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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Missbruks- och beroendevård för unga vuxna : Om evidensbaserad praktik inom socialtjänsten / Abuse and addiction treatment for young adults : About evidence-based practice in social services

Jansson, Caroline January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

”ÄBIC” Äldres behov i centrum : En kvalitativ studie om omsorgspersonalens upplevelse av ÄBIC

Hägg, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka om omsorgspersonalens upplever en förändring under införande av en ny arbetsmetod som är framtagen av Socialstyrelsen, ÄBIC (Äldres behov i centrum). Studien baseras utifrån sju stycken utförares upplevelser i äldreomsorgens hemtjänstgrupper i den utvalda kommunen. Respondenterna är kvinnor i blandade åldrar (uppskattningsvis mellan 20 till 60 år). Studien utgår ifrån kvalitativ metod med fenomenologisk ansats som tillvägagångsätt. Empirin hämtades genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer för att få en mer djupgående förståelse kring respondenternas upplevelser. Intervjuerna ägde rum på varje enskild respondents arbetsplats/enhet för att uppnå en mer trivsam situation för respondenten. Informationen som framkom via intervjuerna har sedan transkriberats och analyserats för att kunna framställa de resultat som varit passande för studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Tidigare forskning och valda teorier för denna studie är framtagna ur forskningsartiklar, avhandlingar, teorier och kurslitteratur som handlar om områden liknande ÄBIC, samt områden/teorier som Socialstyrelsen har använt sig av för att bygga upp metoden. I studiens resultat har det framkommit fyra övergripande kategorier; Implementering, delaktighet och inflytande, utförarnas upplevelser av respons för ÄBIC för den enskilde samt behovsbedömning. Studien framlyser att arbetsmetoden ÄBIC i implementeringsskedet ter sig ge en mer administrativ förändring än synbar förändring för den enskilde kunden. Respondenterna uppger att kunderna/de enskilda överlag är nöjda med hjälpen som vid tidigare arbetssätt. I slutsatsen så framkommer det till största del att kommunen vid införande av ny arbetsmetod inte har fokuserat på alla delar som skall vara kompatibelt med ÄBIC innan uppstart av implementering. Utförarna anser att deras arbetsverktyg är en stor ”bov” i att ÄBIC inte får någon större förändring i själva utförandet. Förhoppningen är att förändringen sker fullt ut när allt är kompatibelt och att denna arbetsmetod bidrar till ett mer kvalitetssäkrat arbete i vård och omsorg för äldre. / The purpose of this study is to investigate whether home care personnel experience a change while introducing a new working method developed by the National Board of Health, “ÄBIC” (Elderly needs in the center). This study is based on data gathered from seven home care staff in the elderly care home groups in the selected municipality. Respondents are women of mixed ages (estimated between 20 to 60m years). This study is based on qualitative methodology with a phenomenological approach. The empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews to gain a deeper understanding of the respondents’ experiences. The interviews took place at each individual respondent’s workplace / unit in order to achieve a more pleasant situation for the respondent. The information obtained through the interviews has since been transcribed and analyzed to produce the results that were appropriate for the purpose and questions of this study. Previous research and selected theories for this study were developed from research articles, dissertations, theories and course literature that is related to areas similar to ÄBIC, as well as areas / theories that was used by the National Board of Health to build their method. In the results from this study, four main categories have been identified; Implementation, participation and influence, home service staff experiences of ÄBIC responses for the customer / individual, and needs assessment. The results suggests that the working method ÄBIC in the implementation phase appears to give a more administrative change rather than a visible change for the individual customer. Respondents state that customers / individuals are satisfied with the help as in previous work practices. In conclusion, it is largely found that, when introducing a new working method, the municipality are not focused on all parts to be compatible with ÄBIC before launching implementation. The home care staff consider their work tool to be a big "villain" in the fact that ÄBIC does not result in a major change in the performance itself. The hope is that the change takes place fully when everything is compatible and that this method contributes to a more quality assured job in the health and social care for the elderly.

