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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Standardisierte kinetische Modelle zur Beschreibung der Laktatkonzentrationszeitkurven nach akuter und subakuter ergometrischer Belastung, im Dauerleistungstest und im Laktat-Ischämietest

Koch, Horst Josef, Raschka, Christoph 31 May 2011 (has links)
Laktatkonzentrationszeitkurven nach akuter körperlicher Belastung und im Stufentest haben sich ebenso wie der Dauerleistungstest in der sportwissenschaftlichen Leistungsdiagnostik etabliert. Beide Verfahren erlauben, die Leistungsfähigkeit von Sportlern einzuschätzen und die Trainingsbelastung optimal entsprechend der Sportdisziplin zu steuern. Der Unterarm-Ischämie-Test dient dazu, Muskelerkrankungen auf der Basis von Laktat- und Ammoniakkonzentration zu differenzieren. Die Laktat-Konzentrations-Zeitkurven nach akuter Belastung, im Stufentest oder im Dauerleistungstest sowie im Unterarm-Ischämietest werden vorwiegend deskriptiv durch Parameter wie die maximale Laktatkonzentration oder Leistung bei bestimmter Laktatkonzentration ausgewertet. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist, pharmakokinetische Modelle für auf der Laktatkonzentration basierende Tests zu prüfen und deren praktische Relevanz zu diskutieren. Dabei können der akute Belastungstest und der Vorderarm-Ischämietest wegen eines ähnlichen Laktatprofils (Peak-Kurven), der Dauerleistungstest (kumulative Kurven) und der Stufentest (stetig monoton steigende Kurven) getrennt betrachtet werden. Die Routinelaktatprofile von 13 männlichen Freizeitsportlern (Alter: 20-35 Jahre), die sich einem 3 Minuten dauernden akuten ergometrischen Leistungstest unterzogen, wurden zur Modellbildung herangezogen. Der Unterarm-Ischämietest wurde bei acht Patienten im Alter zwischen 20 und 45 Jahren, bei denen bei Aufnahme die Verdachtsdiagnose einer Muskelerkrankung des Glukose- oder Eiweißstoffwechsels bestand, durchgeführt. Wird die Laktatkonzentrationszeitkurve, oder im Ischämietest auch der Ammoniakkonzentrationzeitkurve, als Summe eines Produktions- und Eliminationsvorgangs, dagestellt, lassen sich zusätzliche Informationen gewinnen. Blutlaktatkonzentrationen (Cb(t)) nach akuter ergometrischer Belastung wurden mittels nichtlinearer Regression an das Grundmodell Cb(t)=Co+B*(exp(-Lp*t )-exp(-Le*t)) angepasst, wobei Co der Ruhelaktatkonzentration und B einer Konstanten entsprechen. Die Laktatproduktionsrate (Lp) und Laktateliminationsrate (Le) differenzieren zwischen der Laktatproduktion einerseits und der Laktatelimination andererseits. Der Quotient Lp/P (P=erbrachte Leistung) stellt ein standardisiertes Maß für die Laktatproduktion im Muskel dar. Dagegen charakterisiert der Quotient Le/P die Elimination des Laktats aus dem Blutkompartiment. Über die Beziehung HWZp = ln2/Lp und HWZe = ln2/Le können die entsprechenden Halbwertszeiten berechnet werden. Eine reine Laktatproduktionszeitkurve (Cp(t)) lässt sich über die Beziehung Cp(t) = Cb(t) + Le*( ∫Cb(t)-Co*t) rekonstruieren und zeigt anschaulich den Verlauf der Laktatproduktion. Die Produktionszeitkurve erreicht im Verlauf der Elimination asymptotisch einen Maximalwert (Pm) und kann, identische Verteilungsvolumina des Laktats (Vdl) vorausgesetzt, über die Beziehung Ml = Vdl * Pm Informationen über die insgesamt freigesetzte Laktatmenge (Ml) geben. 19 gesunde Probanden unterzogen sich einem standardisierten Stufentest unter folgenden Bedingungen: Vor Beginn der Bergtour (Meereshöhe, SLa), nach Ankunft auf 1700 m (1700a), nach 10tägigem moderaten Training (Bergwandern zwischen 1700 und 3000m, 6 h pro Tag) auf 1700 m (1700b) sowie nach 4 Wochen (kein spezifisches Training) erneut auf Meereshöhe (SLb). Primäres Ziel der Auswertung war, mit der Potenzfunktion der allgemeinen Form Y(x) = A+ B * X^C den funktionalen Zusammenhang zwischen Laktatkonzentration und Belastung bzw. Herzfrequenz und Belastung zu beschreiben. Neben den modellabhängigen Faktoren (Ordinatenabschnitt, Steigungsfaktor, Exponent) ließen sich durch die AUC(70-280) (Area under the curve 70 bis 280 Watt Leistung) das Ausmaß der Laktatproduktion, die entsprechende mittlere Konzentration (Cm) und durch die Laktatkonzentrationen bei 70 und 280 Watt (LT-70, LT-280) der Laktatanstieg charakterisieren. Der Dauerleistungstest hat sich neben dem akuten ergometrischen Belastungstest in der sportmedizinischen Leistungsdiagnostik als Methode etabliert. Bisher konzentrierte sich die Auswertung auf die maximalen Blutlaktatkonzentrationen im steady state. Die Autoren schlagen verschiedene Modelle vor, sowohl empirische als auch mechanistische, um die Laktatkonzentrationszeitkurve im Dauerleistungstest zu beschreiben. Neben der maximalen Konzentration können nach Berechnung der Modellkurven durch nichtlineare Regression Konzentrationen zu definierten Bedingungen (z. B. LT20 = Laktat nach 20 Minuten) oder die Steigung der Kurve beurteilt werden. Darüber hinaus lässt sich die AUC (Area under the curve) als Ausmaß für die Laktatbildung während des Dauerleistungstests mit der Trapezregel bestimmen. