about social and welfare issues. The main actors in the texts were politicians and common people. The results showed that most of them were men. The results of the second part showed that they write about the topics in a typical way for reportage, with detailed descriptions of places, surroundings and people. We also saw that the discourses that appeared in the two reportages corresponded to the given topics in the texts.

En lätt sallad eller en rejäl köttbit? : En studie om hur livsstilsmagasin framställer mat sett ur ett genusperspektivoch hur män och kvinnor förhåller sig till mat / A light salad or a massive steak? : A study about how food is portrayed in lifestyle magazines seen from a genderperspective and how men and women relate to food

Kjellin, Axel, Persson, Fanny, Lundkvist, Jennifer January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur King och Elle framställer mat ur ettgenusperspektiv, det vill säga ur ett manligt respektive kvinnligt perspektiv, och i samband meddetta studera människors attityder till mat generellt. Detta med avsikt att ta reda på om det finnsskillnader mellan hur mat framställs beroende på dess målgrupp, samt om det finns någonkoppling till hur människor ställer sig till mat allmänt. För att besvara syftet genomfördes enkvalitativ innehållsanalys av ett begränsat antal artiklar från de utvalda magasinen, samt enenkätundersökning som vi delade ut via webben. För att stödja vår analys av undersökningen harvi främst grundat arbetet i gestaltningsteorin och teorin om socialkonstruktivism. Våra frågeställningar var: • Hur framställs manligt och kvinnligt i mat och dryck-delen i magasin? • Finns det någon skillnad på hur män och kvinnor tänker kring mat och matvanor? • Hur kan livsstilsmagasin tänkas påverka sina läsare i fråga om matpreferenser? Resultatet av studien visar att det är en framstående skillnad mellan hur mat framställs i magasinriktat till män respektive kvinnor. Dessutom pekar enkätundersökningen på att fler kvinnor änmän är måna om vad de äter, och att det finns skillnader mellan hur män och kvinnor ser på mat.Utifrån våra resultat och slutsatser följer en diskussion om hur det kommer sig att mat framställspå det vis den gör, samt hur detta kan komma att påverka dess läsare och samhället i sig. Slutligenger vi även exempel på vidare forskning inom det utforskade området för en djupare förståelse. / The purpose of this study was to examine how males versus females gets portrayed in the foodsection in monthly magazines, in this case Elle and King. In relation to that we have studiedpeoples attitudes of food. We wanted to see if there is any difference in how the magazines framefood depending on the target group and if there is a connection to how people agrees to food ingeneral. We used a qualitative content analysis and surveys as methods to implement the study. To prove our study material we’ve used the framing theory and the theory of social construction. Our main questions was: • How does the magazines portray women and men in magazines when it comes to foodand beverage? • Is it any difference between how men and women think about food and their eatinghabits? • How can the magazines affect their readers in the matter of food preferences? The result of this study shows that there is a difference between how men and women getsportrayed in the food section of the magazines. The survey shows that women care more aboutwhat they eat than men do, and that there is a difference in how men and women think aboutfood. Based on our results and conclusion we discuss why food gets portrayed in the matter itdoes and how the readers and society might get affected. At the end of the study we giveexamples for further research within the unexplored area for a deeper understanding.

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