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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hereditariedade, progresso e decadência no pensamento médico-eugenista de Renato Kehl / Heredity, progress and decay through the medical and eugenic thoughts of Renato Kehl

Tamara Prior 18 February 2016 (has links)
Resumo: Ao longo da história, o tema da hereditariedade apresentou-se sob interpretações variadas. O desenvolvimento das ciências biológicas permitiu, por um lado, maior conhecimento sobre seus mecanismos; por outro, tornou imprescindível a reflexão sobre determinismos teóricos que parecem recair, principalmente, sobre o campo das ciências da Saúde. A história do movimento eugenista é um evento que permite importantes reflexões sobre o passado e o presente. O termo \"eugenia\" foi criado por Francis Galton em 1883 para nomear uma ciência que visava o melhoramento do patrimônio biológico da humanidade. Para tanto, deveria oferecer teorias e métodos rumo à perfectibilidade física e mental. Renato Kehl (1889-1974), médico e farmacêutico paulista, foi um dos principais expoentes da eugenia brasileira, tomando para si, com afinco, a tarefa de publicista e articulador das sociedades eugênicas que aqui se formaram nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Algumas noções de progresso versus decadência contidas em suas obras em prol do movimento médico-eugenista - publicadas majoritariamente entre 1917 e 1940 - são tratadas nesta dissertação. Fizeram parte da campanha eugenista brasileira os debates acerca da esterilização dos \"indesejados\", das restrições matrimoniais e imigratórias e do confinamento dos chamados \"denegerados\". Nesse contexto o movimento eugenista foi apresentado pelos seus defensores como solução contra a supostamente inevitável e alarmante decadência que acometia o país que se formava / Throughout history the subject of heredity showed up in varied interpretations. The development of life sciences has greater insight into its mechanisms; on the other hand, it becomes indispensable to reflect on theoretical determinisms that appear to fall mainly on the field of Health Sciences. The history of the eugenics is an event that allows important reflections on the past and present. The term \"eugenics\" was coined by Francis Galton in 1883 to name the science of the improvement of the biological heritage of humanity. It should offer theories and methods towards mental and physical perfectibility. Renato Kehl (1889-1974), brazilian physician and pharmacist, was one of the main exponents of Brazilian eugenics, publicist and articulator of eugenic societies formed in the early decades of the twentieth century. Some notions of progress versus decay contained in his works - mostly published between 1917 and 1940 -are treated in this dissertation. Part of the Brazilian eugenics campaign debates about the sterilization of \"unwanted\", about marriage and immigration restrictions and confinement of so-called degenerate. In this context the eugenics movement was presented by its enthusiasts as a solution against the supposedly inevitable and alarming decay that affected the nation

A construção de um novo mal: representações do câncer em São Paulo, 1892-1953 / The construction of a new evil: representations of cancer in Sao Paulo, 1892-1953