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Untersuchungen, dass in allen Verfahren der Laktatdiagnostik, dem akuten Belastungstest, der Standardergometrie, dem Laktatischämietest und dem Dauerleistungstest, signifikante und praktikable pharmakokinetische Modelle berechnet werden können. Sie erlauben es, die Ergebnisse mittels Modellparametern zu quantifizieren und zu vergleichen. / Lactate concentration versus time curves following acute physical exercise, the standard exercise test using increasing levels of work load and the steady state exercise test have been established methods to characterise the fitness of athletes and to control training intensity. The ischemic forearm exercise test (IFET) is used to detect metabolic disorders of muscles based on lactate and ammonia concentration during exercise under ischemia. Lactate concentration curves following acute exercise, standard ergometries and steady state tests as well as IFET are generally analysed descriptively, i. e. maximum lactate concentrations or work load with regard to defined lactate concentrations are used. The primary objective of this study was to assess pharmacokinetic models for lactate in exercise tests and to discuss the relevance in sports science. For practical purpose, the models used in acute and IFET (asymmetric peak curves), the steady state exercise test (cumulative curves) and standard exercise tests (continuously increasing function) are dealt with separately. Routine lactate profiles of 13 male nonprofessional athletes (age: 20-35) years who underwent an acute ergometry lasting 3 minutes were used to assess different pharmacokinetic models. An IFET was performed in 8 patients (Age: 20-45 years) supposed to have disorders of glucose metabolism or lack of myoadenylate deaminase. Lactate concentration versus time curves were fitted by means of non-linear regression to different kinetic models. The modified basic curve Cb(t)=Co+B*(exp(-Lp*t )-exp(-Le*t)), where Cb denotes the baseline concentration, B a constant, Le denotes the lactate elimination constant and Lp the “absorption or production” constant, yielded remarkable nonlinear regression results in for both test settings. Lactate concentration versus time curves in acute exercise tests are mostly assessed descriptively by means of parameters such as maximum concentration or workload with regard to specified lactate levels. Additional diagnostic information can be obtained, if production and elimination processes of the concentration versus time curve are separated. Production rate (Lp) and elimination rate (Le) of lactate are to define the shape of the curve. The ratio Lp/P (P=performance, work load), where Lp denotes the workload of the ergometer, can be considered as a standardized criterion of lactate production in the muscle. On the contrary, the ratio Le/P characterizes the elimination process from the vascular compartment. The corresponding half-lives [Tp, Te] are obtained using the relations Tp = ln2/Lp and Te = ln2/Le. The absolute lactate production versus time curve [Cp(t)] is given by the following equation: Cp(t) = Cb(t) + Le*( ∫Cb(t)-Co*t). The production versus time curve reaches a maximum value (Pm) after termination of the elimination process. If lactate has identical volumes of distribution (Vdl), Pm characterizes the total amount of lactate production (Ml) due to the relation Ml = Vdl*Pm. Nineteen healthy volunteers were exposed to a standardized exercise test at sea level (SLa), at an altitude of 1700 m before (1700a) and after a moderate 10 day mountain training (1700b), with a final control four weeks later at sea level (SLb). Vital signs, blood lactate and arterial oxygen saturation were determined prior, during or after the exercise test. The primary aim of the study was to fit the power function Y(X) = A+ B * X^C as a model for lactate versus workload and heart rate versus workload data. Apart from model characteristics (intercept, slope, exponent) the extent of lactate production could be estimated by the model independent characteristic AUC(70-280) (Area under the curve between 70 and 280 Watt) and the corresponding average concentration (Cm). The degree of lactate increase was characterized by means of the lactate concentration at 70 and 280 Watt (LT-70, LT-280), respectively. Apart from the standard and acute exercise test the steady state exercise test has gained increasing relevance in practice of sports medicine. So far, lactate curves of steady state tests were characterised by means of maximum. The author suggests several models, both empirical and mechanistic models, in order to fit lactate concentration versus time curves of the steady state ergometry. In addition to the maximum lactate concentration fitted nonlinear regression curves allow to assess the concentrations at defined conditions (e.g. LT20=lactate after 20 minutes of steady state workload, EC50 of the Emax model) or the slope of the curve. Moreover, the AUC(0-tx) – a measure for the extent of lactate production – can be calculated using the trapezoidal rule. In conclusion, in all lactate based tests, acute and standard ergometry, ischemic forearm test and steady state exercise test, concentration versus time data were fitted suitable pharmacokinetic models which allow to quantify and compare the results.