Utvecklingen av den kunskapsbaserade socialarbetarens professionella identitet - en kunskapsöversikt

Åman, Madeleine January 2023 (has links)
Evidence-based practice [EBP] have had a large influence on social work since the 1990s and has received both praise and criticism among professional social workers. New demands on social work practice following EBP has also influenced the professional identity of social workers. This essay has sought to examine how previously published research describes the development of the discussion around evidence-based social work and how this discussion is connected to both the identity of the discipline of social work as well as the professional identity of social workers. Previous research has shown that the professional identity of social workers is multifaceted and ambivalent, especially in relation to research, knowledge and EBP. This research overview has its theoretical stance in social constructivism and critical theory. The overview has been constructed through a thematical analysis of included research which has combined both qualitative and quantitative research. The main results of this study indicate that the implementation of EBP in social work has brought both organizational and epistemological tensions within the profession to light. The results also indicate a view among professionals that the model of EBP is too narrow to incorporate the dynamic practice of social work. Because of this, social workers have started to develop their knowledge base to include more research evidence and scientific language rather than incorporating EBP in their everyday practice. The result also indicates that social workers have somewhat reconstructed their professional identity to incorporate these new demands on social work practice.

Professionens upplysning eller den akademiska processionens illusion : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av behandlingspersonals upplevelser av den evidensbaserade praktiken inom HVB-hem för barn och unga / The enlightenment of the profession or illusions within the academic procession : A qualitative interview study of youth care workers experiences of evidence-based practise within out-of-home care

Jivenius, Carl January 2024 (has links)
Den evidensbaserade praktiken har blivit en alltmer påtaglig del av socialarbetares praktik. Betoningen på evidensbasering inom socialt arbete i Sverige har implementerats främst genom statliga myndigheter ner i professionen, vilket har bemötts med en generell skepsis av yrkesfältet. HVB-hem för barn och unga är en del av den sociala barnavården som påverkas av den statliga kunskapsstyrningen. Studiens analys fokuserar på hur behandlingspersonal på HVB-hem för barn och unga upplever att den evidensbaserade praktiken påverkar den professionellas möjlighet att bedriva behandlingsvård. Nio semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med behandlingspersonal som arbetar på HVB-hem för barn och unga och som har haft en två-årig eftergymnasial utbildning. Informanternas utsagor har analyserats utifrån professionsteori och symbolisk interaktionism. Resultatet har påvisat att behandlingsarbetet kan innebära en varierande behandlingskontext och att flertalet förutsättningar påverkar yrkesutövningen. Den evidensbaserade praktiken kan däremellan utgöra ett gemensamt yrkesspråk och förhållningssätt på HVB-hem för barn och unga, som kan tolkas och tillämpas olika. Möjligheten att tillämpa evidens kan ses grunda sig i behandlingspersonalens utbildningsbakgrund och yrkesfärdighet. För att kunna arbeta med evidens implicerar det att den professionella kan läsa, förstå och tillämpa evidens inom behandlingsvården. Å ena sidan kan den evidensbaserade praktiken som idé bedömas vara en självklarhet för behandlingspersonal på HVB-hem för barn och unga. Å andra sidan kan definieringen och tillämpningen av den evidensbaserade praktiken bedömas vara oklar och komplicerad i en kontextbunden praktik, som HVB-hem för barn och unga inte sällan är.

I riktning mot evidensbaserad praktik? : En kvalitativ studie av Polismyndighetens implementering av evidensbaserad praktik. / Towards evidence-based praxis? : A qualitative study of the police authority's implementation of evidence-based praxis.

Einarsson, Catrin, Pettersson, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the study was to illustrate how evidence-based praxis is implemented in the police agencies activities with crime prevention work. We asked two questions: a) What actions does the Swedish Police authority take when implementing evidence-based praxis in its operations? and b) What opportunities contra difficulties do the managers, community police officers and teachers at the police institute see with evidence-based praxis? This was investigated through qualitative interviews in order to capture the participants personal opinions and experiences about the subject. Evidence-based policies are practiced through the crime-prevention work that takes place through local cooperations. The role of community police officers constitutes an important strategic role as being cosmopolitan, which ensures that communication between the police and society works, which in turn forms the basis for the crime-prevention work. The result also shows that the police cannot take care of law enforcement on their own initiative; responsibility also rests on individuals, groups and other organizations. We see patterns of a majorly positive attitude within the police, which contradicts previous research. There are not enough evidence-based methods within all working fields of the police, which has emerged as an important factor in order to implement evidence-based praxis. Whilst the police may be positive towards evidence-based methods, they can not solely rely on them. The resources are too lacking in order for the evidence-based praxis to also permeate the police authority's work. In order for the police authority's work to be carried out by evidence-based methods, community police officers need to have a higher status internally. They also need a mandate in the form of being able to make decisions about operative resources. The main contribution of the study´s is that evidence-based praxis needs to be strategically implemented, and the key people who work primarily with evidence-based praxis needs a higher status within the organization.

