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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De levandes gåvor och de dödas efterlämningar : -En kemisk analys på harts och ökendadel (Balanites aegyptiaca) från två egyptiska kärl

Biström Freij, Felicia January 2014 (has links)
This paper aims to investigate the embalming process and the Balanites aegyptiaca from two pottery originated in ancient Egypt. The two objects were from Medelhavsmuseet in Stockholm. Samples were collected and analyzed with Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR) and Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to identify which components the samples contained. The results show complex mixtures mainly consisting of resin origin from Pinaceae and the vegetable oils from the Balanites aegyptiaca.

Varför har Egypten inte demokratiserats? : En fallstudie om bakomliggande orsaker till den haltande demokratiseringsprocessen

Akouri, Elie January 2017 (has links)
This paper is designed to analyse the situation regarding the attempt to implement democracy in Egypt and why it failed. Theories regarding democratic transition and consolidation is acting as scientific instruments to carry out this case study. This essay directs its focus on several key factors that has contributed to the prevention of democratic reforms. The theory concerning path dependence is used to compliment the remaining theories to distinguish vital historic aspects to this issue. Key factors such as the Muslim brotherhood, the Egyptian military and regime, as well as the liberal movement is examined in this paper to illuminate their respective contribution to this situation. The conclusion of this paper focuses on the military, unwilling to surrender its power, along with the religiously fundamental brotherhood, growing rapidly. A democratic transition was in the making, only to be shut down by the military, regaining its former power. Although chaotic and military-biased reforms continued, they were far from democratic.  Because of all the key factors not sharing any political ideals, the situation has come to an abrupt halt regarding a democratisation process. The democratic ideal has become worn among the protestors and another try at a democratic transition is far from reality.

En postkolonial konflikt : En studie om hur konflikten i Sydsudan kan ses som en kolonial konsekvens / A postcolonial conflict : A study on the impact of the conflict in South Sudan can be seen as a colonial consequence

Källroos, Dennis January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis constitutes a review of literature from a post-colonial perspective to analyze the current conflict in south Sudan between the ethnic groups, the Nuer and the Dinka. The method used in this work is qualitative, with elements of hermeneutics. The work is based on the theories of postcolonial theory and the ethnicity and assumes the thesis of the grooves of the colonial era are also found in south Sudan and in particular by the ethnic groups that today live in the country. The aim of the thesis is to investigate the role of the colonial times have been, in the question of how the ethnic pattern looks in today's south Sudan, but also find out how the emergence of the current conflict in the country can be seen as a colonial consequence. The result shows that colonialism had a major impact on the population in the southern region and by the policy, the oppression and the new ranking structures in south Sudan strengthened the hatred between the ethnic groups and the conflict between the Nuer and Dinka could live on.