Elder Al Kondari Messora 05 March 2018 (has links)
Em 1904, o médico Alcindo de Azevedo Sodré publicava no periódico nacional Brazil Médico as dificuldades de se conseguir dados epidemiológicos sobre tumores malignos na população, enquanto o cirurgião paulista Arnaldo Viera de Carvalho, no mesmo ano, dissertava sobre as definições das formações cancerosas. Iniciava-se em São Paulo, nesse período, um processo de construção de representações sobre o câncer, a partir da imprensa jornalística, dos anuários estatísticos, dos boletins médicos e de teses doutorais. Carentes de uma especialidade médica voltada para o tratamento exclusivo desse flagelo, restavam aos órgãos públicos registrar o vertiginoso crescimento da mortalidade; paralelamente, os anseios da comunidade hipocrática, na busca de patrocínios para pesquisas e instituições, tal como da população, que queria a cura, ganhavam tonalidade frente a insidiosidade do então chamado \"mal da civilização\". Não demoraria para que os paulistas, prescindindo da ajuda federal, organizassem uma maneira de enfrentar a doença. Em 1934 seria fundada a Associação Paulista de Combate ao Câncer, uma entidade filantrópica com o propósito de facilitar o diagnóstico precoce, possibilitar sua profilaxia, realizar assistência hospitalar, social e moral, e elaborar pesquisas nos diversos ramos da \"cancerologia\". Seu fundador, o médico Antonio Prudente, escreveria no ano seguinte o livro \"O câncer precisa ser combatido\", consolidando um corpo material para essa nova questão de Saúde Pública. Assim, entre 1892, que marca a origem de instituições que transformam o câncer em um problema, e 1953, quando o Hospital A. C. Camargo foi construído e celebrado nos jornais como um grande trunfo contra esse mal, se compõe essa narrativa com o propósito de trazer à tona a história social do câncer em São Paulo / In 1904, doctor Alcindo de Azevedo Sodré published an article in the national medical journal Brazil Médico, regarding the difficulties of obtaining epidemiological data about malignant tumors. In that same year, surgeon Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho gave lectures about the definitions of cancerous formations. Those facts were the inception of the construction of representations about cancer in São Paulo, prompted by the journalistic press, statistical yearbooks, doctor\'s newsletters and doctoral thesis. Lacking a medical specialty concerned exclusively with the treatment of this disease, all that was left to public services was to register the vertiginous growth of the mortality rates; at the same time, the aspirations of the hippocratic community, in search of sponsors for research and institutions, as well as the population that wanted healing, gained tonality in the face of the insidiousness of the so-called \"evil of the civilization\". It would not take long for paulistas, regardless of federal aid, to find a manner of dealing with the disease. In 1934 the Associação Paulista de Combate ao Câncer was founded as a philanthropic entity, whose purpose was to facilitate early diagnosis, enable its prophylaxis, provide hospital, social and moral assistance, as well as to research the various branches of \"cancerology\". Its founder, doctor Antonio Prudente, would write in the next year the book \"Cancer needs to be fought\", consolidating a material body for this new issue of Public Health. Thus, between 1892, which marks the origin of institutions that transform cancer into a problem, and 1953, when the Hospital A. C. Camargo was constructed and celebrated in the newspapers as a great asset against this evil, this narrative is composed, with the aim of elaborating a social history of cancer in São Paulo

Georges Canguilhem: combates pela história das ciências / Georges Canguilhem: combats for history of science

Tiago Santos Almeida 30 September 2016 (has links)
Propomos uma investigação simultaneamente histórica e epistemológica dos trabalhos de Georges Canguilhem, buscando alargar e aprofundar nossa compreensão dos critérios que determinam tanto a escolha dos objetos, quanto os métodos de investigação e regras para a escrita da história das ciências. Essa investigação é reforçada por uma reconstrução dos debates intelectuais nos quais Canguilhem esteve envolvido ao longo da sua carreira acadêmica, debates que conduziram a verdadeiras reviravoltas na elaboração do seu pensamento. Assim, essa pesquisa trata da formação acidentada de um pensamento e de uma obra preocupada com a elaboração de uma teoria da História das Ciências a partir da superação da falsa dicotomia entre internalismo e externalismo. / We propose a simultaneously historical and epistemological exploration of Georges Canguilhems work, seeking to broaden and deepen our understanding of the criteria that determine both how objects of study are chosen, and how the investigative methods and rules for writing the history of the sciences are defined. This exploration is further supported by a reconstruction of the intellectual debates in which Canguilhem became involved over the course of his academic career, leading to various twists and turns in his thought. Hence the project involves an inquiry into the eventful formation of a body of thought of key importance to the general theory of the History of Science, seeking to move beyond the dichotomy between internalism and externalism.

Jacob Rosales/Manoel Bocarro Francês: judaísmo, sebastianismo, medicina e ciência na vida intelectual de um médico judeu português do século XVII. / Jacob Rosales / Manoel Barroco Francês: judaism, sebastianism, medicine and science in the intellectual life of a jewish portuguese doctor in the seventeenth century.

