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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jacob Rosales/Manoel Bocarro Francês: judaísmo, sebastianismo, medicina e ciência na vida intelectual de um médico judeu português do século XVII. / Jacob Rosales / Manoel Barroco Francês: judaism, sebastianism, medicine and science in the intellectual life of a jewish portuguese doctor in the seventeenth century.

Carvalho, Francisco de Assis Moreno de 10 October 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é abordar a produção intelectual de um médico judeu português, Manoel Bocarro Francês/Jacob Rosales. Personagem pouco estudado, não se inclui entre as figuras centrais no pensamento judaico, nem na medicina e nem na ciência de seu tempo. Mas é um personagem que uniu em sua vida intelectual uma adesão ao judaísmo ao lado de vasta produção e atuação no movimento sebastianista, sendo o único caso conhecido de um judeu que professava sua crença na volta do Encoberto Conviveu e partilhou sua atividade intelectual com grandes figuras de seu tempo, como Galileu Galilei, o famoso médico Zacuto Lusitano e o rabino Menashe ben Israel. Seus escritos eram conhecidos pelo padre Antônio Vieira e a influência dos mesmos no sebastianismo se fizeram sentir em Portugal até o século XIX. Trazer um retrato vivo deste personagem, de suas ideias, contradições e discutir seu lugar na vida intelectual, quer do mundo judaico de sua época quer na história da medicina e do pensamento científico do século XVII, é o objetivo deste trabalho. / This study aims to discuss a Jewish-Portuguese physician, Manoel Bocarro Frances / Jacob Rosales. A figure who has not been much studied, he is not included among the central characters of the Jewish thinking and neither of the medicine or the science of his time. However, he is a figure that gathered in his intellectual life an adherence to the Judaism and a large production and participation in the Sebastian Moviment, being the only known Jewish man who professed his belief in the return of \"The Hidden One\". He shared his intelectual activity with great figures of his time, like Galileu Galilei, the famous physician Zacuto Lusitano and the rabbi Menashe Ben Israel. His writings were known by priest Antonio Vieira, and their influence was felt in Portugal until the XIX century. Bringing a live portrait of this figure, his ideias, his contradicitons, and discussing his role in the intellectual life, being that in the Jewish world of his time, or in the history of the XVII century medicine and scientific thinking, is the goal of this research.

Hereditariedade, progresso e decadência no pensamento médico-eugenista de Renato Kehl / Heredity, progress and decay through the medical and eugenic thoughts of Renato Kehl

Prior, Tamara 18 February 2016 (has links)
Resumo: Ao longo da história, o tema da hereditariedade apresentou-se sob interpretações variadas. O desenvolvimento das ciências biológicas permitiu, por um lado, maior conhecimento sobre seus mecanismos; por outro, tornou imprescindível a reflexão sobre determinismos teóricos que parecem recair, principalmente, sobre o campo das ciências da Saúde. A história do movimento eugenista é um evento que permite importantes reflexões sobre o passado e o presente. O termo \"eugenia\" foi criado por Francis Galton em 1883 para nomear uma ciência que visava o melhoramento do patrimônio biológico da humanidade. Para tanto, deveria oferecer teorias e métodos rumo à perfectibilidade física e mental. Renato Kehl (1889-1974), médico e farmacêutico paulista, foi um dos principais expoentes da eugenia brasileira, tomando para si, com afinco, a tarefa de publicista e articulador das sociedades eugênicas que aqui se formaram nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Algumas noções de progresso versus decadência contidas em suas obras em prol do movimento médico-eugenista - publicadas majoritariamente entre 1917 e 1940 - são tratadas nesta dissertação. Fizeram parte da campanha eugenista brasileira os debates acerca da esterilização dos \"indesejados\", das restrições matrimoniais e imigratórias e do confinamento dos chamados \"denegerados\". Nesse contexto o movimento eugenista foi apresentado pelos seus defensores como solução contra a supostamente inevitável e alarmante decadência que acometia o país que se formava / Throughout history the subject of heredity showed up in varied interpretations. The development of life sciences has greater insight into its mechanisms; on the other hand, it becomes indispensable to reflect on theoretical determinisms that appear to fall mainly on the field of Health Sciences. The history of the eugenics is an event that allows important reflections on the past and present. The term \"eugenics\" was coined by Francis Galton in 1883 to name the science of the improvement of the biological heritage of humanity. It should offer theories and methods towards mental and physical perfectibility. Renato Kehl (1889-1974), brazilian physician and pharmacist, was one of the main exponents of Brazilian eugenics, publicist and articulator of eugenic societies formed in the early decades of the twentieth century. Some notions of progress versus decay contained in his works - mostly published between 1917 and 1940 -are treated in this dissertation. Part of the Brazilian eugenics campaign debates about the sterilization of \"unwanted\", about marriage and immigration restrictions and confinement of so-called degenerate. In this context the eugenics movement was presented by its enthusiasts as a solution against the supposedly inevitable and alarming decay that affected the nation

