Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ethnic corelations"" "subject:"ethnic conelations""
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Unbounded ethnic communities : the Greek-Canadian culturescape of South FloridaCaravelis, Mary 31 January 2007 (has links)
Drawing insight from ethnic studies along with cultural and human geography,
the main focus of this thesis is to identify the cultural survival mechanisms of
immigrants by using as a case study the framework of the Greek-Canadian unbounded
ethnic community in South Florida. Greek- Canadians, being a twice-migrant group,
first in Canada and later in the United States, reflect the challenges contemporary
immigrants face in order to maintain their ethnic culture in this increasingly
transnational environment. In the past few years, researchers have examined the
impact of the spatial concentration of immigrants in large metropolitan areas with
little attention centered on ethnic communities that lack geographic propinquity. In
order to uncover the cultural survival mechanisms of this immigrant group, this study
suggests looking beyond the traditional model. This new model of ethnic community
is called `Culturescape.' This contemporary ethnic community not only meets the
needs of immigrants but also aids their cultural maintenance and preservation. The
use of the realism-structuration framework enables a multi-method research approach
in order to examine beyond the level of events and to explore the mechanisms that
generate the creation of unbounded ethnic communities. This study combines a
number of sources that have been collected over a three-year period. Multiple indepth
interviews with Greek immigrants were conducted not only in South Florida but
in Montreal as well. Additionally, an on- line structured survey open to all selfidentified
Greeks in South Florida was conducted. Field notes from many ethnic
events as well as official documents and the Internet were utilized. This research
reveals that Greek-Canadians constructed their culturescape as a strategy to maintain
and practice their ethnic culture. Their culturescape functions as a traditional geographically bounded ethnic community; however, it is a reflection of
contemporary global conditions. Based on this case-study, geographic setting does
matter because it structures the way cultures evolve. When immigrants move to a new
setting, a two-way process of cultural exchange inevitably takes place. Hence, the
Greek-Canadian culturescape is as unique as the setting that creates it. / Geography / D.Litt. et Phil. (Geography)
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AWG Champion, Zulu Nationalism and `Separate Development' in South Africa, 1965 -1975Tabata, Wonga 30 November 2006 (has links)
This is a historical study of AWG Champion, the former leader of the Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union (ICU) and provincial President of the African National Congress, in the politics of Zululand and Natal from 1965 to 1975. The study examines the introduction of the Zulu homeland and how different political forces in that region of South Africa responded to the idea of a Zulu homeland during the period under review. It also deals with Champion's political alienation from the ANC.
This dissertation is also a study of the development of Zulu ethnic nationalism within the structures of apartheid or separate development, the homelands.
Issues running throughout the study are the questions of how and why Champion tried and failed to manipulate `separate development' in order to build a Zulu ethnic political base. / History / M.A. (History)
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A formação para as relações etnicorraciais e a profissionalização em história: saberes e práticas docentes no contexto da educação a distânciaFerreira, Maria Cláudia Cardoso 27 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Cláudia Cardoso Ferreira (mariacardoso2@gmail.com) on 2013-10-25T14:24:09Z
