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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Med hedern i behåll : En fallstudie om kommuners arbete mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

Malalay, Habibi January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study has been to investigate how different municipalities act in their work against honor-related violence and abuse to increase understanding on how to best counteract honor-related violence and abuse. Method: This is a case study with an inductive approach that revolves around how municipalities implement decisions taken by the government and how they handle problems associated with the process of implementation. Datacollection has been made through interviews with different respondents that work against honor-related violence and abuse. Material: All material used in this survey has been gathered from the governments ten year strategy against honor-related violence and abuse, documents from the different municipalities websites regarding their work against honor-related violence and abuse as well as interviews with personal from the municipalities. Conclusion: The survey has shown that for the municipalities to be able to counteract honor-related violence and abuse, and to do what is expected of them, a variety of efforts is needed. The survey has also shown that there is some degree of co-operation between municipalities and non-profit organizations, however it was not clear if some level of co-operation between the municipalities and other authorities existed. It was also unclear how implementation of government decisions was performed. It was also established that the municipalities created regulations and guidelines based on the national board of health and welfare and government decisions.

"Det är att jobba lite i motvind" : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers arbete med elever som är utsatta för hedersrelaterad problematik / "It's like working a little against the wind" : a qualitative study of school counselors' work with students who are exposed to honor-related problems

Lundkvist, Elin, Råberg, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how school counselors in high schools work with students that are exposed to honor-related problems and how they experience their work with these students. We have used a qualitative method and semi-structured interviews with seven school counselors who have experience of working with honor-related issues. To analyze the material we have used previous research along with Michael Lipsky's theory of street-level bureaucracy with the concept of discretion and Carl Rogers' theory of the therapeutic relationship. The conclusions we can draw after completing our study is that school counselors experience organizational and honor contextual challenges, but their discretion can help them in their work. To be able to detect vulnerable students, the school counselor uses strategies by being where the students are and asking straight questions. Another important side of the work to succeed at drawing attention to vulnerability is that there is knowledge and that all staff at the school possess this in order to cooperate in identifying vulnerable students. To help students that are vulnerable the dialogue is important both with the students but also the student's parents to be able to talk about the problem and the school counselor contributes with knowledge and information regarding human rights. When the problem is too big for the school counselor's discretion, a strategy for helping will then be to contact other street-level bureaucrats that have the knowledge and discretion to help. Having a trusting relationship is described as the key to being able to discover and help vulnerable students and there are important qualities the school counselor can possess, which increases the conditions for being able to discover, help, create relationships and meet the challenges the work requires.

De tar vid när samhällets hjälp brister : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevelser av arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck inom NGO:s / They take over when society's help falls short : A qualitative study on social workers experiences regarding the work against honour related violence and oppression within NGO:s

Tampio, Lisa, Kallides, Vera January 2022 (has links)
Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är ett aktuellt och omdebatterat ämne i dagens Sverige. Enligt lag är det socialtjänsten som har det yttersta ansvaret i arbetet med att bistå de hedersutsatta med stöd, hjälp och skydd. Flertalet icke statliga organisationer som arbetar med dessa frågor har bildats, då kommunerna inte tycks ha möjlighet att ensamma bedriva kampen mot det hedersrelaterade våldet och förtrycket. Syftet med denna studie är att, genom socialarbetares berättelser, undersöka vilken roll icke statliga organisationer har i arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, samt huruvida det finns ett samarbete mellan dessa organisationer och socialtjänsten beträffande arbetet. Vidare är syftet att undersöka socialarbetares upplevelser av sin egen utsatthet för hot och våld i arbetet med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck inom icke statliga organisationer. För att undersöka detta har Göteborg valts som exempelkommun och således studeras organisationer som är verksamma inom kommunen och på något sätt arbetar med hedersrelaterade frågor. Datainsamling har genomförts med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer, av semistrukturerad design, med fyra socialarbetare från tre olika organisationer. Intervjumaterialet har därefter bearbetats genom en narrativ analys med tematisk ansats.  Sammanfattningsvis tyder materialet i studien på att icke statliga organisationer har en viktig roll i arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Studien visar att icke statliga organisationer fyller en unik funktion i jämförelse med andra aktörer och kompletterar Göteborgs kommuns arbete mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Inom exempelkommunen finns en kommunikation mellan icke statliga organisationer och socialtjänsten i hedersfrågor, men hur samarbetet är utformat varierar. Denna studie visar att alla aktörer är av nytta i arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, och att ett gott samarbete mellan icke statliga organisationer och socialtjänst gynnar de utsatta. Utifrån materialet i studien kan vi se att det finns en risk att socialarbetare inom icke statliga organisationer utsätts för hot eller våld i arbetet med hedersfrågor. Att vara medveten om att arbetet innebär risker kan leda till oro, dock främst för klienternas säkerhet.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck som kontroversiell fråga inom Sex- och Samlevnad i religionskunskap / Honor-related violence and oppression as a controversial issue in sex education within the subject of religious studies