Den moraliska kroppen : Tolkningar av kön och individualitet i 1800-talets populärmedicin

Larsson, Maja January 2002 (has links)
<p>The 19th century is often described as a period when sexual differences were strongly accentuated in medical interpretations. While this is not an inaccurate description, it is in need of greater nuance. For one thing, notions of the male are usually forgotten in the process. As the female body by the shift to the 18th hundreds, to a greater extent than before, became associated with reproduction and biological constraints of various kinds, representations of the male body also changed. According to medical texts published in Sweden in the 19th century, men’s blood, bones, breath and digestion bore witness to their "freedom" from a forced sexual body. Physically, the male constituted an abstract, cultivated and highly differentiated individual, focused on his own development and wellbeing. The male body was described as clearly fit for public and political life, which legitimized male claims to a monopoly on power as well as the doctrine of "the separate spheres" in 19th century bourgeois society. </p><p>But there is more to this story. A closer examination of more limited discussions in medical texts and advice literature reveal that representations of the male and female body were remarkably unstable and marked by tensions and contradictions. During the Romantic era of medicine in Sweden during the 1830’s and 40’s, the way sex and individuality in the body were valued were totally different from the description above. Reproduction and physical desires were characteristic, according to a number of medical men, of highly developed creatures, connected to God, society, and culture, whereas sexless species, immature children and "lower" peoples were seen as materialistic and focused only on their own individual development. Discussions regarding female puberty and single men further reveal the unstable polarization between sex and individuality as well as culturally constructed differences, not only between men and women, but also between classes, age groups, single and married persons, cultivated and non-cultivated peoples. Notions about nature/culture, tradition/progress, female/male, sex/individuality were not organized into stable dichotomies—rather they constituted an unstable body of representations. </p>

Den moraliska kroppen : Tolkningar av kön och individualitet i 1800-talets populärmedicin

Larsson, Maja January 2002 (has links)
The 19th century is often described as a period when sexual differences were strongly accentuated in medical interpretations. While this is not an inaccurate description, it is in need of greater nuance. For one thing, notions of the male are usually forgotten in the process. As the female body by the shift to the 18th hundreds, to a greater extent than before, became associated with reproduction and biological constraints of various kinds, representations of the male body also changed. According to medical texts published in Sweden in the 19th century, men’s blood, bones, breath and digestion bore witness to their "freedom" from a forced sexual body. Physically, the male constituted an abstract, cultivated and highly differentiated individual, focused on his own development and wellbeing. The male body was described as clearly fit for public and political life, which legitimized male claims to a monopoly on power as well as the doctrine of "the separate spheres" in 19th century bourgeois society. But there is more to this story. A closer examination of more limited discussions in medical texts and advice literature reveal that representations of the male and female body were remarkably unstable and marked by tensions and contradictions. During the Romantic era of medicine in Sweden during the 1830’s and 40’s, the way sex and individuality in the body were valued were totally different from the description above. Reproduction and physical desires were characteristic, according to a number of medical men, of highly developed creatures, connected to God, society, and culture, whereas sexless species, immature children and "lower" peoples were seen as materialistic and focused only on their own individual development. Discussions regarding female puberty and single men further reveal the unstable polarization between sex and individuality as well as culturally constructed differences, not only between men and women, but also between classes, age groups, single and married persons, cultivated and non-cultivated peoples. Notions about nature/culture, tradition/progress, female/male, sex/individuality were not organized into stable dichotomies—rather they constituted an unstable body of representations.

