Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fatalism"" "subject:"natalism""
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Der Schicksalsbegriff in den Dichtungen Wolframs von Eschenbach im Vergleich zu den Werken Hartmanns von Aue, Gottfrieds von Strassburg und dem NibelungenliedEmrich-Müller, Gisela. January 1978 (has links)
Thesis--Frankfurt a. M. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 210-214).
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Fatalisme et liberté dans l'antiquité grecque recherches sur la survivance de l'argumentation morale antifataliste de Carnéade chez les philosophes grecs et les théologiens chrétiens des quatre premiers siècles,Amand de Mendieta, Emmanuel. January 1945 (has links)
The author's thesis, Louvain. / "Table des ouvrages le plus fréquemment cités": p. [xxvi]-xxviii.
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Ideas of Order: The Meaning and Appeal of Contemporary Astrological BeliefThornton, Tracy 27 October 2016 (has links)
Astrology is a belief system that has existed for almost 2,500 years. This enduring form of belief has not been effectively studied by scholars and thus we know little about why beliefs commonly stigmatized as superstitions continue to appeal to people today. My research, based on fieldwork and interviews with astrologers in the Portland, Oregon area, demonstrates that the longevity of this belief system may be attributed to its ability to provide meaning and purpose to people. Throughout history, astrology has been adapted to and has evolved within the cultures in which it exists, and its latest adaptation reveals a close connection to the New Age movement. Astrological worldviews, which assume a correlation between predictable celestial cycles and human activity, are rooted in a premise of fatalism, but this analysis reveals a nuanced view of fate that often is empowering rather than limiting.
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Criminal Capital and the Transition to AdulthoodJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: Life course criminology is characterized by a two-pronged approach to research. The first branch emphasizes social integration and involvement with pro-social institutions as turning points in the criminal career. The second branch of this work assesses how access to the institutions that facilitate social integration are conditioned by factors such as involvement in the criminal justice system. Theories of capital are chiefly concerned with social integration and the continuity of conventionality, conformity, and prosperity offered through social ties and social networks. Absent from life course criminology is a better understanding of how different forms of criminal capital can influence access to institutions like higher education, marriage, and employment during the transition to adulthood. Drawing on insights from distinct bodies of literature on peers, capital, and status attainment, the present study elaborates on the influence of criminal capital for (un)successful transitions to adulthood. Using three waves of data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (“Add Health”), the effects of adolescent criminal social capital on criminal cultural and human capital, and subsequent educational, occupational, and marital attainment in early adulthood are examined. Results from a series of regression models demonstrate that criminal social capital has minimal effects on fatalistic beliefs or thoughtful and reflective decision making, and that these forms of criminal capital generally have inconsistent effects on later life transitions. Implications for theory and future research are discussed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Criminology and Criminal Justice 2016
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Criação de valores nas ilhas bem-aventuradas de Nietzsche / Creation of values upon the blessed isles of NietzscheGiovane Rodrigues 28 February 2018 (has links)
A menção do título às ilhas deve-se ao fato de que toda a tese se estrutura a partir da análise do discurso Nas ilhas bem-aventuradas, da segunda parte de Assim falou Zaratustra. Examino, em primeiro lugar, a relevância desse cenário, tanto para a obra, quanto para os problemas centrais a serem abordados na tese. Esse espaço mítico, tomado de Hesíodo (e, derivativamente, de Homero), tem a função de selecionar a audiência de Zaratustra e, portanto, restringir drasticamente a destinação de seus ensinamentos (ou seja, da filosofia nietzschiana como um todo). A partir desse enquadramento, examino o significado muito específico que o além-do-homem adquire para a audiência seleta: ele é um ideal, não a ser alcançado, mas a ser perpetuamente perseguido. Ao compreendê-lo, o criador abandona a verdade como um critério da ação criativa e dos valores e é instado a eleger outros em seu lugar. No discurso Nas ilhas bem-aventuradas, um desses critérios emerge da apresentação das condições efetivas que devem ser cumpridas pelo criador: em termos muitos gerais, o criador deve ser capaz de estabelecer uma relação privilegiada com o \"intransitório\", isto é, o devir. Trata-se, assim, de um modo específico de relacionarse com a vida um modo que a trata precisamente como a encarnação do devir e, além disso, da vontade de poder. Por fim, busco, avaliar as consequências daquele ideal quando projetado sobre o futuro da humanidade, algo permanentemente no horizonte de Nietzsche. A criação de uma nova imagem para o homem pressupõe a emergência de alguns raros indivíduos capazes de criar, para si mesmos, as virtudes alinhadas àqueles critérios superiores de valoração; nesse contexto, nobreza soma-se a devir e vida, não apenas como critério de valoração, mas também como meta incluída no ideal de superação da humanidade. / The allusion to the isles is due to the fact that the whole thesis is structured upon the analysis of Zarathustras discourse Upon the blessed isles. This points to the constitutive distance of isles, which symbolizes Nietzsche pathos der Distanz. Building on that, Ill discuss the meaning that the overman acquires in this context, i.e. an ideal to be perpetually aimed at. It implies the abandonment of truth as a criterion for creative action. The new criteria, besides the overman itself, are becoming, life. When it comes to the meaning of Nietzsches concern with the future of mankind, Ill discuss the concept of virtue and the self-stylization of nobility.
