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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emmanuel Lévinas : le temps à l'oeuvre / Emmanuel Levinas : time at work

Galabru, Sophie 17 November 2018 (has links)
Si la philosophie d’Emmanuel Levinas fut souvent présentée comme une philosophie de l’éthique, et fut identifiée à des notions telles que le visage, autrui ou la responsabilité, cette thèse vise à démontrer que ces notions se comprennent à partir d'un primat accorde au temps, voire d’une métaphysique de la temporalité. Il s’agira d'établir que la philosophie levinassienne inaugure une nouvelle philosophie du temps que nous pouvons qualifier de « discontinuiste », s’opposant aux pensées de la continuité comme la philosophie bergsonienne de la durée et husserlienne du flux. La constitution de la subjectivité par émergence et distinction d’avec l'existence atemporelle, encore nommée « l'il y a », son rapport au monde comme sa rencontre avec autrui ne se comprennent qu’à l’aune de leur temporalisation. Toutefois, cette structuration temporelle du sujet et de l’altérité invite à dégager différents types de temporalité et à spécifier l’essentielle dialectique entre le temps et l’autre. / If Emmanuel Levinas' philosophy has often been introduced as a philosophy of ethics, determined by famous notions such as the face, the other or the responsibility, this thesis aims at demonstrating that these notions can be understood thanks to the primacy of time, and to a metaphysics of temporality. The goal lies in explaining how Levinas' philosophy ushers a philosophy of time that we can qualify as « discontinuist », opposed to Bergson's philosophy of duration and Husserl's theory of time flow. Subjectivity is processed through a distinction with the atemporal existence or the « there is », the connection to the world and relations to the others can be appreciated thanks to the notion of temporalisation.However this temporal structuration of the subject and the otherness encourages us to make several distinctions between different types of temporality and to consider the essential dialectic between time and the other.

La personne et la société politique selon Emmanuel Mounier

Boutin, Bernard 22 October 2021 (has links)
Le personnalisme se fait le défenseur de la personne car il connaît l'importance de la dignité humaine. Il défend la personne contre le libéralisme et le totalitarisme. le personnalisme a mis en garde la personne contre l'ampleur du fascisme et du marxisme. Ces courants d'idées amènent la personne à vivre une fausse liberté. C'est dans cette confusion qu'un groupe de jeunes chrétiens langèrent le personnalisme. Emmanuel Mounier a été l'un des personnages les plus influents. le personnalisme exprime la personne dans son sens total aussi bien au niveau physique, moral, social et spirituel. le libéralisme nuit au devenir communautaire de la personne et le totalitarisme méprise la personne. l'individu et la personne sont confondus. Dans ce mémoire, nous démontrerons comment la personne a évolué dans ces courants selon Emmanuel Mounier.

Foucault, Levinas and the Ethical Embodied Subject

Lok, Wing-Kai 05 July 2011 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to interrogate whether the postmodern anti-essentialist approach to the body can truly recognize the ethical value of the body. For the postmodernists, the value of the human body has long been repressed by Cartesian rationalism and dualism that privileges the mind over the body. Dualism is a form of reductionism that reduces either the mind to the body or the body to the mind. It not only fails to recognize an interaction between mind and body, but also privileges one side at the expense of the other. For instance, rationalism is a dualist reductionism since it always explains the body and matter in terms of mind or reason. Thus, dualism not only refers to a split or separation between mind and body, but also refers to a reductive relation between mind and body.

Excess, Sex & Elevation

Shuker, Ronald Kurt 01 1900 (has links)
Excess, Sex & Elevation is an attempt to understand the desire for truth in the work of Emmanuel Levinas, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Fyodor Dostoevsky. Nothing is said about what truth is, but rather why it is wanted and how it is sought. Despite their different religious beliefs (Levinas a Jew, Nietzsche an atheist, Dostoevsky a Christian), the three thinkers hold remarkably similar conceptions of truth. Truth is an individual pursuit -- upwards. The self experiences a crisis of conscience upon discovering its originary excess, which is sex. The self suffers spiritually for what it is physically through the art of ascesis, turning the lust for sex into the desire for truth. And therein begins the self's elevation to the heights of truth.