Maternal mortality in Sweden

Högberg, Ulf January 1985 (has links)
Every year about half a million women die from complications of pregnancy, parturition and puerperium, most of which are preventable. The purpose of this thesis was to chart the distribution and decline in maternal mortality in Sweden between 1751 and 1980, and furthermore to characterize positive (predisposing) factors and negative (protective) factors of maternal mortality. Maternal mortality declined from 900 to 6.6 per 100,000 live births in these 230 years. Maternal deaths accounted for 10070 of all female deaths in the reproductive ages between 1781 and 1785, but only 0.2.0/0 between 1976 and 1980. However, in the 19th century 40-450/0 of the female deaths in the most active childbearing ages were maternal deaths. The children left motherless had an extremely high mortality. Indirect maternal deaths and puerperal sepsis accounted for the bulk of maternal deaths in the rural areas. Only a minority of maternal deaths occurred in lying-in hospitals. Midwifery services in rural areas and antiseptic techniques were most effective in preventing maternal deaths during the late 19th century. The changing distribution ofage and parity amongst the parturients had a definite impact on the mortality decline, enhanced by time, contributing to 500/0 of the mortality decline over the last 15 years. The expontential decline of cause-specific mortality and case fatality rates during the last 40 years is furthermore explained by the emergence ofmodern medicine - antibiotics, antenatal and obstetric care. The earlier serious problem of illegal abortions was eradicated by legislation and changes in hospital practice. The maternal mortality decline has levelled out during the 1970s, the relative importance of embolism as a cause of death is increasing. Advanced age and intercurrent disease are the most difficult risk factors to overcome. To conclude, this study indicates that the reason why maternal mortality has declined faster than otherhealth indices is that the major part of the maternal deaths can be prevented by medical technology, including family planning, antenatal and obstetric care. This experience should be of interest to developing countries where high rates of maternal mortality prevails.

Technomedical Visions : Magnetic Resonance Imaging in 1980s Sweden

Dussauge, Isabelle January 2008 (has links)
The medical imaging technology called MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) stems from a blind measurement technology which was further developed in research and practice to enable seeing into the inner body. Vision with MRI was open-ended, and it was developed and tamed in a context of fragmented medical perspectives on the body and on technology. "Technomedical Visions" addresses the formation of MRI’s specific visualities in the first decade of its introduction in Sweden. The purpose of this dissertation is to explore how vision with MRI has been constructed in practice in relation to existing ways of knowing the body within medicine. Dussauge investigates first the early decisions that led to a national evaluation of MRI technology in the mid-1980s in Sweden. Then she addresses the shaping of MRI’s quantitative visuality in the practices of radiology, psychiatry and the laboratory, with focus on microhistories at St. Göran’s Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, Uppsala University Hospital, and Lund University. Dussauge shows that whereas authorities’ early decisions momentarily defined MRI as a radiological tool for immediate clinical use and evaluation, a crucial part of MRI’s introduction was the work conducted by MRI-users. These researchers from a range of scientific and medical disciplines performed, over time, a multitude of shapings of MRI’s vision. This studies shows how MRI was made congruent with existing technomedical gazes. The novel MRI gaze was made intelligible within cross-referential networks, and researchers reproduced technomedicine’s existing gazes both in the production, optimization and interpretation of MRI representations. Technomedical time frames, epistemologies and definitions of the normal and the pathological were reproduced and sometimes, re-cast, in the shaping of MRI in practice. This study also demonstrates that anatomy recurrently worked as an underlying frame for the exploration and production of MRI visions. Anatomy’s material visuality provided a site for the production of novel facts at the intersection of existing gazes. Through the practices of shaping MRI gazes, anatomy was systematically remediated, reproduced and reconfigured. / QC 20100714