Francisco de Assis Moreno de Carvalho 10 October 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é abordar a produção intelectual de um médico judeu português, Manoel Bocarro Francês/Jacob Rosales. Personagem pouco estudado, não se inclui entre as figuras centrais no pensamento judaico, nem na medicina e nem na ciência de seu tempo. Mas é um personagem que uniu em sua vida intelectual uma adesão ao judaísmo ao lado de vasta produção e atuação no movimento sebastianista, sendo o único caso conhecido de um judeu que professava sua crença na volta do Encoberto Conviveu e partilhou sua atividade intelectual com grandes figuras de seu tempo, como Galileu Galilei, o famoso médico Zacuto Lusitano e o rabino Menashe ben Israel. Seus escritos eram conhecidos pelo padre Antônio Vieira e a influência dos mesmos no sebastianismo se fizeram sentir em Portugal até o século XIX. Trazer um retrato vivo deste personagem, de suas ideias, contradições e discutir seu lugar na vida intelectual, quer do mundo judaico de sua época quer na história da medicina e do pensamento científico do século XVII, é o objetivo deste trabalho. / This study aims to discuss a Jewish-Portuguese physician, Manoel Bocarro Frances / Jacob Rosales. A figure who has not been much studied, he is not included among the central characters of the Jewish thinking and neither of the medicine or the science of his time. However, he is a figure that gathered in his intellectual life an adherence to the Judaism and a large production and participation in the Sebastian Moviment, being the only known Jewish man who professed his belief in the return of \"The Hidden One\". He shared his intelectual activity with great figures of his time, like Galileu Galilei, the famous physician Zacuto Lusitano and the rabbi Menashe Ben Israel. His writings were known by priest Antonio Vieira, and their influence was felt in Portugal until the XIX century. Bringing a live portrait of this figure, his ideias, his contradicitons, and discussing his role in the intellectual life, being that in the Jewish world of his time, or in the history of the XVII century medicine and scientific thinking, is the goal of this research.

Erotic Insanity : Sex and psychiatry at Vadstena asylum, Sweden 1849-1878

Ek, Imelda Helena January 2017 (has links)
The early nineteenth century saw the emergence of institutional psychiatry across Europe. Aware that Sweden had fallen behind in this development, Parliament decreed in 1823 that a number of specialised institutions for the care of the insane were to be established. The Vadstena asylum, opened in 1826, was the first such institution in Sweden.   The aim of this study is to examine medical interpretation of and responses to erotic behaviour in psychiatric practice at the Vadstena asylum in the period 1849-1878. The book places the theme of the erotic, a topical subject in nineteenth-century public debate, in the context of psychiatry as an emerging specialty in Sweden. The book explores how erotic behaviour was conceptualised as disease, and the nature of therapeutic intervention in erotic cases, in order to present a more nuanced image of nineteenth-century medical attitudes to sexuality. By highlighting the superintendency of physician Ludvig Magnus Hjertstedt, and linking his account of an 1845 study tour through Europe to medical practice at Vadstena, the study situates responses to erotic patients in a period when psychiatry claims authority over human sexuality.   In methodological terms, the study applies critical questions inspired by revisionist scholarship to a body of empirical source material. Focusing on a single institution, and conducting in-depth readings of case notes – with regard to language, form, and function – allows the study to highlight the everyday practice of the asylum physician in his encounters with male and female erotic patients, including the use, importance and diagnostic integrity of the concepts nymphomania, erotomania and masturbation. Hjertstedt’s travel journal provides insight into the physician’s medical philosophy, informing the analysis of diagnostic and interpretive procedures, while connecting medical practice at Vadstena to its European paragons.     The results indicate that while the use of specific diagnostic terms to describe erotic behaviour was infrequent, therapeutic and managerial intervention shows that sexual acts and expressions of desire were considered disturbing and dangerous symptoms in both male and female patients. The analysis thus makes visible a gap between psychiatric theory and asylum practice, emphasising uncertainties and complexities inherent in the latter. While erotic behaviour could be considered indicative of illness, it might also be interpreted as a lack of character or a result of insufficient moral instruction. The asylum’s regime of work and moral instruction was designed to restore health as well as sound values and appropriate behaviour in its patients, indicating a medical culture at Vadstena which was both curative and normalising.