Pour un dialogue entre transcendance et immanence : une analyse du concept de justice chez Lévinas

Sabourin Laflamme, Andréane 09 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs critiques ont été adressées à Lévinas quant à la difficulté de conjuguer le caractère infini de la responsabilité éthique, qu’il présente comme condition de possibilité de l’expérience, et la mesure de l’obligation envers autrui qui naît inévitablement dans le politique. En effet, la distinction semble si prononcée entre l’obligation éthique transcendante envers l’autre et la logique politique, univers de sens associé à l’ontologie et présenté comme violent et immanent, que l’éthique peut apparaître compromise dès qu’elle est exprimée dans un contexte social. En réponse à ces difficultés, ce mémoire vise à démontrer qu’en dépit de leur opposition fondamentale, l’ordre éthique et l’ordre ontologico-politique font partie d’une structure unique. À la lumière de l’entrée en scène du tiers et de la nécessité de justice qui l’accompagne, l’existence d’un carrefour entre ces couches de significations distinctes, mais interdépendante, peut être illustrée. De fait, la justice constitue un concept amphibologique chez Lévinas qui, participant à la fois de l’éthique et du politique, permet de mettre au jour l’ancrage a priori social de l’éthique. Cette étude présentera des réflexions critiques reliées à la discipline juridique et aux droits de l’homme, qui démontreront comment la pensée de Lévinas non seulement peut, mais doit s’ouvrir à une expression sociale. / Many critics have been addressed to Lévinas concerning the difficulty of combining the infinite ethical responsibility, presented as the precondition of experience, and the limitation of the obligation towards the other that rise inevitably within the political. The distinction seems so stark between the transcendent ethical responsibility towards the other and the political logic, associated with the violent and immanent ontological order, that ethics can appear to be jeopardized as soon as it is expressed in a social context. This essay aims to overcome these difficulties by demonstrating that despite their fundamental opposition, the ethical order and the onto-political order are part of a unique structure. In the light of the presence of the third and of the necessity of justice that accompanies it, it is possible to prove the existence of a junction between these distinct but interdependent layers of signification. In fact, the concept of justice is an amphibological concept that at the same time is part of ethics and of politics. It shows that ethics is situated a priori in a social realm. This study will present critical reflection related to law and to human rights law that will demonstrate that Levinas’ philosophy not only can, but has to open itself to a social expression.

Egalité et justice sociale : une approche philosophique. / Equality and social justice : a philosophical approach

Poiraud, Cyrielle 20 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit au sein de la littérature des théories modernes et contemporaines de la justice sociale, en s’intéressant plus particulièrement à la question de l’égalité et à la manière dont elle s’est affirmée en tant que préoccupation fondamentale pour ces théories. En s’appuyant essentiellement sur les travaux d’Amartya Sen, d’Emmanuel Levinas et de G.W.F. Hegel, il est suggéré que l’égalité constitue la condition de possibilité de la justice, et ainsi de la liberté, cette dernière étant affirmée comme l’objet de la justice. Ce travail tend également à envisager les limites d’une telle conception : le premier chapitre permet d’affirmer la relation d’interdépendance des valeurs de liberté et d’égalité au regard de la justice sociale en démontrant la nécessité d’un principe d’égalité par l’argument de la raison humaine. Le second chapitre approfondit l’argument de l’impartialité, tel que développé par Sen. De là, le troisième chapitre déploie la nécessité d’une médiation institutionnelle dans la lutte pour la reconnaissance, centrale aux questions de liberté, tout en montrant les insuffisances de l’égalité. Enfin, le dernier chapitre montre, à l’aide de Levinas les dérives totalisantes de l’égalité, malgré sa nécessité pratique, insistant par là même sur la nécessité d’une méthode dialectique pour penser la justice. Finalement, l’idée principale est d’investiguer la tension qui caractérise la justice sociale : la justice ne peut être réduite à l’égalité, bien que cette dernière soit supposée l’une de ses conditions nécessaires. / This thesis comes within the scope of the literature of modern and contemporary social justice theories, while focusing on the question of equality and the way it became a fundamental concern for these theories. Essentially relying on Amartya Sen’s, Emmanuel Levinas’ and GW.F. Hegel’s works, it suggests a conception of equality as the condition of possibility of justice, and thus of freedom, this one being assumed as the object of social justice. It also aims at foreseeing the limits of such a conception: the first chapter asserts the relation of interdependency that exists between the values of freedom and equality regarding distributive issues, by showing the necessity of a principle of equality through the argument of human reason. The second chapter deepens the argument of impartiality, as developed by Sen. From there, the third chapter deploys the necessity of an institutional mediation in the struggle for recognition, central to freedom issues, while showing the limits of the principle of equality. Finally, the last chapter, based on Levinas’ thought, displays the totalitarian drifts of equality, despite its practical necessity, thus insisting on the need of aVersion juillet 2016 3 / 2dialectical method to think of justice. Eventually, the main idea is to investigate the tension that seems to characterize social justice: justice cannot be reduced to equality, although it is assumed as one of its necessary conditions.