Historia de la Sanidad Municipal en la Murcia de la primera mitad del siglo XVIII (1700-1759)

Sáez Gómez, José Miguel 23 January 1988 (has links)
Análisis de distintos aspectos de la salud pública y áreas afines en el municipio de Murcia entre 1700 y 1759 utilizándose como fuente los libros capitulares del ayuntamiento además de otros documentos depositados en el archivo municipal. Los primeros capítulos trazan el marco general demográfico, económico, cultural, institucional, científico y medico. En estos capítulos se adelantan algunos resultados de la investigación especialmente en competencias municipales en sanidad e instituciones científico-medicas. El grueso de los datos obtenidos se expone en capítulos sobre alimentación, higiene ambiental, lucha contra las epidemias, asistencia social y sanitaria y ejercicio de los profesionales. Como conclusión se muestra que la primera mitad del siglo XVIII es para Murcia un periodo realmente dinámico, aunque de realizaciones tímidas, en el que se observa una concienciación progresiva de que la salud es un asunto publico en el que la administración debe intervenir. / Analysis of several aspects of public health and related areas in the municipality of Murcia, between 1700 and 1759. Municipal records and other documents included in the archives of the city are used as a source. The first chapters outline the demographic, economic, cultural, institutional, scientific and medical general framework. These chapters advance some research results, especially in municipal responsibilities in fields of health and scientific and medical institutions. Most of the data obtained are discussed in chapters on nutrition, environmental health, epidemic control, health and social care and the work of health professionals. We can conclude that the first half of the eighteenth century is a really dynamic period for Murcia, with modest gains, in which there is a gradual awareness that health is a public matter where the administration must participate.

Historia del Santo y Real Hospital de Caridad de Cartagena (1900-1936)

Sánchez Martínez, José 16 February 1999 (has links)
El Hospital de Caridad de Cartagena fue fundado en 1693. Objetivo: determinar su área de influencia, los problemas sanitarios, enfermedades y lesiones más frecuentes y otros aspectos. La fuente principal ha sido el archivo del Hospital. Entre 1900 y 1936 el Hospital experimenta un gran auge. El 58% de enfermos proceden de la Ciudad, siguiéndole la zona minera (19%). Existe una correlación negativa entre los ingresos y la estancia media. Enfermedades más frecuentes: aparato digestivo (21%), respiratorias (15%), circulatorias (10%) y genitourinarias (9%). Enfermedades infecto-contagiosas más frecuentes: tuberculosis (20%), difteria (19%), paludismo (17%), sífilis (16%), fiebres tifoideas (4%) y viruela (3%). La tasa más elevada de hospitalización por paludismo corresponde a la zona húmeda de “El Hondón”. Existe una correlación negativa entre consumo de pan y de carne por estancia y número de estancias. Entre las urgencias predominan las heridas (59%), traumatismos osteoarticulares (24,3%), quemaduras (3,3%) y cuerpos extraños (2,6%). / The “Hospital de Caridad” in Cartagena was founded in 1693. Objective: to determine its area of influence, health problems, most common diseases and injuries and other aspects. The archive of the Hospital has been the main information source. Between 1900 and 1936 the Hospital experiences a great development. 58% of patients are from the City followed by those from the mining zone (19%). A negative correlation was observed between admissions and average length of inpatient hospital stay. Most frequent diseases: digestive system (21%), respiratory system (15%), cardiovascular system (10%) and genitourinary system (9%). Most frequent infect-contagious diseases: tuberculosis (20%), diphtheria (19%), malaria (17%), syphilis (16%), typhoid fever (4%) and smallpox (3%). The main zone affected by malaria is the wetland area called “El Hondón”. A negative correlation was observed between bread and meat consumption per hospital stay and average length of stay. Most common emergencies are wounds (59%), osteoarticular traumatisms (24.3%), burns (3.3) and foreign bodies (2.6%).

