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Le découpage électoral en France sous la Vème République : entre logiques partisanes et intérêts parlementaires / Redistricting in the Fifth Republic : between partisan logics and parliamentary interestsEhrhard, Thomas 27 November 2014 (has links)
Le découpage électoral est marqué par le mythe du gerrymandering, ou du « charcutage électoral ». Gouvernements et majorités l’utiliseraient dans l’objectif d’établir une carte électorale favorable par la délimitation de circonscriptions visant produire des gains électoraux. Il serait un outil électoraliste utilisé à des fins partisanes. En France, cette perception prédomine notamment en raison du peu de travaux consacrés au découpage électoral qui est, pourtant, un objet important au sein de la littérature politiste internationale. La thèse propose une étude du découpage des circonscriptions législatives sous la Ve République selon deux axes. Le premier, relatif au processus, interroge le rôle et l’action du gouvernement. Grâce à une analyse pluridisciplinaire, il apparaît que le découpeur est soumis à de fortes contraintes, et que les députés y occupent un rôle majeur. Le second porte sur les conséquences des délimitations. Après l’élaboration d’une méthode permettant d’appréhender l’aspect politique des découpages, l’étude empirique – statistique et cartographique – établit que les circonscriptions sont découpées en fonction des députés – sortants –, avant d’être favorables aux partis politiques, ou à la majorité qui y procède. S’il apparaît également que les changements de délimitations ne produisent pas toujours les effets escomptés, ils disposent de conséquences structurelles qui se vérifient sur la compétition électorale. Sous la Ve République, les découpages électoraux peuvent être qualifiés d’interparlementaires et d’intrapartisans. In fine, ni le processus, ni les conséquences des découpages électoraux ne correspondent à sa représentation cognitive classique. / The myth of the gerrymandering overshadows the redistricting. Governments allegedly use it to draw a favorable electoral map aiming electoral profits. Thus, it is supposed to be an electioneering mechanism used for partisan motives. In France, few studies have been devoted to redistricting which is also an important object within the international political scientist literature. The thesis puts forward a study of the legislative redistricting under the Fifth Republic following two axes. The first one, the analysis of the policy process, questions the role and the actions of the government. Through a multidisciplinary analysis, it appears that the government is strongly constrained and that MPs have a main function. The second one relates to the consequences of redistricting. After developing a method to understand the politics of limits, the empirical study – statistical and cartographic – shows that districts are made according to deputies – incumbents –, before favoring political parties, or the majority making the redistricting. It also appears that if the constituency boundaries are not decisive, they still have structural consequences on the electoral competition. Under the Fifth Republic, redistricting can be described as interparliamentary and intrapartisan. To sum up, neither the redistricting process nor its electoral consequences match the "classic" cognitive representation of the redistricting.
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Les évolutions de la règle électorale dans les systèmes politiques transitionnels : les élections législatives en Europe du Sud-Est (1989-2009) / Changes in the electoral rule in transitional political systems : the parliamentary elections in South Eastern Europe (1989-2009)Ogou, Dogba Blaise 04 February 2016 (has links)
Le sujet central de cette thèse concerne les évolutions de la règle électorale dans les régimespost-communistes et traite de la contribution de ces évolutions à la démocratisation dessystèmes politiques de l’Europe du Sud-Est, à partir d’un échantillon d’Etats (Albanie,Bulgarie, Macédoine, Roumanie et Serbie-Monténégro). La transition démocratique et lechangement de régime impliquent la construction d’une nouvelle légitimité politique. Cettelégitimité passe par les élections qui sont au coeur de la démocratie. Ce travail cherche àcomprendre comment sont choisies les règles régissant ces élections. Le choix du systèmeélectoral est, dans une grande mesure, la conséquence de plusieurs processus. L’accent mis surles facteurs déterminants de l’adoption et de la réforme électorale permet de comprendre lesmotivations et les objectifs des évolutions de la règle électorale en Europe post-communiste.L’étude de la législation réformée et l’analyse du comportement des acteurs électorauxpermettent de constater que les leaders politiques ont très souvent contourné le sensdémocratique de la norme électorale. Dans cet échantillon d’Etats, les évolutions de la règleélectorale ont eu des conséquences relatives sur le nombre des partis politiques représentés auParlement. Le changement de régime a favorisé l’alternance des majorités électorales etparlementaires. Cette alternance démontre que les principes démocratiques des électionscontribuent à la stabilisation démocratique, même si le contexte et les enjeux politiques propresà cette région favorisent une relative instabilité des majorités parlementaires etgouvernementales. / The central subject of this thesis concerns the developments of the electoral rule in postcommunistregimes and discusses the contribution of these changes to the democratization ofpolitical systems of Southeast Europe, from a sample of states (Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia,Romania and Serbia-Montenegro). Democratic transition and regime change involves theconstruction of a new political legitimacy. This legitimacy is through elections that are at theheart of democracy. This work seeks to understand how the rules are chosen these elections.The choice of electoral system is, to a large extent, the result of several processes. The focus onthe determinants of adoption and electoral reform to understanding the motivations and goalsof the developments of the electoral rule in post-communist Europe. The study of the reformedlegislation and behavior analysis of electoral allow players to see that the political leaders haveoften bypassed the democratic sense of the electoral standard. In this sample of countries,changes in the electoral rule had consequences on the number of political parties represented inParliament. Regime change has favored the alternation of parliamentary and electoralmajorities. This alternation shows that the democratic principles of elections contribute to thedemocratic stabilization, even if the context and the political stakes in this region favor a relativeinstability of parliamentary and government majority.