Jönsson Ahlbin, Johan January 2022 (has links)
I denna kunskapsöversikt undersöks vilka problem religionslärare upplevde med att undervisa om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck inom sex och samlevnad. I kontrast till dessa upplevda problem ämnade kunskapsöversikten även finna exempel på hur religionslärare kan bemöta dessa upplevda problem. Bakgrunden till undersökningen uppstod dels ur författarens egen kunskapsbrist och nyfikenhet kring hedersfrågor i rollen som religionslärare, dels ur att hedersrelaterade frågor nämns specifikt i Skolverkets uppdatering kring sexualundervisning. Metoden för forskningsöversikten var att med särskilt utvalda nyckelord söka inom forskningsdatabaser efter forskningsartiklar och böcker relaterat till ämnet. Sedan presenteras och analyseras det utvalda materialet. Forskningsöversiktens slutsats kring upplevda problem är att eleverna inte inkluderas mer i planeringen av sexualundervisningen. Ytterligare en slutsats är att det kollegiala samarbetet kring planeringen av sexualundervisning mellan lärare är bristande, vilket då påverkar undervisningen negativt eftersom sexualundervisning är ämnesöverskridande. Kunskapsöversiktens slutsats kring metoder var att verklighetsbeprövande religionsdidaktik var särskilt lämpat för att tackla hedersrelaterade frågor inom sexualundervisningen. Även direkt och indirekt normkritik framhävs som fördelaktiga metoder för dels inkludering av eleverna, dels ett fördelaktigt sätt att diskutera hedersrelaterade frågor.

En kvalitativ studie om de upplevda villkoren för hbtq-personer som växt upp med hedersnormer / A qualitative study about the perceived conditions for LGBTQ people who grew up with honor related norms

Demetriades, Lina, Lundin, Alice January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the terms for lgbtq people in an honor context. Qualitative, semi-structured interviews have been conducted with six people who identify with the lgbtq community and who describe that they have been exposed to honor related norms. The interviews were analyzed using Stockholms stads model about the staircase of honor and Suad Joseph's theory of connectivity. The results show that due to partly methodological shortcomings, it is difficult to determine whether the target group has been exposed to honor related norms or not. This is partly due to the fact that too few questions were asked about how the honor was expressed, but also to the fact that it is difficult to determine whether the target group is exposed to violence due to honor or due to heteronorms. Despite this, there are similarities between the interviewees and previous literature on the target group in terms of vulnerability, strategies and consequences. The conclusion is therefore that further research on the target group is needed to be able to more easily determine when people in the target group have been exposed to honor related norms or not.

A comparative discourse analysis of honor-based violence in a Swedish media context

Larsson, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to highlight the complexity of honor-related violence and femicide in Swedish society and how it is represented in media based on who the victim and perpetrator is depending on ethnic and religious backgrounds. The thesis will be based on a comparative discourse analysis of forty Swedish media articles concerning honor killings (hedersmord) and femicide (kvinnomord) in Swedish translated to English. The analysis focuses on what is associated with each of these words concerning the victim and perpetrator and if it is interpreted as an honor killing or a femicide depending on assumptions of ethnic or religious background in majority and minority contexts. The result of the thesis presents the dichotomy of honor killings as something belonging to practices of the “other” or “non-Swedish” while femicide, being presented as something domestic within Swedish culture it is not presented as something structural or collective as honor killings are.

Våldet och förtrycket : En studie om skolkuratorers arbete mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. / Violence and oppression : A study of school counselors' work against honor-related violence and oppression.

Jarl, Anna, Lindström, Moa January 2022 (has links)
The lack of knowledge and an inexplicit definition of honor related violence complicates school counselors' work against the phenomen. Current discourse tends to focus on young girls' exposure to oppression and violence. This may cause a position for victimized young boys where they won't be noticed. This study therefore aims to examine school counselors' approach to honor related violence as a phenomen and what experience they have of working with victimized boys and girls. The study is based on a qualitative method where six school counselors have been interviewed. The main questions to be answered were how school counselors describe honor related violence as a phenomen, which experience they have of working against it and what they see as their responsibility in the work against the phenomen. To answer these questions the interviews were analysed through a theme analysis and the theory of discretion. The result of the study was that all school counselors have their point of the meaning of the phenomen. Despite this it was a difference between if they included different countries and religions in the description and if they include hbtq-persons as victims for the violence and oppression. All of the interviewed school counselors had experience of meeting victimized children. The main responsibility that was expressed was to create trustful relationships with the children, be there for them as a support during the process and decide when the situation requires to involve social services. Words like complicated, complexity and foreign were repidently involved in the school counselors statements. Which shows the importance of more knowledge and comprehension of the phenomen.