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Breast Cancer Fatalism: The Role of Women's Perceptions of the Health Care SystemHall, Allyson, Khoury, Amal J., Lopez, Ellen D.S., Lisovicz, Nedra, Avis-Williams, Amanda, Mitra, Amal 01 December 2008 (has links)
Cancer fatalism, which can be understood as the belief that cancer is a death sentence, has been found to be a deterrent to preventive cancer screening participation. This study examines factors associated with breast cancer fatalism among women. We analyzed data from a 2003 survey of women 40 years of age. The survey collected information about respondents' knowledge and attitudes regarding breast health. Analyses compared the characteristics of women who reported and those who did not report a fatalistic attitude. omen with a fatalistic attitude were more likely to be African American, to have a family history of breast cancer, to rate their quality of care as fair or poor, to believe that not much could be done to prevent breast cancer, to believe that breast cancer could not be cured if found early, and to believe that treatment could be worse than the disease.
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Transition to the empty nest : changes in parental optimism and parental fatalism /Rohr, Karen Gegner January 1984 (has links)
No description available.
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Med Guds hjälp? : En kvalitativ studie över tjänstgörande karoliners uppfattningar om det stora nordiska kriget och Karl XII / With Gods help? : A qualitative study of Carolean's perceptions about the Great Northern War and Charles XIISvensson, Johannes January 2018 (has links)
With Gods help? A qualitative study of Carolean's perceptions about the Great Northern War and Charles XII The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what perceptions Charles XII’s Caroleans had about him, the Great Northern War and how these perceptions changed during the war. There is also an underlying ambition to show how these perceptions differ. The underlying issues for the thesis are thus: - What perceptions/opinions describes the Caroleans of Charles XII as a person and leader? - What perceptions are described about the war as a whole? - In what way do perceptions concerning loyalty and hopes change during the war? The theoretical point of departure of the thesis is briefly the fatalistic beliefs and image of the King as the elect of God. A majority of the Swedish army was characterized by this approach and based their experiences and values on it to varying degrees. The methodology in which the essay's research is based on are threefold and consists of narrative diary analysis, microhistory and mentality history. The study is based on a source material composed of six diaries from six of Karl XII’s Caroleans with varying positions. Based on analyzes of these diaries, each individual’s experiences and perceptions have been distinguished and reported. The conclusion of this result is that all of the mentioned Caroleans hulded a great respect for the king and saw him to varying degrees as a role model and the election of God. As the result shows they did not hold him personally responsible for the end of the war, likely due to the fatalistic beliefs that’s already mentioned. Perceptions of the war in whole occur to some extent but not to the extent expected. From this point of view, the chosen Caroleans were fairly value-free. During the war, one can clearly see that perceptions and hopes changed. This change is strictly linked to the Swedes pros and cons in the war.