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Tese doutorado Maria Cláudia Cardoso Ferreira CPDOC 25-10.pdf: 2105384 bytes, checksum: c29262af12b2513ff87f5ac1f03eda92 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rafael Aguiar (rafael.aguiar@fgv.br) on 2013-11-18T17:13:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese doutorado Maria Cláudia Cardoso Ferreira CPDOC 25-10.pdf: 2105384 bytes, checksum: c29262af12b2513ff87f5ac1f03eda92 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2013-11-22T15:50:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese doutorado Maria Cláudia Cardoso Ferreira CPDOC 25-10.pdf: 2105384 bytes, checksum: c29262af12b2513ff87f5ac1f03eda92 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-11-22T15:51:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese doutorado Maria Cláudia Cardoso Ferreira CPDOC 25-10.pdf: 2105384 bytes, checksum: c29262af12b2513ff87f5ac1f03eda92 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-08-27 / The present work researched the experience of graduation in History by distance teaching modality. The secular teachers acting in basic education, chosen for Pro-Licenciatura II Program and working in Bahia, Maranhão, Sergipe and Ceará were the subject of this research. The Pro-Licenciatura II Program was funded by Ministry of Education through a partneship between Pontifícia Rio de Janeiro University and State University of Rio de Janeiro, by 2006 until 2010. The subject of this estudy was the applicability of the Law 11.645/08, that it was 10.639/03. This Law changed the Directives and Educations Bases Law 9.394/03, by introducing the compulsory study of afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture establishments in all elementary and middle schools, public and private of the country. There are interesting studies which relates educations and ethinic racial relations. However, there are few studies about initial or continued education of teachers. Focusing the superior education institutes as a place that needs to be investigated and understand how the History Courses has been organized to follow the law are challenges. Which disciplines are ofered? How are ethno racial relations theme in the curriculum of the courses? How undergraduates and professsors work with the obligatoriness of that law? How the prodution and mobilizations of diferents knowledges, and also the practices about that themes works? The question of the level teacher´s compromise with this theme guided this research. The answer for all that issues was guided by contributions of Maurice Tardif about the knowledge of professors based on case study metodology. This metodology use interviews, forms, analyses of papers for de classes made by teachers, the online atmosphere of the class and the oficial documents that organized the class and instituted that law. The investigation revealed the teachers effort for knowlodge and practices about the themes of the law. On the other hand, some elements put limit on the profissionalization, as exemple, the study by distance format, the ignorance about the theme and the disponibility of the teacher apprentices. / Esta pesquisa analisa a experiência de formação em história, na modalidade a distância, de professores-leigos da educação básica dos estados do Ceará, Bahia, Maranhão e Sergipe, contemplados pelo Programa Pró-Licenciatura II, financiado pelo Ministério da Educação, graças ao consórcio firmado entre a Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro e a Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, entre os anos de 2006 e 2010. O objeto do estudo foi a aplicabilidade da Lei nº 11.645/08, antes Lei nº 10.639/03, que alterou a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional nº 9.394/96, ao instituir a obrigatoriedade do estudo da história e cultura afro-brasileira e indígena em todos os estabelecimentos de ensino fundamental e de ensino médio, públicos e privados do país. Há uma produção significativa de estudos que relacionam educação e relações etnicorraciais, porém são escassos os trabalhos voltados para a formação inicial e/ou continuada de professores. Quais disciplinas são oferecidas? Como o tema aparece no currículo? Como os licenciandos e professores lidam com a obrigatoriedade da Lei? Como ocorrem a produção e a mobilização dos saberes, assim como as práticas sobre esse tema? E qual o nível de comprometimento com o mesmo foram algumas das questões que nortearam a pesquisa. A resposta para essas questões foram orientadas pelas contribuições de Maurice Tardif sobre os saberes docentes, amparadas em metodologia de estudo de caso que utilizou entrevistas semiestruturadas, questionários, análises das aulas-texto produzidas pelos formadores, do ambiente online da disciplina e dos documentos formais que organizaram o curso e instituíram a citada Lei. A investigação revelou um esforço dos docentes formadores e dos professores-cursistas em se munir de saberes e práticas concernentes aos temas da Lei, por outro lado, alguns fatores impuseram limites à profissionalização, como a modalidade a distância, o desconhecimento sobre o tema e a disponibilidade de tempo dos professores-cursistas.