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Diskuse o změnách volebního systému do Senátu ČR / Discussion of changes in the electoral system to the Senate of the Czech RepublicFučík, Michal January 2020 (has links)
Discussion of changes in the electoral system to the Senate of the Czech Republic The diploma thesis deals with the discussion of changes in the electoral system for the Senate. The work reflects draft laws to change the electoral system in the Senate from the past, interviews with representatives of political parties represented in both chambers of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Furthermore, interviews with experts in the field of constitutional law and political science. The various proposals were analyzed and their principle and effects explained. The last part formulates the overall outputs of political parties and movements, experts and the opinion of the author of the diploma thesis. Key words: Senate, electoral systems, political system, constitutional system, change of electoral system, majority electoral systems, Czech Republic, parliament.
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Stranická disciplína poslanců ruské Státní dumy po obnově smíšeného volebního systému / The Party Discipline of the State Duma Deputies after the Mixed-Member Electoral System RenewalVřešťálová, Dominika January 2020 (has links)
The study examines the level of party voting discipline displayed by current Russian deputies. The objective is to discover whether deputies elected since the reintroduction of the mixed-member electoral system in 2016 showed a diverse level of party voting discipline. The study expands on the existing research and verifies results of earlier analysis proving weaker party discipline among politicians elected from single-member districts (SMDs). A sample of over 500 thousand deputy votes is analyzed with multiple regression analysis and other methods of quantitative research. The research explores the influence of several variables including the type of elections, political faction membership, double candidacy of a deputy and his incumbency in the previous term of office. Evaluation of results implies that the type of elections does not have a significant impact on party discipline of deputies. The most noticeable is the impact of the membership in various political factions. Greater independence in voting typical for SMD deputies does not manifest considerably in Russia because of the impact of the local hybrid regime and because the majority of SMD deputies belong to the faction of United Russia. Members of a faction with such importance tend to be less motivated to vote against their political...
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選舉制度與結果的比例性偏差:以台灣立法委員選舉制度為例(1992-2008) / The disproportionality of electoral system: the case of legislative election in Taiwan (1992-2008)張佑丞, Chang, Yu-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
選舉制度的設計與評估,主要有兩方面的考量,一是可治理性;二是分配的比例性。以台灣的情況為例,新選制的選舉結果,理論上政府的運作將趨向穩定;相較之下,在制度替換的過程中,改革者通常只看見舊制度的缺失,舊制度本身所具有的優點-比例性,在改革過程中往往被忽視。本文的研究目的即是重拾對比例性的視野,透過Loosemore-Hanby D指數測量選制改革前後的比例性偏差程度,檢視1992至2008年間比例性偏差數值的變化,並從五個面向-選區規模、席次分配、法定門檻、席次總數、選票結構-解釋比例性偏差發生的原因,發現所有的選制設計皆不利於比例性,導致新選制的比例性偏差與舊制度產生極大的落差。
最後,混合制固然同時融合了相對多數決制和比例代表制的特性,但是由於制度上選制要素以及非制度上國情與社會狀況的不同,很難期待一個完美的選舉制度出現,因此,我們只能尋求一個理想的選舉制度,且善用混合制所具有的彈性,做出適度的調整。 / Upon the evaluation of an electoral system, the main concerns are the governability and proportionality. In Taiwan’s case, the electoral system of Legislative Yuan altered from SNTV to mixed-member system; however, the reformers invariably accentuated the stability of governance but ignored the semi-proportionality of SNTV. Hence, the result of election in 2008 got unbalance between governability and proportionality. This article tends to measure the degree of disproportionality by Loosemore-Hanby index from 1992 to 2008 and tries to explain how disproportionality occurred from five dimensions-district magnitude, levels of seat allocation, threshold, number of total seats, and ballot structure.
In addition, the results could be quite different when it compared with of other situations. According to this paper, the representation of small parties and the degree of proportionality will be enhanced while adopting MMP and redistributing the votes. Moreover, this paper is going to make a comparative study with Japan which have adopted MMM and have experienced four times elections since 1996.
Finally, although mixed systems combine some features of both plurality and PR, there is still no perfect electoral system in the world. However, by making good use of flexibility of mixed systems, we might have an “ideal” system which can be regularly updated to suit changing needs and political conditions.