Heder ur kuratorers perspektiv : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om kuratorers uppfattningar om arbetet medhedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / Honor through the perspective of counselors

Tiba, Ronja, Mohammad, Lavin January 2022 (has links)
This qualitative study focuses on counselors' views on honor-based violence and oppressionwith the purpose of comprehending how they perceive the phenomenon and how they identifyit when working with clients. The counselors' workplace conditions and their perceivedknowledge about the subject were also studied. We conducted semi-structured interviews withseven counselors in Sweden and a thematic analysis was conducted alongside Durkheim andLipsky’s theories to further deepen the analysis of the results. The results were divided intothree parts, each containing two to three identified themes and representing the study’squestions: the definition of honor culture, workplace conditions and state of knowledge. Theresults showed that counselors mainly defined honor culture as a structure with strong normsand gender roles, some of them related the phenomenon to religion and other ethnic cultures.The results also showed how the counselors identify honor-based violence when working withclients and that the workload experienced by the counselors influenced their probability ofkeeping up with new guidelines in their work. Honor-based violence and oppression weredescribed as difficult to identify in clients.

Barn och unga i sekter ur ett perspektiv av hederskultur / Young people in sects from a perspective of honor culture

Sojka Al Hamede, Ann-Sofie, Lindqvist, Elisabeth January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this essay was to investigate children's and young people's living conditions within sects and within honor culture, and to examine similarities and differences between children's vulnerability within a context of sect and a context of honor. This was done by performing an analysis of two journalistic books that depict experiences based on both contexts. The method chosen was a qualitative content analysis of the text told by women who grew up in a culture of honor or in a sect. The aim was also to examine the efforts of social work and BRIS digital communication platform based on the vulnerability of children and young people in both sects and in honor culture. Two digital communication platforms were analyzed with the help of text analysis. Erving Goffman's concept stigma was used to gain an understanding of the deviant individual. The findings of the essay showed that norm-breaking behavior led to sanctions and punishment. The prevalence of different types of violence such as psychological violence, physical violence and sexual violence were found. Michel Foucault's concepts of self-discipline and punishment could explain how groups exercise punishment in the hope of individuals obedience. Pierre Bourdieu's concept of symbolic violence was used to explain the different expressions of violence and to understand male dominance in the two contexts highlighted in this essay. The largest similarities that the findings showed were the exposure to physical and psychological violence and social control. The women's stories also manifested a fear of talking about what they experienced as children. Punishments of norm-breaking behavior could mean shunning and exclusion from the group. Distinctive values regarding virginity occurred in both contexts although consequences of not following the norms in a context of honor could result in gruesome punishments. One difference between expressed vulnerability in both contexts was the focus on demons and the devil from a context of sect, which did not occur in the stories from an honor culture. A second difference was who perpetrated the violence. Within stories from sects, it was clearer that the family and the group had the role of the punisher, while in an honor context it was the family and relatives. The fear of losing God or being punished to death by the same was recurring in stories from sects, while the fear in an honor context was mainly about losing the reputation and, by extension, the person's honor.

“Den största utmaningen är att förstå heder” : En kvalitativ studie av socialarbetarens uppfattningar och arbetssätt kring hedersrelaterat våld

Al-Obaidi, Noor January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna studie handlar om socialsekreterares uppfattningar kring begreppet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck och vilka förutsättningar de har i sitt arbete. Studien fokuserar på att lyfta fram socialsekreterarnas definition av HRV och vilka möjligheter och utmaningar de upplever i sitt arbete. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har intervjuer genomförts med ett antal socialsekreterare. Dessa intervjuer visar att hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är en komplex problematik, som förknippas med familjens heder, kultur och kollektivt tänkande. Studiens resultat visar att det inte finns en sammanhängande definition av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, men samtliga socialsekreterare håller med om att det handlar om heder, kultur och patriarkala synsätt. Socialsekreterare upplever många utmaningar i sitt arbete med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Resultatet av studien lyfter fram att socialsekreterare upplever att det är svårt att komma fram till utsatta personer och erbjuder det stöd som de behöver. Dessutom kommer offren ofta från familjer som präglas av ett kollektivt tänkande och de har svårt att fatta sina egna beslut och söka hjälp. Studien visar att det behövs en mer omfattande definition av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck samt att erbjuda mer information om hur socialtjänsten kan stödja och hjälpa personer som har blivit utsatta för HRV. / abstract This study concerns how social workers perceive the concept of honor-related violence and oppression, and how they relate to that in their work. The study focuses on highlighting the social workers’ definition of honor-related violence and oppression, and the possibilities and challenges that they encounter in their work. To answer the study’s main questions, interviews were conducted with 6 social workers. The results of the study show that the social workers have varying definitions of honor-related violence and oppression. However, they all agree that it is closely related to honor, culture and patriarchal views. Social workers experience many challenges in their work with honor-related violence and oppression. The study’s results highlight that social workers find it difficult to reach people exposed to such violence and provide the needed support. Moreover, the victims of honor-related violence come from families with a collective mentality and they find it hard to make their own decisions and ask for help. The study indicates that a broader and clearer definition of honor-related violence and oppression is needed. Apart from that, the social services need to offer more information about how they can support or help people that have been victims of honor-related violence and oppression.

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