Tillsammans skapar vi någonting : En kvalitativ studie om konstnärligt skapande och mätbarhet i socialt arbete

Larsson-Jones, Klara, Lundahl, Edith January 2019 (has links)
I den här studien intervjuas fem personer som är yrkesverksamma inom verksamheter med konstnärligt skapande som inriktning för personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsvariationer (NPF) och/eller utvecklingsstörning. Syftet med studien är att belysa konstnärligt skapande som verktyg kopplat till ökade krav på evidensbaserad praktik i gruppverksamheter riktade till personer med NPF och/eller utvecklingsstörning. Forskningsfrågorna avser därför att ge svar på vilka funktioner metoden konstnärligt skapande fyller som verktyg i gruppverksamheter riktade till personer med NPF och/eller utvecklingsstörning, hur dessa funktioner kan förstås samt om de kan/bör leva upp till krav på evidensbaserad praktik. Resultatet bygger på fem semistrukturerade intervjuer som har kodats och analyserats med fenomenologisk tematisk analys. Det teoretiska ramverket består av den salutogena modellen med fokus på ”en känsla av sammanhang” och Jonna Bornemarks perspektiv om ”att mäta det omätbara”.   Metoden konstnärligt skapande används frekvent i verksamheter riktade till målgruppen men samtidigt finns brister när det kommer till kvantitativ forskning för att stödja metodens effekter. Informanterna menade att den subjektiva upplevelsen av metoden är svår att mäta men att de själva upplever att konstnärligt skapande har många fördelar för den specifika målgruppen. Under studiens gång beskrev informanterna aspekter som väl stämde överens med vad som ryms inom den salutogena modellen. De gav uttryck för att det konstnärliga skapandet som metod bidrog till inkludering, kognitiv förstärkning, ökad självkänsla samt att det kunde fungera som ett alternativt kommunikation- och samtalsverktyg. / In this study, five people are interviewed who work professionally in activity groups with creative arts as a focus for people with neurodevelopmental disorders (DSM-5) and / or developmental disorder. The purpose of the study is to investigate the professionals' view of creative arts as a method in the work with the target group, and also their view of creative arts linked to the increased requirement for evidence-based practice. The questions of this research therefore intend to provide answers to what functions creative arts as a tool can have in group activities for people with DSM-5 and / or developmental disorder. We also intend to research how we can understand creative arts as a method and if/how the method should be mesured in relation to an increased requirement for evidence-based practice. The result is based on five semi-structured interviews that have been coded and analyzed with phenomenological thematic analysis. The theoretical framework is based on the salutogenic model and Jonna Bornemarks perspective on "measuring the immeasurable". The method of creative arts is frequently used in group activities for the target group, but at the same time there are deficiencies in the quantitative research bass to support the effects of the method. The respondents argued that the subjective experience of the method is difficult to measure, but that they themselves feel that creative arts has many advantages for the specific target group. During the study, the respondents described aspects that were well in line with what is included in the salutogenic model. The practitioners expressed that creative arts as a method contributed to community, cognitive reinforcement, increased self-esteem and that it could function as an alternative means of expression.