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Les institutions de voisinage en Transylvanie: transmission d'une pratique du donSchiltz, Anne 16 September 2009 (has links)
La Nachbarschaft ou « institution de voisinage » est une forme d’entraide instituée pratiquée en Transylvanie/Roumanie depuis des siècles. Elle se réfère à une forme spécifique et organisée de relations de voisinage au sein des différents groupes ethniques roumain, tsigane, saxon ou hongrois.<p>L’évolution de la cohabitation interethnique, la définition et les revendications des uns et des autres sont intimement liées à l’articulation des relations économiques, sociales, de pouvoir et d’autonomie à travers le temps. Les relations qualifiées aujourd’hui d’« interethniques » s’inscrivent dans un lent processus de cohabitation, à différentes échelles, dont les catégories ont perduré mais ont changé de signification au cours des siècles. <p>Quelle est la place de cette institution vieille de plusieurs siècles dans la Roumanie actuelle, dite « en transition » depuis la chute du régime communiste? Les institutions de voisinage continuent-elles à combler un certain vide laissé par l’Etat ?Alors que la construction de la « société civile », terme clé de la littérature scientifique sur la transition des pays de l’Est, est un des processus jugés vitaux dans les années suivant la chute du mur, l’institution de voisinage n’a pas arrêté d’investir cet échelon de vie collective. Comment investit-elle cet espace d’échange entre unités domestiques, sur quoi est fondé cet échange ?Enfin, quelles sont les dynamiques qui l’animent et qui conditionnent sa transmission ?<p><p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Children at the Borders / Barn vid gränsernaJosefsson, Jonathan January 2016 (has links)
In the wake of a steady flow of child migrants attempting to cross borders and states’ efforts to restrict immigration, various public controversies have arisen about the rights of asylum-seeking children. The ‘moral gap’ between the outcome of democratically enacted laws and the aim of controlling immigration, on the one hand, and public calls to protect the universal rights of asylum seeking children, on the other, have created a political challenge for Western democracies. This thesis sets out to examine two particular settings in which norms about the rights of asylum-seeking children and immigration control have been established and contested over the years: the Swedish Migration Court of Appeal and Sweden’s largest morning paper, Dagens Nyheter. It combines empirically oriented analysis with theoretical enquiry, and it brings the issue of the rights of asylumseeking children into dialogue with the contemporary political-philosophical debate about membership, rights and borders. / I kölvattnet av en stadig ström av barn som migrerar över statsgränser har medial rapportering, protester och offentliga diskussioner aktualiserat frågor om asylsökande barns rättigheter. Det ”moraliska glappet” mellan tillämpningen av demokratiskt stiftade lagar i syfte att reglera invandringen,å ena sidan, och offentliga krav på att skydda universella rättigheter för asylsökande barn, å andra sidan, har växt fram som en samtida utmaning för demokratiska stater att hantera. I denna avhandling undersöks två specifika arenor där normer om asylsökande barns rättigheter och immigrationskontroll har etablerats och ifrågasatts under de senaste åren; den svenska Migrationsöverdomstolen och Sveriges största morgontidning, Dagens Nyheter. Avhandlingen kombinerar empiriska analyser med teoretiska undersökningar om asylsökande barns rättigheter i dialog med en samtida politisk filosofisk diskussion om medlemskap, rättigheter och gränser.
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Managing Migrant Workers : moral economies of temporary labour in the Swedish IT and wild berry industriesKrifors, Karin January 2017 (has links)
Temporary migrant workers and circular migration constitute a growing global phenomenon as the management of migration becomes increasingly important to policymakers. This thesis takes academic discussions on citizenship and migration as its starting point, and examines the role of employers in terms of defining temporary migrant workers and their role in the Swedish labour market. The concept of moral economy is applied in particular to analyse the justifications and negotiations through which working conditions of migrant workers, and their role in local and transnational economies, are established and contested. The role of capital in migration management is studied through ethnographic fieldwork and through interviews with managers in the Swedish wild berry and IT industries; two very different industries that are, however, both shaped by particular structures of seasonal labour and international outsourcing and that increasingly rely on temporary foreign workers from Thailand and India respectively. The conceptualisation of supply chains in these industries offers a particular framework through which relations, as well as management discourses, can be analysed. The study explores how notions of circularity, nation, cultural difference, and transnational economic difference, are managed by private sector actors. It also explores how managers relate to public discourse and emotions in the face of global economic restructuring and changing citizenship, which situates temporary migrants as part of, yet different from, Swedish labour. / Temporära migrantarbetare och cirkulär migration utgör ett växande globalt fenomen till följd av intresset bland regeringar och myndigheter att styra genom sk ”managed migration”. Denna avhandling tar avstamp i forskning om medborgarskap och migration för att undersöka vilken roll arbetsgivare får när det gäller att definiera tillfälliga migrantarbetare och deras roll på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Begreppet moralisk ekonomi används för att lyfta fram och analysera de praktiker genom vilka migrantarbetarnas arbetsvillkor förhandlas och rättfärdigas, samt hur deras roller i lokala och transnationella ekonomier befästs eller förändras. Ekonomins roll i migrationshantering studeras i denna avhandling genom etnografiskt fältarbete och intervjuer med chefer inom den svenska bärindustrin samt IT industrin; två mycket olika industrier som dock båda struktureras av säsongsarbete respektive internationell outsourcing, och som alltmer använder tillfällig utländsk arbetskraft från Thailand respektive Indien. Genom begreppet utbudskedjor (supply chains) möjliggörs en analys av de relationer, samt de managementdiskurser, som påverkar dessa industrier. Avhandlingen utforskar hur föreställningar om cirkularitet, nation, kulturella skillnader, samt transnationella ekonomiska skillnader, förhandlas av aktörer inom näringslivet. Vidare diskuteras hur chefer relaterar till de diskurser och emotioner som en global ekonomisk omstrukturering och ett förändrat medborgarskap ger upphov till, vilket positionerar tillfälliga migrantarbetare som en del av, men ändå annorlunda än, svensk arbetskraft.