Expressions of White Ink: Victorian Women's Poetry and the Lactating Breast

MacDonald, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The period spanning from the late 1850s to the mid-1860s frames a historical moment in Victorian England when lactation and breastfeeding came under intense public scrutiny in both medical and creative writing. While popular domestic author Isabella Beeton wrote on the dangers that an unwary mother’s milk represented for her child and herself in her serial publication, Mrs. Beeton’s Book of Household Management (1859-1861), prominent physicians C.H.F. Routh and William Acton launched a public dispute in medical journals contesting the physiological and moral dangers that the fallen wet nurse posed for the middle-class household (1859). Meanwhile, the medical community catalogued the bizarre long-term physical and dispositional side-effects of an infant’s consumption of “bad milk” – among them, syphilis, swearing, sexual immorality, and death (Matus 161-162). But it is not only medical writers who were latching on to the breastfeeding debate as a means of voicing social and political concerns of the day; recent literary critics have gestured towards the troubling manifestations of lactation in popular mid-century novels like Charles Dickens’s Dombey and Son (1848) and George Eliot’s Adam Bede (1859) as entry points into Victorian anxieties about classed and gendered embodiment. This project stipulates that the mid-century preoccupation with managing women’s milk represents an intersection of two overlapping cultural paradigms pertaining to female expression: a cultural devaluation of female physiological expression as unconscious if not dangerous leakage, and a deprecation of female linguistic and poetic expression as an analogously unmeditated and potentially disruptive kind of communication. Mid-century manuals, articles, and novels offered public voice to a number of existing anxieties surrounding breastfeeding which accompanied the mid-nineteenth century, a historical moment at the cusp of a waning popularity in wet nursing and at the advent and rise of patented infant formula. This project stipulates that at least three female poets of the mid-nineteenth century employ lactation imagery in their works as a means of recasting a cultural devaluation of female expression – inventing a new critical terminology of feminine poetic signifiers that uses the symbolic medium of breastmilk as its ink. Informed by the medical and cultural context of the High Victorian age, I explore how poets Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861), Christina Rossetti (1830-1894), and Augusta Webster (1837-1894) not only participate in the preoccupation with unstable bodies and fluids, but capitalize on female leakage in an elaborate rhetorical strategy that embarks on a new embodied female poetics. Barrett Browning’s Aurora Leigh, Rossetti’s “Goblin Market,” and Webster’s Mother and Daughter all enlist the lactating and feeding breast in a series of elaborate metaphors of female identity construction, literary expression, and poetic voice.

Al-Râzî et la mélancolie, entre médecine et philosophie / Al-Râzî on melancholy : a disease between medicine and philosophy

Koetschet, Pauline 01 July 2011 (has links)
La mélancolie, comprise à la fois comme une affection de l'âme apparentée à la folie et un état émotionnel caractérisé par la tristesse et la peur, occupe une place importante dans les traités médicaux écrits en arabe aux IXe et Xe siècles. À cette époque, comme dans l'Antiquité grecque, la figure du mélancolique constitue un domaine où médecins et philosophes conjuguèrent étroitement leurs efforts. En effet, les questions soulevées par la mélancolie, telles que l'interaction entre l'âme et le corps, la nature de l'âme, ou encore le siège de la partie dirigeante de l'âme, traversent les deux disciplines. Les médecins arabes s'appuient en grande partie sur les auteurs grecs, en particulier Rufus d'Éphèse et Galien. Mais la conception de la mélancolie subit aussi des variations en passant chez les auteurs arabes. La première partie de la thèse entend reconstruire la conception de la maladie chez al-Rāzī, en se fondant sur l'analyse des textes médicaux consacrés à la mélancolie chez ce dernier. Cette partie montre que le diagnostic et le traitement de la mélancolie placent le médecin face à de nombreuses difficultés méthodologiques: il doit en effet comprendre l'infinie variété des symptômes de la maladie, leur caractère à la fois physique et psychique, mais aussi expliquer comment sont découverts les pouvoirs adoucissants, échauffants et purgatifs des substances utilisées contre la maladie, et leur mode d'action dans le corps. C'est pourquoi la seconde partie de la thèse entend restituer à la conception de la mélancolie d'al-Rāzī son arrière-plan épistémologique. Elle fait apparaître qu'al-Rāzī modifie la "méthode logique" de Galien dans deux directions en apparence opposées, mais complémentaires: il replace l'expérience au centre de la méthodologie médicale, et il étend les fondements théoriques de la médecine. Cette position épistémologique conduit al-Rāzī à participer activement aux discussions philosophiques, notamment au sujet de l'âme. Dans cette perspective, la troisième partie étudie la psychologie d'al-Rāzī à partir de son interprétation de la mélancolie. / Melancholy—understood both as a mental disease akin to madness and a state of the mind characterised by sadness and fear—figured prominently in the works of physicians living in the Islamic world in the ninth and tenth centuries. In this context, like in Greek Antiquity, the case of the melancholic was of common concern for physicians and philosophers, because melancholy raised questions that belonged to both disciplines, for instance about the interaction between body and soul, the nature of the soul, the seat of the governing part of the soul and so on.Arabo-Islamic physicians drew heavily on the Greek tradition, and especially on Rufus of Ephesus and Galen. But the notion of melancholy evolved when it came under their scrutiny. The first part of the thesis starts by investigating al-Rāzī's medical writings, in order to understand the theoretical and practical underpinnings of melancholy in these works. This part shows that the diagnosis as well as the treatment of melancholy confronts the physician with many methodological difficulties, such as recognising the multiple symptoms of the disease, explaining their physiological and psychological foundations, but also discovering the purgative, heating and soothing power of the substances used against melancholy and exposing the way in which they fight the disease in the body. Therefore, the second part of this thesis aims at reconstructing the methodological background of those difficulties. It appears that al-Rāzī modifies Galen's "logical method" in two opposite directions: first, he increases the part of experience in medical reasoning; second, he expands the theoretical knowledge needed by the physician. This epistemological position results in al-Rāzī's active participation in philosophical debates, in particular about the soul. In this perspective, the third part of the thesis studies the role played by the interpretation of melancholy in al-Rāzī's psychology.

