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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From Shrieks to Technical Reports : technology, disability and political processes in building Athens metro / Från skri till tekniska rapporter : Teknik, handikapp och politiska processer vid uppbyggandet av Atens metro

Galis, Vasilis January 2006 (has links)
Avhandlingen beskriver och analyserar hur frågor kring tillgänglighet/handikapp för första gången aktualiserades och implementerades i planeringen och utformningen av den byggda miljön i Aten, nämligen processen i samband med beslut, planering och implementering av jätteprojektet Atens Metro. Studien tecknar framväxten av olika handikapporganisationer, som från att ha varit svaga aktörer successivt lyckades få gehör för sina krav inom stadens förvaltning, politiska organ, den grekiska riksdagen och inte minst inom de företag som byggde metrosystemet. Avhandlingen diskuterar hur handikapporganisationer och metrosystemet växte fram och påverkade varandra, hur viktiga forum för att diskutera/problematisera olika perspektiv på handikapp skapades där aktörsgrupper med delvis olika intressen förde fram sina ståndpunkter och förhandlade samt vilka konkreta avtryck som dessa processer ledde till i form av en - slutligen - handikappvänlig teknisk konfiguration av metrosystemet. Studien knyter också an till den europeiska diskussionen, bl.a. inom EU, kring handikapp och vilken betydelse som denna diskussion hade för det framväxande metroprojektet, inte minst inför Atens OS-värdskap 2004. Avhandlingen tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i dels samhällsvetenskapliga teknik- och vetenskapsstudier, dels "disability studies". / The idea of building a metro network in Athens dates back to the 1950s. It took almost fifty years for the Greek government to develop plans, secure funds and to carry out an effective procurement process for the construction of the Athens metro. In February 1987 the government announced an invitation to tender for the design and construction of the metro. Thirteen years later, in January 2000 the first two lines began operation. The construction of the metro consisted of numerous preliminary studies, different public organizations which dealt with its development and several controversies concerning its design. One of these controversies referred to the issue whether the metro would be accessible to disabled people or not. Integrating accessibility provisions in the metro design constituted a controversial issue where different actors argued and acted for and against its implementation. This study describes and analyses the process of making the metro accessible. The analysis focuses on how questions regarding accessibility/disability were actualized for the first time in the planning and design of the Greek built environment and in particular on the process of building the biggest and most complicated infrastructure project in Greece, the Athens metro. At the same time, the study describes the evolution of disability organizations in Greece: they changed from being weak actors who were unable to influence socio-political configurations to actors that successively gained attention within the public administration, political organs, the Greek Parliament and the company that constructed the metro. The study discusses how disability organizations and the metro were developed and influenced each other and how important forums, where several actors with diverse interests problematized and produced different perspectives on disability, were initiated. These forums constituted public spaces within the public administration and eventually contributed to the construction of an accessible metro network. The analysis is also connected to Athens hosting of the Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2004 which created increasing demands for constructing an accessible built environment, including the metro. Furthermore, the study also draws upon the discussion within the EU on disability and on which kind of consequences this discussion implied for the developing metro. The theoretical basis for this study is located at the intersection of two broad fields, namely science and technology studies (S&TS) and disability studies.

Kollektiewe bedinging en beperkinge daarop in die openbare sektor

Goosen, Hermanus Stefanus. 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Staatsamptenare val sedert 1993 onder arbeidswetgewing wat vir kollektiewe bedingingsregte voorsiening maak. Wat laasgenoemde regte aanbetref word, in ooreenstemming met intemasionale reg, betoog dat die regte van staatsamptenare meer beperk kan word as wat die geval in die privaatsektor is. Ten spyte van argumente tot die teendeel word aangevoer dat staatsamptenare 'n noodsaaklike <liens aan die bree gemeenskap lewer wat veral met betrekking tot die herontwikkeling en opbou van Suid-Afrika 'n belangrike sosioekonomiese bydrae te lewer het. Die afwesigheid van die tradisionele onderskeid tussen kapitaal en arbeid, werkplekf arums, ·sow el as onbeperkte organiseringsregte sal produktiwiteit in die openbare sektor belnvloed. Werkersdeelname in besluitneming in die openbare sektor kan verwesenlik word sander om die omvangryke kollektiewe bedingingsregte soos vervat in die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 66 van 1995 aan staatsamptenare te verleen. / Public servants have fallen under labour legislation that provides for collective bargaining rights since 1993. It is argued that these rights of public servants, in accordance with international law, may be limited to a greater extent than those of employees in the private sector. Despite arguments to the contrary the opinion is held that public servants deliver an important, essential service to the broader public especially when it comes to their socio-economic contribution to the redevelopment of South Africa. The absence of the traditional difference between capital and labour, workplace forums, as well as unlimited organisational rights will have an influence on productivity in the public sector. Workers participation in decision making can be realised without granting public servants the extensive collective bargaining rights as contained in the Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995. / Law / L.L.M.