Excedente de significação na clínica psicanalítica: articulações entre o pensamento de Emmanuel Lévinas e a psicanálise / Excess of sense in the psychoanalytic clinic: linkages between the thought of Emmanuel Lévinas and psychoanalysis

Sniker, Breno Herman 19 June 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho articula o pensamento de Emmanuel Lévinas e a clínica psicanalítica. Para tal articulação, o autor serve-se do conceito de inspiração, tomando o pensamento de Lévinas como um conhecimento tácito e subsidiário a psicanálise. Ao colocar o pensamento de Lévinas nessa posição, várias questões podem ser formuladas à clínica psicanalítica. Sobretudo, questões relacionadas às dimensões éticas, seja naquilo que se refere à posição do analista frente ao analisando, seja na sua posição frente às construções teóricas. Para encaminhar tais questões, o autor se servirá de alguns textos freudianos, dentre eles, Construções em Análise, Estudos sobre Histeria e Projeto para uma psicologia científica, ora para exemplificar tais questões, ora para contrastar o pensamento de Freud ao pensamento de Lévinas. / This paper articulates the thought of Emmanuel Lévinas and psychoanalytic clinic. For this joint, the author makes use of the concept of inspiration, taking the thought of Lévinas as a tacit and alternative knowledge to psychoanalysis. By putting the thought of Lévinas in this position, several questions may be made to the psychoanalytic clinic. Above all, questions related to the ethical dimensions, some concerns the position of the analyst in relation to analyzing, others about the position of analyst in relation to theoretical constructions. To forward these questions, the author will use some Freudian texts, among them, Constructions in Analysis, Studies on Hysteria and Project for a scientific psychology, sometimes to illustrate these questions, sometimes to contrast the ideas of Freud to the thought of Lévinas.

Militância anticolonial e representação literária: Nós, os do Makulusu, de José Luandino Vieira e Un fusil dans la main, un poème dans la poche, de Emmanuel Dongala / Anticolonial militancy and literary representation: Nós, os do Makulusu, by José Luandino Vieira and Un fusil dans la main, un poème dans la poche, by Emmanuel Dongala

Barboza, Jacqueline Fernanda Kaczorowski 21 September 2017 (has links)
Se o exercício comparativo desta pesquisa iniciou seu percurso recorrendo a breves elementos comuns e numerosas diferenças entre os romances Nós, os do Makulusu, de José Luandino Vieira, e Un fusil dans la main, un poème dans la poche, de Emmanuel Dongala, o desenvolvimento analítico permitiu construir um diálogo profícuo entre as obras valendo-se dos conceitos de oposição e contradição, didática e dialética. À sua maneira, cada uma das duas narrativas materializa questões que parecem apontar para diferenças significativas também na constituição dos sistemas literários vizinhos a que pertencem. Neste sentido, ao dar enfoque às complexas relações que articulam a produção literária às dinâmicas sociais de seus contextos, empreendeu-se um esforço de reflexão acerca das tensões e contradições que marcaram os processos históricos das colonizações portuguesa e francesa em Angola e Congo-Brazzaville partindo das particularidades de composição verificadas em cada um dos textos literários. Através desse processo, buscou-se explicitar como as contingências agem de modo complexo e intrincado, de forma a influenciar dialeticamente as possibilidades de representação e as escolhas formais dos autores. / If the comparative exercise of this research began its course using brief common elements and numerous differences between the novels Nós, os do Makulusu, by José Luandino Vieira, and Un fusil dans la main, un poème dans la poche by Emmanuel Dongala, the analytical development allowed to construct a fruitful dialogue between the texts using the concepts of opposition and contradiction, didacticism and dialectic. In its own way, each one of these two narratives materializes issues that seem to point to meaningful differences also on the nature of the neighboring literary systems in which they belong. In this sense, by giving focus to the intricate relations that articulate the literary production to the social dynamics of its contexts, an endeavour of reflection was undertook about the tensions and contradictions which branded the historical processes of the Portuguese and French colonizations in Angola and Congo-Brazzaville starting from the peculiarities of composition verified in each of the literary texts. Through this process, it was sought to make explicit how the contingencies act in complex and intricate ways, in order to dialectically influence the possibilities of representation and the formal choices of the authors.