The Life and Times of Butehamun : Tomb Raider for the High Priest of Amun

Wood, George January 2020 (has links)
This is a biography of the scribe Butehamun. A member of a well-known family who had long lived in the village of Deir el-Medina working on the tombs in the Valley of Kings, Butehamun’s coming of age saw invasion and civil war in Thebes, and the end to the making of new tombs in the Valley, as the New Kingdom came to an end. Instead he was given the task by the High Priests of Amun to remove and rewrap royal mummies and rebury them in secret caches, while plundering them of their gold and other valuables for the coffers of the priestly rulers of Thebes. In many respects Butehamun was a tomb raider in the service of the High Priests of Amun. That project seems to have been successful: The mummy of every single king from the 18th through 21st Dynasties that has been identified and was found in a tomb was found in the two caches KV 35 or TT 320 (with the sole exception of Tutankhamun). Butehamun is unusually well-documented, leaving behind many letters, labels on coffins he worked with, graffiti, and highly unusual imagery on his own coffins. Two houses he lived in have been excavated, one with inscriptions about his family. This paper seeks to create a biography of Butehamun through the study of these things he left behind. One seems to reflect he may have suffered a crisis of faith, others may display instead a deep piety for Amun and pride in the royal mummy reburial project he carried out in the service of the god. / Detta är en biografi över skrivaren Butehamon. Han kom från en mycket känd familj som i många generationer verkat i byn Deir e-Medinah och arbetat med gravarna i Konungarnas dal. Han växte upp under en tid av invasion och inbördeskrig i Thebe, vilket ledde till slutet på det Nya riket och på byggandet av nya gravar i Dalen. Butehamons uppdrag från guden Amuns överstepräster blev istället att svepa om mumierna med nytt linne och avlägsna allt guld och andra värdesaker. Mumierna begravdes i nya hemliga förvaringsplatser, medan värdesakerna gick till Thebes religiösa härskare. Man kan beskriva Butehamon som en gravplundrare i tjänst hos översteprästerna. Projektet tycks ha varit en succé: Varenda kung från 18:e till och med 21:a dynastierna vars mumie har identifierats och som hittades i en grav fanns i ett av de två gömställena, KV 35 eller TT 320 (med Tutankhamon som enda undantag). Butehamon är ovanligt väldokumenterad, med många brev, etiketter på likkistor han arbetat med, graffiti samt de mycket ovanliga bilderna på hans egna likkistor. Två hus där han bodde har grävts ut, ett med inskriptioner om hans familj. Denna avhandling är en biografi över Butehamon baserad på studier av de saker han lämnade efter sig. En av dem tyder på en andlig kris, medan andra tycks avspegla en djup fromhet och tro på Amun och stolthet över det mumieprojekt han ledde i gudens tjänst.

En argumentationsanalys av Hosni Mubaraks sista tal som president / An argument analysis of Hosni Mubarak’s last statements as president of Egypt

Hallin, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Vilka teman och argument blir centrala i det politiska talet vid en krissituation? Vilka retoriska grepp tillämpas? Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka detta genom en argumentationsanalys av Hosni Mubaraks tre sista tal som president under den arabiska våren i Egypten 2011. Tillsammans med en teoretisk utgångspunkt i propagandastudier och retorik studeras tre centrala teman i talen; ansvarsutkrävande, fredlig maktöverföring och talarens etos. För att sätta dessa teman i sitt sammanhang har demonstranternas slagord använts som utgångspunkt för att illustrera motargument. Resultatet av denna undersökning visar att beviskraften i Mubaraks argument är genomgående svag på grund av att de propagandastrategier och retoriska grepp som tillämpas inte anpassas efter situationen. / What themes and arguments gain importance in political discourse at times of crisis? What kind of rethorics are applied? This thesis aims to study these issues through an argument analysis of Hosni Mubarak's last three speeches as the president of Egypt during the Arabic Spring in 2011. With the use of a theoretical framework based in rethorics and propaganda the thesis analyzes three central themes in the speeches; the demand for accountability, the peaceful transition of power and the speaker's ethos. In order to position theses themes in the wider debate the slogans of the protesters have been used to create counter arguments. The thesis finds that the overall probative in Mubarak's theses and arguments is very weak due to lack of adaption of propaganda strategies and rethorical measures to the requirments of the situation.

Power and mobility of southern Upper Egyptian officials : A prosopographical study of Elkab, Hierakonpolis and Edfu / Makt och mobilitet av ämbetsmän i södra övre Egypten : En prosopografisk studie över Elkab, Hierakonpolis och Edfu