L'avortement en France à l'époque moderne. Entre normes et pratiques (mi-XVIe - 1791) / Abortion in early modern France. Norms and practices (mid-XVIth c-1791)

Tatoueix, Laura 09 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat vise à combler un vide historiographique en proposant une synthèse sur l’avortement en France à l’époque moderne. Pratique interdite, confinée au secret, elle apparaît pourtant dans de nombreuses sources. Il s’agit tout d’abord d’interroger les discours sur l’avortement afin de comprendre les conditions de possibilité d’une telle pratique. L’avortement est, à cette époque, un terme polysémique, employé dans des contextes variés. Dans le champ médical, on s’interroge sur l’animation du fœtus, sa viabilité ; dans le champ juridique, il n’est pas distinct de l’infanticide, mais cette indistinction pose problème aux juristes. Et pour la première fois en 1791, le code pénal en fait un crime spécifique. Ce travail analyse cette évolution en questionnant les différents discours dans des domaines qui s’entrecroisent : médecine, droit, théologie. Cette thèse s’intéresse donc à la criminalisation de l’avortement volontaire mais aussi à la façon dont s’organise sa répression. En effet, l’avortement apparaît dans les archives judiciaires mais toujours associé à d’autres crimes, dans le cadre de procès pour « recel de grossesse et suppression de part », ou encore dans le cadre de l’affaire des Poisons à Paris à la fin du XVIIe siècle. Ce travail interroge les difficultés posées par la répression de l’avortement volontaire, ainsi que les biais engendrés par cette association à d’autres catégories criminelles. Cette étude porte enfin sur les pratiques elles-mêmes et appréhende l’avortement comme un phénomène social. Ce travail privilégie une approche par les acteurs/trices en s’intéressant aux femmes qui avortent et aux relations à leur entourage : mari ou amant, parents, etc. Une attention particulière est également portée à la question du secret, de la rumeur et de la dénonciation dans des communautés villageoises et urbaines, et enfin aux personnes à qui elles s’adressent pour avorter, aux savoirs sur l’avortement, à l’accessibilité de ces savoirs ainsi qu’à leur transmission. / This PhD thesis aims at filling an historiographical void by proposing an overview of abortion in early modern France. Though it is a secret and forbidden pratice, abortion appears in many sources. First, this work questions speeches about abortion in order to understand the conditions that enable its existence. At this time, abortion is a polysemous word that is used in a wide range of contexts. In the medical field the animation or viability of the fœtus generates multiple debates. Abortion is considered as a crime, but not separated from infanticide in the Law, which raises multiple questions. And for the first time in 1791, the penal code considers abortion as a specific crime. This work analyzes this evolution by questioning different speeches held about abortion in different but connected fields : medicine, theology, law. Consequently this thesis analyzes the criminalization of abortion as well as its punishment. As a matter of fact, abortion appears in judicial archives but is always associated with others crimes – in trials for « suppression de part et recel de grossesse », or in the context of the repression of poisoners led by the police in Paris since the end of the XVIIth century. The repression itself presents difficulties that this work analyzes, as well as the bias generated with its connection to other criminal categories. This study finally deals with the practices themselves and examines abortion as a social phenomenon. I mostly consider the actors and actresses of abortion and specifically the women who abort and their relatives (husband or lovers, parents, etc.,). I also pay special attention to secret, rumor and denunciation in the context of urban and rural communities, and finally to the persons women solicit to get an abortion, to knowledge, to access to this knowledge as well as its transmission.