Community-based osteoporosis prevention: Physical activity in relation to bone density, fall prevention, and the effect of training programmes : The Vadstena Osteoporosis Prevention Project

Grahn Kronhed, Ann-Charlotte January 2003 (has links)
This thesis is based on studies of the ten-year community-based intervention programme entitled, the Vadstena Osteoporosis Prevention Project (VOPP). The specific aims of the research were to describe the effects of physical activity and training programmes on bone mass and balance performance in adults, to determine whether a fall risk prevention programme could motivate personal actions among the elderly, to ascertain whether the intervention programme could reduce the incidence of forearm and hip fractures. Two studies addressed training programmes for middle-aged and old people. First, VOPP participants who were aged 40–70 years and had low forearm bone mineral density (BMD) values were invited to take part in a one-year weight-bearing training study. Thirty of those individuals were included in the investigation. Additional bone mass measurements were performed at the hip and the lumbar spine, and balance and aerobic capacity were also tested. The training programme was performed twice a week (I). In the second study, healthy persons aged 70–75 years were invited to participate in a balance-training study. Fifteen persons joined an exercise group, and another fifteen were controls. The training programme comprised specific balance exercises and was carried out twice a week for nine weeks (II). The association between forearm BMD values and several lifestyle factors was explored in random samples of the population aged 20–72 years (n=880) in a cross-sectional study (III). Another study explored the association between calcaneal stiffness, forearm BMD, and lifestyle factors amongst participants aged 20–79 years (n=956) at the final registration of the VOPP (V). Effects of the VOPP interventions directed at environmental risk factors for falls and the promotion of physical activity were examined in people aged ≥ 65 years (IV). The incidence of forearm and hip fractures was studied amongst middle-aged and elderly individuals in the intervention and the control communities during the study period 1987–2001 (VI). The exercise group (n=15) in the weight-bearing training study showed increases in BMD at the greater trochanter (p<0.01), one-leg stance balance with the eyes closed and coordination tests (p<0.05), and aerobic capacity (p<0.05). No significant difference was found when the groups were compared concerning changes in the different tests during the intervention period (I). In the balance-training study, the exercise group showed post-training improvement in the following tests: standing on the right leg with eyes closed (p<0.01), standing on the right leg (p<0.01) and on the left leg (p<0.05) while turning the head, and walking 30 metres (p<0.01). There were significant differences between the groups in these tests when changes were compared at the post-intervention test (II). Age (p<0.0001) and body mass index (p≤.0001) were associated with forearm BMD in both sexes. Reported moderate physical activity levels in men were positively associated with forearm BMD (p<0.05) (III). In both sexes, reported moderate (p<0.05) and high (women p<0.05 and men p<0.001) physical activity levels were positively associated with calcaneal stiffness. The correlation coefficient between forearm BMD and calcaneal stiffness was 0.58 in women and 0.34 in men (V). Persons aged ≥ 65 years at the follow-up in 1994 reported more use of shoe/cane spikes and moderate physical activity levels compared to controls (IV). There was no change in the general incidence of forearm and hip fractures between the communities for the study period. However, there was a tendency towards decreasing incidence of forearm and trochanteric hip fracture in both sexes during the late intervention period in the intervention community (VI). A community-based intervention programme aimed at reducing the incidence of osteoporotic fractures must be regarded as a long-term project and should preferably be monitored over an extended post-intervention period. / On the day of the public defence the statuses of articles IV and V were Submitted and VI was Manuscript

Automated hand-forearm ergometer data acquisition and analysis system

Gude, Dana Maxine January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering / Steve Warren / Handgrip contractions are a standard exercise modality to evaluate muscular system performance. Most conventional ergometer systems that collect handgrip contraction data are manually controlled, placing a burden on the researcher to guide subject activity while recording the resultant data. Further, post-processing tools for this type of experiment are not standardized within the domain, which requires investigators to process their data with multiple tool sets and often create custom tool sets for that purpose. This can make experimental data difficult to compare and correlate, even within the same research group. This thesis presents updates to a hand-forearm ergometer system that automate the control and data-acquisition processes as well as provide a tool set to post process hand contraction data. The automated system utilizes a LabVIEW virtual instrument as the system centerpiece; it provides the subject/researcher interfaces and coordinates data acquisition from both traditional and new sensors. The tool set also incorporates a collection of MATLAB scripts that allow the investigator to post process these data in a standard way, such as automating the processes of noise floor removal, burst start/stop time identification, and mean/median frequency calculation in electromyograms (EMGs). The tool set has proven to be a viable support resource for experimental studies performed by the Kansas State University Human Exercise Physiology lab that target muscle fatigue in human forearms. Initial data acquired during these tests indicate the viability of the system to acquire consistent and physiologically meaningful data while providing a usable tool set for follow-on data analyses.

Surgical reconstruction of the lingual and hypoglossal nerves in oropharyngeal cancer: anterior oral cavity sensorimotor and quality of life outcomes

Elfring, Tracy Tamiko Unknown Date
No description available.

Surgical reconstruction of the lingual and hypoglossal nerves in oropharyngeal cancer: anterior oral cavity sensorimotor and quality of life outcomes

Elfring, Tracy Tamiko 11 1900 (has links)
This study explores the effects of surgical reconstruction and nerve repair on sensorimotor function and quality of life (QOL) for patients with base of tongue (BOT) cancer compared to healthy, age-matched adults. Sensations were tested on the anterior two-thirds of the oral tongue for two-point discrimination, light touch, taste, temperature, form and texture on 30 patients with BOT reconstruction with radial forearm free-flap and on 30 controls. Results indicated sensation for the unaffected tongue side and affected side with lingual nerve intact was comparable to controls, with poorer sensory outcomes for nerve repair. However, lingual nerves repaired with reanastomosis provided superior results to cable-grafting and severed nerves. Patients had decreased motor function only when the hypoglossal and lingual nerves were affected. Patients' QOL responses on the UW-QOL and EORTC QLQ-H&N35 revealed involvement of lingual and hypoglossal nerves resulted in poorer QOL outcomes. QOL interviews revealed additional problematic issues in this population not identified by standardized questionnaires. / Speech-Language Pathology