El Mogy, Josef January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the social networks and mobility of officials related to the provincial towns of Elkab, Hierakonpolis and Edfu in southern Upper Egypt. It analyses their sphere of influence in Egypt and Nubia against the backdrop of the Second Intermediate Period and the early New Kingdom. A prosopographical methodological approach is applied with Social Network Analysis as a theoretical framework. Based on epigraphic sources on which the southern Upper Egyptian officials are attested, the prosopography displays that a number of them were highly mobile within the confines of the Egyptian territory of the Second Intermediate Period. In the early New Kingdom, these officials also became attested in Nubia. Furthermore, the Social Network Analysis reveals that officials from the towns were well-connected locally with each other. Periodically, these officials were also closely linked to the central administration. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka ämbetsmän relaterade till de provinsiella städerna Elkab, Hierakonpolis och Edfu i södra övre Egypten, deras sociala nätverk och geografiska förflyttning. Den analyserar deras sfär av inflytande i Egypten och Nubien under andra mellantiden och det tidiga nya riket. En prosopografisk metod har tillämpats med social nätverksanalys som teoretiskt ramverk. Prosopografin som baseras på epigrafiska källor där ämbetsmän från södra övre Egypten är omnämnda visar på att ett antal var betydligt mobila inom det egyptiska territoriets gränser under andra mellantiden. Under det tidiga nya riket påträffas dessa ämbetsmän även i Nubien. Den sociala nätverksanalysen visar dessutom på att ämbetsmän från de tre städerna bibehöll kontakter med varandra lokalt. Periodvis var dessa ämbetsmän även sammanknippade med centraladministrationen.

Inblick i orientaliskt liv, eller i orientalistiskt skrivande? : Bilden av Egypten, Etiopien och Liberia i svenska uppslagsverk 1876–1959 / Insight into oriental life, or into oriental writing? : The image of Egypt, Ethiopia and Liberia in Swedish encyclopedias 1876-1959

Zander, Josef January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to examine how Ethiopia, Egypt, and Liberia are portrayed in Swedish encyclopedias. Specifically, it investigates the thematic elements that emerge in older Swedish encyclopedias, written between 1876 and 1959, regarding descriptions of the countries' populations and histories. As method the essay uses “conventional qualitative content analysis”, and the theoretical framework constitutes of Edward Said’s theory of orientalism.  The findings indicate that the populations of these countries are categorized and ranked according to value. The encyclopedias depict the populations of these countries as inferior and distinctly different. The older histories of these countries are portrayed as grandiose, but with a loss of prestige over time. The historical narratives often suggest that these countries are inferior to European powers and require domination in order to develop, either through European instructors or through European control over the state.

Jom Kippurkriget ur Wardens och Papes Perspektiv

Kristiansson, Martin January 2022 (has links)
Through several wars, Israel has proven itself capable of standing up against superior foes, and the Israeli Air Force has always played a significant role in these successes. During the Yom Kippur War, the Israeli forces faced a new threat in the form of superior anti-aircraft weaponry when Egypt and Syria launched an attack on October 6, 1973. The Israeli Air Force was forced to stray from its established doctrine, yet they still managed to once again achieve victory. The purpose of this case study was to gain an understanding of the factors that contributed to Israel achieving victory during the Yom Kippur War and how a small state can defeat a superior foe. The actions of the Israeli Air Force during the Yom Kippur War were analyzed through the theoretical perspectives of John A. Warden and Robert A. Pape. The analysis shows that neither theory can provide a clear-cut answer to why Israel ended up victorious, but several aspects of them are prominent enough to help explain how Israel managed to get into an advantageous situation. A more extensive study that looks into factors such as the combined effort of the Israeli Air Force and the Israeli Army would be required to reach a more definitive conclusion.

What caused the Arab-Israeli wars of 1967 and 1973?

Svensson, Joakim January 2024 (has links)
Israel have been a particularly war-ridden state, since its inception in 1948 the Israelis had already fought five different wars in its first 30 years of existence. This essay aims to investigate the cause of two of these wars that had both been fought with Egypt. The 1967 six-days war and the Yom-Kippur war of 1973.To try and answer this question this essay uses Stephen Van Everas stability theory which tries to explain how states act when presented with a first move advantage. The study concludes that the main causes of these wars was hasty and truncated diplomacy combined with a lucrative first-strike advantage. The six-day war started as a result of Egyptian posturing turned to dreams of conquest and the Yom-kippur as a result of bitter resentment for the new status quo and total lack of diplomatic negotiations.

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