A critical evaluation of the introduction of workplace forums to South Africa against the background of the German system of statutory worker participation and co-determination

Neethling, Adolph Clarence 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)-- Stellenbosch University, 1998. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Labour Relations Act No 66 of 1995 reflects the efforts of government. business and labour at restoring an environment conducive to workplace harmony. productivity, and minimal work disruptions. This statute. and in particular its reference to workplace forums, provides the basis for this study project, which critically evaluates the establishment of workplace forums and whether these forums will be adopted by business and in particular, labour. Theories relating to worker participation are examined. This paper recalls worker participation and co-determination models as found in Germany. It identifies the establishment and reviews the functioning of these worker participation models. The Labour Relations Act relating to workplace forums IS discussed In detail. It IS compared with the German system of participation. The writer concludes that the German system differs materially from the South African system on key points. The distinct differences that emerge between Germany and South Africa in the structuring of worker participation highlight the impact of social, political and economic factors on the eventual introduction of worker participation at the workplace. Likewise, the background and factors leading to the introduction of workplace forums differ. The German industrial relations system is more developed. Workplace forums are characteristic of a developed country such as Germany. In a developing country such as South Africa, trade unions still play a dominant role in the workplace. Here the establishment of a workplace forum is subject to the power of the union. Accordingly it is unlikely that workplace forums will enjoy much support or success in terms of the present Labour Relations Act. The writer examines the attitudes of capital and labour towards the establishment of workplace forums. and suggests reasons why it is unlikely that trade unions would apply for the establishment of workplace forums. He continues to explain why, in its present format, the concept of 'workplace forums is unacceptable to organised labour and has no chance of being implemented. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk handel oor die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, wet 66 van 1995 en veral oor die instelling van werkplekforums. Teorie rondom die beginsel van werker deelname word bespreek. Daar word ondersoek ingestel oor hoe hierdie konsep in Duitsland onstaan het en hoe dit daar toegepas word. Die Suid Afrikaanse proses en onwikkeling van werker deelname in geheel asook deelname in besluitneming word besoek om te kyk of die bepalinge van die nuwe apartheidswet aanvaarbaar vir die plaaslike arbeidsmag is. Die bepalinge van die arbeidswet asook die grondwet aangaande werkpleksforums word in detail bespreek. Dit word gekontrasteer met die Duitse stelsel van deelname. So word daar ook gekyk na die rol van vakbonde in die verhand. Die skywer kom tot die slotsom dat die Duite stelsel op belangrike aspekte van die Suid-Afrikaanse model verskil. So ook verskil die agtergrond en omstandighede wat aanleiding gee tot die instelling van werkpleksforums. Die nywerheidsverhouding stelsel is meer gevordered in Duitsland. Werkpleksforums is 'n kenmerk van 'n onwikkelde land soos Duitsland. In 'n ontwikkelende land soos Suid Afrika speel die vakbonde nog 'n prominente rol in alle aspekte van die werkplek, dus is werkpleksforums onderworpe aan die mag van vakbonde en is dit onwaarskynlik dat werksplekforums ingevolge die nuwe aarbeidswet veeI steun of sukses sal geniet. / Centre for Science Development (HSRC)

Les échanges entre professionnels de l'éducation : entre soutien psychologique et acquisition de connaissances sur la pratique