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Defying Human Security : The Commodification of Migrants in Contemporary LibyaGiannattasio Nobres, Gabriela January 2019 (has links)
The world-system today promotes inequalities between and within states through the maintenance and strengthening of uneven and hierarchical global relations established by colonialism. The reinforcement of colonial structures has unfolded into neocolonial relations in the post-colonial world, explaining the underdevelopment and marginalization of former colonies in the world-system today, and why many African countries largely experience internal instability on several fronts, revealing how individuals from these states tend to experience some sort of human insecurity. This scenario is permissive to the development of the new wars – representing a different perspective on the patterns of violence and war of contemporaneity – and the new global war economy and its parallel economy. It is from this context that the commodification of migrants happens, challenging and often defying migrants’ access to human rights andhuman security. The present study is therefore primarily a theoretical research and an empirical investigation on the commodification of migrants in contemporary Libya, sustained by four main theoretical frameworks and the analysis of selected secondary materials from international organizations and NGOs. This study aims at addressing the different forms of commodification of migrants in Libya today and who are the actors that control these markets and benefit from the commodification of human life. This analysis evidences the contradiction between the bleak reality of migrants in contemporary Libya and the applicability of the normative concepts of human securityand migrants’ rights.
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Bilingualism, Integration in schools and effects on Social identity : A qualitative study on how language shape social identity of secondgeneration Afghani children in a Swedish contextHewad, Maroof January 2018 (has links)
Immigration is a common phenomenon in contemporary society and results in challenges withmaintaining cultural identity while integrating with a new culture. This is particularlyimportant in the family unit, where first-generation immigrant communities may havedifferent levels of experience and cultural values compared to their offspring (Secondgeneration immigrants). Integration in second-generation immigrants is often related tobilingualism and the concept of a dual social identity, embracing elements of host and nativeculture. The aim of this study was to explore the perspective of parents on the role ofbilingualism on integration and identity in their children. A sample of five families, originallyfrom Afghanistan and now living in Sweden, was purposively selected to complete semistructured interviews exploring bilingualism, social identity and integration. The findings ofthese interviews revealed three key themes relating to the adoption of Swedish identity bychildren, the loss of Afghani identity, and the role of the school and society in facilitatingthese identities.Overall, the interview data suggested that children living in Sweden identified as Swedish andengaged in cultural and social activities consistent with integration. Bilingualism was animportant aspect of holding a largely Swedish identity, although parents valued dual identityof children. Often, immersion in Swedish culture and limited opportunities to socialise as anAfghani cultural unit were viewed as threats to maintaining or developing a clear Afghaniidentity. The role of schools, parents and society in general is considered important in theseprocesses, particularly with regards to supporting cultural and religious values of the familyunit, while promoting successful integration. Bilingualism was universally viewed as apositive tool that could facilitate integration and dual identity, where suitable opportunitiesarose. / <p>Grade A</p>
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History Will Be My Judge: A Cultural Examination of America's Racial Tensions Presented Through the Symbolization of Booker T. WashingtonKeturah C Nix (8088539) 06 December 2019 (has links)