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立法委員選舉制度變革對我國政黨體系之影響 / The impacts on Taiwan’s party systems from its’legislative members election reform張家愷, Chang, Chia Kai Unknown Date (has links)
過去由於我國立法委員選舉所採用的「複數選區單記非讓渡投票制」,常造成選風敗壞、偏激取向、派系政治等諸多負面影響。有鑑於此,立法院於2004年8月23日通過「席次減半」及「單一選區兩票制」的修憲案,並於2005年6月7日經國民大會複決通過,自第七屆開始,立法委員任期改為4年,席次減半為113人。2008年1月12日第七屆立法委員選舉首次實施「單一選區兩票制」,而本文將檢視此次立委選舉結果相關資料,探討選制改變後對我國政黨體系之影響,並從過去的理論評析與實際運作層面相互驗證,探討理論與實務之間異同,及其可能之影響因素,然而,由於僅是一次實施的結果,因此相關後續發展仍須持續觀察。 / In the past, our national elections of members of Legislative Yuan adopted “multi-member-district, single non-transferable vote.” It usually caused negative influences such as deterioration of election, extreme trends, and faction politics. Therefore, Legislative Yuan passed constitution-amending bills “seats reduction in half” and “single-district two votes system” on August 23rd, 2004. These bills were passed by National Assembly on June 7th, 2005. The term of service for the seventh legislators was prolonged into four years and the seats were reduced in half to 113 seats. The seventh legislator election adopted “single-district two votes system” for the first time on January 12th, 2008. The essay will survey information related to the outcome of the legislator election, discussing the influence of changing election systems on the systems of political parties. Through the mutual demonstration between past theory criticism and practical operation, it discusses common and different points between theories and practices and finds out possible influential elements. However, it is just the outcome of single practice so it’s following development requires constant observations.
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Infrastructure, Participation and Legal Reforms: An Analysis of the Politics and Potentials of Village Elections in ChinaKe, Chong 09 August 2013 (has links)
Inspired by critiques of controlled elections under “single-party rule,” this dissertation explores the performance, implications and potentials of China’s village elections. It first reviews the most important studies on the progress of China’s grassroots democracy and then analyzes the social-political background of village self-management which to date has been neglected in the academic literature. Based on empirical studies conducted in Sichuan, this dissertation investigates the roles and attitudes of various participatory groups in village elections and in the course of electoral reforms. It also discusses the failure of the existing law to set out fundamental rules for village elections and to effectively guide people’s behavior. Further, this dissertation offers detailed recommendations to improve the existing law in order to guarantee the accessibility, authenticity and competitiveness of village elections. / Graduate / 0398 / 0616 / aloeke@gmail.com
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Výběr volebního systému v kontextu demokratické tranzice a konsolidace / Electoral System Choice in the Context of the Democratic Transition and ConsolidationMaděra, Milan January 2017 (has links)
Electoral System Choice in the Context of the Democratic Transition and Consolidation Diploma thesis examines the influence of exogenous factors on motivation and preferences of electoral reform actors based on their power position and value-driven approach in Czechoslovakia. It deals with the relation among mode of transition, the electoral reform type and the electoral system type as outcome for the founding elections. It attempts to identify the difference of conditions for electoral system change during the democratic transition and the consolidation in Czechia; to compare their exogenous factors. It also examines which values were emphasized by electoral reform actors and which values were embodied by their preferred electoral systems. It classifies the type of electoral reform process. It also provides the overview of chosen electoral system parameters and evolution of its changes.
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Personalizované poměrné zastoupení na Novém Zélandu / Mixed member proportional representattion in New ZealandTrávníček, Matěj January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is about New Zealand House of Representatives electoral system. In introductory part is briefly presented the political system of New Zealand. Then is currently used electoral system, its genesis and impacts of transition from the first past the post to mixed member proportional system researched. Thesis is in its effort focusing on segments of electoral system and trying to identify its problematic points and to introduce alternative electoral system proposed to the electors in referenda. The thesis is using the electoral studies methods, especially quantitative measuring of attributes of electoral system and party structure within the House of Representatives.
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台北市民主治理之研究(1994~2008年) / A Research to Democratic Governance of Taipei City (1994~2008)郭中玲 Unknown Date (has links)
筆者研究後發現:第一,從台北市的民主經驗來看,代表性應該不是問題的癥結;所謂的代表性是否意味著該和R. A. Dahl所言的,和社會人口或職業的結構相符合?在地方民主上來看,由於社會的多元化,以及要求民意代表的專業及高學歷背景,代表社會結構的多元民主(polyarchy)是否值得再強調?可以深思。第二,從台北市的民主經驗來看,參與性應該是地方民主很重要的一項指標。如何讓民眾更直接的參與到民主政治中,除了選舉之外,應該有更多的、直接的交換意見的平台或管道,例如公民投票、公民論壇、協調會等等。第三,地方民主的參與和地方政府的回應性夾雜在一塊,民眾參與到政策討論的領域中,政府也加入予以回應。所以,地方民主中,回應性與參與性似乎呈現某種程度的關聯性。第四,不論是參與性、回應性等民主的程度,都與政府能力有關,似乎地方政府解決問題的能力越高,民眾就越會表現出對於地方政府做為的參與,以及政策的回應。
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