Callegaro, Aline Marian 05 July 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research demonstrates the development of a new principle of operation for elbow and forearm continuous passive motion (CPM) equipment. For that were integrated knowledges of Physical Therapy and Production Engineering to make a prototype of a CPM device for the purpose of enabling the programming of various sequences of passive movements of elbow and forearm by means of computerized numerical control (CNC). The conceptual design of prototype mechanical equipment was carried out, as well as the construction and development of a program to specify the principles of operation of the equipment. Computerized CPM allows the independent or synchronized passive movements on two axes: elbow flexion/extension and forearm pronation/supination. The prototype has stepper motors connected to a microcomputer by means of drivers. The motors are controlled by commercial CNC machine software control. The language read and interpreted by this program is generated by other software, this was developed for this equipment to facilitate its use by the Physical Therapists. It has language accessible to this professionals and it allows the insertion of such variables as time and angle. The software calculates the speed of movement with these variables automatically. Data entered into the program are saved and generate a text file with standard CNC language, which is recognized by the program control. The sequences of movements are created by Physical Therapist and adapted to patients according to treatment goals and the individual characteristics. The control software also provides the flexion/extension and pronation/supination range of motion (ROM) passive evaluation, the data of each patient can be stored for monitoring progress and possible reuse. Based on what was done, we can assert that this operating principle can be used in CPM device, the software developed can be used on any machine of this type wich CNC principle of operation and if them have the availability of two axes of movement. This technique can be used to other equipments specific to the health area. / Neste trabalho é demonstrado o desenvolvimento de um novo princípio de operação para equipamentos de movimentação passiva contínua (CPM) para cotovelo e antebraço. Foram integrados conhecimentos de Fisioterapia e Engenharia de Produção para construir um protótipo de um equipamento de CPM que possibilite a programação de variadas sequências de movimentos passivos do cotovelo e antebraço por meio de técnicas empregadas em equipamentos com Comando Numérico Computadorizado (CNC). Foi realizado o projeto conceitual da mecânica do protótipo, sua posterior construção e desenvolvido um programa para especificar os princípios de operação do equipamento. O CPM Computadorizado possibilita os movimentos passivos independentes ou sincronizados em dois eixos: flexão/extensão do cotovelo e pronação/supinação do antebraço. Possui motores de passo, conectados a um microcomputador por meio de driveres. Os motores são comandados por um software controle comercial de máquina CNC. A linguagem lida e interpretada por este programa é gerada por outro software, o qual foi desenvolvido para este equipamento, visando facilitar a utilização pelo fisioterapeuta. Ele disponibiliza, em linguagem acessível ao profissional da área, a inserção de variáveis como tempo e ângulo, com as quais calcula automaticamente a velocidade de movimento. Os dados inseridos no programa são salvos e geram um arquivo texto com linguagem CNC padronizada reconhecida pelo programa controle. As sequências de movimentos são criadas pelo fisioterapeuta e adaptadas aos pacientes, de acordo com os objetivos do tratamento e as características individuais. O software controle proporciona também uma avaliação passiva da amplitude de movimento (ADM) da flexão/extensão e pronação/supinação e os dados de cada paciente podem ser armazenados para acompanhamento da evolução e possível reutilização. Com base no que foi realizado, é possível afirmar que este princípio de operação pode ser empregado em equipamentos de CPM e o software desenvolvido pode ser utilizado em qualquer máquina deste tipo com princípio de operação CNC, onde exista a disponibilidade de dois eixos de movimentos. Esta técnica ainda pode ser utilizada em outros equipamentos específicos da área da saúde.