Judas dans la littérature francophone du XXème siècle (Paul Claudel, Marcel Pagnol, Jean Ferniot, Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Armel Job) / Néant

Rusu, Iulia-diana 15 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge le destin de Judas chez cinq écrivains : Paul Claudel (Mort deJudas), Marcel Pagnol (Judas), Jean Ferniot (Saint Judas), Armel Job (Judas le bien-aimé)et Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt (L’Évangile selon Pilate). Passant du cadre général à celuiparticulier, la recherche se propose d’envisager la figure de Judas dans les transpositionsbibliques contemporaines et d’évaluer les nouvelles visions que le siècle a inventées.L’analyse comprend des approches s’appuyant sur les contributions du domaine du mythe,de l’exégèse biblique, historique, de la sociologie, de la psychanalyse. La plupart des récitscontemporains font de Judas un sujet moderne très complexe : il devient figure de l’artiste,du philosophe et de l’acteur.Les problématiques d’ordre social et politique se révèlent primordiales : dans uncontexte succédant à l’Holocauste, Judas renoue avec l’univers judaïque. Retranscrivant lemythe du Juif errant, Judas devient figure de la scission, du départ et de l’errance ; lesrelations au sein de la famille sont vivement remises en cause. La figure du traître devientaussi le support d’une parole restitutive. L’idiotie de filiation dostoïevskienne attribuée àJudas fait bon ménage avec le contexte littéraire contemporain ainsi qu’avec celuilégendaire réévalué.Constamment hésitant entre la réhabilitation de Judas proposée par Pagnol, Ferniot,Job, Schmitt et la réprobation du personnage par Claudel, le parcours propose un richeréseau construit autour de thématiques communes mais différemment évaluées. / This doctoral dissertation questions Juda's destiny in five authors: Paul Claudel(The Death of Juda), Marcel Pagnol (Juda), Jean Ferniot (Saint Juda), Armel Job (TheBeloved Juda) and Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt (The Gospel according to Pilate). Fromgeneral to specific, this research aims at outlining the image of Judas within thecontemporary biblical renditions and to evaluate new perspectives on it. This analysistouches upon myth, biblical and historical exegesis, sociology and psychoanalysis. Mostcontemporary stories make Juda a very complex and modern subject: he embodies theartist, the philosopher, the actor.Social and political issues prove to be crucial: in a context which follows theHolocaust, Juda reconnects with the Judaic universe. By rewriting the myth of thewandering Jew, Juda becomes the figure of the scission, of the departure and of the roving;family relationships are strongly questioned. Furthermore, the figure of the traitor becomesthe repository for a restitutive speech. The idiocy, in the Dostoievskian sense, associatedwith Judas, blends well both with the contemporary literary context as well as with thereconsidered mythical one.Constantly hesitating between Judas' redemption that Pagnol, Ferniot, Job andSchmitt adopt and the condemnation of Claudel's character, this thesis focuses on aconvoluted network built around common themes that are tackled differently.

Excedente de significação na clínica psicanalítica: articulações entre o pensamento de Emmanuel Lévinas e a psicanálise / Excess of sense in the psychoanalytic clinic: linkages between the thought of Emmanuel Lévinas and psychoanalysis

Breno Herman Sniker 19 June 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho articula o pensamento de Emmanuel Lévinas e a clínica psicanalítica. Para tal articulação, o autor serve-se do conceito de inspiração, tomando o pensamento de Lévinas como um conhecimento tácito e subsidiário a psicanálise. Ao colocar o pensamento de Lévinas nessa posição, várias questões podem ser formuladas à clínica psicanalítica. Sobretudo, questões relacionadas às dimensões éticas, seja naquilo que se refere à posição do analista frente ao analisando, seja na sua posição frente às construções teóricas. Para encaminhar tais questões, o autor se servirá de alguns textos freudianos, dentre eles, Construções em Análise, Estudos sobre Histeria e Projeto para uma psicologia científica, ora para exemplificar tais questões, ora para contrastar o pensamento de Freud ao pensamento de Lévinas. / This paper articulates the thought of Emmanuel Lévinas and psychoanalytic clinic. For this joint, the author makes use of the concept of inspiration, taking the thought of Lévinas as a tacit and alternative knowledge to psychoanalysis. By putting the thought of Lévinas in this position, several questions may be made to the psychoanalytic clinic. Above all, questions related to the ethical dimensions, some concerns the position of the analyst in relation to analyzing, others about the position of analyst in relation to theoretical constructions. To forward these questions, the author will use some Freudian texts, among them, Constructions in Analysis, Studies on Hysteria and Project for a scientific psychology, sometimes to illustrate these questions, sometimes to contrast the ideas of Freud to the thought of Lévinas.

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