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História de vida e representações sociais de violência em professores de uma escola pública / Life histories and social representations of violence by teachers of public schoolsPaula, Alexandre da Silva de 25 July 2008 (has links)
A violência escolar é um fenômeno complexo e preocupante. Os professores, muitas vezes, sentem-se incapazes de mediar os conflitos diários, as agressões ou episódios de indisciplina, o que afeta o processo pedagógico. Este estudo versa sobre as representações sociais de violência por professores de uma escola pública, de ensino fundamental e médio. Os dados foram coletados através da observação participante e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com oito sujeitos. A análise das entrevistas foi realizada através do método de associação de idéias. Os resultados demonstraram distintas interpretações sobre a gênese da violência nas escolas, porém a retórica dos participantes não se ancora no conhecimento científico. Emergiram representações polissêmicas, com destaque para a significação psicologizante, educativo-familiar e um sentido fatalista. De modo geral, destacaram-se discursos formatados que reforçam o distanciamento, centralizam a culpa da problemática na crise familiar, no Estado, na progressão continuada e no aluno carente de afeto e de sentido de escola. / The school violence is a complex and worrying phenomenon. Teachers often feel unable to mediate daily conflicts, the attacks or indiscipline incidents, affecting the pedagogic process. This study deals with the social representations of violence by teachers in public schools, at elementary and high school levels. Data were collected through participant observation and semi-structured interviews with eight subjects. The analysis of interviews was conducted by the method of association of ideas. The results showed different interpretations on the genesis of the violence in schools, however, the rhetoric of the participants are not anchored in scientific knowledge. Polysemic interpretations emerged, with emphasis on the psychologizing meaning, family educational and a fatalistic sense. Generally, there were formatted speeches that highlight the detachment, center the fault of school violence on the family crisis, on the state, in the continued progression of teaching and the student with loose of affection and readiness.
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Kampen om flygskatten : En textanalytisk studie om den offentliga debatten kring flygskatt i SverigeWesterberg, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Den 1 april 2018 började en flygskatt att gälla för inrikes- och utrikesflyg i Sverige. Skatten som innebär en avgift på 60-400 kronor skapade en enorm debatt i offentlig media där ämnen som global uppvärmning, koldioxidutsläpp, individuellt ansvar, orättvisa och integritet utgjorde grund för ställningstagandena för eller mot skatten. För att skapa förståelse över vilka meningsmotsättningar som uttrycktes, syftar denna studie till att undersöka debatten om flygskatt i svensk dagspress under 2018. Analysen visade på en starkt polariserad debatt där åsikterna antingen uttryckte ett starkt stöd eller ett stort missnöje med skatten. För motståndarna till flygskatten nämndes en orättvis påverkan på glesbygden som främsta argument mot, men även en vilja att satsa på miljövänlig teknik och biobränsle för att sänka flygets utsläpp av växthusgaser, snarare än att beskatta enskilda individer. I argumenten för flygskatt uttrycktes en stark vilja att minska flygets miljöpåverkan genom att skapa incentiv till att minska på flygandet, och för att reducera de skattesubventioner som flygindustrin tidigare har åtnjutit. Studien jämför även debatten med tre teoretiska begrepp, varav begreppet industriell fatalism överensstämmer väl med motståndarsidans argumentation kring flygskatt genom den tilltro till tekniska utvecklingar och avsaknad av individuellt ansvarstagande som uttrycks. Även begreppen moralisk och strukturell kausalitet finns tydligt närvarande bland de argument som förs för flygskatt, samt i nivån av individuellt samt strukturellt ansvarstagande av flygindustrins utsläpp. / On April 1, 2018, an aviation tax was applied on domestic and foreign flights in Sweden. The tax which involved a fee of SEK 60-400 sparked a huge debate in public media, where topics such as global warming, carbon dioxide emissions, individual responsibility, injustice and integrity constituted the basis for the positions for or against aviation taxes. In order to create an understanding of which contradictions were expressed, this study therefore aims to investigate the debate on aviation tax in the Swedish daily press in 2018. The analysis shows a strongly polarized debate, where the views either express strong support or a great dissatisfaction with the tax. For the opponents of the air tax, an unfair impact on sparsely populated areas were mentioned as the main argument against, but also a willingness to invest in environmentally friendly technology and biofuel to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases from the aircraft, rather than taxing individual air travellers. Regarding the arguments for an aviation tax, a strong desire was expressed to reduce aviation's environmental impact by creating incentives to reduce air travel and to diminish the tax subsidies that the aerospace industry has previously experienced. The study also compares the debate with three theoretical concepts, of which industrial fatalism is well in line with the opponent's argument about aviation tax through the belief in technological developments and a lack of individual responsibility. The concepts of moral and structural causality are also clearly present in the debate among the arguments put forward for air tax, as well as the level of individual and structural responsibility for the aviation industry's emissions.
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