Forearm shaft fractures in children

Sinikumpu, J.-J. (Juha-Jaakko) 03 December 2013 (has links)
Abstract There are previous reports of an increasing incidence of children’s forearm fractures in the last few decades. Their surgical treatment is evolving. The present study was aimed at determining the incidence and background of these fractures and their treatment. It was also aimed to analyse the short- and long-term outcomes. A comprehensive population-based study (N=168) among 86,000 children in Oulu University Hospital District over a decade (2000–2009) was performed to analyse the incidence of middle-third forearm fractures. Further data (N=291) covering 1997–2009 was achieved in order to study monthly variation and backgrounds of all both-bone forearm fractures in the distal, middle or proximal thirds. An age- and sex-matched case-control study (N=94) at Vaasa Central Hospital District in 1995–1999 with approximately 11 years of follow-up was performed to evaluate long-term morbidity. The relationship between summer weather and outdoor fractures was based on daily weather readings of all summer days (N=1989) in 1997–2009. There was a 4.4-fold increase in middle-third shaft fractures in the last decade (2000–2009) and a 3.1-fold increase in all forearm shaft fractures (proximal, middle and distal) in 1997–2009. The increase in the middle-shaft fractures was still accelerating towards the end of the study period. Trampolining was increasing as a reason for the injuries. At the end of the study every third fracture was caused by a trampoline injury. The fractures caused by other recreational activities increased absolutely, but they were stable in relation to trampoline injuries. There was a clear monthly variation in fracture incidence. During the long study time, August was repeatedly the most usual month for the fractures. School terms and summer holidays did not explain the varying fracture risk. The incidence of the fractures was 50% higher in dry vs. rainy days in summer. Temperature and wind speed did not affect fracture risk. Not only were the number of children’s forearm shaft fractures increasing, but also their operative treatment in 1997–2009. The increase was mostly connected to elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN), the incidence of which changed from 10% to 30% during the study period, compared with other types of treatment. Non-operative treatment showed poor short-term outcome in the form of worsening alignment and a relatively great need of re-operations. Operative treatment showed excellent primary results. In the long run, the outcome of non-operative treatment was excellent. / Tiivistelmä Lasten kyynärvarren diafyysimurtumat ovat lisääntyneet viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana. Samalla niiden kirurginen hoito on muuttunut. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää murtumien ilmaantuvuutta ja murtumien taustalla olevia tekijöitä sekä hoidon kehittymistä. Tavoitteena oli myös tutkia lyhyt- ja pitkäaikaisia hoitotuloksia. Ilmaantuvuuden määrittämiseksi kerättiin väestöpohjainen aineisto (N=168) kaikista niistä lapsista (<16-v.), jotka ovat olleet hoidossa Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa kyynärvarren keskialueen murtuman vuoksi 2000–2009. Taustatekijöiden selvittämiseksi aineisto laajennettiin koskemaan kaikkia kyynärvarren kahden luun murtumia (proksimaaliset, keskialueen ja distaaliset murtumat) 1997–2009 (N=291). Pitkäaikaistuloksia arvioitiin tapaus-verrokkitutkimuksella (N=94), jonka potilasaineiston muodostivat Vaasan keskussairaalassa vuosina 1995–1999 hoidetut lapsipotilaat. Ikä- ja sukupuolivakioidut vertailutapaukset poimittiin väestörekisteristä. Kesäsään ja ulkona tapahtuvien murtumien välisen yhteyden tutkimiseksi kerättiin säätila-aineisto kaikilta vuosien 1997–2009 kesäpäiviltä (N=1989). Lasten kyynärvarren keskidiafyysin murtumat lisääntyivät 4,4-kertaisesti vuosikymmenessä (2000–2009) ja kaikki diafyysimurtumat lisääntyivät 3,1-kertaisesti (1997–2009). Keskidiafyysimurtumien ilmaantuvuus kasvoi kiihtyvästi. Trampoliini aiheutti yksinään joka kolmannen murtuman, ja trampoliinimurtumien ilmaantuvuus kasvoi tutkimusaikana. Muut tapaturmatyypit pysyivät vakioisina. Murtumien ilmaantuvuus vaihteli kuukausittain, mutta 13 vuoden seurantajaksolla ne olivat selvästi yleisimpiä elokuussa. Koululaisten kesäloma ei vaikuttanut murtumariskiin. Murtumat olivat 50 % yleisempiä kuivalla säällä kuin sadesäällä. Lämpötila tai tuulennopeus eivät vaikuttaneet murtumien ilmaantuvuuteen. Lasten kyynärvarsimurtumien operatiivinen hoito lisääntyi. Joustavien ydinnaulojen käyttö kasvoi 10 %:sta 30 %:iin suhteessa muihin hoitomuotoihin. Kajoavan hoidon lyhytaikaiset tulokset olivat erinomaiset. Kajoamattoman hoidon tulokset olivat heikot, ja hoitoon liittyi paljon asennon huonontumista ja myöhempää leikkaustarvetta, erityisesti asennon korjaamista. Pitkän ajan seurannassa kajoamattoman hoidon tulokset olivat kuitenkin erinomaiset. / Sammanfattning Barns underarmsfrakturer har ökat under de senaste årtiondena och deras behandling är under förändring. Syftet med den här forskningen var att undersöka underarmsfrakturer: förekommande, bakgrund och behandling. Meningen var också att bedöma resultat av olika frakturbehandlingar på kort och lång sikt. Totalt 168 barn undersöktes. De behandlades på Uleåborgs universitetssjukhus åren 2000–2009 p.g.a. en underarmsfraktur i mellersta tredjedelen av skaft. Därtill inkluderades 291 barn med en underarmsfraktur i hela skaftet åren 1997–2009. En fall-kontroll–undersökning innehöll 47 barn med en underarmsfraktur i Vasa centralsjukhus åren 1996–1999 samt en köns- och ålders standardiserad kontroll grupp med 47 medlemmar (N=47). Relationen mellan sommarväderlek och frakturer som skedde utomhus analyserades på basis av uppgifter om väderleken på alla sommardagarna åren 1997–2009 (N=1989). Frakturer i den mellersta underarmen ökade 4,4-faldigt och accelererande på ett årtionde (2000–2009) och alla skaftfrakturer 3,1-faldigt (1997–2009). Trampolinen tillfogade var tredje av dessa frakturer och således ökade trampolinens betydelse. Jämfört med trampolinen höll sig andra bakgrundsfaktorer stadiga. Det fanns en klar variation i förekommande av frakturer mellan månaderna. Mest förekom frakturer i augusti. Skolperioden eller sommarlovet påverkade inte risken för frakturer. Uppehållsväder ökade risken 1,5-faldigt jämfört med regniga dagar. Temperaturen eller vinden hade ingen effekt på frakturer. Operativa kirurgiska behandlingar ökade i stället för ej-operativa behandlingar åren 1997–2009. Ökningen berodde mest på tilltagande bruk av flexibla märgspikar, vilket ökade från 10 % till 30 % jämfört med andra behandlingsmetoder. Ej-operativ vård visade gott om komplikationer under den korta uppföljningen. Operativ vård var framgångsrik på kort sikt. Däremot visade ej-operativ behandling utmärkta resultat efter den långa uppföljningen.