Prost, Magali 17 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Notre travail de recherche s'inscrit dans une visée psycho-ergonomique et s'intéresse au bien-être des individus au travail. Les forums de discussion peuvent être le reflet de ce qui met en péril l'équilibre des professionnels. L'étude s'intéresse aux échanges entre professionnels en difficulté sur les forums et cherche à comprendre ce qu'ils peuvent apporter aux participants. La thèse principale défendue est que ces échanges ont à la fois une fonction de soutien psychologique et d'acquisition de connaissances. Le travail s'articule autour de trois études réalisées sur deux forums de discussion pour professionnels de l'éducation. La première étude apporte des éléments de compréhension des forums de discussion notamment sur les aspects motivationnels des participants. Cent dix personnes réparties sur les deux forums ont répondu à une enquête en ligne. On observe huit types de motivations à s'engager sur un forum de professionnels. La deuxième étude vise (1) à identifier la nature des interactions dans ces communautés et (2) à étudier la dynamique des échanges. Treize discussions ont été analysées. Les résultats ont mis en évidence (1) que le dévoilement de soi est une caractéristique propre au premier message des initiateurs et que les réactants ont recours à six comportements de soutien typiques (i.e. récit d'expérience, expressions émotionnelles, opinions, conseils, connaissances, soutien émotionnel explicite). (2) l'empathie est traduite par du partage d'expérience similaire. L'étude de l'évolution des échanges a révélé trois dynamiques : l'élaboration de sens, de recherche de solutions concrètes et de soutien émotionnel. Ces résultats montrent que ces communautés de professionnels en ligne ont une visée de soutien psychologique et de construction de sa pratique. La troisième étude cherche à explorer le vécu subjectif des participants au moment des échanges sur le forum. Des entretiens d'auto-confrontations avec relances d'entretien d'explicitation ont été menés avec neuf participants aux discussions analysées précédemment, à partir des traces écrites des discussions. On peut observer des décalages entre ce que les participants partagent dans leurs messages et ce qu'ils expriment avoir vécu (en entretien). Les participants masquent certains états émotionnels difficilement communicables ainsi que leurs attentes de soutien émotionnel qu'ils déguisent parfois en demande de conseils. Les entretiens ont également révélé que la perception du soutien est dépendante de trois facteurs : (a) le participant évalue la compréhension de son interlocuteur à travers plusieurs processus; (b) le participant se construit une représentation des compétences de l'interlocuteur ; (c) Le partage d'expérience est le type de soutien le plus satisfaisant au sens où il remplit de multiples fonctions. Enfin, les résultats révèlent que les participants craignent que leur anonymat soit levé et censurent certaines informations sur eux-mêmes, sur les relations conflictuelles avec leurs collègues et leur hiérarchie afin d'éviter d'éventuelles répercussions. L'analyse globale montre que les motivations des participants à s'engager sur le forum sont complexes, multidimensionnelles et enchevêtrées. D'autre part, les échanges entre professionnels sur le forum peuvent être considérés comme un nouveau mode de coping qui favorise la réévaluation de la situation et la résolution de problème. Les résultats de cette thèse sont discutés au regard des processus de construction de connaissances sur la pratique, du bien-être au travail et de la dynamique interactionnelle du soutien.


陳云玲, Chen, Yun-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
電子化民主強調公民參與的重要性,政府亦積極投入推動的工作,值得我們注意的是,就政府所設置的電子化民主機制而言,民眾在使用上的觀感和意願可能是重要的,本研究想要了解對於已使用過的民眾而言,哪些因素會影響他們持續使用該機制的意願?本研究以計畫行為理論為研究架構之基礎,並依據文獻整合假設自覺風險性對態度、持續使用意願有顯著影響。 本研究主要的目的有二:一是透過文獻探討以了解電子化民主起源與實行目標,並藉此了解電子化民主對民眾而言,扮演何種角色與提供哪些功能和效益。二是透過實證研究來對計畫行為理論進行模式檢測,檢視該理論是否適用於解釋持續使用意願的影響因素,並藉此了解影響民眾持續使用意願的因素。 實證研究的結果顯示影響民眾持續使用網路公共論壇意願的因素為態度和認知行為控制,僅主觀規範較無顯著影響。由此可知,計畫行為理論並不能完全解釋「持續使用意願」的影響因素,但仍有部分論點可以適用於解釋「持續使用意願」的影響因素。再者,對民眾持續使用網路公共論壇之意願的影響力最大為民眾對使用論壇的態度。此外,本研究發現在網路公共論壇使用上,由於個人資料外洩或侵犯隱私的機率低,故對已使用過的民眾而言,風險問題可能並無影響,故自覺風險性對「網路公共論壇持續使用意願」的影響並不顯著。 / Issues concerning e-Democracy emphasize the importance of citizen participation. Governments in the worldwide invest much in pushing e-Democracy. Specifically, citizens’ attitude and intention are crucial for e-Democracy institutions of Governments. The central theme in this research is: which factors will affect their continuance usage intention for citizens who have been using online public forums? The research model based on Theory of Planned Behavior supposes that attitude and continuance usage intention will be affect by perceived risk. There are two purposes in this research. Firstly, it attempts to realize the origin and the goal of e-Democracy according to some related literatures. Secondly, it also conducts a model-testing to examine the applicability of the theory through the investigation. Results of the investigation indicated that citizens’ continuing usage intention of online public forums is affected by the attitude and perceived behavior control. Further, subjective norm didn’t have any obvious influence. These largely show that Theory of Planned Behavior based model is partly suitable to explain the factors of the citizens’usage intention. Overall, the most crucial factor affecting citizens’usage intention is their attitude toward using online public forums. In addition, perceived risk had no obvious influence on the usage intention as expected. This may be due to lower probabilities that individual data or privacy being damaged in online public forums.

