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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En härlig blandning av människor både på scen och i publiken : Om strategier för programverksamheten hos HBTQ-certifierade bibliotek / A magnificent diversety of people both on stage and in the audience : Strategies for public events at LGBT-certified libraries

Klaar, Anna, Åberg, Emmi January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine what strategies can be identified at LBGTQ-certified libraries in Sweden when arranging public events. The strategies are based on Douglas Rabers (1996) theory about library identities. To answer the purpose of this thesis we interviewed four librarians, who at the moment of the thesis worked at different LGBTQ-certified libraries. The results showed that all the strategies could be identified and that the librarians used all of them while working with the libraries' public events. The individual libraries had different purposes with the public events that had LGBTQ-theme; they wanted to create encounters between marginalised groups and others, broaden their events, or educate the local community. We also found that quality, marketing and the way librarians treated LGBTQ-people also were important to the interviewed librarians. In the interviews with the librarians we could also identify conflicts between the strategies. This thesis concluded that the librarians needed to use all three strategies to accomplish the different purposes of the public events at their libraries. We also concluded that the different strategies could be connected to the LGBTQ-certificate

HBTQ-certifierade förskolor

Karlsson, Linnea January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Bibliotek bortom regnbågen : Analys av HBTQ-certifierade folkbibliotek / Library beyond the rainbow : Analysis of LGBTQ-certificated public libraries

Falkman, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to comprehend RFSL’s concept of LGBTQ-certification, and how different public libraries all around Sweden perceive this certificate and later on applies it to their actual work. Also, my thesis will examine the ways in which RFSL’s certification and education is portrayed by the libraries referred to. This will mainly be done by an analysis of the libraries social media (here:Instagram) but also how the full concept is conveyed in daily press. The notion of certification as a social regulation will be deconstructed and construed as well. The thesis discovers three recurring themes in articles from the Swedish daily press. The three recurring themes are identity, treatment and expense. The first theme, identity, illustrates how the journalists and the library staff are talking and forming the LGBTQ identity. The second theme, treatment of library patrons, shows how the librarians are concerned about how to meet LGBTQ-people who visits the library. Hence the LGBTQ-people need a different approach the “the ordinary library user”. The third and last theme, expense, discusses how a majority of the articles talks about the certification like an investment. From the libraries Instagram accounts another three themes were discovered. These themes were celebrating the certification, books with LGBTQ-themes and Pride. The first theme, celebrating the certification, is portraited with rainbow cakes, balloons and a festive atmosphere. The second theme found from the libraries Instagram accounts are pictures of books with a LGBTQ-theme. The third theme from Instagram is Pride. Here the libraries are po

HBTQ-certifiering på svenska folkbibliotek : En enkätstudie av de Svenska folkbibliotekens bestånd och verksamhet riktad mot HBTQ

Rasmusson-Wright, Ursula January 2017 (has links)
The study explores the amount of books and other media containing LGBT themes available and the activities aimed towards LGBT people in Swedish public libraries. A comparison was also made between libraries with a LGBT-certification and a study of the librarians' opinions about the certification and their work with LGBT-issues. This is done through a survey sent to a sample of Swedish public libraries and all libraries with a LGBT-certification. The results show that media stocks and activities directed toward LGBT people is relatively small, the work of the LGBT-certified library was on average larger. The librarians were generally positive about the activities towards LGBT people but felt that these activities should be expanded.

Hbtq och marknadsföring på folkbibliotekets webbplats : En studie av 14 folkbiblioteks marknadsföring mot hbtq-personer efter en hbtq-certifiering / LGBTQ and marketing at the public library's website : A study of 14 public libraries marketing to LGBTQ people after a LGBTQ-certification

Hoff, Henrik January 2020 (has links)
By examining the websites of fourteen public libraries using qualitative content analysis this study aim towards knowledge about how the libraries market that they have implemented a LGBTQ-certification on their library websites. This study is based on the following research questions: How and in which ways has the library which has implemented an LGBTQ-certification market this on its website? How has the library, which has implemented a LGBTQ-certification marketed services and materials aimed at the targetgroup on its website? With the answers to these questions as a basis the study strives to investigate how the libraries marketed and made the certification visible on their websites. The results of the study show that the libraries showed their implemented LGBTQ-certification differently and with varying degrees of visibility and marketing. Some of the libraries in the study do not show anything at the library´s website neither that they have implemented a LGBTQ-certification nor that the library have materials or other services for the targetgroup. Other libraries have a wide scope of marketing and visibility of LGBTQ- materials and services towards the targetgroup.

Den HBTQ-certifierade förskolan

Fransila, Sabine, Wallin, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
Vår studie handlar om hur pedagoger i förskolan resonerar angående HBTQ-certifieringens eventuella plats i förskolan. Studien bygger på tankar från pedagoger vid en certifierad förskola och vid två icke certifierade förskolor som deltagit i fokusgrupper där pedagogerna diskuterat kring hur de tänker angående HBTQ-certifieringen i förskolan samt normkritiskt arbete och kunskapen inom HBTQ-frågor. Studiens syfte är att belysa vilka aspekter som pedagoger anser vara viktiga att resonera kring gällande HBTQ-certifiering, normer, normkritiskt arbete och familjekonstellationer i förskolan. I kapitlet centrala begrepp redogörs förklaringar av följande begrepp: HBTQ-begrepp, normer och normkritik, genus och kön, heteronormen, regnbågsfamiljer, queerbegreppet och toleransbegreppet. Här ges en beskrivning av dessa begrepp som genomsyrar studien och ger en grundläggande förståelse. Tidigare forskning innehåller forskning om HBTQ-certifikatet, HBTQ-historia, Internationell forskning om HBTQ, normer och normkritiskt arbete i förskolan, diskriminering och kränkande behandling samt arbete för diskriminering och kränkande behandling och jämställdhetsarbete. I analysen redogörs för vårt viktigaste empiriska material där man kan följa pedagogernas resonemang och diskussion från fokusgrupperna. Ämnena vi fokuserar på är HBTQ-certifieringen, normkritiskt arbete i förskolan och kunskap. Vi bidrar med en analys av materialet och de resultat som vi kommer fram till. Resultatets viktigaste poäng är den tydliga kunskapsbristen bland pedagogerna i förskolan. Vi avslutar med en diskussion kring våra slutsatser och förslag på vidare forskning inom ämnet.