Resposta cardiovascular ao teste ergométrico e a capacidade vasodilatadora periférica quanto a polimorfismos genéticos da enzima sintetase do óxido nítrico endotelial e dos receptores alfa-adrenérgicos / Cardiovascular responses during treadmill exercise test, peripheral vasodilatation and genetic polymorphisms of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and alpha-adrenergic receptors

Nunes, Rafael Amorim Belo 10 March 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O desempenho cardiovascular durante o teste ergométrico varia entre indivíduos sem doença cardiovascular estabelecida. As variáveis que influenciam estas diferenças interindividuais na resposta ao exercício podem estar associadas à saúde cardiovascular. Formulamos a hipótese de que a resposta cardiovascular ao teste ergométrico possa variar quanto à capacidade de vasodilatação periférica e que ambas possam ser influenciadas por polimorfismos genéticos da enzima sintetase do óxido nítrico endotelial, dos receptores alfaadrenérgicos e do receptor B2 da bradicinina. Objetivos: 1 - Estudar as associações entre variáveis da resposta cardiovascular ao teste ergométrico e a vasodilatação muscular do antebraço em homens e mulheres sem doença cardiovascular estabelecida; 2 - Estudar as associações de variáveis da resposta cardiovascular ao teste ergométrico e da vasodilatação muscular do antebraço com polimorfismos genéticos da enzima sintetase do óxido nítrico endotelial, dos receptores alfa-adrenérgicos e do receptor B2 da bradicinina. Métodos: Seiscentos e oitenta e nove indivíduos de ambos os sexos, sem doença cardiovascular estabelecida, submetidos à avaliação médica cardiológica. O teste ergométrico foi realizado em esteira rolante e limitado por sintomas. A resposta cardiovascular ao teste ergométrico foi representada pelas seguintes variáveis: capacidade de exercício, reserva cronotrópica, recuperação da frequência cardíaca, pressão arterial sistólica máxima, pressão arterial diastólica máxima e recuperação da pressão arterial sistólica. A capacidade vasodilatadora periférica foi estimada pela resposta da condutância vascular do antebraço ao exercício isométrico (área total sobre a curva e variação dos valores absolutos durante 3 minutos de exercício em relação ao basal) durante o exame de pletismografia de oclusão venosa. Os polimorfismos genéticos da enzima sintetase do óxido nítrico endotelial (eNOS) 786T > C (rs2070744) e Glu298Asp (rs1799983), dos receptores alfa1A-adrenérgico (ADRA1A) Arg347Cys (rs1048101), alfa2A-adrenérgico (ADRA2A) 1780 C >T (rs553668), alfa2B-adrenérgico (ADRA2B) Ins/Del 301-303 (rs28365031) e do receptor B2 da bradicinina BK2R (rs5810761) foram genotipados por meio da técnica de High Resolution Melting. Modelos de regressão linear múltipla e modelos mistos estratificados para homens e mulheres foram utilizados na análise estatística. Resultados: As variáveis do teste ergométrico não se associaram ao aumento da condutância vascular do antebraço durante o exercício isométrico. O polimorfismo ADRA1A Arg347Cys associou-se com a pressão arterial sistólica máxima no sexo masculino (P = 0,049), o polimorfismo ADRA2A 1780 C > T associou-se à pressão arterial diastólica máxima no sexo masculino (P = 0,049) e à pressão arterial sistólica máxima em ambos os sexos (P = 0,009 nas mulheres, P = 0,022 nos homens), o polimorfismo ADRA2B Del 301-303 associou-se à pressão arterial sistólica máxima (P = 0,005) e à pressão arterial diastólica máxima (P = 0,043) no sexo feminino, e à recuperação da frequência cardíaca no sexo masculino (P = 0,041). A resposta da condutância vascular do antebraço durante o exercício isométrico associou-se ao polimorfismo eNOS 786T > C no sexo feminino (P = 0,043) e ao polimorfismo ADRA2A 1780 C > T no sexo masculino (P = 0,025). Conclusão: A resposta cardiovascular ao teste ergométrico não se associou à capacidade vasodilatadora periférica em indivíduos sem doença cardiovascular estabelecida. Em relação à resposta cardiovascular ao teste ergométrico, o polimorfismo ADRA1A Arg347Cys influenciou a pressão arterial sistólica máxima no sexo masculino; o polimorfismo ADRA2A 1780 C > T influenciou a pressão arterial sistólica máxima em ambos os sexos e a pressão arterial diastólica máxima no sexo masculino; o polimorfismo ADRA2B Del 301- 303 influenciou a pressão arterial sistólica máxima e a pressão arterial diastólica máxima no sexo feminino e a recuperação da frequência cardíaca no sexo masculino. A vasodilatação muscular do antebraço ao exercício isométrico foi influenciada pelos polimorfismos eNOS 786 T>C no sexo feminino e ADRA2A 1780 C > T no sexo masculino. Estes dados sugerem que polimorfismos genéticos associados aos receptores alfa-adrenérgicos e à enzima sintetase do óxido nítrico endotelial possam modular a resposta cardiovascular ao exercício e a capacidade vasodilatadora periférica. Variantes dos genes dos receptores alfa-adrenérgicos, em especial, parecem ser potenciais marcadores da resposta da pressão arterial durante o exercício / Purpose: The cardiovascular performance during exercise stress test may vary among individuals without overt cardiovascular disease. The variables associated with this variability between apparently healthy individuals may also influence the cardiovascular health. We hypothesized that cardiovascular responses during exercise stress test may vary according the peripheral vasodilator capacity and that both pathways may be influenced by genetic polymorphisms of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, alpha-adrenergic receptors and type B2 bradykinin receptor. Aim: 1- to study associations between the cardiovascular responses during exercise stress test and forearm muscle vasodilation in men and women without overt cardiovascular disease. 2- to study the influence of genetic polymorphisms of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, alpha adrenergic receptors and type B2 bradykinin receptor on the exercise test responses and forearm muscle vasodilation. Methods: Six hundred eighty nine individuals of both sexes, without overt cardiovascular disease, that underwent a cardiovascular check-up. The cardiovascular performance during exercise stress test was estimated by the following variables: exercise capacity, chronotropic reserve, heart-rate recovery, exercise systolic blood pressure, exercise diastolic blood pressure and systolic blood pressure recovery. The peripheral vasodilator capacity was estimated by forearm vascular conductance response to handgrip exercise (area under the curve and absolute changes during the 3-minute handgrip exercise) during venous occlusion plethysmography. The genetic polymorphisms of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) 786T>C (rs2070744) and Glu298Asp (rs1799983), of adrenoceptors alpha1A (ADRA1A) Arg347Cys (rs1048101), alpha2A (ADRA2A) 1780 C>T (rs553668), alpha2B (ADRA2B) Ins/Del 301-303 (rs28365031) and of type B2 bradykinin receptor (rs5810761) were genotyped with High Resolution Melting. The statistical analysis was performed with multiple linear regression and linear mixed models for men and women. Results: Exercise test variables were not associated with forearm vascular conductance increase during handgrip exercise. The ADRA1A Arg347Cys was associated with exercise systolic blood pressure in men (P = 0.049), the ADRA2A 1780 C>T was associated with exercise diastolic blood pressure in men ( P = 0.049) and with exercise systolic blood pressure in both sexes (P = 0.009 for women, P = 0,022 for men), the ADRA2B Del 301-303 was associated with exercise systolic blood pressure (P = 0.005) and exercise diastolic blood pressure (0.043) in women, and with heart-rate recovery in men (P = 0.041). The forearm vascular conductance changes during handgrip exercise were associated with eNOS 786 T>C in women (P = 0.043) and with ADRA2A 1780 C>T in men (P = 0.025). Conclusions: The cardiovascular responses during treadmill exercise test were not associated with peripheral vasodilatory capacity in individuals without overt heart disease. The ADRA1A Arg347Cys polymorphism influenced exercise systolic blood pressure in men; the ADRA2A 1780 C >T polymorphism influenced exercise systolic blood pressure in both sexes and exercise diastolic blood pressure in men; and the ADRA2B Del 301-303 polymorphism influenced exercise systolic and diastolic blood pressures in women and heart-rate recovery in men. The exercise-induced muscle vasodilatation was influenced by the eNOS polymorphism 786 T > C in women and ADRA2A polymorphism 1780 C >T in men.These findings suggest that polymorphisms of genes coding alpha adrenergic receptors and endothelial nitric oxide synthase may play a role on the modulation of cardiovascular responses to exercise and peripheral vasodilatation. Particularly, genetic polymorphisms of alpha-adrenergic receptors appear to be potential markers of blood pressure response during exercise