Understanding the relevance of cognitive psychology to composition taking a closer look at how cognitive psychology has influenced ideas about reading, writing, and the teaching process /

Berkowitz, Megan. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.T.S.C.)--Miami University, Dept. of English, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 80-84).

Legitimacy Work : Managing Sick Leave Legitimacy in Interaction

Flinkfeldt, Marie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis studies how sick leave legitimacy is managed in interaction and develops an empirically driven conceptualization of ‘legitimacy work’. The thesis applies an ethnomethodological framework that draws on conversation analysis, discursive psychology, and membership categorization analysis. Naturally occurring interaction is examined in two settings: (1) multi-party meetings at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, in which participants assess and discuss the ‘status’ of the sick leave and plan for work rehabilitation; (2) peer-based online text-in-interaction in a Swedish forum thread that gathers people on sick leave. The thesis shows how mental states, activities and alternative categories function as resources for legitimacy work. However, such invocations are no straight-forward matter, but impose additional contingencies. It is thus crucial how they are invoked. By detailed analyses of the interaction, with attention to aspects such as lexicality and delivery, the thesis identifies a range of discursive features that manage sick leave legitimacy. Deployed resources are also subtle enough to be deniable as legitimacy work, that is, they also manage the risk of an utterance being seen as invested or biased. While legitimate sick leave is a core concern for Swedish policy-making, administration, and public debate on sick leave, previous research has for the most part been explanatory in orientation, minding legitimacy rather than studying it in its own right. By providing detailed knowledge about the legitimacy work that people on long-term sick leave do as part of both institutional and mundane encounters, the thesis contributes not only new empirical knowledge, but a new kind of empirical knowledge, shedding light on how the complexities of sick leave play out in real-life situations. Traditional sociological approaches have to a significant extent treated legitimacy as an entity with beginnings and ends that in more or less direct ways relate to external norms and cognitive states, or that focus on institutions, authority or government. By contrast, the herein emerging concept ‘legitimacy work’ understands legitimacy as a locally contingent practicality – a collaborative categorially oriented accomplishment that is integral to the interactional situation.

Aprendizagem organizacional em instituições de ensino superior : uma análise dos fóruns institucionais na perspectiva do corpo docente