Nosologie et probabilités. Une histoire épistémologique de la méthode numérique en médecine / Nosology and Probability. A Historical Epistemology of the Numerical Method in Medicine

Corteel, Mathieu 13 December 2017 (has links)
Dans Naissance de la clinique, Michel Foucault mit en évidence l’émergence au XIXe siècle d’un regard médical qui, en faisant taire la théorie au lit du malade, tâche de parler la langue étrangère de la maladie dans la profondeur des tissus. En opposition aux nosographies essentialistes du XVIIIe siècle, une forme de nominalisme médical apparaît progressivement à travers le développement de l’anatomo-pathologie. Cette médecine clinique est parcourue par un concept souvent oublié qui se trame, pourtant, dans l’ombre de son savoir et préfigure son dépassement. Il s’agit du concept de « probabilité ». Bien que celui-ci s’inscrit dans la clinique, l’application du calcul de probabilités ne parvient pas à s’y intégrer. Le XIXe siècle sera le théâtre d’un véritable conflit sur la conjecture qui oppose « les numéristes » et les cliniciens d’obédience hippocratique. L’orthodoxie de l’Ecole de Paris se trouve confrontée à l’émergence de la méthode numérique. La dispute théorique qui en résulte problématise l’application du calcul de probabilités en la médecine : du probable peut-on connaître autre chose que du probable ? Durant tout le XIXe siècle, on s’accorde à rejeter épistémologiquement cette méthode. Elle ne cadre pas avec la positivité des sciences médicales. Ce sera l’hygiène publique qui en fera usage pour pallier à l’inanité clinique dans le traitement des épidémies, des endémies et des épizooties. Cette rencontre conflictuelle de l’individuel et du collectif dans le médical fera naître une nouvelle forme de nosologie au XXe siècle. Il s’agit d’en comprendre l’émergence. / In The Birth of The Clinic, Michel Foucault highlights the emergence of a medical gaze in the 19th-century that – by vanishing the theory at the patient's bedside – tries to speak the foreign language of the disease in the depth of organic tissues. With the development of anatomo-pathology, a form of medical nominalism progressively appears in opposition to the essentialist nosography of the 18th-century. This clinical medicine is shot-through by a concept often forgotten that is framed, however in the shadow of clinical medical knowledge and that prefigures its disappearance. This is the concept of "probability". Even though this concept is part of clinical medicine, the application of probability calculation fails to be part of medical knowledge. The 19th-century was the scene of a conflict over numerical conjecture that opposes "Numerists" and Hippocratic’s Clinician. The Ecole de Paris’s orthodoxy was then confronted with the emergence of the numerical method. The theoretical dispute that results from the application of the calculation of probabilities in medicine gives rise to this question: from what is only probable, can we know anything else than what is probable? Throughout the 19th-century, the numerical method is rejected on epistemological grounds. It is held not to fit with the positivity of medical science. In the treatment of epidemics, endemic diseases, and epizootics, public health services make use of it still. This confrontation between the individual and the collective in medicine gives rise to a new form of nosology in the 20th-century.

Měření Čechoslováků. Česká společnost biotypologická a konstituční lékařství v ČSR mezi lety 1937-1959 / Measuring Czechoslovaks. Czech Society of Biotypology and Constitutional Medicine in Czechoslovakia 1937-1959

Musil, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This doctoral thesis describes the formation, activities and dissolution of the Czech Society of Biotypology (1937-1959), herein used as an example of impact of the constitutional typology (human typology science) on the Czechoslovak medicine. Human constitution science (in French and Romance languages called biotypology) classifies individual human beings on the base of morphological and physiological characteristics, with particular emphasis on forecast of future trends. The core of the science focuses on correlation between the physical appearance of a person and his/her mental characteristics. The Czech Society of Biotypology (Česká společnost biotypologická - ČSB) was founded with ambitions not only to study human beings, but also to increase their potential. The whole movement was therefore conceived as an example of a sanitation scientific program in accordance with the governmental interest in rationalization of population care. The methodology of the thesis is based on Foucault's concept of biopower - change of power strategies and their constitutive influence on the development and change of social relations, values and individual strategies of persons. The story of formation and dissolution of ČSB is interpreted as a consequence of these changes. The core of the thesis consists of a...

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