Opothérapie : émergence et développement d’une technique thérapeutique (France, 1889-1940) / Organotherapy : emergence and development of a technical care (France, 1889-1940)

Marchand, André 04 December 2014 (has links)
Lancée par une communication du célèbre professeur Brown-Séquard en 1889 sur les effets de l’auto injection d’un suc testiculaire, l’opothérapie – technique de soin par le suc de glandes – s’inscrit dans la ligne d’une longue tradition de médication animale. Les publications de médecins et de pharmaciens nous ont permis d’établir comment cette nouvelle thérapeutique s’inscrit dans le paysage d’une médecine qui se scientifise au tournant du XIXe-XXe siècles. L’opothérapie, dont le développement est tributaire de l’évolution des connaissances sur les glandes endocrines, se développera grâce aux succès thérapeutiques enregistrés dans les affections thyroïdiennes et gynécologiques et grâce à la mise à la disposition du public de spécialités issues d’une pharmacie qui s’industrialise et qui fournit une médication sous une forme qui permet de s’affranchir d’un geste médical. L’opothérapie, qui se démarque de l’hormonothérapie par l’usage d’objets thérapeutiques naturels mal identifiés qui ont suscité de nombreux débats sur leur composition et leur mode d’action, connaitra son plus grand développement aux alentours de la Première guerre mondiale et persistera, malgré le développement de l’hormonothérapie s’appuyant sur des molécules de synthèse, jusque dans les années 1990. / Launched by a communication from the famous Professor Brown-Sequard in 1889 on the effects of self-injection of testicular juice, organotherapy – a technique of care using the juice of glands – falls within a long tradition of animal medication. Publications of doctors and pharmacists have allowed us to establish how the new treatment is part of the landscape of medicine that became more scientific at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Opotherapy/Organotherapy, whose development depends on the development of knowledge on the endocrine glands, develops through therapeutic successes in thyroid and gynecological diseases and by making pharmaceuticals produced by industrializing pharmacists which provided medication in a form that eliminates a medical procedure, available to the public. Organotherapy, which stands out from hormone therapy by the use of natural misidentified drugs that have generated a great number of debates on their composition and mode of action, will know its greatest development around the First World War and will persist despite the development of hormone therapy based on synthetic molecules until the 1990s.

Den svenska aidsepidemin : Ankomst, bemötande, innebörd / The Swedish AIDS Epidemic : Arrival, Response, and Meaning

Thorsén, David January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the public response to HIV/AIDS in Sweden in the 1980s and early 1990s. The analysis focuses on the National Commission on AIDS (NCA,“Aidsdelegationen”). The NCA was appointed by the government in 1985, led by the Minister of Social Affairs and mandated to initiate and coordinate the national response to the epidemic and in function until 1992. The dissertation’s theoretical framework is based on the understanding of an epidemic as a cultural and historical concept, emphasizing that health policy in the late twentieth century must be analyzed as a complex process of problematization.  The study includes four parts. The first part covers the years 1982 to 1985, an era characterized by small scale action, based mainly on voluntary initiatives with small resources. The second part examines the period 1985-1989, when the NCA formed an official national policy based on both strong legislation (enabling quarantine of recalcitrants, registration, contact tracing etc.) and massive nationwide information efforts (through mass media campaigns). This highly active phase was followed by a period of consolidation, from 1989 to 1992, examined in the third part of the study. This period included a new infectious disease act focused on HIV/AIDS as well as official campaigns with stronger focus on the individuals’ responsibility for their own health. In the last part, covering the years 1992-1996, I show how the HIV/AIDS problem was institutionalized as a disease and health topic alongside many others. The national campaigns continued through the 1990s, focusing on empowerment and individualization. As in many similar countries, the main aim of the Swedish strategy was to educate and encourage people to act with caution and responsibility towards themselves and their fellow citizens. In addition to this cooperation and inclusion approach, a strategy of contain and control was also implemented. This second strategy can, as I show, be explained by the strong connection made between HIV/AIDS and drug users. Through this connection, the Swedish drug policy had a decisive influence on the Swedish HIV/AIDS policy.

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