Skolsocialt arbete på gymnasiet : Skolkuratorernas förutsättningar att arbeta utifrån evidensbaserad praktik / School social work in senior high school : Possibilities for a school counsellor’s evidence-based practice

Lindström, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
School counsellors have been an occupation in Sweden since the 1940s but despite this, there is very little knowledge and research about school counsellors’ preconditions according to their work. This study aims to examine in what frequencies school counsellors’ use evidence-based methods in their work with students in senior high school. The result is based on a survey with N 215 respondents from all over Sweden and the analysis theoretical perspective is founded on evidence-based practice (EBP) and new institutional theory. The result indicates that school counsellors in Sweden do not use evidence-based methods to such an extent and that there are organisational and structural obstacles for school counsellors to base their work from evidence-based practice. There is a decoupling process where ideals of EBP do not match the reality as different kinds of logic appear and come into conflict with each other over whose legitimacy is the one that should dominate the organizational field. To increase the conditions, a school management that provides support and enables professional guidance and competence development is needed. The research field needs to start looking at the school counsellors’ practice from a bottom-up perspective to see what they do that works and develop EBP and the organizational field based on this. This is one way to give school counsellors’ more legitimacy.

Ett sätt att nå flera nivåer av rörelse samtidigt: Fysioterapeuters erfarenheter av att arbeta med Hästunderstödd terapi / A way to reach several levels of movement simultaneously: Physiotherpists’ experiences of Equine assisted therapy

Uggla, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Hästunderstödd terapi (HUT) är ett växande kunskapsområde där studier visat välgörande effekter i flertalet patientgrupper. Att beskriva HUT generellt har försvårats av metodologiska orsaker. Eftersom HUT i klinisk praxis används som komplement till grundprofessioner, vill denna studie fördjupa kunskapen utifrån fysioterapeutiskt perspektiv. Därigenom kan HUT beskrivas med en tydlig koppling till klinisk användbarhet.  Syfte: Att undersöka OHI-certifierade fysioterapeuters erfarenheter av att arbeta med HUT utifrån ett perspektiv av rörelse. Metod: Kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer med elva OHI-certifierade fysioterapeuter. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Graneheim och Lundman. Som teoretiskt ramverk användes ”The movement continuum Theory of Physical Therapy”. Resultat: Temat ”Hästen och dess miljö berikar det fysioterapeutiska arbetssättet” byggs av fyra subteman och nio sub-subteman. HUT har potential att berika fysioterapeutiskt arbetssätt  genom inverkan på flera nivåer av rörelse samtidigt. Ridmomentet kan ge externa förutsättningar som verkar rörelsefrämjande, men innebär också ett professionellt omdöme i avvägningen mellan nytta och riskmomentet. Genom HUT upplevs resurser att stimulera interna faktorer såsom motivation och engagemang samt sociala faktorer i alliansen. HUT upplevs stötta ett resursfokuserat förhållningssätt till rörelse, där kropp, sinne och känsla har en given plats.   Slutsats: Hur HUT berikar professionen beror på fysioterapeutens val utifrån syfte, yrkeskunskap och personliga kompetens. Det breda användningsområdet ger möjligheter att använda HUT i mötet med olika målgrupper. När arbetssättet i HUT beskrivs i sammanhanget av fysioterapi kan komplexiteten i HUT förstås, och termer som evidensbaserad praktik kommer inom räckhåll. / Introduction: The knowledge of Equine Assisted Therapy (EAT) is growing, and studies describe beneficial effects in various groups of patients. Describing EAT in general has been difficult due to methodological reasons. Since EAT in clinical practice serves as a complement to professions, this study wants to deepen the knowledge from a physiotherapeutic perspective. EAT can thereby be described with a clear connection to clinical applicability. Aims: Investigate OHI-certified physiotherapists' experiences of working with EAT from a perspective of movement. Methods: Qualitative study with semi-structured interviews with eleven OHI-certified physiotherapists, using qualitative content analysis by Graneheim and Lundman. As theoretical framework "The movement continuum Theory of Physical Therapy" was used.. Results: The theme ”The horse and its environment enriches the physiotherapeutic practice” is based on four sub themes and nine sub-sub themes. EAT has potential to enrich physiotherapeutic practice by influencing several levels of movement simultaneously. Riding can provide external conditions promoting movement, also involving professional judgment between benefits and elements of risk.  Resources to stimulate internal factors as motivation, commitment, and social factors in the alliance were experienced. EAT is perceived to support a resource-focused approach to movement, where body, mind and emotion are involved.  Conclusion: How EAT enriches the profession depends on the physiotherapist's decisions based on purpose, professional knowledge, and personal competence. The versatility provides opportunities to use EAT with different populations. When clinical practice of EAT are described in context of physiotherapy, the complexity of EAT can be understood, and terms as evidence-based practice come within reach.