<i> History Will Be My Judge: A Cultural Examination of America's Racial Tensions Presented Through the Symbolization of Booker T. Washington</i> is an interdisciplinary study about the emergence of Booker T. Washington as a black cultural hero. By the turn of the twentieth century, Washington had become the most prominent African American educator, economic reformer, entrepreneur, and race leader in the United States. He is most recognized as the founder of Tuskegee Institute (now University) and his highly acclaimed autobiography, <i>Up From Slavery</i>, which recounts his life growing up enslaved to becoming an international icon. Since his death in 1915, several monuments, memorials, landmarks, and commemorative tributes have been established in his honor. During the 1940s, Washington became the first African American pictured on the United States postage stamp and minted silver half-dollar. Additionally, he was spotlighted in a series of media campaigns called "Famous American Firsts," and was the first African American inducted into the Hall of Fame for Great Americans. Moreover, amidst the presidential transition between Barack Obama and Donald Trump, black popular media has alluded to Washington's economic philosophy through music videos, documentaries, and television programs. I argue that each of these posthumous commemorations belong to larger social justice movements, namely, the Civil Rights movement and Black Lives Matter movement. Throughout these eras, Washington's legacy has served to counter white supremacy and symbolize the rise of integration, the black middle class, economic justice, black self-made, black education, and the legacy of slavery.<div> The purpose of this study is to examine how during periods of racial unrest, African Americans leverage Booker T. Washington's image to counter racist stereotypes and reaffirm black citizenship. The primary framework applied in this study is William L. Van Deburg's theory of the <i>black cultural hero. </i>Two emergent theories from this research are my developing frameworks called <i>Black Hustle Theory</i> and <i>nostalgic tension</i>. Using literary and visual analysis, I assess historical archives from popular press, black literature, American memorabilia, and black popular culture to examine Washington's commemorative legacy through a black radical lens. Specifically, I explore how the following four people have connected Washington's legacy to the Civil Rights movement and Black Lives Matter movement: Major Richard Robert Wright, Sr., founder of Savannah State University; Langston Hughes, famed Harlem Renaissance poet and author; Stanley Nelson, award-winning producer; and, Beyonce Knowles-Carter, singer and pop mogul. I put Washington's legacy in conversation with each of these cultural producers to simulate a call-and-response between his lifework and the generations after him.<br><div><br></div></div>
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”Här kommer våra svenskar!” : En kvalitativ studie om diasporaturismens påverkan på identitetsupplevelsen hos svenska andra generationens invandrare från det forna JugoslavienGlogovac, Tamara, Mujakovic, Hanna, Näsström, Denise January 2020 (has links)
“Här kommer våra svenskar!” är en turismvetenskaplig studie som undersöker hur andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien beskriver sina motiv till diasporaresor samt hur diasporaresorna påverkar andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien identitetsupplevelser. Studien har hållit en kvalitativ ansats där nio informanter intervjuades om deras erfarenheter av diasporaturism. Den tidigare forskning om diasporaturism har legat till grund för vår studie. Majoriteten av den tidigare forskningen om diasporaturism fokuserar på första generationens invandrare. Forskning om andra generationens invandrare i allmänhet och andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien i synnerhet är bristfällig. Denna studie påvisar att det finns indikationer på att diasporaturism har en påverkan på identitetsupplevelsen hos andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien. Utöver att studiens informanter bekräftar den tidigare forskningens resonemang om diasporaturisters resemotiv kan studien även presentera ett outforskat bakomliggande resemotiv hos informanterna vilka är intressanta implikationer för den framtida forskningen. / “Här kommer våra svenskar!” is an tourism study that studies how second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia describe their motives for diaspora tourism as well as how diaspora tourism effects the individuals perception of identity. This study has used a qualitative methodological approach where the empirical data was collected through nine interviews with second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia concerning their experiences of diaspora tourism. This study shows that there is some indication that diaspora tourism has an effect on second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavias perception of identity. In addition to confirming previous diaspora tourism studies travel motives, this study also puts forward a previously unexplored underlying travel motive which has interesting implication for future tourism studies.
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