Resposta cardiovascular ao teste ergométrico e a capacidade vasodilatadora periférica quanto a polimorfismos genéticos da enzima sintetase do óxido nítrico endotelial e dos receptores alfa-adrenérgicos / Cardiovascular responses during treadmill exercise test, peripheral vasodilatation and genetic polymorphisms of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and alpha-adrenergic receptors

Rafael Amorim Belo Nunes 10 March 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O desempenho cardiovascular durante o teste ergométrico varia entre indivíduos sem doença cardiovascular estabelecida. As variáveis que influenciam estas diferenças interindividuais na resposta ao exercício podem estar associadas à saúde cardiovascular. Formulamos a hipótese de que a resposta cardiovascular ao teste ergométrico possa variar quanto à capacidade de vasodilatação periférica e que ambas possam ser influenciadas por polimorfismos genéticos da enzima sintetase do óxido nítrico endotelial, dos receptores alfaadrenérgicos e do receptor B2 da bradicinina. Objetivos: 1 - Estudar as associações entre variáveis da resposta cardiovascular ao teste ergométrico e a vasodilatação muscular do antebraço em homens e mulheres sem doença cardiovascular estabelecida; 2 - Estudar as associações de variáveis da resposta cardiovascular ao teste ergométrico e da vasodilatação muscular do antebraço com polimorfismos genéticos da enzima sintetase do óxido nítrico endotelial, dos receptores alfa-adrenérgicos e do receptor B2 da bradicinina. Métodos: Seiscentos e oitenta e nove indivíduos de ambos os sexos, sem doença cardiovascular estabelecida, submetidos à avaliação médica cardiológica. O teste ergométrico foi realizado em esteira rolante e limitado por sintomas. A resposta cardiovascular ao teste ergométrico foi representada pelas seguintes variáveis: capacidade de exercício, reserva cronotrópica, recuperação da frequência cardíaca, pressão arterial sistólica máxima, pressão arterial diastólica máxima e recuperação da pressão arterial sistólica. A capacidade vasodilatadora periférica foi estimada pela resposta da condutância vascular do antebraço ao exercício isométrico (área total sobre a curva e variação dos valores absolutos durante 3 minutos de exercício em relação ao basal) durante o exame de pletismografia de oclusão venosa. Os polimorfismos genéticos da enzima sintetase do óxido nítrico endotelial (eNOS) 786T > C (rs2070744) e Glu298Asp (rs1799983), dos receptores alfa1A-adrenérgico (ADRA1A) Arg347Cys (rs1048101), alfa2A-adrenérgico (ADRA2A) 1780 C >T (rs553668), alfa2B-adrenérgico (ADRA2B) Ins/Del 301-303 (rs28365031) e do receptor B2 da bradicinina BK2R (rs5810761) foram genotipados por meio da técnica de High Resolution Melting. Modelos de regressão linear múltipla e modelos mistos estratificados para homens e mulheres foram utilizados na análise estatística. Resultados: As variáveis do teste ergométrico não se associaram ao aumento da condutância vascular do antebraço durante o exercício isométrico. O polimorfismo ADRA1A Arg347Cys associou-se com a pressão arterial sistólica máxima no sexo masculino (P = 0,049), o polimorfismo ADRA2A 1780 C > T associou-se à pressão arterial diastólica máxima no sexo masculino (P = 0,049) e à pressão arterial sistólica máxima em ambos os sexos (P = 0,009 nas mulheres, P = 0,022 nos homens), o polimorfismo ADRA2B Del 301-303 associou-se à pressão arterial sistólica máxima (P = 0,005) e à pressão arterial diastólica máxima (P = 0,043) no sexo feminino, e à recuperação da frequência cardíaca no sexo masculino (P = 0,041). A resposta da condutância vascular do antebraço durante o exercício isométrico associou-se ao polimorfismo eNOS 786T > C no sexo feminino (P = 0,043) e ao polimorfismo ADRA2A 1780 C > T no sexo masculino (P = 0,025). Conclusão: A resposta cardiovascular ao teste ergométrico não se associou à capacidade vasodilatadora periférica em indivíduos sem doença cardiovascular estabelecida. Em relação à resposta cardiovascular ao teste ergométrico, o polimorfismo ADRA1A Arg347Cys influenciou a pressão arterial sistólica máxima no sexo masculino; o polimorfismo ADRA2A 1780 C > T influenciou a pressão arterial sistólica máxima em ambos os sexos e a pressão arterial diastólica máxima no sexo masculino; o polimorfismo ADRA2B Del 301- 303 influenciou a pressão arterial sistólica máxima e a pressão arterial diastólica máxima no sexo feminino e a recuperação da frequência cardíaca no sexo masculino. A vasodilatação muscular do antebraço ao exercício isométrico foi influenciada pelos polimorfismos eNOS 786 T>C no sexo feminino e ADRA2A 1780 C > T no sexo