Coutinho, Carina Vedooto Scheneider 27 June 2013 (has links)
A aprendizagem é um processo de compreensão e estruturação da realidade e por meio de experiências anteriores, novas informações são adquiridas e reorganizadas. O conhecimento, resultado da aprendizagem, pode iniciar em um nível individual e expandir-se para o grupo, posteriormente atingindo o nível da aprendizagem organizacional, onde ocorre a mudança cognitiva,de percepção dos indivíduos e da organização. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a aprendizagem organizacional em instituições de ensino superior. O estudo será realizado em três instituições de ensino superior de Caxias do Sul, pertencentes a uma rede de ensino privado. Como metodologia de pesquisa, será utilizada a pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório, a partir do desenvolvimento de estudo de caso múltiplo com a aplicação de entrevistas individuais em profundidade, com uma abordagem semiestruturada. Os sujeitos da pesquisa são os docentes que participaram das edições dos fóruns institucionais, no período de janeiro de 2010 a julho de 2012, considerando-se, como sustentação teórica, a literatura relacionada ao conhecimentoe a aprendizagem organizacional.Os dados e informações coletadas nesseestudo foram analisados através do método de análise de conteúdo.As principais conclusões foram que os fóruns institucionais são o ponto de partida para a aprendizagem organizacional sob a perspectiva dos docentes, no entanto nas duas instituições menores, em número de docentes, o processo está mais consolidado, inclusive na instituição com menor tempo de mercado. Já na instituição com o maior número de professores, a aprendizagem organizacional de fato não ocorre, apenas observam-se algumas de suas características. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-04-25T19:07:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Carina V. Scheneider.pdf: 329755 bytes, checksum: ff862a0cfd62cd080d5ba44d42e0f73c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-04-25T19:07:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Carina V. Scheneider.pdf: 329755 bytes, checksum: ff862a0cfd62cd080d5ba44d42e0f73c (MD5) / Fundação Universidade de Caxias do Sul / Learning is a process of understanding and structuring of reality and through previous experiences, new information is acquired and reorganized. Knowledge, learning outcomes, can start at an individual level and expand the group, later reaching the level of organizational learning where cognitive change occurs, the perception of individuals and the organization. This study aims to examine organizational learning in higher education institutions. The study was conducted in three institutions of higher education in Caxias do Sul, belonging to a network of private education. As a research methodology, have used the exploratory qualitative research, from the development of multiple case study with the application of indepth interviews with a semi-structured approach. The subjects are the teachers who attended the editions of institutional forums, from January 2010 to July 2012, considering, as theoretical support, the literature related to knowledge and organizational learning. The data and information collected in this study were analyzed using the method of content analysis. The main conclusions ascertain the institutional forums are the starting point for organizational learning from the perspective of teachers, however the two smaller institutions in number of teachers, the process is more consolidated, including the institution with less time to market. However the institution that has the highest number of professors, the organizational learning does not occur indeed, only some of its characteristics are observed.

Compras públicas sustentáveis no Brasil: análise da produção e circulação das ideias a partir da ressignificação dos atores

Nonato, Raquel Sobral 03 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Raquel Sobral (kell.sobral@gmail.com) on 2015-03-30T14:42:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Raquel Nonato - versão pós banca pdf..pdf: 1894401 bytes, checksum: 69e70999ff18f599dd8a0f06fdc4d197 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by PAMELA BELTRAN TONSA (pamela.tonsa@fgv.br) on 2015-03-30T14:45:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Raquel Nonato - versão pós banca pdf..pdf: 1894401 bytes, checksum: 69e70999ff18f599dd8a0f06fdc4d197 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-30T19:21:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Raquel Nonato - versão pós banca pdf..pdf: 1894401 bytes, checksum: 69e70999ff18f599dd8a0f06fdc4d197 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-03 / The research focuses on the debate on the role of actors in the incorporation of Sustainable Public Procurement strategy in the daily public sector. The Sustainable Public Procurement match strategy to acquire goods and services in order to maximize the benefits to society in the medium and long term, recognizing its effects on the environmental dimension, economic and social. In this sense, this study aims to analyze the production and circulation of sustainable procurement ideas from the sensemaking of the actors. Therefore, the research : (i) developed a taxonomy of sustainable public procurement models highlighting the attributes of sustainability that are being applied in practice and recent policies, (ii) understand how and in which areas, the actors move , articulate and negotiate for the inclusion of this instrument in everyday public sector, (iii) contrasted sustainable public procurement experience in two subnational governments - Acre and São Paulo - to identify the negotiations and disputes that permeate the contours and the direction of these experiences. The analysis is based on qualitative methodology and theoretical framework linking the cognitive approach of public action with the notions of forums and discursive dimension of public policy, illuminating for the carrying frame in the interactions of the actors, marked by a backdrop of uncertainty and controversy. / A pesquisa enfoca o debate sobre o papel dos atores na incorporação da estratégia de Compras Públicas Sustentáveis no cotidiano do setor público. As Compras Publicas Sustentáveis correspondem à estratégia de adquirir bens e serviços com vistas à maximização dos benefícios para a sociedade no médio e longo prazo, reconhecendo seus efeitos sobre a dimensão ambiental, econômica e social. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo objetiva analisar a a produção e a circulação das ideias de compras públicas sustentáveis a partir da ressignificação dos atores. Para tanto, a pesquisa: (i) desenvolveu uma taxonomia dos modelos de compras públicas sustentáveis destacando os atributos de sustentabilidade que estão sendo aplicados nas práticas e políticas recentes, (ii) compreendeu de que forma e em quais espaços, os atores se movimentam, articulam e negociam para a inserção desse instrumento no cotidiano do setor público, (iii) contrastou experiências de compras públicas sustentáveis em dois governos subnacionais – Acre e São Paulo. A análise se baseou em metodologia qualitativa e em referencial teórico que articulou a abordagem cognitiva de ação pública com as noções de fóruns e da dimensão discursiva da política pública, iluminando para a trama assentada nas interações dos atores, marcadas por um cenário de incertezas e controvérsias.