"Det handlar om oss" : Diplomering som strategi för hbtq-arbete på folkbibliotek

Hedquist, Anette January 2023 (has links)
Research has shown that the lgbtq community not always feels included and represented in the library’s collections and services. In the last 10 years the public libraries in Sweden have started active work towards the lgbtq community in changing this exclusion byengaging the lgbtq community in library services. One way to do that is to make the libraries undergo a process to get a lgbtq-certificate which many libraries in Sweden have done. The libraries in Umeå and Västerbotten have undergone a lgbtq-certificate process that recently hasbeen completed. This study has examined how the librarians in Umeå have experienced the process of getting the certificate. The result shows that libraries through their democratic mission have good pre-conditions to work towards lgbtq-people. The librarians experience that their knowledge about lgbtq has improved during the process, and the knowledge is expressed through increased insights about the needs of the community. The challenge the libraries in Umeå have after the process of getting the certificate is to manage the knowledge inside the organizations. The results show that there has been an increased cooperation between the libraries in Umeå in how they should work towards the lgbtq community, and that the work is less bounded to one person. The libraries now must work on how to manage the knowledge acquired as a result of the certificate process in each library in an effective way.

Passar nyckeln? : En studie om hbtqi-certifieringen i Svenska kyrkan / Does the key fit? : A study on LGBTIQ certification in the Church of Sweden

Nordblad, Caroline January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

HBTQ-ungdomars erfarenheter av bibliotek / LGBTQ-youth and their experiences with libraries

Nilsson, Josefin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to answer the questions ”What opinions do LGBT-youth have about libraries?” and ”What are LGBT-youths thoughts on the treatment they get at libraries?”. The theories that are used are the queer theory and norm criticism. The method that is used is interviews with LGBT-youth. The study shows that there is very little LGBT-themed media in libraries, especially media about less wellknown identities. It also shows that the treatment LGBT-youth gets at libraries generally is neutral. The concept of a seperate place in the library to keep the LGBT-themed media is debated between the people that were interviewed. Some think it is a good idea, this way the media would be easier to be found. Some think it is a bad idea because that puts younger LGBT-kids in a spotlight that they may not be ready for. Something that can help with this, and is also discussed, is a LGBTqualification libraries can get from RSFL, even if this also has both good and bad qualities.

"Det är normerna vi tampas med!" : Hbtq-certifieringens inverkan på svenskundervisning i mellanstadiet / "The norms are what we are contending with!" : The effects of LGBTQ-certifications on Swedish teaching in middle schooling

Andersson, Pernilla January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om svenskundervisning ur ett hbtq-perspektiv i fyra olika grundskolor, varav två är hbtq-certifierade, samt att dessutom närmare undersöka lärares kunskaper om och upplevelse av att arbeta med hbtq-perspektiv i svenskundervisning. Jag har studerat hur lärarna arbetade, vilka som representerades i läromedlen och i klassrumsmiljöerna, hur klassrummen var möblerade samt hur eleverna var grupperade. Fyra skolor, varav två genomgått RFSL:s hbtq-certifiering, ingår i undersökningen. Studien visar att det råder brist på kunskap om hbtq hos två av de fyra lärarna. Normkritiskt arbetssätt är inte något som praktiseras kontinuerligt förutom av en lärare som ibland hade inslag av normkritiskt arbete. Ingen av de fyra lärarna hade berört hbtq under sina lärarutbildningar. Slutsatsen av mitt arbete är att det krävs en kompetenshöjning när det gäller hbtq-relaterade frågor hos personal som jobbar i skolan. Att hbtq-certifiera verksamheten verkar inte ge bestående effekt; det krävs uppföljning och kontinuerligt arbete för att ändra på de starka normer som råder i samhället. Då styrdokumenten tydligt förespråkar en inkludering av alla elever oavsett kön, könsöverskridande identitet eller uttryck, etnisk tillhörighet, religion eller annan trosuppfattning, funktionsnedsättning, sexuell läggning eller ålder borde kraven på kompetenshöjning i ett normkritiskt arbetssätt komma via styrning uppifrån för att nå ett snabbare resultat. / The purpose of this article is to study four primary school teachers and how they work with LGBTQ-perspectives. Four schools, of which two are LGBTQ-certified by RFSL, are included in this study. The study reveals a lack of knowledge regarding LBTQ issues in three out of the four teachers. Norm critical practices are not continuously applied by the teachers in their work, with the exception of one who does apply them. None of the teachers had come in to contact with LGBTQ through their own education. The conclusion I have drawn from my work on this article is that an improvement of competence concerning LGBTQ related issues among personnel working in school environments is required. LGBTQ-certification does not seem to come with a lasting effect; follow-ups and continuous work are required to change the strong norms that are currently present in society. As Skolverket clearly advocates for the inclusion of all students, regardless of gender, cross-gender identity or expression, ethnic background, religion or other faith, disability, sexual orientation, or age, the requirements of competency improvement regarding the application of norm critical practices should come through guidance from above to assure quick results.

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