masculino. Estes dados sugerem que polimorfismos genéticos associados aos receptores alfa-adrenérgicos e à enzima sintetase do óxido nítrico endotelial possam modular a resposta cardiovascular ao exercício e a capacidade vasodilatadora periférica. Variantes dos genes dos receptores alfa-adrenérgicos, em especial, parecem ser potenciais marcadores da resposta da pressão arterial durante o exercício / Purpose: The cardiovascular performance during exercise stress test may vary among individuals without overt cardiovascular disease. The variables associated with this variability between apparently healthy individuals may also influence the cardiovascular health. We hypothesized that cardiovascular responses during exercise stress test may vary according the peripheral vasodilator capacity and that both pathways may be influenced by genetic polymorphisms of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, alpha-adrenergic receptors and type B2 bradykinin receptor. Aim: 1- to study associations between the cardiovascular responses during exercise stress test and forearm muscle vasodilation in men and women without overt cardiovascular disease. 2- to study the influence of genetic polymorphisms of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, alpha adrenergic receptors and type B2 bradykinin receptor on the exercise test responses and forearm muscle vasodilation. Methods: Six hundred eighty nine individuals of both sexes, without overt cardiovascular disease, that underwent a cardiovascular check-up. The cardiovascular performance during exercise stress test was estimated by the following variables: exercise capacity, chronotropic reserve, heart-rate recovery, exercise systolic blood pressure, exercise diastolic blood pressure and systolic blood pressure recovery. The peripheral vasodilator capacity was estimated by forearm vascular conductance response to handgrip exercise (area under the curve and absolute changes during the 3-minute handgrip exercise) during venous occlusion plethysmography. The genetic polymorphisms of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) 786T>C (rs2070744) and Glu298Asp (rs1799983), of adrenoceptors alpha1A (ADRA1A) Arg347Cys (rs1048101), alpha2A (ADRA2A) 1780 C>T (rs553668), alpha2B (ADRA2B) Ins/Del 301-303 (rs28365031) and of type B2 bradykinin receptor (rs5810761) were genotyped with High Resolution Melting. The statistical analysis was performed with multiple linear regression and linear mixed models for men and women. Results: Exercise test variables were not associated with forearm vascular conductance increase during handgrip exercise. The ADRA1A Arg347Cys was associated with exercise systolic blood pressure in men (P = 0.049), the ADRA2A 1780 C>T was associated with exercise diastolic blood pressure in men ( P = 0.049) and with exercise systolic blood pressure in both sexes (P = 0.009 for women, P = 0,022 for men), the ADRA2B Del 301-303 was associated with exercise systolic blood pressure (P = 0.005) and exercise diastolic blood pressure (0.043) in women, and with heart-rate recovery in men (P = 0.041). The forearm vascular conductance changes during handgrip exercise were associated with eNOS 786 T>C in women (P = 0.043) and with ADRA2A 1780 C>T in men (P = 0.025). Conclusions: The cardiovascular responses during treadmill exercise test were not associated with peripheral vasodilatory capacity in individuals without overt heart disease. The ADRA1A Arg347Cys polymorphism influenced exercise systolic blood pressure in men; the ADRA2A 1780 C >T polymorphism influenced exercise systolic blood pressure in both sexes and exercise diastolic blood pressure in men; and the ADRA2B Del 301-303 polymorphism influenced exercise systolic and diastolic blood pressures in women and heart-rate recovery in men. The exercise-induced muscle vasodilatation was influenced by the eNOS polymorphism 786 T > C in women and ADRA2A polymorphism 1780 C >T in men.These findings suggest that polymorphisms of genes coding alpha adrenergic receptors and endothelial nitric oxide synthase may play a role on the modulation of cardiovascular responses to exercise and peripheral vasodilatation. Particularly, genetic polymorphisms of alpha-adrenergic receptors appear to be potential markers of blood pressure response during exercise

Stellenwert des supraklavikulären Insellappens in der rekonstruktiven Kopf-Hals-Tumorchirurgie / Significance of the pedicled supraclavicular island flap in the oncologic reconstructive head and neck surgery

Spiegel, Jennifer 11 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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