Relações intergovernamentais na implementação de políticas públicas: o caso do SAMU no Estado do Paraná

Marroni, Carlos Henrique 24 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Carlos Henrique Marroni (chmarroni@gmail.com) on 2017-08-23T18:09:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Carlos Henrique Marroni_julho_2017_VF.pdf: 1329541 bytes, checksum: 5c4cba1985d246bd974a3a36344c8aa6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Tereza Fernandes Conselmo (maria.conselmo@fgv.br) on 2017-08-23T19:40:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Carlos Henrique Marroni_julho_2017_VF.pdf: 1329541 bytes, checksum: 5c4cba1985d246bd974a3a36344c8aa6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-23T20:58:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Carlos Henrique Marroni_julho_2017_VF.pdf: 1329541 bytes, checksum: 5c4cba1985d246bd974a3a36344c8aa6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-24 / A tese se dedica à discussão sobre os fóruns federativos de negociação presentes no SUS e o associativismo territorial (consórcios públicos intermunicipais) nas relações intergovernamentais na implementação de políticas públicas. A tese tem como fundamento a literatura sobre federalismo, relações intergovernamentais, descentralização e coordenação federativa para construir um referencial teórico que analisa as relações intergovernamentais na implementação da política pública de urgências com a coordenação federativa, em particular na relação entre o Estado subnacional, o Paraná e os municípios, considerando os fóruns federativos como a Comissão Intergestores Bipartide do SUS - CIB e o consorciamento intermunicipal (associativismo territorial). O propósito deste estudo é identificar e analisar o papel dos fóruns federativos de negociação presentes no SUS, bem como a influência da tradição de associativismo territorial presente no Estado do Paraná, na configuração do padrão de relações intergovernamentais existente na implementação do SAMU no Estado do Paraná. Foi realizado o estudo de dois casos de implementação do atendimento pré hospitalar móvel (SAMU 192) no Estado do Paraná, Cascavel e Maringá, em três etapas investigativas: a) bibliográfica; b) documental; e c) pesquisa de campo. Como resultado pode-se afirmar que as instituições de pactuação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) propiciaram amplas negociações entre os entes federativos (federal, estadual e municipal) configurando um padrão de relações intergovernamentais de autoridade coordenada, bem como o consorciamento intermunicipal permite a participação de municípios menores e mais pobres na barganha. / This research is devoted to the discussion about federation forums in the SUS and territorial associations (intermunicipal public consortia) in intergovernmental relations in the implementation of public policies. The thesis is based on the literature on federalism, intergovernmental relations, decentralization and federative coordination to build a theoretical reference that analyzes the intergovernmental relations in the implementation of emergency public policy with federative coordination, in particular in the relationship between the subnational state, Paraná and the municipalities, considering the federative forums such as the Bipartisan Commission of the SUS - CIB and the intermunicipal consortium (territorial associativism). The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the role of federative forums of negotiation in SUS, as well as the influence of the tradition of territorial associativism present in the State of Paraná, in the configuration of the pattern of intergovernmental relations existing in the implementation of SAMU in the State of Paraná. The study of two cases of implementation of prehospital mobile care (SAMU 192) in the State of Paraná, Cascavel and Maringá, was carried out in three research stages: a) bibliographical; B) documentary; and c) field research. As a result, it can be stated that the Unified Health System (SUS) pacts provided wide negotiations between federal, state and municipal entities, setting up a pattern of intergovernmental relations of coordinated authority, as well as intermunicipal consortium Participation of smaller and poorer municipalities in the negotiation.

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