Evidensbaserat socialt arbete : Från idé till praktik / Evidence-based social work : From idea to practice

Svanevie, Kajsa January 2011 (has links)
As an innovation Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is designed as a tool for clinical problem solving. According to its theory of use EBP will bring a difference for policy makers, for professionals, for researchers and for service users. One question to be asked is whether EBP actually leads to the radical social change it is designed to accomplish. The aim of the study is to describe and analyse the outcome of the effort to establish EBP, with a focus on the case of social work in Sweden. The research questions are: What is EBP? Why are efforts made to establish EBP? What is the outcome of the EBP project? How can the outcome of the EBP project be explained? The case study was conducted on a critical realistic meta-theoretical ground with a focus on explanation of social change with an explicit actor-structure perspective. Methodologically, a narrative synthesis of studies was made. As a complement primary data were collected to fill empirical gaps. The state of things was described before and after the EBP-initiatives. Several helping theories – Kuhn’s theory of paradigm, program theory, neo-institutional theory and theory of diffusion – were used to analyse the empirically mapped outcome of the EBP project. The results show that the import of the original model of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) to social work is a part of a wider social movement in the helping and educational professions. The new model has influenced social work as a discipline, as a field of practice and as a field of policy. There are examples of full-scale implementations of EBP, although EBP has not reached a general status as daily practice. Some obstacles remain. The gradual adaption of EBP corresponds to criteria hold by Kuhn for a paradigm shift. Acceptance of the model has contributed to change the structure and function of social systems. At an organizational level, this change means on-going institutionalization. The innovation is influencing the way institutional actors conduct their work. Although the structural conditions have been optimal, the EBP-model has been debated with heat. The EBP-debate and policy-driven infrastructural efforts have brought a more in-depth examination of the model. So-called coercive, normative, and regulative isomorphisms were used to change organizations. The degree of institutionalization depended on the individuals and the organizations willingness and preparedness to change, to understand, and to put the model into practice. When actors used a less strict version of the original EBP model, the pace of cultural and institutional change slowed down.

Evidensbaserat socialt arbete : Från idé till praktik / Evidence-based social work : From idea to practice

Svanevie, Kajsa January 2011 (has links)
As an innovation Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is designed as a tool for clinical problem solving. According to its theory of use EBP will bring a difference for policy makers, for professionals, for researchers and for service users. One question to be asked is whether EBP actually leads to the radical social change it is designed to accomplish. The aim of the study is to describe and analyse the outcome of the effort to establish EBP, with a focus on the case of social work in Sweden. The research questions are: What is EBP? Why are efforts made to establish EBP? What is the outcome of the EBP project? How can the outcome of the EBP project be explained? The case study was conducted on a critical realistic meta-theoretical ground with a focus on explanation of social change with an explicit actor-structure perspective. Methodologically, a narrative synthesis of studies was made. As a complement primary data were collected to fill empirical gaps. The state of things was described before and after the EBP-initiatives. Several helping theories – Kuhn’s theory of paradigm, program theory, neo-institutional theory and theory of diffusion – were used to analyse the empirically mapped outcome of the EBP project. The results show that the import of the original model of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) to social work is a part of a wider social movement in the helping and educational professions. The new model has influenced social work as a discipline, as a field of practice and as a field of policy. There are examples of full-scale implementations of EBP, although EBP has not reached a general status as daily practice. Some obstacles remain. The gradual adaption of EBP corresponds to criteria hold by Kuhn for a paradigm shift. Acceptance of the model has contributed to change the structure and function of social systems. At an organizational level, this change means on-going institutionalization. The innovation is influencing the way institutional actors conduct their work. Although the structural conditions have been optimal, the EBP-model has been debated with heat. The EBP-debate and policy-driven infrastructural efforts have brought a more in-depth examination of the model. So-called coercive, normative, and regulative isomorphisms were used to change organizations. The degree of institutionalization depended on the individuals and the organizations willingness and preparedness to change, to understand, and to put the model into practice. When actors used a less strict version of the original EBP model, the pace of cultural and institutional change slowed down.

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